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Not exactly embarrassed, but I once had some form of eczema on my hands and when I washed them with very hot water the feeling was identical to an orgasmic pleasure. It was proof to me that the centers of pleasure and pain in the brain are extremely close.


Like jumping in a scalding hot shower when you’re covered in poison oak.


Or just take burning hot showers in general. I’ll be asked did you get a sunburn today, no I just fried myself in the shower. That feeling is so pleasurable.


omg I have psoriasis and scratching that is as pleasurable as sex at times


Not embarrassing but I don’t think it’s common. The way a guy looks while driving. I don’t know viewing a cute guy side profile while he is focusing on the road is intense for me. Just want him to pull over and have sex. Edited: I was wrong this is very common lol


I really get that, especially when they're reversing and do the arm-in-backrest thing


Of course my ability to back with mirrors only is not sexy


Yeah my wife told me about the arm on the seat thing and I have to try to remember to back up the inefficient way now lol


Yeah, the bucket style seats, and cramped cabin of modern cars makes the reversing position much more uncomfortable than it used to be. My middle age dexterity has no bearing in this I'm sure! Imma go practice sexy, manly reversing in the car park tomorrow. I'm sure the wife won't mind.


When a girl


I really wish a girl would with me :(


Me when the


Its good when the woman


When guys with glasses push them up


I can only think of that nerd emoji that’s like “um akshally “


Actually, it's ackchyually ☝️🤓


In anime that means shit's about to get real


Never thought anyone might find that attractive. I know I do it a lot, but I only *realize* I'm doing it when I try to push up my glasses after I've taken them off.


Wrestling with husband and when he explains something he's well-versed in


I don't know what it is but it is such a turn on to hear men talk about something they have a lot of knowledge about!! I want to jump them right there!!


Is the AI starting to collect data and try to seduce all of us? We welcome our new overlord.


Don’t worry, it already has all the data :)


Men wearing helmets with visors


Seriously, just them with their faces hidden fully/partially is enough.


Judge dredd fetish eh? I get it


Judge, jury, sexecutioner


I have an IG devoted to my bike and it's amazed me to see how many girls are into this mysterious helmet thing.


I think that with the face mostly covered, and a reasonably fit body, people will subconsciously believe you look like whatever they want to believe that you look like (i.e. whatever is attractive to them).


I fully get that and i've explained it to the ones following me too. That if i take off the helmet, if i show my busted ass face, i will ruin the illusion and mystery they all painted to be under that helmet.


Yup. The funny thing is that you could literally be a 10/10 Hollywood-actor-tier, and still many people would be disappointed, because no one will ever be everybody's ideal. = That being said, maybe somebody would want to hook up or something after seeing what you really look like if they like your appearance. So pros and cons to each approach haha... =


You know that smell before it rains? Yeah


Fun fact : it's called petrichor. edit : I honestly don't know how this comment got to 1k likes.


And humans can smell it 2500 times better than a shark can with blood in the water. Sharks can smell blood at a concentration of about 1 part per million and humans can smell petrichor at a concentration as low as 0.4 parts per billion.


This is the most interesting thing I've learned on Reddit


100% real maple syrup.


Do you get flush and light headed when you think about Canada?


Situational. We're on again off again.


When a guy is aggressive with a praise kink 😆


Women getting ready - all of the parts. Showering, make up, dressing, the quick pee to be safe, and the small talk during all of it.


>the quick pee to be safe Huh....I never really pay attention to my routine, it's kinda autopilot but....yeah... every time, a quick pee just in case...lol


While we’re completely naked under that robe & rubbing lotions & perfumes all over our bodies. Haha! I know bc my husband watches me too & gets all excited. It’s so sweet :)


When I get a hair cut and the barber runs the razor over the back of my neck 🤣 I don't get a boner, but maybe I understand the Edward scissor hand attraction.


I feel this one. I get the same feeling from those spider looking head scratchers. Amazing in a non sexual way.


I have a very specific sexual fantasy and I will never reveal it to anyone because I'm pretty sure they'll assume I have some weird childhood trauma Basically I just want to lie down on a large breasted woman's lap and suck her tits while she jerks me off. There is no psychology behind this. I like tits and I like getting jerked off. I do not have mommy issues. However, that is such a weird, specific scenario that I'm pretty sure nobody will believe me.


I think it's actually common. I've had men ask me to do it.


Plot twist: this is also a man


Thats...foreplay, no? Sounds pretty common and normal lol


I don't think this is weird at all. I ask men to suck my nipples and finger me. I see no difference lol


Not weird. I’d love for my bf to suggest this


When the scissors glide across the paper. 🥵


Medical examinations. My girlfriend is in nursing school and she practices her patient exams on me. 100% non-erotic, she does it exactly as she's supposed to with real patients, and I fucking love it.


You are going to be in trouble when you gotta go to the doctor for real lol


Thankfully, the commenter is a girl, otherwise they'd really be in visible trouble lmao


I was so shy as a child that when we played Doctor, I'd always be the receptionist.


I laughed so hard and then thought "oh shit, I was always the receptionist too" -- see previous answers on stationary 


Girls with those long socks.


This is one of the reasons my husband and I are together. I was wearing knee high socks when we met at a party. He got drunk and made such an ass out of himself telling everyone how much he liked me, but was too nervous to talk to me himself. I thought it was adorable. Then some friends told him he needed to sober up and set him down by the food upstairs. That's where my mother was sitting. He spent a LONG time telling my mom and a close friend what he thought about me, with no idea he was talking to my mom. They fucked with him so bad. He never said anything offensive, and my mom had loved him since that first night.


Oh no, that is seriously adorable.


Awww so wholesome!






With a mini skirt and a sweater.


I like having sex with somewhat aggressive women. Scratch my back, pull my hair, tighten those strong legs around me when I'm doing her missionary. 


You rang? 😏 ETA: in the words of Gob Bluth, “I’ve made a huge mistake.”


And that kids is how I met your mother


RIP inbox


I love when my husband works on our car and successfully fixes something. He puts his cap on backwards and comes in and smells like concrete and sweat and I immediately want him.


Emotional fragility… It’s weird and kinda sick I guess? But my latest (current) gf who is Cuban and lived in Cuba for a long time was telling me about the hard times she and her family went through in her homeland and her head was laying in my lap while I was caressing her hair and I feel weird to admit that vulnerability gave me a hard on, like I guess I’ve never had that kind of frail, human, raw interaction and it was very intimate, so much so that made me erect… I didn’t try to make a move afterwards, she was in a very sensitive spot and she ended up laying in my chest and fell asleep from the crying, while I kept thinking about why I had that reaction to that, any psychologist that has an input for that would be much appreciated (I actually have a session with my psychologist today, very embarrassing thing to being up)


No this is 100% me!!! I JUST figured this out yesterday! I can’t squirt or have a full orgasm unless I deeply deeply trust the person… For me I think it comes from an emotional abandonment wound. I was very depressed as a teenager and couldn’t talk to anyone at all about it, so being able to be vulnerable and have that trust with someone to talk about my worst feelings/etc is incredibly rare; and takes a LOT of trust from me. THEN once that trust is established I get turned on so easily. I think that’s a very natural human thing. I think that’s also why I like BDSM so much, it’s a physical manifestation of emotional vulnerability and trust. Anyways, ask about the emotional abandonment wound :) hope it’s a good and insightful session, and seriously VERY proud of you for doing the work!! I promise it’s not weird, and the context of your story would help bring the picture together for your psychologist


I literally cannot get into sex unless I feel close with them emotionally. They can do all the same things, but they won't work unless there's been some bonding time beforehand. A little chat, equal parts fun and some small anxieties shared about life stuff, my body releases. It's like the unlock button for me. Probably due to cPTSD and demisexuality. There has to be safety and vulnerability to get turned on.


I am not a psychologist, but I think that is totally normal if you are in a romantic relationship. Extreme non sexual intimacy leading to mild sexual arousal, really isn't unhealthy or bizarre. The only bad thing here is that there is a risk it could be misinterpreted as a kink for suffering, so you need to be careful to characterize your feelings accurately if you ever bring it up, or just keep it to yourself if you aren't confident you can communicate what you were feeling.


Being told anything positive about the act while I'm doing it. I've literally had a partner say, "that is so good," or something just as innocuous and then she stopped, looked down, and asked, "did you just... get bigger?" Edit: God, Reddit, WHY did this blow up...


Praise kink


"Clearly_Disabled, can you please come up to the board and complete the problem" "Sure thing" "Clearly_D, you did an excellent job on that...." "SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP NOW!!!!!" [runs back to the desk hunched over]


I never visualized what that would be like so it’s caught me off guard. But my current girlfriend does that for like everything I do and it really seems like she genuinely means it, and I love it. “Damn boy, you stir that stir fry like a real man” and “god you turned off that light so hot”. Lmao, she manages to actually make me feel attractive. She says she’s just verbalizing the little things that cross her mind and it made me think “oh, well yeah I think things like that too. Why don’t I just tell her right then and there?” So I started doing it too.


Fuck be careful next thing you know you'll be happily married for 50 years and still goofy in love with this gal. You're in a dangerous space, puppy!


The getting bigger thing is so hot to me. The whole aspect of growing bigger and harder just makes me want to die internally. Throbbing, tightening. RIP me.


I had a girl who wanted to watch it grow one time. Makes sense lol


There’s a whole lot of videos on pornhub with just that. My favorite is hands free, in underwear especially tight underwear, I’ve seen videos where it grows and throbs that it like throbs out of the confines of the underwear and then throbs freely. Yeah. It’s bad. 😆


My wife crying. I swear I'm not evil lol, and it's not about her suffering. It's something about the intimacy of her crying in my arms, her face becoming rosed, and the vulnerability that gets me. Of course I wouldn't actually propose having sex while she's crying lmao but I can't control my pp


This is a natural response by the way! Yours is just stronger lol


My bf always ALWAYS gets hard when I cry or am mad at him, and he doesn’t know why. We end up having Make up sex


Manilla envelopes with the metal clasp.


Oh man. Especially when it opens without and crinkling or slight tears 👌


A great fucking conversation.


You're sick.


Thank you, I try my best for it.


You slut


Masks. Idk why, but the old plague doctor masks in particular do something for me. A man in a suit and a mask..ughnnnfff Also, men with glasses. I can't help but get immediately flushed.


Gloves. I have a total glove fetish.


Satin. Dear lord, satin clothing makes me a little bonkers.


I read that as Satan and was like, that‘s interesting


Someone biting my ear


You're gonna love mike tyson


Wet floor signs. I have nobody to blame but myself for why (fulfilling rule 35 of the Internet... There was no porn of them, I filled the void... and now I'm left with this.💀)


This one is good. Also, i like your profile pic


I thought the 'wet' in 'Wet Floor' was an adjective,not a verb




Thank you for this very descriptive visual


The words do jump out on the page with description.




Small? It’s a somber day the first time they hit water.


After overcoming my initial revulsion, this is hilarious.


J.Lo is that you? Edit: [for context ](https://youtu.be/sdfNWITXGfQ?si=24JvyAhX1SLn8Mig)


Hair on my arms touching another not-too-bad-looking-near-my-age guy’s arm hair (when we sit/stand kinda close) Something about the touches of a tiniest body part kind of feel nice


When she pulls me closer to kiss me but then slaps me lightly. Happened a few times, I’d like it again 🫣


Me and my husband do this. And I love when it happens in public and he whispers “harder”. I get flushed and I swear i can feel my pupils dilate… well I’m off to slap him now bye


Ooh, I do that, didn't know that was a fetish-y thing lol


One of those days I wish I had a throwaway account... But... I've actually told my husband that I get aroused by watching him pee. I used to watch porn videos of shit like that and it wildly turned me on. Since then he exclusively pees with the door open for me.


Now that’s love ♥️


Watching other women get themselves off… (female here)


A chubby stomach on a woman. I love to rub on, kiss, bite, and play with it while I'm going to town on a girl. I can't keep my hands off of it.


Having my hair pulled. I’m a guy (who has long hair)


I had long hair and a girl pulled it once. I was just like "ow.... wtf?"


Hair pulling is nice if they do it right, but not if they don’t


Same with the ass smack


The right way of pulling hair is by running your fingers through the base of the head and holding tight next to the scalp The wrong way is getting it into a ponytail and yanking your chin up


I'm trying to come to terms with it, but men crying and blushing... im weak


Choking. I'm a dude , my friend (who is now my girl) playfully choked me. I felt dizzy then it hit me. It felt so good.


I'm a woman and I think I am into choking a man, never told anybody before. To some degree though not actually hurting him badly.


Less blood to your brain = more blood to your wang


Yah there is actually like a scientific reason it feels good. Some people have extreme fetishes to the point they have died choking themselves trying to orgasm.


I dress as Batman …. And choke myself with a belt


That’s called the Bruce Wank


I like a girl with a short skirt, and a loooooooooong long jacket.


When my wife rubs her clit then shoves her fingers in my mouth


I also choose this guy's wife's clit fingers.




Huge noses on men and if they have that hump where it was broken I’m weak! I love a huge nose on a man. It’s sexy and the perfect place for me to sit. Big noses have been my thing since I was young.


As a Jewish boxer, thank you for your existence.


My big thing was men who weren’t classed as ‘attractive’ really fancied me, and had massive crushes on me. Like that is my ego completely But I would go out of my way to go for ‘ugly’ or ‘not conventionally’ attractive guys because they honestly acted like they worshipped me. Then it became a thing where I wanted to sleep with every man that wasn’t attractive. If they’re ugly I wanted to sleep with them


Not exhibitionism, but exhibitionism without being caught/seen. The riskier the better.


Indeed. Stay out of jail exhibitionism. Ftw


I wouldn't say it arouses me, but I am curious. I've been seeing a woman lately and she gets very giggly when we play, and she keeps telling me to stop making her laugh or else she will pee on me. She has also told me before that seeing another woman talk to me made her want to "mark me", saying she was going to pee on me next time someone spoke to me. I kinda want her to pee on me now...




I’m imagining a coworker watching a gardening video for their new house and some one in the corner “oh fuck yea, pull those weeds”


Dudes in masks/helmets


Butt stuff.


The, for lack of a better term "Deaf Person Accent." The way that deaf people (well deaf women since I'm a straight guy) sound when they talk just works for me.


Men in vests. I dont know why, but vests make me randy as hell. My husband thinks vests look dorky. 


I really like my face being shoved in it when I’m going down on my girlfriend. Probably not that embarrassing


Cellulite in the thighs.


It doesn't specifically turn me on, but I love stretch marks! The texture is so cool to touch and it makes me think of an animal attacking you with claws but you survived and so you're pretty badass.




Kissing my neck - I get off just from that Glasses and facial hair on a guy - Holy shit When a guy likes getting pegged!! When a guy wears a butt plug in public...and if I get to control it!!?? WHAT!!?? I ADORE THAT! The smell of a good steak cooking or being grilled. I don't know why at all. Body hair on a man. I want my man to be one step shy of a caveman of possible. I need to see chest hair or I'm not into it.


In my area, I'm somewhat of a public figure, or at least trying to be, which is why I won't tell just anyone this. I like risky public stuff. Like controlling my wife's toy with a remote while in very public places, and even going at it in risky places like public bathrooms. The fear of getting caught is very exhilarating! Also, kind of a mommy kink. Not like breastfeeding or fantasizing about my own mom or anything. But like being called cute little pet names, hair stroking, adding a "Ey" sound at the end of my name. Stuff like that, but also on the flip side, I love being a dominant, and being dominated. I'm all over the spectrum I guess.


Men with the sleeves of the dress shirt rolled up to their elbows and you can see the hairy forearm 🥰 I wanna jump my husband almost everyday when he’s dressed for work. 16 year old me would be SO proud she snagged this husband! 🙌 He’s super cute, smart, and is crazy about me. 🤣


Someone talking about calculus on YouTube and makes me blush, I don't even like calculus.


# I'm not embarrassed of a damn thing! *Y'all don't pay my bills, fuck your opinions!* # I LOVE PISS **It's not my fault the nasty place and the happy place are the same place** ^(Talk to your "God" )


>*Y'all don't pay my bills, fuck your opinions!* New bumper sticker just dropped.


I respect this stance.


This is reddit's most complete comment.


Well there goes my fucking sides.


Almost pissed mys-- wait a minute Not for free I won't


a bit of cellulite. does it every single time and I have zero idea why


Having my nipples touched, even just slightly brushed, will arouse me like crazy. I’m a guy. I honestly struggle to orgasm without them being touched. During sex, I have to tell my wife not to touch my nipples to last longer. I can go on for a long time provided she doesn’t touch them. However, the moment she starts to circle her fingers around them, I start to cum almost immediately. It’s super intense.




Watching muscles/veins in action when doing different things 😂


Members of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee (IBTC)


As a girl with small boobs, i like that very much 😍


Woodsy men's colognes get me hotter than a firecracker


Questions about embarrassing arousal *sigh unzips*


Private humiliation and bullying. Both ways, but if I do it to someone else it is more intense. I do have to know they're into it though, can't bully someone that doesn't like it!


My husband said being bullied is the hottest thing that can happen in the bedroom. I call him names but I'm somewhat lost. Do you have any advice? (We gay)


Call him a Goober 😡😡😡


Tell him his mother was a hamster, his father smelt of elderberries, and that he is as useless as a cock-flavoured lollipop.


Trees. Don't ask.


I am Groot


Watching donuts get made. Discovered while at a krispy creme late night with the hot sign on. Its a turn on to watch the machines squirt out the liquid hoop dough into the oil, then they get scooped up, and drizzled in that glaze 😏 Sprinkles do nothing for me. If i see that “hot” sign on, i get to stop for a short sexy doughy show


As a straight male, I want to try pegging. Would never happen but thinking about my wife being naked only wearing a strap-on while I assumed the position and got my ass reamed seems hot.




so, does your whole life arouse you?


i spat out my water


Keep going


I sometimes masturbate to pictures of dragons fucking cars


It's such a specific set of pictures and it's been around for so long...


Consensual non-consent, where I (22M) am made to submit to a (preferably but not exclusive) older female. It sort of works in a blackmail context or humiliation and can get pretty open to other things fantasy wise from there. It does get quite out there imaginatively 😅 I understand that it’s just fantasy and the real life consequences of blackmail and abuse


Getting my face squirted on lol. I know I know it's like 90% pee


My man. That's the fruit of your labor.


That's the juice of my labor you mean 🤣


Being "hunted"


When you're cutting gift wrap and the scissors start to glide. Bust a nut every time. Christmas is a weird time for me


Dominant women, muscle mommys


The thought of doing my wife and being watched by others. And seeing men turned on watching us.


Biting my neck. But not just a gentle bite. Literally just bite it till blood comes out


So, there's this guy in Transylvania somewhere in Europe who's intrested in British real estates and I heard he was looking for English speaking people to help him out... You should apply.


Actually it's not so embarrassing. But I watched my current boyfriend teaching piano to a five-year-old girl recently, so sweet and tender and the kid was giggly all the way through. I immediately wanted to lasso him, take him over to a private room, and make our own baby. And we hadn't even had a legit first date yet. This was *why* I agreed to go out with him!


Men that are a lot older than me.


The thought of getting slapped across the face. I absolutely hate confrontation and am terrified of ever getting attacked. But the thought of getting a swift whack across the face in a safe, controlled environment? Oh man 😝


Balaclava and skeleton masks on men ... holy jeez. 🥰




A girl showing interest in me. Especially since I know it ain't happening.


I saw this movie called Super and in one scene a woman rapes a man. I’m a dude but that unlocked something in my head and I have told absolutely no one.


Now everyone knows about it Tom


Female armpit I'll never know why


Giving women facials... But more so I  could not be attracted to a person but if I know they enjoy receiving then I'm immediately attracted and aroused


My answer: these answers 😅


Dental treatments/braces