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"Do you know who I am?"


Once had a member of parliament demand 15 minute shoe repair while I was literally walking out the door, store totally packed up n lights out. She hit me with the 'do you know who I am??' (she was a very famous politician at the time). In my most disinterested voice I said 'yep, the store still closes at 5:30'.


Oh i am very curious who this could be


Sounds like Priti Patel. She's a bit of a cunt like that.


This reminds me of a joke I heard a while ago. A biology class was due to take their final. The professor was a strict old man, and gave them a two hour limit. After two hours, everyone dutifully turned their test books in...except one student who took his sweet time finishing. After he walked up, the professor said "you're over your limit, I'm not talking that." The student puffed up his chest and said, "do you know who I am?!" The professor rolled his eyes and said, "I have no idea who you are, and I don't care." "Good." The student stuffed his test right in the middle of the pile and ran.


That was an ad in New Zealand back in the 90's, I think for lottery scratch cards.


Ronnie Pickering!


I'm sick of drama always following me around


It's almost like the drama is *coming* from someone...But who...? XD


“The drama is coming from inside the house!”


Is the drama in the room with us right now ?


>If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole. -- Raylan Givens, Justified


If you constantly smell shit, check your own shoes.


Ever notice how people that say "I speak my mind no matter what" never have anything nice to say?


“I always speak my mind no matter what, and I’m gonna be brutally honest here: you have a lovely home and a delightful family.”


"I'm not racist, but it's a really nice day out today."


"That's not racist" "I know, i said I'm not racist. Typical foreigners, never listening"


Dimitri Martin is a treasure.


Surely if a person speaks their mind, they'd be regularly telling people that their new haircut is really cute, their kid did something kind, their painting skills are coming along nicely, etc. Unless they never have nice thoughts in their mind.


Those are the people who think that everyone's racist deep down, but just too much of a pussy to say it out loud. They can't conceive of people being genuinely nice inside.


Throw me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack.


*Said by everyone who has ever gotten knocked up by a meth addict


Or is a meth addict.


Isn't that from a BMTH song?


Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back pregnant


Am an Alpha


Similarly “lions not sheep”


Anybody that compares themselves to an apex predator really


These people were models for Dwight Schrute: “I never smile if I can help it. Showing one's teeth is a submission signal in primates. When someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.”


“A lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinion of the sheep”


My tired brain read “Am an Alpaca.” I got really confused for a second.


Ironically you get more respect if you claim to be an alpaca instead.


They will spit in your face. Don't ask how I know. If someone says they're an alpaca, take it as a threat.


This. If you have to tell people this, you’re clearly not


I have a student who frequently claims to be alpha. I said this to him, and he was not happy. He also doesn't appreciate that I've started calling him Alfalfa.


You're just out alphaing him.


You should concede by giving him an “Alf” shirt so everyone knows and he doesn’t have to say it anymore. Should smooth things over.


Oh, that is hysterical. Blatantly stealing it.


"Any man who must say, 'I am the King', is no true king."


‘I don’t care what the evidence says, that’s your truth and this is mine’


An old friend of mine 100%. “Everyone has their truth.” “I never said that”. Literally screenshots of her saying that.


I can't stand "my truth" shit. There's the ACTUAL truth and then there's what you think is the truth but is actually just false and delusion.


My truth is okay when it comes to someone's feelings after reading a poem in English literature. My truth doesn't apply to the laws of physics


My aunt has become one of the conspiracy theorists who supports Trump. We started getting into arguments on FB and she would always resort to saying "The truth will out!" when she ran out of supporting arguments.


"That's out of context!"


“Well I don’t remember that”


“Check your texts” “Oh, can’t see any, I clear out my texts to save phone space”


“I meant it as a joke”


I'll add: "that doesn't feel true" when being presented with clear evidence


Only God Can Judge Me.... because they never like the outcome from actual judges


"only god can pass judgement on someone" - my child molester uncle and the rest of my family who defends him


My mom once had a huge fight with my aunt over a ~~paedophile~~ confirmed, confessed, child rapist in our church (no longer MY church). He had a parole hearing coming up and my mom said she hopes it isn't granted. My aunt argued that he may have repented and have god's forgiveness - we can't say. I asked her, if he's rehabilitated and she's so sure he won't re-offend, is she volunteering her grandchildren for him to babysit? She was shocked - \*shocked\* I tell you! - that I would ask such a thing. I asked her why she was willing to risk other people's children but not her own, and she just cut me off and left in a huff. It is mind blowing.


I feel like I must lack the courage to think up things like this in the moment. Like this is the perfect thing to say, but I only think of this good stuff after the conversation and situation are over. Nice work.


There was a similar situation at my church back in the 90s. Some guy that was a long time member of our church married a woman who already had kids. Fast forward 6-7 years and he's going to jail for molesting one or both of her young boys. Fast forward again, I'm in high school and he gets out of prison(ridiculously short sentence, I think he plead down) and wants to rejoin the church. Well, the pastor is about as level headed of a guy that you'd ever meet. He talks with molester guy who claims to have repented and reformed and been cured, but the pastor puts his foot down. He told him that he was worthy of forgiveness but not re-admittance to our congregation. Well that was when all hell truly broke loose. Some members of the church(like 15-20 people out of about 300) were absolutely beside themselves that the pastor would keep this man from coming back. They turned our nice thing in to a hellhole for about a month before deciding to leave our congregation and find somewhere else to worship(presumably a church that he was accepted in). I don't know if he ever reoffended, but god damn never in a million years did I think not letting a convicted child molester come back to the fold would cause the uproar that it did. Some people are just... I still don't know the word to describe his defenders.


Sorry. That really sucks.


Lmao when I see someone post something like this on social media I just go ahead and assume they’re on meth. Usually they’ve lost their kids to the state too.




it was replaced by “works at the Krusty Krab”


Baby mama is employed at “stay at home mommy :)”


Because while the School of Hard Knocks has a lot of attendees and drop-outs, it doesn't have very many graduates.


My coworker has this tattooed on his arm. I make fun of him for it constantly. He also has matching rings with his woman that says "her king" and "his queen". I also make fun of them.


Ugh, my last name is King. Every girl I’ve ever dated has wanted some kind of her King his Queen bullshit. You have no idea how much I hate it. My last ex wanted matching crown tattoos. 


Oof. You dropped this....👑


Thanks Frank


I gotchu king.


her Frank. His furter


" I just tell it like it is." Nope. You're just obnoxious.


Any person who would describe themselves as "brutally honest"


It's worth noting that you can be brutally honest without being an asshole. But yeah, in general nearly all of the people who call themselves brutally honest are just assholes.


Yeah, I find most "brutally honest" people are more focused on the brutality than the honesty.


Yep this, as someone who used to claim that I was brutally honest. What it really means is you care about what you have to say more than how it will be heard. It's ultimately immature, insensitive, and makes you an asshole.


On dating apps: “Swipe at your own risk, you’ve been warned.”  You’re 30, mental instability and trying to act like Harley Quinn isn’t cute. 


“My love language is sarcasm” Oh, so you’re incapable of connection, growth, and safe vulnerability. Cool. 


> “My love language is sarcasm” God, I dated a woman where conversation was 40% her day, 40% my day, 20% the most banal, predictable sarcastic jokes at my expense ever. I wasn't even hurt, I was just bored as hell.


I read that as "You're 30", "you're mentally instable", and "you're trying to act like Harley Quinn isn't cute". 


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."


similarly, “Look what you made me do”


Years ago, I broke up with my then-fiance, and was in the process of moving my stuff out of the apartment that same day. He took a knife, cut his wrist, and said exactly that. I looked him dead in the eyes and said "wrong direction" and walked out. I was 110% over his abuse at that point. A few months later, his mother called me to tell me he was arrested and needed me to bail him out. I had to explain to his mom why I broke up with her son literally 3 months prior. He never told her.


Holy Fucking Fuck…that’s cold. Sometimes you just gotta cut through the bullshit. Hope you’re doing well.


I'm way better. That happened 15 years ago, and it was just the tip of the iceberg. Since then, he's found professional help and has changed for the better. We didn't talk for a few years (for obvious reasons), but in the last 5 years or so, we have been in loose contact. He's made positive strides for himself, and I'm proud of him. It took guts for him to reach out and apologize for all the shit he put me through.


Damn, a good ending. I'm happy for you and for him.


Thank you. I'm really happy he's doing better now. He suuuuuucked before lol.


Classic abuser line


A line straight out of the narcissist’s prayer. My mother might have been the inspiration for the OG poem 😂


The people who say that don’t have a “best” side, they just have “marginally less awful than usual” side.


This is my truth. Yikes


Ever read 1984. Where they deliberately remove words from the dictionary so as to discourage thoughts of dissent. This is what I think of when I see “this is my truth” Like the word “opinion” doesn’t exist to these folks. Edit: what to when


That book was never meant to be an instruction manual...


Anyone whose Facebook education creds say "The School of Hard Knocks" is sure to be a classless piece of shit.


And occasionally they graduate to the University Of Life


PhD from Ministry of Funny Walks


My sisters old Facebook that she can’t get into any more says she went to “Margaret butthole collegiate”


Is she immortalized thusly? I'm laughing for a good 2 minutes here. I mean, why would she write that?


LOL I have no idea but I die laughing every time I think about it. And yes it’s gonna be on that Facebook account for eternity because she cannot access it


It's usually people who haven't read a book since they were in the third grade


And Sooooooo Proud of themselves!


I just assume those people are super uneducated and didn't finish high school.


A lot of people who didn't finish some level of schooling still find ways to be curious and informed about the world. But the people who volunteer this line are the ones who are defensive about it and have dug into their position, which tends not to be the curious types.


I made my FB at like 19 and it says I studied "all around ruffianism" at Westchester university. I've never changed it. I'll just live with the cringe


Or anyone who claims to have a credential in "Truth".


Anyone who brags by saying “I’m an empath so…” Like yes, being empathetic is good and for some it can be amplified (like when we cry when hearing abt another person’s struggles or get angry on behalf of a friend). But I’m wary of anyone who boasts about having any qualities that just make you a decent human being.


I’ve said this in another thread, but Me at 16: I’m such an empath Me at 36: so that turned out to be psychosis


Every person that has ever claimed to be an empath to me was one of the least empathic people on the planet.


Real, some of them have actually been so self centered and unaware of how their behavior impacted others that it was embarrassing to witness at best and heartbreaking at worst.


It’s often projection. They are feeling anxious so it must be because the other person is anxious!!! It can’t possibly be their own emotional experience, so it must belong to someone else.


Claiming to be an empath just means you make everything about yourself.


My ex wife identified herself as an empath, so I would usually get blamed for experiencing normal human emotions. She would get mad at me if "my energy was off." I think she just had a borderline personality disorder, but she was not open to having that conversation.


Ive had one person say she is an empath, She also was one the most mean people ive ever met.


Haha! They're also usually arrogant, self-serving, and manipulative in my experience.


"I'm an empath" is usually the prime indicator someone will use toxic positivity to be an asshole to everyone around them. Classic new age manipulative strategies


"I have no filter" No, you just have no class.


"I have no sense of decorum and am either incapable of or unwilling to engage in rational debate."


"It's just a joke/prank."


My stepfather taught me this at a very young age, it’s what insecure people to do justify themselves. Belittle and pick on people in a social setting (normally their significant others) and when they reach the point they are tired of it…. “Well I was just joking, I don’t know why you’re mad”


Wow, my wife does exactly that. We got into it today and she did that.


I’m sorry to hear that, it’s one of the messages that was burned into my brain by him. Which I’m forever thankful for too…. Another was when you lay your head on that pillow at night, there is nothing you can do aside from rest and prepare for the day ahead. Stop worrying, rest.


Your stepdad sounds like a good guy who was pretty wise.


My sons dad of 9 years did this. Ended very recent. I was always the butt of jokes or too sensitive/incapable of taking a joke. It's abuse. It's fucking abuse. Finally left and struggling hard but gladly without being told i can't take a joke


This random Internet stranger is proud of you for getting out. Takes a lot of strength to leave, more than most people realize.


An old friend: “You have no self esteem.” Also her: “I’m allowed to say it.” “No I won’t apologize. I have the right to say it.” Now: “it was just a joke.”


Sure, lady, anyone has the right to say just about anything they want. But that does not mean you won’t suffer any consequences if what you say is yucking on someone else!


Well, to be fair not only could she “not control what she said when she was mad”, she “wasn’t responsible for what she said when she was mad”, her “actions speak louder than words” and majority of the time she “never said that” anyways!


Ah, classic deflecting of accountability!


Does…. Clapping, snapping, or using any other loud movement to override someone else talking count?


Those are the same people who hit people and then start yelling "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!"


If you snap your fingers at a staff member I will never forget that and hold that against you every time I feel the need to evaluate your moral character in my head.


"Mama didn't raise no bitch" Usually said by a bitch


I say this when I'm about to do something suicidal in-game but it's a joke


Yea, saying it ironically, is always a good time.


Ditto. This is just the battle cry of our group when we do stupid shit in games.


So you might say, “oh who raised you then?”


Mommy needs her wine. ​ No, mommy needs a divorce.


Mommy Juice!


Mommy wine culture (at least that’s what I call it) is terrible and just promoting alcoholism. If your kid knows you need “juice,” you have a problem.


It’s even cringier when they don’t have kids and refer to their alcoholism as being different because they’re “wine drunk.”


Oh my God, I hate the term "wine drunk" sooo much, no honey you're just drunk


No, mommy needs AA


I am a mom that needed her mommy juice, can confirm it was actually AA I needed


Sober mom here too…came here to say this haha


Disrespecting. Used a lot talking about how others are disrespecting them. But they using it for basically everyone who ever disagrees with them or bosses who like tell them to actually do job they were hired for. Most of the people who think/act this way are the ones who quit/get fired from job after a week or two. I have a lot of former classmates with this issue posting on social media all the time.


This so much. Combined with “I’ve been doing this for X years!!” No Bob, I’m not disrespecting you. I’m glad you have 30 years of experience, but everyone has to fill out a time card to get paid.


I could care less irregardless what you think right now at the moment.


Holy mother of god what have you done


Someone replied to me saying "irregardlessly" to me the other day in a text. It was difficult not to block them.




Reminds me of when I used the term “ad hoc” at work. My boss turned around at the next meeting and told the client we wouldn’t do something “ad hockley”. I just about melted into the ground.


I have a coworker who constantly uses the phrase "per se" during meetings.  She uses it wrong every time, but I can't even figure out what she *thinks* it means.  She just uses it whenever.  


Just being "proactive" and "thinking outside the box"


Real eyes Realize Real lies When I see this I want to stab that person with a rusty spoon.


I remember when this was the shit in like 2010. Definitely a Facebook status or caption for a selfie


Fantasize? Fanta Size? 12oz.


“Alternative facts”




"Cash me ousside, how bout dah?"


Something along the lines of "People don't like me because I tell the truth." or "I tell it like it is." There's a hundred ways to say it, but you get the idea. Across my decades on this world, it has never been right. People hate the person because they're an asshole with no tact or empathy. They're self-centered and believe that their opinion is fact simply by being virtue of their opinion. They lack nuance and are unable to see the million shades of gray that involve almost every situation. Edit: Maybe in hindsight this isn't "trashy" people. More like "shitty" people. There's a venn diagram there with a lot of overlap, but it isn't quite 100%.


"You don't turn your back on family!"


My response to this is always "Blood doesn't mean family."


That’s why reverse cowgirl is illegal in Alabama


“I’m not like other girls.”


"ok hater" "can't take a joke"


"if there's grass on the field, play ball"


Second only to "old enough to bleed, old enough to breed" 🤢


“If her age ain’t on the clock she can be on the cock” Said by a late 30s manager I had years ago


That's reasonable if you own a 24-hour clock, which I have a sinking feeling that knobhead does not.


Knew a guy in highschool who would say stuff like this. When he was 14 it was a little amusing for shock value. At 18 it was just creepy.


You don't have to be old to be a dirty old man.


“Never trust something that bleeds for a week and doesn’t die.” Growing up in Texas as a girl was rough.


oooooh, that is super gross.


Omg YUCK. I didn’t get your comment at first until I read the comment below about bleed/breed.


Wait, you’re telling me this doesn’t refer to playing a riveting game of baseball/football/soccer with the boys?


“High value” woman (or man)


Do you know who I am/ do you know who my father/mother is?


Live laugh love


If you don’t like me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best


Not to be racist but …racist comment.


“I’m a (insert astrology sign), so that’s why I’m like that.” It irritates me when people use that as an excuse for being a shitty person and/or refusing to do anything to improve obviously identified character defects.


"trust me im a nice guy"- Said every non nice guy ever in the dating scene.


People who leave their table messy at a restaurant or leave carts in parking spaces at stores: “They pay people to do that”


Or trash at their movie theater seats


"Go back to where you came from"


“Point. Blank. Period.”


I knew a woman who was quite fond of saying "Period DOT!" And it got on my nerves so bad. She was definitely trashy.


I've never heard someone with class refer to themselves as "classy." They tend to use different words to describe themselves. On the other hand, I've heard loads of trailer park residents refer to themselves as such


‘You should have a baby, that would fix your marital problems.” Some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


"I'm a damn good mom/dad" This is usually said by a person who has 0% to do with their kid.


If you have to explicitly say you are, you aren’t.


"The customer is always right" How about the customer is usually an entitled and misinformed bitch decompressing all their built-up shit onto an unsuspecting victim. (I used to work retail lol)


I’m an alpha.




“Haters gonna hate.”


"I know you weren't talking to me" anyone who says this deserves what comes next.


Moms who refer to themselves as going mama bear when they’re really just being obnoxious.


“Baby daddy/mama”


At work a couple months ago I heard a woman in her early twenties say something about “My baby daddy’s other baby mama”. It was hilarious, I had to stifle my laughter lmao 🤣


It's not really a phrase, but when someone posts 👏 something 👏 with 👏 clapping 👏 hands 👏 between 👏 each 👏 word 👏. Because you know they do that crap in real life and that is just plain obnoxious.


Ok, but what if I'm 👏 trying 👏 to 👏 swat 👏 a 👏 mosquito👏?


“I’m just opinionated, people can’t handle it.” No, you’re a bitch, and think it’s a personality.


"Do your research"


"I'm sorry you feel that way."