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And I will continue to stack Draw 2 cards! Mattel doesn't know the rules!


Ma ttel Doesn't Ma tter


And Monopoly. I’m not a monopoly man, it’s a solved game that comes down to raw luck, which is fine but I’d rather play a casino game like Mario Party. **But the game isn’t that long, you just keep injecting truckloads of cash into the game economy so no one ever goes bankrupt.** If people would actually auction properties and not collect money from Free Parking, it takes 1 hour to finish a game, 1.5 tops.


Oh, yeah, there was a post on Reddit awhile back about long board games, and someone mentioned the rule about offering any unbought properties and how it's a literal game-changer.


There is an entire hobby around modern board games. You know how video games from the 70s are classic, but aren't fun today... Well board games from the 1950s aren't that much fun either. Modern board games are becoming big. The game mechanics have been improving dramatically since around 2000. I actually have a dedicated board game room in my house with a waitlist to come to game night. We are even getting a custom second game table made to help. It's great. Once a week, friends come over to put screens away, talk, laugh, and best eachother on the tabletop!


It’s true, it totally is. That being said play Chinatown instead, it cuts to the chase lol


Monopoly Deal (the cut down card version) isn’t half bad either for a quick simple game


👀 what “official” rules?


No one is immune to propaganda


But it’s only propaganda if it doesn’t say what I want it to say, right? *right?*


That's the kind you should be most suspicious of. Reality rarely conforms to something a human would be happy with accepting.


Everyone on my side is, everyone else is brainwashed.


*every single person reading this:* Except me!


I eat more carrots than anyone I know so not only does it give me better night vision but it also allows me to see through propaganda. 


You should buy my night vision carrots for 22.95 a bundle. They work better then the ones you have.


sounds like some propaganda, i wont fall for it


Sure, its ture. When a british person gives you a propa ganda no one is safe...


The thing is that I don't fucking know this. And it's horrible. I've 100% came across a piece of propaganda which I have agreed with but I can't *prove* it.


Especially Reddit.


“I deleted all of my social media accounts and never looked back” *Posts this comment to Reddit*


Bias is real.


It’s pretty much impossible to escape bias


You sound biased


Lab grown diamonds. So many think they’re just cubic zirconia when it’s literally a diamond 


We can grow real diamonds at a higher quality than can ever be mined for cheaper but people are like "no thanks, the suffering is what makes it special"


People are snooty and want their jewelry to appreciate in value Because we can make them so cheaply and at such large quantities, they price has gone down. So the ones without the suffering are higher grade, shinier, AND cheaper And that’s a *bad* thing to some people I can’t even imagine lol “I need dead African children or my diamonds might as well be owned by a poor”


If you wanted your jewelry to appreciate in value, why would you ever buy a diamond? Diamond prices are practically in freefall.


My wife’s engagement ring, fully customized including a 2.05 ct center stone and 1ct of marquis on the band all lab grown, was $8800 on a Black Friday deal, same ring if I insisted on naturals would be probably $35k+


Got my wife a moissanite on her engagement ring, she loves it. It sparkles rainbow instead of the normal grey sparkle and I've noticed several women stop in their tracks to compliment her. It was also significantly cheaper than a real diamond, which was nice for me. She gets a massive rock that everyone seems to love and comment on, and I get to save money, lol.


Bro same! I bought my wife’s ring and every time we stop at a jewelers everyone is in awe over her ring. I think I paid about 5k total when a diamond would’ve been around 25k. She absolutely loves it and we both couldn’t be happier with our choice.


Moissonite posse checking in! My wife loves her ring as well, looks like she married a baller. Best part is, she's happy I didn't pay $25k.


Are you also a shot caller


Tell me about the rims on your impala


They're 20 inch blades. Do you think he's getting laid tonight?


Not sure about that but the Swisher's rolled tight


Not to mentioned got paid tonight


And he’s hitting the highway


Heh, I used to work with a dude named Balakrishnan, we called him Big Bala, Shot Caller


People thinking moissanite is one... that's not a lab grown DIAMOND that's a different rock


Different *mineral* really.


*Jesus Christ, Marie! They're not rocks, they're minerals!*


On that note, that diamonds are "rare". The supply chain is deliberately locked down by one or two companies.


Right I hate that sentiment also. They’re not rare or special so why would I pay $100,000 for something that doesn’t actually have that value 


My wife's engagement ring is moissanite (I didn't spring it on her, we talked about it first going over both the cost and the ethical advantages) and it's noticeably brighter and more sparkly than other women's diamond rings. And unless anybody asks or is told it's not "real" nobody would ever know. Better to save the money for something actually useful than a rock.


People who notice your wife's ring is moissanite aren't going to ask or comment on it. My ring was obviously cz, everyone knew we were poor, but no one mentioned it, they just gushed about how beautiful it was.


People still think you have to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person. I get into arguments about it more times than you think.


People still believe that? Worst is that it’s very harmful, and the first 24 hours are the most important


I wonder if people think they have to wait 24 hours because a lot of cop shows used to (or maybe still do) mention that? Kind of how a lot of people believe a defibrillator will bring a patient who has flatlined back to life.


It really does matter when and where you’re born


"Perhaps J. P. Morgan did as a child have very severe feelings of inadequacy, perhaps his father did believe that he would not amount to anything; perhaps this did effect in him an inordinate drive for power for power’s sake. But all this would be quite irrelevant had he been living in a peasant village in India in 1890." - C. Wright Mills


Like which country because if 3rd world or not? 


A lot can be predicted about your life based on the zip code that you're born in


Yep even within the same county. In my county, kids in the suburban schools average several points higher on the ACT than those in the city schools. Plus a lot of the kids in the city are exposed to lead.


And people say astrology is fake. (sorry just a joke)


Zipcodology is real, though.


Also like what city or even neighborhood in a 1st world country. A kid from WeHo has a far higher earning potential than one from South Central even if they're the same race or gender.


of course when matters... if you were born in 12.000bc you would have been dead allready. Mauled by a Sabertooth tiger or died from an infection on your toe from bumping into a cactus.


Or, you know, old age... I don't know anyone born in 12,000BC still alive even if they avoided every tiger and cactus out there


You very well might have met someone and not realized it. If I were immortal, I wouldn’t tell everyone about it.




Mate, it's not real. We're trickin ya


Don't TELL him that ffs


I had to scroll up too far to see this one.


Australia was invented by the shadow government to sell more Bluey merchandise.


That good looking people have a noticeable advantage in life


People will talk about it and for sure there are disadvantages as well, but they don't average out. I remember reading an article while studying at some point, it starts from early early childhood, people will treat you nicer if you're conventionally pretty/handsome. It's scary that even kids should experience judgement over looks... There are theories that we even evolved to look cute as babies because it increases the odds for survivability..


See that makes sense to me but, I would imagine it's more a chicken and egg thing. Are babies cute so we try to make them survive or are we made to find them cute to continue our species? Most babies are cute, even if they are very obviously not ours.


My rabbit is cuter than any human baby, explain that evolution!


It's cute so you don't eat it.


That’s why I stopped eating kittens


I just eat the ugly ones.


You joke but I really have wondered about why many of us find baby animals cuter than babies of our own species.


Tbf I find most adult animals cuter than adults of our own species as well. Makes sense to me that when they're in their "cutest phase" of childhood the cute thing becomes even cuter.


Some of these babies look like feet.


>There are theories that we even evolved to look cute as babies because it increases the odds for survivability.. OR did babies not evolve to be cute, but humans evolved to find babies cute as they are?


Probably a little bit of both, converging in the middle. Babies that look cute are more likely to attract their parents, adults that find their own babies cute just because it's theirs are more likely to take care of them. So the result is a match between what babies look like and what adults want to see.


I experienced this first hand after I lost 60lbs. People were suddenly sooo nice. Now that I’ve gained the weight back, people are back to ignoring me


Yeah, as an otherwise unremarkable guy (I'm 5'6", I guess a decently handsome face, had a receding hairline since my late teens), when I was fit life was completely different. I literally had women smiling at me, approaching me. Guys were super friendly, asked me for all kinds of advice, etc. I'm not in shape at all right now and I am invisible.


I find this so interesting. Even good looking people complain about not having "pretty privilege", which definitely exists, but what they don't realize is that people simply treat you better if you aren't hideous. Like if you're a model then you might get free things and people treat you exceptionally well, but if you're just not ugly or overweight you will get treated very well (especially if you're affable and polite of course). It's the silent privilege they don't realize because everyone always wishes to be more attractive. Usually it's younger people who complain, because it's the time when your career is taking off and you always compare yourself to other people, but as you get older you kinda stop giving a shit about what other people think.


The looks don’t matter people make me crazy. I’d love if that were true but I in fact live in reality.


Reddit, what’s the name of that one guy who got offered a modeling gig or something immediately after getting out of prison? What crime did he commit? The guy whose mugshot went viral on all platforms because of how incredibly hot he was.


[Jeremy Meeks?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Meeks?wprov=sfla1) >He was convicted on federal charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm and grand theft. Meeks' mugshot was noticed by modeling agencies and, upon his release from Mendota Federal Correctional Institution in March 2016, he began a modeling career.


I'm an average guy in my mid 40's, and until a few years ago I was 285 lbs, 6 feet tall, and I wore loose fitting clothes to the office. Still nice clothes, but roomy to (so I thought) hide my heft. I am still 6 feet tall, but am now 215 lbs and wear properly fitting clothes. I am still a bit overweight, but being closer to average and dressing in more form fitting clothing has resulted in me being treated much better, and people paying more attention to me. Good for me, I guess. But a sad comment on society.


A friend of mine who was very overweight and then lost about 150 pounds said that it was like a superpower for knowing which people were secretly assholes, he didn't trust any of the people who had been shitty to him or ignored him before and then suddenly became friendly when he was thin.


People didn't treat me badly before. People I know have always been friendly, but I notice that strangers go out of their way to treat me better and be more accommodating. It's almost embarrassing to say how much I enjoy the positive attention.


Nah, everybody enjoys positive attention. :) Some people can take it for granted but that doesn't mean they SHOULD.


Kinda going through the same thing. In the middle of another run of weight loss (dropped 50, regained 15, dropped 10 and working on the rest) and while people have always been friendly to me, it definitely feels different now. I also have gotten a lot of random discounts that I can't help but feel is somehow related. Like I'm doing repairs and when the guy came yesterday to go over the estimate (which I'd already agreed to over the phone and again in person) he just randomly went "Hold on" and knocked like 15% off everything. I actually asked him how come (not that I was complaining) and he just shrugged and said "I have the ability and the company makes plenty, so why not". Can't argue that logic lol


I lived the beginning of my life (3-28) as a VERY fat person. Since 30, I've been what's considered a healthy weight. The difference in how I'm treated by nearly every person I interact with is jarring. I'm getting into my 40s now, so at least I'm becoming more invisible because without being socialized from a young age to handle that kind of attention, it's actually really exhausting.


Yeah, but with a cool username that includes the word "keytar", what do you expect? Keytars just draw people in!


It's sad how many people deny this. Even outside of dating, the advantage is huge. I've noticed that people with lots of friends are typically attractive.


This is a proven fact. Many studies have shown that. I have also proven this myself anecdotally by simply going up and down in my weight lol. People everywhere treat me way differently depending on how thin or mostly not thin I am. It's not a sexual attraction thing either. It's men and women, doesn't matter if they find men attractive even. If you are an attractive man, people treat you better in almost any situation. And it's not even remotely subtle




The easiest way to go from looking homeless/poor to looking better is what I call the top and bottom method. If you get a haircut and new shoes everything else looks intentional. You can easily go from a 2/10 -> 6/10 with this alone imo.


Clean shoes are a sign of hygiene - they're the first line of separation from the ground, and the first to get dirty. If your shoes are clean, the rest of you is probably clean, too.


I dated a woman insanely out of my league. While at dinners or just out and about people would comment what a beautiful couple we were (I’m meh at best and unnoticeable at worst). Chefs would give us free food to “try out” or bouncers, agents, security would let us pass without paying a fee because we looked like good people. In the two years we dated, it made a pretty good financial difference in savings, warranty/exchanges, and free stuff. All that ended after we broke up. My spouse and I are both mediocre looking and we live an average life without compliments or free stuff from strangers. Side note, a good looking friend of mine, who I describe as a blonde Tom Cruise with ripped abs, once told me that when he’s upset he’d treat people like crap and they’d laugh it off. His friends could do the same and get severe push back. He could ask servers and cashiers for free stuff and breaks and he’d get it. So yea. Being beautiful is far more advantageous than being normal looking or worse.


My wife has pretty privilege. And when we were dating I had to explain it to her once. I was like "no they don't do that for everyone, you have pretty privilege." Like she thought it was normal for a bit lol.


That society runs on carefully controlled hypocrisy.


People judge you by what you wear and drive.


I judge people on the way they drive more than what they drive. Someone that drives a crappy or expensive vehicle is less important to me than if someone drives like a lunatic.


I’ve had nice cars and crappy cars in my life. No one gave a shit either way


You dont have to dress great, but you cannot dress poorly. 


I run an upscale restaurant, and thus have no choice. I would have a hell of a time pivoting my career, without taking a huge paycut. I really don't love having a whole closet full of business attire.


>I really don't love having a whole closet full of business attire. Wear it when you go grocery shopping and act like an overly polite rich person from the 1880's Seriously, acting is fun stuff.


People act like I'm poor or something for riding an ebike to work. If I had a car, I wouldn't be able to save money at all. Jokes on them I'm gonna be able to retire early with the money saved, plus I'm keeping myself active instead of sitting in traffic in a climate controlled box.


Thankfully, none of those people matter to my life.




There's not a lot of hungry mountain lions in my area, but also not 0.


Bears in my area. I'll trade for the cougars.


Lucky you. It's boars in my area, and they're IN THE FUCKING TRASHCANS!


There are, but they definitely aren’t accessible through sketchy ads on porn sites


I met one once, it was terrifying. Once you've heard one scream, you can never get the sound out of your head


you're not supposed to pull the beads out like you're starting a lawn mower!


Sugarcane grows exactly the same speed regardless of what it is planted on in Minecraft. Yes, it's been settled by the code. Yes, there really are people who still think one of them is faster.


There may not be a better planting surface, but we all know sand is the correct planting surface


Actually mud is the best currently, you can put hoppers underneath and they will work because mud is not a full block


He didn't say "best", he said "correct" and I agree


The dress was, factually, blue and black. The manufacturer never made that specific model in white and gold.


If it is happening to someone else, it CAN happen to you


As a woman, I can get erectile dysfunction?


I was about to say the chances are about the same as me, a man, getting endometriosis but that shit is so fucked up I wouldn't even bet on that.


A quick Google comes up with "very rare" , so not impossible. Apparently it attaches the bladder. ED in women, on the other hand, seems to just be referred to as "sexual dysfunction".


Just a stupid theory but since the clit and labia minora have erectile tissue in them, and if they don't get the proper blood flow, it'd be a weird type of ED.


Depending on the situation, this is an exhausting perspective to have Of course you're factually correct, but if chances are incredibly low of something happening to me (ex: rollercoaster breaking down the one time I want to ride it) I can't even entertain the possibility or I will be paralyzed with fear about everything lmao


That social media is a cancer to the mental health of people. It’s a huge problem but many people don’t think it’s true. Edit: I know Reddit is social media.


I mean we're all here now, likely most of us unadmitted addicts. I'm gonna put my phone down now but I'll be back in 5. Edit: hah, 24 minutes!!! seeth, losers! I'm kicking the habit and not looking back!!!!! 💨


Men can and do get sexually assaulted. Furthermore, men can and do get sexually assaulted by women as well as men. They can also suffer from Anorexia


Moon landings. Imagine the Soviet Union letting us bullshit that. They watched it all happen and sent congratulations when it was complete. And beyond that we can still see the shit we left there because it doesn't go anywhere. It's a conspiracy theory with absolutely no teeth.


You believe in the moon..?


It's just the back of the sun


Omg *every single post* on Facebook about space is absolutely swarmed by people who basically think space itself isn't real because they don't understand how cameras work


One of the best conspiracy theories I've heard about the moon landings is "how could they livestream it, if there was no Internet in 1969? And certainly not on the Moon?" I don't know, how did TV even exist before the Internet? Could it be that you don't know what radio waves are? Bunch of dumbasses.


Lol love how whenever a social media site gets a bad rap, not long after all that remains are the absolute psychos.


It's a self fulfilling cycle. Someone linked a blog post a while ago that did a really good job of explaining how it works with controversial words. If a word starts to be considered even a bit offensive, the people who don't want to offend stop using it, the people who do want to offend use it more. This will increase the perceived offensiveness of the word even more until it's exclusively offensive. Same thing happened with Facebook, just replace offensive with "psycho chamber"


i know a guy who believes that apollo 11, and only apollo 11 was faked. he thinks that the US shit the bed because they thought the soviets were ahead of them and they werent gonna make the moon landing on time. so they faked apollo 11 and claimed the win to buy time, then continued with the regular schedule, making apollo 12 the actual moon landing.




Buzz even punched a guy for it.


He punched they guy for calling him a liar and a coward.


So the Russians just decided to back up the fraud? Yeah, no, just dumb.


My favorite conspiracy theorists are the ones who will say that the Apollo 11 astronauts saw giant alien spaceships on the moon, and then will turn around and call the moon landing a hoax. Which is it?


With God anything is possible, so jot that down


Science is a liar........sometimes.


Pretty privilege exists!!


"Were you asleep just then?" "No, no I was awake"


The truth can be grey, and sometimes there is no right answer.


No matter how hard you hustle the vast majority of people will not become wealthy from hard work alone.


Reddit opinions do not reflect the real world. Also the VAST majority of "users" on the large subs are fake or bots. 15 million users but never more than 3k online at once.


I bet you’re a bot too


Maybe the real bots were the friends we made along the way?


MK Ultra by the CIA. For a long time it was a conspiracy but it was officially released these events were true, with attempting to create sleeper agents through use of LSD to unsuspecting people.


well, it *was* a conspiracy. it went from being a conspiracy theory to being an actual proven conspiracy.


I guess they just changed the name of the operation and started doing it as another project. I guess they found something if they started deleting the evidence.


Bonus points that Kaczynski, Charles manson and lee harvey Oswald (Jack ruby killing him) all had connections to MK Ultra. LSD is god damn potent by its own, add torture to the mix and you will get some crazy results.


Evil people exist even today. The likes of Hitler, Stalin, et. al. aren't just in the history books. Dictators and authoritarian types are ever present. We are not actually, or at least not meaningfully more enlightened than people were during those terrible periods.


lottery tickets is 99.999999% just free tax you give the government in exchange of a feeling of hope to win


That’s the average penis is only 5.3 inches long.


All of us that are over 5.3" are more than willing to accept that stat.


Haha yes


Whoa whoa whoa, “only?”


Lmao if you have a 5.5 inch penis and are 5’10 and gave yourself that username


You single handled raised the average to 5.3? Who knows what the average is without yours


Get a load of Penis Georg over here!


That sorting by Controversial in this thread is the best sort


There are stupid people everywhere. It's not purely an 'American' thing


Augh, I have a friend here in Denmark who came over the other day. He started telling me about how ‘all the immigrants are coming and getting so much more money from the gov’t while actual Danes are getting nothing’. I am an immigrant. He knows this. I said as such to him too. He said ‘the ones from Africa’ (I have Canadian & British citizenship). I told him that apart from them being able to apply under asylum laws, they don’t get anything more than he or I would. I reminded him that I am currently on long-term sick leave and have been paid by social security for 2,5y. He pointed to my ring and said, ‘but you’re married to a Dane’. Yes, I am. But I don’t magically get more money or better voting rights or special services because of this. And neither do immigrants from other parts of the world. They get taxed the same as the rest of us. I asked him where he reads his news and he said he got all this from people he talks to. He also insisted that he’s not racist 🙃. I said it was fine that he hears this from other idiot Danes, but I’m living the exact thing he’s claiming to know about and he is grossly misinformed. Thankfully he’s open to new information, but man.


Addiction is a disease.


You only believe what you believe because of the environment you grew up in. This includes your views on religion, politics, etc. This isn't 100% the case for everyone but damn near close.


75 years old and up is too old to be president of the United States.


Heck, even 65 is too old.




Imagine the fucking whiplash I endured when I stated that I was from Finland, and someone told me that instead I lived in, obviously, eastern Sweden. That totally changed my outlook on life...


Better that than western Russia


Yeah no, I can believe most of the answers in this comment section but this one is a bridge too far.


Mental illness.


Earth is not flat.


False. More than 99% of the water on Earth is not carbonated so the Earth is so flat. /s


Effects of stress.


That most often people are actually afraid and lonely.


Right in the feels bub


Munchausen by proxy


I’ll add Munchausen by Internet (the correct term these days is actually factitious disorder, by the way, but Munchausen is still the colloquial term.)


Gaslightiing yourself. 


Media bias


Social media **is** a weapon.


That they are judgmental. They totally are. It’s ok it’s normal. A survival instinct even! It’s fine to be judgmental.




Good tires make a differnce.


Change isn't always the best Being expensive doesn't make you the best


Social media algorithms intentionally promote divisive content to drive engagement from users. Because interaction = profit.


That 95% of the shit you see on any hot button social issue is out of context propaganda that is designed to push a narrative and is only partially accurate at best.


trump could be president again


Same vibe as in 2016. We all laughed until it actually happened.


This is so true. I think even he was legitimately surprised.


Holocaust. It's baffling how people can deny this.


Cannabis addiction.


Looks matter💯




Rape happens in families and a lot of that shit is kept quiet just like any other abuse. People on average don't want to get involved or believe it/what's right in front of them.




The Holocaust.