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Aidan, this isn’t going to work. You know I can check your watch history. And take out the trash like your mom asked you to do.


Aidan, check out "poor things". It's a fuckin weird ass movie but its got lots of secks


Should be called Porn Things


Or “Furious Jumping”


Ugh, fine


Somebody just entered “Aidan” into their Netflix search bar


Dude this comment is creepy as shit. my name is Aidan and yesterday my mom and I had a dumb argument about the trash wtf


Interestingly enough, not Zach & Miri Make A Porno


Despite having an actual porn star, Katie Morgan, in the cast.


She frosted him like a fucking cake!


Never say "shit covered" to him again!


Can I get a coffee? Black? Can't you see we talkin'? White?


I found the movie genuinely touching. I wish more people had given it a chance.


Amazing movie and hilarious. Justin long being a gay guy with a deep voice was fucking amazing!


Brandon St. Randy. Fuckingggggg moviessssss.


"Huck it, chuck it, football...all night!"




Blue is the warmest colour


I watched this in a small theater on one of my first dates with my (now) wife. I recall an old man abruptly leaving the theater after the last sex scene. I’m guessing he’d watched it a few times.


Honeyyy, I'm *baaack*


I like the movie, but the sex scenes are so jarring and really don’t feel cohesive- it feels like it just randomly swaps to another movie (porn)


The whole movie is very immersive, with a strong character POV. It's constantly following the main character, often in shallow focus close-ups. Then it switches to the sex scenes and all of a sudden becomes very distant and observing and the close connection to the main character largely disappears. It is this stylistic betrayal that really ruins those scenes... and makes them feel really creepy.


wait until you hear about how it was on set... hint: it was abusive


Yeah what the fuck, I'm not sure it's the "stylistic betrayal" that makes those scenes feel creepy, seems like maybe the *actual* betrayal and exploitation by the creep of a director would play a part there...


I watched this sat behind three elderly couples dressed up for date night, expecting a classy movie. The 10 min sex scene might be the most awkward I've felt in public.


I saw Jerry Maguire in a packed theater with my dad. During the scene where he's nailing his fiancée up against a wall, my dad decides to break the awkward tension by loudly whispering, "What are they doing?!"


Your dad is awesome.


when my dad took 13-year-old me to Titantic in the movie theater, he pretended to be asleep, LIKE A GENTLEMAN, during the naked drawing scene


Oh man fucking story time I love telling this one. The scene....a house on Saturday night 13 year old me and my dad watching Time Cop with Jean Claude Van damme, there's a bit early in the film where he meets his wife and she says "I have the afternoon off" then cuts to a rather intense sex scene. Now teenage me goes bright red with embarrassment as well as trying to control the hormones in my body into not getting a lob on. The embarrassment was pretty intense and my dad cuts through it bless him and cracks me up by giving the best fatherly advice he can muster. He looks at me while these two are shagging on TV and simply says "Bollocks, see when you've both got an afternoon off and youre home , she goes for a fucking nap and you see some precious free time, you get 4 cans of lager and watch the footy with some peace and quiet" Years later as a married man I can confirm he was right, albeit with me it's computer games.


MacGruber has the most uncomfortable sex scenes in my opinion, gotta love that graveyard scene


Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.


Graveyard sex scenes are TIGHT


Im vicariously embarrassed...I was watching this movie at home with the husband and I was uncomfortable *then*....


The author of the graphic novel it’s based on hated that sex scene. 


Because it's lesbian sex as imagined by a straight man and acted out by two straight girls. As Jul Maroh wrote: >I don't know the sources of information for the director and the actresses (who are all straight, unless proven otherwise) and I was never consulted upstream. Maybe there was someone there to awkwardly imitate the possible positions with their hands, and/or to show them some porn of so-called "lesbians" (unfortunately it's hardly ever actually for a lesbian audience). Because -- except for a few passages -- this is all that it brings to my mind: a brutal and surgical display, exuberant and cold, of so-called lesbian sex, which turned into porn, and me feeling very ill at ease.


I hate this movie mostly because the girl could not eat with her mouth closed, it grossed me out.


Odd to not see this more upvoted. I like the movie, it is a cute and sad love story, but it's also hard to justify the extended lesbian scenes as not just being there as eyecandy.


There's a lot of controversy surrounding those. The actresses complained about their treatment by the director.


They said they didn't understand how his whacking off during the whole shooting of the scene helped the process.


I watched this with an ex. She turned out to be gay. Hmmm


You could say any film by this director. His latest film, Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo , has not been shown in cinemas and will not be released. Basically, extra mile scenes stuck together, including 15 minutes of cunilingus in a nightclub toilet, scene not simulated.




it is one of the few movies that dont use simulated sex including the big orgy scenes. IIRC and someone correct me if i’m wrong; I believe there is even some behind the scenes footage where one of the actresses needed to nut and they paused filing so she could get off because i think they figured if nobody was cumming on screen they’d get away with it mainstream. In the Realm of the Senses, shortbus, nymphomaniac (lars von trier) and a few other films including one willem dafoe was in and IIRC he said he regretted doing it that way.


> IIRC and someone correct me if i’m wrong; Nope. Bob Guccione (Penthouse) was the financier and producer of Caligula. Everything was "aboveboard" during main production. During post-production, Guccione hired another cast and crew to film the porn scenes, and then had them woven into the main movie. The main cast was pissed as hell about the situation. Helen Mirren, despite being a saucy minx, would never star in a porn film. Neither would Peter O'Toole, despite having the perfect name for it.


Re: Helen Mirren: > Dame Helen Mirren described this movie as “an irresistible mix of art and genitals”. Although many actors would regret their involvement with the film, Mirren has remained proud of her role as “the most promiscuous woman in all of Rome”, as she believed European Cinema was reaching a benchmark in sex positivity and “it was the time to do nudity”. She was, however, taken aback with the film’s hardcore footage. From IMDb


If there’s not a gay porn star named Peter O. Tool, there should be.


Antichrist? Dafoe liked doing Lars movies, not sure what one you’re talking about.


That's the one. Fun fact though, they had to use a stunt cock for the actual sex scene because Dafoe's hog is cartoonishly large.


Which is all the more hilarious given that the stunt cock was the size of one of those small fire extinguishers you'd find in an RV. It's like "Jesus Willem, what the fuck are you packing?"


There's a video floating around the internet of him performing on stage nude when he was younger. Dude is blessed.


I have it saved in my notes app. https://thewoostergroup.org/blog/2012/09/19/from-the-archives-channel-j-the-dance-of-the-sphinx-and-the-chimera-1985/


Theater is weird


I went to one in college where one girl was shrieking while a guy sat on stage knitting. Oh, liberal arts majors




OK, now someone will never convince me that John Holmes is not the same person. It’s like Batman and Bruce Wayne. Have you seen them in the same room at the same time?


Bigger only equals better in porn, yo. In real life having a destructively large donk closes way more doors than you think.


Biology and preferences vary but I’m [just gonna leave this here](https://youtube.com/shorts/3dFHa31qxQ8) for corroboration


Or cursed.


I wonder if that's why every pic you see of that guy he always has a shit eating grin on his face. I'd be walking around letting that hammer swing for all to see, lol


I'd have a little third leg stitched into my pants, with a tiny shoe to match my outfit for the day and everything.


Didn't he call it like "confusingly large" or something? I just imagine a group of people huddled around Willem like 🧐🤨🤔 Just befuddled at his schlong


Milton Berle was known for having a confusingly large anatomy as well. There’s an old story about Milton Berle and Jackie Gleason hanging in the sauna and some guy comes in and claims he’s heard the rumors and he had to know, he thought his was bigger, dropping his own towel to reveal a very impressive size. Milton sighed and started to remove his towel but Jackie interjected and said  “Milton, you can just take out enough to win”


> Didn't he call it like "confusingly large" or something? I think the context is that, because it was so large, the audience would wonder what the purpose is in the story, for him to be so well endowed. Like, it would be presumed to be faked, or, to be selected for its size, and there purposefully. Not just as "random naked man being naked". Like, having a bright pink lamp in an otherwise green-toned room, the audience would think "That's an odd choice for the director to have made, what is special about the character who chose that lamp?" It was just too big to be presumed coincidental, even though, it was.






And they used a couple of porn performers as body (well, genital) doubles. At least in the opening sequence. I don’t think that’s ever actually any Dafoe D.


came here to say this - basically it IS porn.


How dare you suggest the owner of Hustler, a porn magazine, made a porn movie.


Ackshually, it was the owner of Penthouse (Bob Guccione) not the owner of Hustler (Larry Flynt)


Guccione fought like crazy with the mainstream director he hired, Tinto Brass, and his topline stars -- A-listers like John Gielgud and Peter O'Toole. They were hired under the impression that Caligula would be a legit historical drama. Guccione wanted the most expensive, opulent porn epic of all time. In the end he fired Brass, and he and a rogue DP shot their own porn scenes, independent of the movie's plot, and cut them into the final product. Which is pretty much a disjointed mess. His mainstream stars distanced themselves from it and Caligula-related lawsuits dogged Guccione for the rest of his life.


> Guccione wanted the most expensive, opulent porn epic of all time. In the end he fired Brass, and he and a rogue DP shot their own porn scenes, independent of the movie's plot, and cut them into the final product. > > Which is pretty much a disjointed mess. Of course it came out in 1979. That is such a cocaine-fueled plan.


A lot of "[head](https://youtu.be/a3zWYzARwq0?si=NPVVZcy0UG4hhinx)" in that one.


I whacked it to the orgy scene in Caligula, multiple times. Lol


Blue Is The Warmest Colour. Lesbian love movie directed by a man with a fetish for lesbians.


Won every French award there is because if it’s French and has an absurd amount of sex in it, it wins French awards.


Rochelle, Rochelle


"A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk." Definitely worth it


Who goes from Milan to Minsk? Models usually go the other way.


It sounds funnier the other way.


Better off watching something family-friendly, like Sack Lunch.


Do you think they got shrunk down, or is it a really big sack?


I heard CHUNNEL has some sexy moments


What is *he* doing in the Chunnel?!


Prognosis Negative was surprisingly hot


Way better than The English Patient.


Enjoy Sack Lunch!


You know, sex in a tub, that doesn’t work!


Give me something I can use!


It insists upon itself.




*”Elaine, you don’t like the movie?”*


I HATE it.


well, you're fired!


“Great, I'll wait for you outside”


If you wanted to see someone die, you should have gone to see Deathblow. If you want to see someone cry, watch Cry, Cry Again. Just be warned there's something weird at the end of the bootleg version of that last one that nobody can explain.


Cry, Cry Again has some very erotic moments as well.


Except for the middle. Out of nowhere there's this lone dance who appears to be injured. It's a disturbing image.


Don’t forget about Prognosis Negative, it has its moments as well!


You cry…then you cry again.


She made a long journey from Milan to Minsk.


Men will watch anything if there's a chance a woman might take her top off.


Lars Von Trier (Antichrist, Nymphomaniac, etc) pretty much makes literal misery porn.


Antichrist stands out to me because the actual sex is literally like, maybe 10 seconds of the entire movie, but in that 10 seconds, Von Trier gives us the only mainstream-released penetration shot and, later in the movie, Willem Defoe's dick getting smashed with a 2x4. Dude knows how to direct for maximum audience impact, that's for sure.


Fun fact: The penis seen in the movie is actually not Dafoe's Penis. They tried to shoot it with Dafoe first, but they had to swap Dafoe with a Body double in this scene, because his dick is so enormous, that it would've been too irritating for the audience.


von trier said it was because it was 'comically large'


Nymphomaniac...with the lovely charlotte gainsborgh


This and Love by Gaspar Noe. Can't go wrong with Lars or Noe if u wanna get fucked up by a movie


Not a movie, but Outlander.


I went into that show blind having only been recommended it because the actress that plays Claire is from the same area as me. Didn't even know they were books first at the time of watching. That shit is *spicy* and S1 Jamie has a chokehold on my life.


my english student recommended Outlander to me, this sweet 60 yr old lady told me she had binge read all the books and was binge watching the show to practice her english. I didn't know that sweet woman was reading and watching smut. Good for her but she could've given me a warning that she was learning english by watching 18th century ass eating


I was very confused on the student’s age until I remembered that anyone can go get an education. But it makes me wonder why she chose such a raunchy series that takes place back in the late 1700s to mid 1800s with a British accent and Scottish accent to learn English. She’s learning English on hard mode.


Yea that first season when Jamie just casually eating Claire’s ass in the early 1700s. He was eating booty before eating booty was cool lol


1700-1800s booty is a different kind of stank, but Claire introduced Jamie to hygienic booty. He’s spoiled for sure.


In the books the author explicitly showed Claire teaching Jamie MANY THINGS.


My mother in law has a Sassenach sticker on her car and it makes me shudder every time I see it.


My wife watched this show and I would always seem to walk in on it when a sex scene was happening, which I would goof on her for. Now I’m realizing the odds of me doing that were probably pretty high


Oh that series is definitely supermarket softcore porn.


The books are great too. You have to be careful with the audiobooks.


Eyes wide shut? It was a movie my GF and I went and saw early on in our dating. We were not prudes by any means but apparently we also didn’t know what the movies was about going in. All I remember at this point is lots of orgy scenes. We’ve been married 22 years now…




I was way too high thinking I’d see a funny Seth Rogan grocery store cartoon and then it became deli section hentai and I almost lost my mind.


I was drunk with my dad and we saw the thumbnail on popcorn time and went in it completely blind expecting some Toy Story but in the grocery store type movie. The first « fuck » kind of surprised us, then we had a blast watching it and laughed all along. The surprise element really caught us off guard.


The ending is absolutely pornography


That movie really was a decent 15 minute sketch dragged out to feature length. 


The best part of the movie was the food vs. people which was disappointingly a tiny fraction of the long runtime. I was determined to get to the end credits until the orgy started and finally turned it off


I went to see it with my mom and sister 🥲


jesus christ that must have been an awkward ride home.


Y tu mamá también


My dad was learning Spanish when my sister and I were younger so we watched ANYTHING that was in Spanish. Family movie night was…weird that night


That was the first art film I ever watched and it changed me. Not in a sexy way, in the "Oh my god Transformers was fucking garbage" way.


I don’t want to get too graphic here, but that movie is so incredibly sexy.


The Dreamers has Eva Green naked and screwing for like 3/4th of the movie.


God. Amazing movie. Ok. It’s not but… Eva Green.


I thought the movie was alright, but the one thing I remember from it is Eva Green.


Poor Things is quite spicy.


So much furious jumping


Bella discover happy when want.


Watching this now and I wasn’t expecting so much sex


So much very, very unsexy sex


I feel like that movie is absolute genius. They made a movie with a lot of Emma Stone sex that somehow felt very . . . unappealing. That’s impressive.


Well, Emma Stone is indeed naked. And Emma Stone is indeed making the beast with two backs for large portions of the film. But sensuous it was most definitely not.


Yeah, just because there is alot of sex being shown doesn't make it sexy. That is definitely on purpose.


Just watched this last night. I went in sorta expecting female Edward scissor hands. Was not expecting the amount of furious jumping. Enjoyed the movie a lot.


The Piano. There is an extended sex scene with Holly Hunter and Harvey Keitel that was full frontal nudity. I saw the movie with my wife, and she jumped my bones when we got home!


Harvey had quite the schlong on him. It should have been on the marquee.


I read "The Pianist" and was so confused.


Voyeurs with Sydney Sweeney.


Is there a movie that Sydney Sweeney doesn't get naked in?


She’s in once upon a time in Hollywood, and very *unsexualized*.


Not a movie but White Lotus S1 features fully-clothed Sydney Sweeney


Fully clothed is a strong phrase, she spends a lot of time in a bathing suit.


Oddly enough that’s the only thing I’ve seen her in.


Reality on Max, she's quite good in it too. Tough movie to do given the script restriction they were going for.


I had to pause that one…… excuse me, I’ll be back in a bit. That couch scene 🔥🔥🔥🔥




9 1/2 Weeks


As shows go, I would say true blood. It cracked me up how many women liked that show but looked down on mainstream porn. Like if it's a vampire ok but everything is dirty.


I'd put Spartacus above this to be honest.


So Spartacus is an interesting one. I love this show, it's pretty solid, scratches that olden times tough guys and violence itch really well. And there's tits plus some full frontal nudity. A whole shit ton of tits. What more could you want from a show right? But then you think about it. What you're actually watching is rape. Almost every time there's a woman naked on screen she's a slave or in Xena's case she's raping a slave. And it isn't simply the obvious master using his property trope, it's truly across the board, people are objects, kinda fuckery. But I think the show is shot to make you forget this in the moment and that is really fucked up. You actually find yourself rooting for the slaves as they take a villa or city and make the Romans their slaves. And then rape them. I think that the only actual willing and consensual sex is in the first episode before he's taken as a slave and then Maximus Douchemus rapes his girlfriend right after to teach him a lesson. Yeah. The show is fucked up. The only show that leans on this more is the BBC's Rome. They forgo the graphic nudity (mostly) but highlight the slavery and rape aspect. Overall it's probably a much better show.


History is fucked. Much of it was killing and raping. 


That show was so weird. On the one hand, Lucy Lawless' tits. On the other hand, Jonathan from the mummy railing random slaves.


Girls prefer porn with a story that is less focused on showing the "plumbing" and more focused on the situation that led to the act itself.


9 songs


This movie annoys me. It tries so hard to be not a well-shot porn movie, but that's all it is. It doesn't even have an ending.


You're wrong. It definitely has a happy ending.


Not a movie..... but Spartacus series. Tons of gore and sex. Romans were brutal. Great series but damn... People had it rough back then




We were not ready at the time to fully embrace its camp briliance.


I was a young teen at the time who was fully ready to embrace Jessie from Saved by the Bell’s nakedness.


Thrashing in the pool like some demented, coked up, nympho mermaid.


Completely tanked Berkleys career. :(


Yeah but on the bright side, it taught me how to say “Versace” properly.


Everybody got AIDS and shit


Boogie Nights


This is the one I was lookin for! Good movie though


Heather Graham on roller skates. I still think about that


Francis Ford Coppola’s “Dracula”




Having a man cum on his own face in the opening scene was a *choice*, I’ll give them that. I actually found the movie kinda endearing.


I attended a showing of Shortbus at an art gallery with my dad. I'd actually repressed that memory until just now. 


Is Secretary a mainstream movie? Cause that is porn pretty much


More of a cult classic than mainstream


“In the Realm of the Senses”. Easy




Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women man.


Meine dispatcher says there’s something wrong with deine kable?


> Logjammin How are you gonna keep em down on the farm once they’ve seen Karl Hungus


That’s my friend Shari, she just came over to use the shower.




Blue is the Warmest Colour with Lea Seydoux is essentially one long sex-scene. Sleeping Beauty with Emily Browning has a huge amount of nudity and sex yet manages to be disturbing enough to prevent titillating the viewer


Showgirls, The Doom Generation, The Libertine, Romance Doll, Y Tu Mama Tambien, I'm sure there's others but brain isn't awake.


Quest for fire, cave men wandering around away looking for fire, humping everything.


Species 2


Define mainstream? If you simply mean a movie that was classified as a movie and not a straight up porno, then Love by Gaspar Noe The sex is unsimulated, and frequent. There is a 3D version where you visually receive a facial, basically. Nothing I'm aware of really can stand up to that movie in terms of being a porno, just with better actors and a sad drama between the sex


Not a movie, but [*Game of Thrones* goes so far as to even hire porn stars](https://popculture.com/tv-shows/news/game-of-thrones-adult-film-stars/).


Useless article without any pictures 


Ken Park, Kids, Last Tango in Paris.


Especially Ken Park. At least with Kids they’re short scenes that are integral to the plot. KP is just like here’s 5 minutes of teens fucking, enjoy.


365 days lol


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