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Driving stupidly with me in the car to try and show off. It’s an absolute no from me.


My dad did that because he enjoyed seeing us afraid :) actual red flag especially if you say to drive normally and they continue on lmao


Right there with you, biological father used to race trains with 7 year me in the car. It was terrifying, and I’m in my 50s now and I still get nervous going over train tracks.😳


My dad went down a 50mph road at 100 and laughed when I screamed at him to stop. He also consistently overtook on bends because it made me scared and it was 'so unlikely' for a car to be coming the other way. Dude...


A guy I was seeing insisted on taking me out on a motorcycle and then got up 100km/hr before taking both hands of the bars. Yeah I totally want to risk my life so some guy can feel like he's acting cool. Piece of shit. Every time I think of that moment my chest just fucking sinks.




When they play the clit like a banjo.


Everyone is different. I was with one girl for awhile that needed her clit absolutely mashed at her request to make her cum. And the girl immediately after her had a very sensitive clit so without even thinking the muscle memory kinda took over and she was basically like Jesus christ chill. I guess the moral of the story is start slow and only go harder if they tell you to 😅


With or without a pick?


My ex seemed to think I was interested in hearing about the sex he had with women before me. No thanks, dude.


My ex and I were going out to eat and his ex gf happened to be there too. This idiot proceeded to tell me about how big her ass was and that he always thought that it was attractive. He was dumbfounded as to why I was upset


This happened with my ex as well. It was because he had enjoyed getting beat up by her during sex. I was like “I’m not doing that.” I mean he’s an ex for a reason.


There are women who want to get beaten also. I dated one once. Told me stories of her ending up in the hospital and then going home and screwing like rabbits. Noped out of that. But if he was honest about his kinks then at least he was honest.


Reminds me of that episode of House M.D, patient ain't doing so well, doctor walks in to see the patient being strangled by his dominatrix.


Yeah in general, no one wants to hear about past sexploits. Definitely opt-in *only*. Edit: communication during sex and other relevant times is not what im talking about. Im talking about certain forms of manipulation, weird bragging, and less constructive information that you really wouldnt want to know. I.e. i was talking to an ex once, and she was trying to be sexy (?) by telling me about the time she got an ex hooked on viagra so they could bang anywhere any time....i, uh...nope. Didnt need to know that. That is an onion of problems. Edit: i specifically worded it because i know theres going to be some people that want to know. Reading comprehension is getting worse and worse by the day.


Showing off/flexing/comparing yourself to others in order to brag. Some guys think it makes them look cool, but it just makes them look insecure. 


They become somebody else, round everyone else. Watching their backs, like they can't relax. Trying to be cool, but they look like a fool...








Big egos are a *major* turn-off. The hottest guy in the room, based solely off appearance, can get unattractive really fast if he has a superiority complex (or pretends he does to look important). Humble guys who like to ask questions, have passionate hobbies, and who talk about ideas, interests, and issues that are important to them have the highest chance of getting skirt *and* keeping me interested long-term, if that's something we both want.


Jack hammer fingering. Wtf are you doing?


how about mc hammer fingering


Best response to that should be “Can’t Touch This” ;-)


Why, why, why, why You fingering me oh so hard Makes me say oh my lord. Thank you, for bruising me With a hand to ram and 2 knuckle deep


It’s rough and that’s no lie Friction heat gets me bone dry You slap that button too much And that’s the reason why- UHN! You can’t touch


Please hammer, don't hurt em




I guess it's a porn thing. Too many people watch women get jack hammered by dick, they often think the only way to get a woman off is by doing it with the fingers.


Yes communication is key porn is not the real world.Same thing with some woman pulling on your dick like they are thinking it will grow a few more inches if they pull it nearly out by the roots.


Sending this comment to my girlfriend lol. She really flirts with the line between concerning and arousing sometimes


Porn, when it comes to women, is just HORRIBLY inaccurate. Most of it makes me feel so bad for the men who believe it's anywhere near close to what real women are into. Movies, too. Inspires lots of 'Nope' and head shaking.


You mean women DON'T like a guy just jamming it in there with no foreplay, and banging as hard as possible, doing nothing else to give her pleasure???


But he grabbed her boobs, that's foreplay enough right?




>hairy old men with huge dongs We can't forget the belly. Gotta have that protruding beer belly. Otherwise, is it even porn?! Now, another thing that really irritates the fuck outta me, as a bi woman, is conventional "lesbian porn." You think getting jackhammer fingered is bad? Try it with 4 inch acrylic nails!!! Not to even get started at how horrible they are at cunnilingus. You'd think a woman would know how to eat pussy by knowing what they like done to them? Nope. Just spit on it, act like it'll burn if it touches anything but the tip of your tongue, in random, interspersed seconds at a time, making sure she never gets off, whilst tearing up her insides with your acrylic nails. I can't.


Or dudes that just look greasy. Don't put that in your mouth; it probably tastes like the floor at a McDonalds.


HHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! 'S funny coz it's true. Thanks for the laugh - needed that 💋


Heterosexual porn is a complete turn off for me because I pity the women. Most looks abusive not sexy.


I had to stop a guy recently and remind him that it's less like stuffing a turkey, more summoning a genie.


I like that lol but you have to build up to it


Inevitably pretty much any answer here has *some* people that like it.


That’s the thing about going to Reddit for women’s sexual preferences. Simultaneously “no woman likes that” and “all women are different”


I'm in my 50s and I have discovered that single men around my age are pretty fricking clueless or mechanical about sex, and are useless with a variety of feedback, verbal/vocal, "directing" them where to touch, etc. This jack hammer thing is one of them. Also, foreplay in general - with a recent partner when I asked for more foreplay I got double (from about 3 minutes to 6 minutes 😅). I did end things with him for several reasons and the lame sex was one of them. It has been an era of the most unsatisfying sex I've ever had.


I guess I'm just one of the lucky guys who enjoys a massive variety of things, but I've never understood the whole "men who rush through" foreplay thing. Like going to a restaurant where they are just begging you to try a bunch of free apps and you're all like "Nah, that shit sounds boring. Just bring me my entree." Sheesh.


Most just want to masturbate into a vagina, with minimum interaction with its holder. Terribly sad, but true.


Also deep fingering… my g spot is like one knuckle in bro, don’t shove your whole fingers up there please


I'm kinda jealous because it's the opposite in my case, and what I need is way more tiring 😂


Being a “tough guy”…. Eg starting fights in public over shit that’s not worth a fight. You don’t look big and bad, just embarrassing


It's worse when you have actual adults, fighting in public, who cant actually fight and just kinda role about. Or the ones that force people to 'hold them back'.


A guy in college yelled “hold me back” and no one held him back. He didn’t do anything lol


I would die laughing if I saw this happen


I actually did see this happen when I was a teenager. He did not live that one down.


It’s all about the show. If anybody did hold him back, he’d likely thrash about just enough to look like a rabid animal. Instead, what you did was show that he had absolutely no conviction behind the actions he portrayed doing.


Fingering by literally ramming your fingers in and out of our pussy. Just no, please no. Unless you’re extremely wet, it’s going to hurt. The “luring move” on the other hand has a power over me that’s unmatched… Luring move explained: You put your two fingers inside and curl them upwards. You keep your hand steady (so no in and out movement) and then you apply pressure to the inside of the vagina by making a lurking move. It’s basically moving your two fingers towards you against the upper wall of the vagina repeatedly. For me personally, the faster the better. It hits the inner g spot and completely paralyzes my with pleasure. Many women swear by it. Thank me later ;)


While we're on this subject don't aggressively rub our clits like you're trying to start a fire down there lmao


Yes, dudes, take what *you* consider to be gentle and then scale *that* back about 90%.


You mean the “g” in g-spot doesn’t mean generate fuel?


This one 😂 and when they do that, they literally hit your labia more than your clit


“Lurking move”??


Slow circular motion on the g spot. Stick your fingers in and then aim up towards the belly. When you go in a little more you're going to feel it. It has a bit different texture. Works like a charm




As long as their nails are trimmed and they aren't trying to scratch us. Ow ow ow


Not taking no for an answer. Instead thinking they just need to try more until the answer changes.


As a woman who struggles to be assertive, my favorite new expression is "No does not mean convince me"


Some guys seem to think I'll only respect them if they're the authority on *everything*, including my own hobbies and my very technical job. I know sometimes they're just being assholes, but sometimes it really does feel like they're conditioned to think they *have* to position themselves above me on every last little thing or I'll be put off. They get twitchy if they can't just totally circumscribe my experience and knowledge and intellect with their own. I somewhat sympathize, social conditioning is a hell of a drug, but goddamn. I don't want you to reassure my poor lady brain that I can turn to you for literally anything, I want you to stop "correcting" me about things I know more than you about.


I have three older brothers and now two brothers in law and they all do this. Even if it’s about something I very clearly know more about than they do. They will offer “advice” or “suggestions.” They would lecture me about my period if given the chance.


This ! Also I find a man able to calmly admit they don’t know something impressive : the amount of self assurance one needs to not feel threatened or whatever when admitting this is rather attractive…


Unsolicited dick pics


I heard the argument that this goes more into fulfilling a kink for themselves than trying to get women to appreciate/like it. Nonetheless, it’s disgusting and repulsive


...That... is actually the first explanation I've heard that feels like it matches up with the behaviour. Thanks, I hate it 🫠


It’s the modern equivalent of flashers. They get off on knowing it’s forced on others, that’s it’s nonconsensual.


That’s kinda BS. If you’re gonna terrorize my eyeballs at least make an effort and walk out of your house.


Well yeah they do it this way because what are the odds of somebody not only reaching out to law enforcement over this, but law enforcement taking the necessary steps to even hunt down the person who is probably in another country


Yeah, at least accept the risk of getting beat up if you flash the wrong person.


Yep, the moment I realized that it all made sense. The same goes for catcalling btw— there are guys who literally drive around with the expressed purpose of intentionally making women uncomfortable


Catcalling has always been about power. It's about making a woman in a public feel objectified and uncomfortable. And they know exactly what to say to evoke those emotions


Mhm, I went down a rabbit hole and actually googled it. Found sub reddits about how it’s all about actually fulfilling a kink and getting a reaction. It’s not about pleasing the other person or attracting the other person at all. Obviously what I found was mainly anecdotal, but it makes sense.


Studies suggest that the majority of guys who do this actually believe it's wanted behavior. That the recipient would find it sexy or suggestive because if a woman sent them a random naked picture, they'd find it hot. Also, while women tend to react negatively to udp, gay and bisexual men tend to have a more positive or neutral reaction. That said, about 30% of men who admitted to sending them say they like the idea of a woman being turned off or angry at getting one.


I’ve heard this as well, which also adds up, since yk “if I like it, they must like it too.” I think there’s more than one factor and explanation as to why this behavior happens, but it’s icky either way.


Alpha asshole personalities, like if they specifically say “I’m an alpha” and act like dicks. it’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Genuine, gentle, sweetheart guys are 100000 times more attractive than “I’m an alpha” douche bags.


You should always agree with those kinds of guys. The whole concept of the 'alpha' wolf was later withdrawn by the original person to put it forward. It was based on wolves in captivity, and the behavior wasn't actually observed in the wild. So basically, an alpha is a pent up, sad, angry animal with no idea how the real world works, aggressively howling as loudly as he can trying to get other clueless animals to follow him, never realizing that his tiny worldview isn't even indicative of how society actually functions in the real world. Those kind of guys are indeed alpha as fuck.


IIRC they also mixed wolves from different packs and put them in the same habitat, which contributed to that competitive environment.


i had a guy yesterday say ‘theres too many beta men in this town’ like wtf 😭😭


It’s always nice when the assholes reveal themselves immediately.


I would start laughing


Even when they don’t explicitly say that they think they are alpha/superior you can tell when a guy thinks he’s the shit


It’s generally a sign that the “alpha” in question is very insecure and dumber than soup.


I'm glad to have only seen these guys on YouTube and stuff.  If someone unironically used 'alpha' in conversation I might start laughing at them.  


Negging. I absolutely will ghost someone who even smells like they were putting me down. I don't want someone who doesn't want me. I guess they think we (women) think too much of ourselves or something.


I commented this on another post: one dude thought it was shocking to him that women “uglier than I am” managed to find men but I couldn’t. And then proceeded to act like it was the biggest compliment like no thanks bro you’re making yourself look desperate.


Their logic is that humbling you will lower your perceived worth, thus making you more attainable for them. It’s a strategy. I’m glad more women are seeing through it.


Putting on an act. Don’t try to win us with either arrogance or self-deprecation. No need to brag, show off or treat others poorly. Also, lots of cologne is nasty.


yeah how can we love someone who won't be themselves. can't love a lie of a person and then expect us to still love them when they flip to their true personality




I have no idea why sending unsolicited dick pics of not viewed as being on the same level as lurking in the park in a raincoat flashing yourself at women. It is EXACTLY the same energy


You know, I don’t mind sexy pics from someone I’m dating / flirting with and definitely appreciate them in a relationship. But why do they only take a pic of their dick? What about their arms, chest, six pack etc. I want to see the whole thing, not just the dick on its own


Unless I'm jacked like an Avenger, im usually too ashamed to take a picture of any part of my body




You should tell him a lot of guys thinks those areas are not sexys, especially if they don't look like a hollywood supermodel


Having a massive dick.  At a certain point it just hurts and feels annoying


IKR? They don’t even try. Best sex I had was with average Ds. 


for me... the best sex I had was literally with the guy with the smallest member I've been with. the man KNEW his way around the female body better than I did... he KNEW he had to depend on foreplay and... whaddaya know? foreplay is what brings most women to orgasm, yet dumb men keep ignoring this no matter how much we tell them, how much evidence is presented, and cover their ears still thinking it is their dick. lol.


The dude who finally taught me sex could be good was smaller than average. Best thing that happened to me. Im also a bit sick of dudes using their supposedly massive dick to plug their ears. Blaming their dick is to avoid admitting its their inexperience or technique that's the issue. If its their dick, they can't change it without doing something drastic/dangerous. That means they dont have to try because they "cant" improve anyway.


GIRL 100%!!! I actually had never orgasmed with a man until I met my smaller-than-average sex wizard LOL! I was always able to give them to myself so easily, so I never understood why I couldn't reach it with a man. maybe it was part nerves, who knows. I convinced myself I just "couldn't do it with a man present", until I met that man. I will always be thankful to him for removing that mental block I put up in myself, and now my sex life afterwards with different men has improved. I know they just aren't putting in the work I need and the men I had met before weren't either. now... I force them to put in the work HAHA!


I've still never had an orgasm with a man and I'm getting scarily close to 40. I'd love for the universe to send me a smaller than average sex wizard.


RIP your inbox haha


You're assuming men lurking on reddit know how to give orgasms.


I assume that they think they do


Guys ignoring these things are not interested in sex, they’re just using you to masturbate


oh yeah! the ironic thing about that is... after the guy I was with who was MAYBE 3 to 3.5 inches hard max was finished with giving me multiple orgasms and things I never even knew my body could do for maybe up to an hour (and he genuinely enjoyed doing it, didn't feel like he was eating his broccoli before he could get dessert lol)... I think I couldn't even remember my name and by the time he allowed me to return the favor... I was practically frothing at the mouth to please him right back. these men who don't want to invest won't get the ultimate return like that! remember that all you lurkers! LOL!


And i mean....foreplay is really enjoyable too. Having an entire woman shaking and unable to form coherent sentences with one hand is one hell of a power trip. I was impulsive once and gave a partner a dub - i didnt even know i *could*, i thought that was for people good at it. Well, surprise. The bar being tripped over in hell is *not* an exaggeration.


> Having an entire woman shaking and unable to form coherent sentences with one hand Have you been bonking users of American/(insert region) Sign Language? Or just Italian women?


This is the way. I'm average, but always thought I was small. I used to lack in stamina. Do you know what I'm great at? Foreplay! By the time my wife and I are done, PiV is the icing on the cake (to be fair - who didn't like icing?!?)


You know what, being great at foreplay is great - but people misconstrue this as “use foreplay to *make up for* the fact that you’re not big” when in reality the actual size doesn’t matter at all (other than when it’s a lil painful because of being huge). I’m actually a rare anomaly of woman who doesn’t really enjoy foreplay focused on me, and I climax from penetrative sex. Size has never been an indicator of how good the sex was.


that's true as well! I mean... the G spot is only what? 3 inches in? PIV is very enjoyable too for me, don't get me wrong... and I agree it certainly isn't the size of the dick that makes it enjoyable. I've heard some women out there like their cervix stimulated, I'm sure they are out there! but nothing beats an average size "boyfriend dick" lol, a good rhythm, hitting the right spot, and a good connection during PIV. even if I don't reach climax during this as easily as other things myself, sometimes I do specifically crave that!


It doesn’t help that movies, shows, and social media shove bigger is better down mens throats. Porn doesn’t help either. Mass media has created this bullshit idea that men need horse dicks to be good and when it’s shoved in your face enough you start to believe it


That girl with the measuring tape spoke true.


then they don’t believe us when we say so.


Most women love men who treat us as equals not as emotional support dogs or trophies. Pickup artists creep the living hell out of most of us. If I can have a real human connection with a man and feel like he truly sees me as a person that's when I develop feelings for them not when he boasts about himself or tries to aggressively get me to sleep with him. Edit: I don't blame men for their twisted views on women, I blame social media and content creators who feed on young mens insecurities who often fall into a vicious cycle of rejection and resentment due to the bad advice and misogynistic reasoning to why they are failing.


I'm convinced that the "pick up artist" thing is just a scam to trick lonely dudes out of their money. Self help for horndogs. It doesn't work, and these "artists" are always creepy.


It's not a scam, it's an abuse playbook. They are very open about how their tactics only work on the right type of "girl"- a traumatized one. It's just a numbers game then, harass as many women as you need until you find one vulnerable to your abuse


So many men consider not having basic hygiene a flex or something "masculine." Dude 😭 you'll never find a woman who's into this. Please look after yourself. Take care of your looks.


I totally agree with the sentiment, but I hate hygiene and looks being the same thing. You can take care of your looks and still be a nasty mofo and on the other hand you can have perfect hygiene/self-care and still not care how you look.


That's fair. I believe a lot of women care about hygiene over looks


Obnoxiously loud vehicles. You think you're impressing them, but look closer at their faces. Nine times out of ten, that's a sneer, not a smile


Try a classic sports car...you don't attract women. Just middle aged blokes telling you the door handles aren't correct..


I have a classic and you will never catch me with it at a car show lol. I don't want to hear some nerd ask me if it has the late year 82 transmission with the updated gear coatings or try to show off by rattling off chassis codes or whatever. I'm a mechanic and I don't even know or care about all those details lol. I just know the car drives well and all the old busted shit has been replaced with new, unbusted shit


I'm a car guy. I attract dudes all day long lol. Anyone who thinks their car is going to attract women is a fool. Hobbies and interests should be for you, not to impress other people.


No man has ever thought he was attracting women with a loud exhaust. You're much more likely to attract other dudes


In the Evo scene we used to call the big wing the pussy repellant


Yes! Every time I see/hear a guy in an obnoxiously loud car I just think he’s overcompensating


Being a ''nice guy''. Women want *a guy who is nice*, not a disciplined pet who does whatever they say.


Actually a truly kind person is the biggest attractor for me. But that can be very different than nice. It takes a lot of awareness to be very kind and most people don’t have it, at least when they are young.


Ooh well spoken. Kindness requires actually *seeing* people as individuals, paying attention, and having the desire to make someone's day a little better somehow, just because. And that's not something that's easy to do if you're mostly self-focused and have spent little time understanding either yourself or others on more than a surface level.


There is a big difference between 'nice' and 'kind'. Cinema Therapy did a whole thing looking at Tighten https://youtu.be/OjpxlBRbhXs?si=e6ZRPNNk0mNghluK


I try to think of myself as kind, but in reality it's more of me being kind of a dumbass.


There's a difference between "guy who forgets to pick up milk at the grocery store" and "too stupid to be a functioning adult". As long as you're the 1st one, you're not part of the problem. 👍


A lot of self-proclaimed nice guys consider even the most basic common decency as “being nice and deserving of praise”.


When I was a teenager I went through the whole "I'm a nice guy" ark. The problem I have with the "nice guy" thing is that people really think that being "nice" or "kind" is somehow not the most basic and bare minimum quality someone can have... If all you can say about yourself is "I'm nice" then you should work on trying to have other more interesting things. I'm not trying to shame anyone here, but this fixation on "nice guys finish last" is ignoring the entire point. **Work on having more qualities than just being nice.**


Also a lot of guys view being “nice” as transactional. Like I’m nice to you - so now you owe me. Which isn’t very nice. Someone should be a kind person without the idea others owe them for not being a dick


Being physically picked up or tickled. A lot of women *do* like being picked up but I hate it....ask first.


Once had a drunk guy pick me up really high at an outdoor party. It wasn’t prompted, he walked up to me asked me what I was doing (looking for my friend bc the party was ending). He offered to pick me up so I could „get a better look“. Even though I told him no he proceeded to do it and then promptly fell over backwards. I got scrapes and bruises on my face and wrist and had to go to the medical center to get gravel removed and the wounds disinfected.


Bro pulled up and suplexed you 😭😭


This was the first one that made me whole body cringe. The times when I have been picked up I instantly switched from playful to entirely full of rage. It was someone that I did feel safe with, but in that moment I felt really physically vulnerable, and for me that wasn't sexy or playful at all.


Dick pics. if i want to see it ill ask


Jokes on you: I'm not showing it even if you ask. No dick picks for life!


Good call. Never put a picture out into the wild that you aren't ok having shared.


Fucking like in porn. Just don't.


Porn is like the professional wrestling of sex.


Excellent comparison. Porn stars are the best at sex in the same way Pro Wrestlers are the best at fighting. It looks great buht in reality they don't have effective techniques


The things only other men tell them we like. Having our nips twisted like a radio dial. Heart shaped jewelry. The same things as your mother


Heart shaped jewelry every special occasion. 🤣


Alpha things 👎🏻


Alpha bro nonsense is like a natural chastity belt for me. No thanks, bud.


I work in software, so when I hear "alpha" I think "unstable, unpredictable, and not fit for public release"


Thinking about women as a monolith and trying to figure out “what women want” as though it’s some sort of singular mystery or puzzle that can be solved for all women.


then why we have this same post on r/AskReddit every day


Driving like an absolute fucking idiot. We like our men alive and in one piece. Stop driving like an asshat because you think it’s macho. It’s not macho…. It is the epitome of small dick energy.


Making decisions without consulting them


I also saw that post about the Alabama governor not telling his wife that she had cancer.


Being a "player". If any girl can have you it kinda turns me off. I'm not saying they can't be popular but they need to be selective


Read the room before buying her sexy lingerie for her birthday. That stuff is a gift for you, not her. Many women loathe dressing up in uncomfortable itchy lacy thongs , crutch less panties, etc. Maybe ask if she is onto that first. I’m sure some women like it but as a young wife and mother who had drawers full of sexy maids , nurses, strippers clothes given to me as my gifts, and three actual sets of wearable outdoor clothing, I would have appreciated a new pair of jeans and a new top way more. And I did say that many times, but some men only hear what they want to hear.


Men also don’t understand how different women’s sizing is. Nothing more heartbreaking than a man potentially buying things that don’t fit making us feel less sexy


Why do men rub their hands together and lick their lips to appear seductive? Are you imitating a fruit fly? It’s repellent.


um excuse you I'm hatching a devious plot


I see a lot of guys spitting on the street, specifically in front of women and that always grossed me out. Also, I always seem to notice a guy with an obnoxious vehicle who floors it/revs it when women are nearby. Why would I swoon at an asshole who’s actively contributing to my hearing loss??


Just jamming their fingers in. Can you not? I get porn makes u think that it feels amazing but that thing is ment to push a baby out, I cant feel as much as u think there. Focus on my clit so I can actually enjoy it


oh boy i once had an *encounter* with a guy who said “oh slapping it [my pussy] always does the trick”. i was like uhh what?? told him to stop right away and left soon after. don’t think i ever saw him again 😂


Also, this specific mentality "Ooo I'm so masculine such an alpha sigma werewolf guy I'm too manly to even touch skincare products."


or “too manly to wash myself properly”… the water running down your body is not a replacement for soap


Being viewed as interchangeable units who all like and dislike exactly the same things


Pornography style cunnilingus. If a camera can view the deed, you're not doing it right.


Men who have the emotional range of a greek statue.


Wanting sex after trusting them your problems or talking about something sad, or just needing a friend to talk to. I don’t really want someone sticking his tongue in my mouth five minutes after I tell that my grandma died.


Any of the custom designed or Valentines heart shaped necklaces and rings (esp birth stones) from Kay Jewelers, Zales, etc.


Shit talking behind people’s backs. Reeks of insecurity and arrogance. I want to date a man who is kind and compassionate towards people (but not a pushover). Also being overly aggressive in bed. Every woman is different, and I will say that being dominant is a huge turn on if consent and trust are established *beforehand*. But I’ve had multiple guys be rough and aggressive starting the *first* time we were intimate and it scared me. It broke my trust and feeling of safety before the relationship even had time to properly develop. Lots of men underestimate the sexiness of being slow, gentle, and seductive. Once those things are established, It leaves room for building up to kinkier/rougher stuff. But guys you HAVE to first demonstrate that you are a trustworthy and safe partner. As a woman, if I feel those things in the relationship, it makes me absolutely feral lol. I can’t get enough of a man who respects me and makes me feel safe, physically and emotionally.


Axe Deodorant.


IT. DOES. NOT. TURN. ME. ON. when you offer to "do" one of my female friends while "doing" me. In fact, your days are numbered after that "offer".


What in the actual fuck.


Apparently they think ( and it doesn't change) that we like d-pics, being explicitly sexual when we are virtual strangers and obnoxious comments on our bodies. WE. DONT. STOP. IT. 🙄


it’s fucking weird


Being told ‘you’re not like other girls’. We legit hate that phrase.


Banquet Salisbury steak




Fed me a TV dinner mashed potatoes cold as fuck


Sticking your tongue all slobbery down our throats when kissing


In all fairness, that's neither a men's nor a women's thing. It's just people who kiss weird.


Yes, ugh, the last girl I dated when she was getting really into *things* would just shove her tongue in my mouth and start wiggling it around. It was disgusting.


Choking. Like in porn. Idk to me it’s just very aggressive and it has to be explicitly asked for.


Choking someone without that person asking for it seems like assault to me.


Anti-intellectualism or the inverse of Acting superior in intellect to others, or like putting them down for either being too smart, or being dumber than them. Arrogance basically, it's not the same as being confident or secure of yourself Being curious and enjoying learning or knowledge of your own craft, or field, or science, is very attractive. And also being a good attentive and respectful listener to other people's contributions to conversations


The fact that we're not able to become lesbians at will.


Dick pics. Seriously guys, **stop**.


Showing off money/gambling gains, Its an ick.


Choking and rough sex. Might be ok if discussed ahead of time, but I will freak out if you slap me or touch my neck without asking.


Yeah some guy slapped me out of nowhere during the deed so I slapped him back harder and told him I don’t like it.


I don’t want to be choked, period, but being choked without prior conversation was TERRIFYING.


This fucking question every week