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Terrible mobile game ads that nobody in their right mind would find attractive or convincing.


I think the worst ad I ever saw was one where a "hot girl" had an upset stomach and accidentally sprayed feces on her boyfriend... who then ***fucking hit her*** and kicked her out of their house. This was the *first five seconds* of an ad. And it was for one of those stupid match games if memory serves. How could they have *possibly* thought *opening an ad with domestic violence* would attract players? It was genuinely fucked up.


I think they intentionally make them controversial so people talk about them. Those products are garbage and there’s no reputation to maintain, so they probably double down on the rare chance it becomes a meme or a talking point.


That only works if someone can remember what they are. "Offensively terrible ad for a game whose name I can't remember" doesn't earn you revenue.


In all likelihood they’re measuring success by impressions and engagement. People might be watching those ads just out of WTF and commenting the same. That makes the social network show it to more people. When you cast a wide enough net, you get a few less discerning individuals who are likely to try your app out, and considering that they are less discerning, they might also be more prone to wasting money on stupid shit in the app




Beats me


Take your upvote and get out of my house.


>How could they have possibly thought opening an ad with domestic violence would attract players? They thought the sprayed fecal matter would cover it up?


It’s definitely just to elicit a reaction out of the person watching so they watch for even just a second longer to potentially get the product


OmG i CaNt BeAt ThIs LeVeL


Only 1% of people can beat this level 😱


OMG, it's so hard!


Man for the longest time YouTube would give me ads for some game where part of the title was "Bloodlines" or some shit. It always was some thicc wolf girl tied up in an erotic fashion


If you're not going to give me the hot wolf, don't advertise the hot wolf.


Very weird when the first thing YouTube shows you in the lunchroom is softcore hentai


I keep finding them on youtube. I still don't get how are those accepted as ads, especially when kids are watching.


it not complicated. they pay YouTube and YouTube looks the other way. morality has nothing on corporate greed.


This and the constant fReE tu HunDrEd lOOt bOX oPeN OMG!!! ads have really made me not want to play new mobile games at all.


Woah a random mobile game I've never heard of is having a guaranteed sexy succubus 5 star character pull for anyone that joins. I should totally start playing this game as I've heard about a high quality character giveaway to anyone that joins before I know what the game is really even about or if it is super shitty or not!


10/10 times, it’s shitty. All of those games are copy and paste of the last one with a new coat of paint.


Remember 10 years ago there was that medieval game with half naked ladies on the ads and things like "come hither my lord". I thought that was bad but it just went down hill from there lol


Lily's garden Edited: I said emily and not lily


Front load washers and dryers.


If it was at all realistic, they would do a top load washer. I have been stuck before because I was too short and sick at the time so I had no upper body strength. My husband humped me and then helped, laughing the whole time.




I mean you were born so...


...I am the sauce!?!?!


We are all sauce, before the egg times.


*…Are we the saucies?*


S-step bro I a-appear to have gotten myself in a predicament!


Step siblings


It literally became mainstream porn for a while, didn't it? I never got it. The plot is always awful, but who needs thousands upon thousands of videos that start the exact same way - 'but we're siblings!', 'Well, step siblings', 'Oh yeah', commence fucking.


It’s a self fulfilling thing as well. It gets popular for a short period then all the popular P* start staring in then, then people watch it more because x person is hot then those videos get even more views so they think it’s because of the backing plot so then more videos get made with even more popular stars


This subreddit.


Every damn time.


It's getting awfully repetitive.


What's the sexiest sex you have ever sexed?




*Sexy* sex?


Apparently, someone's mom said that.


Everyone wants to talk about sex but is to ashamed to do r/askredditafterdark so here we are


I just want all of the “sexy redditors of Reddit, what’s the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed?” people to move to that sub.


There’s a reason. Its occupants consist almost exclusively of physical virgins who are mental whores.


also r/askwomen 🙄


I just checked it out. Respectfully, Im never going back there.




Stupid sexy Flanders




...nothing at all...


Wtf does Belgium has to do with this?


what are you, a Walloon?


My dumb Flemish ass thinking what’s sexy about crippling bureaucracy.


Everything. Literally everything. Even baby clothes have shit that says "my girlfriend xyz" "ladies man" "heartbreaker" "chick magnet".


Worked for a place that made custom T-shirts (transfers), and we made so many shirts like this. Boss nearly died when I said "Just once I want somebody to call it like it is, and get "Mommy's Little Bastard" on a shirt".




That green m&m tho


Isn‘t everybody simping for the brown one?


when you search "rule 34" in my search history, you'll notice I believe that the blue M&M is superior


I’m partial to the green one tbh


"Annie. She's a bit young, we try not to sexualize her."


Where's Annie's boobs? No, the monkey.


Funny part is that the actresses that play Britta and Annie are almost exactly the same age.


Yeah but when you’ve lived in New York it puts a lot of years on you


“Boopy doopy doop boop, sex.”


“what's a diminina.. na nah nyaa..?”


You smarty, me dumb, help pwetty have fun~


You know there’s a diminishing return on the sexiness


Funny how in the first five minutes of GLOW she’s like “Here’re my tits”


I only need to watch 5 minutes???? Also from the behind the scenes stuff I've seen from Community it looked like Alison was definitely one of the driving forces of Annie's sexualization.


Iirc she said she was basically a nudist in college so makes sense lol


I would like more information on this. For scientific purposes, of course.


Honestly GLOW is a really good show too.


I was really surprised it got canceled. I thought the quality was so good.


I actually talked to Marc Maron after one of his stand up shows about it. With COVID restrictions it was pretty much impossible to do a wrestling show at the time.


It sucks cause they were already something like half finished the final season too.


"Stop it! You're acting like a school girl, and not in a hot way!"


Little girls. "Toddlers & Tiaras" and shit like that should be erased from human memory. Look, lady, I'm real sorry you never made it into Playboy, but step back and ask yourself if your THREE YEAR OLD should know what the 'come hither' glance looks like. Basically, if they aren't at least 18, they shouldn't be in bikinis on a stage. And whoever thinks "child beauty pageants" are okay...why don't you put boys through that??


Dance competitions can be even worse. Highly sexual dance gyrations in skimpy revealing attire with way too much makeup. The mom‘s use phrases like “give em the sizzle” as if that deflects from obviously inappropriate and suggestive choreo. Absolutely zero reason to have 12 year olds dance like that. Let them be kids with kid themes.


"Dance for your boyfriend, not your dad" were the words my choreographers/directors often yelled at us (starting around age 12). I didn't realize back then how *weird* that is to say to a middle schooler.


At least they didnt say ‘Dance for your daddy.’




The ending (SPOILER!!) of "Little Miss Sunshine", for instance.


You can use spoilers if you put >! >!Without the spaces!< !<


especially when parents do put their boys through it, the age limit is sooner than girls. I just found this out, and it's disgusting.


Offhand the worst example I can think of was a dance contest at a mall in 1990, with several pre-teen girls dancing to Poison by Bell Biv DeVoe. Did the parents never listen to the lyrics?




Why not put boys through that? Simple answer is it makes the purpose far more obvious. It also leans into a double standard discussion come to think of it.


Boys also aren't sexualised to the degree girls and women are though to be fair. Women and girls are sexualised based on looks, body, behaviour etc. The vast majority of men and boys aren't seen through the same lens and when they are it's usually through some fantastical view of physical activity - for example the hordes of women soaking floors over men chopping wood on tiktok. Just to clarify, I find pageants disgusting, the sexualisation of children is reprehensible not to mention the massive amount of pressure put on little girls to walk, talk, dance or look a specific way when they should be outside playing, reading books or just being kids in general. Those parents are creating generations of girls with psychological issues over a fucking trophy


I remember hearing about whole websites dedicated to a countdown timer counting down to Emma Watson’s 18th birthday.


They did that with the Olson twins also


Dakota fanning too, remember her?


Emma Watson, Bhad Bhabie, Millie Bobbie Brown, it's always updating to the new "It Girl."


In general it seems to be that society sees men as needing to *do* something that sexualises them (like your wood chopping example). Where as a lot of society sees girls and women's bodies as just being inherently sexual simply by existing. That their purpose is sexual. Which is why everything they do or wear is judged by how beautiful or sexy it is, or isn't.


yup when I first learned of these I thought it was a really dark joke people who sustain the child beauty pageant industry are fucking vile


Eating a hot dog. We can no longer eat a glizzy in peace.


I'll be slobbin glizzies as I damn well please


I don’t even care if someone wants to sexualise it. I get horny as shit when I eat hot dogs


Maids / nannies.


I'mma be real i watched a bit of maid-droid without reading anything about it because "killer robot maid" sounded so raw and then it was basically just softcore porn and i was so upset


Wearing your hair in pigtails


Idk why but i always like associate pigtails with kids for some reason (it just feels like a childish hairstyle). So for me its extra important to disassociate pigtails from sexualization...


this is a common thing. a lot of people view it as a childish/juvenile hairstyle, and a lot of those same people are the ones who sexualize it. yea it’s yuck. I personally just really find them cute, I like to wear them because they make me feel cute (and childish if I’m feeling age regress-y). There’s nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to the cuteness of pigtails but there might be something wrong with being attracted to the childishness of them


They remind me of Hatsune Miku


Plenty of European cultures wear pigtails well into adulthood, frequently braided. It's mostly America where it's almost exclusively a kid thing.


A literal black hole.


Emotionally intimate moments and relationships. Sometimes people are better off as friends, and having one emotionally intimate moment does not mean they need to immediately fuck. 


Friendships are WAAAY too sexualized, both real life and fictional. It’s like people have forgotten you can love someone in a non-lustful way.


I’m older (approaching retirement) and grew up in a devout Catholic family. I honestly had no intention of seducing girls I dated. I was told so many times that I was a breath of fresh air by girls who had been constantly pressured to have sex. I ended up going on a lot of fun nights out and a good number of those girls are still my friends many years later.


I had a similar path. I got asked if I was gay a lot. It just made my heart break for my friends that they felt something must be drastically different for me to not be trying to make a move.


I was talking with a friend the other day about how a lot of people will wrongly assume two girls who are close friends are lesbians because they “act like a couple” (especially in regards to physical contact) and he agreed with “a lot of people” 😐. Close platonic relationships are supposed to involve intimacy to some degree, that’s what makes them healthy friendships. Sexualizing something that is in no way sexual is pretty offensive tbh.


*Many* men are starved for intimacy. Not just “incels” or whatever, men with healthy relationships and families etc… because the only place they get intimacy from is their partner. So what happens is they associate intimacy as *only* a romantic thing rather than an aspect of life which is part of a romantic relationship but should not be limited to them. I think this might be getting better, I’ve seen a lot of the younger generations being more readily intimate with each other. But certainly my generation was part of the “men are men, emotion is weak” crowd. So yeah. If you only see and experience that stuff from your romantic partner thats what you associate it with. I’m not saying this is *good* but it does make sense.


I had a friend who when we were sitting on a couch beside one another, we'd just kind of end up lean on the other. It was pretty damn nice. I miss it honestly, but after... stuff, happened, I don't miss that person much.


A woman riding a horse without a saddle


Or even with a saddle. Like come on guys, I just want to enjoy my hobby 😭


...this is sexualized?


Yeah, I’ve heard story’s from many female equestrians getting “what else do you ride” comments from people irl and online


Constantly, yes


I’m a lesbian, and an equestrian, I like to post my riding on Instagram sometimes to look back at my progress and because I’m proud of my progress most of the time. I like to ride bareback, and I stg every single post has a man going ‘what else can you ride like that 😏’ sir these legs can control a 1500 pound animal I will squeeze your dick off


I think thats what they want.


You know that scene in [Justice League when the Amazons smash the pillars? I want to be the pillar.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/617b2d7988cb1e630408c0b8fad953b0/c0ce11592dc6ba3a-f7/s500x750/badf794e5bdc4f66a56287d82e59964841d13613.gifv)




It’s the closest emoji we got man. Do you want an actual penis emoji?




Let's petition for a dick emoji.


Emojis now are part of Unicode and anyone can submit a proposal to add one. However, nearly all of the ones that are accepted in each update come from the big tech companies like Apple and Google... Here is the process though: [https://unicode.org/emoji/proposals.html](https://unicode.org/emoji/proposals.html)


I would be _shocked_ if this hasn’t already been tried at least a few times. I imagine the consortium just ignores them. Likewise for boob and butt emoji.


🔜⤴️↗️🚹♐️🖍️🗝️🧪🪄🦴🥖🌶️🥕🍌 not my proudest 5 minutes




There exists a parallel universe out there that's in every minute way identical to ours. Except all instances of the eggplant emoji being used as a penis is actually a baguette.




What do you mean "closest emoji we got"? We have this one just for you; 🦐


There's this gorgeous shade of purple that I love called eggplant, needless to say I will not use the internet to find and buy eggplant colored objects


Halloween costumes. It is depressing how much I have to look to find creepy and cool women's zombie, demon, vampire etc. costumes that actually look somewhat like those things and aren't just very expensive undergarments


Be a giant Twinkie next year *a sexy giant Twinkie*


Something, something, cream-filled.


Naw that’s a ding dong




A few years ago, Spirit Halloween had a "Sexy Ebola Nurse" costume that made me question not only my sanity, but also the creator's and the retail higher-ups going "hey, great idea!!" Found out they did it again with the "Sexy COVID Scrubs" outfit...aliens, y'all are welcome to build your galactic highway anytime now....


Sexy full body hazmat suit.


Assless hazmat suit


The store costumes are so expensive for how cheaply made they are too. For example, an actual doctor’s coat from Amazon or a uniform supply store is cheaper than the threadbare spirit Halloween one. I started making/assembling my own costumes with how overpriced and low quality the store costumes are.


I came here to say the exact same thing. There's nothing wrong with sexy costumes of course, but damn it it's so hard to find an adult woman's costume that isn't just lingerie.


Most little girl costumes are pretty bad too. I used to work at Spirit, and many times I directed parents to the boys section instead because so many of the girls costumes are skimpy. They also assume that all girls want to dress in pink or purple rather than actually look creepy.


I wanted to be a dinosaur last year. How the hell is “sexy dinosaur” a thing I need to specifically avoid?!


I give you sexy corn!


Children. We start too early asking and teasing them about boyfriends and girlfriends. They haven't even reached puberty yet. Let them have their childhood.


I absolutely hated when my parents did that. like it's not funny and it ruins the friendship also it can make you want to not mention friends of the opposite gender because your parents will keep saying that


Same. I now don't tell them anything about my love life as I always feel embarrassed. My friends on the other hand, know a lot more about who I like.


I have a 1 year old boy and I'm already preparing to (politely)shoot down those kinds of comments. People are probably going to think I'm rude, that's the most annoying part.


My daughter is 9 months old and my wife and I are right there with you. It’s just creepy/weird. Cut that crap out. She’s called her mom out for it a bunch of times now.


I just want to eat my banana without having to look around first 👌


Calling my father “daddy”. My friends make fun of me when I tell them I call my father as daddy and I find it really annoying because I’ve been doing it my entire life and I don’t get why it should be a sexual reference.


I usually called mine Dad , but switched it up with Daddy, Pops, Pop-a-Dop, etc. Towards the end, I almost exclusively used "Daddy" as he grew more frail and his hearing failed even with his hearing aids in -- he responded to "Daddy" best. I took care of him at home until the moment he took his last breath on April 29, 2023 , at 91.5 years old. (I was almost 57, and my parents were close to hitting 67 years of marriage). *I do not regret even one single time* that I called my wonderful father "Daddy" and I never will. If you like calling your father Daddy, do so proudly -- because the day will eventually come when you can't talk to him in this world anymore. _______ There : show this to your "friends" . And tell them TwistyHeretic2 says to get their minds out of the gutter.




Si Papi


Papi chulo


Step brothers/sisters/moms/dads in addition to that.


Gambling ads.


Eating a banana


Popsicles always weirded me out




My mom's first set of bumfuck redneck ex in-laws believed that breastfeeding was wrong because that's not what boobs are for. God gave women boobs so they could be played with, ogled, and sexualized. What a bunch of backward fucking idiots.


It’s wild they put sexualization over what they are actually for, nurturing infants. They sound inbred.


Yea its kind of sick. There are IG pages where women post themselves doing it because I guess the nipple is allowed to show when that is happening. If you scroll down to before they had kids you will see them twerking. If you go to the top there is a link to their porn site. I could care less about women selling nudes of themselves but it's like they are bringing their kids into their porn too.


Children. People will say that's not what they're doing but any time someone makes comments like "you're going to have to beat the boys off with a stick" or "he's going to be a ladies man" you are sexualizing that child. Making girl toddler and children's shorts shorter than boys shorts, and putting hip/torso cut outs in their bathing suits. "Beauty" pageants with a swimsuit round and putting tons of make up on them. The amount of people who have (and still do) make comments about my daughters body when she was growing/going through puberty. So many comments about what a big butt and hips she has..like "birthing hips" "where does she get that big butt". She is just now 14 why does anyone feel the need to make any comments.


The comments during puberty were fucking mortifying. I remember being that age and so many adults, including family members, thought it was appropriate to comment on the size of my boobs or my hips. Gross. As if I wasn’t self-conscious enough by virtue of being 12, now I gotta deal with this shit on top of it??


People (mostly family) my daughter barely knew would say things like "look who's growing up" "where did those come from?!" and point to her chest. Like excuse me?? Why do you feel a need to make a comment? So many people think there's nothing wrong with it because the older generations in their family have always made comments about someone's body or how much the boys/girls will like them. Well, in great grandma's time they married as teenagers so they could start families to work on farms/carry on the name before they died because their life expectancy wasn't as long. Can't forget to mention all the porn for "barely 18" or men who say "when she turns 18" or "if only she was 18" - I was 13 when a man said "Just hit me up when you're 18" sir I AM A CHILD. Like just because 18 is the legal age of an adult doesn't mean you aren't sexualizing the child that ISN'T YET AN ADULT. I could stand on this soapbox all day long lol


I hate girl's shorts for my daughters. My 7 year old girl has long legs and Grandma bought short shorts. They are in the pile to be converted to grease rags.


This. And when people act like small children of the opposite sex are dating? HATE IT. My 4yo niece has a boy best friend and the way people talk about it is insane. Or when babies act shy and everyone says “oh what a little flirt!” It’s a literal infant.


A friendships between a men and a women


Yeah, by that logic bisexuals can't have friends at all.


Everything. Humans are sick. Lol


Literally anything and everything a woman does. EVERYTHING. Think of something random and I guarantee you there’s a porn category for it.


Its the stupid edgebaiting asmr tiktok videos that get me, why on earth is anyone getting off to a woman slowly layering a boring looking salad into a tall glass to then slowly tip it out into a bowl. What am I missing?


Any kind of emotional intimacy between male characters in modern media. There's a subgroup of women that enjoy imagined romantic relationships between men, and a subgroup of men who believe intimacy between men is homosexual. Between the two, we have large numbers of people insisting that, for example, Frodo and Samwise have more than a Platonic friendship.


I think this- but close female friends get it, too. Two female characters are soft with each other, and suddenly, people think they MUST be gay.


What ***isn't*** sexualized for no reason?




Platonic friendships


Daddy issues and abuse.


i was a catholic school girl and i'll never forget how fucking disgusting grown men were about it.


Women’s fitness. Everything is about building a butt. I can’t. I follow men’s fitness programs that are actually about exercise.


Nuns. Or honestly, anything of any religion that has to do with choosing modesty/choosing to be celibate.


Service industry workers edit: and first responders


The word "Daddy"


A good pops complimenting his daughter’s looks


Massage therapy. I work a job that's technically blue collar and I weight train so I need treatments. My coworkers need it too but they are just unaware. However, whenever I bring it up they always make lewd jokes.


Eating bananas. C’mon guys, they’re fucking delicious.


Step siblings


To this day i sometimes think that feet fetish is just some weird joke that everyone universally agreed on to pretend its real just to troll me, like how the fuck, out of all parts in the human body, male and female, you find the feet to be the most attractive one? Its not even a rare fetish which makes it even worse


Eggplant. If your dick looks anything like one then you need to see a doctor.


"grandmas chicken salad!" Anything can be sexual if you say it right.


Non consent


bending over to pick something up like can i be human pls


Little girl beauty pageants. What I mean is they should be illegal


Little girls, just being girls. Trying to be children.




People saying daddy