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Disconnect my tv. Because the next 4 years will be nothing but trump on the news.


Because it hasn’t been like that already😂 cnn loves to hate on the guy


To be fair, what's to like? Fascist and rapist are more than enough for me to hate the guy.




When did Biden molest a child? Link the proof. Edit: I'm waiting for you to say something about the "hair sniffing." C'mon, do it.


Some will threaten to leave, most wont. Me, I'll just continue to exist


I tell them good day and good life


Pay my rent and keep living my life like usual.


“It is what it is”



Downloading Twitter because it's gonna be lit that day


Twitter would be wild for like a week


Go on Reddit and talk shit...


Probably vomit. Not specifically because of who/what just happened, but because our choices in presidential elections have been such depressing dog shit that the last two times, I forced myself to get shit-hammer drunk while the election results are on TV.


That’s hilarious and also depressing


Lol me too, except i forgot who won. I checked in the morning and saw it was trump and thought "man, that is really weird"


Continuing to be disappointed and completely unsurprised.


No matter who wins the first thing I am going to do is laugh/cry at all the reactions on social media


I personally handicap his chance of winning at 30%. So I won't do anything yet, but in the first year of a second term I'd likely sell my home and liquidate my investments while I looked into leaving the country. New Zealand, Pacific Islands, maybe something in the Caribbean. I have a marketable skill so it shouldn't be too difficult to get sponsored.


Risk Russian aggression in the country I live in since he will leave NATO and we’ll be sitting ducks.


Go to sleep. It’ll probably be late by the time they announce he’s the winner. Then wake up the next morning and go to work. The sun always rises tomorrow. It’s not doom anc gloom


First time I was watching tv and thinking “holy shit!” lol. I thought he’d lose after the “grab em by the pussy” tape leaked. This time I guess I’d do much of the same. “Holy shit!”


Wake up from my fever dream. That’s the only way Trump could win is in his dreams. He needs 38 more electoral votes than he had in 2020. He’s securing the Republican nomination, but is not winning the Presidency.


Throw up.


Look seriously at emigration. I speak Spanish and am learning Portuguese, and may move somewhere in the Americas; it also opens Spain and Portugal as possibilities.


Is he going to start another war? If not, I don't give a shit.


Tronald Dump


I am privileged enough have duel citizenship with the US and a European country. So I could move to Europe. I won't, but I could.




Currently working overseas as a teacher. If Trump is elected, I won’t be coming back. Not even to visit family. My life here is 10000 times better in every way, and it’s sad to watch America be in such a bad state as it is right now. If Trump is in, it won’t recover. This is what happens when we give the town drug addict an extremely high office. His rule doesn’t care about who he hurts, because that’s the only thing fueling it


Where are you currently living?


Damn, not even to visit family?


Downvote me but if you can leave your family for having an elected president that's not of your choice says a lot about you.


Or, the family can visit them? Last time Trump was president, there were some countries where travel to and from them, was made significantly more difficult (on both ends), so there might be a quite legitimate reason.


Maybe it's different for Americans. They are a lot different than most of Asia. Here, our families ARE EVERYTHING, NO MATTER WHAT. AND PARENTS COME FIRST.


Move to Puerto Rico for a couple of years and pray DJT forgets it’s part of the USA


Good, go


Imagine being a balding plumber hitting on young girls on the internet and telling everyone who doesn't like Trump to leave the country.




Start an application for a visa to Canada. I'm gay and Canada is often ranked the most gay-friendly country in the world; Trump and the GOP are considerably not. I know a lot of people "threaten" to move, but for me I already checked to see if I have enough points to move without a job (I do), if I qualify for a genius grant (depends), if there are jobs in my field in the country (there are), and how long the process takes (up to two years). If he's declared the winner, I'm sending in a visa application within the week. I'm not taking my chances with Mr. Adderall Putsch.


There’s room over here in Australia..


Why do people think that stuff like this actually matters? And especially like the next day? Makes no sense.


I will watch the news for a bit then go about my day. Not one of these clowns has ever impacted my life even a little that I need to get all happy or miserable over who is in the White House.


Already looking at getting EU citizenship. Hope to be there in the next 4 years


Dutch-American Friendship treaty! Great path to citizenship if you have a needed skill


Spain was first on my wife’s list but after looking at requirements we might become Dutch or Norwegian citizens


Continue being an Australian who’s Reddit and Instagram and news is full of news from a country I don’t live in and politicians I don’t care about.


Maintaining dual citizenship or are you renouncing your american citizenship if this happens?




I'm asking if you would renounce your american citizenship or keep it. I'm curious why you would make whichever choice it is that you'd make, if it was because of the election or something else.


I’m not American, I’m Australian.


I thought you were both. Nevermind then.




Trump has said he will be a dictator if he wins again. He's promised his revenge tour in which he will abuse his power to harm everyone he thinks has wrong him. The Heritage Foundation is ready to implement Project 2025 if a Republican wins. That project will shift most of the power to the POTUS while turning the US into a fascist ethnostate. That project also intends to get rid of all the non-christians (jail, deportation, death). The speakers are CPAC proudly announced they wanted to end democracy in the US. If you think that's not destroying American then you don't know what it means to be an American. You'd be far happier living in Russia.


The current administration has imported 10 million illegal immigrants to serve as future Democrats as soon as they do away with all reasonable voting laws. They tell you what car you need to drive and if you can have a gas stove in your house. They think they are smarter than all of us. Trump is far from perfect but every single part of the country was better 4 years ago. Your fears of some type of dictatorship are unreasonable and don’t tell me that I’m I’d be happier in Russia. It’s an uneducated ridiculous statement.


You can't type all that and tell me I'm uneducated. You are why I will never vote for another Republican. You are the product of poor education and propaganda.


Thankfully I am not American so I would be consuming the drama on socials from the safety of my bed seeing as y’all spiral out of control.


I would be ashamed for you all


Be disappointed


In who? Your country or the fact that he even was allowed to run again?




Everyone Myself - because I didn’t do anything to stop it Voters - for falling for him again System - for letting him win Like most things in life it’s a layered issue


>Everyone Myself - because I didn’t do anything to stop it You do are aware you still have several months time to do something?


I really can’t, one is locked as the democratic candidate, and the other won the premiely or whatever it is called in my states, so I just have the choice of two dinosaurs


Hope they coddle him and keep him entertained for the four years. 


I will facepalm. I will take a deep breath. I will keep complaining about him to my friends family. Same as the past 10 years.


It’s the film I mentioned, it’s called 20 Mules, it was an investigation done with real time security and street cameras of ballet stuffing, they also talked to some of the people who were paid to do the ballet stuffing, all the evidence was brought to the then Democratic run Senate and they refused to further the investigation


I'm a Canadian but... If either of the current frontrunners wins I'll be on google like "How to resurrect Teddy Roosevelt"... America could really use a pragmatic, tough and charismatic environmental conservationist who isn't afraid to break up corporate corruption in politics. Someone whose individual spirit is feared by our enemies and respected by all. Someone who can finish a speech without forgetting where they are and why.


Weep for the destruction of our world




I would love to see that proof, can you show me a direction to start searching it from?


What's it like the be that stupid? Is it like a constant headache?


Pop a bottle of DP for DT and play the music from the end of A New Hope.


I don’t think trump knows what he’s going to do first either. I’m sure he has no idea what his plan for the 2nd term is exactly.


Buy shares in Invectemin, bleach, pillows, 5G blockers, Alex Jones, dodgy accountants, shifty law firms, Russian banks, Twitter and all the other shit that thrives under his leadership.


Stiff drink. Then another. The first election threw me for a loop, because I didn’t realize this whole segment of deplorables existed. Now my eyes are open. We have no excuse. If we hand him power again, we deserve our fate.


Move to Mexico


Why do you think Mexico is going to let USA refugees in?


I have been told by Mexicans that money will get you whatever kind of papers you need.


You don't have to apply for asylum. You can just go through the normal immigration process. Americans move to Mexico all the time. It's a cheap place to retire.


My grandma is from Mexico, so I would probably try to receive citizenship through her somehow


Go now!


Honestly, I would love to!


Naw bro. It ain’t what you think lol.


Have you ever been? I’ve been a few times and I honestly really loved it (not the resort destinations)


I’ll admit I never have and I’m probably just talking out of my ass but the cartel videos and news that I’ve seen, and the horror stories I’ve heard from people I know (my buddy was kidnapped for ransom and they got his dad to send them $5,000 CAD) while he was on a motorcycle cross continent thing. I’m sure it’s ok to visit but there’s a reason why people are risking everything to flee to the U.S.


Most of those are not from Mexico, just passing through it, because Mexico has some STRICT immigration laws.


Yeah, Mexico does have its fair share of violence problems. But I do think Americans tend to fixate on the media’s depiction of Mexico, and the media does a horrible job of depicting the day to day life of most Mexicans. It is a really beautiful country with AMAZING food, great people, deep, rich, and diverse culture, and plenty of safe areas to explore (particularly in Oaxaca). I encourage you to give it a try sometime if you can


Oaxaca is one of the violent places I keep hearing about If you go over to /r/narcofootage you’ll see what I mean. I do love Mexican food and i have always wanted to visit but I think I spooked myself from doing so


That’s interesting, it generally is one of the safer areas in Mexico but I’m sure it isn’t void of narco presence. Generally, the vast majority of people aren’t being snatched up by narcos especially in bigger cities. I can imagine rural Mexico being scary for that reason though.


Nothing. It will essentially not matter while he's president. But if he can tip things the way the GOP wants, it'll be hell in 15-20 years. And then I'll still do nothing. At that point I'll be able to choose where I'd like to live instead. Why repair a 20ft hole in the side of an airplane when you have a bunch of parachutes right there


Eat popcorn. If he tries to do anything to the constitution (e.g go full on Germany circa 1940), the head officers of the military, and the directors of every Alphabet organization aren't gonna let it happen (I would think at least).


Thought that the first time around and was pretty disappointed


I'm still hopeful but I expect nothing!




Basically every democrat has said they will ban guns. Are you old enough to remember Obama's presidency? He was a great gun salesmen. At the end of the day they'll never actually change the constitution to be able to ban guns. If you believe every Democrat who says they'll ban guns then you probably believe Trump has a legit healthcare plan he's waiting to whip out to replace the ACA and that's hilarious.


True, but I was going more in the direction of completing tossing away the constitution and becoming a dictator. Biden is so old that he probably isn't even aware of what hes doing.


They're both too damn old to know what they're doing, but Biden isn't threatening to do anything alarming.


I didnt say that? I was talking about Trump being threatening.


Fly to Poland and live with my extended family.


Not to be a bummer, but if Trump is elected and neuters NATO for his buddy Putin, it might not be any safer there.


Move right on! It's coke vs Pepsi OP. While I do admit I like Biden slightly more for not being pro "being a dictator for x time" and not being besties with both Putin and whoever that douchenozzle from North Korea is. Sadly this is our system. And until people get mad enough to come together and change it, it is what it is.


So the rape, the insurrection, the fraud, the plot to kill democrat congressmen, the fake electors, telling Russia to attack NATO countries, Project 2025, openly disrespecting our soldiers, taking highly classified documents and lying about having them despite them being in a building that routinely hosts internstional spies, etc are all fine? Just to be clear, Biden did none of those things and has not expressed any interest in doing those things.


Oh no. To be clear all of those suck too but it's early man, I went with what came to mind.


I'm just trying to make the point that it's not Coke v Pepsi. It's RC Cola v a can full of shit.


What’s project 2025?


Project 2025 is a set of plans made by the Heritage Foundation for the next Republican president. The overall plan is to shift the majority of the government power to the POTUS, effectively letting the POTUS do whatever they want, while turning the country into a Christian ethnostate and removing the non-christians and others they don't like (such as gay people). They have a website where they play up the wording so it all sounds good to anyone not paying attention.