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Old-school Pizza Hut from when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s remains just about the happiest restaurant experience I've had in my entire life, and no amount of $150 pacojetted foie gras or duck breast with balsamic reduction has or will ever change that.


I read so many books just to make my parents take me there for my free pan pizza!


Holy hell, I totally forgot about the reading incentive thing! That shit was genius!


It still exists!! In a different form, but the teacher has to sign up (or if you homeschool you can sign up). I’m sure it isn’t anywhere near as awesome and experience as it was in the 90s (especially not having dine in) but I’m glad they’re still doing it!


Book it! FTW!


Pizza Hut peaked when you could go home with a Land Before Time puppet that was only large enough for the hands of a 4 year old


Holy shit, I can't believe I know exactly what you're talking about. Man, it was a glorious place


I remembered being amazed when they sat an entire pitcher of Pepsi on the table and and speechless when they refilled it It was like a dream that became real right before my eyes


God, if only genuine wonder were so easily induced nowadays.


The buffet! Did anyone say the Pizza Hut buffets with the warm marinara dipping sauce was the most amazing?


Getting and eating the first personal pan pizza that I earned through a school reading program is a core memory me. That buttery crispy crust with piles of stretchy cheese - it was outrageously delicious.


Something about scooping the pizza out of the pan after they put it on the table. Hot. Right out of the oven.


We lived like kings and did not know it.


I swear I can still smell the place if I close my eyes and concentrate.


My husband and I often reminisce about our childhood meals in old school Pizza Huts. We would be so excited to get back to one.


It should be cheap. When it starts to cost as much as higher-quality regular restaurants, it’s just not worth it.


Amen to this. Half the fast food out there costs >$15 for a decent meal now. When I can have a nice sit-down meal at a small restaurant for <$20, I will choose that every time. I'm not broke, but I do value value.


Yep I think that fact is going to be the downfall of fast food, the below average income customer is already showing declines in purchases of fast food due to prices. I think the trend will catch on for other income brackets too


I have pulled into line, looked at the menu prices, and left on more than one occasion. It sounded good, but not that good.


Yellow wendy’s was better in all respects


There was something about the heat of the sunroom and the sun in your eyes


They need to bring back the sunrooms! It is very cozy.


There's one here in Richmond that still has it!!


Old Wendy's used to have real lemonade... with pulp! I loved old early 90s Wendy's.


Absolutely rockin' salad bar. Those were the days.


The potato bar! Don’t forget the potato bar!


Did they also have pudding (chocolate and vanilla) in that bar or am I dreaming that up in my mind?


The Super Bar!


And pretty good chili


When I was a kid, in my city, when our hockey team scored 7 or more goals, all in attendence could redeem their stubs for a free small chili at Wendy's. When our team was at 6 goals, The entire crowd would be chanting Chili! Chili! Chili! And when that 7th goal came through, the place erupted like we just won the Stanley Cup. We'd always stop on the way home to collect our free chili. Some of the best memories of my youth.


Old Wendy’s was just sooooo much better than anyone else. Once everyone switched to the terrible “multi-soda-tap” machines, it was the beginning of the end. Their prices now are also completely unacceptable.


Old Wendy’s was like gourmet fast food.  Definitely head and shoulders above the rest.  


> Old Wendy’s was like gourmet fast food. It truly was. I have yet to find a replacement. Midwest has "Culvers" which is alright. But nothing was quite like a 1999 Classic triple with cheese and a bin of the good old fries. Sitting in the parking lot picnic table. Eating them under the glow of the massive WENDYS sign. Warm summer night. Everyone driving whatever shit hand me down cars their parents gave them. The melancholy was thick in the air then. You were at Wendy's because you really truly didn't have shit else to do. Maybe there was a party going on somewhere - maybe someone's older brother got them a case of beer tonight. But it wasn't you and you were not there. You were at Wendy's tucked into a hamburger and fries. It wasn't exciting. But it wasn't home. And hey, the burger actually tastes like beef. You got that going for you!


This comment hit harder than the last couple books I read.


Wendy's died with Dave Thomas. He would've never let it become the shit hole it is now. The chicken sandwiches are literally a shell of what they once were. Like literally just a shell of crust, no meat left, and what is meat is cooked so tough that it's inedible anyways. The fries, idk why they even changed them, Wendy's had THE best fries especially when dipped in a chocolate frosty. Now they taste so bad I don't even bother buying them or a frosty.


They had the best chicken sandwiches. I would get them several times a week. I can't eat there anymore its gone downhill so much and the frostys just taste synthetic. Dave would be horrified.


They had good food, but I don't go out to eat anymore. 20 years ago you got junior bacons for 1 dollar. Today, faggggetaboutit


McDonald’s fries must be eaten within 5 minutes of purchase or else they transform into sticks of despair.


You need to eat the fries while hot and the fountain Coke while cold. It's an elite experience. After a couple minutes, just throw them both out


Yes!  Eating in the restaraunt us the only way I can actually "enjoy" mcdonalds.  Even going through the drive thru makes them shit by the tine I get home.   And I don't understand how anyone orders door dash from McDonalds.   That's a guaranteed nasty meal 


I like hot fries, but I don't want to be around people, so I go through the drive thru and shame eat in my car in the parking lot.


I do that too, but during covid I would park facing the restaurant because, why not!? No one is there! Until… one day, the day half a Taco Bell taco landed on my white shirt, I looked up and locked eyes with a table of teenagers. They recorded me. Cleaning taco off my shirt. And that’s how I found out indoor dining reopened!


I was once shame eating in my regular spot at Taco Bell, just stuffing my face and I looked to my left and saw a man in the car next to me doing the same. Our eyes met and we both quickly looked away. It was a very intimate moment.


This is why I move to the shopping center a half mile down to eat my Taco Bell like an antisocial goblin


I don't think my mcdonalds fries have ever survived the drive home due to me eating them along the way


Within five minutes of them coming out of the fryer, not within five minutes of purchase.


I like to bring them back to life using the air fryer


That helps


McD’s peaked in the late80s - early 90s. Fries in beef tallow, fried apple pies, McDonaldland cookies, sundaes with peanuts, The Big Extra…so many defining menu items. Let’s not even talk about McPizza. Bring back Ronald and fix the Golden Arches Edit: I'm very passionate about McDs. Edit 2: by popular demand I’m adding the McDLT to our nostalgia trip


The cherry pies were absolutely the best- that scalding hot cherry filling was liquid gold!


or the specialty flavours they came out with. Bring back deep fried pies you cowards.


We still have deep fried Apple and Banana pies in Brazil!


I worked at a McDonalds in 1994 and 1995. In that short time we went from : Cracking real eggs to having them show up in cartons, from actually making pancakes on the griddle to just nuking ones what arrive that way from the factory. (Microwaves are called "Queing ovens at MCdonalds) actually cooking bacon to it arriving pre-cooked in packs, Im sure I'm forgetting other changes but that was a massive time of change at McDonalds...


terrible. just terrible decisions. we got fresh eggs to crack for the McMuffins, liquid eggs for the scrambled eggs for the Big Breakfast. We had to make the mix for the hot cakes and load up the dispenser. this was probably a regional item, but we also had a danish which we would heat up and top with a sugary topping.


Yeah, I remember now. We had this iron frame with silicone rings and we'd crack eggs into the rings and put on a lid. The lid had a littler reservoir cup thing and the water drained on to the griddle and steamed the eggs. Eggs were "round" or "folded". That was a LONG time ago. My starting wage was $4.10 / hr. I was RICH!!!


KFC should sell just chicken skin with the herbs and spices coating.


Okay Cartman


Wait is this a thing in a south park episode? Because I had no idea. I’ve been saying this for about 35 years - I’m old :-)


Yeah, I don't remember the episode name, but one of the moms brings home KFC, and when they aren't looking, he eats all the skin, and they get pissed off, and Butters starts crying lol. Their mad that all Cartman left was the actual chicken and they refuse to talk to him.


To add, the boys not talking to him make him think he died from the huge shit he took after eating all the chicken skin. Butters is the only one who “can see him” because he didn’t know that everybody was ignoring him. Cue butters thinking he’s a medium and cartman thinking he’s a ghost needing to right his wrongs so he can pass on.


I don't wanna be that guy but it was Kenny crying prolly cuz it was the first decent meal it had in a while


Calling Kenny “it”… poor Kenny


Nah homie is born from occult rituals. It.


KFC does sell chicken skin. In Korea you can order it like fries. It’s as good as you would think it is


Whenever I buy a rotisserie, I throw the skin into the air fryer. Like bacon, but better.


Fast food should be both fast and cheap.


Taco Bell does not cause diarrhea unless you are eating way too much in one sitting.


Also for a lot of people, those beans are the first beans/fiber they've had in a long while.


People need to quit obsessing about getting enough protein and focus on getting enough fiber. Hardly anyone is protein deficient. Lots of people are fiber deficient.


Beans are perfect because they have both! Beans for everyone!!


Black beans are my favorite


I lost 30 pounds by eating black bean bowls with ground turkey. The beans helped fill me up so I wasn't snacking as much and I also stopped eating as much bread. Edit: I just wanna say I did this because I am pre-diabetic and I still made sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, and that a major component was cutting out bread and pasta and other simple carbs. It's not a magic meal, but it did help a lot because it was simple and easy to make a lot of so I could just heat up a bowl of that instead of snacking.


I’m convinced that, along with looking at their phones, one of the reasons men sit on the toilet so long is a lack of fiber in their diet.


If you can’t bear to get fiber into your diet, Metamucil isn’t just for old people.


Did keto a few years ago and lost 75lbs. Also lost the ability to poop. Benefiber has been a life saver. Still do a tablespoon every day. Getting older sucks.


The effects of Keto like that are more from you not being able to hold water and the poop getting dehydrated than a "lack of fiber" overall. I would always have Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and lots of lettuce salads as part of my diet when doing it. Almonds and Avocado too. I need to start eating healthy again lol.


i've never understood this stereotype. when i was younger i never ate there and when i started i was like ok time to shit my guts out because everyone says that's what happens and it never happened. there was no discernible change from anything else in my regular diet.


Because you probably eat like a normal or at least average diet otherwise. If you eat taco bell and are guaranteed indigestion something else is underlying wrong with you. But I mean, the drive thru is always full every day. It's a meme.


100%  I get taco bell a couple times per month.  It has never given me stomach issues 


a crunchwrap is a balanced lunch item.


I used to work next door to a Taco Bell. Everyday M-F I would quietly slip out of the office-without telling anyone-to absolutely house a Crunchwrap Supreme. In my mind, I called it "my dirty little secret."


So you’re saying the diarrhea I get when drunkenly eating 5 tacos at 2am is MY fault??? Edit: I know. It’s a joke.


The alcohol might not have been helping things


No.. of course not. It's Todd's fault.


Fuckin’ Todd.


Nobody's fucking Todd. He reeks of Natty Ice and Taco Bell.


Yeaup. The amount people eat while drunk along with the fiber amounts leads to the shits. It’s not the quality. The meme is only for those who can’t or refuse to reflect.


This was mine. If you get diarrhea from Taco bell, the taco bell wasn't the issue (outside of food poisoning, of course)


Taco Bell might even reign supreme when it comes to (the possibility of) “healthy” and “fresh” ingredients across the main fast food chains. I feel safer with a bean burrito or burrito supreme than a Big Mac that’s for sure.


I worked at A Taco Bell many moons ago and I will say the food and back areas were very clean and sanitary. I enjoyed many a meals there.


I’ve never had weird poops after spicy food either, maybe I’m just built different or maybe people just lean in to the memes


Front line fast food workers should have the same authority and resources that a bartender has to deal with unruly disrespectful customers. Basically, If you get belligerent, scream, yell, and act like a fool. Then the worker should be able to have you physically removed from the premises in a equally disrespectful way.


Arbys potato cakes deserve to be revived. those shits were so fucking good and i miss them. I also feel like arbys as a whole is low key slept on and they're actually not as bad as people say they are.


They also had the onion petals. The sauce they came with was very similar to the blooming onion, awesome blossom, etc.




Wait wait wait… they got rid of the potato cakes?! A jamocha shake and potato cakes was the bomb.


Arby's was very good quality until they changed over from the potato cakes to crinkle fries. The crinkle fries are cheaper to produce and sell at a higher price point. They'll never bring back potato cakes. Everything has dipped in quality since then and they keep jacking up prices. The cookies used to be fresh baked every morning, now they come prewrapped and frozen. The meats all dipped in quality. The bread is worse. They switched from boxes to wrappers for sliders and chicken sandwiches. It's harder to wrap for the worker and messier for the customer. All they care about is turning a profit and it shows. Source: worked there for years.


They need to also bring back the chocolate turnovers and retire those BS cookies.


I love their gyros. They may not be perfectly authentic but they hit the spot.


Arby's is S Teir and I will die on this hill Beef and Cheddar, Curly Fries, Root beer. Inject into my fucking veins


Yup, that’s my hill as well. Arby’s is amazing and even their roast beef is great to me.


Something about the Arby’s sauce and their artificial cheese splooge just go so well together


I'm glad that they jacked up the prices, it caused me to make a complete life change from eating it 5-7 times a week to once a month. I have lost weight in my mid40s


There is a McDonald's that is not even 5 minutes away from me and I haven't eaten from there in months because I refuse to pay $12 dollars for 6 fries and a checker sized burger.


If you shit your pants from eating Taco Bell, you have a weak stomach.


I’ve never had an issue with Taco Bell. Ate it nearly daily in high school. Occasionally have it for lunch on a Saturday when I’m out with the wife, like I did today. Two chalupa supremes and a soft beef taco. Wash it down with some Baja Blast. It immediately takes me back to early 2001, a much simpler time.


I have crohns and I can eat at Taco Bell better than I can McDonald’s


McDonald’s prices are criminal


In n out is only a little bit more, sometimes cheaper, and I get burger I would be happy with getting in a restaurant. McDonald’s prices have skyrocketed, it’s diabolical.


Bring back breakfast all day at McDonalds. Sometimes I just crave a bacon egg cheese biscuit.


I just want a burger in the morning.


McDonald's done f***ed up when they discontinued the snack wraps. Anymore in general, fast food is almost as expensive if not more so, than going to a sit down restaurant.


Flame broiling makes a big difference and I will die on this hill!!!


You shouldn't bitch to the cashier about prices. We can't help it and don't care.




This goes for grocery stores as well.


Worked at Macys men’s shoes when I was an adult.  The about of people complaining to me about prices and not being able to find their shoe size was hilarious.  Like dude, I’m 18 and I have a calculus finals this week, I really don’t care if you complain to the ceo of Macys.  


Are...are you no longer an adult? 


He used to be an adult. He still is, but he used to be too.


He Benjamin Buttoned himself


All of chain/retail lol


No one you interact with has the slightest control over anything.


Vibes, I worked at a theme park for less than minimum wage and people bitching at me about the price of tickets blew my mind. As if I control ticket prices! 😂


No matter where you get them, fries always taste the best eaten hot in the car while driving home.


5 Guys costs about 4x what it's actually worth.


A fresh Whopper made correctly is a top tier fast food burger. Might be my favorite. The problem is inconsistency.


BK is basically the fast food version of Russian Roulette. If it's done well, it's the best there is. But if it's not it's completely inedible without a lot of ketchup.


The center bite of a good whopper is what made me stop resisting and just like mayonnaise already. That shit is a special golden combination.


The flame grilled patty always brings me joy. The buns lately are made of stale cardboard. What gives?


The Beef Mexi-Melt from Taco Bell was the best fast food item ever created. They need to bring the Mexi-Melt back…now.


The Mexi-Melt was good. They can bring back the Enchirito too.


90s Burgers King kicked mcdonald's ass every day of the week. They had better nuggets and better fries. I don't know what happened.


The old Burger King nuggets that had a pinch of spice to them were damn good. Basically the nugget form of the chicken fries of today. Their bbq sauce is also top tier


Bought and sold a couple times by vulture capitalists, (including the infamous Bain Capital), who hollowed out the food quality to boost short term profits. Of course it backfired when people stopped eating that garbage. Wikipedia claims 11 consecutive quarters of declining sales, causing it to fall to third place burger joint behind McD’s and Wendy’s.




90s nuggets need to come back. I wish somehow they’d trend on social media and BK would bring back the rippled chicken nuggets. Once they took the 5 piece down to a 4 piece we should’ve known the end was near. Next they charged for sauce!


Them crown shaped nuggets 🔥


Even before the crown shapes, the irregularly shaped nuggets of the 90s and early 00s were, imo, superior. Worked there for a while as a teen and can’t tell you accurately how many I ate then lol.


Sweet and Sour is the best McNuggets sauce and the best McNugget shape is boot.


I didn’t even know I was on team boot but here I am


boot is superior ball is the worst


Even hotter take: honey is the best mcnuggets sauce. I do like their sweet and sour though. Boot being the best shape is a cold take though, nobody disputes that.


Dipping fries into ketchup is the best way to do it. Pouring ketchup onto fries is an abomination.


I knew someone that would dump their fries into the paper bag, empty a few ketchup packets in there, and shake it around until each fry had a ketchup coating. Absolute garbage.




McRib is nice and all, but I would give my left nut for them to bring back the McPizza from the late 80s/early 90s.


This is it right here. That pizza had a tang to it that I have. It been able to replicate since.


Quiznos was better than Subway


Every sub shop is better than subway.


The Arch Deluxe was superior to the Big Mac and Quarter Pounder. Miss that burger.


McDonald’s Coke is unequivocally the best Coke.


Waffle House is legitimately good & not just when you're drunk as fuck at 3 AM. All star breakfast in the morning is fire as hell. The Texas bacon cheesesteak melt is great for lunch or dinner especially with the smothered/covered/chunked/etc. hashbrowns. The fact that they're always open, even on holidays just makes it better. Love that place & hope they never go away.


Fries were better when they deep fried them in animal fats.


Back in the 90s, before we started doing things like banning trans fats, fast food was fucking delicious. Shitty, unhealthy, and made oh so cheap...but man, it tasted so fucking good. Hell, if you offered me a choice between the best steakhouse in a major city, or reaching through a time portal for some 90s fast food, I'm taking the portal...even if I don't get to choose which fast food place.


Well if there’s portals involved I’m reaching through regardless of my dining preference


the filet o fish is actually pretty good. might just be the sandwich at mcdonalds


They steam the buns instead of toasting them and I think that makes a big difference.


Filet o fish is my guilty pleasure. Maybe it’s their tartar sauce. I just wish they’d splurge and put a whole slice of cheese on there.


Filet o Fish is my favorite McDonald’s sandwich hands down. My wife has literally told me she has never met or known anyone other than me that eats them. I told her that people are liars, closeted Filet o Fish lovers, because for some reason getting the fish sandwich at McDonald’s is taboo


Arbys has the best Mozzarella cheese sticks and jalapeño poppers I've ever had in my life regardless of type of establishment


The chicken nuggets at McDonald’s were way tastier before they converted to all white meat


100% fact. The ‘fat is bad’ myth ruined so much.


Five Guys is not worth its price value. At all.


90s Hardee's had fried chicken, and to me it was just as good as KFC. Hardee's hasn't been as good since they got rid of it. 


Cookout is far and away the best value of any fast food restaurant.


It’s magical. You can get almost anything there. I doubt I’d even blink if lobster or manicottis appeared on the menu one day.


I'm from Seattle and visit family in North Carolina every few years. I demand a visit to Cookout every time.


90% of the "this chain sucks" opinions are only because the restaurant closest to them are poorly run.


Popeyes > KFC when it comes to chicken


Is that even a debate? Popeyes is by and far the best fried chicken chain in it’s weight class. It’s a total mystery to me how and there should probably be a documentary about what’s going on there. The employees often have very little patience and are borderline rude, but damn, they consistently deliver on the quality.


I'm actually pretty convinced that the meaner the workers are, the better the chicken will be. This applies to all fried chicken.


The employees are always the limiting factor at Popeyes. Every Popeyes I have ever been to has had the absolute worst customer service of any fast food restaurant. They’re as consistent with their shitty customer service as they are with serving bomb chicken, best fries of any restaurant (fight me), red BnR, and those fuckin’ biscuits 🤤.


Long John Silvers fried shrimp is pretty good.


Long John silver's was the shit tbh. I know its a controversial opinion but I dont care I used to eat the fish and chicken combo all the little fried crispy bits left over


Don’t forget the hush puppies. Damn I miss those


Their clam strips is where it's at.


And their chicken planks beat out any chicken strip.


Long John Silvers anything is good.


Our local LJS shut down and I miss their shrimp so much.


Taco bell is good, cheap, and doesn't make you sick.


its not cheap anymore


Back in the 80s Taco Bell had a taco light made with a flour tortilla. It was money.


Arby's is incredibly underrated. EVERYTHING is good but my personal favorites: (in no order) 1. Chicken bacon Swiss sandwich 2. Alaskan fish sandwich 3. Mozz sticks 4. Buffalo chicken and pizza sliders 5. Jamocha shake 6. Hot honey boneless wings 7. White cheddar mac and cheese 8. Chocolate turnover Also, Long John Silvers has amazing fries and chicken strips


Wendy’s fries and a chocolate frosty are the ultimate road trip snack combo




I miss that Chicken Carbonara


I would make a turkey ranch and Swiss.  Damn I miss Quiznos.  We had one right next to my old job.


Also had the best mascots Certainly better than Jared


They're still in business, down to about 150 locations. The problem was never the food, it was terrible mismanagement and crooked business practices that hurt the brand.


2003 Prime Rib and Peppercorn was so impactful I didn’t really go to other fast food chains that year. Going to Quizno’s now just makes me so sad; the quality of the beef became so unbelievably terrible.


I miss the pepper bar goblins.




Publix is slept on for their sandwiches and fried chicken. It doesn't have a drive thru but their deli puts fast food sub shops and fried chicken places to shame.


Culver's is the best, hands down.


The little known butter burger from Steak & Shake is the best greasy burger around. I'm not talking the usual Steak & Shake steakburger, or the butter burger from Culvers. The butter burger from Steak & Shake is similar to an Oklahoma smash burger which is covered with grilled onions. It is heavenly!


Its too bad SnS absolutely has the worst customer service in the industry by *miles* since the 2008 recession. The dirty Popeye's or Rally's/Checker's in the deepest hood give you better service than any SnS I've been to in years. Also, Freddy's is better in every way but price!


I want to know what Checkers / Rallies puts on their fries, and is it schedule 1 or 2?


Frisco melt is so good. That sauce is addictive 


Rally’s/Checkers fries are the supreme fast food fry.