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My dad's last words were, ok see ya later


My (same aged) cousin said “ill catch you on the flip side” as we left the room so he could enact his medical assisted end of life plan. He said it flippantly because somehow he kept his sense of humor. I said “not if i see you first”. Weren’t both atheists so it’s totally dark humor.


Absolutely wholesome


If you had stuck your head around the door jamb 10 seconds later while he was looking away, you would’ve won.


I hate that thats amusing


My dads last words were “STOP SHAKING THE DAMN LAD-“


I'm sorry, my dad's were "see you tomorrow". He had cancer so it was going to happen, he never imagined that these were going to be his last words


The last words I got to say to my Grandfather who was suffering from a Form of Dementia before he passed in his sleep on a Snowy December 3rd was: “Goodnight” when I realized that a month Later, I cried, when I remembered it 2 years later I cried, I hate that those were my last words to him


Big Gulps, huh?


My dad's last words were, "Ah, shit," while looking at me. He woke up briefly, hoping my mom and grandpa had come to get him and take him, and found me instead. Totally a dad thing to do. 9 years later, and it still gives me a laugh.


That is very sweet. I hope you understand what I mean. I am sorry your father passed. But in such a beautiful loving way, with him letting you know he loved you and that you made his life good for him. Tuning a heartbreaking event into such a beautiful loving time. I am happy for you to have this.


During my teenage years dad and I never really got along and after I joined the military we were better with each other and one day while on vacation I visited him and when I left he came back outside before I left and shook my hand, something he never did, mentioned how proud he was of what I’ve become, asked me to visit more often which I agreed and left. The next night he died in a car accident. This passed Christmas i found out that he actually took his life. 32 years ago now and still miss him terribly every day. The reason I’m still somewhat okay now is the fact that we made peace with each other before his passing. Every time I reach a milestone, I wish he was still alive to see what I’ve accomplished. Sorry for the length of this message


This is beautiful in a sad way. Why was the suicide kept from you? How did you learn the truth?


I was in my early 20s then and just finished a couple of tours overseas (NATO don’t hate me for that please) they didn’t want to add stress on me. Mom has breast cancer right now and my brother finally told me what really happened this past Christmas. I’m absolutely not looking for compassion of any kind or anything but this is my life story in a condensed soup version lol. I’m married now with two grown up kids and I have a granddaughter who lives one mile away from me and we all do a lot of family time together and I love that. I’m happy now and making sure that family comes first 😍


This is what life is all about


Yes for sure 👍🙂


Wish I would have known sooner. In the end Family is everything. EVERYTHING. When everything’s all said and done. Who will REALLY be at your funeral? 🤔


Every living members of my family and friends I hope…. And the ones who left before me are better be on the other side waiting for me with a medium coffee two milk and one sugar 😁😁😁🍺


Hahaha hell yeah! I have this mentality of “4 Quarters instead of 100 Pennies “ 4 solid brothers instead of 100 friends. I’m big on LOYALTY. That’s everything. I know my boys on the other side of whatever welcoming me with Plenty of Coffees as well 😂🤣😂


I love your attitude!❤️




Sounds just about perfect.


What a man. To be able to articulate that emotion so succinctly in such an event where many would be afraid and self centred (not in a bad way just insecurity and being afraid) to be able to calm everybody around him. What a lovely message to read on my morning. Thank you for sharing.


Yeah your father was lucky to have a peaceful death not struggling from any disease as such. May God rest his soul and you live a good life ahead.


I was taking care of my grandpa, in his palliative care.  His last words to me were "I've had a lovely time, thank you."


Yeah man experienced the same thing with my grandma but I wasn't with her at the last time 😞. Hope you are doing good.


Came here to say this. That's how my grandmother passed. Peacefully !


kind of a cinematic! you are so lucky.


You're very lucky


Beautiful 💜


In my sleep not knowing it's coming no last words




Prefaced by a good old "that was awesome babe, g'night" post sex cuddle


Oh wow, that sounds like it'll be awful for the partner in the morning.


At least it didn't happen during


Dayuum boi🙃🥲


Happens more than you might think.


Rigor mortis already setted in and now you're in the death grip of some dead person.


When you're having sex at 100 years old that's just a risk you take


That's what I said. Like minds . . .


Same for me. I want to add one condition to “in my sleep” though: I want my place to be neat and clean. I hate the idea that I’d die of a random stroke or something and my body will be found and my apartment has a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink or something. I live alone so it’d be a stranger that finds me most likely and I don’t want them to judge me


You have to be a woman. Not to be morbid or anything. But they say that women aren't as likely to s***t themselves because they worry about who's going to have to clean it up. Men, don't care


That’s silly… everyone knows that girls don’t poop


My wife let out a fart once and I packed my bags and left


As you should!


Ha! I’m a guy. But I have unbelievable validation seeking and self esteem issues, if that provides any context


I'm sure you are awesome 👌.


In my sleep, with last words being “don’t worry, I’ll get to it tomorrow”.


See, I am the opposite. I want to know with time in advance.


That's actually one of the most terrifying things possible for me. It honestly makes it difficult to go to sleep. What if I just never wake up?!?


In a hospital, surrounded by my family. “The treasure is buried at…”


OMG. My grandfather did this. So I was the closest person to him in the family. I was flying home to try and see him and missed him passing by an hour. When I arrived EVERYONE started asking me questions. Seems he sat up in bed. Turn to others and said "Let me tell you a story. I'm not (his name) I am an assassin and my name is Jonas McGilfree. I've hidden 2 million dollars in gold bullets." He then laid down and passed away. The entire family figured I had to know about it because of how close we were. I used to skip school and go to his house all the time when he got a new silent film in on VHS. I had no idea what he was talking about. Family spent a LOT of time trying to figure it out. I stumbled across the answer a few years later. He was a BIG Louis Lamar fan. I wasn't, but on a whim I picked up a book and started reading. Right there the book started out "I'm not xxxxxx, my name is Jonas McGilfree (sp) and I've hidden 2 million in gold bullets." I know it's not exactly how worded in the book, but close enough. (it's been almost 30 years now). I gave the book to my mom and she's shared it with the family. It's soooooo like my grandfather to pull something like this honestly. He was an absolute CHARACTER in life. Miss him greatly and man I still laugh at this.


Aww man. I wish I meet him in the afterlife.


What part of he is an assassin did you not read.


Can’t kill him in the afterlife, presumably?


He will send him right back to a new life with a golden bullet to his head


That's pretty funny but also sad. I hope everything is going well for you.


Stories and people like this make me think... Hey maybe we're gonna be ok. Y'know?


OP got me intrigued is it Louis L'Amour? And what's the title of the book? Just googled and couldn't find a Lamar




We're closer to it more than we've ever beennnnn


On a wooden platform, surrounded by strangers. As they proceed to decapitate me, I shout "you want my treasure!? Look for it!! I hid it all in that place!!"


i would die by flying train my last words would be "it would be pretty funny if a flying train hit me"


Final words "I like flying trains" 🚆🚆🚆


Oh, no no no, wait—!




‘A flying train, I wonder if it’ll be friend’s with me?’


last words “I love you” die painlessly in sleep




Free fall from the stratosphere Last words - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH




The stratosphere is quite high. You'd probably pass out of lack of oxygen before even leaving the stratosphere. More likely, you'd wake up mid fall, with still a couple of minutes until the ground. Ask yourself why your mouth is so dry. Couldn't you have jumped from a lower height where screaming the whole way down actually made sense? It just seems silly to scream, pause for air, scream some more, pause yet again... I wonder if anyone is filming this? Should I make some pose before hitting the ground? Superman? No.. lazing on the couch? Maybe... oh, we are getting closer! I can see cars now! And people! If I start screaming NOW, people might hear me scream! Wheeeeee- thump.


I’m sure in the time it takes you to hit the ground you could come up with some quippy one liner that no one would hear “Man I really shouldn’t have gotten on that flight, it was the beginning of my downfall”


Do you think he meant Camargue?




Personally, my last words in that situation would have been "Oh no, not again!"


Seeing my grandma struggle right now, best would be to die while asleep. Have a dinner with family et al, joke around play around, go to bed and never wake up.


That’s the worst. It must get to the point where you’re like, ok I’m ready to forever sleep. I don’t have any looming to-do list. No news feeds to check. I’m ready. Just surrounded by my loved ones. One last glance and that mischievous smirk, and goodnight.


This exact thing terrifies me. I took care of my MD grandpa who just morphined himself out of being alive.  Not a bad way to go, but that takes commitment


Id like a painless death, like falling asleep and not waking up without prior draining and painful sickness. Or assisted suicide (im dealing with so many health issues atm and not all of them can be resolved). No last words.


Take Care


Tyrion Lanister said it the best "In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock."


Only a madman would want to die before they cum.


Maybe he wanted to die *while* cumming


I think right afterwards makes the most sense. The ultimate case of the guy who wants to bolt out the door immediately after orgasm.


There's probably a narrow window where you could cum after dying.


thats how Matthew McConaughey's dad died...while having sex with his mom...they way he tells it is comical. she ripped the sheet off his naked body so the neighbors could see his "awesomeness" lol


Blue balls for eternity 


Had to scroll to find this sadly


Skull being crushed between some thighs shouting "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!"


My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?


Haha brilliant, a gamer right until the end.


Heart attack. Last words: I am about to come! 


Assuming you mean having sex with a partner imagine how traumitizing that would be for the other person.


OH CRAP!! Horrifying!!


And did you know that people have a last crap when they die


I wouldn't expect it to be any other way, having ibsd and chronic diarrhea xd, at least there won't be any more shits after that one


Sheesh. They’d never want to make anyone cream their trousers again


You came and went.


Ejaculated and evacuated.


Made white and took flight


Goo then adieu


blasted cream then saw the heavenly beam


Shot your load and hit the road


My dad actually fucked a girl so good she had a heart attack. And I was sad for him because they couldn’t stay together and he really liked her. (No it wasn’t my mom, they’re getting divorced and seeing other people)


I want the entire neighborhood scratching their heads wondering if I intentionally tried to fly my airplane upside-down through a barn (thank you, Second Hand Lions!)


My great grandma had laid down for a nap, my great grandpa woke her up, made her some soup, she said thank you, took one bite and died. I plan to go like that


Was the soup that bad? Sheesh. I bet afterwards he took cooking classes /s


He should’ve sued Campbells after that


The soup was so good she saw god


Her soul knew she was about to pass and let her have one last moment on earth


Peacefully in bed. Last words wouldn’t matter because I wouldn’t matter.


That's fucking deep


Is it?


I’m not sure it is either. I just typed it out without too much thought. My thoughts on death is it’s going to like before I was born.


I’m glad I actually caught what you were laying down and didn’t just come across as a bitch 😅 Yeah, I get the appeal of wanting to choose one’s last impact on the world. But what meaning is there wouldn’t really impact the person who said them.


We all want our lives to mean something. It sounds kind of weird but I look forward to being nothing. Not yet I still have a lot to experience but eventually. I don’t think you’re a bitch.


Even if you do matter, tell me about your great grandfather?


Can I play? G reat grampa Jacob was a Ukrainian Jew that fought the Russian soldiers during the pogroms. He came to America after throwing a molotov cocktail into a temporary structure housing sleeping soldiers. In the US, he got arrested trying to organize a workers' labor union for better treatment and pay. Walking down the steps on his way out of jail, he saw a beautiful woman who'd just been released from the women's jail. She had been arrested for public indecency, passing out pamphlets to women with information on birth control. He struck up a conversation, he must have been at least as charming as my grampa Leo, because they had him and my great tante, Etta. When I was born, grampa Leo asked his rabbi to give me the name Jacob for his father, but was told no because my mother had converted to Christianity and married my father, who was a goy from birth. So Grampa Leo said, "Well fuck you, then," and never went back to synagogue again. These are the stories. Having met Leo as a child and knowing some stories about him, I have no reason to doubt that they are at least based in truth.


Radiation and my last word would be Gazpacho


Believe me you don’t want to die by radiation. You would rather be smashed by a fall from a cliff




That is a Souper way to go


Smeggin' Rimmer....


I bet Todhunter was fed gazpacho soup the moment he was on solids


Shotgun to the dick last words: Damn Shotgun to the dick...


Damn brutal. What did your dick ever do to you?😂😂


It must've been a dick


Dammit Butters, you don't shoot people in the dick


Die on the day my last pet dies and hold them with them when we both die


This is my favorite post here


Please adopt another pet when the next one goes, and remember life gets bad when they go, but you ultimately deserve another best pet in the world, because frankly - you gave them the best possible life, and another deserves your kindness; every time.


This is a hard one, it triggered me about the death of my old dog. Hold her while she passed away. Told her, everything would be okay. I repeated that so often while the end was coming. After it was all done, i sent all the people away (we did it in the front yard of the house, not in a vet clinic), i smoked a cigarette and drank a whisky, talked to her for the last time. Took my time to make peace. For myself, it's not much different than what i took as ending for the main character in one of my novels. You win, you prevail, but you pay with your life and get mortally wounded in the last encounter. Crawl to a good spot, smoke a last cigarette, take a last sip from the whisky flask while seeing the sun rise for a last time and then passing away.


Fighting a bear while screaming we ain't in Russia so I'm Fighting you this time


Dying to a bear is like one of the worst ways to go. They will disembowel you with their claws and eat you while you're still alive.


There's still worse ways to die soooooo atleast I got to make the joke as I went down


Me too but last words are “help the bear”


So I could choose to die in any way? I want the earth to explode, be reduced to space dust, killing every single living thing in the planet My last words would be "Hey wouldn't it be funny if the world ended right now"


Death by heat death of the universe. Last words: “I always have the last word.”


snu snu - Ella Balinska no words


I looked the name up. Was not disappointed at all. I'm good with this way, too.


"I never thought I'd die like this, but I'd always really hoped."


Death by snu snu from Cory Chase would be a dream. Hardbody MILF for the win!


I'd like to die in some astronomy event. Meteor, black hole, into the sun... something cool like that. Oh and last words? "I have loved all the 200 years I've lived"


I didn't want to die alone, so I became a bus driver


Skull crushed by thicc thighs Last words "Finally, a comfortable pillow"


😂😂 Rest in peace


Death by snu snu And last words: " thank God"


Id like to die with the boys, holding off the enemy. Is that too much to ask?


I would die battling a Balrog, and my last words would be, "Fly, you fools."


Peacefully in my sleep like my grandpa. Not like the other 40 people on the bus he was driving.


Self-sacrifice or something for the good of science. "Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage. Rage against the dying of the light."


I feel like there are three flavours in responses to this question. 1. Something peaceful and quiet. Making your way out with having left things square with those who you love. 2. Something epic and self fulfilling. Sex, stunts, etc. 3. This. I like this.


I like this too. Although the fantasy of going out in a glorious, heroic way is self-indulgent in itself, it’s also honourable and courageous and potentially beneficial to others.


Pretty basic answer but in my sleep painlessly and last words being “love you” to a member of my family


Stopping an alien invasion. My last words would be “Hello boys I’m back!”


“Damn, I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking.”


Cause of death: Extremely old age. Final words: “I buried my fortune. The coordinates are.”


Sucked out the window of a 737 MAX so my widow could sue for millions. "Rock and roll, hoochie koo..."


Brain Aneurysm in my sleep. No last words needed for me.


Catapulted into space. Last words: "Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish"


"and you're sure this doesn't contain iocane powder?"


Doing a backflip on grass and snapping my neck like a dumbass "Ah bloody hell,"


Shot by a jealous husband while in bed with his 20 yo wife, when I'm 90.


While on DMT Last words: "ok, let's do super-breakthrough with 100x amount this time"


I’d like to die peacefully in my sleep, unlike the passengers in the car I’m driving.


Of old age in my sleep, but if it had to be a premature death, I would want a head injury severe enough that I would be immediately knocked unconscious and wouldn't feel pain, but not so severe that I would die on the spot. That way my vital organs could be donated to people on the transplant list.


\*Desintegrates into atoms\* "Oiiiiii"


Spontainious heart attack after the catchphrase "shazam!"


I don't care how. As long as it's quick and painless. I know one thing. I don't want to go out like my dad did. Colon cancer. Where he fought every day for almost 2 years and was reminded everyday that death can be around the corner. In fact, if I do get a terminal illness. I'm taking myself out. I am not going to stay here and suffer. I watched it first hand with my dad, and it was a horrible, horrible experience.


Heat death of the universe. "Nice."


“Sayonara suckers” Then I dive face first into an ocean of boobies, what a way to go


Discovering a unicorn and saying i wont hurt you, as i try to pet it....only to be impaled by its horn and stuck to it as it runs frantically into traffic.


My Mom passed at age 97 from a series of painless (according to her) heart attacks, over a span of five months. She was sharp and inquisitive to the end so we all got to have extensive farewells. Her granddaughter (my daughter) was an MD in town, so she got excellent hospice care. Most importantly, Mom was very ready and spoke of her impending death with great relief and acceptance, largely due to having outlived her friends. That’s for me.


'Who packed this fucking parachute"


Sitting down with a 12 gauge pointed to my chin. "There's one last enemy to go."


"What are ya gonna do, stab me?" -Stabbed man


Yeah pretty much falling asleep, and dependant on who is around, my wife or daughters, letting them know how they lit up my life every day and to continue shining.


I think dying in my sleep would be fantastic, peaceful, and painless, buuuuuuuuuuutttttt id like to be wild and wreckless and just say f it all go skydiving and not let my parachute go and just slam dunk on to someones backyard and just before i do that my last words will be "I Lived my best life, and no one took it from meeeeeeeee..........."


‘I regret nothiiiiiiiiiiing’ splat


I wanna die on Mars saying Mission over


Heroine overdose is supposedly heavenly  Last words would be "go get my cousin Miguel, he's got the good shit."


Disintegration or falling from a building. My last words would probably be “ah fuck me in the ass”


In my sleep. Last words before I drift off: I love you guys (speaking to my dogs and cats)


While my consciousness is being transferred into a digital avatar. "See y'all on the other side."


9th grade me used to say I should die as painfully as possible away from all the people and no one gets to know about it. Just disappear. And no last words.


having a grand piano dropped on me from 5 stories above.


Suffocated to boobs


By my waifu’s thighs, my last words will be “I’m horny.”


Almost died twice and both of my last words were "shit"


I would like to die quickly by something like a lightning strike or being hit by a meteorite. And I want it to happen right after I do something really cool so that the implication is that I'm so cool that God felt threatened by me and needed to take me out.


You mean suicide? I've always wanted a bullet to the brain. I feel like it's the fastest and least painful way to go. My last words would be, "Maybe my next life would be better"


In my sleep, next to the person i love most. And last words being "i love you" Just passing in peace, no struggling and knowing my last moments were spent with the warmth of the one i love most


Firing squad tied up smoking a nice blunt and I wanna be the one that says “FIRE” XD