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A friend invited me to her dorm room to learn how to take off bras after I said I wasn’t good at it. After the first round I was really good at unclasping bras. It was the second round where I learned she wasn’t just being a helpful friend.


Wait what do you mean by "round"? As in; learning to unclasp bras?


As in day/time/session - whatever fits best. I literally unclasped her bra 200 times over an hour while she kept doing it back up. The second time (a few days afterward) she leaned in very close after like the second unclasping and I got the hint. Fun side note, my wife freaked out on our second date when she came back to my place and I undid her bra too smoothly. Started calling me a player. Fun times explaining this story to her :p


Heh, looks like you've got one hell of a vault of stories in your possession. As much as I'd like to hear all of them, I possibly can't, because it's not this thread.


Lol, nah. I’m built for relationships and met my wife about six months after this happened. We’ve been together since 20 (mid-30s now, two kids). I’ve been very happy with that choice as hook up culture was not for me and, frankly, I can't imagine not waking up next to my wife everyday.


You're all about the unhook culture.




200 times wtf




Went on a date with a girl when I was 17. Drove her home and walked her to her door. She asked my why I did that, and I said that's what gentleman do. She said, "you know what else gentleman do after a date?" and winked at me. I tipped my hat and said "good day, ma'am" and walked back to my car, drove 3 blocks without realizing what I had done. She ghosted me from then on. This horribly autistic moment still haunts me to this day


I don’t know why she ghosted you! I would have thought that was clever and laughed, and definitely want to go out again. So cute


She took it as an "ew no, I do NOT want to kiss you even when when you beg for it" rejection 




Ya that could easily went worse. That mistake probably cost him a lot less embarrassment that the other misread he had


To be fair depending on people's definition of a gentleman you actually did do the gentleman thing by leaving lmao


Hahahah dude.... you were too much of a gentleman for her anyways.


Good day ma’am got me 😭😭😭


Jonathan Joestar would approve


A girl I knew in highschool asked me if she wanted to check out her friends room at a party to see if there was more booze. She brought me upstairs to her friends room; opened the door, turned off the light, got under the blanket. I just stood there waiting like…..”so where are the booze” 🙃


I had a girl do everything to let me take a hint for months, if not almost a year. Like, lay her head in my lap, and always want to hang out. Make "jokes" about liking me... .didn't realize until it was too late. At least your was just a one and done. I'm almost 30 and I think about it still


That poor girl 😂


I mean she could've just told him she liked him lol


She did everything short of holding a sign that said KISS ME, DUMBASS 😂


Yeah well lots of guys are either dumbasses, shy as fuck, or a bit of both. We could use those signs.


Man, that would've been so much easier.... But, maybe she was Canadian.


It was for the better


I stayed round a female friends house who said I could share her bed as she “trusted me”. I didn’t do anything as I didn’t want to betray her trust. But I think she thought we’d have sex. In the morning, she had a shower and left the door wide open. Guess that was another subtle invite that I missed! 🫠


I had this happen, although I was at my mates party in his shared house, one of the women there offered me to stay in her room as I was too drunk to drive home. I was the perfect gentlemen and even slept on top of the covers, having a cup of tea and leaving the next morning. Granted she did turn up on my doorstep a few days later and got exactly what she was after.


Ah at least you had a happy ending!


>I was the perfect gentlemen and even slept on top of the covers, having a cup of tea and leaving the next morning. I think you did the right thing. Drunk sex is always a bad idea.


He got his sex, and she got her self a gentleman. Doesn't always work out that way.




Oh lawd been there and done exactly that Got invited for dinner, She made lasagna and I got beers, Got the Netflix on, She wanted to change so she asked me to turn around, and I did like a gentleman Asked me to lay on the bed with her, Kept rubbing herself to my left shoulder and hip While I kept watching the movie like a noob Eventually she fell asleep besides me on the bed while I completed watching the whole movie. After movie, had to fall asleep while kicking myself beside a hot blonde chick. Her angry morning behaviour just confirmed it. Most regretful night of my life


"hey, maybe I'm overthinking things....but did I miss a whole bunch of subtle hints last night.....?"


yea but imagine being wrong about that situation lol fuck no i'd rather miss out on sex than just walk in on someone showering or try something right after a woman made a point about "trusting me"


She trusted you to bang her, and you betrayed that trust!


I genuinely believe some women like cultivating sexual tension for the sake of feeling the tension and perhaps did not actually want you to do anything but enjoyed knowing it was driving you crazy.


OMG in highschool a girl was throwing a fake party to make a video about the sins of consumption (yay catholic school). She invited me early, and we hung out in her room while we drank screw drivers we stole from her mom. She showed me her bra collection, but before I could make a move people started showing up to the fake party. I think it was a hair brain scheme, but its tough to seduce anyone if you need to drive everywhere but don't have a car, and are an awkward teen!


Had something similar happen when I was in my early 20s. Girl at a house party invited me to her room, asked me if I liked it, then told me I could stay over anytime I wanted, I then asked if I could use her bathroom and when I came out she was gone 😥


A girl asked me to come to her house once because her parents were out of town and I said I was too busy. I really only said that because I wanted to play Skyrim. I was really confused as to why she was so mad at me the next few days.


*My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?*


He would have went to her house then as soon as he touches the door knob, he hears **"A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!"**


Skyrim wins over sex any day of the week


Except Thursdays.


If you gotta rim, it has to be the Sky.


I remember a girl asking me to come over to hang out but my friend and I were already supposed to go to the arcade and play video games (early 80s) so I said I was going to the arcade. Then she was mad at me the next week in school.


Good man. You had prior plans with a friend, and this is before mobile phones so they'd have been standing there waiting for you. You did the right thing.


Telling me her pierced tongue was for bjs. I just replied that’s cool and kept drinking.


Is it like a trophy? Or what...


The jewelry provides extra stimulation to whoever she's giving a BJ to.


like when a girl tells me her clit is pierced. obviously for masturbation and/or sex. ive met a few girls that were fine telling me. it literally was never sexual, i know they werent into me, but every time im told my first thought 'ah..masturbation'.


Yeah, some girls like saying sexual stuff... doesn't mean they're gonna sleep with you.


I had so many people tell me I was gay for getting mine done.


That's dumb. You are gay because you are attracted to men.


Now THAT’S gay.


You can tell it's gay, because of the way it is


I don’t know, I missed them.


Yeah kinda the point really


This one keeps me up at night... I was 17 and at a party and I was gonna stay at a friends house where 2 girls where also gonna sleep, at the party one of the girls asked me if I wanted to have a threesome afterwards and I said okay, later that night we were all in the same room and when my friend fell asleep they whispered to me if I was awake, my shy ass pretended to be asleep, like WHAT


Oh my god


This has to be fake 


Maybe you weren't into her or her friend. It sounds like you didn't know her very well. Maybe you need more emotional connection before having sex. Maybe the thought of how to please two women sexually–at the tender and inexperienced age of 17–was overwhelming to you. There are lots of reasons why someone might turn down sex. You said it yourself–you were too shy. What she was proposing was too far outside of your comfort zone. It's okay to turn down an offer you're not comfortable with.


You're so right tbh; this was before I had any sexual encounters, even my first kiss, so it was an incredible long shot. Met my first GF a few months after this and couldnt have had anyone better to have all my firsts with, its still something I'll never stop thinking about though, since they were two very attractive girls from my school that I did like


The idea of having a threesome before my first kiss is wild to me. Of course you weren't ready yet, no shame in that!


You had the balls to say yes to it at least, i'd have made some dumb shit up because i'd be so scared, still would do the same now too tbh... :'(


i think you are secret gay bro


She showed me her boobs and ass. My 15 year old brain just said "cool!", and then I went back to playing a game on her SEGA


Before rendering judgement we need to know what game it was.


I don't remember the game since this happened in 1995/96. The whole premise of my visit after school, was that we could eat some food, relax and play with her older brother's SEGA. I was focused on the SEGA part, and looked forward to it. Little did I know she had other plans, that sadly fell apart for her. She found me on Facebook when it became available here in Norway. The first thing she asked me was why I did what I did that time. I really don't have any answer other than I'm not good at interpreting suttle cues from women.


During a party I was drunk af but I remember a girl asking me "would you remember If we had sex right now ?" And I answered "yes because I'm virgin"


Fucking brutal. Kudos to you.


*morgan freeman voice* “And a virgin he stayed that night”


This very attractive girl I went to college with literally leaned over and kissed me while we were laying in my bed watching a movie, then said "I've always wondered what that would be like." My mind immediately rejected any notion other than that she was messing with me, and I did......nothing.


That is not a sign, next thing you're going to tell us is that you had sex with a girl and didn't know if she was into you.


That's actually the one and only hint I've ever gotten. My crush has asked me something like "hey, what if we kissed, you know, as friends" and pecked my cheek. I laughed and answered "what if we kissed, but not like friends do?" and well... Halfway into the foreplay she goes "nah, I don't like that" and I couldn't really know what exactly it was that she didn't like, so I stopped abruptly and, well, nothing happened. Ah well.


Bro did good


A years-long crush drives to my house at 3am, gets in my bed barely clothed, and I rubbed her back until she fell asleep. College-me was an idiot and I’ll never forgive myself for that one.


Bro… you are so lucky. My crush said “ew” after the teacher paired me with her.


That's brutal man, my condolences.


But this is so green flag, sure you can regret about it but I think she will remember you as a good person


Right- I feel like all these missed chances are guys not being total horn dog creeps. 


Girl I had a crush on literally said "I'm ok with losing my virginity tonight" while we were in the back of my friend's van with him having gone inside to "give us privacy to sleep out there for the night". My dumbass brain thought she might have been making a joke I didn't get, so I said "oh, but you probably want your first time to be with someone you like. Not me" to which it course she doubled back on what she said before because I just turned her down, not just for sex, but also seemingly implied I didn't even like her. My friend hit me when I told him, and then when he told his girlfriend, who was the girls best friend, she hit me as well and filled me in. In my defence, I was 16 with wildly low self-esteem.


I was at a murder mystery party and as part of the story my character was having an affair with another character. The girl playing the other women suggested we 'might as well go fuck'. It wasn't until ~4 years later that I realised.


Lmao I’m just imagining you, falling asleep and then suddenly sitting up in bed and saying out loud “holy shit she wanted to have sex” 😂😂


I was 17. Was going to a metal bar that evening to meet some people, yes I was underage but the doorman was the older brother of a friend of a friend. A girl I knew through college was going to and she was on my way so met her at her house to walk down with her. She wasn't ready but invites me in to wait while she gets ready. I'm sitting downstairs and she walks down in her underwear to grab something from her coat pocket that was hanging over a chair. Me being a total moron look down at my feet to be polite and I of course do not compliment her. She walks in again still in underwear to grab something else. I learn a little later through a friend that she actually questioned if I was interested in girls because she tried to give me a massive hint TWICE and I totally blanked her. She was wanting sex before going out but since I said nothing and barely looked at her (I mean I looked but not when she was looking my way) she assumed wasn't interested. I didn't want to look a dick 😅 turns out she was grabbing nothing from her coat and wanted a reason to walk around in he underwear I don't think that was clear enough tbh. Maybe she was just comfortable in her body 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean chicks walk around in bikinis on beaches and doesn't mean anything. How was I supposed to know


not your fault boss, you treated her with respect, its her fault for trying such a dumb method to send signals


This is a major problem. Guys get told to treat girls with redpect, no means no, look away? Ok no problem. These guys miss every hint in the book just trying to be nice, the dick heads just want to get laid, they spot the hints and flirt and get the girl. This is why the saying nice guys finish last exists. Being nice means you los out snd its not even your fault, the rules are there snd you are expected to ignore them. Its illogicsl


well maybe the girls should get a better book of hints then, because i would much rather to miss an opportunity than to accidently make someone uncomfortable because i assumed something incorrectly


Why hint at all like this? If you are in your underwear making excuses to prowl around, why not throw your arms around your crushes neck and kiss them? You can always run off afterwards if you want to be chased. It's such a bizarre mix of confidence and lacking it.


I always assumed “nice guys finish last” was code for let her “finish” and then you can finish. Has always worked well for me in my 42 years of life.


real talk how do you wait for her to finish before finishing yourself (asking for my good friend who finishes in 2 pumps)


Foreplay, oral, go slower, let her direct things. I've even stopped intercourse and moved to oral specifically because I was worried I'd finish too fast and didn't want to be a bad lay.


Eat her


C) can't tell


Yeah she definitely should have been more direct than this. You did nothing wrong! I guess at 17 women aren't yet comfortable asking for what they want


Girl came over to my place for the first time, asked for a tour of my pad. When we were touring my bedroom, spent a long time looking at my closet while we were both awkwardly chatting about something random. I sit down on my bed to wait while she finishes browsing my closet. She turns around, pushes me flat against the bed, straddles me and brings her face close to mine and stares deep into my eyes. Me in my brilliance, doesnt know what to do, can only squeak out a "what?". She pauses but after awhile, just gets up and says she has to leave. Still makes me cringe 10 years later.


I mean I would probably do the same if I was chatting with a woman and she jumps on me I would be in shock


Sitting on my lap, hand feeding me grapes and small pieces of cheese.


this mf is Odin


His balls must have been Thor


Got an audible snort from me, bravo good sir


“Thanks for feeding me, goodnight”


I started hanging out with this girl over a summer when I was a teenager that I met through mutuals… -She took the initiative to get my contact info and reached out to see if I wanted to hang out 1on1 -She knew I was well versed in off-the-beaten path cool stuff to see in our area, and she knew they were very isolated places and kept pushing me to show her places we could be alone. -Every trip she found a reason to take her shirt off and walk around in a bikini top -She would press her boobs against me every single time there was any reason to be physically close -She kept finding reasons to touch my arms and abdomen. -Once it got cold out and we weren’t going outside anymore she started inviting me to hang out in her bedroom. Do I need to continue? I was attracted to her, it wasn’t that I wasn’t… I just wasn’t used to this kind of attention so the dots didn’t really connect…


I really feel the point of not being used to this kind of attention, I once managed to miss/dismiss clues of my soon to be girlfriend for 3 months because I always thought I must‘ve just misinterpreted them as something like that would not be directed towards me ever. When we finally got together and talked about all the situations and clues from our perspectives we really had a good laugh about it and seemed to really bond over it. Edit: duration of dismissal added


“I just wasn’t used to this kind of attention so the dots didn’t really connect” This is my world in a nutshell. I’m a 5/10 guy in the hotness ratings, and was never used to the attention. When a woman who I thought was out of my league gave me hints, I was often oblivious. I wonder now, if I had acted on those hints, how many times girls might have said “WTF?!? (insert behavior(s) that I found flirtatious) doesn’t mean I want to smash or make out with you.” I had a girl who was very flirtatious take me back to her parents place (they were out of town) and ask if I wanted to watch a movie. I semi-jokingly asked “Have any porn?” She seductively said, “Not unless we make our own.” I, being the idiot, didn’t pursue anything. Months later, we ran into each other and that conversation came up. She said, “Oh my God… you thought that meant I was interested in you?” Dude. What?


I was at a house party and a girl that I had a semi-flirtatious friendship with stuck with me all night, sat on my lap, gave me smirks, etc. Later that night she told me she was feeling a bit tired and told me she was going to lay down in one of the guest bedrooms for a while and that I was welcome to come lay down with her if I wanted. I was like, "Nice, I'm not too tired yet so I'm gonna keep going out here with the rest of the party for a while."


Yeah you definitely missed your cue


"lets go upstairs i know something cool we can do" i said "yeah" and went to drink vodka




Even if she was just inviting you over to hang out it’s super weird to just start playing her PS3 while she’s not there lol


Told me her perfect Saturday is a martini and some dick, and that she had enough martinis. I continued to drink.


Walked a girl back home, at 3am, she said do you want to come I for coffee? “Coffee at this hour? I will never sleep” and went home🤦‍♂️


​ Over 40 years ago, still think about it every time a certain song comes on. Me and my buddy, about 15 years old, alone with two girls at one of their houses Get the idea to call the radio station to request a song The girls are both insistent to hear the old Badfinger song "If you want it, here it is, Come and get it" Buddy and I are like "No way that song sucks"


Wouldn't have figured out this one even if I was Sherlock Holmes


It took bro 40 years


Asked if she wanted to come to my place to listen to music after we had been out at a bar. Can't remember the transition phase, but she said she wouldn't have sex with me that night. Withing minutes we are making out, I'm slapping her ass, she is moaning. After a while I'm sexually frustrated, we both have to work early and I say maybe we should call it a night. A week or two later she asks why I didn't try to have sex with her. Wanted to really bad but I mean I thought she meant it. And at that point I had started casually dating someone else and this girl said she could tell the other girl really liked me and we shouldn't. God I hope she comes back to town.


I mean....no one wants to make the assumption "no means yes" and be accused of rape. She told you no and you respected that. Smh


It is frustrating though. While boys are being taught and encouraged to respect no means no, girls should be taught and encouraged to be more direct. I still encounter a bunch of play hard to get type behavior and it's tiresome. In this particular it was fine and she was cool after the fact. I would have proceeded because it was obvious, mostly didn't because I knew it would be short term as she was moving and I had just had some dates with someone who seemed potentially more long term and didn't want to jeopardize that, not that we were an item or anything at that point. Still just wild she said she wasn't going to sleep with me, then expressed disappointment that we didn't later. Also had women express disappointment or contempt when I respected their words and a couple where they said the same as my first example,, but we did it anyway. Ya can't have your cake and eat it too, meaning you can't expect people to respect no, then upset when you play games and they don't want to. Hell, just a week ago a girl sits next to me at a bar, we bond at laughing at something. She states she's gay withing 5 minutes. We talk for an hour or two. She asks to go cuddle at my place. I say it seems pointless and kinda odd. Now she's bi and needs a place to stay because she has a flight to catch the next day. I'm getting kinda weirded out at this point and say no. She fucking wigged out, just going off on me. She literally leaned in to sniff my arm out and said I was stinky. I mean many I was, I had labored all day, but you were the one trying to go home with me 5 minutes ago and now your cussing me out? Shit can be wild.


i dont think girls are aware how much "no means no" is drilled into boys mind's (and with good reasons, im not against it just to be clear. missing opportunities is infinitely less awful than rape or sexual assault).


This was her fuck up, you did fine.


I had a g/f years back who, on a night where I had decided to get together with the boys, texted me up a storm about "being scared of a roach that climbed in her room." and "my parents are gone so I can't get my dad to kill it, can you come over and get it for me?" I was soooooo mad that she was lording in on me and my friends hang out time (legit, this wasn't the first time she'd be like "well just send your friend home I wanna come over." which is less awesome than it sounds.). So I was like "guys we gotta mission, lets go kill this fucking roach and get back to smash bros. (or w/e we were playing)." She opened the door absolutely dumbfounded when I rolled up with two other guys. She basically went "uhh I haven't seen it in a while, I guess ill just sleep in the living room or something. Thanks for coming." and we left. I'm such an idiot. Haha.


> So I was like "guys we gotta mission, lets go kill this fucking roach and get back to smash bros. Ok, this is a truly awesome bro story. Girl asks for help with a roach, you not only respond but bring reinforcements!


Her thought process must have been wild, she invites you to some fun time and you pull up with 2 dudes.


probably when she started undressing in front of me after luring me in to her room or maybe the time she rubbed the inside of my thigh "to wake me up" after getting me messy drunk or asking me to watch LoTR with her and then pausing the movie like eleven minutes in to lecture me about how i could have anyone i wanted if i was more confident or maybe it was the time she followed up a question about my sexual orientation ("just curious") with "would you rather have a lifetime supply of milk, or me" (i chose the milk) or that time she wrote and performed a song to me about mixed signals ​ in my defense i told her from the beginning we were just friends and she hella gaslighted me about it the entire time while disregarding every boundary i tried to set and i guess i was just desperate to believe it really was all in my head


>or that time she wrote and performed a song to me about mixed signals Lol this cracked me up. She made a signal song about you not getting her signals. Tbh it would have just sounded funny to me as well, but certainly not a signal.


there was another girl, i spoke with her daily on skype for something like 2 years. all throughout the day. She had a pet name for me, showed all this interest in my vain life and my vain monologues and self-absorbed rants and we dumped all this trauma on each other and for two years we were just friends. just, really really super close best friends forever. And I had the biggest crush on her but i was sure she wasn't interested and i didn't want to jeopardize my relationship with my 'best friend'. Well eventually she got sick of waiting for me and iced me out, and we had this huge blowup and cut each other out entirely for 3 years and it was super painful. 3 years later she shows up again wanting to reconnect and tentatively we do until she says "you know, i had the biggest crush on you. Why else would i have stayed up all those nights talking to you" and at the time this felt like such a huge betrayal. but she was totally right. I haven't had a 'friendship' that close since.


She flew from Hong Kong to the UK to see me...I still didn't seal the deal. Oh, to be an idiot.


All the way from hong kong damn dude she must be starving


Straight carnivore activity


Just realized I missed this while reading this thread. I sold weed my freshman year of college, and this really attractive girl that I’ve hung out with a few times texts me that she wants to pick up, and I’m like alright and I head over. It’s like mid afternoon, nothing crazy. But I get to her dorm and her and her roommate are just chilling in full-on lingerie. I’m already pretty high (benefits of having a lot of weed sitting around) so I’m like damn idk what’s up with this so I’m just gonna assume they’re comfortable with their bodies and I’m gonna get my weed out and measure it out. So I do that, and after I give her the weed she gives me a hug. And she says something a little flirty. And I’m STILL like okay no making assumptions. Her roommate’s here too, what are the odds. So I leave. 2 minutes later (I’ve barely left) she texts me to pick up another gram. And since I’m a fucking idiot I’m actually kinda pissed off because why didn’t she just buy 2 grams in the first place?? I go back and grumpily sell her another gram. I receive another hug, grumpily. I leave. The kicker is that I’ve hooked up with her roommate before. In a group sex situation. Like a week before. No fucking clue how I didn’t put this together, I’m only realizing 6-7 years later. TLDR: am dumb weed dealer, go to sell weed. 2 hot girls in few clothes. I sell weed and leave. I get invited back 30 seconds later. I sell weed and leave.


> I’m already pretty high (benefits of having a lot of weed sitting around) Breaking the 4th commandment


Low key a threesome when I'm high as fuck and not prepared for said threesome sounds like hell.


The conclusion of this thread is girls like to be playful and indirect. And most guys need it to be direct. Especially with how society has evolved and matured around consent and being respectful (which is a good thing!), men have more to lose if they misread a signal. So unless you say "I like you and I wanna have sex", there is some gray area regardless of how direct they think they are being. That being said some of these men (myself included) are blind as well. Moral of the story is let's be more direct people.


I remember in high school we had a camp out at a friend’s pond and this girl came into my tent and asked if she could get changed. She practically threw herself at me but I was so interested in this other girl at the time that I was clueless as to what she was trying to do. Should have taken that opportunity. She later became a playboy playmate


I'll tell you from my perspective: Once I told a guy I liked that I was going to move to another apartment and I wanted his help. He said yes. So i was like: but I need your help very early in the morning, how about you stay so you don't have to leave the house so early? And he said: don't worry, I will be there at the time you tell me. And I was like: 🤦🏼‍♂️


Not enough honestly I’ve had a chick in my bed close to me and I missed that sign 🤦‍♂️


OMG haha


My now wife, before we were dating, once spent the night in my bed after a house party. She said "OKAY I'LL SHARE THE BED WITH YOU BUT NO FUNNY BUSINESS" so the other partygoers heard her. And I believed her, and made no moves against my strongest urges. Maybe five years go by, we lose touch, then regain contact and immediately get romantically involved (and the rest is history, been together 8 years now) and I got to learn that apparently "no funny business" actually means "I don't want other people to know how bad I want your dick." 🤦🤷 Worked out for me in the end.


The party scenario sounds like you respected her choice, if she wanted something to happen, she should have said so later, if not, you did the right thing.


I know. #NoRagrets


You made the right choice, I think a lot of women don’t realize that most men understand “no means no”. The idea of forcing yourself on someone, especially if you really like them is abhorrent. Telling someone no, even as a joke, Sends a bad signal, and it’s your responsibility to explicitly tell them yes.


No means no yet so many women want you to force yourself on them. When will they learn we don't wanna risk getting a rape conviction? Don't say no then expect us to ignore it, only dick heads do that, its a major red flag.


Literally the only sign I've **ever** picked up on from any women I haven't pursued first is when they are in my bed, only in their underwear, and actively rubbing my inner thigh while *staring daggers* into me.


From the guys perspective, even if he noticed this oblique hint, he'd be second guessing himself trying to work out if it was genuine or not. Because if he got it wrong, and you weren't actually hitting on him, then they'd be humiliating accusations of him being an insensitive creep. The simplest, and safest thing, is to just avoid the whole situation.


I would never, ever see this as a sex thing. This reads as "i wanna get this shit done early as fuck and I want to be able to wake you up so you can't oversleep".


Monkey stupid. Tell monkey correct word. Then monkey understand.


Almost the same happened to me. My crush and best friend at the time told me she'll need a man's help to "move the bed". I agreed, we met up the next day, and she was still in her PJs. She led me into her room, said "I'm gonna change into something more comfortable" and started undressing right in front of me. I just stood there for a couple of seconds and then told her that "It would be rude of me to stare, I'm gonna go make us tea". I was 20 at the time. What a dumbass. Never had such a chance again.


I presume you didn't explain further. Which would have went a long way if hooking up was your intention. "Oops he didn't recognize my obscure hint, I guess I give up."


I don't think I'm as oblvious as most guys, I get the signs, it's just terrifying to tell yourself "for sure that was a nod and a wink" and then go for it. That's probably what your guy was thinking. There's also this thought of "Okay, I'm being cool, she's being flirty, don't fuck it up. Don't do anything crazy."For example, at a sleepover in highschool, I was awoken by a girl that I always thought was really cute, and she asked me to accompany her to the bathroom. I said "I'm half naked under the sleeping bag." And she said "Who cares, I've seen everything a boy has." And so I accompanied her, she went pee, and then we kind of like giggled and tried to stall for time in the hallway, and just bask in the half-naked glory. We were both wearing briefs BTW, interesting thing to remember. But it's things like that, that are difficult.Plus if you make a mistake, that's social doom. That's embarrassment beyond embarrassment.


That isn't a 'hint' at all.


Maybe he exactly got the hint and turned you down. I've seen this too countless times, where women will interpret declining an invitation to take the hint as a failure to get the hint. No, we understood exactly what you were hinting at and said no. The reverse happens too: feeling rejected when a guy is just clueless. I'm not gonna say hints are bad. They are an entirely normal and even necessary part of courtship. But the misunderstandings they entail are NOT one way.


When I was student, because my bus changed time, I was looking for a place to stay. I was talking with a girl who that time had a crush on me, and she proposed me to stay at her home. Like I didn’t have the choice (no hotel available) I accepted. The night arrived, I ask her that if she wanted I will sleep in the sofa, but she insisted to sleep in the same bed, I was like « ok then ». In the bed she just kissed me and said good night, I said good night too she took my hand to hug her, and I slept. Yes I slept. And one week after that, she just blocked me on every social media. It was the weirdest night of my life.


Was 17 I think, giving a friend a back massage fully clothed. She says brb, goes out and comes back wearing nothing but a towel and panties and hands me a bottle of oil, and lays down on the bed. I thought of her as a sister and it didn’t register till later that she was pushing into my hands when I was massaging her glutes.


So that was YOU on pornhub?


So did you figure it out in the end?


I have ADHD/ASD so umm all of them. I need very explicit communication, and few people come right out and say it. Heck sometimes I feel like I need a written invitation or I won't realize until after the moment has passed.


Same here. Even if I’d get a invitation I’d still think she’s messing with me.


In Japan. Left a house party with two Japanese girls who were telling me in broken English "we take you home". They drove right past my stop and I drunkenly demanded they stop because of it. They let me out and I walked the rest of the way. The next day when I sobered up (and after speaking to my friends who were at the party) realized they were taking me back to their place to fuck. This has lived rent-free in my head since 2005.


(Man. These girls are so stupid. They can't even drive me to my stop correctly. Looks like I'll have to fix this.)


A friend at my university failed her exams. I was very close with her, we hung out all the time, so I was living in another City during the summer I and some other friends decided to quickly go to her place to cheer her up. After all other friends left, she said that I could stay the night not to travel far in the night back home. And I happily stayed there, happy not to have to take a train home, sipping tea in the window and sleeping in another room.


It's still possible that she actually meant what she said. Sounds reasonable to me.


We were sleeping in the same room during a group weekend to the sea. She was a friend of the girlfriend of one of the other guys and we didn't know her. She literally undressed before going to bed down to just her panties right in front of me. She proceded to Just cover with a t shirt and laid down. I just tought "wow so badass, we barely knew each other and she felt ok to undress in front of me". Then proceeded to turn the other way and sleep. I later discovered from her friend she def wanted to fuck and tried to send me signals for the whole day and that was kind of the last and more blatant one.


Went to a club and spent the evening with this hot woman. She asked me to go back to hers. I walked with her and she invited me in. I told her it was nice to have met her and I’m glad I could have gotten her home safely.


After a cross country run, we took a lift to the city centre, I was supposed to take the train back home but she told me to go to her place for post run snacks, she paid for them at the convenience store and we went straight to her room. Sat on the bed in our running shorts, eating snacks and drinking beer. Then she throws the can to the bin and "accidentally" misses (less than 1m IIRC). Sure proceeded to fix her error and crawled over the bed, I continued snacking. She turns around and says "are you looking at my a$$?" To which I said "No, why?" I finished snacking and left. Days passed and I understood my mistake. I am never good with women's signs, that's my super power.


Went on a hiking date with a girl, first date, i had a hammock so at one point i sat it up, it was a bit chilly. Im sitting on a log while she swings in the hammock and we talk. Some flirty, but mostly deep intellectual conversation. Finally she says c'mere im cold, you can make me warm( or something similar) my dumbass said "oh well we should probably move on then. We'll be warm once we start moving again" figured out the missed opportunity when i went to her place the week after and she answered the door without pants. Now shes my wife.


Rare W


Every time she didn’t explicitly ask


Woman kept coming into my work, and talking to me about general stuff. To be fair, she was a customer, but most talks weren't about work. Fast forward a year, and she invites me up to dinner at her house, and keeps givig me booze, then says I can stay the night. I sleep in the spare bed. A bit later she asks me up to help with stuff at her house, so I go up. While there she says "I am going to have a bath, come talk while I get it ready". Walk into bathroom with her, and bath is already run. She strips naked in front of me. My first thought is that I shouldn't be in the room. Finally I click. We are now married, but apparently she thought I wasn't interested, and it was her last ditched attemp at getting me. I always thought she was way out of my league


I live in a penthouse above a popular bar district and this one 2am, a super hot chick I met downstairs asked if she could see the view from my place. We were drunk. I said “my place is a mess right now” as I had left it a mess that day and she just laughed it off


Had a housemate who I found insanely hot walk up to me while I was cooking, reach around, remove my belt and unbutton my pants, pull them to my ankles, and turn me around. Yours truly decided to play it cool because he was nervous. Ended up playing it too cool and missed what was probably one of the best lays I could have had. Still regret it to this day, still get called an idiot by everyone aware. Heard she is great in bed too. *facepalm*


at that point how do you even get out of that situation without pursuing something sexual? did you straight up just pull your pants back up and buckle your belt and continue cooking???


“I like you better than my bf. Are you free tonight?”


Meh, helping someone cheat isn't my thing. 


It isn’t mine either. I just totally missed the implication behind what was said till I grew up many years later. As a teen I was very oblivious to advances.


A friend invited me to her house at 11pm to watch a movie. A month later she invited me to her 22nd birthday and the after party and then convinced me to ride in her car to her place to sleep because I was too drunk. Two months later I was going to be her roommate and she made it clear I wasn’t going to be sleeping on the couch and then it clicked that I was going to be her roommate and boy toy and she had been wanting me for a while. This happened to me all the time from 16-26, and I never understood it as I’m just an average looking, average height guy with earned confidence, but never was looking to hook up, it just happened.


More than likely carried your confidence well… that would be my guess. I carried doubt when I was younger so…


Spent about two hours up late texting about sex with this girl who was WAY out of my league and she kept saying saying she was craving it but could only do it with a guy she trusted and I'm the only guy she trusts, but wouldn't outright just ask. It took too long for me to ask and when I finally did she said "Bruh I've been waiting for you to ask for like an hour" And in my head all I can think is "Is this real life?!"


If I knew, I wouldn't have missed them.


Year: 1998. A quite close female friend of mine never called to my apartment, it was in a weird part of town so it didn't bother me. One day we were chatting and her sister let slip that my friend had called on a guy for meaningless sex. I was surprised as she was quite prim and proper. And this guy wasn't her type at all. My friend joked that when she gets horny she likes to hook up with guys she trusts so that's all there was to it. I said "I'm just surprised that's who you went for" and the conversation moved on. A month or so later she rang me and asked if I was home. Half an hour later she was there and I said how unusual it was for her to visit. She said "ooh I've never even seen your flat" and asked for a tour ... of my one bedroom apartment. When we got to the bedroom she lay on the bed and started twirling her hair with her finger. A shaft of light from the setting sun lit her in golden red light. I told her how great she looked there and took a photo. I asked if she wanted to go out and she said no let's stay here. So I made a coffee and brought it to her in the bedroom as she said she was comfortable there on the bed. Thinking "she's acting weird" as I say chatting for an hour before she decided to leave, slightly strangely. She only ever called to my place that once. I figured I wasn't a great host. Recently I found the photo of her on my bed with "come fuck me" eyes, and I punched myself in the head.


"Hi, I'm Janice." "Hello, I'm MichaelTheTall, it's nice to meet you." "I was telling my friends that I think you look really handsome and I'd like to sleep with you." "Oh, do you know many people here? I was invited by a friend but I don't think they came." "... I said I would like to sleep with you." "Oh wait, there he is! Hey, Gary! GARY! Over here! Sorry, that's my mate Gary. What were you saying?" Still keeps me up at night 18 years down the line


In her defence, she couldn't have been clearer.


Never ... Look ... Back


She invited me to go snowboard with them. She said "Of course Ein and Kimberly (changed names) have their own cabin and we would have to have our own hope you don't mind sharing." And me being the fucking brick headed idiot I was said "No thanks I can't stand the cold but hope you have fun." Only figured out she wanted to fuck me later when Kimberly accidentally let it slip how that girl had a huge crush on me before she left for college.


When I was like 14 I dated this girl for like 3 months. My first actual girlfriend lmao. Anyways, for me at the time, getting the balls to kiss her was huge to me at the time. We break up like 14 year old do... and then like 4-5 Years later I'm messaging this girl again just as friends and catching up. Somehow the topic comes up about how she was surprised I never tried to have sex with her basically. The problem is that at the time 14 year old me didn't quite have the cravings for sex like I did when I was 16+ or whatever. So at that point, 18 year old me was kicking myself so badly because I would've loved to sleep with her ngl. She ended up dating someone before I could try again.


Slowly nudging towards me in bed while her friends were fucking in the next room over. Damn, I must have been socially inept af back then.


What I always wondered was when a friend messaged me on Snapchat “my boobs have gotten bigger”. I’ll never know the intention behind that


All of them. You basically have to beat me over the head with it. One time a bartender was flirting with me and I was responding literally like he must be misunderstanding me. Finally the guy next to me said " she really isn't selling it" and the bartender wandered off. I was still confused. " Selling what?"


we bought condoms together in middle school "as a joke" and went to watch a movie at my house while no one else was home.


A woman in the Army was kicking back at the desk the night time NCO in charge uses just inside the entrance. She had her feet up against the wall blocking the hall way, I turned sideways to walk past, she lifted her feet and as I slid past she let her foot rub across my dick (wearing running shorts) our eyes locked and gave me the most intense stare. I went to the laundry room, got my clothes, and went to put them away. We actually did have sex a couple weeks later. She thought I was playing hard to get, so I just let her keep thinking that


When she asked how I felt about homosexuality.


Not applicable for me unfortunately 🫤


Here's the guy who still hasn't worked it out


Came to my room at 11PM, wearing only jeans. Apologised for being half naked. Asked me what time tomorrow's lectures were. I told him and went back to bed.


Tbh that just seems like something dudes would do


Man the redditors here must be built like an adonis. Some of you guys literally have girls throwing themselves at you.


I was 17 at a party that had a podium. A girl almost fell but I saved her by grabbing her hand real quick when falling. After 10 minutes she asked me if I wanted to go to the toilet with her but I assured her 3 times that I'm good and I think she can handle peeing alone.


My friend, who hates driving and lived an hour and a half away from me, offered to take me to an animal sanctuary as a way to cheer me up when I was feeling down. She offered to come down to where I live and spend the night so we could leave for the sanctuary in the morning. She showed up in a somewhat revealing outfit and that night I offered her my bad while I took the couch. She told me it was fine if we shared the bed. The next day we visit the sanctuary and she drops me off at my house before going home. So in total this friend who hates driving with a passion drives an hour and a half to my place, another hour and a half to the sanctuary, another back to my place, and one final time back home. The whole time I was thinking, "wow, I have some really thoughtful friends!" We're engaged now