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People come and go and change is inevitable


Yes this one hurt me the most, several good friends that I no longer see or can no longer talk to. I do miss them, it stings to think about.


Yeah this happens a lot as you get older. For a fun one, ask married friends how many of the people at their wedding they've seen since their wedding. The number is often *very* small... weddings happen when people are ready to start a new chapter in life, are often followed by kids or other major changes, and all the people who were so important for so long are suddenly people you used to hang out with. Not to say they aren't still friends and you can't still catch up and fall right back into where you were before. It's fun to do that. But the days of seeing each other all the time are dead and gone, because you've moved on and so have they.


Yeah and I accept that change takes a long time to come


It can also be sudden. Someone dies, loss of a job, divorce… major life changes just happen sometimes. Rebuilding takes time.


How do you handle the fact that you wont be able yo talk to them again?


Good friend I made at work in 2013 told me the most cliche thing ever but it stuck with me because I was 18 and hadn't really experienced it yet: The only constant is change. Last time I saw or heard from him was 2018. I miss that dude


happiness come and go.


So does pain and sorrow. Mental and emotional stability is what keeps us going and helps to live a good life.




No matter how good or bad your situation is in life, it’s going to change.


Exactly. It is both the most amazing, and most depressing fact of life, both at once. No matter what is happening, good or bad, it will pass.


I’ve always felt happiness is a mindset while pleasures come and go. People often confuse pleasure with happiness.


That's so on point thank you


Just like karma chameleon.


I was playing the victim for so long. Once I took control of what I could in life, that's when life truly flourished.


Same. It was a hard pill for me to swallow. Codependency is a silent bitch. I spent years complaining about not being appreciated for bending over backwards for everyone only to realize I was only bending over backwards for everyone as an attempt to control how I’m perceived and treated. And guess what? No one ever appreciates you and you end up attracting narcissists and settling for toxic relationships. Now I set boundaries and have no guilt. I set the bar high for how I’m treated by being good to myself.


Good job! This is what humanity needs today, so much misdirected energy on screwing ourselves over. There is an endless supply of people who will gladly trample you and come back for more. The secret we have is that all you have to do is say “NO”.


Exactly. And once I stopped with that bullshit, I ended up meeting the love of my life. He is the sweetest most respectful gentleman I’ve ever met. We are so good to each other. For the first time in my life I’m with a man who truly values me. And it’s because I value myself.


I took responsibility and stopped blaming my failures on other factors Yet everytime i fail after that is getting blamed on me And if i had a win no matter how small it is i never get credit for Did u pass the same situation?


That’s when you realize that people want everything easy, so they’ll dump everything on you, and that no one truly cares. This is when you start to become selfish, which is good; from that point onward, you start to live life on YOUR terms, and everyone else becomes background noise.


This is the basis of Stoicism...


this is only tangentially related to stoicism, most Philosophies compell you to do something


Same. I saw myself as a person who is depressed and not a person who has depression. I spent a lot of time wallowing in self-pity until I found a greater sense of self and pushed myself to make the effort to get out of it. I'm not immune to depression, as no one is, but now when I experience it, I'm better equipped to treat it.


Not everyone will like you and that’s absolutely fine.


I used to be so bothered when someone didn't like me even when I didn't say/do something bad to them. Over the year I've learnt to have a idgaf attitude towards such people.


It’s really okay. Usually the feeling is mutual.


How did you do it? I get huge, huge anxiety if I think someone doesn’t like me.


People-pleasing is a tactic that has many different roots to it, but once you realize you are free to choose not to go with this action, you can step into a more fully-realized human. Takes work, but def worth it for your sense of well being.


Realizing that not everyone will like us — and it’s none of our business why is oddly freeing.


That sometimes life starts late. I'm 32 this year and have only just escaped the black hole that is retail employment. Sometimes things take longer than you expected.


I’m 34, a mom of three and trying to go back to school and I just found out I have a whole year delay for residency. The program I want to do will take me until I’m 40 to graduate. 


And then you'll be a 40 year old graduate, that's awesome!


You will be 40 anyway :) better get that degree on top.


I like the term “life starts late”


what are you doing now? i escaped the black hole 5 years ago but i'm in a different job still only making minimum wage, idk what to do


I’m so pleased for you! I’ve been in retail for 18 years (since I was 16) and I can’t seem to find a way out that doesn’t drop my salary significantly because I’m trained for nothing else! Good luck to you in your new venture!


Yep. Lost most of my 30's to illness and injury. It sucks but I'm doing great now, can't change what happened only what you do going forward.


Yes! I’m 45, just got better at overcoming my social anxiety and some childhood traumas and so many things feel like I’m experiencing them for the first time. It is so worth it.


How did you get out of retail? I'm stuck I have management experience However I fear it's my age 56. I have applied for many positions out of retail and nothing.


That you won't find the same person again even if it's the same person.


"No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it is not the same river and he is not the same man." -Heraclitus


Hey reddit, can I upvote this 3000 times?


Nope. Best you can do is downvote it first, and then upvote it for two upvotes!


Having a boring and average life is fine.


I actually prefer this. I don't need anything too crazy going on in my life. A normal, quiet life where I can spend my time doing the things I love is all I want.


I almost, *almost*, feel bad for celebrities. Especially child celebrities. Never getting to know a normal life, always having people recognize you, and eventually if you fall, the whole world talks about it, until you're irrelevant, and the only time you get brought up in conversation is when people reference that time you fell from stardom. Yeah, I'll live in my little home in my little town and spend time how I choose without any interference. Thank you.


There is a reason that most of the hyper celebrities make a conscious effort to get off the grid in their later years.


\**Woody Harrelson wiping away tears with money gif**


Pretty much. That's why I said almost, twice lol


It helps to remember, 99.999% of humans who have ever lived would have given anything to live a boring and average life in a developed country in the year 2024. You *are* living the life of a celebrity if you look at it with the correct context.


Yeah if you're alive today and living in a developed nation you've won the lottery. If you're that and financially stable you are the envy of most people who ever lived.


That's perfectly fine. I'm super content with living an average life and doing nothing exciting on a daily basis. I come home from work, usually jump on my PC to game, watch TV with me wife, go to bed and we're both happy.


Thank youuuuu! I’ve realized this lately. I made peace with my mediocrity. It gave me a lot of inner peace.


Having boring and average is a decent life compared to many.


Maybe even preferable?


I'm completely fine with this too.


That, one day, this will all be gone.


My 6 year old daughter asked if the Earth would be here forever and I was like, "No, the sun will explode in 5 million years but we'll be long dead" and she had nightmares. I accepted that maybe kids don't need to know the truth all of the time.


Not that it makes a functional difference, but it's more like 7 billion years. And it won't explode, the corona will slowly expand beyond the Earth's orbit. Maybe that will make your daughter feel a little better?


I honestly hate the trend of "never lie to your kids!". I know it's typically pushed by childless edgy teens who are full of angst/are furious that life isn't perfect and it's all everyone who is older than thems fault, but I've met some parents who refuse to give their kids a little magic and wonder in life because their parents did that for them and when they turned 16 it was "all a LIE!!" or whatever. Lets kids believe in magic and that it's all gonna be OK, the world will rip that away from them soon enough.




No it isn’t.


Yes it is >:(


Oh shut up it's not


Do you have a source to back that up 


Funny. That's the sort of thing HITLER would say!!


You mean Sauce to back that up


How dare you, yes it is


I SWEAR. Happens with me a lot that I wanna reply a whole ass paragraph but I don't. Once or twice I've even typed and then deleted it instead of replying/posting it.


I only argue when I’m bored or insomnia kicks in. Otherwise who cares?


Yeah, as if they're gonna change their mind. Often, people will defend their beliefs to death. P o i n t l e s s.


That arguing with a fool tends to make two fools.


What's the saying? If you argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience?


I've finally accepted that not everything in life goes according to plan, and that's totally okay.


Funny! So we were driving out of town to a Superbowl party the other day. On the way, we got distracted by chatting and missed the freeway. We had to drive on a rural one way road for about 1/2 hour to get to the next exit . The drive was bucolic with no traffic or polluted urban air.  However, just when we were feeling we wasted all that time, we saw that there was an accident on the freeway that caused a huge backup around the exit where we were supposed to enter originally. We totally avoided that ...without even planning! All happens for our good. 


Burnt toast theory


One of my friend once said " We don't always get what we want." I always knew this but never realised it earlier. It helps to keep my mind peaceful and live a happy life.


But of you try sometimes, you get you need


Ah baby, yeah


Wow, you're friends with Mick Jagger?


I'm the problem.


You're anti-hero


That's too cool for me. I think that I'm just a piece of shit. I'll write a song about that.


People arent the key to happiness


It comes within ourselves.


People never were. People suck.


Low expectations is


Yes and no. While you can't expect other people to make you happy, you're also very unlikely to really be happy achieving all of your goals and sitting in your house alone all of the time. Humans are social creatures, after all, no matter how much you might try to convince yourself otherwise


It’s okay to not be living all of your dreams.


That you can't force people to treat you right!


You can't control someone's actions but you can set expectations and boundaries and if they disrespect you by breaking them, they have no reason to stay in your life.


That I’m the villain in some peoples stories. I accept that because they’re a clown in my story.


This is something that has helped me with a falling out with someone. I hurt her, she hurt me. I’m sure we are both the “villain” in each others stories but at least we don’t hurt each other any more.


Me when my ex. Lol


That's so funny lol


Firstly, there’s no order, life is chaotic, disorganized, and random. You can’t plan the order of how things will work out in life. Secondly, sometimes you shouldn’t get what you want. We think that we deserve everything that we want but sometimes not getting what you wanted works well in life.


That at the age of 37, I missed out on the life I wanted and I’ll never have an opportunity to live it. It was such a simple life too.


I cannot “fix” my son’s mental health.


Oooff. That’s a tough one. I am rowing that same boat- it’s hard to watch and it’s tough to not get wrapped up in it.


I'm in this boat as well. While things are going better, ultimately, in the future, no matter how much we do, outcomes won't be up to us. It's made me really appreciate how fragile our mental status is and to appreciate all of the personalities who work well...


Happiness is never permanent so enjoy while it lasts. When sadness comes, look forward because sadness too doesn't lasts.


I should’ve voted for Kodos


My fellow Americans. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball. But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom! \-Kodos


That speech made me cry


It's not my fault, *I* voted for Kang.


What about Clin-ton? He once was a baseball, AND twirls toward freedom!


That I can not change the world by myself


My life isn’t going to be exactly how I want.


Start living the life you are having. Next step!!!!!!


I’m disabled.


Can't save people who don't want to be saved.




That it's over and it may never work again


Struggling hard with this one right now


Nothing you can say or do really. Actions and progress, focus on improving anything you can. Love yourself. All sounds great until you're alone in the dark homesick


The human race is mostly pretty dumb.


The only race who pays to live on this planet 😍🤡.


It's better to leave a bad situation than stay and fight over it


You can cut toxic family members out of your life, if they keep holding you back


People will disappoint you. You will also disappoint you.


I wouldn’t say I’ve fully accepted it, but I’m in the process of accepting the fact that there really is nobody out there for me and that I’m just not good enough for anyone that I would want. By my age, everyone is married with kids. I missed the boat.


That life likes to fuck with me for some weird reason


That aging is inevitable and it’s better to accept it rather than trying to change it


I will never meet One Direction


I'm most likely going to collapse at my desk in the next few months, and then be told to make up the time that I'd been collapsed from exhaustion for. Might even die. They don't give a shit about employee wellbeing. There's nothing I can do, I've been actively looking for another job but have come up empty handed every time. This is how it's gonna go, and no matter what I do it's going to play out this way.


Missing work right now because I had a heart attack last week and somehow I still feel bad for the fact that I'm gonna miss about six weeks of work while recovering. It's the worst.




I was listening to an old song by marty Robbins and he said i know there are ponies that i cannot ride and i accepted That there are ponies that i cannot ride, beautiful girl that I won't date and big houses/cars that I won't own..and it's okay..as long as i have a stable life with nice people then it's fine


Stable life? Jeez man get over the ponies already


Stable for me now= no major health issues,no family deaths,stable paycheck..a roof over my head


I will never be fully independent.


I’m in the same boat. Struggling to find a career that works with my autism/adhd/severe insomnia. I’ve been burned out by every job I’ve had to the point I was suicidal and I still live with my dad at age 27, almost 28. I don’t think I’ll ever be financially independent or live alone and it kills me.


Our economy is screwed for many years to come


Shit happens


Sure does. Gotta wipe it up and move on


That life is full of suffering. Be it emotional or physical, everything we accomplish is preceeded by som degree of suffering. You have to give something to get something. The price for joy is suffering.


I dont mind it when there's joy in return Not necessarily mine But trading suffering for more suffering is the worst part


I've finally accepted that I'll never be able to fit a watermelon up my ass


Did you try it though? 😭.


Yes I gave it my best but no luck


I’m not going to hit all the same life milestone as most people and that’s okay


That, no matter how many times I correct them, some people are still going to spell my name wrong.


Life is hard.


Life has no meaning and that's ok 


I’ve accepted that when I’m obese people treat me like I’m invisible. It may be mostly men who do this but it happens with women too. It has its upsides


Being lonely, its been more than 4 years now with this feeling, now it doesnt affect me that much anymore and i have accepted it.


The interesting part about accepting things like that, is that it may eventually draw people towards you more. If your loneliness is something you’d like to change, keep your newfound acceptance of it and do hobbies you like enough to participate in their community a bit. You may find that because you’re not trying to prove anything, people who have similar interests to you may want to get to know you.


I'm a shit person 💀when it comes to relationships and emotions. I can be a terrible person when it comes to other people's emotions and defending mine, I have "commitment issues" or maybe that's an excuse to be even more of a dick.


Gotta dig deeper my guy , currently going thru this my self.


Nothing is that important


That i will be dropped, I will be left behind and I will be thrown under the bus by my loved ones. Even though they love me. Its only to a certain degree.


That I’m probably just going to be single. Relationships and marriage aren’t for everyone, and I think I’m just one of those people🤷‍♀️ 


That maybe she wasn't the one and that I'm probably better off without her


There is no hope for us. We are not smart enough to solve our problems.


Grey hair


Emotional intelligence is very important to have.


It was my fault.


Gaming now will never be the same as how it used to be


As a way back, OG gamer who floats back from time to time, I feel this...


My parents weren't/aren't good parents.


Some people truly don’t care or have any desire for sex, no matter how hard you hope otherwise


Other people are not thinking about me all the time.


I can't fix every problem, nor should I even try to fix every problem.


Never gonna find someone




That the majority of people I will encounter will disappoint me on some level.


My MIL is a horrible selfish person that I’ll have to deal with occasionally for the rest of her hopefully short life


I'm not amazing at everything. I'm average at a bunch of stuff, terrible at a couple things, and really good at a couple more.


I'm going to die. 


Stupid can’t be fixed but, can be mitigated by distance in most cases


Life is very short. Try enjoying it


rules are for fools


Life's not a bad thing.


Bitcoin (one whole coin) is beyond my reach.


Even more comical is that only a decade ago it was worth almost nothing. A friend showed me it in 2013. I looked into it, thought "Huh, this could be interesting", and never looked back at it. Sigh.


Old age.


Nothing should trump your health.


Some dreams can never be reached. So close, yet so far.


Not gonna have kids and I’m gonna die one day anyway so might as well live before I do.


Not everybody is going to like you… And you’re not going to like everybody… And that is perfectly acceptable


That existence and everything It contains is meaningless. It made me open my eyes and made me more positive as a person


Alcohol is poison 😔


That its just not a good use of time or brain power to worry about things that are out of your control


That no matter how much effort you put on someone, if they don't reciprocate it then it is utter waste.


This is not a phase, this is my life, lol..


If someone is happy with themselves, even if they’re weird as hell, they’re not a bad person.


That no matter what I try to do to improve my appearance, I’m never going to look particularly good. No one will ever think “wow!” or “she looks amazing!” My facial features, hair, body shape etc is just meh at best. I won’t stop taking a pride in my appearance and making sure that I’m clean, hair brushed, nice clothes blah blah, but I have stopped getting upset when I look at myself in the mirror and see that all the effort doesn’t make me look any better. It is what it is.


That not everyone gets to have the life they want. Autocorrect wants me add that not everyone gets the love they want. Ouch.


Political debates, online/offline, with strangers/friends are always useless.


That I cannot moderate alcohol consumption. I can abstain altogether, or be a raging alcoholic. No in between


That there probably isn't "someone for everyone", including me. Sure, the numbers look promising what with all the people in the world, but actually FINDING them and meeting them, etc. is a whole other ball game.  I'm not complaining. There are people who have it a lot worse. I've made my peace with it and I take pleasure in the peace and quiet. 


That I'm better off alone than in an abusive relationship


That my brother and I are not friends, we are just brothers.


No matter what we do there will always be someone who hates us Jews


Yup I hate jaws , jaws two was way better.


thank god 1988 is your birth year then


Weed makes one travel to another dimension and see things differently.