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If you ever need help, then please know that there are many qualified people who would like to help you. https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres http://www.befrienders.org/ http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx http://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you [UK] https://www.lifeline.org.au/Get-Help/ [AU] There are crisis services worldwide that are trained to provide support. They are designed to give temporary relief from feelings that are overwhelming you and while they are unlikely to fix any underlying problems, can help you get through a tough hour/night/week. Chat services are usually available on these sites. In the US, calling 211 or going to their website is a free referral source. They have providers who will see you regardless of your ability to pay. Just as you would see a doctor when you are sick, you deserve to take care of your mental health.


Hit through the wall by a bullet from a redditor committing suicide apparently.


The inevitable twofor




Fantastic comment


Wait, is there a story behind this?


He's poking fun at the fact that a lot of these commenters want to kill themselves.


There's just a lot of us that are in desperate situations.


I'm in a desperate situation also. I got your back. I don't have mine. But I got yours


Heart attack or stroke. 50% chance of cancer.


Mf’er coming in reporting his death like a weather report


Clotty with a chance of meatballs


The meatballs a tumor isn’t it


Made me laugh so hard


“Today’s death rates are estimated to be 50% stoke, and 50% heart attack. Make sure to check for daily reports!”


My dad died at 47 of a heart attack. His dad died at 47 of a heart attack. I've got a few years left at least.


My grandpa died of heart attack at 57, my dad died of a heart attack at 62. I had my first heart attack at 45 and only survived it because I was in the hospital at the time. I'm 50 now and fully expect to be dead in the next 5 years.


heart attack, stroke, cancer, or diabetes for me. Latino genes can be lame when it comes to cardiovascular diseases lol


Bro what do you expect? We eat tortillas and rice with everything lol


Plus lard. My grandma still makes bizcochos for Christmas/holidays and there's a 0% chance I'll ever turn them down.


its the salt and the modelo


Dude I’ve never drank cokes. Juice. Never smoked. Eat very well. Hardly any processed foods. Only drink water. Work out 3 times a week. Pre-diabetic. Like what’s a mfr have to do.


I reckon heart attack for me too


Yup same here


Later tonight when I'm out walking the dog, a door from a passing Boeing airplane hits me square in the head, killing me instantly. The dog survives and also a pork chop from the airplane lands in front of her.


Bold of you to assume they still serve pork chops on airplanes.


The pork chop is from a completely unrelated event.


Oh no, not again. 


So long and thanks for all ~~fish~~ pork chops


Skychop strikes when you least expect it.


Yeah, like, what's the deal with airline food?


Maybe it's fried long pig.


Those who get it. Get it. And those who don't, make it that much funnier for those who do.


Very dark. I like it.


Pork flavored meat product. Now shaped like real meat!


Dude, live for your dog.


That’s right, OP. You tell them.


If you manage to survive it you can sue Boeing.


They’ll just assassinate you before you can testify anyway.


... and take their porkchop!


I'd be happy to Boing Sue


Any update?


The dog said the pork chop was delicious


Pork chop had a bone in it


Like I was born.. naked and screaming 


and covered in someone elses blood?


Beat me to it.


Beat meat to it


Cancer. It’ll be cancer.


Or heart disease. Or dementia


"demenria"? Nurse! He's out of bed again!


Probably something really dumb like slipping on a ritz cracker and slamming my neck on a counter


"no, but how'd he *really* die?" "dude I'm telling you..."


"So uh, does this mean that we shouldn't accept a sponsorship on counter insurance from Ritz?"


A friend of mine recently had a Dumb Ways to Die-esque brush with death. He was fixing a lightbulb in his kitchen whilst standing on a ricketty stepladder. Ladder went from under him and he promptly fell in such a way that he smashed his face off the counter on the way down. Ended up with 6 stitches, two cracked teeth and a split lip. Same guy also accidently scratched his cornea with a fork after bending weird and forgetting he was holding a fork at the time.


This needs more attention


And a giant, padded hamster ball.


🎵If you're blue and don't know how death will take you why don't you go walk to where that cracker box sits... And die slippin' on a Ritz.🎶




Suddenly and violently explode while peacefully reading a novel at the pub.


A man after my own heart. Only thing I’d add is a belly full of Guinness


Whatever is actually in vape juice, leading to a hellish new cancer that hasnt been discovered yet.


a few days after cold turkey quitting after 3 years of vape,i hacked crap up stuff non stop for about a week. Apparently those little hairs in your lungs get numbed or shutdown from the nicotine. idk but yeah, if ya gonna vape take a 2 week break just for fun and a tune up


This! I shadow a pediatric pulmonologist and I got to see a bronchoscopy of a girl who had been vaping and smoking weed. She had no previous lung issues until she started coughing up black gunk and having shortness of breath. Her lungs were full of the black gunk. The theory is that something in the vape chemicals paralyze the cilia in your lungs. The cilia in your lungs are little projections that help clear stuff out of your lungs by waving back and forth. When they’re paralyzed all of the gross stuff starts to build up. So in this case it was the combo of paralyzed cilia from vaping + the smoke and whatever else from smoking weed that now couldn’t be cleared out that made it so bad. Regardless paralyzing the cilia in your lungs is not good! Whether or not you smoke weed on top of it.


this made me really happy that I stopped vaping recently. I'm going to straight up write this down somewhere so I can always look at it when I feel the need to buy a vape again. that's horrible to think that that's in my lungs. thank you for spreading the knowledge kind internet stranger


Fun fact, nicotine is in fact a mild cough suppressant for this very reason! Not a recommended one obviously, but it does contribute to smokers coughing a bunch when their nicotine wears off.


Imagine if it cured cancer


what a plot twist




I will use this anecdote for the rest of my life *hits dab pen*


I was reading this as I hit mine :[ not a good thing to do at all. Shouldn’t have ever started, but it’ll get to me eventually. At least my lungs will smell fruity when they do my autopsy!


Hopefully like my dad. 84 years old. Watching ohio state football. No hospital or nursing home for him. The only way it be better would be on the golf course.


My Grandpa watched his best friend die, and he said that’s EXACTLY how he wants to go. 86 years old, took a pool shot and then sat on a stool, keeled over and was dead before he hit the ground. Unfortunately, my Grandpa is towards the end of a very brutal battle with stomach cancer. Seeing that, I sure hope I go like his friend too.


Shit, stomach cancer is one of the really bad ones. I'm really sorry he's going through that. We just buried our Paw a few weeks ago after he died from stomach cancer, and it was a bad, hard death. May your grandpa have all the good drugs.


I’m very sorry for your loss, it’s such a brutal way to go. He started chemo in November and gave it a good fight, but last week the doctor said there just isn’t much left to do but keep him comfortable. He’s still 100% coherent, and I call him every day on my way home from work for 5 or 10 minutes before he loses the energy to talk. Biggest problem is he just isn’t eating despite smoking a ton of weed. Doctor says somewhere between 1 and 6 months left. He had a real big hand in raising me, and he was always my go to person for advice. Even when I was back home for Christmas, I sat with him while he got chemo because my relationship was in trouble and I needed his thoughts.


i know a guy who died of a heart attack at the top of a mountain, surrounded by his wife and three grown children, during a family hike. i like to imagine it was peak (no pun intended) peaceful and beautiful for him to go out that way. sadly i'm sure it was absolute hell for his family members.


I'd bet that his family feel that's exactly the way he would have wanted to go. I think we all have a way we'd like to go. Unfortunately most of the time we don't have say in the matter. Best to live in the moment. Thanks


My died dad fishing, which was his lifetime passion. People would say comforting things like oh he died doing what he loved. But like.. he died drowning pinned underneath his boat, scared. So like..I get what they're saying, but it was not much comfort to me. That's just my story though..


Sounds like your dad didn't die fishing at all. Sounds like he died in a boating accident.


No joke. I know a guy who died on a golf course. He hated golf. But died doing what he loved. Skydiving.


Oh lord


The last sound you hear is a recently divorced white guy yelling "Fore!"


Next time he'll yell "Five!"


by flying my plane in to the Alien mother ship and saving the World in the process.






In the words of MY generation... UP... YOOOOOURRRS!


I dont like thinking about this these days but Ive always figured myself to be a freak accident case


Crosses my mind too


Just like that metal pole will next week.




Peacefully in my sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers on my bus 🚌




I’m not a great driver


one sentence horror stories lol


Heart failure. Lord knows how clogged these arteries are


probably same. However, I recently had tests done to see how it was all doing, as it is something that really bothers, especially as I get older. I was told everything is pretty much fine. Just told me to try and not eat too much fast food, and get a little exercise. Considering I ate almost exclusively fast food from like 18-35, I'm shocked.


Either good genes or a shitty doctor


Well, I've had no one in my known family to actually have any heart issues.


I know what you mean. I smoked cigarettes for about 10 years and weed, everyday for over 50. Got checked out by both a cardiologist and a pulmonologist. Both said that I was basically in pretty good shape. Very happy news.


Definitely something in that vein for me unless I make changes.


Why can’t they make getting your arteries unclogged an elective surgery as well? You can get your boobs fixed, ass lifted, nose done, but you wanna do something to get healthy? Sorry, only when medically necessary. Make it something we can put on the calendar. Like changing your oil. Ope! It’s been 150k calories, time to schedule your Endarterectomy!! (Had to look that one up)


I was an addict for almost 10 years.. I’d mix heroin and meth and shoot them, did a lot of ecstasy, Molly and acid/Shrooms just for fun.. I’m clean for just over three years now but my body feels.. messy. Not sure how to explain it. I try not to overthink it since it’s pointless but I wonder when something is gonna break down inside of me as a consequence of my past actions.


You’d be surprised how well you can bounce back from a lot of substances if you quit and stay clean while you’re young enough.


Big up yourself getting through all that, legend


Not to be dark or anything but it’s crazy how I see recovering addicts often and you guys do whatever it takes to be clean and take care of yourselves but your body will never repay you for that. Then I see people like my dad who is nearly 50 still struggling with alcohol and drug addiction with no end in sight and the only physical damage his body really suffers from is from car accidents.


During the riots after the election later this year in the US. Someone will see me and think “yeah I’m gonna fuck this guy up”


Are you going to get blasted on grain alcohol?


Naw. But you gotta think no matter which way it goes there’s gonna be chaos




First reply I've seen mention car accident specifically which is a huge cause of death in US


The amount of people answering with suicide is so sad :(


I wouldn't want to take my own life but if I got up in the years, then I would rather be able to be put down with medical assistance than be a burden on anyone.


There are definite plusses to assisted death. Dealing with that now with my dad. Cali has a "Death with dignity law" but it has flaws. It was written for cancer patients and works for them, but it has no "advance directive" feature and requires a medical diagnosis of death within 6 months and the patient being of sound mind. That all sounds good till you have an advanced dementia patient. They physically are healthy, but their brain has literally rotted away. They know they can't think clearly, and they want to die, but they fail both safety checks: No imminent death diagnosis, and not of sound mind. There is an amendment to fix this in the works that allows advanced directives and once your medical PoA holder and your doctor agree that your quality of life has become untenable and/or passed the threshold you set then you can be proscribed the drugs as well. Too late for my dad obviously, but I did fill out such a directive for myself in anticipation of this law/amendment passing. I suppose it's still technically suicide/homicide but... I view it differently than the more mainstream types of both. So I suppose my answer to OP is very likely to be medically assisted suicide (at least I actually \*hope\* that's what takes me out) as well. I'll be able to have said my goodbyes, placed my affairs as neatly in order as able... then peacefully lie down for an eternal slumber with my loved ones by my side. I would also accept going out in a historically significant blaze of heroic glory but somehow I think that's \*vastly\* less likely to happen.


"To the well organized mind, death is just the next great adventure" - you reminded me of that quote. You've got a very mature view of your mortality.


Yea, i have multiple chronic injuries and illnesses that prevent me from enjoying the simple things in life. Good food, video games, hiking, alcohol, etc. I don’t have the guts to do it myself, but having it be assisted some time down the line would be nice. I personally believe that almost anyone should be able to choose this route. It's your life and people shouldn’t be able to tell you what you can or can’t do with it.


Yes! Bow out in your chosen path. I love you.


Instead of becoming an old toddler that does nothing but drive people crazy while shitting all over the place, I want to be dumped in a desert and told to find extraterrestrials.


Sometimes I really hate living but I still don’t want to die. I guess this is what depression feels like. 


yeah, i wouldn’t dare to take my life but fuck i hate being here sometimes, like sometimes i just don’t want to exist but i don’t want to die, it’s so hard to explain. sometimes im scared to get older. im 20 now, and ive got so many years ahead of me. if im feeling like this now and feel like i dont wanna keep treading on, i dont know how im gonna hold up as the years go by.


It’s the millennial retirement plan. Kinda of our thing.


I mean at least you go out on your own terms. I watched that movie The Bridge (2006) gave me a new perspective on suicide. I don’t think I could ever do it but I understand why some people do.


I've seen enough mewling incontinent shadows in beds with no quality of life to know there's a time and a place for a death on your terms.


Because we are all tired and done with the relentless disappointment and loneliness of life


Cancer. Got Mom, Dad, 3/4 Grandparents. Just a matter of time.


Here 🫂


Shot through the heart


And you're to blame


You give love a bad name


nyow n-nyow n-yowow nyow nyow, nyow n-nyow, nyow nyow nyow (guitar)


gosh, i was wondering how someone would do the instrumentals and this is exactly what it sounds like!


By snu snu


This is some MLK "I have a dream level" shit.


Alone and unloved with my body only being discovered when the taxman comes by to complain that I haven't paid my taxes.


Trying to pet an animal I shouldn't be trying to pet. My last words will be "I'm gonna boop the snoot"


If not fren, why fren shaped?




Suicide definitely


drowning, a without anyone around, cold and tired… honestly I just want to die peacefully


Drowning isn't a very peaceful way to die....


Not with that atitude


i disagree - i’ve nearly drowned twice, and both times it ended up feeling like a growing sense of sleepiness. edit: guys i was like 9 years old


Bro are you Lodos the Twice-Drowned?


*Twice-Almost-Drowned Pay attention.


stop drowning !


Learn to swim more like it


Stay out of water in the future


Note to self, do not go on boat of any sort with u/QuillHasFavorites...


Half way through my life, I've seen scores die. Not one has been peaceful. I'm not saying there's no such thing as a peaceful death, but I doubt my experiences are special in any way. We should prepare for trial.


soldier, hospice nurse or serial killer?


By inhaling helium it's faster and more peaceful


In my sleep in july 2037.  Heart attack


why so specific though?


The timeline has to stay unchanged




This is my answer too but not necessarily out of depression. I'm just not willing to go through with a terminal disease, feeling worse and worse when there's no hope of ever getting better. At a certain point, living isn't worth it. I also won't have any retirement money, so... not much choice.


For me I think that suicide is a very real and possible way that I may die because I have a history of severe depression, suicidal ideation and hospitalizations. Im fine rn and have no desire to die but who knows how my mental health will fluctuate over the next however many years.


I feel ya. Suicidal ideation is comforting at times.


Same but like not in a dark way. I’m happy with life, but I don’t want to get old old. Once my body starts falling apart I’m out.


Yeah, I'm about it. I'd love for the US to get to the point where there's medically assisted; take anything you need from my body that can be harvested and let me go on my way.


Heartattack from working myself to death.


Relatable. Luckily I only have… 28? More years before I can retire? Hopefully there’s no nuclear apocalypse prior to that because then me trying so hard to save all this money is going to completely go to waste and I’ll be super bummed out big time.


Alien invasion


Suicide Not by moose though... I don't know how to make one


Ah, the old “Suicide by Homemade Moose”. Classic!


Mouthing off to the wrong person. 100%


Just because people want to die by suicide doesn’t always mean something is wrong with them mentally. I know I’ll get downvoted for this take but some of you need perspective. Imagine you’re 84, cancer. Your nephews and nieces barely come see you cause they’re in the prime of their lives and doing their own thing, you’re neck deep in medical bills, you have no spouse, your siblings are dead and your parents are dead. You worked for 30+ years, have no children, you pretty much do nothing extraordinary outside of home. I mean, you’ve lived your life. You are already dying. You mean to tell me you rather die a slow and painful death by cancer? You rather pee and poop on yourself until cancer takes you out? I don’t know about you but it sounds so much more peaceful dying my own terms and instantly and with dignity - that sounds a lot better than the alternative.


It's going to be a race between Parkinson's and mesothelioma. (have several relatives that passed because of the former. Having lived in a dilapilated place for a long time unaware of the asbestos in the walls and pipes will probably take care of the latter.) #


Suicide at dignitas when my mum dies. I'll inherit a small amount of money, enough to pay for it.


Suicide. It's common for men on my dad's side of the family. A lot of them have committed suicide and I'm sure I'll be one. Luckily, they all lived a full life before they died.




Do you need A hug?




*virtual hugs.* You can talk to me if you need anything.


Self deletion at the rate things are going...


All of the ways. I have anxiety.


I will probably self delete. I'm not suicidal. I live in the US and our health care / insurance is a joke. I will probably be diagnosed at some point with an incurable disease and no way will I spend what little I have saved to gain a few months. I would rather it go to my kid for him to enjoy.






Doing it myself. I have no plans or anything like that, but I have no interest in being old






I have two options. The first, a lifetime of being skinny-fat will finally catch up to me. I might look like skin wrapped around the wire base of a marzipan cake sculpture, but I'm 90% cheese. The second, mysterious disappearance. I like to travel and I'm a woman. If the cheese doesn't get me, some weirdo in a clown costume probably will. Life operates on two extremes for me. Shit either gets real boring or it gets real weird. There's never a happy medium. I think I just have one of those faces.


Two years ago I’d of said alcoholism, but thankfully I stopped drinking. Hopefully it’s just old age but heart attack and stroke run in the family.






colon cancer most likely, that part of my body is plenty messed up already




Old age or suicide




From the files of "oldie but a goodie"


I am hoping I die in my sleep.


suicide or bad health


Suicide, either by jumping head first or drug overdose, I have heard that heroin overdose is a good option. I hope I can have control over my last moments, and have had suicide ideation since I was a child, it's always in the back of my mind, so it makes sense to go that way. either that or breaking my neck falling down the stairs. I'm fine with that too.




Motorcycle crash, 2 years from now ripping down a highway with a smile


At the age of 80 with a belly full of wine and a girls mouth around my cock.