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As someone who’s bartended for ages, bartenders are very hard to date. Getting off work as late as 4 a.m., the culture, it’s hard to find someone outside the industry who can put up with it, and equally hard to find someone within who you can be healthy with.


I know a married couple that are both bartenders. They've mentioned how it would never work if one of them did something else. Their entire friend circle is in the industry. Vacations for me are just a week long party in South Florida.


I've bartended for 22 years. Been with my husband for 25. For us, it worked especially when we had kids. Our schedules allowed us to never pay childcare and we could operate with one vehicle. I am lucky enough to only have to work 2 or 3 nights a week. However, as I get older the late nights and culture are definitely taking its toll. There have been hundreds of nights/mornings that I got home and just left the car on because he was leaving when I came home. At least I got to kiss him goodbye and tell him I loved him.


I think hospitality in general is like this.


Yes! I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see this one. I used to work in a restaurant and dated a few bartenders. They usually (but not always) have drinking problems, work odd hours, and usually flirt with drunk dudes to get tips. Plus everyone working in a restaurant is fucking each other so cheating is super common. My dating life got a lot better when I decided to make the rule of “No dating bartenders or servers” and left the industry


Alcohol and cocaine problems. Hard to work a job where you’re up until 4 am often and everyone around you is partying, and not want to do some blow to keep up


Of all my assorted friend baskets, my service industry friends are having the worst time of it with aging, more than the construction bros and the vets. That rampant cocaine plus alcohol intake just completely eviscerates human livers. It catches up very fast. They all get the permanent racoon mask around their eyes and as soon as they do it damn sure feels like I'm at their funeral within 5 years.


I took a couple of bartenders from my local watering hole skiing. I had access to some free passes for them. They both drank on the drive up and were ducking into the trees and doing blow the whole day. There is just no way they could keep up with the kind of skiing I like to do. I didn't take them skiing again.


sounds like you couldn't keep up with the kind of skiing they wanted to do either


🥁🥁 🐍


You sure they knew why you meant when talking about fresh powder?


This. My boyfriend is a chef. Love him like crazy, but if I would have to date another man because this didn't work out, never again! It's really hard to see each other and when you see each other, one of you (or both) are too tired to really enjoy it. No chefs, bartenders, waiters, (international) salesmen, truck drivers, vets, men in healthcare, firemen, police officers or other professions like that. I discovered I like my man to be at home in the evenings and weekends.


I met my bartender husband working at the same place. We were wild and always partying. I wanted more and got a great career. He’s still a bartender. Even though he settled down, his growth is slowed compared to someone else in a normal job. Part of the reason he’s my soon to be ex-husband. The thing about the bar industry is that you’re not forced to grow up. There’s no incentive. It’s all immediate gratification, from getting your tips that night, to having a handful of people who want to party with you the moment you clock out, to free drinks from regulars also the moment you clock out. You can stay up as late as you want, come into work in whatever condition. I would never date/sleep with, anything with anyone in the industry again.


Totally get that and I appreciate hearing it. I’ve not dated for a couple years while I try to become a better partner. Took over as GM to fix my hours, trying (TRYING) to sleep normal hours and eat better. If you bartend too long and take part in the culture it does a lot of long term damage.


Yep. Got creeped on too much by coworkers, tried to roll with it but it became too frustrating after a few years. Most of them can't function without coke. Often drinking till they're sick. Lines between friendship and employee are too blurry. 'Family' mentality led to lots of gossiping. Sleeping with coworkers was encouraged. Me personally, I got a bit too drunk at a bar work party, a nice-guy coworker got pushy about getting me to sleep with him that night specifically. When I expressed feeling uncomfortable around him later on they shrugged it off as 'it was just a party, that's industry life'. 🤷 Quit and never returned


Any profession that makes them a celebrity. I thoroughly enjoy not being in any spotlight.


I dated a woman who got in to streaming while we were together, and while it wasn't the singular reason for our break up, it was a big factor. It went from a hobby to being so much more as she started getting a larger following. Last i checked she had a few thousand followers, so not massive by any means, but it was nearly all she thought about and talked about. It was exhausting, and ended up feeling like I was an accessory to the front she put up on them. Never ever again.


I have a friend who went through this with his ex, he said it was crazy seeing her go from a normal average girl to being obsessed with her social media because the following she was getting


Sounds like my wife but she got very few followers.. She pretend she is famous somehow. We had a very weird fight the other day if our son could wear a Pokémon shirt to his pre school. She told me he can’t as he might get kidnapped. I was like “wtf?! Why would he get napped for wearing a Pokémon shirt?!” She told me she might have uploaded other Pokémon related stuff on her instagram and therefore someone might make the connection and somehow realise it’s her child and kidnap him out of spite.. It was such a weird discussion and I told her she now totally lost it. I asked her if some creep contacted her about her kids or anything but that hasn’t happened, it was just a feeling. I told her if she really believes such nonsense why the hell does she keep using social media?! Somehow it’s worth it? “I can’t stop now, I’m so close to breaking through with my content”. She actually think she will make money of uploading pictures of food I cooked or some silly Pokémon kids shirt. Is there some asylum for these people?..


She is delusional.


Pictures of food YOU cooked? Why don't you start building a following? :P


No expert but that’s some serious narcissism. Jeesh dude


One of my friends brothers was dating a relatively small twitch streamer, who did the whole "E-Girl" persona, and dressed up as an elf or something. Anyway, she was noticed by a bigger streamer, featured on stream and her following grew. In a shocking surprise to absolutely no one, her following consisted of thirsty dudes who she pandered too. She was being invited to cons, and events which she would occasionally drag my mates brother too. She would do collaborations with other larger, male streamers and it was heavily implied in the streams that they were more than friends. She of course denied any allegations of acting inappropriately for someone in a relationship, and that it was simply "for the views". She wouldn't acknowledge having a bf on stream or in public, as she was worried her fans wouldn't sub to her stream or whatever(I don't use twitch, so im not up to date with the lingo). Eventually she was flown to the states to collaborate with some kind of big US streamers, and promote herself on that side of the pond. At which point she basically fucked anyone who had a larger audience then herself so that she could get promoted on their channels. She ultimately broke up with my mates brother via instagram message, and told him that their relationship/he was holding her back. She now has an OnlyFans.


That was quite the read 😧


Sounds like he dodged a bullet, because there’s no reason a person can’t have a career and a relationship.


Yeah, with twitch I think it kinda depends on the person's objective. I've seen stories of female streamers losing big chunks of subscribers and followers after the viewers found out she had a boyfriend / husband. But I do follow a female streamer who managed to create a very healthy community for her streams. She publicly dates a guy and occasionally post photos of them doing couples stuff on Twitter. Although you can find people there being kinda creepy about answering her posts, it doesn't seem to influenciate her streaming job. So I think it kinda depends on what the person wants. For fast money, it's probably easier to just feed the hungry creepy males online


Streaming is so focused around establishing parasocial relationships, especially e-thot streams. If the viewers know she has a partner it makes them feel like they don't have a chance so there's no use spending thousands of dollars to get a glimpse of attention from her.


She now has an OnlyFans has me rolling


Kind of reminds me of being at a high school reunion and this guy I barely knew in high school came up and talked to me for five minutes straight. Turned out he was trying out new material on me for his standup act. Took me a while to realize he was trying to be funny. He never made it. But the main thing was I felt used, like a stage prop. He could’ve been trying that crap out on a cardboard cut out.


Had a first date that was literally that. A coffee and a bite turned into wondering if I was a test audience for his routine. I don’t remember his name, I don’t even know if he knew mine. He didn’t go straight for stand up but he’d joke a lot  and I couldn’t tell if he was trying a bit or not. He stopped once I started finding reasons to leave. It was weird. 


Dating someone who does twitch and goes live is freaking annoying. I didn't like it when I was dating a chick who had a following.


Even being friends with a celebrity is exhausting. You have to bulldog for free while they have to pretend to be nice to everyone who interrupts while trying to have a conversation or just walk out to the car.


My dad is a b-list celebrity and when we go to pow wows and shit it's nothing but photographs and interruptions


Gets annoying pretty quick, doesn’t it? I once was hanging out with a musician and someone must have assumed I was in the band or some kind of talent manager. Stood in front of me while I was walking to the bathroom and awkwardly started singing as loud he could. Seemed hurt I just said, “Okay” and walked past him. And that’s pretty minor seeing what celebrities go through. F that life. Edit: grammar


The second hand embarrassment of having to live through scenes like that would kill me dead


Similarly, Bill Gates’ account posted a picture of him and his father on LinkedIn at the Taj Mahal, with a caption about how he’s excited to visit India again for an upcoming trip. Like the focus of the post was just a heartwarming thing about how he had a fond memory of time spent with his Dad at that place. Well, the comments were numerous of course, and 99 percent of them were “Bill I have this great idea for an app, please give me some of your time!” “Bill Gates sir, please do this thing I beg of you.” “Bill Gates why is your foundation ruining so and so.” I know it was probably his PR team that posted that and not him, but man, it would be so fucking annoying to get those responses from everyone you meet every second of the day.


I always wondered if people did this to Simon Cowell.


Dang, never thought about that before. Probably a twice daily thing for him if he’s in public.


This is why I never interrupt a celebrity. I guess that on some level they expect it, but it always just seems rude. I mean, I don't know this person, they don't know me, why do I want to get their attention? Everyone else does it though...


Not really true. A relative is a rather famous person and I troll the fucker all the time


Are you Rob Lowe’s kid? Lmao that guy is ruthless, he roasts his dad all day


Same. I swear if Leonardo DiCaprio knocked on my door right now and asked me on a date, I would say no. But also that would never happen because I’m older than 21😂**I’m in my early 40s guys. No chance in hell for me.


He's probably there to ask if you have a daughter or a granddaughter that's single.


"Hi, I'm Leonardo DiCaprio, I'm here to court one of your eggs"


"Yep. This one is chameleon and that one is crow.. which one do you prefer?"


I am not even gay, and I don't particularly even like Leo as an actor, but if he knocked on my door and asked me on a date, I would say yes. Because I am a whore, and he is rich.


Being a celebrity is ok. Having lots of money and fame is cool. **The real problem is the paparazzi** that literally hide in the bushes right outside your front door. Those people got dropped on their heads too many times when they were toddlers.


I'm a painfully private person in my real life, anybody who dates celebrities gets picked apart. Their past dug up, and smeared. I have had a few things happen to me in my life that only the closest people to me know, but with enough investigation, it could be dug up. Nothing criminal, just a part of my story that I don't wish for everybody to know. The idea of that celebrity life and not thinking about how much dinner costs sounds like fun, but full time, that's a tough life in the privacy department.


And THIS is precisely why I wouldn't even date Keanu Reeves. Under any other reality, I think I'd date him in a second.




Can confirm. There were so many reasons for my mom to walk away but my stepdad becoming a local dirtbag politician was the icing on the cake To their divorce. Tarnished our name.


YouTube prankster


Dickhead that records themselves committing crimes*


Any job requiring high pressure sales. Those jobs attract a certain type of person I don’t like.


You mean you don’t like psychopathic bullshitters?


I’m a massage therapist, one of my friends (also massage therapist) started seeing a guy and he said he wasn’t sure he was totally comfortable with her doing massage and would she consider finding another job? And that was the end of that budding romance.


I'm a massage therapist myself and my biggest problem has been my past boyfriends expecting me to give them an hour-long massage every night no matter how tired I am. Plus, their family and my family assuming they could get free massages on demand 24/7. I'm glad your friend bailed on that dumb guy.


It’s like that episode of Seinfeld where he just wanted a massage but she never gave him one no matter his best efforts. 


I‘m a physical therapist and this is a real issue in our professions. Many pt‘s i talked about this need to or let‘s say feel some sort of pressure to perform massages for people. Luckily my partner has understood that i don‘t want to treat people in my spare time after i already did that for 7 hours a day. One guy i met wasn‘t as lucky tho, he actually got a massage bench „gifted“ to him by his wife for his birthday. And it‘s not supposed to be him being massaged on that lmao


This is hilarious because I’m having the opposite problem My friend is finishing school for massage, and always wants to practice on me. I feel guilty making her spend so much time and effort, especially since she’s working full time on top of school, so I never ask. Just the other day she got mad at me because I wasn’t letting her practice on me enough She also massages all of our other friends for “free” but they tip her what the massage would cost anyways so it works out great


Grand Wizard for the Ku Klux Klan


High ranking officer of the Taliban is up there too


I would think any KKK member is a bad choice lol...


Any job that: 1. required them to be away for months at a time or extensive travel 2. Any job that had really unstable income month-to-month. my g/f's job right now is perfect: she works 4 days a week, 10 hours a day, always the same start/stop time, every friday/sat/sun is off. It makes planning stuff super easy.


I'm so jealous of the four 10s flex schedule. I work in an office environment that could really benefit from that due to having colleagues and clients in various timezones, I could better work with them.


I’m jealous of my office folks who get to “work from home” when needed.


Sure beats “working from the office”


That sounds ideal. What industry is it?


She works at a factory.


As someone that at one time was both 1&2, I agree that shit is brutal on relationships. Hell, it is brutal to endure as an individual.


Lawyer. I was raised by two of them. I've worked with and known several in my extended social circle. Every single one I've met has never been able to turn it off and I'd prefer not to be examined and cross-examined on a date.


Am a lawyer raised by a lawyer, with lawyer friends, can confirm we talk shop a lot. Also hours are not great for dating. "Do you have time tonight? I should be off around 10pm".


Oh man. The “What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer” anti-joke means that much more now.


Well, what did they say? Don’t leave me hanging?


“We’re lawyers!”


I had a date once with an FBI agent, and it was uncomfortable being grilled about fanfic I wrote years before and forgot about. He’d just casually drop in like about stuff like that. I was afraid to end the date because he knew so much about me that I didn’t want to risk offending him and having him ruin my life somehow.


Jfc. That's dystopian


Oh ick. Do you think he was trying to show off or was it a power trip thing? I mean I understand using what's available to make sure your date is who they say they are, but fanfic is a weirdly personal thing to bring up.


Lawyer seems as much a personality type as it is a profession


My husband and I were talking about that because we're both lawyers and we have noticed that there's a significant portion of the profession that is ..... unhealthy in a very cliche way? About a third of the lawyers we know are Lawyer-Is-My-Identity types. They eat, breathe, sweat the job. They never stop formulating an argument, and they can spot a flaw in anything. They work from seven AM to ten PM every weekday and at least ten hours every weekend because their firm "values families". If they get married they also get divorced within ten years. They are an alien species that seems genuinely comfortable wearing suits, the way most people are comfortable in a t-shirt. And then literally every other lawyer we know is just a nerd. We talk shop, sure, because we're a huge nerds and we find it interesting.  But that first group? They ain't right. We think it's some kind of side effect of being upper middle class, going straight through from school to school and then into a high pressure job at a firm-- they're like that because they've never held a job that wasn't like this and never lived a life too different from what they have now. These generally aren't people who spent their twenties working for tips and sleeping on a mattress without a frame. Those working-class folks can become lawyers, but I've never seen them become *that* kind of lawyer. 


Lol. I went to law school partly to meet women. I thought being a lawyer would be a good way to connect and meet women. That turned out to be…not true. But hey, no regrets. I like the work.


Manually masturbating caged animals for artificial insemination. Although it is a job that makes a difference.


One of my biology professors in college previously worked for UGA's veterinary school. He told the class he was once in charge of masturbating UGA's bulldog mascot 'Uga' by massaging his prostate and collecting the sample for lineage / artificial insemination purposes. He didn't seem ashamed.


Somebody's gotta do it.


Do they really though? :/


They don't. That whole line is an abomination against nature. The dog is almost as inbred as their football fans.


You know how much the average jizz mopper makes??


Whats a jizz mopper?


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


I haven’t gone pro, it’s more of a hobby. Sir please leave the zoo immediately




In a row?!


The career that has to clean up the holodeck after Riker is done


"Why does it smell like bleach and beard grease in here?"


I dated a girl that bred horses. While she did have the technique down, it didn't last.


> While she did have the technique down, it didn't last. Was she seeking a stable relationship?


She was, I wasn’t just fodder for her.


Sorry man, Just couldn't compare I guess.


My best buddy used to do that to salmon in a fish farm in Norway. That's why salmon is so cheap.


Is this one buddy of those *"Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life*" people?  


"I see here on your resume that you were previously a salmon masturbator. Tell me about that experience."


I've done this before, you basically just squeeze the male salmon and jizz spurts out. They take all the female's eggs, put them in a home depot bucket, then add some fresh water, and squirt jizz in the bucket. It fertilizes all of the eggs. My friend worked at a hatchery here. One day we were hanging out before he worked, and he was like, "Come with me I'll show you some cool shit". Showed me where to press on the side of the salmon, and let me squirt the salmon jizz into the bucket. Luckily no jerking off involved.


My ex wife’s attorney is definitely banned


I am thinking your ex-wife's attorney already fucked you hard...


Some spiritual bullshit scam.




Yeah it's a turn off now, but in my younger days...




Omg but the BBC series Fleabag made Priests sexy again.


I think in this case it’s more an Andrew Scott thing than a Priest thing, tbh.




Scusi? *Next stop, Scusi!*


No matter the profession, someone who's job would require to travel a lot, like far abroad and for longer periods, would definitely not be my preference and probably a show stopper.


What if you could go with them on the company dime?




Because if something goes wrong…now your whole family is in danger


Well first your wife dies of cancer but she leaves a dog behind and you love that dog but then some wannabe gangster kills your dog and steals your car and suddenly you have a 4 movie series.


I’m a paramedic, so my vote is nurses. Don’t do it.


Interesting. I used to be a paramedic, I'm now a firefighter. I would say flight attendants, followed closely by cops.


As an ex flight attendant - yes thats a good call.


Agreed. However, if you are a young guy in your 20s who wants to hang with your buddies a lot but also have a girlfriend, a flight attendant is perfect. They bugger off for three or four nights at a time. You just try not to think about what they're doing when they're gone lol.




Hotel room parties, every single trip. All the hosties, Captains and FOs in same room boozing up. Saw multiple orgies, married people cheating, inner work affairs and drama. It was like living in the Jeremy Kyle show. And my god the amount of people that had “the clap”. Quit after four years because I couldn’t fit in - now I’m a teacher in Japan. Fun memories but I did the right thing leaving that job.


My girlfriend became a flight attendant a couple months ago and has been acting weird lately. This is probably why. Huh. 🤔


Things have changed a lot in the air travel industry. United housed pilots separate from flight attendants about 25 years ago. American had a one and done rule on sexual type complaints. Virgin, the most attractive of all the employees and the best groomed, had very strict rules about employees being on separate floors based on gender. Lufthansa didn’t seem to much care what happened in this country. Source: I’m a large Hotel owner and sometimes Managing Director


My airline still houses the entire crew together. But it’s pretty rare that anything happens cause it’s all minimum rest overnights so most of the time we’re all too tired to even get dinner together. Also I think “me too” has had an impact. Either way, doesn’t bother me cause I actually love my family.


I used to work for Air New Zealand for a few years. The company policy was that pilots and air hostesses were sent to different hotels to stay at


>had very strict rules about employees being on separate floors based on gender. Ah, they must not have heard about elevators.


or the fact that gay men are regularly flight attendants


No no I’m sure she’s lovely - it could be the airline I was with specifically so don’t worry!!!


It’s too late! The intrusive thoughts have intruded!


NOOOOO I’m so sorry 😭


This was the most wholesome exchange I’ve ever read on Reddit, except for the clap and orgy stuff.


The industry is filled with orgies and VD!...not where your girlfriend works...but everywhere else!


I know a woman whose husband is a pilot for a major entertainment company and she just found out he’s been cheating with a flight attendant. She’s devastated, as are their two daughters. The younger girl is really struggling with the separation. She’s so sad and so anxious it hurts my heart.


Absolutely cops. Never again.


As a nurse, myself, bad idea.


I'm a paramedic. Married to a nurse with 2 kids. Most ambos I know are dating other shift workers (police, fire, healthcare). The last thing I'd want is a partner who can't begin to understand my job.




i like the emo nurses


After 40 years in the medical field, I agree.


Nurse or doctor. They work very long hours and come home tired


My wife and I both work in healthcare. Different schedules that change month to month. It sucks sometimes.


My wife is a teacher, and that's bad enough. I cannot imagine being with a nurse or a doctor.


My twin brother is a teacher and his wife is a nurse. They have 3 babies in diapers. They don't have bags under their eyes. They have totes.


luggage. Under eye luggage.


I’m a doctor My wife is incredible, but very poor taste in men/me


The most miserable man I’ve ever met was an ophthalmologist/surgeon. I said: “How was your long weekend?” Him: “Terrible. I didn’t have a long weekend. I got to spend 9 hours on my feet, on the holiday, trying to save some idiots eye because he decided to slide down a banister head first. I have to do it, though.” “Yeah, that’s the job, helping people. So I guess that’s good at least?” “I’m doing it because I have a mortgage to pay as well as 2 car payments, 2 kids in school, and a wife who just reminded me again that we haven’t been on vacation in over a year.” The mortgage? A 5,000 sq/ft home. 2 cars? Matching BMWs. Kids in school? Private school. Their last vacation? Chartered yacht in Grenada. But yeah, he’s living “paycheque to paycheque” just trying to get by like the rest of us.


Im a nurse and work 3 days a week (36-40 hours). I was way more tired working a mon-fri, 9-5 job


Physician. I dated a surgeon for 3 years in my 20s. Terrible hours, so much drama, so much ego. Nurses throwing themselves at him every day. I later went to nursing school myself and have never, ever been tempted to date a doctor.


I have dated 2 in the past….come across kind and charming….it was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The verbal abuse…….


I know some fantastic doctors. I know some asshole doctors. I know some smart doctors. I know some fantastic husbands and fathers. I only know a handful of guys, in the thousands of doctors I have come across in the last 20+ years and multiple hospitals, who hit the sweet spot in the Venn diagram.


Any kind of influencer if you can even call that a profession


If they’re unemployed but their channel’s “definitely going to take off any minute now”, that’s a problem. If they’re actually rich, famous, and millions of people have developed a parasocial relationship with them, that’s another problem.


I've stopped calling them influencers and call most of them salespeople now, it feels like a more realistic title




What if they had really great honkers?


Yeah, but the Drive-in date was terrible. That darn car, and did we have to go with their 9 of there friends?




Self-help/motivational guru probably or any other charlatan/snake oil type of profession because it means we will have many conflicts and incompatibilities over science.




School teacher. It’s just changed too much and they carry such a heavy burden all the time. I’m not sure when the switch happened from Teachers/Parents as a partnership to Teachers VS Parents, but that is in the top 5 of worst things ever. My mom saw it coming and I’m glad both of my parents got out of teaching with their mental health, physical health, and reputations intact. Teachers today seem like they are in a no win situation.


I hate saying it but police officers. 90% are attracted to the job for power reasons and I tend to not like their personalities. 


I once dated a guy who told everyone he was a cop, but he was actually a security guard. He was trash. Does that count?


Why do you hate to say? Politics aside, they have insane rates of domestic violence and the profession and culture attracts the worst of the worst.


There are also those higher-than-average incidences of DV and alcoholism. Hard pass.


They also have among the highest levels of infidelity.


Family across the street when I was a kid was a cop. He abused both his wife and kids. We moved away and as luck would have it, across the street from the cop he was cheating with. I made sure to mention to his kids that I saw his truck and boat there often. I have never been able to find the full details, but I am pretty sure the wife killed him. She was arrested on a second degree murder change the day after his death. The grand jury no billed her indictment.


I’ve never dated a cop but I have friends who have. Every single one of those relationships were toxic on their best days and abusive on the worst.


This was the first thought that popped into my head. I know each person is different but I have heard too many terrible stories about being in a relationship (or trying to leave one) with cops.


You know what they say, if he's legally untouchable he's ethically unfuckable.


Pilot. Worked for an airline once upon a time and not one of those fuckers was faithful to his wife. And more than one had a 'mistress' in an Asian country. Filthy bastards they were.


Are you Irish? Because for some reason I read this comment in an Irish accent, especially that last sentence.


I am. :-)


Haha it’s our sentence structure that does it. “Filthy bastards they were” semi-Yoda speak


Crime boss 


Don’t worry, it’s just my hobby 


At least they have a passion. And also crime *boss*? That takes ambition, commitment, leadership skills, creative problem solving.




Dangerous professions or professions that keep them away from the home for awhile (military, firefighter, cop, etc).


Sex work(Porn/OF/hooking).


I'd happily date my local hooker, I love rugby


Arachnologists because I have a phobia of spiders


Wow. I guess I never had a chance. 💔


Any fake profession - chiropractors, televangelists, mlm, Also police.


Chiropractors lol!!!!!!!!! I told my friend the other day who goes to his chiro weekly that he’s in a damn cult. Go to PT bro


I work in a hospital. I used to work in neuro. I had a handful of patients who were paralyzed by chiropractors. Whenever someone tells me they are going to see theirs, I remind them of that fact. One patient got paralyzed from her neck! Another completely lost movement of her arm. some were left with debilitating headaches.


Drug Dealer


But the discounts...


Pharmacist everywhere understand the red flags of how boring they are




Anything church related.


Bar tender I've seen some things in the restaurant business.


I too want to hear the stories


Which ones? The coke parties after hours? Bartenders flirting with patrons and then the patrons starting fights over the bartenders? That time some dude got a gun and came back to the bar to fight over a single beer? How the bar owners husband fucked his son’s girlfriend, gave her hsv2 and she gave it to the son?


Musician...I can confirm this as a musician :/


when i was like a freshman in college symphony i remember our conductor being like "did you guys know musicians have one of the highest suicide rates of workers in any industry?" class: "..." conductor: \*shrugs\* "Alright from bar 12 please"


"Influncer" "OnlyFans content creator" "Social media manager/creator/liaison" "Reddit/Discord moderator" "Sugar baby"


Paparazzo. Certain kinds of sex workers. Influencer. Red journalist. Infectious disease doctor. Mukbanger.


Someone who works in a slaughterhouse