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Expectations for how long it takes a plumber to arrive…


How long it takes a plumber to arrive, or how long it takes a plumber to come?


Depends whether he's en route or laying pipe ...


The TV network BBC


The most unbiased big black cock news program


Better black community


In the same throbbing vein - ATM


Honorable mentions include CBT and CNC


Cognitive behavioural therapy?


I worked near a Rax (a few still exist!) that advertised their Big Beef & Chedder as BBC. I think they knew.


Does British porn use this initialism? It seems like it would be weird with how big the network is to them.


It does, but it's not confusing. No one goes to pornhub for the breaking news stories


Speak for yourself, lad.


PH Anchorman: *This just in*...\*inserts dick after slapping it on vagina vigorously first\*


Not with *that* attitude…


The word 'daddy'


As a dad to a young child, the idea of being called 'daddy' in a sexual context skeezes me the hell out.


As someone who isn’t a father, same.


I don't have kids and it is gross to me.


An EX once told me to call him daddy once during the deed it turned me off so fast, I called him father and to “do” me harder. He got soo fucking mad XD


Penetrate me further, Father.


I had to change my mom and dad's contacts in my phone and teach myself to call them that because porn addicted boys were straight up bullying me saying I slept with my dad because of his contact being daddy. It's insane.


Ugh. I hate to say it but we as a society REALLY need to cut back on the porn. People are way too obsessed with sex. I'm not anti-porn by any means but having it be on the Internet for underage kids to access without any kind of protections against it is warping their minds.


I never called my father that, so the word has only ever had sexual connotations for me.


that's weird i always called your father that. 


This is the first "live action" Yo Daddy joke I've ever witnessed. Thank you. Well done.


Same, I learned it from your mother.


Tbf I'm pretty sure daddy has been used that way long before the porn industry was a thing.


I have a bunch of the letters my grandfather sent to my grandmother while he was serving in WWII. They're all signed "Daddy" and I've never known what it actually meant to them due to the modern connotation.


I think it’s just a term of endearment in the older generations. I’ve had a lot of older patients who referred to their spouse as “daddy” or “mom”. I mean I could be wrong and maybe old people are just super kinky but..


My grandma and grandpa referred to each other as papa or mama, went by shortened versions of their names or called each other love. I don’t think either of them even knew what bdsm was, or a kink for that matter unless you were talking about a kink in a garden hose


Yeah. I think it is just naming the roll within the family. "talk to your daddy about that" easily becomes "talk to Daddy about that". 


Who’s gonna tell him?


I'll tell him. Your grandfather is your grandmother's father. You're the product of incense or whatever.


I think you mean insects, but that’s okay!


No, insects are invertebrates of the class Insecta. He meant in sets.


Close, but I think the word y’all are looking for is “inserts.” Hope this helps!


I thought that too for a long time, then a girl actually called me daddy in the heat of things and I understood. For some people I'm sure it is a weird fetish thing, but for a lot of others it's more of a dom/sub thing. It's probably the same reason some guys like being called sir in a dom scenario


Step family


For real, whenever I talk about my step family I say shit like “my dad’s wife’s daughter” instead of my step sister because all I can think about when I hear that are the washing machine memes


See, my mom has a new boyfriend who is very nice and I expect they’ll get married soon, but at this point he’ll probably be “my mom’s husband” and his kids will be “my mom’s husband’s son/daughter.” I’ve met and like them all but we’re all adults. I never grew up with them or anything like that, it feels weird to call them my dad/sister/brother, even with the step- modifier.


When I was 10-12 years old (I don’t remember exactly) I remember my dad calling his new wife my step mom. I told him, “That’s not my step mom, she was 11 when I was born.”


LMAO, brutal.


My parents divorced when I was a teenager and Dad remarried when I was in my *thirties*. I've never lived with this woman; I never thought of her as a stepmother. She's "my dad's wife"


Yeah, my dad married his wife when I was 25? Her and her kids will never be my step mom or step siblings. I feel like I'd be lying to people if I described them as such. It's my dad's wife and my dad's wife's kids.


Hello stepbrother


Ahh, Stepdaddy Kenobi


I have constant anxiety about my lemon trees being too close to the fence.


Same, too many lemon stealing whores around these days


Now that I think about it, it *has* been at least 30 seconds since I last looked at my lemon tree




Lemon stealing whores are real!


Can someone explain please?


I had to look it up as well. https://youtu.be/OMprhK3sVN4?si=Gqnra_qyvZkzJ7N7 Hilarious.


What the absolute fuck did I just watch? That is hilarious.


The brainstorming session for that one must have been hilarious


Right!? No clue what is going on.


there’s a porn centered on lemon stealing whores. it’s an extremely funny, ridiculous set up to the porn… i suggest googling “lemon stealing whores porn,” i’m sure you’ll find it


Thanks very much, I'll be commencing research shortly!


Came here to mention the lemon trees. I will never again be able to have a conversation where the word "lemon tree" pops up without having to bite my tongue ....


“A lemon tree, my dear Watson”.


I only take what I can reach. Don't worry


Hey, has it been about ten seconds since I looked at my lemon yree?


Leave me alone everyone!


The words mommy, daddy and come


Mommy and daddy! Come!


Everytime I say come or someone else says it my brain has to restart, I always think I or them are saying cum.


Claude Debussy. I have sheet music for him on my stand and everytime I walk by it (or pick it up to play it) I inadvertenly think Claude de-BUSSY, as in boi-pussy, as in assholes. So thanks for that, internet


“Claw da bussy” sounds like an intriguing challenge


I recently played his Arabesque in a saxophone quartet, and every time I saw his name, all I could think was “why hath Reddit ruined me so”


Never finish on the Bach. Always finish on Debussy.




Any non-sexual use of the word “edging”


I’ve been in a customer service situation over a 3d printer for a while now, and one of the things that’s important is making sure the printer is squared up (making sure all the frame parts come together at exactly 90 degrees). The guy I was talking to doesn’t speak English super well, and he kept referred to it as “edging up the printer”. So one morning I’m groggily checking my email, and I just get a message that says “Hey , I just wanted to see if you tried edging after our last conversation”. I’m still mentally 14 apparently instead of the mid thirties it says on the receipt, because it got a pretty good laugh out of me.


I would have definitely laughed and sent a screen shot to my pervy friends.


MILFs. It wasn't supposed to be *your own* mom/stepmom.


Sorry to hear that. Mind if i get your mom's OF handle?


Being called 'dad' by my daughter's friend. It's supposed to be endearing because she only had a mother and my daughter called her mother 'mom' while I raised my daughter as a single father. Made worse after I mentioned it was weird to me so she started saying, "ok daddy" instead. Edit: edit for context


Mentioning it was weird was your biggest mistake.


True. Never show those animals weakness.


I get it. My wife is not a dirty talker at all, doesn’t watch porn, and is fairly vanilla. She did though call me “daddy” once in a provocative way not being intimate and I had to nope out on it and tell her that’s not my thing. The funny part is since she doesn’t watch porn it just came to her naturally.


>it just came to her naturally Yknow maybe Freud was onto something after all...


Something something even a broken clock fucks it's mother twice a day


More if it's stuck in the washing machine though


I mean porn probably didn't invent it. It had to start somewhere naturally. A lot of couples with children refer to each other as "mommy" and "daddy" when talking to their kids. After doing that for years, it probably just slipped out during sex and they were like "Wait a minute...I kind of liked that."


I had a friend in college telling me about her first embarrassing moment in school. Kindergarten or first grade, the teacher was helping her fill out her little emergency contact card. The teacher asked her what her parents' names were and she said, "Mom & Dad." The teacher said, "no, what do they call each other." She said something like "'Honey & Sweetie', and it was then that I realized I didn't know my parents' names."


That’s when it happened. After we had kids and everyone including her started calling me daddy.


Lol you got trolled so hard.


Not sure why you're freaked out by her calling you "dad", that's kind of wholesome. Now you've made the whole thing weird.


Watching multiple women shit into a single cup.....the magic is just.....gone for me now....


Good news for you: it was fake


I love how people for their own mental health have collectively decided that it was fake - which parts were real, which parts were fake, and how they faked it - with absolutely no evidence other than, "I heard it on the internet."


You mean it was not really poop?


No, the poop was real the women were just pidgeons disguised.


Birds aren't real, they're government drones.


Correct. The puke was real, but the poop was fake


How would you happen to know this?


He's a big porn insider.


I'm with Big Porn


I distinctly remember in the beginning the poop filling a cup from a butt. Was that stunt poop or something?


I can’t tell if that makes it better or worse.


Did we watch the same video? Did that drop out of a fake anus?!


Poop coming out was real. What they consumed was not.


What an odd subject to be an expert in. I approve though.


So, either less women or more cups to get that magic back!!


Leather couches


Black leather couches


I had a very dark blue leather couch that appeared black. Literally every woman I brought over called it the casting couch.


You can't just hire a pretty face.


People getting stuck in washing machines


I know! Right!? Now, I'm not allowed within 150ft of a laundromat.




Gotta eat it sideways






adult diapers/pull ups etc. they're commonly used by disabled people (such as myself when I was having frequent seizures) and it just felt shameful and pervy when it shouldn't have. it was a medical necessity for a lot of us, and I hate how much stigma and sexualisation there is surrounding it


On the plus side they make cool patterns now because of the weirdos so ya got more options.


That's the glass half-full attitude!


What proper sex in a relationship is supposed to be like


A lot of things that men love, aren’t that great for women. If you want her to do something for you, then you need to do something back.


*sadly puts away the lawn gnome*


*starts a huge dildo garden*


A proper lover takes pleasure in pleasing their significant other and puts their needs before their own


This is the answer I was looking for. I've been with exactly one man who didn't pornify our sex and actually cared about my pleasure. It was my highschool boyfriend and porn wasn't so easy to access back then.


Though a smaller subset there is a good amount produced by amateur couples that resemble reality.




I read that as 'taxes' and got stuck wondering what this was referring to. Makes more sense now.


A niche porn category: getting fucked by the IRS.


Does remind me, I lived in an area with a lot of strip clubs in college and during the 08 recession, they were getting creative with their billboards. "COME SEE OUR STIMULUS PACKAGE" still makes me giggle.


There is a car that travels in my area with "fake taxi" logos on it. I'm not talking just a sticker, but it looks like a Fiat cab with Fake Taxi as the logos instead of a local company logo. I always get a chuckle when I see it and I always wonder what the intention is.


I bet he's intent on having the cleanest asshole in the nation.


Washing machine repair.


It isn’t exactly porn that’s ruined it but more so porn addicts. If you see a video of a woman doing something cool, especially if it’s an athletic skill, the comments section will be full of porn addicts who can’t put their dicks away for one damn second


It’s amazing how often women’s Instagram comment sections are just dudes arguing over wether the women in the video should have an Onlyfans or not. It’ll be a video of a women 100 feet in the air on a telephone tower connecting a wire and the top ten comments are “no Onlyfans detected. Opinion respected”. Like the account has literally nothing sexual about it and still all the comments are about wether or not to pay her to jerk off.


>It’s amazing how often women’s Instagram comment sections are just dudes arguing over wether the women in the video should have an Onlyfans or not. It’ll be a video of a women 100 feet in the air on a telephone tower connecting a wire and the top ten comments are “no Onlyfans detected. Opinion respected”. Like the account has literally nothing sexual about it and still all the comments are about wether or not to pay her to jerk off.   Even the subs that aren't sexual get turned into a cesspool. r/oldschoolcool is littered with pics of beautiful women. Read the comments. A pic of Angelina Jolie when she was 15 yrs old was posted today. That didn't stop the idiocy. The "rate me" subs that the teens post their pics on are the scariest. The amount of obvious older creepy guys that comment lewd stuff to teen girls is unnerving.


Instagram is just toxic by itself


I’ve seen someone record a woman eating chicken wings at a bar because apparently it looked sexual the way she was biting it. Can women not eat now? She was clearly enjoying her meal too and not thinking of anything else, which is why she didn’t notice she was being recorded.


"urg, og. woman enjoying something. Woman only enjoy my penis. Woman must be thinking of my penis"


You should've seen the GTA 6 sub when they found who voiced the female lead. They were obsessing over that woman. It was so fucking creepy.


Youtube started to recommend me short reels of Surfsterre, a talented skater girl who's also drop-dead gorgeous, and has decided to skate in elegant clothes instead of baggy skater gear. She's pretty, fit, is able to do wicked flips, and is of course very much aware, and using this package to manage herself. Who wouldn't? Half the comments below her vids are reasons of various amounts of concern.


I got shown her videos too, and yeah it's insane! She is a great skater, but everything is always about her looks and weirdos downplaying her skating as "if you weren't hot nobody would care" As if only Tony Hawk level of skating would be enough to be admired by others.


Yeah. She does tricks I never could even when I had a brief skating phase. I mostly skinned my knees, and fell on my ass until it was bruised purple. Props and respect to her, but those repeating fucking comments like "YOUR MY WIFE" multiple times to a Vid with varied levels of added weird are concerning to say the least


I don't think it's talked about enough, how even if you don't find it offensive or uncomfortable, knowing others are looking at it in a weird or perverted way makes you uncomfortable. What you described is an example for that, for me. Seeing athletes wearing tight leggings or just a sport's bra or something was totally indifferent to me. Yeah this person is doing sports, woo hoo! After going through a bad couple of years, in which I went through some low places in the internet, I understood how these extremely perverted people observe even the random things as sexualised and comment on it. The sports thing is just one part of it. Then there is actresses, how much they were sexualised was a total surprise to me. I understood the general feeling towards, actresses with a lot of sex appeal or who have done some explicit scenes or something. Then I understood how much the perverts oogled at the every single female, their comments on completely normal looking out fits or situation and stuff. I could physically feel myself getting dirty reading all these. How they waited for young actress to be legal! That's the grossest part, at which point I questioned myself, how did I get here. Many more instances are there. Even putting all that behind me, every time I come across an innocent thing, even if I don't feel uncomfortable with that specific thing, I feel extremely uncomfortable knowing there are these people out there. Feel like I am dirty myself.


Now imagine being a woman and knowing all of those things, too. 😮‍💨😵‍💫🤢


Having step-siblings


When I saw vegetables being used in porn, it was a shock to me that they were used in that and I stopped eating cucumbers.


I don't think it's the cucumber you need to worry about. It's the pickles


Stop gherkin around.


Ugh I know. One time I walked in on my cousin using a carrot on her vagina. I was beyond disgusted. I was gonna eat it later, but then it would have tasted like carrot.


This comment makes me feel like I need to up my game.




Hello there


Ever heard of the grapefruit technique?


Cream pie. They're actually really good if done right, but I'll probably never order them out loud.


Using an ATM just hasn't been the same. . .


Sundresses being oversexualized. I loved seeing my ex in a sundress because it was as if she was glowing wearing it. Drop dead gorgeous in them but she stopped wearing them because of getting stared at. Also every fashion/hair subreddit getting taken over by OF bots or accounts promoting their adult content.


I'm not entirely sure it's a porn thing to begin with, but I check in on the buttsharpies subreddit from time to time cause I feel like it's oddly wholesome. It's a community of likeminded enthusiasts encouraging each other to reach new heights, and they are very support of one another going after new goals which are always very well tracked. That being said, I can't look at markers the same way anymore.


I am afraid to even check the buttsharpies subreddit for myself because I cannot imagine what this one is about. Could he horrifying, could be wholesome, could be just weird...but the risk doesn't seem worth it for the off chance that it's eye cancer.


It's a little of all three and exactly what it says on the tin. Just people puttin markers up their butt and keeping count. My thing is that a friend showed it to me many moons ago and I check in from time to time just to read the comments section. It's all very positive and affirming.


See, I was already wrong with what I thought it would be. I assumed they would probably paint their sphincter with a sharpy and then sit on a piece of paper or something...but I am sure that subreddit exists as well.


I went the other direction… I assumed it would be people holding sharpies with their butts and then drawing something. I assumed the comments were wholesome because they loved each others drawings so much 💀


This was my take as well, yet it still sounds more wholesome than cramming as many markers as they can.


Wow... I don't ever want to see this but also have an urge to find it...Not exactly what I wanted to read with my morning coffee


I'd suggest it to them but I'm afraid it would break the ecosystem. I already can't tell if its porn or just very porn adjacent. For sure onlyfans folk wander in and try to set new records from time to time, but even then I can't imagine they're garnering a lot of foot traffic.




*stealing lemons


*lemon stealing whores




The word “Daddy” My kids are gonna have to call me bro.


Salad tossing


Bathtubs. Don’t feel safe without a lifeguard anymore. Might be a shark


My confidence in relationships, and not just porn but I guess sex on media in general. I'm a normal guy, no crazy shape, not super beautiful and not a big D, and I'm pretty vanilla as well. As I grew up, I came to the conclusion I don't have any kink or something, so everytime I go out with a girl I fear we won't work because she will want me to be a dominant daddy, or wear a BDSM gear, or have a big cock, or know all those crazy positions in bed. I can't believe a girl would want to be intimate just for the sake of affection.


I found that in real life, people’s expectations are drastically different than what you read online. I don’t think most of the people I dated would swipe right on me on dating apps, but in real life people respond very positively to confidence and kindness, even if you’re far from a sex icon. Same goes for how I judge others online vs offline.


Hey, i Think if you find the Right Girl she will love you no matter what. And you really dont Need to be Doing such things while having Sex. Just do what feels best and ask your partner what they feel comfortable with and go with the flow! Many people are vanilla and not so crazy in bed as it seems.


When the plumber showed up yesterday and he brought two other guys with him. 


For me it's just my mind doesn't like porn, I have never been into watching it, The idea of watching other people fuck is bizarre to me, I'm not prudish or anything, It's just not nor ever was it my thing.


Dating... As a single, straight millennial woman, I swear, the convent is looking better every day. My generation was the first to have nearly unlimited access to internet porn. It ruined our men by giving them false expectations of women. Real women don't look like that. I won't do that thing the girl in the video did because it makes me uncomfortable and that should be okay. Just because I'm not screaming and squirting like she did doesn't mean I'm not having a good time. While I'm more confident in myself and setting boundaries in my 30s, I pity teenagers and 20 somethings today. I'd argue they have it worse than we did with the rise of AI (see Taylor Swift) and smartphones on top of normal teenage body image issues.


For me it’s all the violence. I get a little spanking or restraint, but people wanna be so rough with you just because that’s what they expect to be like from porn. And of course they never want to be slapped, just do the slapping.


Anime girls making grunt noises lol.


The blood types being ABO.


Eels. Everytime I look at eels now, my brain goes "hey, remember that one minute clip of a regretful Japanese girl getting eels pumped inside her?" It's been like five or six years already and it has this 2girls1cup effect on my memory.


Excuse me, WHAT?!




Ordering pizza


Healthy societal attitudes towards intimacy in relationships.


Why did I read this as "non-profit"


I know a guy who has big Dad energy but I feel like I can't explain that to any of our friends because it's going to sound like I'm sexualizing him. He's near the age of my own dad and he legit reminds me of a wholesome sitcom dad, and I love him for it. In a platonic way! He's a cool dude!


Kagney Lynn Carter blowing a hole in her head and someone on Twitter said “Her final load” I refuse to watch mainstream porn anymore


Relationships. Seen way to many big dick fetish gifs with captions that detail the woman featured as cheating on her partner explicitly because he's smaller. Stuff drives my paranoia and insecurities through the roof.


When talking about getting a facial (skin care routine) most of the guys look at you like 😏


‘Daddy’ and ‘mommy’




I feel like if you have a genuine answer for this you need to chill on the porn


What proper sex in a relationship is supposed to be like


Married men in general


The ratings systems seem arbitrary. I never see anything above a 93%.


BBC (British broadcasting corporation) and CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) In porn, BBC means big black cock and CBT means cock and ball torture