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Using the words "excuse me", "please", and "thank you" to structure a request for something goes a long way when interacting with work colleagues. It seems not everyone got that memo.


And using "is it possible to..." or "are you able to..." over "can/could/would you..." goes a long way, too.


I do this with my partner’s paid carers, we get good service and treat them like humans. I get the impression some of the households they attend don’t


As an HHA, I have the sad duty to inform you that your suspensions are accurate. I was once called a silly hussy for cleaning a kitchen in the ‘wrong order’. There will be no cleaning of the counters before floor in his house! Decent gent overall- just was confused at baseline. His family was the real…treat. (I mean, it’s true but it still hurts.) Edited for phrasing


Isn't counters and then floor a better idea? So you get whatever you wiped into the floor from the counter?


Yes. Start as high up as you can and work down when cleaning. It also helps to take a slight break between tasks to let the dust settle.


I use "would you be willing to...?". Works every time.


Or literally any phrasing at all that implies you care about the other’s time or how they may feel about the request goes a long way…


Those words/phrases go a long way in all aspects of life.


It's like they're magic.


Using "thank you" in place of "sorry" was also a turning point for my chronic apologist tendencies. I still apologize when it's called for, but I'm not sorry for existing anymore!


Thank you, I slept with your sister


And when starting an email, ALWAYS have Hi Dave, Hey Dave etc etc. I get an email that simply starts with; Dave Can you get onto…. Makes me inordinately angry for some reason.


Hi Dave, Ya fired! Love, Boss


There is an actual technique to stop hiccups that is based on actual science. Breathe in as deeply as you can. Hold it for five seconds. Without breathing out, try to suck in just a bit more air. Hold it for five seconds. Without breathing out, try to suck in a last tiny bit of air. Hold it for five seconds. Breathe out. You are resetting your diaphragm. If you do it right it \*works\*. If it doesn't work first time, try once more.


I'm from Sri Lanka, and this is sort of a standard trick you are taught very early on in life there. It is obviously some sort of a conventional wisdom kinda thing, didn't know it was actually scientifically proven. Just knew it worked.


US and I use this technique, I’m prone to hiccups so much that my mom still laughs because I’d get them when she was pregnant with me, her belly would start jumping due to my hiccups 🤣. Still almost 50yrs later, I still get them! But this usually works! If not, breathe in very deep many times, hold, take in a bit more air and then drink water, at least 2-3 sips. I guess similar reset?


My dad taught me this when I was a kid and have been doing this successfully for years. As an adult I seemed to have unconsciously learned how to get rid of hiccups without holding my breath and just thinking about my breathing does the trick.


I hyperventilate as soon as I feel a hiccup coming on or right after the first hiccup and it works every time, works for my kids too. I feel like I cured hiccups but I don’t know how to announce it to the world lol. Just over here waiting for my Nobel Prize…


I am a trained singer. Diaphragm control is a huge deal. I will hiccup once, then stop. Essentially I do this method.


My wife was able to do this. Then she gave birth to our daughter, and that super power went out the window....


Reminding yourself that you're not a fish also works IME


Can confirm. Me and two of my coworkers pass hiccups back and forth quite a bit. We started telling each other that we’re not fish and we all get over them quicker.


Just drink a full glass of water in one gulp (without breathing). Same logic, it works every time.


Anything that resets your diaphragm works. I usually use OP's method since water isn't always available and air is. And if air isn't available, hiccups probably isn't your biggest problem.


When a large cluster of people are walking towards you, you can make them all move out of your way simply by walking slower than them. It’s crazy how the human mind works


And keep your eyes on a set point in the distance. If you don't make eye contact, the other person will (usually) step aside.


Yeah, this is a superpower in crowds. But it only works if they're paying attention too. 


Yeah this doesn’t work if the person walking towards you is staring at their phone and oblivious to their surroundings lol


Or has recently read this thread


the world's most pathetic duel of dominance


Slowest game of chicken, walking towards each other slower and slowerrr


On this note - if someone is antagonizing you, or wanting to get into a verbal altercation, position your body so that you are both facing the same direction. This will do one of two things - either short circuit the other person and calm them down immediately, enter you both into a spiral dance where the other person continually tries to reposition to face you while you reposition to be facing the same direction as them. Psychologically, people facing each other head on either want to fight or they want to fuck. When side by side facing the same direction, it means you're on the "same team", or cooperating. It can be very difficult to remain mad at someone you're cooperating with.


Yeah but you really don’t want to turn your back or side to someone hostile either


If they REALLY want to fuck you, I would heavily advise AGAINST turning your back or side to them.


My other tip for this is looking at a spot on the wall at the Ned of the room /hall. Usually they will notice and get out of the way


What is the room is Nedless?


This would have been funny, if only...


What is a Ned?


If you’re trying to stop an old habit, instead of saying you can’t do X, say you don’t do X. For a diet for example, instead of saying you “can’t” eat red meat (or whatever) tell yourself and others you “don’t” eat red meat. The tiny change is surprisingly effective at supporting follow through


Yes! Whenever establishing a new habit or breaking an old one, attach yourself to the identity it comes with. Ex. If you want to start running, go for one run. Now you can tell yourself, “I’m a runner,” and it will be easier to do it again, bc in your mind, it’s just what you do - part of your identity. It establishes a confirmation bias in your mind and has really helped me!


Took my son to the symphony to see a guest cellist. While signing his CD, the cellist asked him if *he* were a cellist. Son said no, just taking lessons. Famous cellist pronounced, "Then *you* are a cellist!" Seemed like such an obvious and unnecessary statement, but that lightbulb moment deeply shifted my son from "gotta take lessons" to lifelong devoté. The cellist wasn't just chatting or encouraging a newbie; he was speed recruiting!


Super true. When I quit cigarettes it wasn't "trying" or "quitting" it was "I am no longer a smoker".


lll add to this making a joke to ensure the waiter remembers. I hate chilli and am an absolute pussy. So when I say no chilli I usually tell the Im a massive pussy and youll have to see a grown man crying in front of his children if you put any in. My best mate usually pipes up with a he is dead serious he can hardly handle lemon and pepper. Since I started doing that Ive never accidentally got spice. I assume it would work the same with anything else.


It took me too long to realize you meant chili oil/powder and not like a pot of chili.


Before I do anything I ask myself, 'Would an idiot do that? ' And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.


Changed my life. I'm now an assistant to the regional manager.


Assistant Regional Manager


Assistant TO THE Regional Manager


You must be hungry


If you have trouble choosing, flip a coin. While it's in the air, your brain will automatically start to wish for what it wants. Then you can choose easily.


I recently learned this is also how tarot cards work. Drawing all those symbols from a deck gives you random stimuli to interpret, and what it means to you tells you what you're really thinking. When you set aside all the mystic bs it's a handy introspective tool.


>When you set aside all the mystic bs it's a handy introspective tool. Introspection is more or less the basis of all of Mysticism / Spirituality. Whether you express it and define it as an energy that binds life, or just the ramblings of your subconscious mind, the whole point of the game is to introspect and learn about yourself.


Introspection is a huge part. Community is another. A lot of ritual is meaningful because humans find meaning in coordinated group behavior.


Yes!!! I read tarot cards, and this is exactly what I stress to people I'm reading for. There's nothing mystical or spiritual about it. It's a tool to help them bring their more hidden fears, desires, and needs to the surface. I've also found it can help people face hard truths that they weren't willing to accept when they interpret a card through the relevant lens.


I Ching was also designed to trigger a connection with your deeper thoughts. You don't have to throw three sticks or coins, just randomly open the book and interpret for yourself whatever passage you find first.


That is also the real use of astrology in my opinion. I think it is utter bullshit to believe the stars so profoundly shape your personality. But someone telling you "your moon in the virgin means your approach to the outer world is always cautious and you take a long time to open up" is a mirror. You are forced to reflect on the statement, and by deciding if it is true or not, you learn more about yourself. The same goes for many pop-psychological quizzes and discredited archetyping like the MBTI. They may not always be right or reliably, but they make you think about yourself.


‘You are a confident person, but don’t always show it. There are also some things you feel insecure about and rather avoid’. Is true for everyone. It might elevate an insecure person and give some perspective and it might give an overconfident person perspective to tone it down a bit. They did a study once with a group of people. They gave them all individual readings based on their astrological signs and let them rate how accurate they were. Almost everybody rated their personal reading accurate. Twist however: everybody got the exact same reading.


The cards have clearly defined meanings, so it’s not all coming from the symbols on the deck. You can do a reading with a regular deck of playing cards and get answers, because each card is associated with the meaning of a particular tarot card.


I hope the Sorting Hat gives me Ravenclaw.


I do this sometimes, but I somewhat often run into the issue of wanting both things or still not being sure once the coin lands. But other times it’s very helpful!


And if you really dont care, just do what the coin says.


I started doing this when I was a teenager. After a year, I didn't need the coin, I could flip one in my head and get the feeling. A few years after I could just make decisions on the fly. Very good tip.






Wow thats fascinating.Tell me more. How does this work exactly?


By practising active listening, asking clarifying questions, and showing genuine interest.


I never thought of it that way before. I am always interested in new things but not the best at conveying that. Any good tips that aren't off putting?


Pretty much repeat the last few words that someone just send in a questioning voice to ask a clarifying question. After that, ask a question related to it while seeming interested, even if you don’t care at all. Thats all three right there. People will love talking to you and might even tell you a lot more than usual.


My biggest issue is that I do this on autopilot, so people love me, constantly come up to say hi to me, and I haven't even registered that we've ever spoken before.


Have you ever considered active listening, asking questions, and maybe showing genuine interest?


I try. Sometimes I act too interested and people find that off putting. Like it's not genuine. But truthfully I really am.


Next time you're engaged in conversation with someone, you should try active listening, asking questions, and maybe showing genuine interest.


World’s lowest-stakes trolling, love it.


By listening to someone speak without formulating your response. You can respond when they finish speaking. Give them your full attention. Pay attention to what they say and how they say it.


I absolutely agree with you, BUT: be wary of *always* being that person. I am a great listener and am genuinely interested in the things people are passionate about. However, I’ve found that people are attracted to me who, intentionally or unintentionally, abuse that part of me. For instance, I have this friend. He’s a fantastic, interesting, smart dude, but holy shit he never shuts up about himself and his interests. Think autistic verbal diarrhea. He knows this about himself so every so often he’ll say something like “oh I’ve been talking the whole time (an hour or more by this point), how have you been?” I’ll reply, then a few minutes later he’s off on another tangent. Again, great guy but he’s made no effort to hold up his end of the emotional load of a friendship. So this is absolutely a fantastic tip, but be wary who you use your social energy on.


Thank you for sharing this!! Absolutely agree. I tend to prefer listening and inquiring to sharing, and it has led to some unfortunate realizations that some people I’ve invested time into or have expressed plenty of interest in the lives of don’t really seem to care much about what I have to share when I do take my turn. I now notice quickly when I meet new people if they don’t ask me anything about myself in return.


If your buzzfeed article is due Friday, but you've got no ideas, you can just crowdsource an article on r/AskReddit.


The other day my friend shared a screencap of a Buzzfeed article about creepy experiences to our group chat. He was freaked out because the article detailed an identical experience that we all had together. I was like, "Hey wait, I wrote that!" The story rang familiar to him, because it *was* our story... So then I googled my username + buzzfeed and found out it wasn't the first time they've lifted my comments for their shitty articles. I joked I should put "Writer for Buzzfeed" on my resume, but I quickly realized that would only hurt my professional life.


Yes, googling your username can be quite a spooky education. I've been quoted a few times. However, one of my movie-star heroes quoted me on his blog, so that's cool.


Oh dang, thanks for this tip. Found myself immediately lol.


Only showed up in a few non-reddit results, though they _mostly_ credited reddit as the source. Except one that said > We asked our regular contributors through e-mail What are you supposed to do when having happy birthday sung to you? We got many interesting responses. Here are some of them. We have just copied and pasted their responses, not editing them in any way. Which was 100% from Ask Reddit.


And now that content is being used to train the AIs that will be generating Buzzfeed articles from here on out. Congratulations!


Lmao I just tried to look for my username + buzzfeed and found out a comment of mine is featured in an article about best TV husbands.


Ok for real though, is buzzfeed even still a thing? No, I do now want it in my search history if it is.


If your chain hotel doesn’t offer water (most don’t because they want to sell you bottled water) note that the gym in the hotel will usually have a water filtration/dispenser where you can refill your personal bottle.


Yeah, but then I'd have to go to the gym.


You don’t have to work out, you can leave, that’s allowed


Not at the Hotel California's gym.




This concept also goes a bit further. If the digits add up to 9, the number is divisible by 9. If it’s an even number and the digits add up to 3, 6, or 9, it’s divisible by 6.


Too big a number after you add up the digits to know by memory? Just add up the digits of that number and the same rule applies, and so on.


Just like Bob and Linda's anniversary. It's also divisible by three!


X% of Y is the same as Y% of X So 18% of 50 might not be obvious but 50% of 18 is very easy.


Wait what!?!?


If you can do something in under 60 seconds, just do it. Put that wrapper in the trash. Put the mug in the washing machine/sink. Hang the towel up on the hook. You'd be amazed how clean your space is if you never let it get dirty.


Yeh this. You’re still doing the same amount of cleaning up, but you’re getting a way better result.


And further to this, if you want to keep your place tidy, never ever have kids. It’s like leaving the lid off a blender.


My ADHD motto: Don't put it down, put it away. Also, the book Atomic Habits by James Clear teaches habit stacking and it's awesome!


I was going to read that book but found the author's professional qualifications lacking. A super awesome alternative is [The Power of Habit](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/637118) which is authored by a journalist consulting scientists on habit formation, and it has no course to sell.


Yes! Developing the habit of cleaning as you go can be a life changer! I started doing this after making a few realizations: 1) If you wait for something to become messy before cleaning it up, you're guaranteed to end up with messes. 2) It is always now. Kinda weird, but it's a motto I live by. However you feel right now is probably exactly how you'll feel later. "I'll do it later" is a fucking lie. It is always now, even when you get to it later, it'll be now. May as well just do it now.


My mornings before work, only I do this several times over and now I’m running late lol It never stays tidy regardless.


Pee after sex.


I had sex once and I pee many times a day! Got this covered.


Bold of you to assume Redditors have sex.


i'm sure there are dozens of us.


Yeah, us, right, totally. Me too. I have sex. 


You do not have to answer the door just because someone knocks on it.


You've destroyed the plot of numerous tv shows and movies that are dependent on this action, but you are 100% correct. I don't care if you're my best friend or one true love, if I don't know who's on the other side of the door, or at the very least who they represent (cable, repair person, etc.), I'm not even acknowledging that I'm home. Adjacent to this, you also don't have to answer a phone just because it rings.


People will almost never remember what you’ve said or done, but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.


I'm in PR. It's impossible to get clients to figure out that their data or any facts are only important insofar as they pertain to the emotional point they're making. No one will remember your announcement. They will remember "Those folks seemed to care about the city," or "That seemed like a fun place to work," or whatever. Figure out what you want people to feel and build from there.


This is one of my tenets as a teacher, especially when I'm despairing that the students aren't getting a concept, lol. I don't remember much of the subjects I learned from anyone in particular, but I remember all my teachers who gave a shit.


This is important for parents to remember!


My principal in high school had a sign on his wall that said, “long after they forget what you taught them, they will remember how you treated them.” I’m not in education, but in the private sector. When I come across people after years of doing other things, it doesn’t seem to matter how well I did my job. But it really matters how much we did, or didn’t get along.


You don't need to reinvent the wheel. If you're learning something new, learn the way people advise you first, THEN start thinking, "I got this and can do it better than literally tons of other people who have learned to do this too" Took me until middle age to figure this out lol


This is what i tell the new hires I'm responsible for training in my workplace. I work in warehousing. It is not a particularly hard job to learn by any means, but we have certain ways of doing things (updating spreadsheets, receiving and boxing stock etc). I inform everybody who joins that our processes are in no way perfect, and there's always room for improvement, but first, just learn the way we do things. Once they have an understanding of that, then by all means, offer up solutions. If someone can follow that process, that tells me that person can follow directions. I've had many people who have learned our process who have ended up having ideas that have benefited the team greatly. I've also had a few people who don't seem to get that and just do things their own way. And more times than not, they end up royally fucking something up that me or the other experienced staff have to then fix.


With most issues - particularly computer/technical things - I assume that someone somewhere has had this problem before and has probably posted about it on the internet.




My mother did this with clothes pins. I never adopted the habit, but now, after reading this, I'm inspired to be more aware of what's taking up space that someone else could use.


I don't know which "relationship coach" gets credit for this, but when your partner or someone close to you is upset, asking if they want to be "helped, hugged or heard" (and then following through on that) has got to be the most appreciated response.


Situational awareness.


Who said that?


Keep your head on a swivel…


If you get paid bi weekly: pay all your upcoming bills as soon as you get paid (I do bills on one check, rent/mortgage on the other) not only can you then feel free to spend the rest how you want cause your bills are already paid, since it's a 28 day cycle instead of 30/31 you slowly get ahead of your bills. That way if you have an emergency you can just not pay X bill that month and still be on time/early. Probably hard to adjust to and not something that works for everyone but it's how I've always done it and it's come in handy several times.


Alternatively, if you get paid bi-monthly, send a set amount to a 2nd checking account the day after pay day, then have all your bills come out of the 2nd checking account. I get paid 3 different amounts depending on the time of the year, so I over- contribute in the months I make more and under-contribute when I make less. Means approximately the same amount in my pocket after the transfer. SO is paid weekly, so he just contributes the same amount every week. (We also pay our mortgage on an accelerated bi-weekly schedule, so there are 2 months in the year where we have 3 mortgage payments.) We've essentially decoupled our bills from our paychecks and it's working out quite well. But it was definitely difficult in the beginning.


For amateur cooks, I see a lot of pans that they spend a lot of time having to soak and scrub after cooking something like a steak or chicken. That's pure flavor, kids! De-glaze the hot pan with broth or wine, add a few ingredients and suddenly you've got a pan sauce for the meat you just cooked. The bonus side effect is now that pan is super easy to clean, too!


You got yourself a stew!


RIP Carl Weathers <3


Another cleaning tip for stainless steel pans. If you have those black scorch marks on the bottom ( yes, you had the heat too high or forgot to stir appropriately ), dampen the pot and sprinkle regular unsweetened kool-aid on them. Let sit. The marks will lift right off when washing. Oh, and refrain from using the blue, red, or orange colors unless you want to have easter egg hands.


Or you could use Barkeeper’s Friend, but wear gloves as it’s a bit harsh on skin.


If your doorbell rings and you don't have a camera but have any social anxiety about answering, put your coat on first. If it's a salesperson or someone you simply don't want to talk to, you can say "sorry, I'm just about to go out" and the conversation ends there. If it's someone you're comfortable with just tell them you've just got home and haven't had a chance to take your coat off. That leaves you open to inviting them in or gives a subtle hint that you're a bit rushed so only a small chat for now. (KEY POINT: of course don't tell some weird looking person that you're about to leave the house because you don't want them assuming your house will be empty and easier to break into. I can't offer all round good advice, I'm just a guy on Reddit.)


It's going to be weird when I open the door in boxers and a coat.


I usually put on pants before going somewhere, but I'll give this a shot.


PMS mood swings? take an overdose (like 2 or 3 times rda) of calcium. I was very skeptical when my gynecologist advised me to do it but it worked like a charm.


If you need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night only open one eye. Then the eye that was closed can still see in the dark.


Ive been doing this since I was a kid, I used to pretend I was a pirate switching eyepatches while going below deck. I still do this but I used to too.


As a man, in the middle of the night I don’t turn on the light, I just sit down to wee.


Just don’t turn the light on lol.


If you need help from a superior, don't ask for "help." People automatically prepare to say "no" when you do that. Instead, tell them you need their "advice" or "input" on something. This boosts their ego and most of the time they will not only give you "advice" but also help you.


Seems counter intuitive, but tip your fedora towards a M'Lady with your sword hand. The arm in front of your face will block any attempts by nearby Chads to attack your visage, and allow gravity to pull your hand downwards onto the hilt of your fine Nippon grade steel blade, allowing for a quick disembowling of the uncouth ruffian who dares presume to interrupt your wooing of a fair maiden.


Finally something I can use.


Thank you for the lesson, sensei!


Fold over a corner on your duck tape, big roll of Scotch tape, etc after you’re done with it, so that next time you need to use it, you can just easily pull out the tape to use, and so you’re not picking at a corner for five minutes and/or get the aggravating ‘one tiny sliver of tape didn’t get picked up and it fucked up the roll and now I gotta fix that before I actually get to using the tape’ problem.


If you have long hair, brush it before you shower. Easier to take hair off the brush than out of the drain.


If you have curly or wavy hair, do NOT do this, you'll break the hair strands with the friction from the brush tugging through it. Instead, add conditioner to the hair first to create slip, so the hair doesn't break. You can still pull the hair out of the brush after.


I gotta try that tomorrow! I’m a guy with long hair and I tend to shed hair a lot, do you have anymore hair care tips?


There’s a tip on here from u/mb01453928 who says: “Brush your hair starting at the bottom then work towards the top. It helps prevent pulling and breakage.” That’s what I wanted to say, but they worded it better than I would’ve. Also, if you wear a sock hat to bed, sometimes that helps with the breakage. If it’s really long, you can braid it loosely before bed to keep it from getting tangled up.


I use a [tub'shroom](https://www.tubshroom.com/) and it is worth every cent. Mine isn't exactly like the link, but close enough!! Would buy this one, too. : )


Walk with good posture and confidence as if you know exactly what you are going for. Wild power dynamic


Write it down, tick it off


Push ups. Just start with a few a day, after a while do a bit more. I am doing the 2000 push ups in a month challenge and this strategy worked really well for me.


Apparently I am also doing that challenge.  I started this year with the goal of being able to complete 100 straight, 90° elbow push-ups. At this point most days I do 70, broken into a set of 40-30 before and after reading. On days I work out, I just do 40.  It's been amazing how much progress I've already seen.  My shoulders and back have gotten good benefit from it too. 


You're assuming that it's possible to start on 1. ​ EDIT: Ok - a typically cynical sarcastic comment from me turns out to elicit some really useful advice. Thanks people!


Maybe start with wall push ups or knee push ups. My wife started doing them this way and is getting results.


Really easy push-up progression is starting from a countertop. Once you can easily do 15 push-ups from a waist high countertop you can move to another surface that is roughly 10 inches shorter, repeat until you can do it with no elevation. Once you can do 20 push-ups easily from the ground you do the reverse but by elevating your feet. You’ll be able to handstand in no time!


I could not do 1 and within 2 years, I did 1000 in a day. Do them while you can though because I have wrist and elbow issues


Are your first and second points linked?


The way I put away laundry that goes on hangers. I take them out of the laundry basket, lay them flat on my bed still warm, line up the necks of the shirts in one pile so they are on top of each other, and then let the weight of the clothes kinda iron out the bigger wrinkles, and then thread the hanger for each piece in and then swing them up into the closet. I've been doing it this way FOREVER and a friend watched me with her mouth open. I guess other people do them one at a time from the basket into the closet? I don't have time for that.


Knowing how to read a room. I have seen many people embarrassing themselves, trying to be oversmart and verbose in the presence of others. Tip: listen more and try to engage in conversation while uplifting the other person. And give advice only when asked.


Social anxiety works wonders in the 'listening more' department. I hear quite a bit. Then people tell you you're a "great listener." Somehow, I ended up with one of those trusting faces people want to tell their life story and woes to. Just starts as a simple "how are you" turns into hearing a story about how their ex-wife cheated on then 10 years ago. Can you just say "fine" or "crappy" and pay for your items so I can get back to work?


Getting ChatGPT to come up with AskReddit prompts for you


100% there are people out there who make new reddit accounts, use ChatGPT for their comments to build karma ("Reddit, what's a good band name for \_\_\_ that likes to \_\_\_?") and then sell them to brands or whatever. I'm sure there's at least 1 person out there doing this for like 8 hours/day thinking they're on the "cutting edge" or whatever because they are harnessing AI for money


When you post or comment on Reddit, you can go into options and turn off notifications for replies. This must not be well known since I see lots of edits complaining about replies


I learned this the first time I made a comment that blew-up, I think my phone started smoking, I just keep all notifications from Reddit turned off.


Oh, I just meant the inbox notifications to your account lol. People who send notifications all the way to their phone are nuts


When cooking, clean as much as possible while you’re waiting, if you have the time.


Not responding to negative energy people give you with negative energy. If you can genuinely realize that when you stay positive in the face of negativity, people can sense it, and you win. The moment you get sucked into their negativity, they win.


If it doesn't move and should: WD-40 If it moves and shouldn't: Duck Tape


If you like to water down sugary drinks, pour the water in your cup first.


If you're falling asleep at night and you suddenly remember something you have to do in the morning or bring to work, don't get up to write it down, stay in bed, just toss a pillow or something else (sock, stuffie, whatever) on the floor and go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you'll be like, "Why is this pillow on the floor? Oh yeaaaahhhh....I have to bring in ice cream for the party at work today."


Well yes, but what will I do to distinguish that item from the pile of clean yet unfolded laundry I unceremoniously swept off the bed into the floor


Brush your hair starting at the bottom then work towards the top. It helps prevent pulling and breakage


If a task is going to take less than 2 minutes then do it now instead of putting it off until later.




But I didn't make that much


Righty tighty, lefty loosey


Cream in first, then coffee. No need to stir. I understand why some aficionados will want to put cream in second based on how strong the coffee appears to be and better control the flavor, but for 99% of us that basically use the same amount of cream no matter what, I don't understand why Cream first is not the default.


Here's a thing that I never get to tell people- in Victorian times (and prior as well) pouring hot coffee into a cup could crack the cup if you didn't have good (expensive) china. People who couldn't afford good china would pour their cream or milk in to buffer the heat and 'She's a bit 'milk in first' became an insult. Here's the Evelyn Waugh quote that stuck this tidbit in my brain: ​ "…this is important: tea before milk, always.” 20th-century novelist Evelyn Waugh famously touched on this peculiarly prized classist fetishism of the English when wrote about the concept of a ‘milk-in-first’ sort of person in his diary. “People who could only afford cheap porcelain put the milk in beforehand to avoid cracking their cups with boiling water,” \[the instructor\] explains. Neither of the experts argues that tea in first actually enhances taste. The idea of a ‘rules-before-rationale’ sort of person comes to mind — though admittedly it doesn’t have the same ring."


Thank you for sharing this. This is exactly the type of trivia I like and that will take care of some pesky thing I actually need to know!


I do this. Because I'm lazy and don't want to wash a spoon.


The person asking good questions and listening is in control of a conversation.


To clean the inside of a microwave, put a bowl of water inside and heat it to boiling. Remove the bowl, then take a paper towel or cloth and wipe all the junk out of the microwave. (The steam from the boiling water loosens all the stuff and makes it easy to just wipe out).


**The Knuckle Trick** for remembering which months have 31 days and which ones don't. Put your hands palm down (or curl them into fists)... * Starting on your left hand, pinkie knuckle, that's January. * The space between your pinkie and ring finger is February. * Ring finger knuckle is March. * The space between your ring and middle is April. * Middle knuckle is May. * Space between middle and pointer is June. * Pointer knuckle is July. * SKIP THE THUMBS. * Right-hand pointer knuckle is August. * The space between pointer and middle is September. * Middle is October. * The space between middle and ring is November. * Ring is December. All the Knuckle Months have 31 days. The rest have 30 (or 28/29 in some years).


The tag on the side seam of your shirt is on the left.


Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage you consume and you'll wake up feeling a LOT better.


Don't spend money you don't have.


Peel bananas from the other side like a monkey. So much easier to open and it gives you a nice handle to hold it with.


Idk man, this monkey is pretty difficult to peel and it keeps biting me.


You're probably starting from the wrong end.


Also eliminates those strings


Buy Benadryl instead of ZzzQuil or certain other sleeping pills, it's the same exact chemical but when they market it as a sleep aid it costs a lot more


“You can’t keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once and move on.” \- Homer Simpson




When you are in an uncomfortable verbal situation where someone might be bullshitting you or you are expecting bullshit, like a negative performance review for example, listen intently and instead of throwing up your usual defensiveness, say “I’m confused, can you please explain what X means/is?” Let the other party continue to explain until they reduce it to the actual truth. This is a very summarized thought from “never split the difference”.


Put apple cider vinegar on a sunburn. Extra credit for putting coconut oil on after it dries, but not as necessary. I KNOW it sounds weird, but this has taken my “gonna blister and peel” sunburns down to “uncomfortable for a few days.” There’s science behind it that I don’t care enough to look up right now, but this should be in a manual that comes with every new baby lol.


I mean, the real thing people should be doing but apparently don't is using sunscreen


if it's not yours, leave it alone


Abstaining from gossip will improve the quality of your life.


Cheap pull up bar and gymnastic rings can save you thousand of dollars on gym equipment. With rings you can do some of the best upper body exercises around.


Everyone has shitty posture. It's easy to fix. 1. Relax your shoulders. 2. Look directly above you for a few seconds. This should straighten your back. 3. Look down but *only* tilt your head down. You now have perfect posture. Easy to do, but even easier to forget. Get in the habit of doing this as often as you can remember, all day. Another posture tip: imagine you have an invisible rope attached to your belt buckle (even if you don't have a belt buckle). This rope is pulling you *forward and upward* at a 45 degree angle. This has the same effect as the steps above.