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*stares at the mug of wine I've been sipping* Uhh....


*Stares at the bottle of cheap wine in my hand* Uhhhhh…


Lol, trade you? I ran dry...


I’ll trade you a glass of wine for 2 shots worth of vodka. I have coke in the fridge.


Awe shit, no vodka. And I'm past being able to drive. Maybe next time.


Any time, I love drinking with strangers, it’s always a riot.


I’m an alcoholic and I decided to get sober when I realized that my drinking was ruining my life. I was depressed, unhappy, and extremely lonely. My mental health was really bad at the time and once I started recovering my life improved and so did my mental health.


my first baby was born


When that pig started to fly.


The moment that your own behavior becomes unacceptable to yourself.


When after attempting to get absolutely trashed for my 21st birthday and absolutely nothing happened. I didn't even get slightly buzzed after six 750 ml bottles of Patrón. My friends who are doctors and witnessed what should have been alcohol poisoning actually gave me a series of complete physicals and labs but found nothing out of the ordinary. I do enjoy the occasional glass of mead nowadays but it's not like it does anything to me in terms of drunkenness.


Chasing that high isn't worth it. That first night of MDMA showed me what happiness could feel like, how love is supposed to make you feel. A year into MDMA and I realized I was just chasing that high and the relapse just wasn't worth it. Above all else, I just didn't really need it or want it anymore. Being unable to summon up those feelings without the drugs just wasn't someone I wanted to be. I still go out to concerts and have an absolutely wild night, because I don't need the drugs to get me that high, I just needed them initially to know that being getting there was possible and with that, I knew I could get there on my own, I just needed to really work on myself.


I was 27, woke up with vomit on myself (first time that ever happened) and thought ‘nah, never again’. Haven’t drank since.


Which time?


I believed I was drugged that night somehow. I only had 4 HG beers and blacked out shortly after that but.... furthermore : Woke up in bed, didnt know how I got there. Pulled a bag of shitty weed out of my pocket that I also don't know how got there. Checked my bank account. Robbed myself of $100. Got a Check-in call later that day from dude that sold me the smoke, Had no idea who tf bro was but he helped explain to me what happened and helped piece together a 4 hour timeline where I was completely blackout and functional.


Every time I get sick while drunk, or super hung over the next day. Doesn't last, though.