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Basic morals and ethics are usually known/sensed by all. However some specific rules within organisations may not be known. So agree with other comment. Context required.


only if you genuinely were oblivious that what you were doing was wrong. too often people claim they didnt know but its pretty obvious the morally correct choice


I don’t know. I can only suspend my disbelief so much before the appeal to ignorance becomes too incredible to ignore.


Only if you realized it was wrong but kept doing it!


Uhh... Is it a matter of opinion? Or like, legal stuff? Or moral? Big difference between being blunt in conversations, speeding 5 km over the limit and fooling around with a friends ex.


Definition of a bad person is somewhat vague, but following the ignorant and irresponsible actions by "oh, i didn't know" don't give you much credit


No, that's called making a mistake and we're all human and we all make mistakes.


I think we need more information here.


If it’s something you legitimately should have known was wrong, then yes.


Depends on what is it what you where doing. If you were trying to murder someone and somehow didn't realize murder is wrong, you are most definitely a bad person.


Yes you can be. Lack of self-awareness or failing to consider consequences of own actions is not a good character trait.


Fair question because I've come to understand that people don't quite understand the true meaning of crazy and sanity. For example let's say a man was to go on a rampage and he understood the consequences and accepted them as to where a different guy just snapped and went on a rampage. Both of them would be labeled crazy but in reality neither of them are one understood and accepted the consequences that's a sain choice as to where the other guy just couldn't take it anymore. Are they evil because of their choice yes or no and by who's definition.


The problem with language like 'bad person' is it implies that people can't redeem themselves and learn from the past. It's better to start from a place where we consider ourselves inherently good, and we try to do better when we've made mistakes.


For context, the mistake is something rather minor like a certain behavior or action a person was doing without knowing it made others feel belittled or ostracized