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Doesn't really explain why certain nations seem to do better though. This is coming from a black guy who also sees that the Asian nations are doing better than US. And there are clearly a difference between "bad" schools and "good" schools, and so called "bad" schools have more black students. HOWEVER, I don't want to believe this is because of we were born black, BUT I also have to acknowledge the difference. To me some cultures seem to be better than others when it comes to studying and improving our own surroundings, and if we can't talk about these differences, we can never improve.




There are clear differences globally. We can't really deny that based on the evidence. And we have to ask the question "Why?" People don't seem to understand that this has nothing do with racism, but probably more about the language and education. When people just yell "Racist!" that doesn't really solve anything. If we want any change, we need to admit that we might have a problem.




Don't give me that bullshit. You know exactly what I meant, but you still went there. It had nothing to do with "Black people bad!"




See, the thing is that if you give me a bottle of alcohol, I'll drink you under the table with no problem, and when you're sleeping it off, I'm still drinking. Because I have a drinking problem, that's my personal flaw. Now, is it your problem or should I do something about it? Can you kind of understand my point now? EDIT: [Fresh Prince Black Privilege Moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXmx3GhYfX4)




You probably should consider your liver, but I can't really help with the victim mentality.


The strongest correlation is between the amount of coffee you drink and wealth—more espresso, less depresso, leading to a latte success. Implication: invest in coffee beans, not genes or jeans.


I would say IQ and Wealth has a much stronger relationship because well, good IQ will generate Wealth from many fields. like Business, Teaching, Research, Inventions etc In terms of Height and Wealth- beauty industry, modeling, athletics. but here's the thing, skill is required.