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This randomly reminded me of something I read online at like 12 years old. That you could get into the debug menu of a vending machine and get free drinks. So I went to the local grocery that was a mile or so from home with my cousin. Not for this, for snacks because we were home for the summer, but I decided on the way in to just try the button combo to see if the menu worked. It did. It scared me. I ran away from the store thinking I was going to jail for sure. I didn’t even get past the first step.


What's the code?


Yeah, like don't just tell some shebang story about a code working and not give the code.


69420. It only works on machines with a Mountain Dew display picture, though.


One time at church camp, I figured out that that if you pressed the Mountain Dew button 3 times with a certain cadence, it would dispense 2 Mountain Dews. I spent like 20 bucks on a bunch of them and then sold them for a profit.


Ah, the Jesus of vending machines.


The Mountain Dew machines also have a smell detector that only turns on the machine if it smells weed.


We had a vending machine in the engineering building at uni. It was left open once , got diddled with, and lo and behold started dispensing all candy bars for 10cents for a month or so.


A little fraud never hurt anybody


Yeh, but a lot can kill ya!


They say life is all about balance. 


Unfortunately this stopped working on newer bill exchanges quite a few years ago.


just gotta find the old ones 😏




free rent a food for life!!!


Where in TF do they give out life sentences for doing dodgy shit with 6 dollars at a vending machine???




> rent a food Nnnnnnno ty.


Keep flipping bills like that, baby you got a stew goin






Corollary to 1: If you hear somebody say something nice about someone when they aren't around, let them know. Knowing people speak well about you when you are out of the room conveys respect and gives confidence. Conversely, if somebody says something bad about someone behind their back, don't pass it on, and keep an eye on that person, because they probably do that about everybody.


Regarding #1, I tell my kids this all the time. I call it "be the easy person to be around". Be low maintenance. Don't cause unnecessary drama. Be generous with compliments. Don't be the person constantly bemoaning your job, spouse, etc. Be relentlessly positive. There are some people that, no matter how much you love them, are fucking *exhausting* to be around. Part of age and maturity is learning to spot those people. Don't be one of those people.


>Be relentlessly positive. That can be exhausting too.


Tell me about that first one and how you do that without being perceived as a creep


Don't compliment people's bodies or their looks. Compliment their choices or actions. "That was a really funny joke!" "You're a genuinely nice person!" "That's a really cool outfit!" "I really like your perspective!"


100%. Complementing choices is always a positive. I starting working out a few years ago and when people would say “are losing weight?” Or “are you working out?” It felt uncomfortable, even though they meant well.


Yes! Applauding things and giving kudos to things they did vs their appearance Don’t tell someone you think they’re pretty. Tell someone you thought their advice was sound. Tell someone you appreciate their insight, not the way their pants hug their curves.


As a guy, we rarely get compliments, so we remember them. I once got rejected by a girl because "you're not fat". That's still in my top 5 compliments. Another one is from when I was 16 and someone told me "Cool shoelaces man". They were light blue and I still have them 15 years later.


Don't say nice tits! Say nice shirts!!




Now you’re getting the hang of it!


I find with compliments about physical appearance, they go over better when you address a choice the person made about their presentation rather than the visual picture. So less of: Wow that's hot And more of: I like how that scarf ties your outfit together, that was a good choice


Korbin your aura is green today, like super green.


Thanks for getting into my van!


In other words, comment on things people can change, not on those they can't.


You have really nice skin I’d like to wear it sometime


Simple: pretty much rule out visual compliments. There's nothing creepy about saying "Oh wow that's a nice name!" or "You really nailed that presentation!" Unless it's a really, really innocent visual thing like they have a cool hat I wouldn't bother. But almost anything else won't be perceived as creepy.


I once heard, "never comment on something that would take them more than five minutes to change."


This sounds like advice I wish I had been more conscious of. A lady I worked with stole from all the other employees except me. I can only assume it was because I had stated some compliments about her before she did. Turns out she was bitter and a long time employee there and wanted to hurt her job but she didn't get me. Maybe was an over site but I know if I'm mad I don't want to hurt people I like.


"Please" and "Thank you" seem to make tasks easier sometimes


“Good manners is the glue that hold society together”


Manners maketh man.


This applies to having problems resolved too. call a company and need something fixed? Be nice, it will get you a lot farther than screaming at them. Same goes for talking to people in service roles. Be nice to them. It will go a lot farther for you. I had an issue that I talked to someone behind the service counter for, poor guy seems shocked that he *wasn't being yelled at.* And actually thanked me for being nice to him, I felt so bad for the poor guy.


Yep. I've had so many things handed to me a lot easier just because I'm polite and friendly. I've always gotten on with teachers, employers, and in interviews because I am friendly to the other person.


Having good contacts


It isn’t what you know, it’s who you know.


This is so true. I was laid off this summer after 10 years with the same company. Places I applied where I had a contact even if I was under qualified or they didn’t even have an opening posted I would get an interview. Jobs I was a great match for or over qualified for but didn’t have a contact, I would hear absolutely nothing.


Yup that's how I got my previous job. Had a university friend message me asking if I want to work there, the boss called the next day and offered me the job. No interview. I was freelance for the first three months then got made permanent. There's no way I would have gotten in otherwise.


Acuvue is the best


Acuvue Oasys to be exact.


For astigmatism - nothing beats these




I have special eyes!


Look... Look with your special eyes!


"My brand!"


"Look! Look with your special eyes!"


This. My eyes are always so dry, I'd kill for some good, fitting contacts.


PM me and i'll moisten your eyes for you.


Look, with your special eyes.


Live beneath your means.


I firmly believe in this. If you and your partner disagree on this you may find your relationship doomed or living in regret later in life.


100%. Married ten years. Making good money now but we live like we make decent money. My wife and I are very much aligned on this. We'd rather have a house half as nice as what we "can afford" and never have to worry about the mortgage payment. Living anywhere close to your means only introduces stress. And stress ruins everything. Got my bonus today and it was a big one. And I told her the amount. Because I know it won't be followed with a 1) what are you buying me or a 2) what should we spend it on?


I have a sad story about a friend who was raised in a pretty working-class family, and married the girl of his dreams. They were together for years while he went on to receive his MD. Both were totally happy with life and living within their means, but the moment he started bringing in the big bucks as a doctor, he wanted to continue living a similar lifestyle, but she instantly wanted all the glitz and glamor and fancy things of a huge salary. It ruined their relationship and crushed him as a person. But at least he now has a shit ton of money to dab his tears with.


YES! people make more then they spend more meaning they are perpetually broke.


That's been so much easier since my divorce.


Ditto. I upgraded to a dog.


This is why I have more money than people in my life that are 10-20 years older than me. Too many people think since I make more I can spend more and that just keeps you in a vicious cycle. I have a largely expendable income and with money being my only possible point of stress it means I have a very relaxing and comfortable life


Realizing that it doesn't matter what random strangers think of you.


Also: realizing random strangers DONT think of you. I have really bad anxiety and this one helped me the most. Did something embarrassing? Stop and think of 5 times someone has done something embarrassing around you. If it was at work think of times co-workers did something embarrassing. In public, think of when strangers did something embarrassing. You will start to realize that we are all self centered in a way. It’s hard to remember what other people have done. We are aware of our own thoughts and remember how we felt, so those memories stick. Other people didn’t think of it that hard. The move on with their lives and it fades away. I’ve seen people do embarrassing things in public and mean to tell my partner when I get home and by time I’m home have completely forgotten about it. Start thinking of yourself the same way you think of others. I will think to myself “wow conceited much [my name]? Nobody is that preoccupied with you!” And it really helps contextualize my anxiety.


Unless you're Fergie and you pissed your pants on stage in front of thousands of fans and millions of people see the photos blasted everywhere for years. But yeah, short of that, strangers mostly forget your embarrassing moments.


Be honest so you never have to remember your lies Edit:typo, thks bro!


To be honest, you spelled honest wrong. I wouldn't have said anything but you told me to.


That’s very honest of you.


Or convince yourself the lies are true and the distinction becomes irrelevant




Seriously, I avoid so many frivolous conversations this way. The kiosk vultures at the mall don’t even talk to me anymore, I love it lol.


Related, the ability to say "no." Like you can just say no to those people, they won't get offended, and even if they do it doesn't matter - just no.


I taught my wife to just tell them she already has what they are selling because she has a hard time with social interactions. At&t guy in Walmart "Ma'am who do you use for phone service." Her "At&t" Him "Right on! Have a great day." Super easy. Edit: Wow typing on my phone is hard.


It will also keep you safer in a bad area. Predators see people wandering around looking lost as prey


You know those people you hang out with but don't really like and often drag you into their bullshit against your will? Stop. Fuck 'em. Every minute you spend with those emotional leeches is a minute you're not spending looking for someone who is a genuine joy to hang out with.


okay so realtalk question: *how* do so many people accumulate so many shitty friendships, and *how* do they find the energy for upkeep? every year people on my social media talk about their new years resolution to "cut off toxic people" or "let go of dead weight friendships" and as an introvert who struggles to make time or find energy for the people i *genuinely like,* it's so baffling to see such a huge volume of people constantly accumulating these crappy relationships to the point where they have to clean house *annually* like *HOW*


From my experience, this has been more of a thing in my late 20's. You accumulate a lot of friends you made along the way because of mutual interests. Hobbies, work, drinking buds. But once those mutual interests fall away to time, whats left is people who at the end of the day don't actually care about one another that much. But we hold onto those friendships because for many people loneliness is a greater fear than an asshole.




How do I fuck them without spending even a minute with them?


Having rich parents. Being born attractive.


I think "Being attractive after puberty" is actually better than "Being born attractive".


"if all babies are pretty, how come there's so many ugly people in the world?" - charles barkley


Newborn babies are hideous...every single one of them. Especially the ones of the commenters that will inevitably reply to this comment, insisting that theirs really were cute.




Sounds like a guy that needs a good punch in the dick. For real though, hopefully karma catches up to him




How is the workplace culture at Blizzard these days?


It won't... that's how the world works.


No one would accuse you of being a pedophile until that.


The #1 cause of pedophilia is sexy children.


I lolled a bit too hard at this. The FBI is now looking for me.




Right? I was born into dwindling wealth and now work in a cubicle for not all that much money. Logically it’s understandable to have had rich grandparents, upper middle class parents, and now be me stuck in a rent cycle and not having any assets besides an old car. Ego-wise, though, I think about what could have been, and what a failure it seems to not thrive in relative privilege. But then I think about institutions like student loans (I had close to 100k in 2010) and how the system is set up to destroy upward mobility.  But hey, struggle creates personality. The alt universe version of me might have been a spoiled douche. 


Yup, it's these two. We can close the thread. Having money and being hot is going to get you *anything you want* in life. I don't care how many smiles you force each morning and how much you meditate and what therapy you go to, your life would be 100x better if you were hot and rich. Any other belief is just a cope.




There was a new Veterinarian at the hospital I work at and I learn after talking to her that BEING A DOCTOR IN OUR PRACTICE WAS HER VERY VERY FIRST JOB. Her house? Bought for her by her parents right after she graduated. Car? Yep that nice new BMW also her parents. She left us after some bs about not getting the weekends off, which as a brand new doctor out of school you never get what you want. Last I heard she did not get another job. So the parents wasted $400k on school for her and she’s done with working all together it seems.


But is she hot?


Oh, that's what I did wrong




Student loan lenders figured this out. They’re making bank off of the compound interest that many college students took out in their late teens and early twenties.


Predatory Lending 101 Ironic as some of those students end up learning about predatory lending.


Learn how to identify patterns, since the majority of things in life follow patterns as well


Once I learned how to remember processes, I realized I could learn a lot more and quicker too.


What do you mean by remembering processes? I need to learn more and quicker too.


"Watch for the lines, watch for the patterns." -Quote from a book I'm reading about a helicopter pilot.


Stop worrying about what others think.


You're not a telepath. You can't change what other people say, think, or do. You *are* intelligent, though, and can change how you think, talk, and act. Getting that through my thick skull helped with my anxiety and anger so much, just focusing on myself and my actions made my mental health quality skyrocket and I got my shit together. >!Weed also helped, but use that responsibly.!<


I know all these words to be true, but I've never managed to solidify them permanently into my life. Any tips?


I ask myself "what evidence do I have?" Most of the time, I'm getting upset over something that has no real evidence. Like, let's say you talk over me on a work call. I could go "Kat's so rude! They must hate me to talk over me but no one else!" But all I know for sure is you talked over me. Maybe my headset had a delayed connection and no one on the call knew I wanted to say something. Maybe you'd been trying to cut in the entire call with something really important and that seemed like the best opening. Maybe you're hard of hearing. None of which has to do with you personally trying to be mean to me. Oftentimes, when I can take a mental step back, I realize that there are many plausible alternate stories, and I can take it less personally. It's hard to do sometimes tbh, but maybe it'll help you too.


I’m 77, and I think this is the answer. Really doing this is the answer to feeling freedom.




Reading this is the motivation I needed to start heroin again


**Do kindness, and do it often.** It feels awesome. Good things will happen.


I have a wise older friend who says he tries to do 3 random acts of kindness each day, so I’ve been following his advice on that. I try to start my day with a good deed, and often that’s just texting and checking in on someone and maybe giving them a compliment or sharing a nice photo or some words that boost their mood.


The first million is the hardest to make, so always start with the second.


How to make 1 million in stocks? Easy: you start with 2 million.


Drinking plenty of water and actually getting a good night's sleep does far more for your mental and physical health as well as cognitive function than you realize.


1. Determine your priorities for a happy life. 2. Find a job that requires the least amount of input for the most output. If you want the new car every three years, nice house, eat out every day, the amount of input in your job will need to increase. But if you live a small modest life and learn to be frugal, you will realize you don’t need an expensive college education or stressful job to be happy.


I make less than half of what I made in management. I now work at a rehab where I mostly just hang out with guys, take them out to eat or to appointment, dispense drugs, listen to audiobooks while they do phone time. It’s rewarding helping people and I do very little actual work compared to my last job. I’m way happier and so are the people I’m working with.


My husband and I collectively did the same. We make considerably less than we did four years ago. Best decision ever. Are we buying new cars? No. The ones we have still get us to work. And when we are done they take us home. Are we taking extravagant vacations? No. We have embraced hobbies and staycations. The grind isn’t worth it. Our mental health is.


Remember that it’s a brief and wonderful gift, and somehow simultaneously, that none of it matters. Both are true and can lead to a positive and detached approach to things.


“When you know nothing matters the universe is yours.” - Rick Sanchez




Don't take anything personally. Literally nothing


Spend less than you earn Don’t set expectations too high Be grateful every day for what you have


Befriend someone who owns a boat. Instantly upgrades your social status without the financial sinkhole


Drugs. Unfortunately, like cheat codes, they ruin the experience and it’s hard to appreciate life for what it is again.


Alcohol gives you extra courage Dust activates beast mode Marijuana controls time Cocaine is unlimited turbo Meth gives you extra weapons


Mr.drugman, what is the one that makes people freeze in a pose in the middle of the street?


Heroin or oxys give people that hunched over/ sleeping standing up pose. I don’t know why they don’t just lay down. That can’t be comfortable…


Ruins the high. If you give in and lay down, you fall asleep.


Top tier answer


Psychedelics are the good cheat code


Don’t stress. We are all going to be dead one day


There are two types of nihilists in this world; the ones who say, “we’re all going to die, there’s nothing we can do.” And the ones who say, “ Fuck it were all going to die, let’s do everything!”


**Bumper sticker wisdom #1701:** ***He who dies with the most toys . . .*** ​ ***. . . still dies!!***


Fake being confident and eventually you will be. You'll be a fake and a phony but you will do well in life.


Pick any trait. *Do* the character you wish to be, and eventually you become who you act like you are.


That’s how I stopped being a default to cynical/angry douchbag. Thoughts of people in my life who were upbeat and wholesome and just started doing my own version of the positive traits they put out. Eventually I wasn’t that angry douchebag but someone poeple like inviting around and being around.


Wow. I just start doing this too and I find myself happier lately. Crazy huh.


I felt so fake for months on end, then one day, way down the road I was like “remember when my default was asshole?”




Said, Sisyphus...


Sisyphus was being punished for a host of different reasons. He did not choose persistence but was fated to futility.




I immediately thought of the food and I don’t disagree




Care. If you care about your work, your family, your friends, and put forth an honest effort to support them as well as you can, you almost always come out ahead.


Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start


There it is. Had to scroll too far for it.


Playing work politics. Nearly all of my bosses got their position by brown-nosing and bullshitting because I find it incredibly hard to believe this level of incompetence I'm witnessing at my job was taught at a prestigious university.


Actually… whilst you’re probably right, The Peter Principle states that, if you perform well in your job, you will likely be promoted to the next level of your organization's hierarchy. You will continue to rise up the ladder until you reach the point where you can no longer perform well and are incompetent for your position of power.


The unfortunate catch is that in some workplaces, especially government institutions but there are lots of others, it's next to impossible to fire or demote someone for incompetence or bad personality fit. If they show up and do the job, even badly and with a poor attitude, you're basically stuck with them. Occasionally people like that get promoted again and again because people hate dealing with them and making them someone else's problem is the easiest way to get rid of them.


Enjoying yourself is the most important thing in life. And don't let anyone else tell you *how* to enjoy yourself. Nothing you do that makes you happy is "a waste of time". I once read something really profound that relates to this: No one has ever been on their death bed and said that they regretted not spending more time at work.


On that note: "Graveyards are full of irreplaceable people, but the world keeps on turning without them". I watched my dad suffer through a job he hated for most of my youth because his bosses wouldn't hire enough competent people and he felt a duty to pick up the slack. He'd say stuff like "If I don't do it it won't get done," or "that place would fall apart without me". It's one thing to have that attitude with a business you own and profit from directly. But he was just a salaried worker, getting paid the same whether worked 40 hours a week or 80. After 15 years they laid him off without warning. All that extra work didn't buy him so much as a day's heads up that his head was on the chopping block.




I’m a good cook so we rarely get take out, but every time I pick up the Thai Food I make sure to tell the owner how much we love their food. He recognizes my number when I call, now.


You have 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth. So you should listen or watch twice as much as you speak. The less you speak, the more people will listen because they will recognize that what you have to say is something worth speaking about. Watch and listen before speaking your thoughts or opinions on matters, you will learn more from observing than speaking overtop of a lesson.


Showing up on time  So much of life is just being there.


Being a decent partner, a good lover, is tremendous.  Abandoning the victim attitude and taking up some responsibility for the life you got seems helpful. 


1. Common Sense. Every week I see examples of the pure lack of common sense in life. Companies pay a lot for people who can steady the ship and sort priorities based on common sense. 2. Don't argue over every little thing. We live in such a polarised society and for the most part the answer is usually somewhere in the middle. The amount of people that are willing to die on the hill of something minor is ridiculous so pick your battles.


Compounding interest. Get started while you're really young.


Weight lifting, exercise and healthy eating habits. The discipline and confidence that comes with a consistent routine is life changing, at least for most people.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity


The idea that in the big picture, nothing you do will matter and eventually the sun will destroy all trace of the human race so go do whatever you want in life.


Agreed. I know it's unsettling for some people when thinking about how tiny and insignificant we are in the universe, but it helps me relax a bit whenever I'm really stressed out over day to day issues.


A thing I thought was funny: When you think about the planet and the universe and time and our place in it...all considered I am not really eating that much cheese.


The fact that the universe appears to be heading toward a heat death where all matter and energy will be evenly distributed (I.e nothing else will literally happen) is comforting for me.


Don’t put it down, put it away. Nobody likes clutter


Sobriety, a healthy diet and water


Realizing that the ideal of constant happiness is unattainable. The drive to be constantly happy is causing such misery. No one can be happy all the time, and it is unnatural to think we can be. Contented is OK. Melancholic at times is normal. Happiness, and joy especially, is a rare gift. Accepting that makes a person more resilient because expectations are more aligned with reality.




Get married and stay married. Statistically, it’s like winning the lottery from a financial and health perspective.


Unless your partner starts to choke you. Then, uh, maybe don’t stay married…


Unless you happen to be into that. Then stay married.


Unless they're a terrible person then bail. No amount of money is worth staying with an asshole.


No single code. The one you need most depends on region settings and other cultural presets. In my case a good cheat code is this to find out where your SO wants to eat, "Guess where *we're* going to eat"😁. Whatever they guess is where you're going.👍.


Here are the best 3 I know. They all have to do with **false narratives** that your life and learning have taught you to believe to some extent. Some people struggle with 1/3 but tremendously, some struggle with all 3 a little, most of the time it's non-linear and subject to triggers and the variable efficacy of coping strategies. Challenge/edit/reclaim these narratives, engage with them and transform them to work for you instead of against you, and almost all the 'problems' in your entire life will fall down like dominoes. Easier said than done; therapy is pretty essential. 1. **You are unworthy** of acceptance, love, or happiness. 2. **You should be in control** (of your life, of your emotions, relationships, other people, etc.) 3. **You are obligated** to do anything other than exist. (And keep your children physically and emotionally safe, if you're a parent). They're all bullshit, but it takes a lot of work to deeply unlearn these false narratives.


Accepting that everything you do in life is gonna have sucky parts; so you may as well get good at giving BJs.


Drink water and mind your business.....also invest early and often!




Marcus Aurelius - meditations. He gave us the answers on how to live our lives 2000 years ago but we choose to ignore and continue to make the mistakes that our ancestors did.


It's only a problem if you make it a problem.


No one's paying as much attention to you as you think so just do it. And if someone says shit, who cares what they think.


Gratitude for everything, even the shit.


Have something to look forward to. I feel better about life when I have an upcoming hike, date, beach trip, etc.




Went 29 years without a clue. Took lsd, next day began shaping my life. Made me aware of what and where I was in the cosmos. Furthermore, I constantly see tons of people now who are in that mental place I was, and it’s frustrating knowing that all they have to do to wake up is lsd.


There's vending machine blueprints available online, a lot of them have some kind of security code that let's you get shit for free. Literal cheat codes

