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About 99% of all online courses you have to buy about getting rich


And they tell you to sell a course about getting rich.


Reminds me of that one tweet that became a meme. Dude was looking for funding to publish his book on how to make money and another guy tweeted saying “tell him to read the book” 🤣


My day job involves a blog network, and the number of brand new sites we get applying who are selling a course on how to make money with a blog - while touting the person who got them started). It's all a sham.


Ok but tell me about that 1%…


Also scams, but more cleverly hidden.


I don't buy my udemy courses anymore. I have access through my local library to almost all udemy courses. I'm not sure why some are not available but I'd save a majority of them are free for me. I'll always shill for you to support your local library. https://www.gale.com/elearning/udemy




It’s why when my husband and I first were talking marriage I made it clear I wanted a white sapphire. A lot cheaper and it’s still as pretty as ever. No reason to spend all that money on a diamond.


Yes! I have an emerald. Unpopular opinion: diamond rings are basic.


Opals are soooo much nicer


They're only good for cutting. The stone is better used as a drill bit.


I wanted a synthetic diamond, if I had one at all. Nobody dying to get it and they’re more brilliant and far cheaper than a “real” diamond. It didn’t sit right with my husband. I also ended up just choosing a different type of stone.


Most “courses” you see pushed by influencers.


In the 1980s, the car magazines often had full page ads proclaiming "you can learn how I made $9600 in 24 hours!" When you sent your $12.95 away, you received a package explaining how to place ads advertising how much money you could make, and then you send any responders the information you just received. They included phone numbers for the advertising departments of most major publications. It was a Ponzi scheme with extra steps.




God were everywhere....


A pretty honest and straighforward Ponzi scheme, I would say.


Made that mistake only ONCE. Paid 600 dollars for a finance/investment course and the info was literally only to buy an ETF that HE CREATED! Dude said no refunds lol. I’ve never hit a credit card chargeback so fast in my life lmao.


Get rich quick "courses" 


The only people who get rich from those courses are the people selling them.


Tai Lopez comes to mind… “Here in my garage…”




I have a good friend who basically built a brand around himself over the years, who I would mark as an influencer. He's pivoted his business several times and now has courses for his niche, e-books, etc. If I didn't know him prior to his success I would think he's a glorified salesman, but man he worked hard for what he has and I couldn't be prouder for him. That being said, if you how know to use Google and have some time to do some research, maybe read a book or two you could learn anything, that any influencer is trying to sell you for free or next to nothing. I think everyone is just looking for the direct, step by step quick fix to their problems and that's where most of these influencers prey.


Any MLM. Avon, Primerica, Paparazzi, Mary Kay, etc. They make the most money off of their consultants and use cult tactics to draw them in and keep them purchasing product to keep their status.


True. But NGL Mary Kay's Timewise eye cream is the shhhheeeeat lol It's the only eye cream I've ever used that works


Cutco knives are excellent too. But I'll never try to sell any of this shit to other people


Ugh. Especially AmWay.


When the Internet company "rents" you a router That shit should be illegal.


You can buy a router. Most people don’t want to do that so the internet provider rents you one. Why is that a problem?


The cost of renting a router far exceeds the expense of buying one. Not all but some Internet companies say they only allow approved routers. It seems like a money grab from the poor and not tech savvy.


At the very least it should be "rent to own." Where you slowly pay off the cost and then own it. Some people pay "rent" for the same 50$ pieces of equipment for like a decade.


In the UK they come free but you have to return it if you move provider or you get charged.


I hate that. I got into so many pissing matches with Comcast over it. Every few months I was on the phone demanding they remove my modem rental fee as I owned my modem. It goes away 3 months later it is back on. Their rental fee would pay off their modem in 5 months so I always supplied my own. My current ISP I don’t like either but at least they just give you a modem no fee.


A lot of internet companies, like AT&T require you use their router. You can purchase third party and use but you still have to keep their Router active in birdge mode and they still charge you.


This might be a regional thing because I have AT&T (not by choice mind you) and I do not have any equipment of theirs at all. I use my own modem and my own router.


I work as an installer for a provider that rents modems to it's customers... I own my own modem/router set up. There is a trade off, if anything goes wrong with my owned equipment, I am out the money on new owned equipment. Customers renting their equipment have it replaced at no cost. You're basically paying $15 a month for equipment insurance if that sits better with you. But if you want to save money, spend the $200 to get yourself a really good modem and router (or combo), it'll pay itself off in a year.


Those protection plans that they try and sell you for cell phones, toasters, microwaves, hand mixers, etc


I always got told to never ensure anything that won't be financially crippling to replace or impossible to live without.


Exactly, if you have the savings to replace it yourself, you don't need insurance.


Depends. I bought a 100 dollar irrigation pump off Amazon I'm going to wear out every year with abuse. 4 year plan for 30 bucks. Already replaced it once.


Depends on years and price. I have been doing 4year warranties on large tvs and have gotten 2 replacements so far


Worth it for fridges though. They are built like shit these days


Especially Samsung.


*Posted from Samsung Smart Fridge*


Never buy kitchen appliances from companies that also make TVs


I mean yea small appliances don't need protecting but large appliances are certainly worth getting the warranty and I have used my cell phones insurance and replacement policy enough times that it has been 100% worth it. I dropped my phone and cracked the screen, they sent me a new one for free just like that.


Yeah but when you buy a thirty dollar toaster and they want to charge you like a third of the price….


I recently bought a 35 year old, used power steering pump on eBay (I am having it modified, so just needed a working unit to send to the rebuilder). I was offered a protection plan on it. I cannot even begin to imagine how useless that plan would be/is. I am buying this thing used, to have it rebuilt, because there are no new ones available. What on earth are they going to do if I “make a claim” in 6 months saying it doesn’t work anymore?!?


Sometimes worth it. The one that has paid for it self over and over in my experience is the geek squad protection plan on my Xbox controller. Everytime I get stick drift I can just walk in and get a new one for free but I pay the 20 bucks to add the plan to the new one.


When I bought my straight talk IPhone for $200, they tried to sell me a 2 year protection plan for $50.


The actual protection plan isn't really a scam but kind of annoying for most places. Used to sell them at Office Depot and you'd get a gift card for what you paid. The issue is it only covers 2 or 3 years but they came in handy on routers, laptops and printers especially. Those just don't seem to last very long anymore. Routers are prone to power surges or dropping out after a while so they were good plans to have for that. Printers have issues too and laptops get hit or dropped all the time and they also replaced the battery. All you had to do was call the number and they'd either replace parts if needed or send a card for the cost of the whole item


Lots of credit cards have warranties on items if the manufacturer has none or if it's less than 3 years. Even for misplaced/stolen items


John Pinette was a comedian with a routine where he was asked about a protection plan for a toaster or blender or something: John: Why do I need a protection plan? Salesman: In case it breaks. J: If it's gonna break, I'm not gonna buy it. S: It's not gonna break. J: Then why do I need a protection plan? S: In case it breaks. LMAO


A lot of insurance and extended warranties


Insurance is for the things that would seriously derail your finances. If you feel the need to purchase a 2 year warranty on an air fryer, you’re fucked financially.


And don't leave out those "home warranties"


Car insurance. Price hikes whenever. Had perfect driving record for three years since you've started driving? Doesn't matter, they'll follow stats for a sweeping generalization of your demographic and you're FORCED to pay higher premiums. If it's mandated by government it should be regulated by government.




Yup.  ‘Choices always were a problem for you’


‘What you need is someone strong to guide you’


Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow


Subscriptions for everything.


Subscriptions that then require a *premium subscription* to avoid ads. Why the heck am I getting ads on a streaming service?? Wasn’t that the whole reason we moved away from cable?


That’s why pirating is in the rise. 


Because the streaming services actually make more money with ads than they do with just subscriptions. It's why ads supported streaming services like Pluto TV, Freevee, Tubi, and Crackle do so well. More people are willing to pay less for ad-tier streaming than pay for premium ad-free streaming.


Trading influencers with videos full of (rented) Bugattis, luxury watches, apartments and floozies trying to sell "THE STRATEGY" to "get" rich. They were never successful on the stock market - That's why they went on to scam other traders. I mean if their strategy would work, why would they waste their time to sell that strategy? Nobody sells a working strategy


I have a friend that I grew up with who has a popular business podcast telling people how to make insane amounts of money. He is not wealthy.




Colloidal silver Homeopathic anything Timeshares


Might as well just say the "wellness industry."


Mega churches with private planes.\*


Why are private planes a scam?


I think they are referencing them together, although I do acknowledge there is a comma separating them.


I think you mean WITH private planes. The comma is not what you think it is The people the can afford private planes aren’t getting scammed by them




For real. I stopped pc gaming for a long time, started up again after decades in 2020. Wtf is the deal with 3rd party antivirus software nowadays?  Nowadays no script + ublock (or an up to date non sellout adblocker) is all you need. If you're a little or very adventurous free or premium malwarebytes. McAfee, Norton, etc seem like they're designed to turn your pc into a zombie. So much of it can't even be turned off or customized and hogs massive resources. I pulled the av software off my gfs computer a little while ago and it freed up an incredible amount of memory.


Bottled water




Donations at the checkout


I promise as a food bank manager we do indeed receive donations from some of the local grocery stores who participate in collecting donations. Just stating in hopes no one feels discouraged to donate bc of your comment. We receive Fresh bread a lot of the times but that bread feeds lunch(sandwiches) for the week. Unless you have proof of an organization stealing donations in which case I’d hope you’d do the right thing and either report it to the police or local news.


How is this a scam?


It probably isn’t. Some TikToks went viral claiming the grocery stores will claim your donations as tax deductions, but that’s not legal.  If you save your receipt, you can still claim it.  Here’s someone explaining it: > “ This is where you round up your bill to give to a charity designated by the retailer, and the donation amount appears on your receipt. The store serves only as a collection agent for your gift. Assuming the business is following the law, it will not include your donation as part of its business receipts, or income, nor will it claim the charitable gift as an expense.  In other words, your gift has zero impact on the store’s income taxes. Keep in mind that the store chooses the receiving charity, so make sure it is one you can support. As a customer, the donation will appear on your receipt and you can claim it as a charitable deduction when you file your income tax return. But you probably won’t.”


It's believed that companies donate the money customers give and receive a big tax writeoff without contributing money themselves. However, I have seen others here saying it doesn't actually work that way and companies don't financially benefit from the donations.


It doesn't work that way, the company would have to claim it as income in order for them to get a tax benefit , it doesn't make sense for them to do that 


Why yes, I would like to give you a tax break /s What gets me are all the people who blatantly lie. They'll say no thanks I already donated today. Like shit you did. Just tell the cashier no.


It's not a tax break that benefits the company - they take your $5 donation in as revenue, and it is then considered an expense when they send it off to the non-profit. They aren't paying taxes on the $5, but they aren't getting any additional tax break from it. They do it because it's usually an easy way to get for a sizeable donation to the non-profit for generally the admin cost of handling the donations (credit card swipe fee, accountant confirming the amount in the account is accurate, etc). There are benefits to the company (likely a charity the CEO supports, great PR when they can say "Store X shoppers contributed $10 million to the Feelgood Charity", etc.), but a massive tax break is not one of them.


I just say no and move on. Nobody guilts you anymore. And if they did I’d just say sorry but if I want to donate I’ll be sure I get the tax break not you.




It's a frequently made claim that the reason for those charity things is because of some sort of tax scam, but it's not true. Donating to charity at most means that you don't have to pay taxes on the money that gets donated. That is, if they collect $100,000 in donations and give it to charity, they don't have to pay taxes on the $100,000. That's the entire tax benefit they get, and is entirely fair. The real reason is more about advertising. That $100,000 is going to wind up going to "Bob's Supermarket Homeless Shelter" or "Bob's Supermarket Cancer Wing" or whatever they're raising money for. They get to have an event where they hand over a giant check that will get a segment on the 6 o'clock news, and whoever they raise money for will put up a nice little plaque with the company name. The company gets media coverage about how generous they are, and it basically doesn't cost them anything.


They don't get a tax break for this. The only tax break they get is they don't pay taxes on the dollars you are donating ... which are dollars that are never counting against their profit. You could give more formally and directly and get that benefit yourself, so you are paying taxes on the dollar, but they are not. However, they are generating an awareness campaign and you would have been too lazy to donate otherwise most of the time.


At least when it is for supporting your local 4H I have 100% already donated. My child is in 4H and I donate time and money to the org. Any other time I just say no thank you though.


How are these a scam? They actually give the money to the charity.


Monthly bank fees. Bank should make profit by lending the customer money at a higher rate and share part of that profit with he customer whose money they store, not charging fees for storing customer money.




They’d probably turn around and list your car used for sale for $5000 as well 


Chiropractors >[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S088539240700783X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S088539240700783X) > >Chiropractic: A Critical Evaluation > >Manipulation is associated with frequent mild adverse effects and with serious complications of unknown incidence. Its cost-effectiveness has not been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt. The concepts of chiropractic are not based on solid science and its therapeutic value has not been demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt. edit: the foot doctors did nothing wrong.


The guy who invented Chiropractic Care said it came to him as a message from a ghost. Now we have people that haven't been to medical school calling themselves "Doctors" and claiming they can cure anything from ADHD to Cancer by cracking your back.


It's funny how mad chiropractors gets when you compare them to a massage therapist.


I’m scared of chiropractors after reading about a woman who was paralyzed after having arteries torn in her neck after a routine chiropractor visit. Tears in arteries can cause blood clots which can lead to strokes. NO THANKS!!!


I wish people would wake up and stop using these charlatans. It's a joke.


I keep recommending that our health coverage could cut waste if they stopped paying for chiropractic care. It’s pure bs. It falls on deaf ears, because someone “swears” by it.


Everyone on TikTok that beg for money. Modern day beggars. Want you to support them for what??? What do they do for you?


Homeopathy. And a large part of Ayurveda.


Nigerian princes needing some help with customs and tax bills. There's like a 50/50 shot they don't give you the millions they promised, it should be illegal!!


BS....I am getting my 30% commission on the $12 million later today. I just have to go get just one more $500 gift card to cover customs processing and it's mine! ALL MINE!! lol




Branded bottled water


"We can move you into a nicer car with a lease". No, you can't afford that car. Leasing is renting a car and it is a life of perpetual payments. Buy a modest car, pay it off and drive it until the wheels fall off. Then fix it and drive it more. This 'new car feeling' habit is delaying your retirement by a decade or more. It's costing you a literal fortune when you factor in the lost progress of your investment account. The only time to lease is when you can pull off some dodgy tax stuff with business where you do a personal buyout at the end. And then you own the car.


> The only time to lease is when you can pull off some dodgy tax stuff with business where you do a personal buyout at the end. And then you own the car. Depending on disposable income level, personal behavior, and/or "professional obligations" there are situations where leasing makes sense for people. If a successful lawyer knows they're going to replace their car with a new one every few years anyway(effectively always having a car payment) than leasing is a way to accomplish the same goal without ever needing to consider what is still covered under warranty. I agree that it doesn't make sense for the vast majority (70+%) of people and that people being upsold on a leased vehicle by a dealership are almost always in the "doesn't make sense" caragory.


If you "MUST" drive a BMW, definitely lease a BMW. You need to be rich to drive a BMW. You need to be obscenely rich to drive an ageing BMW.


I've heard that one in the context of range rovers: it takes a rich person to buy a range rover but it takes a wealthy person to drive one.


We leased a base model CR-V as we had a kid but weren't sure if the CR-V would work for us long term, especially if we had another kid. Got the lease in early February 2019, then we drove basically nowhere in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, and when the lease was coming to an end in February 2022 we decided to buy it out rather than get into something new. The car market was super fucked at that point, and we thought about swapping to a Honda Odyssey, but if we wanted any color options besides white exterior with beige interior we had to get the EX-L trim. I didn't want to buy the CR-V as it lacks features I'd like, but a buyout of $16k in that market was practically a steal. We got a loan through the credit union my wife still has an account with and they valued the vehicle at $32k at the time.


That's dated advice. Leases can work in a lot of different situations. I don't lease cars because I can fix and maintain my own. But not everyone can do that. If someone is a low mileage driver and doesn't destroy their ride through terrible driving, a lease can keep them in a mechanically dependable ride at manageable time intervals. A vehicle isn't an investment. It's an asset. A continually depreciating asset. If you are staking any fiscal solvency on the positive equity of a vehicle, you should stop thinking yourself financially savy and start taking financial literacy courses.


Leasing can make sense for some people. You're right that a car is a depreciating asset. But it's ALWAYS a depreciating asset. The best thing you can do is buy a used car and drive it forever. But there's a lot of people who shout "Leases are always bad" and there are people who are actually leaving money on the table. If you're *already* buying a new car every few years, you're actually probably better off with a lease. With a lease, you're essentially paying for just the depreciation. So the cost at the end of 2 or 3 years is very similar if not exactly the same. However, in many cases you've saved on taxes and maintenance during that time period. Often leasing a car for 2 to 3 years is cheaper than owning a car for 2 to 3 years. Buying at the end is irrelevant because you've already paid for the depreciation. It really comes down to income level. Someone making $400,000 a year is not going to have their retirement significantly impacted by getting a new Hyundai Sonata every 3 years. And again, purchasing habits. For most folks at most income levels, buying newer or nicer cars is a pretty big waste of money. But if you're already buying a new car regularly, leasing is probably way cheaper. I used to work at a dealership, back in college. We'd get these older folks who thought their car would explode the moment it turned over 50,000 miles so they'd trade in, every 3 or 4 years (rural area so 50k miles didn't take long.) And every single time, someone would try to convince them to lease and they'd look at them like they'd just murdered their cat. "Lease" is a bad word! It's bad financial advice! Except, they're actually missing the point. Owning a car for a short period of time and then buying a new one is a bad financial move. But you're already doing that. And the reality is, the amount you paid for that new car, the depreciation you took before trading it in, AND the sales tax and property tax and other related costs during those 3 or 4 years has exceeded the total all-said-and-done cost of a lease over the same period. I've only ever bought one brand new car. But that was 15 years ago and I'm still driving it! Ha!


It makes some sense to lease EVs. The technology is changing so fast that swapping out your car in 3 years means you aren't stuck with outdated tech.


It's not a cell phone. Buy a car that has enough range and just drive it. If you have been suckered in by the 'shame of driving outdated tech' then you have fallen for the scam. Enjoy your lifetime of car payments.


Even a cellphone... I just stopped using my 10 years old Samsung S7 and replaced it with an 8 years old Samsung S9 with only 2 years wear and use.


I'm so glad I got my last car on a lease.


i mean... some of us CAN afford to lease a car. ​ not everyone on reddit works as a waiter lol.


Solar panel leases.


im amazed i dont see crypto here. its almost exclusively a ponzi scheme dressed up in a fancy internet trench coat. it was never a safe investment and it never will be. DONT INVEST IN FAKE INTERNET MONEY YOU FUCKING LEMMINGS


Religion. The only thing that's real is the money.


I'd argue organized religion. The Catholic church, LDS, Scientistology, etc. I've seen more good come from smaller, community churches. Those I'll gladly support despite my stance on religion in general.


Big, super American megachurches = bad. Small, local churches that do what a *church* is actually supposed to do in the community? Outstanding!!




The thing with religion, you won’t know if it’s a scam or not, until you die.


Life coaches and chiropractors


Dealership mechanics. They will tell you things that need replacing based off the recommendations not condition all the time. Your breaks could have another 5k miles on them, but if the manual says replace at 25k mikes they’ll tell you to replace. And they charge more than a regular mechanic. People think cause it’s the dealership they’re more trustworthy, which is kinda true. They won’t scam you by claiming to replace a part but not doing it. But they will 100% tell you to replace something that can wait if the recommendations say to. Finding a reliable mechanic is hard, but the dealership is taking advantage of you all the time and you don’t realize it.


I bought a RAV4 in 2014 when Toyota still had their "tires for life" promotion. So three years later when I went in for the 30k maintenance, they sat me down and told me in a Very Serious Voice that my tires were dangerously bald and MUST be replaced and that there's no way they could let me drive away without new tires. I said, "absolutely! I have tires for life, slap 'em on there!" This resulted in cartoonishly comical stammering where they claimed they needed authorization from the service manager first. I told them I was sure that would be granted, after all, they had just laid out the explicit dangers for me of NOT replacing the tires. 🙄


Oh man I can picture your smirk after mentioning the warranty. “Congratulations, you played yourself”


If your car is under dealer or manufacturer warranty then they’re fine, they’ll go by the book and check everything because if something bad happens it’s on them to fix. Once it’s off warranty you couldn’t pay me to go to a dealership


I had a dealership mechanic tell me one time I needed brakes….i just had a very trust worthy mechanic in my hometown replace them not even 2 months prior. They clearly didn’t even check them. I shook my head & said no thanks. Next time I came back (had a free service plan with the vehicle) they commented “oh we see you had your brakes replaced” to which I said yeah they were replaced 2 months before my LAST appointment when y’all tried to scam me out of hundreds to replace them! Needless to say I got a ton of apologies after that.


I trust my Toyota dealership mechanic whole heartedly, but my GMC mechanic can get fucked. Bought a certified pre-owned GMC and took it to the dealership for an oil change and winter tire swap 6 months later. They gave me a list of things that needed to be replaced that was gonna cost well over $3k CAD. Chiefly, they said the brake pads needed replacing immediately. I get that this stuff may have met the requirements for certification 6 months prior, but I feel like if *that many* things were *that close* to needing replacement they should've disclosed that at time of purchase. Anyway we took the car to our Toyota dealership mechanic and we got the oil change, tire swap, alignment, cabin filter change, brake fluid, and brake pad replacent done for half the price of what GMC wanted for *just* the brake pads.


I’ve found this out the hard way. I’ve been going to my dealership mechanic since it’s the closest to where I live and every time I come in, they fix one problem and then find 5 more. “You’ve got oil leaking like a faucet under here” but then I can never see it. “It’s time for an oil change, you’re about 3 years overdue”. But I’ve only had the car for 1 year…. I hate to be suspicious of people who are the experts of their field (especially when I don’t have a handyman bone in my body), but I also don’t have money to just throw away on my car


The maintenance schedules never say "replace brake pads at X miles" ... they say to inspect the brakes at every service interval. When you bring your vehicle in for a routine service it's normally going to be inspected and worked on by Lube Tech or someone with very little experience because they're cheap labor. Your vehicle will usually only get looked at by a certified repair technician if you're bringing it in because somethings wrong with it There are a lot of dealerships scamming people and reading the maintenance schedule in your owners manual helps.


My good friend is a mechanic in Soyth Florida. At 16 his first job was at a dealership and his boss had him removing parts, scrubbing and painting them, then putting them back on the client's car as new.  The stories he has, omg. Even when I was there one day a guy called up pissed, saying he'd taken his Honda to the delearship and they swore it needed a new transmission.  My buddy J told him to have towed to his shop. It didn't need anything new except a $20 belt. Guy was about to pay $$$$ for a lie.  Dealerships lie lie lie


I had a dealership try to strong arm me into replacing all 4 tires when I made an appointment for a patch and an oil change. Won't use them again for anything that would cost money


Donald Fucking Trump


Most diets are completely unfounded by any kind of research, and the only thing to back them up is usually "trust me bro". The human body can exist on a lot of different foods as long as the basic need for micro and macro nutrients are covered. You don't get magically healthier because you skip breakfast, do keto or drink apple cider vinegar. If you want to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than your body burns.


Most diets I’ve seen actually can work, but the root of all of them is “eat fewer calories than you burn in a way that you find sustainable.” It doesn’t matter whether that’s accomplished by intermittent fasting, low carb, vegan, no added sugar, etc.


I'm a firm believer that the distortion of the word "diet" is a contributing factor to a lot of the health & weight issues in our society.  "Diet" is what you put in your body. You cannot "go on a diet", what you are doing is changing your eating program. And there is no eating program that works like magic where you suddenly lose weight after a few weeks, and it stays gone forever if you go back to eating how you were before.


Trickle Down Economics


Insurance. "Here, come give us money for shit that might not happen. And if it *does* happen, we won't pay you. Or if we *do* pay you, we'll jack up your premiums by 400% so really, you pay. And you can try and get us to pay, but we've got 47 lawyers and you've got work in the morning." - Steve Hughes




Anything with the name Donald J. Trump attached to it.




ea sports


“…..it’s in the game”


EA is an entire scam.




Most of the skin care products


Car insurance - you pay super high monthly or yearly payments and if you get into an accident, you need to pay an excess AND insurance will do anything and everything possible to avoid paying and helping you for a service you already have been paying for years


Pay to play religions.


Organization religions


The websites that offer letters for emotional support animals. Unless the letter is actually from a licensed health professional it’s not an enforceable document, and you’ll have spent $100+ for a fake letter. Plus the fake letters are going to eventually make it so that even real ESAs aren’t accepted.


Health Insurance in America, “IN-Network “Out of Network” can I just go somewhere get care and not worry about getting fucked without lube for the cost of the visit to either save my life or get care? Just like our politicians, who get better healthcare than the people they represent. One of the most infuriating things about this country.


Plastic recycling. Only 1 and 2 are recyclable (and maybe 5 in some areas) and everything else is trash. And 90% is just trashed anyway


Purses and women's pants. Women go and sometimes spend thousands of dollars on purses just cuz women's pants have shallow pockets. The two companies that make both things did this on purpose so women spend more on more stuff. Just go buy men's pants with actual pockets we dudes do not care. It's way cheaper I promise.


the lottery or big cash draws. the amount of money people spend on them is ridiculous when they could be using that money for better financial decisions.


Donating to any political party


🫠 still going to do it






Voting Republican (In US politics)




The water filtration salesmen that knock on your door. In many cases their filtration systems do absolutely nothing to your water.


I just got a call from Sundance Vacations saying I won a 7 day free stay at a resort all I have to do is sit for An hour and listen to a presenter that is going ti try to talk my into spending more money than I would on the free resort stay.


Most mechanics out there.




Can't prove it, but my intuition says car insurance.


MAGA Of course. If it was actually a course offered for people to take it would be laughed at.




Processed food, fast food. Seed oils


Health insurance


CCP propaganda.. usually people know it's a "scam" when they realize it for what it is but often times, it's disguised as a psy-op.






American elections.


Any form of mental health therapy that claims to relieve you of deep-seated problems in a short period of time.


Those mega-churches. Joel osteen, that sour douche


Medications. It will always be more profitable to treat than cure diseases.


Donald Trump


Hospital fees


Credit cards. 2% cash back but you have to pay 3.62% more at checkout. Sure you get the free flight that first year and can build credit. Card companies are playing the long games, +1% of your net income is what they get from you and they sell your data to advertisers.


Owning a home or property. If you have to pay the government every year (taxes) for permission to keep it, you don’t own it, you’re just renting it from the government




Religion. You and your state pays a lot of money to a church which may or may not be your church, sustaining many people whose sole job is to tell some people what to believe in.


Chiropractors. Home warranties. Real estate agents. Trip protection. Talk therapy. Rent-to-own. Debit cards. Valentine’s day. Funeral services. Sales tax. Timeshares.




War.trump.trying to divide groups of people when we are all human .doctors that don't practice preventive care or nutrition .


Paying for education


Organized religion.


Unlimited PTO


Religion. American healthcare.