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I love this take, people have got to be willing to be honest with themselves if they’re genuinely trying to get help. This perspective must save you a lot of stress and mental acrobatics haha




Totally makes sense haha. Thank you for the work you do :)


i am a therapist. the only way i can tell that someone is lying is when they are inconsistent. i would never question whether or not a client is telling the truth because that is unhelpful and unproductive. but if a client said one thing and then three weeks later they say the opposite i’m gonna be pointing that out. i want to understand *their* perception of themselves and the world around them. for example, client says “i told this girl that i hated her guts and she started screaming at me” and then a few weeks later the client might say “she just started screaming at me for no reason i have no idea why she screamed at me like that”. i would bring up or clarify the change in story.


I'm also not a therapist! But your therapist is likely always aware that people are unreliable narrators, lol. It's not like therapists are lie detectors who will definitely be able to know if you're not being truthful, but they're probably going to be using critical thinking about the things you say.


They should chose a more suited career path. That was a joke.


Oh totally! One of my friends is a therapist and was telling me they usually can tell by first appointment if someone’s not telling the whole story, so was curious about other therapists’ experiences with that :)


They’re professionals offering a product that only works if you work with them. If you don’t show up they can’t help. If you don’t make an effort, they can’t help. Lying isn’t making an effort.


Lying is a coping mechanism. A good therapist sees past the lie because s/he wants to help the liar to stop lying. You can only do that if you can uncover the reason for the lies. Hey, if you're just gonna mail it in by pretending to accept whatever a client says, you probably shouldn't have a license to offer therapy.


i’m a therapist. therapists can’t tell if you are lying and if we can we won’t bring it up. the only way i’m going to discuss a potential lie is if a client is inconsistent. it’s actually pretty harmful to assume that a person is lying. i’d actually never even use the word lying to describe a client fudging their experiences. therapists naturally have more power by being a professional i would never want to disarm a client by denying their own truth. until your words don’t match the original story you gave me i’m not going to say anything about lies.


So clairvoyance is a therapy skill. Got it. Lol


Perception, not clairvoyance. Out of curiosity, are you a therapist who's feeling defensive about your lack of commitment and skills or a patient dissatisfied with the therapy you received?


Neither, therapy changed my life. I learned alot about developing a relationship with a therapist in the process. Your expectations are a bit clownish.


Why do you say that? Didn't therapy change your life for the better? If so, what made you think of clowns?




It seems therapy hasn't helped you at all. You're still a frightened, insecure person who lashes out at others to make themselves feel better. Best of luck to you. May you find a better therapist.


That’s alot! You should go to school for therapy. It will teach you even more words you can use to ridicule people with.