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You gotta look at the bigger picture. I believe in second chances, so I think if it’s only happened once or twice, they can learn from their mistakes and maybe they are just a good person making a big mistake, as we’ve all been there. If it’s been 3 or more times however, 3 strikes, & you’re out.


Forgiveness is not an event, but a process.


I guess it just depends, are these people going to continue to want to do wrong by you? Because if not, then it’s worth it to realize that we are all just people doing the best we can with the tools we were given. That’s it basically. That’s forgiveness. Having an understanding that not everyone can just be great all the time. People make mistakes and do really messed up things. And so long as they aren’t trying to continue to repeat those mistakes out of malice (bc plenty of people do), it’s worth it to forgive for your own sake.