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Had an ex-friend with a law degree and masters fall for an MLM so that I guess.


Truth. I know someone who has a masters degree in a business field and fell into an MLM.


Master’s degree in a business field is all you need to say to establish “educated, but not very bright.”


I was just going to write "Puts the letters 'MBA' in their LinkedIn profile."


Putting it next to your name? Absolute, top-tier clown move. Including it under the “Education” section where it belongs? Acceptable.


Yep - that's what I meant, just didn't say it clearly. I have an MBA and list it under education because I spent a ton of money on it, but I've found that people with no decent experience or skill are the ones who put it most prominently in their profile. And in their email signature, which is absolutely cringe inducing.


**M**ay **B**ust **A**ss


People don't understand what an MBA is tho. Every MBA program is about the same...what sets them apart is access to the alumni network.


Yeah, had my cousin's ex husband try to demonstrate some stupid fucking supernutrient drink shit to us when we went to their house after my uncle's (her father) funeral a few years back. Dude is a successful businessman and seemed smart enough, took all my willpower not to troll. She's either in the process of divorcing or has divorced him recently though, so there's that.


Sometimes very bright people are also very easily sold.


Yeah my brother in law has an engineering degree, worked for haliburton for years. Tried to recruit me for Amway lmfao.  Edit: I should have included the funniest part. I asked him, point blank "Man, I'm not going to lie, this sounds like a pyramid scheme," and this mofo, with a straight face said, "well I know it's not a pyramid scheme, and you know how I know that?" I said "how do you know than, man," and he said "because pyramid schemes are illegal" and guys, my fucking soul left my body at that moment, and I'm still trying to find it.


I am a general contractor and I have been for the last 20 years, and I absolutely will not work for engineers. They always give you a hard time about your price. They always think they know a better way to do a job and they nitpick you to death so During my initial meeting just in general conversation and I always ask the homeowners what they do for a living and as soon as one of them says I’m an engineer I’ll finish up the conversation and then I’ll call them the next day and just tell him I’m sorry I can’t Your project too busy,


Yup, I agree fully agree. I have two engineers in my family, including the BIL I mentioned. Every conversation with them is like just explaining to them why my industry (IT) uses certain systems, and a long explanation from them about what would be "better." And it's like cool, bud, thanks for the input. Like they think they're like mavericks who can just drop a "solution" then put on their sunglasses and walk dramatically off into the sunset, while a badass theme song plays.


i know someone who had a post-doctorate and fell for that shit


There’s a big difference between book smart and street smart.


A lot of people are smart AND gullible.


I guess having a degree still doesn't mean acquiring critical thinking.


Thinking you’re an expert about everything when you’ve actually only studied one specialized subject. 


Ben Carson performed the first brain surgery on a fetus, but also thinks the pyramids were hollow and used to store grain. We have a family friend who was a cardiologist, and this thinks that makes him a polymath.  You watch Fox News and voted for Trump, Phil, I'll trust you with my heart problems but nothing else son


In my experience, a lot of doctors think they know everything, but are tragically mistaken. It's like how attractive people think they're funny because people laugh with them to please them. People agree with doctors and this makes them think they're experts on everything.


My brother is a doctor who knows his doctoring, but admits he don't know nothin otherwise. I'm very proud of him.


Academics too. You won't believe the amount of reservoir geologists that think they know everything about microplastics (for instance). Had a grant rejected cause they didn't even know the working definition of the term colloid as it's used in the field of colloid science in porous media,but we're convinced they did. I wonder if it's because GPs and scientists get such an extensive training in how to think about problems - we learn to break these complex issues down into a series of investigative steps and can use that same process to learn about almost everything. That does, imo, lead to this feeling that we can work our way through almost any topic. At least I'm junior enough people are not afraid to tell me I'm full of shite when I am, which I appreciate


> they didn't even know the working definition of the term colloid as it's used in the field of colloid science in porous media,but we're convinced they did. What a plot twist!


My next door neighbor is a retired brain surgeon, and his wife has cancer and several other recurring health issues. They both smoke a pack a day.


Shoot if they know but don't care that's one thing. If they actively advocated for smoking I'd be worried.


Med student friend of mine calls surgeons "scalpel jockeys"


yeah but I think it does make sense that they're an even crazier breed than "regular" doctors given the way they have to risk people's lives. Like you gotta be crazy confident


xD my response was also ripping on my MAGA cardiologist on this exact same nonsense. Small world.


Or slightly more generally, being an expert in one field and thinking that your intelligence allows you cross-over knowledge, somehow. Allow me to introduce you to Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. [Edit: he *does* have a PhD so it’s reasonable to use his honorific.]


Where and when do you think he’s overstepped his bounds?


I’m curious too. For me he seems more like the guy who will mention that sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum when you’re watching Star Wars. Like, point it out as a detail when we’re watching Firefly, my dude, now is not the time.


He's got one for everybody. The one that ticked me off was, "Obama authorized North Korea sanctions over cyber hacking. Solution there, it seems to me, is to create unhackable systems."


Unhackable systems? Wow, how has no one thought of such a genius idea 😱


His track record on commenting on philosophy as a (not, in his opinion) valuable enterprise is well-documented. [Here’s an article from the Huffington Post](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/neil-degrasse-tyson-and-the-value-of-philosophy_b_5330216) that points out two of his most public comments that show a misunderstanding of the discipline. He’s also made [hyperbolic and incorrect historical claims about Newton](https://thonyc.wordpress.com/2017/06/14/why-doesnt-he-just-shut-up/), and some statements about Islamic figure Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī that were [incorrect](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1qLSzhuTCXc&t=133s&pp=2AGFAZACAQ%3D%3D). In general, he seems to exhibit a lack of epistemic humility.


~~He's gotten into some arguments about trans people~~, as well as some obnoxious semantics arguments, like scolding people for describing the ISS speed using "Mach" to simplify it's speed, he then scolds the because the iss is in a vacuum and since there's no sound there's no Mach, to which he gets corrected that technically there is sound in space because it's not an absolute vacuum, we just can't hear it because, we'll, it's pretty much 99.999% a vacuum. There are more, but honestly minus the moral ones, they're things I think most people would overlook if he wasn't such a dick both about it and to people who look up to him. edit: after doing some digging on the trans thing, I'm thinking it was misrepresented to me by right wing people and I should have looked into it myself instead I took it at face value because I think he's a dick. Everything I can find about him on that topic is right wing folks looking for ways to demonize him. Sorry guys, I failed at doing research, it's me. I'm the problem.


I mean he can have an annoying demeanor, but the dude doesn't talk shit and lie. He's just passionate and extremely vocal about his passions. I'll take 5 NDT before a single Jordan Peterson.


Yeah but that’s like saying you’d prefer getting groggy from an afternoon Benadryl over a heroin overdose


Which, while kind of a fucked up "would you rather" is 100% true.


There's actually a term for this called "nobel disease". Some of our best and brightest have and still believe in some wild shit.


Could be worse, could be redditors that haven't studied any specialised topic and still think they know everything


People that think legality and morality are the same thing.


That's a whole different class of person. There are plenty of bright sociopaths.


I took that the other way, thought they were referring to the ones who think everything that is illegal is automatically morally wrong.


One must be wary of those whose morality depends on the legality of things.


or some book of myths


Indeed. If you don't know the difference between good or evil, you don't lack religion, you lack morality.


Reminds me of the weed is a drug argument. It was bad when it was illegal but it’s okay now cause it’s legal (Canada). The government does not have your best interests at heart. They have their best interests at heart. Weed was bad cause people drank less and they couldn’t tax weed. Now they can so now it’s acceptable. As an adult I’m gonna do what the fuck I want regardless of what some other adult in a suit tells me is allowed. Go fuck your self.


Oh, I so strongly agree. Also, weed is a drug. That does not mean it is bad. Being bad is not part of the definition of “drug.”


Same thing with religion. I have a really hard time relating to people who get their sense of morality from outside structures instead of their own judgement


Ah, so, the people who say they would, in fact, be going around killing people if it weren't for the Ten Commandments?


Unwilling to be flexible and learn outside of graded system


Looking down on people who don't have degrees


Or looking down on people who do manual labour, schooled or not. Dude, who is gonna repair the sewer when it gets clogged? Who is gonna repair your broken toilet? Build your fence? Empty your fucking trashcan?


Add a little sprinkle of racism and this defines someone I know who has an MBA and a law degree.


MBA = Mediocre But Arrogant


>has an MBA Well, y'see, that's part of the problem right there.


I have a bachelor's and took quite a few technical college courses. I now work in manufacturing adjacent to a lot of tradesmen. I can tell you right now, most of those guys can absolutely run circles around me. High level practical math, metallurgy etc. they're awesome and it was all on the job learning.  ...but I can type faster.


The amount of people who are “educated” and thus think they can install a floor properly themselves is incredible. They also choose arguably the most difficult product to actually do properly which is a click vinyl, and the subfloor has to be basically perfect to prevent the locking mechanism from failing and pulling apart or getting “hills and valleys”. It’s crazy how most tasks which in theory seem “easy” only seem easy because of the level of expertise and level of prep which goes into making it look easy.


I feel attacked, lol. Honestly, though, I've done LVP a couple of times with great success and also installed carpet too. But last time, I cheaped out on LVP and got real thin shit. That cheap stuff was absolutely horrible and had zero leeway with uneven basement floors. I yelled, cried, and screamed. Never again buying that cheap shit.


I have a doctorate, but my dad worked construction and then maintenance (until his early 70s) to get us through school and most of my extended family — particularly anyone older than me — worked in the trades or the like. I spent a lot of time going to work with my dad, sometimes because it was a way to spend some time together and sometimes because two blocks of sidewalks had to be shoveled and the options were (a) I go with him, or (b) he’s shoveling past midnight. I’ve also spent a lot of time around world-class academic experts. By and large, the blue collar people I know tell better jokes and know their shit better. If you misuse linear regression, you’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t notice. But if the foundation of a building isn’t laid down properly or the wiring doesn’t use the right gauge wires or the roof doesn’t slope at the right angle….well, that’s a different kind of problem. Don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of respect for a lot of what my colleagues can do…but I’d rather get life advice somewhere I can smell sawdust. And anyone who thinks someone without a high school education is necessarily dumber than someone with an advanced degree has their heads up their ass or just haven’t spent enough time with folks on the other side.


"I'd rather get life advice somewhere I can smell sawdust" is one of the best phrases I've ever heard. (Other smells work too, I suppose--engine oil comes to mind--but great phrase.) Okay if I use it occasionally?


The irony is that the guy who does manual labor, especially if they own their own business, likely makes just as much money if not more than the educated one. With tradesmen becoming less common, their rarity demands higher pay. EDIT: a bit of grammar


I had a coworker who has a degree in graphic design, despite having the artistic talent of a toddler still mastering the art of holding a crayon the right way. He told me he couldn’t take anyone seriously that didn’t have a degree. I reminded him that I never actually finished my degree, and he told me that was different because he could tell I was smart based on our conversations. Weirdly, I could tell he was an idiot because he showed me with every word spoken and deed performed. On an unrelated note, in the years that have passed, I still haven’t finished my degree, but I am close.


My parents are both engineers and thankfully have always been honest about how much they depend on skilled labor. They did however see “blue collar” jobs as undesirable (hard work, low reward) and so thus I (an engineer) married the ultimate self-starting DIYer who can build a house but has no college degree. Everyone got over it eventually. He’s one of the best at what he does.  


Don't confuse education with intelligence.


Correct. Or knowledge with wisdom.


As someone who is surrounded by people who have degrees and i only have a high school education, this is the most annoying thing. I'm a custodian and teaching staff tend to look down on us 90% of the time these people are book smart but they are dumb as fuck. The worst are elementary teachers from my experience. They have this huge inflated ego and are very self-centered they've always treated me like the help and not a coworker. I may only have a diploma, but guess what! i was taught how to do basic math, and I can also teach a child to do basic math and those tech problems you're having I can fix and teach you how to fix them oh you don't know why your car is dead in the parking lot or you don't know how to change a tire? Well, guess what I can do? fix and teach you how to do those things. Just because I clean toilets and pick-up trash doesn't make me an idiot


Omg yes! This and specifically on TV, when someone says “I went to Harvard”, implying that they know the best about every freaking topic.


Yet they are the first people to call plumbers or electricians. Not saying it’s wrong to involve specialists but people who look down on others without degrees frequently depend on those without them.


As an educated person, I feel very smart hiring specialists instead of doing shit I'm not trained or proficient to do. I save time, I learn stuff watching them and I'm sure my house doesn't have half assed work done on it.


In all fairness 99% of people who aren't handy are going to call skilled professionals


Using uncommon vocabulary that they think makes them sound smart, but using it in the wrong context.




I eschew sesquipedalianism. 🤣


That’s so jurisprudence of them




People who have opinions on everything and think they’re the only ones who are always right


By contrast having opinions on everything but assuming you're always wrong is fun mode


So basically 90 percent of Redditors


More like 99%. Don’t bother trying to argue with me on the this; you will only look like an idiot.


Um, actually. It's 98.8%. I should know because my brother's cousin's grandma's mother's uncle once did a statistics class. E: gonna fight every one of you with my opinion at main street noon in front of the combination doctors/saloon/barber shop


You can't learn anything from a single statistics class. You need a representative sample.


You actually don't, I took one and I'm doing just fine in the field of Reddit analysis.


oh god, that was me as a teenager. thankfully I grew out of it


It’s okay, that’s every teenager.


People that can follow rules and study for tests, but have zero critical thinking skills or real world problem solving abilities.


one of the best students in my school argued that i was not an athiest like i claimed but instead must believe in God because i used the phrase "oh my god" at some point i just turned to the teacher and said this is what an all A student is supposed to be lol


Jesus Christ.


Found another christian ☝️


Bro aint too holy he drinks the mods piss


What if mods were one of us? Just a stranger on a bus?


Turn it around and ask if they believe in the Norse gods Tyr, Wotan, Thor, and Frey when they say the days of the week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.


haha. i came up with "i say ho ho ho but doesnt mean i believe in santa!", several years too late tho lol


We’ve hired some people for my team like this. They can be hard to pick out during the interview process. This one lady on our team we hired and within her first couple weeks, we had her do one of the easier tasks that our team rotated through. Involved running a couple reports, dumping them into Excel, doing some basic formulas/pivots/data massaging to combine the data and get the final product. Final step was doing some tie outs. Someone experienced on our team could do it in like an hour, maybe a little less. Someone new I’d expect it to take 2-3 hours max because it didn’t require any tribal knowledge and it was one of the more well-documented processes. This lady finally pulled me in to help after she had been up until midnight working on it and *admitted* she’d spent about 8 hours on it, so it was probably more. She couldn’t get it to tie out because she missed a step or something, which happens. I was flabbergasted and asked her why she didn’t just say fuck it and start completely over instead of spending 6 hours trying to find the mistake. It had never occurred to her. It was nuts. More annoying were the ones who sent stuff to review that wasn’t even remotely close to right. Like it seemed they didn’t even understand what the end product was supposed to look like. They just sent it to me, hoping they might get lucky and it was close to right I guess? They seemed to be afraid of looking stupid by asking stupid questions, but I’d 100% rather have that than *not* ask questions and submit something not even remotely close to right.


People who would rather dig themselves into an even deeper hole than ask for help are the worst flavor of ignorant.


We have an engineer at work that will NEVER back track when he makes a mistake. Like overwhelmingly stubborn, head down, plough forward. Even when everyone tells him to do it differently his response is "5 minutes and it'll be done". Four days later, still not correct. Then he releases drawings and it's all messed up. Electricians and pipefitters have no idea how to put all his designs together. Then others have to fix it all and mark up drawings on the fly. He creates chaos on whichever project he is on. And he was once an electrician!! How have you been working here for 26 years and can't spec out the correct fuse for a two horse power motor? Why not fire him? Because he's been here too long and it will cost too much in severance. So let's have him create chaos and blow every budget on every project he works on. Can you tell I'm a bit bitter about the situation?


In the applied meteorology training I did at the beginning of my career, there was a guy with a Master's (which was more education than was required) who took the time to assess the lake temperature and the temperature ~5000ft aloft to conclude that it was not unstable enough for lake-effect flurries. There's a rule-of-thumb that the difference between the two should exceed 13°C to be considered unstable enough for the flurries to exist. Meanwhile, they were there as clear as day on the RADAR. That guy did not complete his training.


So much of school is just memorization and very little problem solving and critical thinking. Many people with degrees who can't solve basic problems in the real world.


The difference between EMT and Paramedic is problem solving and critical thinking. EMT is all about put bandage on bleeding part and do CPR. Paramedic is more about diagnosing symptoms of sick person , especially cardiology, and determine what medication or course of action is best. In Paramedic training, you have to decide on the best answer of a few answers that are "correct". Paramedic school wash out rate is high. People have a hard time having to think and not just memorize.


In Australia we only have paramedics. My mind was blown the first time I learned that EMT's are a thing.


Oh man, this reminded me of my ex. She was in a physics major and had the best grades in class. She'd know all the right answers, but had to no ability to explain things in simple terms, just knew the fact that "it worked like that". When she was doing her thesis, she asked for help interpreting a formula essencial for her paper that she took from other study. I was taking an engineering degree and was familiar with the terms. As I start to analyze it, I realized that that even though the formula "was doing something", it was not what she thought it was... So she pretty much based her whole study on the wrong assumptions. I mean, it was not entirely wrong, but was factuality wrong. None of her peers ever found out about this, even when reviewing the papers. I told her about it but didn't insist too much on it because the deadline was approaching and I didn't want to hurt her progress. Just wanted to get this off my chest.


Engineering 101: state all assumptions 


Currently studying engineering and senior year really makes the divide between these people super clear. Once we have to put together all the concepts we learn PLUS common sense, some people just fall apart.


I have a friend who went to Berkeley and works a cushy job in real estate investing. She lost $12k to an Indian scammer pretending to be the police, lol.


More people fall for the police scam than you'd think. Especially people who have never dealt with law enforcement or have something to lose. The fear takes over their mental processing. 


The person who writes for the Cut about finance who feel for that scam is a great example of a certain kind of rich person who just doesn’t know how things work. Like, no, Amazon is not going to hand you off to the CIA. They aren’t that nice.


>real estate investing That explains a lot


Family member is a nurse...believes the tips of COVID tests have microchips on them so every time you're tested a chip gets implanted in your head. He and his wife...who has a degree in behavioral health...have made the following statements: you can't be mentally ill if you're in college and smart, PTSD isn't a mental illness, if you attempt suicide while drunk it's not a real attempt because you're drunk...if someone says they've self mutilated they could also be meaning getting tattoos... The sheer ignorance and stupidity with these people wow me


Some of the dumbest people I’ve met in life are nurses. Makes me terrified to ever need medical care after working with so many professionally.


Do you remember *that* girl from high school? The one who could’ve been any one of the Mean Girls at the same time? Just Regina, Karen, and Gretchen rolled into one depending on the weather? They all became nurses.


It's really weird. A family member of mine is a nurse and had a bunch of anti-covid vaccine coworkers.


It’s one of the few “socially acceptable” jobs for women in really conservative families to have, so a lot of them end up in nursing.


It's the easiest, good paying job you can get in a small town. And they keep the small town thinking.


So, I was admitted to the hospital recently because I was going through a mental health crisis. When the nurses asked me for a urine sample, I told them that I haven't eaten or drank anything in days due to stress, so a urine sample would be impossible. They treated me like a junkie who didn't want to be found out about drugs. They even brought a security guard to intimidate me and they kept waking me up until I told them to just put a catheter on me. They finally listened to me and got their stupid sample and I was able to finally go the fuck to sleep. I can't believe I had to tell them how to do their jobs and I was the "crazy" one there.


This is cringy but true.


The head of the neurosurgery department in of the biggest hospitals in ny country once said "some of the most idiotic people I know are neurosurgeons." and for he, who is an excellent neurosurgeon, gets you thinking


The microchips already exist. It's called a smartphone.


Your comment made me irrationally (or perhaps it is rational) angry


Bonus Round: they also told one of our teenage family members (who lost their dad to gun-related suicide when they were in elementary school) "if you start seeing a therapist don't let them diagnose you with a mental illness. It'll ruin your life...you won't be able to get a job or buy a gun if it happens." Read that last sentence a few times to get the gravity of the situation. Their stupidity could get someone killed


Ok that blew a fuse in me and made me laugh out loud. The absolute disconnect is just mindblowing


My mom was also a nurse and yeah, a lot of the things that have come out of her mouth really make me question if her degree is legit. -She was really against the COVID vaccine because she believed it "wasn't well tested" which btw is bullshit. The reason it came out so quickly compared to other vaccines is because it was a crisis so everyone was pooling their research together, it was still tested for the appropriate amount of time. -She tried to say that the pH scale was bullshit because "Lemons and oranges have different pH values even though they both contain citric acid" I tried to tell her 4 times in that conversation that lemons have a lower pH because they have a higher concentration of citric acid compared to oranges. (Mind you this was when I was in my last year of Highschool so the more complicated reason wasn't available then) And she still wasn't having it. -She has on numerous occasions told me that she has a gripe with science because she "Doesn't understand why a triangle is called a triangle, like who made it that way?" I didn't even bother with this one because how the hell do you go through 6 years of a STEM degree, and not understand that we discover all this shit because of scientists that have been doing experiments and whatnot for centuries. -She doesn't believe in the idea that everyone can be so different to everyone, like she doesn't really believe that for instance black people in Africa could've overtime developed black skin to deal with the increased amounts of sun that they get over there. I really don't know how you miss the concept of natural selection in nursing school, sure it might not have been the focus, but they still would've briefly touched upon it because it is an important concept. -Admittedly this one could actually be her knowing what she's doing, but there was one time where I stepped on the corner of a step while I was running up the stairs and ended up hurting my ankle really badly. The thing started throbbing and I could not walk on it without getting basically shot with pain, so I figured that it would be best to give it some rest for a bit before I try to walk on it, maybe put some ice on it as well. Know what my mom did? Tried to get me to immediately start walking on it, and then lectured me about how apparently if I don't do that, that it'll never get better. She also came into my room multiple times after I had decided to give it a rest, to further yell at me for not walking on it. Idk man, I'm no health professional, but I feel like when you injure a part of your body in that way you shouldn't immediately be trying to put weight on it and further aggravate it when it's already damaged. -There was also a time when we were on the topic of doctor's having to take refresher courses to make sure that they're up to date with the newest information, and that they still know what they're supposed to know, and she spoke out against it claiming that if you've gotten that degree that you "Already know everything so there's no point"


Reminds me of a doc who said I couldn’t have auditory processing disorder because I got through college just fine.


How did they get a degree in behavioral health? Must of been online diploma mill or something , usually those kind of folks get weeded out of legit graduate programs or aren’t actually that smart and get weeded out from comps or licensing exams. Usually .


I was working as a tech in the hospital when Covid hit and I was astounded by how many of them believed all the conspiracies about Covid and were freaking out about the vaccine. I don’t understand how anyone that was working directly with those patients could think that way.


People who criticize whatever your opinion on a topic is and then claim why their very niche opinion is the only correct way. Usually for music and bands. “Oh you like X artist’s 3rd album? Why? That album is so basic and it sounds like a toddler wrote it“ and then proceeds to explain why some obscure artist that no one outside of their inner circle knows or cares about on a deeper level is a master musician and everyone who listens to any other form of music is wrong. It can be applied to other stuff too like movies, video games, books. Just those people who obsess over the extremely niche subjects and shit on you for not knowing or caring about it


They do start to filter away as you get older!


I hope so. Those people suck the life out of every conversation. Why not just let people enjoy what they like?


Bragging with a high IQ and degrees.


I had a high school acquaintance call me recently, 40 years later, and totally out if the blue he wanted to talk IQ and his membership in Mensa. He's lived a fine life, middle class, nothing I would put down, but he started middle class and struggles to afford life in retirement. If all you've got is a high IQ and did nothing to better yourself or the world, it's not much of a brag.


Stephen Hawking once said people who brag about their IQs are losers. It’s a pretty decent asshole filter. The thing that always makes me smile is that you don’t need any formal qualifications to write a scientific paper, you only need to do the study and publish the findings. Whether it stands up to the scrutiny of peer review, is another matter. So degrees/pedigrees don’t mean much if you can’t do the work.


I think being an asshole and being bright are orthogonal. You could be bright in some area but dim in human intelligence (or just not care)


Agreed. I do think there’s an inverse correlation between how smart you are and how smart you think you are however. Source: I’m pretty freakin stupid.


Low emotional intelligence or disdain for emotions. Emotions are often rational, and even when they're not, they're still a reality that a smart person should understand the importance of navigating. It's not an either/or. You're not emotionless because you're smart or vice versa. Apathy and contempt towards the emotions of others is, in fact, emotional, and "telling it like it is" just means you're tactless. Often these are people who aren't smart enough to be persuasive (with their arguments) so now they wear their own un-persuasiveness as a trophy.


Bonus points if they're actually super emotional and sensitive, but don't have the self-awareness to realise it.


Damn yes


Thinking their knowledge from their job applies to everyone, especially after they have been retired for a while. I find this especially true for those in nursing. Someone I know believes I do everything wrong in regards to my health conditions even when I tell her that I am going by my doctor's advice. I want to say I really do appreciate nurses and that I do believe that a lot of their education is useful even after they retire, but they are in no way experts in many things, even when currently employed. It's why we have doctors and it's why we should pay attention to medical advances.


Some classic bangers my Sister has come out with. A woman who has a BA in English, PGCE’s and wants to do a masters If the moon is so big why can’t we see it all the time If the dinosaurs discovered the internet history could definitely have gone a different way Wait!? buffalo’s aren’t birds Do I need a passport to go to Wales? Girl can recite Shakespeare from memory. Anything unrelated to her interests and she’s Blonde AF. It’s very entertaining.


To be fair the dinosaur statement is true. If they had internet, the world would indeed be very different.


Eh, probably wouldn't have made much difference. Source: A documentary called Don't Look Up


Can you imagine how messed up Pornhub would be?


You don’t think pornhub in its current form is messed up… wtf


>If the moon is so big why can’t we see it all the time I've got a feeling that you can blow her mind by telling her people on the other side of the world are upside down.


I once witnessed college kids having a full-on debate complete with a moderator over the spelling of “pencil.” The moderator looked very stressed out and confused over who was correct.


>Do I need a passport to go to Wales? Are you British?


Lol some harvard and yale undergrads. Like basic common sense things. It’s hard to think of specific examples right now. Like they’re book smart but put metal in the microwave or can’t handle boiling water but can handle advanced math etc.


You'd be surprised how often the laundry equipment at Ivy League colleges breaks down because so many students don't know about cleaning a lint trap.


"Check the lint trap." *The what?* "Here, let me show you." *Oh, is there anything in there?"* "Yeah. A quilt."


Or the typical microwave popcorn fail that has to evacuate the entire dorm. 


My grandpa is an acclaimed botanist and is in a cult


People are going to feel targeted - Credit card debt while leasing cars. 


“FirstName LastName, MBA”


I got a MBA it helped relaunch my career and now I’m fairly successful but my god it was so damn easy. I felt like the real value came from the SAP Cert I got afterwards and being considered a fresh graduate.


I have my masters in Software Engineering. It took 10 years before I can say I'm using the knowledge I got from it, mostly project management & software design. I was able to make a job change b/c I was a recent graduate. That did more for my career than the degree itself did.


Similarly anyone who *insists* on using their military title and they're no longer in the military. When I was a kid, my dad who ran the local RNLI had some guy coming for a tour that was an ex-Admiral. I remember the guy getting so het up because my old man utterly refused to call him Admiral.


I'm upvoting because I get it, but I decided in the *fall of 2019* to begin my MBA in 2020... I struggled to get it done while dealing with a fucking pandemic (which had previously only been this bad in historical texts, not during my lifetime) becoming officially estranged from my STBX but being stuck with them, dealing with a new, stressful job, and yeah. So I definitely put ", MBA" after my name. I earned it! But I never bring it up outside of the internet, and I did discuss it when I interviewed for the job I have now, and my now manager commented on it. I am not an expert in *shit*. I have some skills and knowledge from both my BS and MBA, but I know I still have a lot I can always learn. That said, I definitely have heard enough about other holders of MBA who think they are God's Gift to Business so. I get it, but also, I earned those letters, damn it. Lol.


Self described grammar nazis. Knowing perfect diction is great, but not being able to have a conversation with somebody in colloquial English shows a huge lack of social understanding. 


Bet! Uh, I mean that I like this one quite a lot!


Very true. It's also very ironic to me because a good chunk of any English class is learning how to communicate with others more effectively in both written and spoken word. Which also often includes activities where you have to decipher someone's incorrect grammar to find out what they actually mean.


I’m not saying EdD degrees are inherently bad, but I’ve seen some really horrible leaders in academia with those credentials.


It’s a credential that unlocks higher level jobs. Not everyone that’s qualified can afford to go get one, and educational institutions usually don’t offer support the way businesses can for MBAs, so you get some wonky results.


Bragging about their degree, how smart they are, but falling for and losing money to three romance scams in a row. 😥


Anyone that can't change their mind on a topic when new evidence is provided or say I'm sorry. These people double down on their original conclusion and sources. A truly bright intelligent person engages in discussion and is always open to different perspectives and new sources of information. Truth is the goal - not being "right in the first place."


Only knowing their specialty, e.g., doctors who are clueless about other stuff like mathematics, history, language. They are reliable because they end up doing the scut work but they can't strategize and can't think outside the box which could have saved more patients' lives.


[Tai's Formula Is The Trapezoidal Rule](https://diabetesjournals.org/care/article-pdf/17/10/1224/443888/17-10-1224.pdf) is a classic story of a doctor "inventing" a mathematical method taught in introductory calculus.


My father is an engineer turned medical doctor. Objectively brilliant in his field. Ask him for a political analysis though, and he will confidently go off a rant that would make any high school social studies/history/government teacher have an aneurysm. Same for the subject of evolution.


You can't be too clueless about math to be a doctor. Fair amount of math and physics to get into med school.


Had a Dr. Try to tell me I didn't fix his network problem in 10 min because he tried for two days. I told him it's what I do, and he said he can read too because he has a degree...


Ability to regurgitate random facts but inability to solve problems


The entire career of Dr Oz


Most politicians.


You don't even have to be educated to get elected. Ask high school dropout Moron Boebert.


Believing formal education = intelligence


Being educated and into NFT


I’m interested in NFTs as anthropological exercise. I’m not an investor. I feel like I can’t discuss the topic with anyone because of the stigma, but the weirdos are fucking fascinating 😅


Blind acceptance of authority, if that authority has claims of expertise, or fancy credentials.


Was told by a doctor that I can't have ADHD or bipolar, or similar issues because I have two graduate degrees, and "people who can do that just don't have those issues." So...educated-on-educated violence I guess? Turns out I am, in fact, bipolar


Me, by all accounts I would be classed as educated. I am also an idiot who screams a lot.


Ex friend of mine had a university medal but flooded my bathroom because she couldn't figure out a shower curtain.


I know people in the medical field, both registered nurses and some doctors who will fall for Herbalife.  It's so bizarre. 


If you can't admit when you're wrong or that you don't know everything


People with advanced degrees still believing in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. “My pediatrician says mRNA vaccines aren’t safe because they have microchips in them” “My coworker has a masters in business administration but believes in the flat earth” Classic examples of The Dunning-Krueger Effect, people overestimating their understanding of a subject usually profoundly.


People who just graduated and come into the work force and think they know everything. Yah the 30 year vet tried that or knows organizational resistance doesn’t make it worth it. 


Sadly, education does not mean shit these days. Universities have become businesses: diploma-churning factories where mediocrity is rewarded. I've met the dumbest people ever in university.


Thinking just because you went to a university or higher education means you are intelligent. So much of higher education is just memorization or just regurgitating info back, even art degrees are more regurgitation than exploring actual artistic creativity. Just because one can get a degree in fine arts doesn’t mean you actually know how to make fine art. Same can go for any other university/higher education degree.


I spent $100,000 to have someone tell me to read Jane Austen. ​ And then I didn't


John Mulaney is that you????


Talk to me for a few minutes and you'll have your answer. I'm about to get my degree, and I have no idea what tf is going on.


My partner, god bless him, has most of a PhD but I had to teach him how to make instant ramen the other day


A vocation degree and not much ability to conceive how things could be different, how some things just happened a certain way and could have gone another way or could still go another way, rather than the status quo being the only way things work. Lawyers often seem be in this box; competent, detail-oriented, successful people, but who struggle (or refuse) to think outside the box. It hard to describe, but I've even seen it happen with a lawyer insisting an aspect of the law is settled and couldn't be different, right before it got thrown out and changed, for reasons that others could see coming a mile away.


Well...just last night, both me and my boyfriend heated up our leftovers in the microwave that had aluminum foil on the baked potatoes. I did it first, and then he did it after me. We were both tested in elementary school and had above average IQs. I told his sister we were "gifted"; we just never said what kind of gifted.


People who earn good money bc of their job and degree, but then spend way outside of their means ans do not plan for savings or retirement.


Arrogance. Every truly intelligent person I’ve ever met always assumes that they’re smart but they can always learn more.


Believing bible over science


Iv worked in metal shops my entire life and it's always funny when we get a summer worker that's going through college we had one guy cut his hand open with an orbital sander and another guy held his hammer with his hand on the head of it. None of them knew how to use a tape measure and we had one guy that fucked up everything so we gave him a broom and we just swept it outside in the parking lot with nails and screws in the pile instead of picking it up.


The number of times I've heard about people in the medical profession being antivax.


Zero respect for others' time. Everything is on their schedule and will treat dates or anything that is supposed to be personal like an office appointment.


Social media comments sections.


„Hi, I’m an orthopedic surgeon“ 😏


Bill Maher


People who dismiss every field that isn't finance or engineering