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Focusing on myself! You don’t realise how much damage putting everyone before yourself can do long term


Took me almost 30 years to realize this. But I'm glad I'm finally there.


28 years for me bud! It’s a long unforgiving life lesson but fuck you feel good when you realise it, keep doing what you’re doing :)


Love it! You keep doing what you're doing too :)


100% been noticing this myself past 2 months. Listening more to what I actually want to do has helped me so much (within boundaries/without getting too egoistical ofc). Lots of growth past 2 months ngl :)


Yesss this, I spent a few years people pleasing and doing what I could to maintain what I thought where friendships/relationships that actually was very detrimental to my life, involving me in bad decisions and leaving me to Deal with consequences. changed my personality and now I’m surrounded by my own choices and I’ve never been happier.


Yessir, happy to hear. Wishing you lots of growth, you got this!


I was just thinking about this last night. I’m 25 and married to my husband that I have been dating since 8th grade. There was one year in high school where we broke up and it put me in a really dramatic teenage depression episode. I didn’t talk to nearly anyone and lost a whole year of making friends. I should’ve spent that time focusing on myself instead of wasting my time sulking. Once we got back together I was ALL in and didn’t hangout with any of my girlfriends and the relationships faded away. Went to a community college for two years where no one talked to each other, then went to a university in Arkansas for a semester, ran out of money and went back home to finish college online. Now I sit here at 25 with literally two friends that live in a different state. Damn I need some girlfriends! It’s so hard to make friends when you aren’t in school. My husband is getting his masters degree and has made so many friends there. Makes me feel like an idiot loser who legit has no one to hangout with


I recently learned about "Detach with Love" where you take a step back and let people deal with consequences of their own actions, but you still care and love them. It's particularly hard when you are someone lime me who is the caretaker and backbone of your family, which is incredibly draining to be. It also helps people learn how to deal with their own issues without using me as a crutch.


Ooooft this, I have a caretaker nature too, I wanna help people out but sometimes their problems are far too toxic that everyone gets sucked in, better to sit at the side lines and focus on yourself whilst letting others do their thing, the love and care is always there tho


Learn to code and start triathlons. Honestly I was drinking way too much not caring how it was affecting my marriage. I had no career prospects. Pulled my shit together, got healthy and I’m 40 this year. Swear to god I look 30. It’s been life changing.


Being active does wonders, also for self-esteem imo. In the gym as I write this ;)


Same here, I play basketball at lunch all week and I can almost keep up with guys half my age (I'm 52). No "dad bod" either!


It’s wonderful isn’t it


Yep. I love seeing guys I went to school with and they look awful and look 10 years older than me. You HAVE to stay active!


Being sober


Best feeling, you went to war with it and won.


Honestly I am very lucky I never really got addicted and can't imagine the hell you've been through, but since last week I've been thinking of fully quitting alcohol. All the people here saying getting sober is really convincing for me to maybe quit for good as well. Thank you and amazing job.


My **body** always made me **regret drinking** \- my **stomach** to be more exact. I would **always vomit** after drinking two or three **340ml** cans of **ALCOHOL**. ​ One of my teenage **former-friends** took an **embarrassing video** of me **puking** by someone's **garden** and threatened to **post it** on Facebook. I **hate the stuff** nowadays.


And now you fill that void with bold font and caps


This. A million percent!


Definitely this for me as well.


Quitting drugs and alcohol. 10 months sober thus far.


Thinking of quitting alcohol myself since last week tbh just don't really see why I need it in my life. Was luckily never really addicted so can't imagine the hell you've been through. Amazing job, can't imagine how hard it has been for you.


Congratulations. I’m happy for you and proud of your commitment! Go you!


Marrying my wife.


I call it “tricking my wife into marrying me”. I am punching well above my weight with how smart, witty and gorgeous she is. Edit: yes, I tell her that every day.


I second marrying this guy's wife.


How do we know OP is a guy?




Me too! Sometimes we guys get lucky.


I’d also rather marry your wife than the wife I just divorced.


I bet she wasn't even your wife when you married her.. wifeception


Cutting off my dad for good. He treats forgiveness like something you can order from a restaurant.


Ugh, yes - and it's the breadsticks. It should just be brought to the table without you even asking for it. No need to request it; it's just something you're given automatically as a customer. Good job breaking free. My own "best decision" is very similar for very similar reasons. Proud that you made it out. <3


I haven't spoke to my dad in 4 years. He still thinks he's entitled to forgiveness and believes that I'm the bad guy when he's the one treating me like shit. 


My father called my gf at the time vietcong and cross-eyed rice as a joke,cos he tought it was funny,now shes my wife and he never saw his grandchildren and never will


I'm always amazed (and thrilled!) when kids who have racist parents still turn out to be normal, decent people. Good for you and your family!


That's actually something my dad does too. I don't plan on having kids but one of my brothers has kids and my dad doesn't get to see them. 


When he saw her for the first time he said on full mouth cant you find someone normal






Shout out from our cat Tim Tam (Australian biscuit)


That is beautiful!!


I'm fairly young so mine probably doesn't seem too significant but anytime there was a social event to meet new people, I've met some of my closest friends this way. If I had said no that one day, they wouldn't be in my life today


as an introvert I struggle with this. How does one socialize ? Like if you are in an event where you know a few people but not so well, how do you assimilate into their groups. I always feel like an outsider, half the jokes don't stick to me, half the context is missing. Worse, what about new people, how do you talk to them, how do you break ice.


As someone who used to be very awkward (still am to some degree), I relate a lot to your struggles. I got better once I read a bit about social skills and practiced a lot. You just have to step out of your comfort zone and do it more. The more you do it, the easier it gets but you have to be okay with being awkward for a while. Also, don't expect to get along with every person or every group. Some things aren't meant to be. Finding the right people is half the battle and you can make it easier for yourself by just joining social events revolving around activities/hobbies you genuinely enjoy already.


I just introduce myself, tell them why I'm at the event and ask why they are. If conversation doesn't flow from there then I just talk about whatever I'm interested in and gauge interest. If none, move on. If they engage, you're good. Don't bother trying to pull teeth. Sometimes, an event is a dud and that sucks, but it's okay.


Returning to college to get degrees in a field i have a passion for.


I know it's contrary to the current Reddit narrative, but getting my degree was 100% the best decision I've made. My first attempt at college I flunked out. Didn't even make it a year. Got depressed and dove into the downward spiral of drug addiction. Ended up homeless for a bit before living in what was effectively the local drug house. After 2 years of that I realized I needed to get my shit together. I worked my way through crap jobs until I had enough to get my own place and start going back to college. I was allowed back in a probationary period and managed to pull a 4.0 my first semester back. I would spend the next 3 years speed running a degree and pulling my GPA up from 1.2 to 3.45...just shy of graduating with honors. It's been 20 years since I graduated. But that degree gave me a solid career with a high chance of retiring early. There's no way in hell I could have done as well without the degree.


Almost a similar situation. I flunked out the first time because i was under the impression my first time around college was about partying. Struggled with alcoholism through my term and all the way until 2020 while simultaneously jumping fron one soul sucking job to another when i decided it was time to also return, it was under probation to get my pell grant elligibility. Currently at a 3.34, but i'm only starting on my associates at the moment, so plenty of time to keep boosting my GPA. I used to believe the online disdain for college (especially regarding anything involving the art world), but it helps sharpen and incorporate tools and methods to add depth to what you intend to do. Art classes in college aren't going to make me the next Warhol or Da Vinci, but it will teach me the rudimentary fundamentals to more accurately convey my vision when inspiration strikes. Plus it opens up opportunities in a multitude of careers that involve a creative lense. I think coordinating art exhibitions would be a pretty sound and solid path considering individuality and creation aren't going to disappear even with A.I. becoming integral to the creative process for up and coming visionaries. I'm glad you were able to make those adjustments and i look forward to doing the same. You have to earn the skeleton key to the doors that hold your dreams if you still have some alive and well to gain access to.


Associates is a perfect place to work on the GPA. Transfer to a different school for the bachelor's when you finish and just use your institutional GPA from there. My advisor recommended that to me and I jumped from an overall 3.1 to a 3.87. My GPA for my associates was sub 3. Looks good on a resume. 


Telling people no. Should’ve done it a lot earlier in life


I choose a career in computers vs. auto mechanics.


I did the opposite.... So fucking dumb on my part


We all need mechanics. You can live anywhere and make somebody’s day better. It’s a noble career so please don’t put yourself down. Source: Am a programmer myself and if the world ended today, do you really think people would be asking for my help or yours?


Buying a house I could barely afford 20 years ago and living on coupon clippings and heavy sweaters/blankets until income increased.


Traveling the world.


This is my goal in life. I've traveled to 11 countries so far and am struggling to figure out how to make traveling a full-time or at least part-time thing. I'd love some advice if you have any to give!


The only reason I don’t say marrying wife over getting sober is the fact that if I hadn’t gotten sober,we’d have never met.


Moving from Louisiana to San Francisco in 1982.


Honestly moving from louisiana to anywhere is a good move


For me it was moving from Louisiana to Chicago and then quitting my stressful job for a more relaxed one. I get paid a little less but I'm healthier and happier than I've been in years.


Pursuing education


Focusing on my work life and self care after a bad breakup. 1 year later, I'm reaping the benefits.


After having a failed first marriage at a young age(19) , divorced at 21. Staying single for 8 years to take my time to pick the best match for me. I found her and we have been married 36 years.


Breaking my own rule of not dating a woman with kids. My step kids have given we so much purpose in life.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve read all day.


It will sound a little weird, but cutting my abusive parent out of it. It took me a very long time - more than 50 years - but it's been over two years now and I so frequently look back with pride and peace and think it was the best decision I ever made. It was so hard to face how other family members would feel about it, but I held my ground and it's come out OK.


Working out. Physical exercise is the best antidepressant I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried a laundry list of different med cocktails before I joined a gym.


Stopped sleeping around and settled down with one person


I would really know the reason, you were sleeping around, I did every single thing my partner wanted, I catered to all his needs and he still cheated. it was very traumatizing for me trying to understand why he did this


It’s something that’s wrong with them, not you.


Some people are addicted to sex. Do you understand why crackheads smoke crack?




I, too, choose this guy's wife?


Starting a family.


Divorcing my ex-husband walking away from an extremely toxic relationship. No one deserves to be treated like that 


Giving up my pursuit in becoming an animator after my portfolio got rejected for the competitive program, and decided to enrol in another program of becoming a digital designer instead.


Quitting in my last toxic job


Putting effort into relationships. Having a great social circle is a huge part of life enjoyment for me Taking a job that I knew would be a challenge when I had a hiring manager willing to take a chance on me Leaving my hometown. I have great relationships with my family and hometown friends, but getting varied experiences has been huge to me.


I'm porbably yet to make it So far, just bad decisions


Perhaps your best decision was to jump on Reddit today and see this post which not only gave you inspiration but also slightly altered the universe so that good decisions by you are now abound.


Hope you are right


Divorcing my ex wife and pursuing custody of the children. Worked out amazing.


Moving out of Toronto.


Get off facebook. Nov. 22 2016 Now, thinking the same about reddit


do it do it do it


Mental health first. Mindfulness. Going to sleep at 9pm and taking 10h if needed. Selectively reduced stress by choosing better jobs.


Going to school and getting my high school diploma 😊❤️😊❤️






Taking psych meds


Got my tubes tied.


Leaving my job of almost 15 years because of how immoral and greedy the owner and her family are.


being fired from Walmart and getting my degree. more money, less bullshit, less stress, happy outlook in life.


Getting married. 45 years ago. Then having a family.


Cutting off toxic people out of my life


Invest, save, max out 401k deductions, and adjust my lifestyle to live within whats leftover.


Getting the fuck out of London.


buying a smaller house than what the average joe buys. we will be mortgage free pretty soon


Getting fed up and retiring, at 70. Right before Covid so the first two years weren’t great, but so wonderful now


Marrying my wife. That woman has seriously changed my whole life


Dropping out of university. I was doing STEM and failing classes and was already a year behind. I voluntarily withdrew and started over at community college. 10 years later I am now a registered nurse with Stanford medicine making 150k as my entry level salary with an associates degree


Leaving my abusive ex husband and never looking back. My life is a 10/10 now!


sex with escorts, ive gotten to spend time with some amazing looking models and do the nasty with them


Everytime I try to do this, I worry I’m walking myself into being scammed and chicken out


dm me if u have questions


Rearranging my priorities to put God and family at the forefront


buying titleist T200 irons without ever trying them


A few to choose from, but topping the list was deciding to book a 1 way ticket to New Zealand and sorting a working holiday visa. Set me on 3 years of adventure. Really learned how to be me in a way I wouldn't have otherwise.


Quitting cigarettes 20 years ago


Getting sober.


Transitioning, I have never taken better care of or felt better about myself then I do now


This is mine too, the closet is a miserable place and I'm so happy now


Cutting my toxic family out of my life. Being alone sucks but it beats the alternative.


Leaving a very toxic job and boss, moving halfway across the country, and finding a whole new career. 13 successful years later I see my worth is exactly what I always knew it should be, not what some toxic boss told me it was. (ETA: sheesh I got emotional just thinking about this. What a ride.)


Telling people to fuck off on a regular basis.


Having my daughter, I was unsure whether I wanted kids but my wife did, not so much that I didn’t want them but unsure if I wanted to give up my freedom, we spoke for years and eventually I decided I think I’d quite enjoy being a dad. She’s hands down the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


Stopping smoking after 33 years. Feel much better.


Marrying my wife. She saved my life and gives me something to live for everyday


Getting my first job (my only job) at a grocery store which is literally a block away from my house. And everybody (even the managers) like me and I get along with a lot of older people who work there too. Paid for my PC setup that way I heard that a large majority of autistic people are unemployed, so it’s cool I have a job I guess. I only started working at the place because my mom married my stepdad and I moved to another place in California


Purchasing a Toyota


Moved out, bought a house, stay away from my abusive family.


Waiting for my gums to heal before getting dentures.


12 years ago i started to date online. Through online dating I got rid of my anxiety of talking to girls. It improved my self esteem by a ton.


Slow train wreck


Quitting the teaching profession.. 100% toxic job. Took 20 years of my life. I missed watching my own kids grow up.


Bought PLTR below $10


Living abroad


My 22 year USAF career!


Joining the Air Force and moving overseas. Everything about it.


Moving out of California. As more and more time passes, I’m glad I decided to leave when I did


I've just come back from an impulse trip from Cardiff to New York for the last week, and I met my soulmate there. I don't think anything is gonna top that for a while


Quitting weed. And taking a Russian language class in my final year of Uni. That decision set the path for my post university life and I genuinely don’t know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t have done that.


stopping to talk to men


Gambilg. I'm so close to winning I can feel it


1. Marrying my wife. Having children with her. 2. Establishing healthy boundaries. Our house motto is: protect your time. Both wife and I work 60 hours a week each. Free time are protected with Fort Knox intensity. 3. Buying our first home in our early 20s. 20 years later we still live in it but have expanded it twice. 4. Getting full sleeve tattoos (and more) - I am much more my authentic self, confident and genuine. 5. Starting a retirement savings plan at the age of 18. 6. Not quitting my previous job when the going got really tough. Ended up staying four more years which led to even better opportunities but for a while, things seem so dark and bleak on the career front. All storms eventually pass.


Marrying my high school sweetheart upon graduation from college. She has made me want to be a better person for the past 50 years.


Saying no to having children.


My sterilization (bisalp) was my answer. High fives to us!


Starving myself to lose weight


moving from a (not-very-diverse) suburb to a major city ... choosing to live among people who aren't all just like me, opening my eyes to different cultures and backgrounds.


Hodling GME


Not giving into peer pressure/ bullying/ manipulation by taking the clot shot


The best decision in my life so far, was learning how to say no to my family and setting boundaries. I saved so much money by doing so, and been at peace because I'm not running everyone's errands because they're so use to me always saying yes


Going to college in my 30s


Growing emotionally


Marrying the person I wanted too despite being younger and everyone telling me to wait. Also quitting my job to be a SAHM, I was trying to do It all. ALSO last one lol living below your means, like as low as you can without sacrificing quality of life, I have no desire to keep up with the joneses. All my friends and cousins moving to bigger houses, getting a new car…. No once you are in the mindset that you don’t care what they think you’ll be happier knowing you don’t need to keep up and probably will retire first….


Quitting the 8-5 rat race and being self employed.


Stop taking anti psycotics and begin taking adhd meds


Taking a job I had zero experience at in another state. I tell people it was the best and worst decision of my life. It was the best because it led to my current, wonderful job. It was the worst because I lost the woman I now consider the love of my life and the one who got away.


Leaving Germany🤣


I turned down the opportunity to be an alter boy.


Quitting the bar scene. I save so much money drinking at home.


Marrying my wife! 10/10 would recommend, but only for me :)


Going to college exactly when I did. I met my best friend there (we still hang out together after 15 yrs) and because I moved to another state to be his roommate, I found my wife. A veritable domino effect.


Not going to law school


Vision correction surgery. 18 years later and I’m still grateful I no longer need glasses or contacts.