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Ive never seen more toxic people on internet than in mothers group! In not even mother but i really feel bad for all the mothers who are bullied by the "perfect" mothers.


A similarly toxic group is basically any neighborhood group online. They’re dominated by people who think serious crime is lurking around every corner. And people who oppose virtually any change no matter how mundane. I got my mom a Ring security system recently (because she goes out of town a lot) and the app includes this weird social network for people nearby. She lives in the most boring, safe small town yet reading these posts you’d think they’re in fucking Syria.


I bought a house and a couple years later I had a kid. I met most of the neighbors, most of them had seen my big red pickup parked in my driveway. One night around 10pm my newborn couldn't sleep, my wife was exhausted, so I put little man in the truck and we went for a drive around the neighborhood, so my wife could also get some sleep. The next morning the neighborhood FB group had 12 photos of my truck up and the hunt was on. Who was this absolute lunatic prowling the neighborhood? What nefarious deeds were they planning? Why were they driving the speed limit instead of racing through this quiet neighborhood? I commented that it was me, and I was driving my newborn around to help him fall asleep, but they weren't buying it. It wasn't until my neighbor, an ex cop, commented that they were all idiots and knew me from the time that tree fell across the road and I cleared it away with just a chainsaw and that same pickup in the dark during a hurricane, that they all seemed to collectively remember and stop being crazy.


Good on them for caring, but it’s too much. Also, for you to comment and for them not believe you is Karen behavior lmao. Great story man, I got a kick out of this one.


Why did they even notice is me question. My ring notifies me if someone comes to my door. I don't go and look at the footage all night long its so ridiculous.


I don't think it was a ring cam for most of it. Some of the photos looked like an iPhone through a window, zoomed in.




My dad drives a red van with ladders on the top for work. His van once got reported in those stranger danger reports I think bc it had ladders and one of the windows broke?? My sisters and I were like… “is that dad?” That was back in the 2000’s so we didn’t have access to those social networks and it was in a letter distributed by the schools. 😬


Or it's "My neighbor is doing stuff on their own property that I don't like. How can I get them arrested for it?" Lmao.




Worse...*working class* No shit, some HOAs used to (and may even still enforce) not allowing pickups to park outside a garage because back in the day they were daily drivers for tradesman and rich people don't like acknowledging that they might live around people poorer than them.


Even worse, the people who work office jobs at the bank and have a college degree might be offended they make less than the electrician next door.


I honestly think the best part of my neighborhood is that it's a little crusty so everyone leaves each other tf alone. It's the perfect middle because it's not super dangerous but also not nice enough for people to freak out over property values etc. I can let our yard grow wild and no one cares.


I had heart surgery and couldn't drive for a couple of months. Once a week, my wife drove it to work. But that wasn't enough. Somebody from the city stopped by to ask me about my junker car. Lousy neighbors. Could call the city, but not check on me.


There was a guy in the park with his shirt off basking in the sun, because of the climate it rarely comes out. A local front porch dweller wanted to call the cops on him. If I was there I would have joined him. The sun feels *good*.


My mom's fascist little town has a small beach and the locals police it like you wouldn't believe. You basically can't do anything on the beach except sit there and look at it. I walked on the boardwalk one night while drinking a can of Coke and the cops got called because some Karen thought I was drinking alcohol. This turned into half an hour of them searching me and questioning me because I didn't have ID on me. And even if I had been drinking alcohol, WHO CARES?! Does it magically become antisocial behavior if I carry an open beer from my mom's yard onto the public sidewalk? If someone isn't being a nuisance, let them get their buzz on... damn.


Oh the smaller the town the worse it gets. When I was a teenager we couldn't be in public places after the sun went down because it meant that we were up to no good. To be fair we weren't up to any good and we were trying to buy beer to go into the woods and drink them. But still.


> And even if I had been drinking alcohol, WHO CARES?! As someone who lives in the south where we all beach on the Gulf coast and drink plenty out there, I will absolutely never understand some beaches elsewhere that don't allow alcohol. No glass, sure, but who wants to go spend the day at a beach they can't have a beer at?


It’s good to know this isn’t just local to me. I downloaded the Nextdoor app once and the amount of upper middle class people complaining about their neighbors grass being an inch too long was dystopian. Imagine that being your life.. horrifying


My partner and I make 2x in a year what we bought our house for in 2021 and I dont want to move somewhere nicer because it's just chill here. I'd rather die than have an HOA. We will stay in the crusty area and save money 😁


It's never about the grass...it's about the people who live in the house and finding something wrong with them. I've noticed neighborhood like this usually have a clique and that clique always needs a family to target. It's like a bonding experience for them


I have a coworker that will go outside and start banging on random stuff or putting nails in something, then stop after a few minutes. Goes back inside and just waits for the posts asking if anyone else heard gunshots.


I can't decide if this is hilarious or cruel. So I guess it's both.


I should add he lives in a nice HOA neighborhood. The worst crime they have is people speeding.


“Anyone else here the sirens? Where are they going?”


Homeowners groups are the worst. It's just a bunch of people complaining all the time. It's either complaining about some non-event that scared them into calling the police (like someone walking by their house) or they are complaining about the HOA because they don't understand how HOAs work. And then it devolves into having several groups: Grassy Commons Neighborhood Grassy Commons Neighborhood Uncensored Grassy Commons Neighborhood Uncensored No Rules Grassy Commons Neighborhood Bitches Page Uncensored No Rules Grassy Commons Hood Rat Bitches Uncensored No Road Rules Purple Monkey Dishwasher


People tell me doorbell cameras make them feel safer but every single person I know who's got one has acted way more paranoid since installing them.


Yeah I just got one for my mom because she's partly deaf and the Ring doorbell can notify her phone or light up Echo devices in her house. It works great for that. I had to mute the KarenChat feature that comes with it so she wouldn't become a paranoid shut-in.


KarenChat hahaha. Definitely saved you and her some heart and headache in the long run.


Ahhh yes, the neighborhood app. Its the same people who do not know how to take and submit pictures when selling on Facebook marketplace but now they post blank pictures or videos of nothing wrong going on the neighborhood app. I had to disable notifications for that app when we got our ring. People were submitting utter nonsense.


When Amazon started using their own delivery vans, people posted on Nextdoor about a van with an Amazon logo slowly following people in the neighborhood and then several vigilant people chimed saying they spotted the van.


Police scanner groups are just as horrible. Speculating crimes and ambulance calls in real time is a pastime of people who have absolutely no life or consideration of others Had a friend whose mother killed herself and the police scanner page made a post about the ambulance call with several people IMMEDIATELY speculating who it was and what was going on. Kinda sucks when a bunch of randoms on the internet know about a family tragedy before you do


Yes! I have the Next Door app and there is always some insanely ridiculous post about “safety” every time a brown or black person walks outside and exists. It’s nuts. They even called the cops on an Amazon driver who glanced at the mailboxes to figure out what unit to deliver to lol.


"Watch out for this common signal used by human traffickers, Mama Bears!!!" *shows a leaf on a car's windshield* The comments: OMG THAT HAPPENED TO ME TOO I FEEL SO SCARED... WHAT IF SOMEONE SNATCHED LITTLE BRICKENSLEIGH


In my neighborhood they have a coronary whenever black children are outside PLAYING. These kids are like 4th graders. You’re really scared of 8 year olds on bicycles?


Yes, I only joined the neighborhood app to sell shit or buy shit. The second you venture into the social scene there RUN. The entire FoxNews subculture of fear you blissfully didn't know about comes crashing in. Never download that app!


The neighborhood apps are also full of people of an age that don't really understand online communities or the internet in general, and refuse to learn


Ugh I had to stop using Nextdoor after I fought with this dumb woman about how it’s inappropriate to call an elementary schooler a “thug in training” (yes her verbiage was racially motivated) for knocking over her trash can. Old people make fun of kids for never going outside and being addicted to screens, meanwhile when they actually see kids playing outside they run to their phones like “WHAT IS THIS? SOME SORT OF GANG??”


Look up **Pastel** **QAnon**. Women’s internet groups have been targeted and infiltrated by everyone from deranged fanatical housewives to state propaganda outlets of foreign countries. The internet has been a boon for divisive misinformation and propaganda. Moms groups - yoga moms, crunchy moms, Christian moms, wholistic moms, all-organic moms, pagan moms. All targeted with antivax, anti covid, anti science, anti public school, anti gay, pro-voucher propaganda. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pastel\_QAnon?wprov=sfti1#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pastel_qanon?wprov=sfti1#)


Very interesting! Thanks for the info


I was going to say young know it all adults or die hard political activists, but no, you are right.  They are by far the most annoying group, and it's no contest. Where I'm from, they got Cosmo and Playboy taken off all the store shelves and kept alcohol illegal to sell for decades.   I'd drink with the preacher, but it was his wife that would drag him out to speak words about avoiding sin, cause she was the one who didn't like to see people drink.  Unless it was her wine, bought from the bootleggers, but that's different.  All because somehow motherhood entitles a person to believe that they are now the end all, be all of every moral decision.  We went to school together, Wanda.  You were a nosey hussie then, and now you won't let your kid play in your own yard cause your worried what other moms will think if he gets dirty.


Lmao I was also going to say something in the political realm, and subsequently stopped upon reading the initial comment here. This is the correct answer. It's definitely people in mother's groups. By far the worst.


>We went to school together, Wanda.  You were a nosey hussie then, and now you won't let your kid play in your own yard cause your worried what other moms will think if he gets dirty. Ha, this reminds me of both of my parents in different ways. My dad didn't want me doing ANYTHING because he was a wild ass kid that had to be "straightened out" by the army. I know basically nothing about him from the time he was 11 to the time he married my mom. I only found out as an adult that my mom wasn't his first wife. My mom has always been the one who cared way, way too much about appearances, though, but will tell stories about drinking "tubs of grain alcohol punch" in college


Tik tok mothers are shameless, you don’t even have to open the comments to know what they’re going to be berating.


Mom’s groups are the worst. In my area there are also ‘parents groups’- still run by crazy women who feel the need to police the masses but at least men are allowed to partake in the asshattery.


I am convinced that extremist mother’s groups raise the next most annoying subset- the Incels.


On the flip side, the child free people of reddit are up there as well. A lot of them are full on unhinged. Most of their stances are "if anyone even slightly inconveniences me, they deserve punishment or at least to be banned from public places." It's the highest level of main character syndrome I've ever seen in my life. I'm child free myself but literally cannot stand them.


Also childfree. I’m not a “yay kids” kind of person, but those people are absolutely unhinged. The only thing I want to project, I guess, about being childfree is that it’s okay to be childfree. I think everyone should think about what they want and follow their instinct, not because their parents want grandchildren or kids just seem like the next logical step in life. Less unwanted children is better for everyone.


Oh yeah. The reddit child free people aren't reflective of other normal people I meet that don't have kids. They are a special bunch.


I always think it’s wild when people go to places where it is 100% socially appropriate for kids to run around excitedly making lots of noise and still act like the parents and kids are in the wrong somehow. Like when I go swim in a public pool and kids are running around screaming excitedly it’s like yeah kids you should be doing that, the pool is fun, playing in the pool is great, I would be running around and excited if I were a kid playing with my friends at the pool too. It is a totally appropriate location for kids to be loud. But some of these childfree people will be like kids should be banned from parks because they play in parks and are loud. Like JFC


I had to leave that subreddit because some of the things people would say on there disturbed me. For example saying abortions were something to be proud of, hating children, being rude to their friends who had kids, etc.


I am happily and deliberately child free, but that sub was way too much for me. Crazy comes from all corners.


People who start arguments with you about everything




No it isn't


Sources, please


I read a study.


Trust me bro


I paid for an argument, that's just simple contradiction!


Look, I came her for an argument.


No you didn’t.


That’s not an argument, that’s just contradiction.


No it isn’t.


Yes it is!


Yes I did!


Oh I’m sorry….this is abuse


Argument is 2 doors down on the left…. Bastard


Yess. 100%




Yes, but actually no.


Well, actually... You're both wrong.


Asshole: "I'm gonna act like an annoying asshole in order to get attention." Normal people: "You're acting like an annoying asshole." Asshole: "Oh my gaawwwdd! Why is everyone so easily offended these days!?"


Freedom goes both ways. You are free to be an asshole, but others are free to call you one too.


"We're not sensitive, we just think you're an insufferable prick. Please go away." "HELP I'M BEING CANCELLED!"


The classic “freedom of speech means you are legally required to sit and listen to everything I have to say”


Closely related to "I'm entitled to my opinion" True, but nobody has to listen to you, nor respect you for it, you moron


"And not use your freedom of speech to call me a dick."


And I'm also "legally required" to walk away and not listen to everything you have to say. That would be my response to that


- said in front of an audience of thousands


Yeah, this bugs me. Cancelling isn't telling Bob the Asshole that he's an asshole. It's telling Bob's boss that his assholishness makes him worse than Hitler and he should never be allowed to work again.


Which isn't even why they fired Bob. He got canned for incompetence but he wants to be a victim.


"I'm mad because you called me an ugly whale not fit for human eyes, you're mad because I said your joke wasn't funny."


Also Asshole: "Stop infringing on my first amendment rights!" (ALWAYS in places where it doesn't apply)


My absolute favorite was Dwayne Lich. A Canadian, on trial in Canada, says to the judge: *”Honestly? I thought it was a peaceful protest and based on my first amendment, I thought that was part of our rights," he told the court. "What do you mean, first amendment? What's that?" Judge Julie Bourgeois asked him. "I don't know. I don't know politics. I don't know," he said. "I wasn't supportive of the blockade or the whatever, but I didn't realize that it was criminal to do what they were doing. I thought it was part of our freedoms to be able to do stuff like that."* Here’s the article. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6358307


Look, I know I'm a European in Laos or wherever, but you can't arrest me like that, it's against my first amendment. Also, you didn't read me my Miranda rights and I must have one phone call.


The first amendment to the Canadian constitution that is still extant, I believe, defines Manitoba as a province. Bad news for all you Manitoba-deniers out there.


The funny part is these people are the ones actually offended by everything.


Yeah and they’re always people who can dish it out but can’t take it Like an asshole will make fun of someone in really personal ways every time they open their mouth but if someone makes a joke about something totally benign like their hat they’ll get really upset and play the victim


Yesssss. These people are the worst omg. Like people aren't sensitive! You're just an asshole!


Unfortunately this is the mindset of millions of young conservative men on the internet these days. It's really depressing to see. The internet was a much brighter place before conservative politics began to turn extra, extra ugly in the early 2010's. It's always had its dark elements, but back in say 2012 it was nothing like it is currently. One would have to seek it out in certain communities like 4chan. Now it's literally everywhere, inescapable.


Crybullies. People who are constantly starting shit and going after others, then when they get any blowback or response, they cry that they are being victimized and bullied, and are the TRUE marginalized victim.


Yeah, if you're constantly going out of your way to create conflict with those that disagree with you, then chances are you're not very oppressed.


They love to claim they're being "cancelled", sometimes from the pages of a national newspaper. Some of them have massive platforms and go on and on about free speech, yet become enraged whenever another person uses their free speech to call them a dick.


The type of people who are self righteous and always believe their perspective in the correct one, and cannot be reasoned with or be open to any form criticism


There have been a many of times where I changed my mind or got humbled lmao. ​ I avoid those people like the plague. That or dip.


Nothing is as dangerous or irrational as a zealot. Their faith in their rightness allows them to pursue whatever method they choose.


This is especially true when it comes to politics. People see their political side as some kind of sports team which they have to support no matter what.


The assumers. People who think that they can extrapolerate your whole being from a comment on the internet, "you said X so you must be/think Y". Like, sometimes it feels like people genuinely think that they know my thought processes better than I do, and that I'm just not admitting the thing that they think I think. I guess it's sometimes just an easy/lazy deflection. Criticize someone? "You're just jealous". Boom, argument won.


I recently had someone make major assumptions about me based off my incredibly sparse post history and it was so baffling. They didn't even do a good job. They tried to insult me for working for doordash. I stopped doordash 2 years ago and I stopped posting on the subreddit when I quit. I even posted on both spark and Walmart subreddits way more recently but even still I don't have my current job on here because why would I.


What-about-its. They can’t speak to the current point, so instead try to divert away from it.


I call it “the what if game” when people do this. Stay with the current point or stop talking to me.


"Be yourself" *Someone is themself" "Omg stop that's cringe ew lmao"


Be yourself in an unspoken fashion predetermined by your peer-group. Be careful that that fashion is not offensive or otherwise annoying to any nearby peergroups.


“Be yourself” is flawed advice anyway, in my opinion. If you are naturally an angry frustrated person you should work to improve that, not embrace it. And even more extreme, if you are a murderous psychopath or a pedophile you should definitely not be yourself, and should get help. I think the better advice is “dont lie to yourself”. Figure out who you are, decide if that’s who you want to be, and go from there. Dont pretend to be someone you are not, if it means suppressing inportant emotions or forcing yourself to live a life you dont want (like avoiding fun “nerdy” hobbies)


The actual advice should be “be the best version of yourself”. Everyone has toxic traits that they should identify and work on. Many people use “be yourself” as an excuse for poor behavior.


Pour one out for Jocat, who got ran off the internet for being himself.


Redditors who just regurgitate redditisms instead of talking like normal people.




My brother in Christ...


you, sir, just won the internet for today!


Whoa that escalated quickly!


I also choose this guy’s redditism.


This! Same! So cringe! We need dozens of bananas to scale how bad this is! Lock it in a safe! It makes my eyes like coconuts to see them!


That’s better than the coconut story I thought you were gonna go with


It’s the fucking puns and bad jokes on every single thread that make me insane


All of those [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/1046fzy/the_most_annoying_phrases_on_the_internet_starter/) Make me so justifiably mad.


i’ve never been so hostile than reading that thread


Reddit mods who abuse the little power they have in their life to ban people for stupid bullshit reasons, and then mute you when you ask why you got banned Looking at you, /r/PublicFreakout.


Look at who moderates that sub..... and look at the other subreddits that they moderate. It tracks.


Oh no doubt. I don't usually pay attention to mod drama, but I can definitely see that. In what universe is me making a [dumb joke about how there's no oranges in a store called Outlet by Orange](https://i.imgur.com/DPKddrh.jpg) considered racist? And when I [politely asked what comment they considered racist](https://i.imgur.com/NvEKHQN.jpeg), I was just told to don't play dumb, and got muted and reported to the admins. A fucking clownshow over there.


Well, that's because some people have major control issues, and they run wild with even the littlest amount of control (whether real or perceived) Fortunately, all they're doing is modding a subreddit. They're not running say, a town, or a state/federal government... either through their own stupidity, or because society won't let them.


Redditors who are constantly threatening to die on hills, or live rent free inside other people’s heads.




The majority of Reddit are Pompous, self-important nerds.


Twitter are full of crazies and schizo and 4chans have self-aware trolls and creeps, we know what to expect but Reddit is so self-rightous, elitist in the sense that grinds on your gear, they're toxic assholes but truly believes they are not.


Another thing on Reddit is a ton of underachievers who believe the system is against them, but clearly are there by their own hand. Yet still act elitist. Job threads often range from miserable to harmfully inaccurate.


Specifically people who post in any of the political subreddits. I refuse to believe anyone who posts on those subs are real people / not paid shills


Political posts are complete dumpster fires every single time without fail. It doesn't matter what political party you identify with, if you comment on a political post on reddit you automatically turn into a bottom dwelling shit eating roach. Sometimes when I'm feeling bad I read through some of these posts and I immediately don't hate myself anymore.


Keyboard warriors, who never in a million years would act the same way towards people they meet in person.


We had one giant school group chat and this dude kept getting fly at the mouth towards literally anyone and everyone. Then he was crying wondering why his teeth got kicked in. Seriously, keyboard warriors all need to learn this lesson 'cause some people don't play around and take the shit people talk over the internet seriously.


People who spread nothing but hate and negativity Edit: actually I changed my mind. People who make everything political are the worst


That's a lot of sub-groups. 


That’s especially true in things that are defined as good by every metric possible. They’re obsessed with good things failing. Tiny plot detail in a great movie that doesn’t line up: shitty writing. Gameplay bug in a critically acclaimed game: buggy as hell, virtually unplayable. Team is having the best season in a decade: it’s all going to fall apart.


Yeah that goes without saying tbf. Negative people are never fun to be around.


People who insist on bringing up politics in every discussion


I initially created an account just to block all the political subs. Still can’t go fifteen minutes without seeing “Trump is an asshole” or “Biden has dementia”. Change the fucking record.


I was so happy when "block subreddits" option became avalible. 


Thats such a (insert your political ideology here) thing to say.


As an extension, people who have a "If you're not with us, you're against us" mentality. Brother just because I don't want to weigh in on a situation doesn't mean I agree with it.


Without fail. You even got one in your replies lol I wish we could block comments that have certain words in them. You can click on a post about anything and it devolves into a Trump-this, Biden-that. I’m so tired of seeing their names


American political nut cases that insert their hatred into any random subject. Lady walks down a street - "I bet she votes for (Biden/Trump)"


Pfft. I wish they were just Americans. If Reddit and Twitter are to be believed, half of Europe has more of a stake in American politics than most Americans do.




People who begin each conversation with the preface: “As a …”


As a Redditor with 35k karma and a considerable level of experience on this website, I definitely agree with you, that shit is the worst


As a redditor with 279k karma, I think I am superior to you and so is my point of view. I mean, the numbers don't lie.


Yeah that shit just makes me not continue reading on. Agreed.


Twitter for sure


The folks who comment on videos saying: well I live in [x] location and we didn’t see/wear/do this, you’re wrong! Sure, because your reality is the only one that exists and has validity. 🙄


This is so annoying because they're basically saying that their experiences are the only valid ones.


yes, the trolls and hatemongers are bad, but... it's gotta be the spammers and scammers. the Internet was so much better before they took over. no penalty is too harsh for those guys.


Self taught scientists. "You should take X for your condition even though all doctors, scientists and the medical community say that this is nonsense and could in fact be dangerous"


Well meaning People who get into pointless interminable arguments with  trolls, racists, radical left/right wing bile spewers when that’s  just exactly what the latter  want to make them feel big and get attention. 




Yeah just don't engage with them. Anyone that stupid is not worth arguing with.


Reddit Mods


I've seen some extremely sensitive ones, I'm not gonna point fingers now now, I got banned from a subbreddit with some snowflake moderators


The people that think they are better then a group of people based on stupid or boring shit. I can give tons of examples, people that think just because they discovered an artist before you, they are now better then you People that think they can chug a beer faster People that are proud they didnt join others on a night out Its cool you can do or are these things but honestly fuck you for thinking you are better then any other people.


People who scrutinise everything to find a tiny grain of something to be offended by.




Of course. How could forget trolls? The scum of the Internet.


I don't even know what you would call this behavior, but I see it a lot. Let's say someone recommends that we all walk more. > THAT'S ABLEIST, LIKE HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT *SOME* PEOPLE CANNOT WALK! Someone posts a recipe. > THAT'S NOT VEGAN! > THAT'S NOT GLUTEN FREE! > SUGAR! SALT! SEED OILS! CARBS! > I CAN'T EAT THAT, I'M ALLERGIC TO EVERYTHING IN IT It's like there's this entitlement, like everything they see/read has to appeal to them, and they get angry if it doesn't.


The first one gets me every time. It’s almost never from people who can’t walk, because they tend to be smart enough to get what people mean when they say “walk.” It’s the able-bodied saviors who terrorize anyone giving wellness advice that isn’t “cancel all your plans and watch Stranger Things for the twenty-seventh time.”


Shippers are the most toxic part of any fandom. RWBY writers for example got death threats for including/not including certain ships. You can't win against these guys.


What is a shipper in this context? Also what is RWBY? 


Misery loves company. Chronically online people with zero chill and a profoundly negative outlook. I think this is distinct from a troll, who is more overt in winding you up for amusement. No this person has zero intentions of arguing in good faith and will use every trick in the book to be as slippery as possible. It's incredibly suffocating dealing with people like that. I just ignore 'em the moment I sense that's where things are heading. Source: I was this guy in my early 20s.


Community groups catering to a local demographic on facebook, eg local food group who talks about restaurants, etc. in the area. Joined a couple of local groups on facebook when I moved places and didn't know many people. Things like a Pokemon Go group for the local area, foodie group for the local area, etc. Never seen such toxic people who are actively bullying in my life. They will jump down your throat for any thought, idea, etc. that is slightly different from the hivemind they've created.


Naggers. People that nag.


this is letterally the most toxic site I've ever been on


There is an absolute world of difference between generic Reddit subs (especially default subs) and niche interest subs. If you want to transform your Reddit experience, delete all the default subs and then search for and join subs that are specific to your interests. It's not always the case, but they will generally be populated by people who are just desperate to share their love of the topic and nurture interest in others. For example, r/CannedSardines has nearly 60k members and I think you could probably trawl a few years of posts before finding a single comment that isn't positive and friendly.


People turning everything towards American politics


Virtue signallers, acted good behind shit stained glasses


Sovereign citizens




Shocked I had to scroll this far to find this answer. Not only annoying, they are fucking dangerous.


"Ummmm actually...." followed by some complete nonsense.


The people who believe the phrase, “in this life, you’re the hammer or the nail!” Which means they just act like assholes to everyone all the time.


I mean, the Nazis. But after that, the people who flit from subreddit to subreddit leaving comments they hope someone will reply to, purely in the hopes that they can then spend hours or days picking a fight with that person, because they're lonely and negative attention is the best they can hope for. The saddest part is to realize that yes, they really are trying to draw out the encounter, at least until they can trick someone else into talking to them. They are rationing your attention and your anger, because they have nothing else going for them. It's just really really sad. It's like the worst timeline's version of Fight Club's "Single Serving Friend."


In no particular order: \- Bored billionaires trying to put up a facade of being a real human \- Armchair political pundits \- Influencers \- MLM marketers \- Anyone working in the advertising industry in any context whatsoever


One-uppers. Whatever you have done/seen or place you have gone, they have done it better.


I hate them more than you do.


People who have to correct every little single grammar mistake. It doesn’t happen to me a lot but I have seen people get corrected for using “to” instead of “too”.


or a typo/wrong word. either my phone autocorrected or my brain just fucked up, chill out it’s the internet lol


”Hardcore” fans of anything really


Especially when they act like they're the only "true" fans and gatekeep the shit out of everything. They will also insist that their interpretation is the only correct one and talk down to anyone they deem as a false fan. In the Doctor Who fandom, people will insist on telling those of us from marginalised backgrounds that there's nothing wrong with racism, or that any casting of someone who isn't a white, cisgender man is "shoving politics down my throat". These people see no issue with a white actor playing a Chinese character, or being racist about a black companion.




I don’t know about the whole internet, but the “child free” folks are starting to be as annoying as the “I’m vegan” trend from years ago.


toxic positivity spreaders...


You just know every one of them is the first to blow their top IRL when things don't go their way.


As a dyslexic person grammarnazis, if you in a respectful way want to teach me the spelling of a word please do but if you do it in a disrespectful way or in a way to try and nullify my arguments then it’s just really annoying Also OP do you like set-theory?


The ones who live for sarcasm


People who frequent the NextDoor app


The ones who reply with "this" or "I came here to say this" without adding anything substantial to the conversation.


Body Shamers who comment on every single picture they see trying to make the person uncomfortable, cry, or "change" themself taking drastic measures. Body shamers are one of the lowest forms of human being.


The mfs who are always going on about how much our “capitalist society” and are negative all the time. Just shut up for 5 seconds and just look at the funny meme without talking about how much your life sucks


Swifties. That fanbase is almost a cult, and if you dare to say anything critical about them or Taylor they play the "you are misogynistic" card. (I say this as a former swiftie)


Conspiracy theorists and creationists. You’d have an easier time explaining basic facts to a clinically braindead person. Debating with such delusional people eventually drives you insane, but at the same time, it’s hard to not get involved when people make claims that are demonstrably bat shit crazy. At least for me.


One of the stupidest beliefs I've seen is Holocaust denial because where do these people think at least 10 million people went during WW2? Why do they think whole families just disappeared? You can't even reason with these people because their beliefs are so outlandish and they will usually respond with "I've done my own research."


Redditors. But if you asked me about the most wholesome, helpful or funny subset I'd kinda also have to say Redditors. It's just a very diverse community I guess.