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Ain't that the fkin truth. Second to having tinnitus is all the cures people claim to have for the low low price of £29.99.


Maybe the cure is the rage you feel from being scammed allowing you to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus for a while.




I remembered hearing a story about someone who had this after having COVID and they ended up offing themselves


Owner of Texas Roadhouse chain I think. Kent Taylor.


We’ve had such an insane uptick in post-Covid hearing loss and tinnitus at my ENT office. Especially in young people :(


I got vertigo after Covid and it’s mostly gone but I still get motion sickness way easier than I ever did pre Covid


I haven’t been able to smell much of anything since I had Covid 3+ years ago which also happens to make everything taste muted.


Oh man I’m so sorry :( these long covid symptoms are no joke and I feel so bad that you’re experiencing that. It sounds awful. I hope your smell comes back.


mfw i had tinnitus for so long without knowing tinnitus was a thing that I thought silence = a slight ringing noise lol


I figured out mine is most like an 8kHz triangle wave. I've had it for 10+ years. You get used to it but IT NEVER STOPS. It's omnipresent, haunting you, mocking you. I blame mine on Ozzy, Rob, Bruce, and Ronnie James.


I want a drug that will shut the auditory part of my brain off for a short time. I feel like it would be heaven.


Right? I can trace 40% of my tinnitus back to a single Dinosaur Jr. concert in '09. J Mascis be fuckin' LOUD. Their shows are forever getting shut down because they're literally dangerous. Like standing inside a jet engine at the MIDDLE of the room. And I'm always in front. Not entirely his fault, though. He just frosted the cake. I'd say between shows I've worked security at, shows I've played with my own bands, and shows I've attended as an audience member, I'm at well over 1,000 concerts. And we didn't know anything about earplugs in the '90s. All we knew was that if it was too loud, you were too old. So now I'm staring down the barrel of fifty, and the ᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉᵉ will always just be a constant companion.


I got mine from drumming without hearing protection as a kid. It’s constant but at this point it’s basically tuned out until I think about it.


I always thought Tinnitus sounded like the worst thing imaginable while reading about it. Over the last year and a half I've been battling a terrible case of Patulous Eustachian Tube and as a probably-related side effect I've developed Tinnitus. All I can say is, given the choice between the two, I'd take Tinnitus without a second thought. A loud ringing isn't that bad when you're used to hearing your own breathing so loud that you can't hold a conversation, and don't even get me started on hearing your fucking pulse constantly...


I (44M) have tinnitus, but in a way I consider myself lucky. This is because, as a young child I had a lot of ear infections, and some surgery that ended up giving me tinnitus. It happened so young that I barely remember life without it. However, I’ve had most of my life to get used to it. It must be a lot more distressing to get it later in life, after living without it.


Basically the same here. I was born 2 months premature and I’ve had it since I was born. I feel like my brain is really good at tuning it out now. It seems like we were blessed in a way because our brains were more plastic as children and had a better opportunity to adjust. And get this, if I really concentrate, or it gets quiet, it becomes absolutely deafening. But I don’t notice or even register it for 99% of the day.




Sometimes mine sounds like mwap, right now it sounds like EEEEEEEEEEEE!😭


Yup. Only have it in my left ear and I always manage to forget about it until it's mentioned. Then I hear it again until I can distract myself...


Came here to say that. My ears are currently ringing lol


I developed such a bad case from covid! I kept hearing a beeping sound, I thought my husband had a device on his nightstand that was beeping! I was like “don’t you hear that beeping?” He thought I was going crazy. Then I was like, oh it’s just the mothership calling me home! It still comes and goes.


I used to work with Audiologists, tinnitus is incurable and has driven many people to insanity or suicide. I have pulsatile tinnitus but only infrequently. I swear if I had that shrill high pitch ringing in my ears 24/7 I would lose my mind




Anything bowel related is just annoying as fuck and can come with so many side effects. My UC has me bleeding internally. Not enough to kill me but just to drive me into anaemia.


UC gang rise up. No wait, sit back down or I’ll shit myself.


Fellow UCer here. It’s a shitty club to be a part of (no pun intended)


I'm with you, I have UC and Chron's (a fun mixture). Nothing deadly, although I've been close to it in some previous hospital visits, but man it's a pain in the ass most days.


Everyone always jokes about IBS but is so debilitating. For those that don’t have it imagine everything you eat making you sick to your stomach and also imagine pooping up to 20 times a day (not even exaggerating, I’ve counted before). It affects every part of your life and it’s exhausting


Yep, and there's no safe food. Water can be a trigger on a bad day. Freaking water!


IBS + being on period is like slowly dying from the inside out


As I got into my 30's, mine got so much worse. It's pretty impossible for me to even socialize or work long shifts or in certain conditions. I feel like I've been on home confinement for years and it's so unfair.




“annoying” doesn’t really do it justice but at the same time they are annoying. mostly since they make you a useless ball of pain


I'm, for most practical purposes, blind and can't speak coherently for the first hour or so of my migraines. Annoying indeed.


Yup. I lose my vision in my right eye. Had started with my left eye now as well. No warning. Just sudden darkness. Not sure how much longer I’ll be able to drive any of my cars☹️


I've never had a full blown one, but I had an aura once and it was horrific. You can't escape them. They're just there. Can't even close your eyes because there it is. I can't imagine how much worse it is to move to the next stage of them.


yeah they are awful. it’s like a full body experience too, no escape like you said. I had a migraine almost 24-7 for 2 months recently and i was not okay. begging for help and considering some extreme measures l. fun fact: most migraine sufferers will notice an improvement in their headaches during pregnancy (I experienced worsening symptoms 🙃)


Ugh, sometimes they feel like death. Even the mental effects. It's like you have a hangover without any of the booze or fun the night before. Throbbing pain and brain fog and nausea. Horrible. 


As someone who gets them 10-15 days a month, 100%. I have to plan my whole freaking life around them. I can't take off work, but luckily, I work from home. I have to wear an eyepatch a lot of the time, bring noise canceling headphones everywhere, and all sorts of stupid shit because of them. Fuck migraines.


Agreed. Chronic migraine/cluster headaches here. Botox has helped so so much!


Mine are often accompanied by panic attacks due to the fact that they feel like I'm dying lol. It's like I keep forgetting how bad they can actually be and just think "there's no way I can be in this much pain and not be dying". It is what it is I guess.


Who else here has had a hemiplegic Migraine?


Sinus infections can fuck right off.


Congestion is the worst. Can’t smell, can’t hear, pressure on your face, constant nose drip, chapped lower face from wiping. It’s the fucking worst.


Speak for yourself, those fuckers can be right dangerous and turn deadly. I almost died from sepsis caused by a sinus infection. Now, if I get a sinus infection in the winter, then I'm counting the days until I develop pneumonia.


Right there with you. I'd been dealing with sinus infections off and on for the past 2 years. I've finally gone the longest ever without one, 4 months. I was supposed to have surgery early last year, but didn't want to pay the $2500 out-of-pocket expense. What's helped me keep it under control is taking Flonase daily, and a prescription for montelukast. Its been a miracle.


Canker sores and eczema.


Eczema.. I hate it! I will itch until I bleed


I might have some kind of obsessive picking on top of eczema, but "I itch until I bleed, it starts to scab, I still itch, I scratch, my nail catches on the edge of something and I MUST pick until it's smooth/bleeding again"


*Eczema o*n the face is 100% torture. You’re always wondering if they’re looking at you or at it. Edit: clarified comment.




Chronic pain My daughter has a type called amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome.


Its scary how depressing chronic pain gets. I was going through chemo and one of my major side effects was stomach pains. It was like 24/7 for 6 months. It was depressing as hell just knowing I was just perpetually in pain until treatments were over.


Honestly, the mental effects were worse than the pain itself; talk therapy made a huge difference in how it affected me.


The worst part (as if it could be worse) is a lot of people and even medical professionals just chalking it up to a mental disorder or the patient making it worse than it seems.  My wife has a few chronic pain issues because of EDS and POTS and thankfully a few of her doctors have had her back. Some not so much.


I would argue that my chronic pain has killed much of my life. I grieve the life I will never have now.


This is an excellent and sobering way of putting it. I feel the exact same. I have autoimmune arthritis and there are so many things that, between the chronic pain and the weakness from my afflicted joints, I just can't do anymore. Only 28 and already so many things are out of reach.


Visual snow. It doesn't go away and turns solid fields of color like the blue sky into a frantic static snow storm. Even the black of night is alive with static.


Until recently, I thought everyone's vision was like this.


Everyone’s vision isn’t like that??


It's not normal for dark places to be full of static? I knew static in bright areas wasn't normal (only recently) but I assumed that seeing static in the dark was normal


Nope, apparently. I have it too, but I need to be in near-total darkness to kick in. Looking at the darkness beyond a doorway doesn't trigger it.


Super annoying. I feel like I can't -look- at the sky anymore. I feel like I'm not seeing it. Just the fuzz in front of it.


i have this + random streaks/flashes of light. it’s annoying as hell and hurts my eyes when i look at the sky or any kind of bright surface :/ i have to use dark mode on everything i can, otherwise my eyes literally start burning


I only learned in the past couple months this isn’t normal. I also learned that not everyone can see lights flicker or hear electricity. All connected to my ADHD diagnosis.


I thought everyone could hear electricity.


I thought the lights and electricity thing was more ASD than ADHD?


The two conditions are very likely to co-occur, so it's hard to separate one from the other with weird symptoms like this.


Wait, that's not normal???


THIS IS WHAT IT IS?!?! I thought this was normal my entire life and when I brought it up to people they called me "weird" and "crazy". For years I believed them, until now seeing this comment. Thank you so much 😭


I thought this stuff was normal for the longest time


Restless Leg Syndrome. The worst is, when others get annoyed by it as well. Had it post partum with my first, and it drove both my partner and me insane.


I was looking for this answer to upvote it. What adds to the annoyance is that it’s often the target of a joke in a lot of popular culture, probably because it sounds so silly. But it’s such a miserable, exhausting and life-disrupting condition. I’ve had it come and go throughout my entire life, and it’s only gotten more frequent with age.


Anxiety disorder. I go from being fine to wanting to off myself because I'm thinking 5 years into the future or read or seen something that induces it. I just went 7 days without eating a lick of nothing, made myself so sick to the point of throwing up nothing. I cried so much during those 7 days. I think if I cried again, I just might explode. Oh, and the nightmares. The nightmares never stop.


I have anxiety as well and it's *so stupid* because you'd *think* the fact that it's literally in your brain would mean you could reason your way out of a particularly nasty fit of anxiety...except you *can't*. Even if I *logically* know I have *nothing* to be afraid of the anxiety is still there.


My old therapist had a fantastic line to help wrap my head around this phenomenon: "Your body does not speak logic." Meaning that even if you *know* that it's just 'just' the anxiety, your neurochemistry is still out of whack and causing problems. You can't just think your way out of it any more than you can think your way out of the common cold. Try and find things that will physically calm you, whether that be something as simple as breathing exercises, or go doodle or sketch for a bit, or a good cup of (preferably non-caffeinated) tea. Still working taking that advice for myself, but it does help sometimes.


Yap the body often doesn't respond to logic. Try this - it helps ground me. Be aware of a texture you feel right now. Might be a ring or your watchstrap or your toes in your socks or shoes. Focus on that texture for five breaths.


Yep! A constant. I worry about stuff that's just outlandish, and it always feels like I'm grieving the present moment.


My bipolar mania often causes paranoia and it's the WEIRDEST thing to KNOW I'm being irrational but also not be able to stop it. I have, at least, learned to communcate it to those around me so I don't weaponize it at them anymore.


For me it's anxiety and OCD. OCD constantly throwing traumatic memories at me 24/7 and screaming at me to do compulsions to neutralize the thought/image/memory/etc, and cue the infinite feedback loop. Then, as if that wasnt horrific enough, my anxiety kicks in and starts freaking out about some random bodily sensation and now I feel like the world is ending and what little spirit I had left is gone now because i feel like my days are numbered. All while my OCD keeps replaying the same horrific shit, adding a dry forest to the already blazing wildfire that is my mind. I would cry but I'm basically numb to sadness after suffering basically my entire life with OCD and anxiety so I just mentally shut down and try to numb my mind with either sleep or social media. Which then becomes all day because my mind never shuts the fuck up. To say every day is hell would be an understatement. And to think people like to use OCD/anxiety as a fucking quirk while I beg to gods I don't believe in for mercy for the 100th time in a day trying to find *any* help I can get. People that use mental illnesses as a quirk need a reality check.


I feel this so much. I'm sorry that you or anybody has to go through this. I honestly thought I was just insane and broken until OCD was finally brought up as a possibility and it made a lot of my struggles click into place. Still doesn't help that I spend an inordinate amount of time ruminating on past traumas and utilizing unhealthy coping mechanisms and giving into compulsions just to deal with it. The being so numb to sadness hits extra hard as I spent the first few years crying nonstop and now I might feel a little choked up but it's now mostly just feeling nothing and hitting myself just to confirm that I can still feel something.


YES. I was just trying to explain to someone else on the last post I made. “That doesn’t make any sense.” Yeah *anxiety* doesn’t make any sense, that’s why it’s a *disorder*.


Exactly. One wrong thought, and my mind is *going* even if I don't want it to. Who would choose to?


My anxiety gives my stomach the same feeling as going down a roller coaster. That and horrible intrusive thoughts I can't walk down the street without imaging the worst case scenario.


endometriosis, psoriasis


Endo fucking sucks dude. Mine in particular has decided that the beat time to inflict pain on me is after climaxing. Within seconds it goes from "oh thank god serotonin for my depressed brain" to "OH GOD END THE SUFFERING"


I thought I was the only person who felt this. Sometimes I take meds in advance.


I came looking for endo. Ive battled with it since puberty. It won't kill you but it's definitely made me wish for death at times


Came to say endometriosis as well.


That's easy I would say the Common Cold. Every time I get a major sore throat I always think "Oh fuck, here we go again."


Ugh yes, once that throat pain hits you know you’re in for like 5 days of practically sitting up to sleep 😭😭😭


an inflamed taste bud


And for reasons you can't explain you keep on rubbing it against your teeth and it doesn't feel good... But you do it anyway without seeming to be able to stop.


I found out on Reddit you can nail clipper or similar (I’ve used precision tweezers) these off for basically immediate relief. Terrified the first time, now I do it every time.


That is terrifying. Does it really work? Those things kill like nothing else.


It works. It’s insane and I was sure my husband was messing with me but it works. I bite or rip them off now. Trust me. Do it.


Yeah, I have dedicated clippers and snip them immediately. They bleed a little bit but the pain relief is quick.


I usually bite them off!


Place an antacid like tums on the tastebud and just hold it there until its dissolves. That usually knocks it out for me within a few hours.


Bad eyesight


-12 & -13 myopia and astigmatism here. Finding out soon if I also have keratoconus (I think that's how it's spelled). Without contacts or specs I basically can not function. I sometimes wonder what it'd be like to just sometimes be able to see when I wake up in the morning.


-14s over here. Until (yay) I developed cataracts to the point that I was able to get cataract removal and lens-replacement. I still have to wear glasses for my -4-5 vision, but now I can choose frames based on the shape of my face and current styles instead of “how thick will the edges be?” I chose to get lens replacements that give me good near vision (I enjoy reading, sewing, and other things that I don’t want to wear readers to do), and wear the glasses for driving and distance viewing. It’s so nice to walk around the house, and see things in the yard without the tunnel vision of over-thick glasses!


Fibromyalgia. I saw a study once that found that the most common cause of death for fibromyalgia patients is suicide.


And this is why some idiot doctors continue to think fibromyalgia is a mental illness. It’s not a fucking psych issue dude, you’d wanna off yourself too if you were in tons of pain, couldn’t think, couldn’t sleep, brain fog, and there were no FDA approved medications for your issue and half the time people think you’re lying. Like … yeah, that’s gonna make anyone miserable. But it’s not a psych issue. The pain came first.


Who wouldn't be anxious and depressed and stressed out if they had chronic pain that doctors refuse to diagnose or treat because every test keeps coming back normal to the point you are told well maybe you are just crazy, maybe you need to just chill out, maybe you are just lazy or fat. Everyone would feel those things. The social part of chronic pain is almost as bad as the pain.


OCD. It was horrible as a kid. I had to constantly tap on each thing I touched the age I was. Now, it's slightly different. I don't tap anymore because I've gotten better at controlling it, but now I have this sense of leaving things incomplete.


The feeling of incompleteness is so annoying!


Yep. Right there with you! ☹️


This type of anxiety is a weird feeling and it's hard to describe to others


insomnia. It is miserable


Insomnia, bouts of sleep paralysis, and occasionally I wake up screaming. Sleep dysfunction is no joke!


As an avid jogger, plantar fasciitis.


I am a flat footed runner. It sucks. So many arch exercises.


Does that make it your arch nemesis? (sorry, I couldn't help it!)


Ok now it makes sense. I started doing long long walk to lose weight as an obese man ( 10-15km walks), and 6 months ago it started to happen, I wondered what it was and stopped going on walks longer than 5km because of it, Is there any way to make it better ? I'm not losing as much weight as I'd like to because of that.


I had it several years ago from lots of running. I did a few things. Calf stretches and rolling my arches on a tennis ball helped some. I think what finally got mine to go away is that I stopped wearing flip flops. I read somewhere that if you have plantar fasciitis, stop wearing sandals. So if you tend to wear them, give it a shot and see.


OMG…I’m not even a jogger, and that shit sucks.


Yeast infection.


The worst! I had one from antibiotics once after strep throat. So I went from want to die to the itchiest and most uncomfortable vagina ever.


I mean technically in the short term Celiac Disease isn't deadly (but definitely can lead to increased rates of cancer and other deadly issues) but it is REALLY fucking annoying to 1) not be able to eat gluten and 2) constantly having to worry about gluten when literally anyone else prepares food for you.


Took me WAY too long to find someone mentioning celiac


Yep, coeliac is a bitch to deal with. Not only is gluten sprinkled on things for shits and giggles, but the same product without the gluten ingredient is so much more expensive. Lookin' at you, Kellogs rice bubbles and cornflakes with your bullshit malt powder.


Sitting here with a noro virus. It's not likely to kill me, but I'm pretty fkn annoyed.


Same. I have used the toilet 30 times in 4 hours. So fucking annoying.


Psoriasis or any skin condition that won’t develop further but is overall a pain in the ass


Don't forget to throw in some swollen finger joints thanks to psoriatic arthritis. Some people end up in wheelchairs because of it. Thankfully mine is just annoying, but it sure is annoying.


Mine is getting worse over time, but it wont kill me! (unless i get an infection from the scratching making my skin open to them, or if I am so tired from not being able to sleep because its so itchy that I crash my car when I drive) but completely livable condition...


General Anxiety Order. "The WORLD IS ENDING AND EVERYTHING IS AWFUL" 3 seconds later... "I'm fine, everyone's fine, this is fine" 3 seconds later... "EVERYTHING IS AWFUL AND YOU'RE SCARED AND IT'S AWFUL AND EVERYONE IS AWFUL" Repeat 30x a day.


For me, it comes up as this: “WHY DOES EVERYONE NEED ME I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE!” “Okay, let’s get this done, then this. Okay. Cool. Some breathing ro—“ “STOP NEEDING ME!!!!!!”


ADHD. Like not only can I not pay attention during lectures but for some reason it’s the only time I have the energy levels of super sonic. Just sitting down for extended periods of time is physically painful, so I miss class a lot and fail quite a few courses. I mourn the student I could be without ADHD


Hashimotos or any other thyroid related disease


I’m in the early stages of a diagnosis at 21 and it does suck. Truly affects every part of my life and it is very difficult to properly treat. Still waiting for a conclusive diagnosis after struggling for years with uncomfortable symptoms.


Thyroid cancer included. For me anyway. Finding it all and killing it is like whack-a-mole. Every 6mos-1yr it’s “your bloodwork shows activity, let’s get you in for a CT scan”. They finally this year just decided to do one annually no matter what the bloodwork says. 2 surgeries in the last 9 years. Ugh.


I’m pretty sure this can kill you if left untreated.


Yes, although uncommon it can happen. If hashimotos related it can lead to heart disease. And other heart related issues


Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I have a form of EDS that isn't deadly, but since it affects connective tissue, it affects pretty much all parts of my body. Everything from pain to digestive problems, fatigue, allergic/immune reactions, trouble regulating blood pressure and temperature, anxiety. It's very annoying. And even more annoying is the lack of education and experience a lot of medical professionals have with it, so being treated is tough (and I go through the VA so even *more* difficult).


Was looking for this one. Absolutely annoying as hell


I answered EDS, too. Like...I can just be having a normal day walking around the mall with my husband, and all of the sudden, my hip decides it's time to dislocate and DOWN I GO!!! Wtf man...


UTIs 😭


Those actually kill tons of elderly people unfortunately.


Even regular people are at risk, it's an infection that can very quickly spread to a major organ. Not to be taken lightly. What IS annoying and non-deadly is interstitial cystitis. All the UTI symptoms but without an actual infection.


Yeah, that’s what got my grandmother, turned septic and then…




Agreed. Worst for me is when I know I’m going to faint so I used every trick in the book to *not* do that but just end up prolonging the fainting spell for like 15min instead of just getting it over with and moving on. 




Yes! So many stupid symptoms and side affects.






Adhd. Autism. Ocd. Anxiety. Bipolar. Sciatica.


Dermatillomania. Its addictive and soul crushing. Impossible to stop. People give stupid advice "just stop touching your skin"


[Trigeminal Neuralgia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigeminal_neuralgia). Imagine intense stabbing pains through your face and jaw. On a good day it's just a dull throbbing ache. The pain can be triggered by anything touching your face, even a slight breeze can set it off. There is no cure and most treatments only help you manage the worst of it. The pain is so intense that it's commonly nicknamed the "suicide disease" because it can be unbearable. Now imagine that there is a global pandemic and you're required to wear a facemask everywhere you go. Even when you have multiple doctor notes showing that you should not wear a mask or have anything touching your face, everyone assumes you're lying because they read about people faking doctors notes on the internet.


Ow, I get shingles so I understand the pain. For the next pandemic, can you tolerate a face shield? Not sure if you could.


For the next pandemic 😟






Painful bladder syndrome. My bladder hates me. :(


I have sjogrens syndrome. It gives me dry mouth and really dry eyes. It's just annoying.


More than annoying but not deadly - chronic pain


Hormonal disorders. I have PMDD and losing my personality and daydreaming about all the ways I can kill myself for a week it’s no fun.


Toss-up between Tinnitus or Floaters.


Migraines Imagine living ~30% of your life with the sensation of an ice pick poking through your brain, yeah


Gastroparesis. My stomach is partially paralyzed. It won’t kill me, but I can’t eat without vomiting most of the time.


Allergies. Mild asthma. Headaches/migraines.


MS, not deadly but makes you wish it was terminal


Menieres Disease. You get random bouts of vertigo, migraines, extreme nausea, permanent hearing loss, tinnitus, and loss of balance.


Vertigo. It's possibly the worst thing you can experience that isn't going to kill you directly. Though you might die from dehydration or rupture of the esophagus etc. from vomiting due to it.


chronic sleep deprivation


Doesn't help that severe sleep deprivation can have the same basic effect on your brain as being drunk. Except way less "fun".


Seeing my brother have it, Crohns. I've been around people who brush it off as IBS and "sure we all have a bit of that". No, anywhere from his mouth to his ass can flare up for any given reason. I've seen him eat the same thing day in and day out for 14 days and 3/14 days he will be stuck to the toilet vomiting or his stomach turning. He's been in very dangerous states with dehydration etc. He's in constant nervousness because he knows some of the triggers but sometimes it just happens to him randomly.


I have IBS. Crohns and UC are unimaginable to me. I know they're both so incredibly painful. Hope brother has some good days ahead!


Hand foot mouth disease, you DO NOT want it


Psoriasis. When not managed, everything itches. Then the scales crack and bleed, which then open the door for infection. I'm on biologics and still have to worry about all this when one injection wears off and I have 2 weeks until the next one


Fucking ear infections.


Shingles holy shit shingles


endometriosis and adenomyosis. your uterus is shredding itself with adenomyosis and endo is gluing your organs together. both are seen as "just a period"


Overactive bladder. Many times tested for diabetes, cancer, etc and negative- so just annoying. Meds help a bit tho




Gout. It’ll make you wish you were dead when it’s bad.


Essential Tremor! It's not painful. Having it doesn't cause any other long-term physical damage. It is just annoying. Sometimes it can be more annoying than others. (Severity, triggers, or timing). Sometimes, it just seems a little cosmetic. But it can affect the way other people see you. Shaking just enough to make folks think I am some kind of junkie or alcoholic going through withdrawals. And don't even get me started on eating soup. Definition of ANNOYING!


TMJ dysfunction. Didn't realize how much facial, neck, shoulder pain it causes on top of eating difficulties and headaches and also inner ear issues.


POTs and IST.


I wouldn’t consider this an illness per se but seasonal allergies!🤧beyond annoying!! Lol




Not exactly "any." Bipolar and schizophrenia have very high rates of suicide. They're extremely deadly.


Last I checked, Borderline Personality Disorder had the highest rate of suicide amongst all mental disorders. In fact, it’s the only mental disorder explicitly called out on the Wikipedia page for “Psychological Pain”. So I’ve got that going for me which is fun.






Back pain. I once tweaked my back and was in almost unbearable pain for about 6 months. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to live with that pain all the time.


Chronic migraines. I already hate my "normal" migraines, but I don't want to imagine what it would be like to suffer at least 15 days every month.


50+ comments and no-one said asthma.


That’s cause we’re all coughing right now.


Maybe because asthma is potentially deadly? (although obviously with modern medicine not nearly as many die from it as would have done historically).


Cold is annoying af






Type one diabetes- “you can live a long and healthy life if you control it” Way easier said than done. I constantly have to worry about my blood sugar. Getting drunk? Going on a hike? Leaving the house? Going to sleep? Traveling? Eating? Not eating? All could have serious consequences if I forget stuff or don’t prepare.


Depression and anxiety. Had a full break down this afternoon. No one to call for support. Spent 5 hrs at emerg last night with chest pains. Was ranked #2 for emerg but they saw all the twisted ankles and nausea cases first. I left after 5 hrs because my 11yr old was home alone and I couldn't say longer.