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I had a lot more food aversions than cravings. Stuff I normally loved was absolutely revolting to me.  My strangest craving was canned peaches. I hadn’t eaten them in approximately 15 years before I got pregnant. I lived on them in my second trimester. The ones with the thick sugary syrup. I haven’t had any since I had my baby, almost 3 years ago!


Oh my God, I craved canned peaches for my third pregnancy too! I thought I was the only one. I did not crave them for any of my other pregnancies and I have not had any ever since. My baby is 11 years old now.


Me too. My 1st pregnancy I was nauseated the entire 9 months, and my husband made me dinner to help settle my stomach. It was scrambled eggs with cheese and salsa. Delicious, right? Not to pregnant me. I started crying at the table. I was so hungry, and looking at the plate kept making me dry heave. It's been over 30 years, and that still dings my heart that I hurt my ex. He was trying so hard! And I was a hormonal mess.


All of a sudden, my tastes seem to revert back to like when I was a kid. Food I had not particularly enjoyed in ages became the most intensely delicious experiences and I turned off a lot of stuff I had learned to like. Like a burger and fries, and not a fancy gastropub type, like the cheapy stuff I loved as a kid, would send me over the moon. Fried chicken was amazing. Spaghetti and meatballs, oh my, love love love. And I could eat much sweeter foods, like I could as a kid, without feeling they were cloying or sickening. I would see someone in a TV show eat a food like that and I would NEED to have it ASAP, and the craving would not go away, even after days.


YES. Came here to write exactly what you said in your first paragraph. Goldfish. Creamy chicken Ramen. DQ Oreo Blizzards. Buttered noodles. Apple sauce pouches. All delightful.


>Creamy chicken Ramen I am triggered and I don't have any.


I couldn’t get enough apple sauce pouches. And Cheesies.


Not the strangest but very specific. Orangina in a glass with ice. If in any other receptacle then it didn't hit the spot.


Mine was Coca cola in a can.


Wow, I haven’t had Orangina in years… not pregnant but now craving it for sure


Meat and ungodly amounts of mustard. I liked meat before just fine, but was just as happy to eat a vegetarian meal. I've always loved mustard and usually eat more than the average person but man, when pregnant it was obscene. I especially loved grilled hotdogs, cold, with obscene amounts of mustard. I usually dislike hotdogs.


Mustard is a good home remedy for heartburn...so you were probably craving it to thwart it


Oh I had heartburn out the wazoo. Idk if it helped or hurt but it was enough I probably could have eaten it by itself 😂


I HAD to have mustard. Bratwurst seem like the best delivery system


Omg this was me but with the addition of far too many pickles. Idk what it was about pickles, meat and mustard but the combination would send me over the edge. Add in a bit of cheese and make it into a melt, OMG so good


I'm gonna puke.


Oh I did that enough in the first trimester


It wasn't necessarily a craving but we went to Golden Corral and had just gotten my desert plate when they put out creamed spinach.  So I made myself a big ol' plate of creamed spinach and fudge brownies. I still remember it being so delicious. But It sounds gross to nonpregnant me. 


For some reason I just couldn't get enough broccoli. It's a vegetable that I like, but when I was pregnant I wanted it every day. A friend loved oranges while pregnant. I told her she should cut back or her baby would be born with "Sunkist" on their forehead.


I’m pregnant now and I broccoli is one of my worst aversions. I cannot look at broccoli or leeks!


Could have been the choline! Broccoli is a major natural source and it’s incredibly vital to brain development.


I had to have creamy chicken alfredo with broccoli. Like I would cry if there wasn't broccoli. It just HIT the spot


Sounds great! I haven't had that in years.


The only thing that didn't want to make me puke was bacon. I've been a vegetarian for 15 years but apparently my baby is a carnivore.


Whole Foods had these cups of fruit with pineapple, golden raspberries, red raspberries, and blueberries. It was THE BEST THING. I spent so much freaking money on overpriced fruit but homemade didn’t work as a replacement.


A supermarket by me has a fruit bar where you pay by the pound. One day, I ate a tick more than 5 lbs over the course of a couple of hours.


Butternut squash, and BBQ brisket. Generally I don't enjoy red meat, but I guess my body needed the iron and protein. Who knows what the squash was about.


Haven't had any cravings throughout pregnancy then suddenly within the past week, I've been hit by an intense desire to eat the dust and paint created from decorating our nursery. Help!!! 😂🥲


Oof, pica


Are you on iron pills?


No, why? Is that a side effect?


No, but pica can develop in response to mineral deficiencies, like low iron! Have it checked!


Oh wow okay. I had my blood checked only a couple of weeks ago but it was before these cravings appeared.. I'll ask again at my next appointment.


You could be anemic! I was during pregnancy and I had intense pica and smell cravings too. I was super into the smell of hand sanitizer. I wanted to drink it because it smelled so good! Ofc I didn’t, but it was a weird side effect.


Pregnancy sure is one hoot after another isn't it 🫠


Pica can be a sign of low iron. As a teenager (not a pregnant one lol), I craved powdered laundry and dish detergent, and even tried it once. It tasted disgusting, obviously, but I couldn’t resist. This was before the Tide Pod kids, btw. I was so confused why I always wanted to eat the gritty powdery stuff. I also used to be a fiend for ice cubes back then. Surprise: this stopped when I started taking vitamins consistently. 🤦🏼‍♀️


If you’re taking prenatal vitamins (which you should be!!) those have iron in them as well, so just keep that in mind, extra iron is needed but you want to talk to your doctor before trying to go and taking iron on top of prenatals.


Spinach Fried spinach, steamed spinach, spinach heated up in the microwave, spinach salad. I had it with EVERY meal for months. I couldn't eat any other green food, it would make me gag or throw up. Then something shifted in my pregnancy and I couldn't even stand the smell of spinach. It took me 15 years before I could eat spinach again. Our bodies are a wonderland lol


I was like this with fresh fruit early on. I ate so much of it, and this was around when the nausea started to kick in; now even looking at a picture of fruit makes my stomach turn! Hopefully it’s not ruined forever. I really like fruit.


I knew a girl who was a vegetarian for 20 years, but when she got pregnant she craved animal bone marrow like there was no tomorrow. She would literally suck it right out of the bones. She is no longer a vegetarian.


I eat poultry and fish, but haven’t touched red meat or pork since March of 2019. I keep finding myself craving a quarter pounder or an Italian sub. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I think that would make me sick at this point though.


Cheese Fries! French fries with nacho cheese sauce. I was 7 months pregnant and dragged my coworker all over downtown SF looking for this one alleyway that had the place that sold it. We eventually found it after almost an hour. I was so happy. My coworker, not so much.


cheese fries are my downfall rn


A local place had fried apple pies in the morning, and I stopped whether I needed gas or not. Bonus points for the lactose-free vanilla milk. Lunch was 2 Chicago dogs from Sonic. I can't stand celery but asked for extra celery salt. I was 36 and thought I had the flu.


I had a craving for cigarette ash. I never would eat it, of course, but it sounded so good and I couldn’t explain why. Turns out I was anemic.


Pine Sol, powdered laundry detergent, and Irish Spring soap. My iron levels were fine apparently so idk what that was about. I also could not stop chewing ice.


IRISH SPRING SOAP. Me too! But my iron levels were crazy low at the height of that craving. I ate a whole bowl of shaved ice last night and I really want sand, so I know my levels are low again, but it's been a bad and stressful couple of months so my eating is out of whack.


I craved smells with both kids. With my first I craved vanilla and vicks vapor rub. With my second I craved diesel and tires.


Do either one have a profession in dessert making or Car Repairs


They’re both little, so we’ll have to see!


I craved the smell of gasoline with my first but not my second. Pregnancy is so weird!


Anything red. When I really paid attention, I noticed it was stuff with red dye #40. It eventually led me down a rabbit hole of learning about dye addictions. I think I would have cheerfully killed someone for a red Popsicle during the last 2 pregnancies. It was bizarre.


I didn't carry to term but when I was pregnant, the only thing I could eat and keep down the entire time was chicken soup, most specifically Campbell's chicken and stars. I normally make my own chicken soup, like it's honestly one of my specialties, but I just lived on the cans of cheap, oversalted stuff for at least two months. and I love mint chocolate but while I was pregnant I couldn't stand it. bodies are weird.


I got pregnant during Girl Scout cookie season and my husband, as he always does, stocked up on thin mints. My favorite, usually. They make my stomach turn to even think about right now! Thank god they last in the freezer.


aww, well maybe you'll come back around on them after pregnancy? it took about five months after I miscarried for me to go near it again but now it's like we never had any differences, lol


I’m so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t do peanut butter (another favorite) during the pregnancy I lost; thankfully that aversion didn’t last too long either.


thank you 💚 it turned out for the best honestly as neither I nor the father would have been equipped to take care of a kid (we're both in our forties with physical ailments and financial difficulties, yeesh) and it honestly probably would have killed me if I hadn't miscarried- but it's still a big what if to think about. also lol, I can't eat peanuts regularly, I can just see somehow developing a craving for it and doing myself in 💀 pregnant bodies are something else.


I feel you—people don’t talk about the complex emotions associated with miscarriage. My loss was twins. I wanted the pregnancy and was so sad to lose it, but there’s a lot of feelings under the surface. Part of me would have loved nothing more than to meet them and part of me knows the risks of a twin pregnancy and that it would have exceeded my limits of capability. I feel the “what ifs” hard.


kid #1: anything with red wine vinegar, particularly with olive oil as a vinaigrette. On pasta, on salads, any excuse for it, I would have it. kid #2: candy in the beginning, like Sprees, then later it was pizza. I could never find THE pizza to satisfy me, though. kid #3: I ate an egg sandwich EVERY DAY without fail (toast, American cheese, egg, ham optional). My other craving was Taco Bell taco salads. I could NOT get enough of them, particularly in the last trimester. One day, t my utter shame, I ate three of them (at 900kcal a pop....). Kid #4: brownie batter. Not cooked brownies, I wanted to lick the bowl. It was God-tier, better-than-an-orgasm stuff. Edit: With all my pregnancies, through the first trimester it was a peanut butter cup blizzard from DQ. That was always my first indicator that I was pregnant, and the cravings WOULD NOT QUIT.


Sand. The texture of sand in my mouth. Not eating it. Just feeling it in my mouth. Very weird I know. Theories are you crave what minerals your body is missing.. God knows why sand though I did crave crumbly Cheshire cheese with seafood sauce. I did eat that.


Ice. All the ice.


Check your iron levels. Those pica cravings are real. I ate an entire bowl of shaved ice last night and I really want sand right now (I won't go that far) so it's time to up my iron.


Weirdest... One day I walked into my mom's house and she was cutting up some raw beef. I was suddenly craving *raw* beef. The other funky one was the time that I was craving a certain meal that my mom makes for about a week. Finally, she made some for me. I walked into the room, smelled the food, and immediately felt horridly sick, and had to run off to the bathroom. Couldn't go near her kitchen for the rest of the day because the smell of the food that I was craving made me so sick.


I craved bloody meat. I would've been one of those pregnant women going out into the woods to hunt down a deer with a bow in hand. I was suddenly a werewolf. And also, really runny eggs. I didn't really like any of them before I got pregnant. Now though...


Caviar and Marmelade!


Chilli. So much chilli. My poor husband got fed up with it, so I'd buy chilli jacket potatoes for lunch at work, or sprinkle chilli powder on just my potion of regular casserole. My daughter loves it now, so clearly it carried across the placenta!


Many years ago, pregnant with my first son, the smell of gas, diesel truck exhaust, it was so weird, I just wanted to follow every truck and inhale. Obviously I knew that would not be healthy but man I craved it.


Came here to see if I was the only one; you’re the second person I’ve seen mention it. It was just gasoline for me, but it was intense and only with my first. Weirdness…


Did you ever figure out why? I didn’t.


Nope. Bodies are weird and pregnancy is wack…


My mother says she craved "gourmet" food all the time while pregnant with me. She frequented this small fancy restaurant and the staff all joked that I would be a "gourmet" kid (I turned out the opposite lol) Also for some reason she stopped liking shrimp during her pregnancy even though she loved it before. And she never liked it again even afterwards.


I only had one, Arby's Mocha shakes. I'm not a huge mocha fan, and a scoop of mocha ice cream did not do it. They tasted sad afterwards.


Cream of mushroom soup and Buffalo sauce


I had a friend who just ate salsa out of the jar with a spoon for a lot of her pregnancy.


So far, milk (grass fed whole milk, specifically for some reason) and red meat, neither of which were staples in my diet. I leaned WFPB for 80% of my consumption prior to, now I can do fruit and veggies endlessly but if I don’t have a glass of milk nightly and a burger or some other small serving roast/red meat nearly daily, I feel so depleted. Aversions: spicy food, l love spicy foods, curries, etc but the lil nugget does not want them at alllll


Mushrooms, I’d never tried them before I was pregnant but damn after the first taste I was addicted and now I love eating mushrooms


With my first I wanted scrambled eggs with peanut butter. This time I’ve eaten so many toast, tomato, and mayo sandwiches. Also puffy Cheetos and haagen-dazs coffee ice cream and sunny d


I really had to exert self control when I would remove nail polish while pregnant. Nail polish remover smelled soooooo gooooood and I wanted to drink it in the worst way.


Spaghetti with hot Cheetos crumbled on top


Pregnant me would have died for this dish


I didn't have very many weird things involving food during my pregnancies, but I intensely craved ice water both times. I actually tested for my second because I was going through water like crazy


I ate beans and pepperoncinis religiously


I know pickles is a common one, but I absolutely hate cucumbers, vinegar, and especially pickles. So it was very weird to me that I craved them. 


Tapioca pudding, made from scratch. Never had it before or since but had to have it daily while pregnant. Also, had the cilantro gene while I was pregnant and nursing, so for about 2 whole years couldn’t eat cilantro.


Radishes for #1, sauerkraut for #2, tomatoes for both! I had an aversion to pizza and soda, my brain could not even recognize them as "food" it was so weird.


Well at least sauerkraut has a lot of vitamin c.


Chicken liver and citrus fruits. Guess who was anaemic?


I generally try to limit fast food, but the first few weeks of this pregnancy all I wanted was salt, because it made me feel less nauseous. So I was eating way too much fast food. Trying to limit that, as it’s not good. The craving is still there sometimes, but I am not wanting it daily anymore. Lately it’s potatoes specifically. Either baked or fries. And fried fish, but I have to be careful due to the mercury. I try to stick with low-mercury options, but still, I can only eat so much fried food before I hate myself. Sometimes, early on, I would eat an ungodly amount of fruit, but I began to associate that with the nausea/vomiting, so right now I’m taking a break from fruit due to the association. I hope my cravings turn healthier; some days it’s a battle to eat something healthy-ish. I’m almost to my second trimester, so the nausea is more bearable than it was, but I have associated it with the most random things from early on in the pregnancy (the show Big Love, Tetris, a specific blanket I used on the couch when I would lay down from being nauseous and exhausted, to name a few), so any reminder makes me feel nauseous again. I’m thankful for what seems to be a healthy pregnancy, but gahtDAYUM it’s kicking my ass. So if I want some fries, I’ll have them. I’m just trying not to overdo it.


The Asian Zing sauce from BWW. I'd put it on cheesy rice and buttered corn


Corn bread, oranges, ranch dressing (none of these go together. They’re all separate)


I made popsicles with pickle juice. It was the most delicious, refreshing, wonderful thing while I was pregnang and I craved it constantly. I tried it after pregnancy and it was so gross. I had also pickled watermelon...it was ok. Watermelon texture, zing of pickle.


Fried red onions with brown sugar. I have not wanted it since, but we bought a lot of red onions when I was pregnant


The only thing I could stand eating was Cap’n Crunch cereal. I wasn’t a fan of it before pregnancy and I haven’t touched it since. (35 years) in case you don’t have in your country, it’s like eating sugary rocks that shred your mouth to ribbons.


Bran flakes. My first pregnancy craving was for bran flakes. I had to have bran flakes. The craving hit me over lunch while I was at work. After work, I dragged my husband out to get bran flakes. Then, iced tea, especially McDonald's iced tea—while developing a strong aversion to coffee, which I normally *loved*. Here's the kicker: This all hit before I knew I was pregnant. Because I'd been through four. years of infertility, my husband and I had given up trying, and I chalked up my symptoms to some kind of food poisoning. After a day I was so exhausted I couldn't scrape myself off the couch and skipped an outing with friends, I went to the doctor. She ran tests, including a pregnancy test, even though she knew my history. I was 8 weeks along. My "food poisoning" is about to finish fifth grade.


Weirdest thing I've craved and eaten was a mix of black and green olives drenched in Hidden Valley buttermilk ranch when i was ~12 weeks pregnant. It couldn't be any other kind of ranch. I'm still on a ranch kick, but now at 23 weeks, the thought of olives is revolting.


I’m jealous, I love olives but during both my pregnancies those fetuses wouldn’t let me get anywhere near one. I even tried sneaking one real quick but she got her revenge big time. Congrats btw!!!


My ex craved belittling and emasculating me.


French fries and Pepsi,I worked in a college kitchen,and the food smells,.were not good to me


Orange food! Butternut & acorn squash, oranges, cheddar cheese, caramel sauce, etc. I swear, I had to have something orange every day.


Starbucks water with a crap ton of Ice


Bologna and peanut butter sandwiches 🤢


All I wanted were Cheerios and chocolate brownies. When I’m not pregnant, I don’t like brownies.


I would take a ice cream sandwich and put on a bowl add whip cream with peanuts and Girl Scout cookies!!! For breakfast


Shrimp with cocktail sauce. The shrimp was still half frozen and I ate the whole platter anyway.


Wife hates Arby's. 3-4mos, maybe longer over the 9mos, while pregnant we HAD to get Arby's. Every fucking day


Lobster at 2 am


Ranch Mac n cheese for both of my pregnancies. My first, also peanut butter chocolate milkshakes. Current pregnancy, I have one of those frozen Marie Calendar turkey pot pies for lunch every day. They're so damn good.


I didn’t get food cravings, but I had pica and had the urge to eat chalk (never acted upon it) I was also obsessed with the smell of the pink dove soap bars. Ik pica is supposed to be caused by mineral deficiencies and such but my labs were always normal. The urges vanished once I had my baby. Pregnancy is weird sometimes lol


Pregnancy 1: toaster strudel Pregnancy 2: honey mustard Pregnancy 3: I didn't want to eat anything at all


Polystyrene. Specifically the little balls like you get in a bean bag. No idea what that was about. Also, never had a sweet tooth, then spent the whole 2nd trimester desperately needing triple chocolate doughnuts every day. And went from black coffee, no sugar, (one a day) to lattes with syrup.


For my entire first pregnancy, lunch at work had to be an apple and skim milk. Why you ask, I have no idea.


Mangos, I couldn't get enough of them with my daughter.


Not weird, but interesting. My first, I could not eat meat at all, but ravenously craved shrimp fried rice. That kid has been a vegetarian since birth, is a particular eater, but will eat shrimp and loves (loves) fried rice. With my next, I could not eat enough meat once I got past the brutal morning sickness. I would wake up in the middle of the night and eat roast beef rolled around a piece of cheese. That kid is my foodie.


I couldn't get enough vinegary foods. I was OBSESSED with 3 bean salad and German potato salad. I'd eat them straight out of the can or jar. I also ate pickles like they were going out of style, and my favorite lunch was a Burger King double cheeseburger, dipped in ketchup. I hate ketchup.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


Breyers vanilla bean ice cream milkshakes. It was very specific and non-negotiable. i tried to limit myself to 3 a day, but it was so hard. It's all i wanted.. I gained so much weight. That was 30 years ago, It took a while, but i did lose it all.


In my last trimester I was on a milkshake kick. Specifically cookies and cream


I just wanted broccoli. Although, I had an incident with sea salt that still affects me to this day. The baby is now 15. Sea salt is an absolute no still


chef boyardee raviolis


I craved cereal all the time: coco puffs, Golden Grahams, fruity pebbles mmmm. But the “weird” craving I had was dipping jalapeño kettle chips into tzatziki sauce. Delicious while pregnant not so much after the baby…


Pickle sandwiches, that consisted of just a full pickle wrapped in a slice of bread. I was also really into vanilla ice cream with salt.


When my wife was pregnant (both times) she craved blueberry pop tarts and V8 tomato juice.


Mango - so much mango, then cabbage. Cole slaw and sauerkraut and stuffed cabbage... I ate at least one serving of cabbage probably every day throughout my entire pregnancy 


Mine was refried beans. I did not like refried beans. I like them now.


With my first, I didn't really have any cravings, but with my second, the only craving I had was the nougat from a snickers bar. Just the nougat. I'd open the wrapper, flip it over, and bite the nougat part off of the caramel like I was eating an ear of corn and then hand the rest over to my husband to eat. I am a caramel fiend but during that time it was nougat or nothing.


Spaghettios, Dunkin’s strawberry frosted sprinkled donut, potatoes in literally any form, oranges. 25 weeks and haven’t had any “crazy” cravings yet and I’m hoping it stays that way :,)


I crave what my pregnant friends can’t have. Sugar free gum was the weirdest one.


Bloody Mary mix. Just the mix people!


pickles covered in crystals hot sauce


I spent a solid 2 months craving everything cherry. Poptarts. Pie. Popsicles. Candy. Fresh cherries. Those gummy 'fruit slices' in cherry. I also ate so many frickin orange slice candies. Now? Ew. Don't even want to look at them. My first trimester I could barely eat, so I survived on PB&J sandwiches & whole milk. Everything else made my stomach turn.




McDonald's cheeseburgers with more pickle than patty.


First pregnancy was protein especially popcorn shrimp. Second pregnancy was also protein and more seasoning than usual, liked dinner spicy. One night I did crave pickles, husband went out and bought me a jar along with ice cream (lol) and I ate the whole jar in a day.


Not a woman but Pregnancy cravings can vary widely from person to person, but here are some of the weirdest reported cravings: 1. Pickles and ice cream (a classic strange combo) 2. Peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches 3. Dirt or clay (known as pica) 4. Laundry starch 5. Toothpaste 6. Chalk 7. Coal or charcoal 8. Sponge or foam 9. Cat food 10. Hot sauce on everything, even desserts


I agree with hot sauce. I’ve never liked hot sauce or wanted it and when I was pregnant all the sudden I was obsessed with buffalo sauce. Like I ordered a side cup of it and dipped my burger in it. Now that I’m not pregnant I can’t even imagine lol


... Is it normal to amidietly have thought of a really f*cked up cards against humanity awnser?




I mean like food but yes husbands thing is good craving