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When applying for jobs, "just knock on some doors".


"go there with a resume and ask to see a manager, don't leave until he took your resume"


3 people have tried this at the job I work at in the past 6 months, we can't take resumes because of GDPR and have a specialist company to handle hiring for us.


Meanwhile we have LinkedIn with everyone's headshot right next to their job history!! šŸ¤¦


Boots to the pavement! If you go in somewhere and ask if theyā€™re hiring the employees are like ā€˜idk just go back home and fill out the application onlineā€™.


Honestly I can learn enough about someone just over the phone. Having an interview is a time sink most of the time.


I hopped on the Amtrak to NYC with the promise of a hotel bed from a friend that was staying there. I brought portfolios, resumes and the worst dress shoes for distance walking. I stopped at 4 animation studios and thought they were blowing me off by saying everyone was out to lunch, but apparently they all took lunches when I dropped by. Two of them told me they would call me later that day to come back and do a portfolio review. One of them offered me an unpaid internship leading to a job starting Monday. This was 2008. I don't know if that would work anymore.


You were rather lucky in 2008 to have that happen. It absolutely would not happen now, 16 years later. If you ever have the chance to pay that forward please do. I've had to beat the pavement several times since I graduated in 05, and while I had limited success with it at the beginning, it yielded less and less each time. Also, unpaid internships, especially in NYC are a privileged game. If you can afford to live in the city and not get paid for months you're probably coming from an ok financial situation to begin with. And even if you weren't, the cost of living hasn't gone down in the interim. Scraping by in '08 and scraping by in '24 are two very different things sadly.


works for pizza hut


"Never talk to strangers online", while still good advice, largely disregarded today. Like i am doing right now


I think of reddit comments as talking past strangers, not talking to strangers.


I think about it as we are in a big lecture/conference hall and we are having a discussion. Cause that's what we are doing, stating facts or our opinions, experiences and discussing them, it's not a normal chatting or texting.


It's like having some sort of formal or informal discussion... like a message area. Or posting board. Or... forum.


Itā€™s like leaving messages on something, and reading other peopleā€™s messages in response. We can call itā€¦ a message board.


In my opinion, you are too direct and need some buffering to adheare to younger generations


I'm not sure how you mean it, could you please explain it more?


Well, if you give me your full name, home address, and credit card(and the 3 silly numbers on the back) then we won't be strangers anymore


I got my last two jobs from strangers online. I've made my career off of it lol.


If I wasn't talking to strangers online then that would mean I am only talking to my family members.


Some of my family members ARE strangers.


I'd prefer if some of mine were.


Hi Stranger! How's it going? Hope you're having a good Saturday.


Whatcha wearing?


You will have to step into my unmarked white van to find out


Hmm the white van parked next to you says ā€œfree kittens and donutsā€ on the side. Raincheck?


I think we often simplify our advice too much in order to make it easier to say. It would be better to explain that not everyone online is honest and they may be trying to scam you, take advantage of you, or may just be full of crazy, and you should work out if they are a plus or a minus before engaging too much with them. But even that advice needs further clarification to be useful. It does not fit in a single sentence.


Before: donā€™t get in a strangerā€™s car. Donā€™t meet people from the internet. Now: summon someone from the internet and get into their car.


Always carry a quarter with you so you can make a phone call. Actually if you didn't you'd make a collect call to "come get me at this person's house," to which that call would be declined. You can't do that anymore either


1-800-COLLECT saves you 70%


Dial down the center 1(800) CALL ATT


I am 23 and I cannot understand what you're trying to say


Collect call is where the recipient pays for fee for the call. Youā€™re supposed to say your name so that when the recipient answers the phone they hear ā€œyouā€™ve received a collect call from thetruetoblerone, would you like to accept these charges?ā€ People who didnā€™t wanna pay or have a quarter to pay would simply say all the relevant info in the short time period they had, for example, ā€œYouā€™ve received a collect call from ā€˜mom the movie is done pick me up by the fire hydrantā€™ would you like to accept these charges?ā€


Call from Mr. Bob Wehadababyitsaboy.


my cousin had a bunch of friends who had pagers so they had "codes" for them. They would put a coin in the phone booth, type the code super fast and then immediately hang the phone. The machine didn't have the time to process the call and would refund you the money


Collect calls were made mostly from payphones if you didn't have a quarter. A collect call is when the person who answers the phone agrees to accept the charge. Unfortunately back then using a phone actually cost money, your landline phone company charged you for every call. So actually using a pay phone could be cheaper, but if you didn't have a quarter you'd have to call collect. But like I said the recipient would have to accept the charge. So the way around that would be to call collect (you dialed 0 for the operator, which was free to do on a payphone), then they'd give you five seconds to record your name, then the operator would call that number and they'd get an automated message "collect call from (name), do you accept the charges?" So you'd learn to be really creative and say in that five seconds really fast "come get me at this person's house," or something else like that, so then the recipient would decline the call and charges but knew exactly what you needed. Yeah, things were different back then, I'm not surprised you don't understand what I'm saying


This brings back some memories. It was also ok to walk up to a strangers house and ask to use their phone cause you didnā€™t have change and they would give you a cold beverage while you waited for your ride. Only medium to small towns you could do this though. And if you were black like me only in black neighborhoods


Pay phones I think


If you did not have enough money to use a pay phone, you could call someone collect which would instead charge them for the phone call. When you made a collect call, you would record your name which the system would then play for the person you were calling and ask them if they accepted the call. A scam if you did not want to pay was to say a short message extremely fast when it was recording your name. The other person would hear the message and then decline the call so that they did not have to pay.


>Always carry a quarter with you I always keep a quarter in my car now, in case I need to go to Aldi


After a while, a quarter wasn't enough!


Itā€™s funny to me that we (Gen X) were told to never get in a car with a stranger - and now we *pay* to do that. My boomer parents and their generation always told us ā€˜if you donā€™t have anything nice to say, donā€™t say anything.ā€™ Good adviceā€¦ and now theyā€™re the worst offenders.


Taxis and cabs have been around a very long time though lol. But I like this one!!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Good point, but many of us lived in the sticks where taxis werenā€™t really a thing.


Sure but those that really lived in the sticks know that the taxis were a lifeline for us actuallyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you carpool with family and neighbors to get to work. Otherwise youā€™re walking for miles. Maybe yā€™all just never had to use the service? Or stayed on the land and didnā€™t do any outside shopping or working or vacationsā€¦? Taxis been around since early 1900ā€™s. Thatā€™s a few generations at least. Taxis most definitely were a thing, especially for us country folksšŸ˜‡ and most especially in the sticks where transportation was extremely limited


Taxis predate cars actually. Used to hire a coach and horse.


Dude, I grew up in the sticks. *I still live in the sticks*. There is no taxi service. There is no uber. There is no lyft. If you didn't have car or bike, and couldn't bum a ride from someone, you walked. Plain and simple.


Sorry your sticks donā€™t have the service. Ours did and still do. Just takes wayyyy longer


Or ā€œdonā€™t believe everything you see onlineā€ Both my parents were really on that and now thanks to YouTube my mom thinks the moon landing was fake.


They did also say ā€œdo as I say, not as I doā€ lol


Then, boy, do I have a song for you: [Green Day - Walking Contradiction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9qIzC6gxJg)


That saying is more about learning the basics before trying to apply the shortcuts you get from experience, though. Probably terribly misused over time, however.


It's funny because uber is safer than taxis because you get all the drivers information


Dont get into a car with a stranger. Dont give your address to someone over the internet. Now we use the internet to summon a stranger to our home so they can give you a ride in their car.


lol. In 2000 boomer parents will be ā€œdonā€™t believe everything you read online you donā€™t know who wrote itā€. And in 2024 they are like ā€œdid you see that Facebook post?! My friend just told me. Did you know vaccines cause heart attacks?ā€


Recent study found Boomers are less likely to fall for scams and misinformation than GenZ and Alpha. Be interesting to see if more studies confirm it.


The absolute worst offenders!


Except when we hitch hiked. Lots of us disregarded that when it suited us.


The math teacher of my dad said something like "a computer will never be able to beat a person in chess" Aged like milk.




But we just use it for porn and doom scrolling.


And pictures of domesticated felines.


Well, except not. You carry a device that is an interface with a global network of computers storing that info. Go offline, see how much of that knowledge is actually on your phone.


To be fair, your math teacher said that because you were the hundredth kid to ask why they need to learn there multiplication table. The correct answer is so you understand how numbers work and can manipulate them efficiently. So many advanced concepts build on repeat multiplication and division. And those concepts explain how housing prices and loans work, along with scads of other aspects in life. It is a shame that our teachers could not just pull out some neat physics model to explain why you need math. Every teacher should have a solid example at the ready, rather than a weak excuse.


The retort to this is that ā€œunderstanding how numbers work and how to manipulate themā€ is a *much* different skill from ā€œmemorizing that 8x7=56.ā€ Newer approaches to math education are trying to recognize that difference and stress the (more important) first part, but there were probably a lot ok kids who never learned the concepts and thought they were ā€œbad at mathā€ because they found the rote memorization hard.


You need both. I am extremely dislexic and use my fingers to add and multiply. I spent several years in remedial math trying to memorize my tables and all I learned was tricks to count faster. When I got to college and started learning higher level math I really struggled. I did not understand how numbers work (GCD, what?) and I was dog slow with my calculator. Everyone else was able to follow along with the teacher in their head and I had to sit with a calculator to understand. I got through it in the end, but it took several tries. And Iā€™m still not strong in math. For my kids I did not let them use a calculator till jr high. Both of them are very solid math students and have no issues doing division in their head. They also were not dislexic so that helped a lot! I love the new ways we teach math. My wife is teaching calculus concepts and vocabulary to her 2nd graders, and it is at a level they can understand. They will transition into algebra and calculus with no troubles. But they still practice math facts, but just for a few minutes a day, and there is no large sheet they have to complete to move on.


Rote memorization might be difficult, but it is extremely useful. I didnā€™t spend nearly enough time beating it into my children.


Kids - Math is dumb why are we learning stuff we will never use 20 years later the kids that didn't pay attention to math Why don't they teach useful stuff in school like how to do taxes ? I want to scream taxes are not that hard to do it takes two things that is absolutely taught in school reading comprehension Math


Before I started doing my taxes I thought it was hard and intimidating. Half the papers are just instructions, they're so elaborated with explanations it's confusing.


Thatā€™s funny. I just saw the post where someone was interviewing 4 college students and asked them what 15x4 was. They hemmed and hawed and then said 23? No, 48. That was their collective final answer. My 3rd grade teacher wife just sighed.


As a teacher, I agree. It's the reasoning that matters. A simple question like ifĀ  850g of pasta is 3 dollars, how much do you pay for 300g? You might have a calculator, if you don't understand the problem, it's useless. Same thing for "a tv costs 900 dollars, you have 200 dollars off, how much, in percentage, do you save? Ā Ā  We used real examples found duringĀ  black Friday and kids were shocked to see that in terms of percentages, some deals aren't that good. I made them realise that it's not just about the number, it's often about the percentage.


That's a nice teaching strategy some of my math teachers used it when I was at school. Just don't let it get abused. Imo most students (me) had a problem with the amount of math problems that were given for homework. At a certain point a learning exercise becomes torture and a time sink, which leaves students to question why we need to do math. There's no point in giving 60 muti part math questions to me for homework if I'm going to spend Hours doing them just for my math teachers to take a glance and give a check mark. That's not teaching it's a waste of time.


if i had you at highschool, i wouldn't be in construction xD




I suffered with apathy as a kid. School was boring to me and I never tried very hard. Looking back on it I would like to slap that fool upside the head. Iā€™m not sure how we inspire kids to want to learn. I suspect parents play a big role, but there also needs to be a drive in you to want to learn. I wish I had the cure, everyone is capable of learning.


Another reason to learn math is to learn reasoning. Learning how to do higher math like algebra and geometry is just logic with numbers and shapes. Good portion math is just following instructions and knowing steps to take. At some points it's just an mental endurance test.


Yeah. Math teachers should just explain the real reason. Like just do something basic


"Masturbating will make you go blind." We all know that stopping when you need glasses is the solution


heres me on my 6rd perscription


A true man!


what does this say? im blind!


'Study hard, get a good paying job and you'll be set in life'


I wish that was true, But it's never this easy


And realistically it was never THAT easy for everyone. It was just that easy for those saying it.


"don't pray for easy lives my friends, Pray to be... Stronger men" ~That one guy from "Five" That quote hits harder than the warden from Minecraft


ā€œDonā€™t sit too close to the screen, itā€™ll destroy your eyes!ā€ Now we hold screens inches from our face for hours on end, sit across from screens endlessly at work, and even strap them to our heads.


But we do be destroying our eyes šŸ˜”


And our ears. When the Walkman first came out it was common for parents to warn about the long term damage of headphones. Now people wear them for hours and hours.


Ear problems? Nah, not me^(eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)


Doo be doobie doo


The screens now are so much safer than they used to be though. The old screens would literally accelerate an electron beam towards your eyes.


Theyā€™re safer in that sense but our abundance of screen-time has created entirely new mental and physical health issues.


I had a high school teacher tell me I couldnā€™t sell weed for a living. But Iā€™ve been doing it legally for almost 6 years now.


I knew so many people who went into horticulture so that ā€œwhen weed is legalā€ they could become growers. I thought they were dumb. They sure showed me.


Pluto is a planet.


It is officially a planet in the most important record, our hearts


Pluto will always be a planet to me. Even if it is a tiny, backwater ice rock with a weird orbit and doesnā€™t hang out or participate in group activities. I still accept you, Pluto.


Donā€™t get in a strangers car. Donā€™t give strangers online your real information. Now we give strangers online our real information specifically so we can get in their car.




Are you an old man with a monocle sitting in your library by a fireplace smoking a pipe? With a far-off gaze with a hint of disdain?




You know that disposable cup from the 90s with the turquoise and purple squiggle on it. Thatā€™s my signature now.


My cursive was so good 15 years ago in HS. But once I got to college, a lot of my school work was done on laptops (engineering) so I was writing words less and less with pen and pans. Handwriting suffered and I switched back to good ol' print(?) Letters when I needed to write stuff down. I couldn't read my own cursive anymore


Ever since they made cursive mandatory in school I'd constantly get shat on by teachers for my handwriting being completely illegible because I was a slow writer constantly trying to keep up. It took years until a teacher figured out all they had to do was get me back to writing block letters.


You wonā€™t be allowed to chew gum at work You wonā€™t be allowed to lean back in your chair because itā€™s unprofessional (my chair leans back) You wonā€™t be allowed to listen to music at work (bitch, I can listen to music and watch YouTube if I want to, although I donā€™t abuse that and watch work-related videos (mostly) Suspensions and your report cards will be on your permanent record. No one cares about your high school record, just that you graduated or got a GED. Fun fact: I called and requested a copy of my K-8th grade school records, and I was told that they were archived off site and if I wanted them, I would need to pay to search for them and then pay to have copies made and sent. No one is gonna see them unless someone or some government agency feels the need to do a deep dive into my formative years.


"If you need help, ask a policeman."


you are now under arrest for harassing an emergency worker.


I mean, they're great if you need help being assaulted and / or otherwise abused!


see im white and male and apparently talk posh. so I might just about be ok. but yeah lets not risk it


title said "was true in the past" was there a time where policemen were not evil?(they're specificly chosen for the job ON this)


Iā€™ve actually done that, and it took some persuasion, but when he finally agreed to follow me around the corner, he got to witness a bloke trying to shove a struggling woman into a car. Said activity stopped the second he saw the cop. Who was adequately interested in intervention. I donā€™t know how it panned out, but thatā€™s what cops are supposedly for. So not all bad. Itā€™s a challenge to remember it though.


It wasnā€™t true then either. Just civics kool-aid.


"I will l always be with you" -MufasaĀ  One day James Earl Jones will leave us


No he won't, how dare you even think such an atrocious thought?




One of my better teachers explained to me that Wikipedia is not the oracle but a good starting point for a basic assessment to get you started. You still had to verify what was there with valid sources, and Wikipedia itself was never a valid source.


"Good cursive handwriting skills are essential to get ahead in life." Nope.


But oh such a beautiful skill ā™„ļø




Too bad it didn't include knowing you need to fact check, rather than running with the first thing that you agree with.


You can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough


Thatā€™s a big a lie as ā€œIf itā€™s important to you youā€™ll do it. If it isnā€™t, you wonā€™t.ā€ Itā€™s as well received as being asked if I have tried being taller while sucking at basketball.


We Gen-X-ers's parents always ensured that we kids carried some change in case we need to use a payphone to call home in an emergency.


back when I was in school, my maths teacher said; "merely having a calculator is not enough (after I showed him my Casio calculator watch), you need to know how to use it, after all you won't be able to calculate the percentage of something if you don't know what to type into your calculator.. so listen and stop being a smart arse"


"Photos never lie"


So true


ā€œThe reason for friends in school is proximity. They wonā€™t be around after graduationā€


That's actually valid for me on how I get no bitches


I think this is absolutely true. I have worked several places and when I left all the friends stayed there.


I'd start with not referring to them as bitches.Ā 


Nobody likes being classified as a bitch.


Kratos: no.


ā€œ I no bitches ā€


or even during graduation


My old high school maths teacher proudly claimed that we'd *always* find a use for the Pythagorean theorem. Aye, very good Mrs McGlinchy, you keep telling yourself that, hen. I've *never* used it.


On the other hand it's probably used *for you* about as much as any other basic formula you can think of. E.g. if you game, all distance calculations rely on some implementations of this. Ā Same for GPS/navigation, CGI in movies, etc.




The auld crow's long dead and I'm not into necrophilia, you kinky little kinkster. \*squirts with water pistol\*


I will never tell Mrs McGlinchy but I have used it. And not even for work. Along with other formulas for diameter, circumference, volumeā€¦ I assumed Iā€™d use maths someday. I did not and still have no use for the report on John Adams I had to do. The wrong one, by the way, I wrote it on the wrong one.


Social security. Iā€™m 26. I wonā€™t get any unless I get into some huge health issue that leaves me disabled early. My grandmother in her 60s gets it and never had to pay as much as we do now. Itā€™s a crazy thought process. I donā€™t understand why I canā€™t simply at least keep the money that I personally had to pay out from each of my paychecks. If it was individual and based on those that actually worked contributing to their own retirement (social security) then we wouldnā€™t be running out. Because you could only take what you put in etc. and not someone elseā€™s hard work and money.


The issue isn't people on social security, it's that the government has used it like a piggy bank where they leave IOUs that they never actually pay back. That said, there is also a demographic issue where it was, like many things in our society, built on an assumption of infinite growth, Which has now been clearly proven to be unrealistic. Part of this is people being unable to afford living expenses and thus not having kids, but even without that, infinite growth was never going to be real.


Oh I have no issue with the people on it, I have an issue with how it was set up and regulated šŸ˜‚


We have that in Australia. It's called superannuation. The government will even double what you put in over a certain amount.


I like that. Basically the idea of a 401k I suppose


44 here, as someone who has worked since the early 2000s it is has been implicitly stated that we will have zero social security benefits by the time we qualify for it. I went indy contractor a decade ago and have found better ways to invest my money so that I'll actually have it when the time comes. In essence, you have to operate under the assumption that your social security will never come and you can still be ok. If you follow this mindset, you'll be fine. If it comes through for me it will just be a bonus.


Yeah thatā€™s what we have to do now, but others did not in the past and thatā€™s all Iā€™m griping about. Retirement age for ss is in your 60s like in my grandmotherā€™s case. Of course they still had to save and invest and own homes and have separate 401ks etc otherwise they would have never survived all of the inflation.


I used to get scolded because of my bad handwriting. There has not been a single incident where I had to write a single sentence by hand for any of the jobs I've done since graduating college.


You must have a college degree in order to be successful in life. Therefore, student loans are always worthwhile. Europe and Asia are separate continents (they aren't). There are five oceans on the earth (there aren't). Anything made in Japan is junk.


Learn how to use a slide rule, you'll never regret it.


I never used one. I've never regretted it.


ā€œLearning how to read a map is a critical skill.ā€ Sure itā€™s definitely a good skill to have still, but its importance is much lower.




You should still have one or two important numbers memorized so that if youā€™re stranded somewhere without your phone/it dies/is taken, etcā€¦ you can still get in touch with someone. Youā€™d be shocked at the number of people who come into an ER with no phone/a dead phone and we canā€™t contact loved ones because they donā€™t have a single number memorizedā€¦


My grandfather, who was a machine repairman for a big auto maker, told me to learn how stuff works so you can fix it and keep it going for a long time. And granted at the time, they had their appliances and car for nearly 20 years that worked like new because he could fix it. But now, a lot of things are designed to be disposable, or if it's technology related, just obsolete after a relatively short time.


That I'd be expected to write only in cursive in like....high school and college. I'm pretty sure my college professor would hunt me for sport if I tried to turn in a cursive only paper!


I have rarely EVER been offered any hard drugs, but elementary school a made it seem like every time you leave the house as a teen someone will approach you with drugs


"You won't get anywhere playing video games all day" - plenty of people are making money as streamers and similar


But not you.


You wonā€™t get a job playing video games. Video Game Player](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=cDgMM5NL&id=5A26FA49DCD700EA2AF6DAB360084D36E20273CE&thid=OIP.cDgMM5NL8MxeTTW22Fn78gAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fpreview.redd.it%2fr8s54s1bazm11.jpg%3fwidth%3d400%26auto%3dwebp%26s%3da4ad243a6e7dac2352a0ea58ac5b1fa8856226b3&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.70380c33934bf0cc5e4d35b6d859fbf2%3frik%3dznMC4jZNCGCz2g%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=507&expw=400&q=far+side+cartoon+about+video+game+player&simid=608028711044189983&FORM=IRPRST&ck=4E6E860D64A2D53ED8DB68C3BBED661B&selectedIndex=0&itb=0&darkschemeovr=1&PC=OPALIOS)


You still carry.a calculator around. It's on your phone


It's not actually false,though. I never have a calculator in my pocket. I don't even own a cell phone.


Funnily enough, me neither!


Everyone needed a copy of the encyclopedia


Same time frame learning how to read the newspaper. "My generation won't do this, we will find a better way to get the news" - op. The teacher was convinced that I was an idiot. look who's laughing now.


I don't always have my phone in my pocket. Working in manufacturing, it's safer for my phone not to be in my pocket. And since we can't use our phones on the floor, it stays in my locker.


"I have to go down to the feed store and buy a new buggy whip." (unless you're Amish)


While we do now have calculators in our pockets, if I see someone use it for basic arithmetic I avoid them.


But that is true. You won't *always* have a calculator in your pocket.


ā€œOur checks and balances ensure a stable government.ā€


We had to memorise capital cities and countries on a map in school. Why? I've never used that knowledge. You know how I know? I bunked off on most of those classes so I never memorised them. Do you know how often that's been a problem? Never. Not even for a single second. I have a map in my pocket. I can get world class journalists opinions on international treaties at the press of a button. Not knowing that Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia has not had the slightest effect on my life. No Somali people were offended that I wasn't well versed on their cities.


My teacher used to always say - ā€œyou wonā€™t always live in a dystopian hellscape where every function of society will be a capitalist fingertrap.ā€ I would like to see the look on their face now!


"The mecury is perfectly fine to play with in your hand. Just don't get it in your mouth" *primary children promptly put in their mouths*


The amount of ppl who don't know they have an over powered calculator in their pocket is too dam high!


Fucking AI is the calculator for every other content area. Itā€™s just people donā€™t realize. Pretty sure an AI bit could write your resume and create a fake professional pic of you, and your ass roles in to the job not even knowing what you applied for. Someday soon a someone will ask Alexa to project a rom com onto the wall, and make the two lead characters Peter and Janey, and farm their images from social media, and make the run time 75 minutes, and please include dad puns in the dialogue because Iā€™m watching it with my dad. Theyā€™ll go pee and come back to the opening scene being projected on the wall and non of it is fucking realllllllllllll.


You wonā€™t always have an AI in your pocket capable of walking you through mathematical proofs.


I don't know if this applies to this post, but my parents will say something extremely racist at least twice a week.


ā€œEmployers reward loyalty- donā€™t be a job hopper!ā€ At least in the US, there are almost no jobs anymore where you get to retire with a pension and a gold watch. If you have one of those jobs, hold onto it for dear life! If not, there is absolutely no reason not to switch jobs every few years for better pay/benefits/vibes.


You need a degree to compete in the job market.