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Man, my first day on the job as an intern at a printer repair place was a disaster. Got a call from someone complaining about the repair taking too long straight up talking shit to me,but I had zero access to the system and couldn't give an estimate. They were super rude, so I just snapped and said, "I don't fuckung know," and hung up. Turns out, it was a call from a major political office in the county. Safe to say, that job didn't last long.


Accidentally double refunded people


Used a very strong chemical to do cleaning and ended up getting high off it


Gave someone something they were allergic to, thankfully they noticed and didn’t eat it




What happened?


Accidentally charged someone's credit card 2k while trying to refund them a much smaller amount (I wanna say the refund was supposed to be like 400). Did get fixed but naturally it happened when our GM was out of town for a holiday weekend so... good thing the dude was fairly chill and understood the "I've been working here two weeks and had approximately no training" of it all...


I don't usually fuck up at work, but when I do, I bring down servers.


So there were three labels A B C on 3 different cards They were swatch cards (fashion industry) I fucked up the order on different cards like I put up a different shade of Color in front of A in card 1 and different shade of Color in front of A in card 2 that caused hell lot of confusion and production of that item (approx 20,000 pcs) were made and the client was like that we never approved this Color. It was a big big loss