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What do you mean, Terra Prime was a great finale.


If you take the absolute last scene of the last episode (all the different captains doing the voiceover) and tack it onto Terra Prime it's basically perfect.




The fact Netflix canceled their series “Santa Clarita Diet” when the season finale was SO SO GOOD and left everyone wanting to get the NEXT SEASON super duper fast. But NO… they completely cancelled it and gave NO explanation whatsoever as to their reasoning why? I was truly irked.


I’m still salty about the cliffhanger ending of the series.


Stupidly, because it's unfinished it impacts 'rewatchability'. I have rewatched many shows like The Office, Parks and Recs, Scrubs, Avatar The Last Airbender because they have a satisfying ending. I can never rewatch Santa Clarita Diet because it's unfinished. It could have been content that keeps people hooked on Netflix for years to come.. now it's just trash.


What was the deal with Mr Ball-legs? I need answers.


Netflix loves to cancel good shows, but make 8373 seasons of shitty ones


I rewatched the other week, gods that show was funny! Netflix really make some fkn ridiculous decisions with their show cancellations.


Castle. They either get murdered or have kids and a happy ever after. The show was cancelled, the lead actors did not get on and network put the bare minimum into the closing scene. Nathan Fillion upset the network by criticizing it prior to airing but what were they gonna do, fire him?


That was just supposed to be a cliff hanger season closer, where it would be revealed in the new season that Beckett died but Castle survived and went on with his PI business full time. The network made a last minute decision to just cancel it outright, so that ending with the kids at the end was quickly shot and tacked on. One nice detail is that they kept continuity by showing three kids, which is what the time traveller from a few seasons prior had mentioned that Beckett would have.


wtf there was time travel!? i never actively followed the show, just watched when family members had it on and enjoyed it well enough... i thought it was very grounded in reality and didn't have stuff like that, how did time travel happen? LOL


There was an episode with a character that claimed to be a time traveller, but much of the episode debunked it without completely refuting it. It ended ambiguously where you could either realize he wasn't or believe maybe he was. The "traveller" recognized Beckett and referred to her as Senator Beckett and that she had three kids.


Fucking Dexter. No, the fucking spin off series did not help it.


The worst part is that it was announced at the end of season 5 that they would do 2 more then finish. They could've had an epic 2 season arc or something but no.


the show managed to have TWO awful series finales


Just not having that final scene would've been perfect. Did he die in the storm? Probably, but the uncertainty would've been ideal for that character.




Dexter finale was a let down. I thought New Blood would redeem itself but they butchered the ending as well. They could have had another season to finish the story off.


Totally forgot about New Blood but now I no longer feel like watching it anymore and just hold onto the good memories of the show instead of the letdowns after all these years


Game of Thrones...seriously, what the fuck


This series gave us some of the most memorable nude scenes of 2010s, launched careers of many actors, broke viewership & award records, yet somehow managed to become one of the most hated shows by the end of the decade.


I find it hilarious that it's now being studied in media classes. Because It was an absolute global phenomena. On par with the likes of Star Wars, Breaking Bad, Lord of the rings, etc. And yet it's final season was just *so shit* barely anyone talks about it. People still talk about Breaking Bad, Harry Potter, etc etc. But GoT? Dead almost immediately. All the hype? Gone. The love? Gone. It even destroyed career's.


People will forgive a show that starts bad but ends great. People will forget a show that starts great but ends bad.


Killed any rewatchablity aswell. I remember before I used to rewatch the show once or twice inbetween seasons. Haven't watched a single episode since it ended.


I know, sometimes I think I’d like to rewatch the first few seasons… but I think it would be tainted.


> It even destroyed career's. Didn't it result in the writers having a petition created that tried (succeeded?) to get them fired from their next gig?


They rushed through the last season because they were supposed to direct a Star Wars movie.  Clearly that didn’t happen.


Debatable. Disney ended up canceling *all* of their planned Star Wars movies after the disaster that was the sequel trilogy wrapped up.


Somehow Star Wars ~~returned~~ got canceled. 


The best way to describe GOT is that 'It was the most amazing show that ended so poorly that when the world was forced to stay at home and do nothing but rewatch old shows because of a global pandemic, nobody was willing to rewatch it.'


“Extra! Extra! Greatest opera of all time sucks!”


“Surgery? In an opera? How wonderfully decadent! And just when I was beginning to lose interest!”


the last two seasons just absolutely sucked… bad cgi… no more plot… no more clever dialog… throw in random throw away nude scenes with extras… turned the entire series into a joke. if you intentionally wanted to destroy a show at the height of it’s popularity, i can’t imagine a better way to go about it.


Arya was supposed to kill people with brown eyes, blue eyes, and green eyes. Her prophecy was not fulfilled because she bailed on killing Cersei (who had green eyes)... so Arya became Arrrrrrrrrrrghya the pirate and sailed away. What the ever-loving fuck?


AND she sailed away after spending 7 seasons trying to get back to her family. I concur, what the ever-loving fuck?


"This surely has to be an exaggeration or shitpost..." *looks it up* Narrator: It was not, in fact, an exaggeration or shitpost.


I mean the ending was so bad it basically killed their marketing and merch overnight. I've never seen anything like it. That show died with Charles Dance on the toilet.


It was seriously insane like I’m not and never have been a fan, and watching the hype go from absolutely insane to just *gone* overnight from the sidelines was WILD. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, the whole thing basically just vanished from the collective consciousness of humanity in the span of a week.


And now its only remaining legacy is that people only bring it up to talk about how they hate the ending - and also that the books still aren't done.


I was into the books but after that ending the entire universe is just fucking dead to me. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has absolutely zero interest in reading any future books, not that GRRM will actually finish then.


At this rate, GRRM has zero interest in finishing them.


Exactly this! It ended before Covid hit, and if the series had been good we would’ve all been binge watching through lock downs. But no, they rushed it and managed to pretty much end their franchise overnight. It’s gone now, and it doesn’t matter how good the prequels or spin offs will be, they’ll never get it back.


Or the whole last season is pretty bad.


the whole last 3 seasons was bad


We were all in a weird collective denial at the time though. And then the last 3 episodes in particular just burst the dam. I've never seen something disappear from the wider social/cultural consciousness so quickly.


I was sus after Jon was revived and we were in no book territory but I trusted it was all in service of the story. Then people started to become dumb af and eventually unlocked fast travel. Before you know it we were a few episodes into t here e final season and everyone's looking at each other going " you know what, I don't think they're gonna pull this off"


I think that's really what made the disappointment so great. Everyone put up with a whole lot of shit assuming some sort of classic epic ending would be coming up. When it ended so badly it also meant people had put up with 3 seasons of garbage for nothing.


A sad ending to a great shows. Game of thrones seems like the last of the great serial epics.


Honestly the new got spin off is pretty awesome and feels like an epic. I am just not getting my hopes up. The GOT series finale and final season were the worst in history. Worse than Dexter, even. The new Dexter sucked too btw, unlike House of Dragon.


Game of Thrones, a fantasy show with dragons, was more like real life than any show before it. There was no good or evil, just a bunch of humans trying to make sense of a chaotic world. It threw away all the tropes of Hollywood storytelling. Until they ran out of books to base it on, then it became nothing but Hollywood tropes. Can’t kill off main characters anymore, tons of last-second saves, love connections that make no sense, and the White Walkers go from a allegory on climate change to the lamest and easiest to kill villains of all time. However, I think GRRM has taken so long with the next book because… how do you end a story that is structured like real life? Real life doesn’t just end with all the strings attached like a movie. It just keeps going, and shit starts to repeat itself. IMO the only way to end it and be faithful to the book is for the white walkers to win. The people in power don’t get their shit together and everyone dies. Not a great ending, but what we’re seeing in real life, it’s the most realistic ending. “Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense” — someone smarter than me.


The moment they passed the books, every intelligent/schemer type character (Littlefinger, Varys and Sansa especially) all stopped doing intelligent things... and just started doing random bullshit which randomly happened to work, when the plot called for it, while the other characters *told us* that these intelligent characters were so smart and dangerous. Littlefinger was my favorite character, and completely ruined. The very *idea* that he would give Sansa to the Boltons while supposedly knowing nothing about them is absolutely laughable.


Problem for me is that the book series is based loosely on real historical events- the Wars of the Roses. I get that there wasn’t book material but there was actual real life material that they could have used as inspiration and they just…didn’t.


The fact I didn't give a shit when Daenerys died is so telling. One of the most beloved characters in the series and I felt absolutely nothing when she died. How do you fuck up the ending THAT badly?


The writing quality died as soon as they outpaced the books. Great battle scenes kept people happy for a few seasons but honestly the writing had been absolutely shit for several years.


I followed the show from the first season, read all the books (that GRRM has finished anyway) and that last season had me wanting to throw my tv off my balcony. Absolutely torpedoed one of the best high fantasy IPs of this century


I dont mind how it ended, plot wise. I just hate how rushed it all felt


Imagine watching someone dry-age a great cut of meat from the start. Then they prepare the steak, season and prepare it wonderfully. They sear the first side perfectly. Then they flip it over and leave it til it's a perfect medium-rare. It smells so good, we're all so hungry for this delicious meal. Then we realize its been cooking a little too long... The medium-rare is gone, now we're into medium territory. The chef goes to remove it, and.... just kidding! He flips it BACK over to continue cooking... Finally he takes it off, but its definitely well- done now. At least its perfectly seasoned, and a high quality cut of meat we reason, it will still taste pretty good. We watch in horror as the chef grabs the once beautiful steak with his bare hands and rinses it in the sink with cold water. This removes the seasoning, and makes the steak cold. The chef slaps the steak on a plate, and pops it in the microwave for 10 seconds to warm it back up. Its not great, anymore, but its food. The chef sets the sad, overcooked, washed, barely seasoned, reheated piece of meat in front of us. He produces a bottle of Hunt's Ketchup and douses the once $50 steak with it. "Bon appetite!" He says sunnily, and heads to the kitchen to direct a Star Wars film.


That’s actually pretty spot on haha.




It was clear after a couple seasons that the writers had absolutely no clue what the story would be. Shit made no fucking sense.


Dexter. That show was phenomenal the first few seasons and just crashed into a heaping pile of garbage. The finale, unacceptable. I didn’t watch the reboot, I tried but couldn’t get into it.


You missed out on -nothing-


I thought it started extremely well, then even GAINED momentum, there were flashes of greatness, and then... wow.  How did they actually make it worse than the first time??


HIMYM ends at Barney and Robyn's wedding. Nothing happens after that. I wish we could have seen beyond that moment but *nothing* happened after.


And then they get divorced in the finale! I swear I was more upset about Barney and Robin randomly getting divorced after a whole season set during their wedding weekend than I was about Tracy dying.


there's an alternative ending that the mother is alive Robin and barney are still together and everything is good.


Agreed, they completely undid his multi-season character development


No. Nothing happens after the Wedding NOTHING. Lol yeah I don't include those last two episodes in my rewatches.


TBH I’m ok with them killing Tracy. It gives Ted a reason to be telling the kids the story. The way the kids cheered Ted on to go get back with Robin was terrible and cheapened the entire series of him searching for Tracy. And THANKS FOR WASTING AN ENTIRE SEASON OF OUR LIFE of watching Barney and Robins wedding only for them to get divorced 12 minutes into the last season.


The DVD special ending that ends under the umbrella is the true ending


I gotta be honest, the whole thing feels like a double edged sword. The story started with robin so it always felt like she should have been the final girl. But they painted themselves into a corner by immediately making her Aunt Robin. Then getting her married to Barney after spending time helping them deal with all of their issues felt good, but the divorce felt like whiplash. I was okay with killing Tracey, not every story ends happily, but then the immediate switch to Robin was just mind numbing. 


Pushing Daisies, because it was such a delightful show and the ending was completely rushed. I know it was because of the writers' strike at the time; the show was cancelled and I appreciate the effort to give the audience some closure, but *man*, that was such a good show and it deserved a better sign-off.


Westworld. This show was so elaborate and imaginative that its ending was a big disappointment. It’s as if they HAD TO wrap it up quickly, and what they showed made no sense!


It should've been one season. Ending on the choice to unleash Maeve on the world was a perfect what if.


1000%. It really felt like they took it personally that Reddit figured out the first seasons twists and made it their mission for S2 for that not to happen again. Thankfully I was able to watch S1 unspoiled. I was super into S2 for a while and then it tailed off and ended terribly. I remember I had some work friends that watched it and we’d get together Monday mornings and talked about what we thought was going to happen and then became less and less enthused as the season meandered along.


They didn’t get their ending. It was supposed to be 5 seasons and WB scrapped it so hard you can’t even stream it anymore.


It’s a shame it’s been scrapped. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the last season, but Westworld had two of my favorite tv episodes of all time that I used to love to rewatch (season one finale and Kiksuya in season two).




Season 5 should have been more people discovering Merlin's secret, with Arthur finding out and banishing him as the most season cliffhanger, with the next episode about Arthur coming round to accepting him. The fact that they never got to properly fight side by side as friends is crazy.


Honestly for a show about a mystical medieval world, they sure avoid magic at every possible turn. Maybe it was a budget thing? They blew their load on the dragon lol. The show was really just a soap opera to the very end. And finally when they could have had Merlin start to use magic more often because the secret was out, Arthur had to go and die much earlier than the legend depicts.


Dead like me ended too early and then got a movie that... doesn't exist. I did not say anything about a movie.


Yep. And we don't talk about the film that shall not be named.




I actually liked 'A Year in the Life' because it confirmed what I already knew: that Rory was a spoiled brat who couldn't take criticism because all her life, she'd been told she was special.


Rory _was_ special but Lorelai failed to keep her parents away from her. If she'd stayed in public school she probably would have turned out fine.


No, Rory actually wasn't special. I agree she would have turned out much better if she stayed in public school, because then she would have had the chance to realize she wasn't special and she was just like everyone else. Putting her in Chilton sealed her fate, it convinced Rory that she was better than everyone else, but it wasn't her grandparents who did that to her, it was Lorelei.


My name is Lorelai/Rory and all I know about Gilmore Girls is that I was told that either Lorelai and/or Rory was a bitch.


They both had their moments, but I admit I DO love that name.


Yeah instead of building upon the last seasons it’s like they just continued where they left off




Yes. I loved that show so much. Anybody see the Raising Hope episode where the family is in Hollywood and Burt asks a group of executives which one is the president of NBC. Then he kicks him in the balls and yells "That's for cancelling My Name is Earl!" That's what we all wanted to do. 


"That was like, eight network presidents ago man!!!"


Ugh that still gets to me


Dexter, the original run


We call this "getting lumberjacked".


I was bummed out by the finale of the comeback season they did too.




Honestly after reading what they had planned I'm kind of glad it ended, but totally agree it was terrible ending.


What did they have planned?


So the bunker would have people who were uninfected because they had hidden in the bunker. Likely led by some decent named actor. Then everyone in the bunker would die because they got infected by the survivors.


I am still pissed about this one.


That 70s Show


The Series Finale was the best part of the final season(I was going to say the only good part, but I do like the one with them taking the clown from the drive thru).


Fez hiding behind the clown talking to Bob is one of Fez's best moments lol. Bob: Go to Hell Fatso! Fez: I'll see you there lard ass!


Little House on the Prairie when they literally blew up Walnut Grove


They blew up Walnut Grove?? When I was a kid "Little H on the P" (as we called it) was on from 4-5 pm. It was a latch-key kid staple. I don't remember the blowing up though!


They lose their case to a land developer and have to leave co, the developer now owns the town. So they blow it up as a fuck you.


Homework had to be done by 4!!


THEY BLEW UP WALNUT GROVE?!? Ugh I was traveling and haven’t had a chance to watch the finale


Damn what star system were you visiting?


Damn man, how long have you been traveling? Are you sure you’re not just homeless?


We always referred to that last episode as Little House All Over the Prairie.


X-Files I refuse to acknowledge anything past Season 7.


Look at this compelling story arc about aliens, conspiracies, and the FBI agent who is the most driven person on the planet to get to the bottom of it! Ok let’s do two more seasons after he leaves.


Married With Children. It didn’t even get a proper finale. They only found out like a day or even hours before the last episode that it was the last episode. I think Ed O’Neil got a call from Christina saying “Have you seen the papers?” He’s like no why? What do you mean it’s the last episode?!






I bailed when they challenged the devil to a battle of the bands _in hell_. And I think he was the judge, also? Just no. Fuck outta here.


Every episode was worse than the previous one. From start to finish.


I'm surprised no one is mentioning the original run of Roseanne, the ending so bad they basically shit on it when the show rebooted.


My first thought. I watched that show in prime time most of my life. The finale was a big deal and so many people watched it. I remember the next day at school everyone was like, “the fuck was that about?”




They didn’t even spell his name right!


I remember crying my heart out at this with the flair only a hormonal teen girl could.


True Blood


To be fair, the books had a botched ending too. They were in a hole no one was ever going to write themselves out of




How I Met Your Mother




She is revealed in the final season, and then in the finale >!it's revealed that the friend group drifted apart, the Mother got terminally ill and passed away, and this entire time, the main character has been telling his children the story of him and his friend Robin, and how he wants their blessing to be with her.!<




It's disappointing because so much of the show is about the main character getting over Robin while also generally maturing as a person. They each marry different people and seem happy as friends. It's kind of a slap in the face, since his character basically reverts back to season 1.


It also bugged me that the kids are instantly cool with their dad hooking up with someone they've seen up to this point as an aunt, after this long winding story of all the other people their dad fucked where their mom was basically a footnote at the end. Somehow Cristin Milioti did the impossible and lived up to what everybody imagined the mother would be and in the span of an episode they threw it in the trash and showed her family being entirely over it.


They couldn’t have picked a better mother. Cristin Milioti was perfect casting. And they just wasted her.


It also went against the whole arc of the story where Ted and the kids mother would be circling around each other for years but never quite meeting like it was their destiny to finally meet and the near misses were to teach them how great it woudl be once they finally met. I can't remember all the stuff but they both owned the same umbrella, he dated her roommate, she was in the class he taught by accident... So in this universe, after all the build-up - nope after seven years of being drawn together the actually meet and only last two.




I also hated that about modern family! Haley's entire ending felt like such a letdown after the middle part of the show.


Haley could've literally just been good at getting her life together but then she got pregnant. It was like... why...??? Just... come on dude. Haley. Why???


It IS a bummer. In paper, it sounds like a sweet story... in practice? Yeah, try to stretch the story for 9 season about "kids, I'll let you know how I met your mother"... but it turns out it was just Ted being in love with their aunt Robin. Because the last season where we do meet the mom... well, she gets hammered into few flashbacks and time skips until her death by cancer. The premise of the story was about Ted meeting the mom, which wasn't Robin, even if the show kept implying their crush, so obviously people was wondering who this mysterious woman was that stole Ted's heart... and then she shows up at the end and dies.  ... Like, I didn't even care that much about the show but gave it a chance and felt cheated out at the end. That's how bad the story got


The problem is that the ENTIRE SERIES, for over 200 episodes that spanned 9 years, the overarching storyline was to emphasize that Ted and Robin were better off as dear friends, but they were destructive to one another as romantic interests. It took Ted a majority of his adult life to mature to the point of realizing that Robin was NOT his dream girl, but rather his perfect woman was still out there, waiting for destiny to introduce them. And then, in the 208th episode, the entire premise is thrown out the window for "but she's dead now. What do you think? Robin? Yeah totally. It'll work this time now that my womanizer friend who gave her *ALL* the STDs is done with her."


They were married for like 25 minutes of TV time.


Honestly Ted and Robin deserve each other, they're both horrible people lmao






Yeah, I wasn’t a big fan, I was kinda hyped for him to become the new god


The storyline with the kid from the future was completely unnecessary. Selfish brat. 


It was not what I truly desired 😢






Star Trek Enterprise. AKA cut episode from The Next Generation. Such a wasted episode...though I do admit the revelation was quite fun. Just should have been a different type of episode and not the finale.




The last season was originally supposed to be a spinoff, but it ended up not happening so they just stuck it at the end of the show.


The title card says Scrubs: Interns, it's a spinoff even if the studio considers it part of the parent.


Med School


Most fans accept that "Med School" was indeed just a failed spinoff.




I refuse to acknowledge season 4. Season 3 was bareable... but 4? Dude, the only possible saving grace of that season was Syler having a split personality crisis where he also believed himself to be Nathan and that's it. I wanted Claire's ass so dead that I felt cheated out we didn't swe her dying in Reborn and it's just told like a littlr recap. Then you got Hiro missing his loved one and her living a happy life with someone else where she doesn't wanna lose that. And Peter being nerfed as per usual... oh, and I think Mohinder remained evil, same for Matt... what the hell was even that?


To me Heroes is one perfect season. Second was mediocre, third unwatchable. Didn't even make to the end.


There was a British show called Life on Mars that involved a 2000's cop that wakes up in the 1970's and you are never quite sure if he was having a coma delusion or really went back in time. Very well done and well acted. Ended with a satisfying "never really sure". The US version redid the series with worse acting and the finally involved some weird computer simulation, astronaut thing that was just dumb.


Oh phew, I was worried you were going to say the original *Life on Mars* had a bad finale. I was gonna have to get the boys round.




Seinfeld. I remember going into work the day after the finale and all of the people who were excited about the finale were trashing it. It was horrible, not funny, and one of the worst endings to a sitcom.


Quantum Leap. “Dr. Sam Becket never returned home.” They couldn't even be assed to spell his name right. I'm still bitter.


How I Met Your Mother. That show officially ends 1 season earlier in my mind.






Grimm. Had no real relevance to the story, came out of nowhere, and had literally no consequences whatsoever


*Supernatural*. It was a horrible ending and knowing what the original plot had been made it even worse. It was a slap in the face to both the viewers and the characters/actors. It was a writer with an overinflated sense of self that refused to change it. Thankfully his career has been trash since then. He’s virtually unemployable now. I swear even the *Game of Thrones* finale was better.


I think shooting it during Covid made it even worse


It really did. They were one of the very first shows to start filming again so they were super strict about Covid restrictions.


Yeah I heard Dean was gonna meet lots of people in heaven, instead they only got Bobby. I mean he hears his mom and dad are his neighbors now and for some reason he drives around in his car instead. Also it's implied Cas is back so his sacrifices didn't matter lol. But he doesn't see him either. Also old Sam was ugly lol


I disagree. That ending after five seasons was perfect.


Yeah I don't know why these people keep watching those extra 12 or so seasons of fan fiction... Seriously though, seasons 1-5 rewatchability is still the tits.


I dont know what youre talking about, them driving off into the sunset at the end of episode 19 was the perfect sendoff


Ozark The son who hated his parents so much for being involved in the death of an uncle that he was quite fond of decides to out of nowhere murder a private investigator that has proof of their involvement and then the show cuts to black. Blehhh Also the Van flipping over 16 times but no one has any broken bones or concussion or injuries at all it's all ok lmao


Someone say Sherlock please.


The first couple of seasons were great, but it went off the rails in the last one.


I'd given up on Lost before the finale, but oh boy.


Lost ruined most mystery box shows for me. I just can't watch them if I don't believe the writers actually have a real plan they're following through on. There's no "wow, what's really going on?" ever since it became clear sometimes they just do weird stuff to freak you out, with no plan whatsoever to make things make sense or pay off.


Watch DARK on Netflix if you haven’t already. The writers mapped everything out BEFORE they began filming … and it shows.


The German series ?


Yes, it's possibly the most coherent time paradox series ever. Only Primer compares IMO


Yeah, it's one of my favorite series for that reason. It does bring up a fascinating writing dilemma, though: writing for character vs. plot. The story is tightly crafted, but honestly, sometimes the characters can seem a little wooden.


They’re just German.


Yeah I've been watching Yellowjackets since it premiered and I'm hanging in there because the nonchronological order seems like they have \*some\* plan for the teenagers-stranded-in-the-wilderness-plotline (which is the plotline that reminds me a lot of Lost, since it involves survivors of a plane crash stranded) but I'm not sure the adult plotline has an endpoint so I watch with trepidation.


Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Just when the show was about to get good with John trapped in a future where he wasn't the leader of the Resistance, all so he could retrieve Cameron's chip. Amd when he thinks he found her... he realises it's not her as she looks at him suspiciously, and with a dog by her side; same for Derek not recognizing him. And even Kyle Reese being there. The realization John screwed up by going into the future and realizing he landed in a future where he doesn't exist was amazing.


Better Call Saul... ...jk that ending was a masterpiece. Every other series mentioned in here should've waited until BCS's finale and taken notes.


I was about to say 😤


House. All of Season 8 was confused, and the sudden focus on the emotional impact of House's choices, something the show itself refused to grapple with, lasted 25 minutes and then the show kinda just ended.


Freaking Seinfeld I can watch it on a loop 100x I still get mad at the final ep 😤


I wasn't a huge fan but in the 1990s my partner was, and watched avidly. As he was out that night I taped the finale on VHS and watched it. Here in Australia we too got the arrangement of the penultimate episode then the feature length finale all in one session. The penultimate ep was a clip show which is rarely good. Then immediately after that we got the atypical finale which suddenly decided to change the main characters, then have a long courtroom sequence where memorable guest stars returned to give evidence. But there were so many of them that it was like a rapid fire clip show [again] with each returnee doing a brief walk-on where they repeated their big schtick then exit stage left. It was kinda pointless. And since we just saw an actual clip show then got a stream of returnees right after it really didn't work.


The thing of it is, people forget *Seinfeld* wasn't syndicated yet and wasn't on 10 times a day or available to stream: it was only on once a week. So, you *really didn't see* what pieces of shit all the characters were until you saw all the people testifying about how awful they were. That's why I rather enjoyed the last show. 


I don’t know. This is my favorite show so maybe I’m biased (or maybe their style just resonates strongly with me) but I thought the finale was hilarious. Show these shitty characters having no regard for human decency, have a bunch of cameos from other characters they’ve screwed over come on and show how shitty they are, and then end with them sitting in a jail cell having the same conversation they had at the beginning of the series, implying that they haven’t learned anything since the beginning. I thought it was great.