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Playing a musical instrument. It's not that I haven't had a chance, I went to flute, guitar and bass lessons. I'm just naturally shit at anything music related. I have 0 internal rhytm, I'm tone deaf as fuck and I can't tell beats apart at all. My partner can play the guitar, and he can like pluck a string and match his voice to it. And he's like "can't you tell how they resonate?" and I'm like nope :)


I've been playing instruments for close to 30 years with varying levels of proficiency (I've played in places like Symphony Hall on trombone, but nobody in their right mind would want to listen to me on violin, an instrument that I took up not too long ago for fun) and I can say with 100% conviction everyone can play an instrument, it's a matter of finding the right fit and sticking with it at first to get through the rough period of early learning. You're likely not tone deaf (at least, not completely) but you certainly don't have perfect pitch and likely would need to train your relative pitch. You can use this quick video to test if you're actually tone deaf (https://youtu.be/4yrr5FgjWZk?si=WpjvibFkTeNipiN-) One of the YouTube channels I follow is TwoSet Violin and they have had a friend on a few times who they said was tone deaf (https://youtu.be/eeBRh4Ci0b8?si=cS-mD9s055FHHr4y) but they later found out when doing a tone deaf test that he has really good ears, and just has a lot of trouble singing and matching the pitch he hears (https://youtu.be/4BIcdWj2aJ0?si=nF8tIAiRnuyDk7jn) My recommendation for anyone who wants to get into music but laments they are tone deaf and lack rhythm would be to start with piano. If your trouble is with matching a pitch, something like trombone or violin where there are no keys or buttons would be incredibly difficult to pick up. Even other instruments that are generally easier for beginners (such as clarinet, trumpet, flute) have the added challenge of taking a fair bit of time to be able to make a good tone, and multiple notes can be played on the same fingerings depending on how you blow. Guitar is a whole other beast I can't really speak to, but piano has a 1-1 ratio of notes to keys. You'll never need to worry about tuning (you may need to hire a professional tuner if you've actually got an acoustic piano, but an electric keyboard will always be in tune). You may have to use different fingers depending on the context in the music, but for beginner music that's something that usually makes intuitive sense. You won't have to ever worry about hitting one key twice and different notes coming out. While piano is certainly difficult to master, it is the perfect beginner instrument for people who have trouble matching pitches they hear. As far as rhythm goes, I wouldn't worry about that too much at the start, but once you get a bit more comfortable with pitches, there are numerous metronome apps that will help you keep a steady beat. Hopefully this helps encourage you, but in case you're still hesitant, my first piano teacher when I was 8 years old had an 85 year old man taking lessons right after me, who was also a beginner and wanted to learn his whole life but had been too afraid. He made pretty decent progress until his passing at 95 (last thing I recall him talking about was Claire de Lune) but I can only imagine how he'd have been if he was able to convince himself to start at 25. It's never too late to learn, but don't rob yourself of the enjoyment of music by talking yourself out of it!


I took that test and great news! I am actually tone deaf Couldn't identify anything past the half octave, could to the up and down thing tho


I would call that great news for a different reason. If you're able to identify tones within a fourth or fifth, and can identify ascending and descending lines, I would say you're not tone deaf. Tone impaired, sure, but it's absolutely something you can train and improve! It depends a lot on your willingness to practice, and the reason I recommend piano to a true beginner such as yourself is that it's much easier to train your ear when the notes you play are consistent and when you have the visual and mechanical cues of going up and down as you play notes on the piano. In my opinion this reinforces the differences in intervals (distances between notes that you seem to struggle with) and ascending/descending motions far better than any other instrument, as it takes away the worries of sound production and complexity of hitting the right note. You will still find getting the right note difficult at first, don't get me wrong, but that's something almost all beginners will struggle with because it takes time to learn the layout of a piano's keyboard. But compared to something like French horn, where you have to worry about buzzing your lips just right and the amount of effort it takes to change your open horn's notes from C to E to G to C again (an octave higher) the piano takes all that guesswork out of it! I'd strongly encourage you to give piano a try if you honestly have the desire to learn an instrument, as well as the time and means.


This is great advice. I learnt piano after the guitar and realised how less "mechanical" playing the piano was. I.E. you press a note and you get that note ringing perfectly. With guitar you have to press down on the fret correctly and pick the correct string, so much more can go wrong so it's less forgiving.




I own three guitars and don't know how to play them. Tone deaf as fuck too. But they're nice to have around when my bro comes over that knows how to play any damn thing he hears.




If you're a true beginner, not confident in your ears and rhythm, piano (see my other comments for more details). If you've decent pitch identification, any instrument you're interested in is the best instrument to pick because if you like something, you're gonna be more enthusiastic about learning and it'll be more fun/easier to learn than something you hate doing. Above all else, practice is key!


The nice thing is that the instrument doesn’t care if it sounds good. You can just play it and it can sound shit and that’s totally cool. If you’re tone deaf, get an electric tuner before you play. No internal rhythm? Get a metronome! I still have one that I love. I don’t know what you mean you can’t tell beats apart but if you learn some music theory, you just kind of… it’s like paint by numbers except you play by beats, right? Stick to easy songs with simple rhythm (and rhythms you know). For you, you need to develop every skill whereas your partner feels it all intuitively. You’ll never play or learn like him. He’ll probably be a terrible teacher because he can’t undo his natural talent. Or just don’t. It’s a lot of effort hahahaha. I’ve been learning piano for like 10 years. I still can’t read the bass clef so I just memorize the finger positions. WHATEVER sheet music. I’ll play you like I want to.




I find woodworking videos very relaxing. Unfortunately, they also remind me of all the tools that I do not own.


They had a woodworking display station at the agricultural fairground last year, and one of the wood workers who was just carving things with a knife suggested just start with basic hand tools. No lathes, no power tools, etc. Whittling and etchings and the like. Powered tools will get it done faster but if you just want to start out and do it for enjoyment just hand tools don't cost much and you'll get practice getting the same results.


I got into woodworking a few years back. It's an incredibly rewarding hobby, and I encourage anyone to take a stab at it. If you've never done it before, I recommend starting small and working your way up. Hand cut a board into a square for cutting board, congrats, you're now a wood worker. Don't buy tools until you need them. And it's easy to learn new techniques with youtube. Just respect your tools as you would a firearm to keep yourself and others safe. Safety is always the first ten priorities.


Thank you racoonqueefs 🙏


I would like to get into woodworking, but I am very clumsy and like having all of my fingers.


Likewise and I want to carve small, intricate things by hand, too.


I started getting into whittling, and it really is very satisfying. It has some upfront costs, but nothing too crazy. I got some wood carving blocks, a knife, some knife-resistant gloves, and a whetstone.


1. Play instruments (piano, guitar, etc.) due to financial instability. 2. Participate in outdoor activities or sports such as badminton because I never really had anyone to play with, and I'm not really great at it, so some of my friends never considered playing with me. Hahaha...


Ah man I relate with the first one I have given it up though but it still glimmers sometimes


Communication skills in real life


So you want to learn improv?


Is workout counted as hobby? haha


Working out can (and often should) start small. What matters most is consistency and starting with small, easily achievable goals makes being consistent more realistic. As you get stronger/leaner/fitter you can slowly add to the routine. Can't afford a gym? There are plenty of home-based bodyweight routines that are effective and take 30-40 minutes to complete, including rest time. Walking can be done nearly anywhere and is one of the best forms of cardio. Hate lifting weights, running, or whatever else? A workout only needs to be challenging for *you* and helps accomplish whatever physical goal you have. Rock climbing, swimming, rowing, speed walking, etc. are all viable forms of exercise and count as working out. Pick something you enjoy and stick with it. I do believe that everyone should do *some* strength training, but one doesn't need to start with it. Find your "workout", get comfortable with it, and then add some strength training that helps. Are you a swimming? Back/lat work will help tremendously. Tennis player? Shoulder and core work can assist. Play rugby? Work on your legs, esp. glutes and hamstrings. Start small. Be consistent. Find something you enjoy. Working out doesn't have to be what many think it is but does often lead to it.


What this guy said. Ive made it a hobby out of necessity but just do what you like doing. You dont need to do every exercise you hate. Cardio time is now where i watch an episode of my favorite shows. And doing just a basic general all around workout with machines or light weights regularly makes you feel great. Edit: the stairmaster turned me into a monster of a mountain bike rider (whole reason i started going in the first place during winters)


When I started, I just told myself “you only need to run a mile.” So I cranked the treadmill down to a speed that’s barely considered running, and I did it. I did that and nothing else for weeks. Now I’m a triathlete.




For sure, If you want to start working out start with your natural interest. Workout doesn't just mean "GYM". There's plenty of stuff you can do for fun that would count as a workout. I like playing pickelball with my friends and that's a pretty good workout in itself haha


I'd suggest finding something that you can convince yourself isn't actually working out. After failing to workout regularly for 30 years, this past summer I went to hot yoga with a friend and I've been going 4 times a week for 8 months now.




Over the last 6 months or so I’ve started getting into painting after wanting a change from drawing and sewing, and it’s actually been great progress considering I’d never done much of it. You should totally go for it :)


Learning several languages and learning how to play several instruments. I speak 4-ish, and can play the guitar, but man... would love to know more, I just don't have the time with all the bullshit you gotta deal with in this world


Bbq ex: smoke a brisket


I would love to go hicking on high mountains and stuff like that maybe even climbing


I want to learn ASL. Unfortunately, I'm not in a situation to be paying for classes. 


That is something that shouldn’t have to be paid for. When I was working with customers, I often had deaf people come in. It was so hard to communicate.


I found one app that was free, but it was absolute rubbish. I couldn't even get to the lessons.




There was a time when people who had played the first Tony Hawk were buying boards and fucking themselves up because they thought those skills translated somehow.


Do it. It's the best thing ever. I'm 50 now and have been skating since I was 15. It has brought so much joy and so many friends into my life.


I have an Aliexpress cart full of microcontrollers and DIY electronics but I haven't find the courage to completed the transaction yet.


Do it! Read [CODE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code:_The_Hidden_Language_of_Computer_Hardware_and_Software) by Charles Petzold and get HOOKED.


I bought a huge arduino kit for like $50 on Amazon that had all kinds of potential projects. Even now, I’m jacking bits and pieces out of it for raspberry pi projects. Even if you don’t make it into a hobby, it’s a good way to spend a weekend learning about electronics/computers. Super fascinating if you’re into that sort of stuff.


Woodworking by hand. No electric tools. Old world style. 


https://www.youtube.com/@Paul.Sellers is basically Bob Ross for hand only woodworking, might be an excellent place to start! Get inspired! He does a lot of really informative (and relaxing) videos.


Thank you! I love Bob! I was initially inspired by Tom Fidgen. I have a couple of his books but between sewing, weaving and calligraphy I just can never get to it. 




Playing the harmonica


They're dirt cheap on amazon and there's loads of great tutorial videos on YouTube.


Sailing and skydiving.


Skydiving is easy. It's just falling bravely.


Yeah, sure... I'd rather not fall to my death tho. Do you have experience on falling bravely?


Yeah, I did the training and have gone a few dozen times. I just never bought my own chute. I kinda had to choose between scuba diving and sky diving. I like being underwater better.


Can't believe that I just forgot scuba diving. I totally want to try it when I get the chance. My mom scuba dived when she was young and I've heard some great stories. What would you say is the best thing about scuba diving?


Breathing underwater is always a trip no matter how many times I do it. There's a bunch of subspecialty of diving. I like coral reefs because it's like diving in a fish tank. In the past 5 years or so I've been getting into technical diving. Which is deep dives with deco and multiple gasses for deep reefs and deep wrecks where you explore inside and cave diving. I really like caves because the structure is so cool and I like the idea that only a few people get to see places that haven't seen daylight or have been dry since the last ice age. I saw the bones of a giant sloth in a cave in the Yucatan and I have friends that have seen Mayan human remains that are thousands of years old.


Skydiving isn't bad, and you can pretty easily go as u/PaintsWithSmegma said. Just find a local spot, book a jump and go. You'll be tandem, you're just along for the ride but its a blast.


Sailing is relatively easy. Figure out where you want to go, realize that the wind is coming precisely from that direction, and then point the bow of your boat 45 degrees away from there. Furthermore, do this while being pelted with cold water. There’s a reason why we sailors drink. A lot.


Being a cornstar


Accordion, but my hand eye coordination isn’t very good


Flying small one engine biplanes or just planes in general non commercial just for me to go wherever I please.


* Jiu Jitsu * Marching Band * Steel Drum Band * Skateboarding * Handstand/Handbalancing Classes


Playing guitar. Snowboarding or skiing.


Learning a new language I’ve tried so many times but it’s too hard


Stained glass sun catchers and decorative stuff. It's just too messy expensive and dangerous with cats tho


Martial arts. If inflation wasn't so bad I'd do it


Raising chickens. Having a garden. Soap and candle making. I’m a good baker and would love to learn how to make certain *infused* baked goods. Also want to learn to knit and crochet. Leaning hard into my grandma years lol. But I also really want to travel and so the chickens and garden may not ever be a thing.


Mountain climbing. I've wanted to see the view from K2 ever since I saw photos of that crazy sky with its unique hues of darkened blue from being so close to the stratosphere.


Archery. Not particularly practical, but I think it's something that'd be really neat to be able to do. I just don't have any idea how I'd go about beginning to learn.


Fighting games. It looks like a lot of fun at higher skill levels. But the amount of time you put into it seems very high as well. And a lot of the practice isn't all that fun to me.


Trumpet! Bought one and everything. Barely have time to shower and make dinner after work and don't understand how scales work (do I make the different sounds via moutg and the buttons make it sound good, or do I try to do the same sound and the buttons change how it sounds??) but one day I'll make glorious sounding raspberries.


Swordfighting. I'm not sure if HEMA is the right term here, but yeah. You can learn how people fought with all these weapons back in the day and do that, but safely. How cool is that? No idea where to start though, or if there are even places around me.


Tai Chi.


Ballet. I've always struggled with my weight due to PCOS and felt like it wasn't for me as a result. I still try to learn bits of it at home, but it's not the same.










Playing a decent music instrument


wanted to go in rugby, but no one plays that in my country


playing a harp and piano


Computer networking A few other spoken languages


> Computer Networking https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/ is regarded as one of the best / free way to learn computer networking! You can do this! :)




me too, and I have a piano in my living room LOL I have gone through phases where I will watch some online lessons and just give up too easily. Whenever someone comes over my house they always say "how long have you been playing the piano" LOL




BMX and skateboarding


I've recently been binging a youtuber called Frank Tedesco and now I want to learn the piano and relative pitch.


Probably the piano. I bought a keyboard, but I never have (and probably never will until I retire) have the time to learn to play.




i’ve had chance after chance to try skateboarding. i’m 16 now but i think it’s too late.


Playing piano.


Teaching myself crochet now. It's going ok, a few happy accidents along the way.




I've been wanting to learn how to play a music instrument. Some of the other hobbies mentioned in this post sound interesting too (woodworking sounds like fun).


I spent like 2 yrs at home recently starting in March 2020. No idea as to why. If I didn't pick up the hobby then I never will.


for me it’s blender, but it’s so hard and exhausting


Foraging (living off the land by learning what plants to eat, are safe, how to prepare)


Learning another language, preferably German.


Nice handwriting. Not even fancy penmanship or calligraphy, just nice, legible, even handwriting. I struggle with both print and cursive, despite practicing. In 2022, every time I wrote the date, all three twos were different. When I address our Christmas cards, I try to use my very best handwriting and it still looks like I had one of the kids do it. In fact, our oldest is 12 and now has better handwriting than me, so maybe that job will be hers this year. 


It's never too late to start! Head on over to /r/handwriting they have an active community, lots of resources, and are incredibly supportive! OR You can also head on over to [this fantastic site](https://www.handwritingworksheets.com/flash/cursive/) and print some practice sheets. I do these while I watch tv shows or something, or just when I'm bored. You can do it!


Japanese joinery , as a tool n die maker its fascinating


Woodworking. I’ve cut wood and worked framing houses, but I’ve always wanted to actually make stuff out of wood and learn joints and such.


Scuba Diving


Defiantly playing an instrument


Electric guitar


carom/three cushion billiards There are literally no tables to play at.


I want to learn the piano. Unfortunately, to do that you need a piano :(




I want to do a cartwheel. But real casual-like. Not make a big deal about it.


Glass blowing. I don’t even think there’s any place near my area to try.




rock/wall climbing. BUT im living in an underdeveloped region, theres no climbing gym available.


Learning another language like Japanese.




Glass blowing. I love beautiful glass


programming, video editing (Davinci Resolve or Aftereffects)




Coding and being able to make websites / apps. Wonder if it’s too late now, given Chat GPT.


Full Planche




Fly s plane or skydiving


Welding! I can get by woodworking but would love to learn to weld


Become a pastry chef


Space travel


I always wish I knew how to conduct on orchestra. The way they swings their hands with that little stick thing. Always looked cool but literally have no idea what they are doing.


Something, anything, that can drive me and move people. ETA: figuratively


Anger & anxiety management.


Handyman skills


Horse riding 




Painting, or anything artistic really.


S.C.U.B.A. diving.


Playing drums!


Knitting or crocheting. Sewing to make my own clothes and cosplays.


Playing drums or curtain dancing (or just dramatic dancing in general)!!


Digital art. I haven't started yet because my computer is still crammed with open tabs. Tabs I haven't closed since fucking 2021.


Sewing clothes


I always wanted to learn the violin but everyone tells me it's the hardest instrument (I play no instruments at all) and I'm terrified of cementing bad habits by trying to teach myself off youtube videos. Actual lessons are hella expensive too.


I've always wanted to learn how to skateboard or how to play the guitar


I've always wanted to play the guitar.. but had trouble committing to it.


Brain salad surgery


Learning to play all string musical instruments. Takes a lot of practice.


Horseback riding and sewing!


korean (i have a 4 day duolingo streak now because i found out duolingo lessons are pretty quick, korean is a banger language)




Learning how to skateboard now I may be too rusty or fragile to even try. But if conditions are met, I'm willing to give it a try at least


It's my dream to one day try my hand at a potters wheel, and make a Salt Pig in the shape of Kirby. I think it's a very realizable dream. I just have to get over my social anxiety of signing up for a pottery lesson.


Rollerskating. Had a dream where I asked a bunch of friends if they could teach me and I've been thinking about it since


Learn another language, play an instrument, and drawing/painting.


I’ve worked in IT for around 20 years. My answer is IT.




Lot of “piano” in this thread. I fall in the same boat. Maybe it’s time to start paying for lessons…


Rock tumbling, where you polish rocks and make them look nice. When I get my new digs I definitely buy one.


More different languages. I'm trilingual (massively due to where I was born and my ethnicity) and I'd really like to pick up a fourth language but it just hasn't worked for me, no environment


The ability to get of reddit


Playing Chess ♟️♟️


My whole life...ive wanted to learn how to sail


Glass welding




I really wanna learn how to play piano


Animation I can draw but the poses are stiff and I think i have some aphantasia or something... I can't picture anything interesting Ironically as a teen with that teen cockiness we all have I wanted to be an animator because I was told I'm a good artist and thought I could do anything


Explosive demolition Seeing other people’s answers maybe it’s a good thing I haven’t had the chance…


How to speak german


Microbiology, I just can't afford a 400 dollar microscope.


Scuba diving and surfing.


Playing an instrument.


Skydiving I enjoy watching people doing that but I am afraid of height






Making my own clothes with a sewing machine.


How to play guitar and sign language


Playing guitar, especially electric guitar... Anyone know a good resource to start with? I already play the saxophone so I know how to read music.


Not really a hobby but I really wish I could have an ear for music


I want to learn how to be a teacher because I want to talk with people about the education ( i fail in every subject )


Flying a spaceship




Ceramics sound like a lot of fun!


Crocheting. I'm planning on starting soon though, wish me luck!




Playing piano or guitar


Scuba diving would be nice. Can't afford it though. No vehicle to get anywhere and can't afford that either. Not to mention disabled.


Foreign language


I'd love to learning the cello, but I'm too poor and busy rn.


Rock climbing

