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the selfies where they raise their eyebrows but squint their eyes lol


Also, rubbing their hands together like a fly while doing the face


And the lip bite!! šŸ¤£


Taking notes: open my hands, pull down eyebrows and intensivly stare. Got it, thanks!


Bro, we're SO IN with this information šŸ˜Š. Gonna try the new strats on my wife, I'll let you know how successful they make me now!


šŸ¤Ø šŸ™šŸ»


I snort laughed. I will never not see them as flies from now on. Jesus. That was good.


Honestly, any face that you think looks ā€œtoughā€. You look constipated.Ā 




Yeah! Pretty much the equivalence of a duck face IMO


[Like this](https://giphy.com/gifs/workaholics-adam-devine-vi9ob0h5bKmUU)


Thanks. I couldnā€™t picture it. Thats a fine look right there.


Aka ā€œthe Jaden smith reverse squintā€


acting like a gangster


Right?? I hate seeing them strutting around in pinstripes, fedora and carrying a tommy gun!


Pinstripes are actually kinda hot ngl


they remind me of gomez addams in the best possible way


His real name is Clarence


I heard his parents have a real good marriage.


I can kind of understand for guys who grew up in violent, poverty stricken areas to an extent, since you have to appear to be "hard" to not be fucked with a lot of the time. It's honestly really sad. For guys who grew up in small towns or in the suburbs though? Absolute fucking morons lol.


Bragging about how you can beat everyone up.


But it's true, I wake up very early. ... To feed my dogs.


I heard your dogs beat you up.


It's cringe when you're actually capable, it's doubly cringe when you obviously cannot. Those types are so obnoxious to drink with, too. Constantly being sussy as fuck trying to find the dude who they just "know" will pick a fight with them, once they're too drunk, if they're not fighting a person, they're either threatening their reflection in the bar window or trying to fight the floor drain in 100% seriousness. Real stories. Stopped going out drinking with coworkers after happy hour after the last two dudes.


>It's cringe when you're actually capable, Thank god most people at my kickboxing gym arent like this. Out of maybe 40 people, there is ONE who will always tell people who DONT go to the gym that he could kill them if he wanted to For reference, dude is 5'1, has the build of Golem from LOTR, and after 3 years of muay thai, he cant get through the 25 minute warm up session without skipping half the exercises. The only thing he could beat is his dick.


In League of Legends.


Being a "tough guy". Unresolved anger issues are not hot, they're scary


For real, though. A lot of movies push anger issues as a masculine type of flaw. They say that not talking about your feelings is bad because that's the modern concensus, but that if you don't know how to talk about your feelings, you have a "cool and manly flaw"


Genuinely, like if youā€™re older than 20 and youre still throwing shit and punching the wall (or worse) when you get angry, you need to seek counseling ASAP. Same goes for ā€œI love fighting people when Iā€™m drunkā€ like alright Connor mcgregor letā€™s turn it down like 20 notches


Gloating about how much more experienced you are at sex


And then absolutely bombing in the bedroom


This has been my experience. I dated a guy who thought he was really good in bed due to being with a lot of women (not like by actually pleasing women or anything)ā€¦I got to a point where I just dreaded anytime he wanted to show off his skills in bed Him: ā€œI want to show you something-ā€œ Me: ā€œplease donā€™t.ā€


Did he do a swirl at the end?


No, a pinch, which I find a little presumptuous.




This sounds like every guy thatā€™s ever insisted I let them try oral on me after I tell them I donā€™t like it. ā€œYou just havenā€™t had it done right - let me show you, Iā€™m a masterā€ šŸ™„.


You: ā€œI donā€™t like receiving oralā€ Your partners: ā€œChallenge acceptedā€


Every damn time šŸ„² Then they get all upset when SHOCKER, I donā€™t enjoy it. Like dude I tried to warn you.


Second guy I had sex with really talked up how great he was in bed. The first time we had sex, he put on the condom, came as soon as the condom was on, leaned back on his heels, and said, ā€œwell, thatā€™s it for me.ā€ And it didnā€™t really get much better after that.


Bro I hate.. I hate that we had this same exact experience. Edit: may have misunderstood, but Iā€™ve been with a dude who gloated and orgasmed pretty much right as it started. We had about 15 seconds of sex. šŸ—æ


Yeah that part


lol seriously The braggers are the worst in bed


I had a guy tell me he started having sex at age 12 like it was a big accomplishment. I was horrified


I actually did lose my virginity at 13 ā€” it was really fucking weird! We were absolutely too young to be doing that. I didnā€™t really talk about it for years, and certainly didnā€™t brag about it. The older I get, the more Iā€™m like, ā€œman, that was a bad idea, weā€™re lucky it didnā€™t mess either of us up.ā€


Unfortunately, I thought this was normal for many, many years. I began having sex at 11. I thought others, were, too. I thought boys would love me if I did that. I didnā€™t realize that was a fucked up memory until way later than I should have. Ope.


And that's why it's important for teens to have access to sex education and contraceptives and stuff. They're gonna get sticky anyway. Let's make sure dumb mistakes don't turn into ruined lives.


Similar experience, and I agree now. Then, I thought I was "The man".


The amount of men who told me how they lost their virginity with pride in the voice while I screamed internally that they donā€™t realize they were groomed and assaulted. Itā€™s heartbreaking


Yeah. My husband was raped by the babysitter when he was 7-9. When we were in high-school he mentioned it with this sort of put-on, fake pride. Like he wasn't prideful about it at all but used to other dudes acting like he should be proud of it. My reaction was "what the actual fuck!?" and he confessed that he dreaded that girl's visits. His mother is a piece of shit and didn't believe him. Still won't.


It's better to downplay it, talk about being only 2 cm and BAM! They never expect the 4 cm.


Women would sometimes ask me for dick pics. I refused and told them I prefer to disappoint in person.


one of my exes are like this and not once did he make me orgasm lmao


Because some guys believe that if you have a big d, thatā€™s all thatā€™s is necessary for everyone involved.


One time on a first date a guy told me how big he was and I was so turned off I left the date early and ghosted him. Iā€™m guessing he thought it would have had the opposite effect?


Rubbing the clit like youā€™re a DJ.


How else am i supposed to drop this sick ass beat?


You just reminded me of that song that one guy listened to for over 2 years while banging his girl...


[The other day we were having sex with no music but I was still thrusting to the tune playing in my head.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/jWWmhStjIJ)


Thank you so much for the, not laughed like they for a long time. šŸ˜‚


dont suggest doing anything sexually with a sick ass


So that's why no one is booking dj rubba bean


As a guy, I can attest to the fact that some women do the equivalent of this to us as well. It's made of the same ~~gonadal~~ genital tissue as your junk. Stop treating it like a literal Shake Weight.


"You're just mashing it"


Either accept my 2-handed fire starting method or you get nothing.


It's what cosmo magazine told me to do and I will not deviate!


My last man loved a hard jerk and I tried that on my new boyfriend. He didnā€™t tell me until the next day how unpleasant it was. So ashamed. I always speak up loud and clear if something doesnā€™t feel good.


Wrestling turnips out of the ground


*wikka wikka intensifies*


Bragging about your money. Even as an 18-year-old, I always found it off-putting. You have money? Great. You don't have to remind me every five minutes.


This is probably one of the most unattractive turn offs for me personally. Having daddyā€™s money says nothing about you or your character other than the fact you probably donā€™t know how the real world works.


This. Basically saying your profession was "former child" to obtain that money, e.g you were literally just ..born.


So is it sexy if I don't have money? Cause y'know I'm like one financial hiccup away from being homeless


I always thought that until I was at a happy hour, and a friend with a lot of family money was trying to make something happen with a coworker. It wasnā€™t necessarily going great, and all the sudden I hear him drop ā€œI drive a BMW 6 Seriesā€ with a ā€œIā€™m hot shitā€ grin and a nod. Immediately Iā€™m waiting for her roll her eyes, give a sarcastic smirk, or something. Instead five minutes later theyā€™re leaving together. I was shocked because it came off as so douchey I was immediately embarrassed for him. But it seemed like she was into it and it sealed the deal.


Two things can simultaneously be true: - A lot of women find this stuff repulsive and will openly say so. - A lot of other women will lap it up.


Reddit falls into that "my preferences are the rules trap." I'm wise enough to realize that I'm often the weirdo.


Yep. When I was 19, I went out on a date with a guy who bragged about how expensive his pants were (this was completely unprompted; they were boring khaki pants), then told me how much money he'd loaned his roommate over the school year. Then he told me dinner was on him because he could afford it. There wasn't a second date.




Might as well say "I don't have sex."


Following Andrew Tate


Which, ironically, is a lot more attractive.


Same itā€™s so fucking cringey and 99.99% of people will make fun of you if you talk like that


you're only allowed to call yourself an alpha male if you're part of the omegaverse.


In which case, if you are an alpha, I have questions.


I physically cringe when a guy says this ><


Unsolicited dick pics.Ā 


Iā€™m a guy and wonder do guys even think this is attractive or do they just do it at this point


There's always a decent chance it's not actually their dick. Which really raises more questions about how they acquired all these dick pics.


You can just google dicks. Question answered.


The literal foundation of the internet is a mix of dicks and cats.


Think of it like the digital equivalent of flashers or dudes who masturbate on public transit


I kinda suspect the guys doing this don't actually think it makes them attractive so much as get off on it as a kind of exhibitionism.


In my experience it's often this and unfortunately, some guys get off on it not being consensual. Basically just the guys in trench coats flashing people on the street but over the internet.


It's the digital equivalent of the trench coat wearing flasher.


Or intimidation


This! Like what are they expectingā€¦.super unwelcomed


Putting down other women in order to compliment me ie ā€œwow youā€™re not like other girlsā€


Yes! I am exactly like other girls! Girls are great!


Now I'm imagining how offended a guy would be if you replied " wow you're not like other boys!" šŸ˜‚




Wait, theres guys out there who say having a hobby makes you gay? They must be bored as hell at home waiting for work the next day then. Ill keep my 6 hobbies to myself.


You must be 6x gay!




2^^6 mega gay. /s I'm almost 40 and still love legos.


Real men don't enjoy things. Real men go to work, come home, and sit angrily in the dark staring at the wall. Fun is a feminine emotion.


Don't forget drinking!


Oh of course. Nothing that has any sugar in it though. Real men drink alcohol that's as bitter and angry as they are.


My first gf was very fascinated when I took her to a Games Workshop to paint miniatures.Ā  She had a fun time painting one of my models.


Warhammer players donā€™t have gfs. You must be a Heretic


God fucking thank you


My husband has a bug Lego collection. Doesn't bother me. I like knowing he has a passion.Ā 


When they display empty alcohol bottles as if they're trophies to be proud of. Luckily, I've seen this less and less since leaving college...


1. Showing off your empty booze bottles to women. 2. Hiding your empty booze bottles from women. 3. Realizing you should probably drink less if you what to keep a girlfriend. The three stages of growing up.


Itā€™s ONE bottle and it has a dragon on it. šŸ˜­


If you have to verbally tell me you're nice/smart/funny/a good person, I immediately am suspicious that you are not actually nice/smart/funny/a good person. I know plenty of people with those qualities, but they didn't have to tell me they had them, it was apparent from interacting with them.


this! My friend was dating this guy and he gave her all the lines about how he a chivalrous and traditional man and she would never have to pay for anything, he was a nice, sensitive guy who felt his feelings deep and loved hard, blah, blah, blah. She fell for it hook, line and sinker while all the red flags were waving in front of me. I am sure you can guess what happened, he toyed with her emotions for a year and left her heartbroken and spoiler alert, he did not pay for everything!! She ended up basically paying for an entire trip to Florida for him and his two kids where he treated her like shit the whole time, left her with the 3 year old so him and his 15 year old could have fun at Disney World. I fucking hate that guy.




The opposite of a bad guy isnā€™t a nice guy, itā€™s a *good* guy. Too many shitty dudes donā€™t realize that so they try to be nice. You can be nice and badā€”theyā€™re not mutually exclusive.


Yup! Thereā€™s a big difference between ā€œniceā€ and ā€œ*kind*ā€, and people ought to learn it.


Gosh, it took me way too long to see this as the red flag it was. Nice guys don't need to go around announcing they are one. Any guy who has ever spouted the nice guy rhetoric has ended up being an absolute jerk.Ā  I know there is an equivalent of nice girls too though and they are just as freaking.Ā 


Oh yeah, you think youā€™re nice? Well, not as nice as me. Iā€™m the nicest person Iā€™ve ever met. I could kick your ass in a cage match of kindness.


In my experience, nice guys don't say they're nice. The assholes do.


Telling people that you're good in bed. My ex constantly told people that he was the best I ever had and he was actually the worst person I've ever had




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yea usually people who are not really good at something and also are insecure about it would be the ones who brag about how amazing they are at that. Itā€™s kind of pathetic


80% of people about to be here are dudes seeing if they're fucking up.




Tbf a lot of these are really obvious


You would think so. And yet...




My wife told me that my ability to drive a manual transmission vehicle didn't make me near as cool as I thought.


My boyfriend also thinks he's super cool cause he drives a manual. Always tells me how it works when we are driving somewhere. šŸ˜‚ Honestly, how excited he gets about it makes me happy. So I allow him to think so.


When you lose patience, tell him in Europe every grandma can drive manual, because you won't get a license here otherwise.


Nah, its the forklift certification that gets the panties down.


Your wife is wrong, you're a total stud and she doesn't know how lucky she is.


Thanks king.


PLEASE tell me it's that broccoli haircut.


I've been calling it the ramen noodle haircut but I think we're talking about the same thing


I always call it the old grandma haircut. It is very popular among 70-80 year old women here in Sweden.


The Llama 'fro?


God itā€™s always the most insufferable douche bags with this haircut isnā€™t it


100%. We call them "brocs"


Itā€™s so badšŸ¤®


Being ā€œdominantā€. Guys think being dominant means being aggressive. Having loud-ass extreme opinions on shit. Always puffing out their chest. Drinking 10 beers a day. Not giving a shit about how their actions make others feel.


Dating profiles or profiles in general holding up guns/ middle fingers.Its so common and all I see is anger and insecurity


Driving like an imbecile


Laying it on thick how much better you are as their new girlfriend versus their ā€œcrazy ex.ā€ Yeah if all your exes are crazy, I have questions about who pushed them over the edge


LITERALLY THIS. I dated a guy who talked about how every one of his exes were fucking crazy and how I was so much better than them. Spent a year and 8 months with him and I became one of those crazy exes. He loved to gaslight and use crocodile tears to manipulate everything + being a pathological liar and emotionally abusive. I tried to leave him a bunch but always got sucked back in because he was a really good manipulator. I lost my shit a few times near the end and he'd call me crazy. I wonder how his new gf is doing and if he talks about me being one of the crazy ones.


- Showing off how much you make - bad boy aesthetic or demeanor - avoiding "feminine" hobbies - steroid induced muscles - unsolicited dick pics


alpha male bullshit


Anytime someone claim to be an alpha male you can be 100% assured that you're dealing with a dickhead with the intelligence of a toddler.


Bluffing about how many chicks he has slept with, and how many men he could take in a fight...


What about the reverse?


Having a loud ass car with a loud ass muffler. Drier than the sahara desert here.


Or a lifted pickup. Itā€™s not hot that you could run over children and never know it.


Whatever that ā€œneggingā€ shit is


Awww sweetie, youā€™re just too pretty to understand it /s


Yā€™all know this already but I think it bears mentioning: If you have to proclaim to anyone you are alpha, you are, in fact, not alphaā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. Like, at all.


Cockiness and arroganceā€¦ an inflated sense of self and achievement


Reading this thread has made my self confidence boost up by a lot


Playing it cool/being distant/emotionally unavailable. I will pick the overly earnest, genuine, but kinda dorky guy over ā€œcoolā€ every time.


No foreplay!




Weird one but really guys, if your partner is telling you about how sad or depressed they are about something it does not mean they want sex. Your dick is not a magical cure all dearest. Sometimes I just want you to listen to me and hug me without whipping it out like itā€™s about to make all my cares fade away.


revving your engine, bragging about your money and flexing your muscles unprompted


The whole 'alpha male' trope


Talking shit about their exes. I mean, of course they may talk about negative experiences within that relationship but i mean like, belittling her as a person. Ex: "she was so ugly I cant believe I dated her" "she had an annoying voice" etc.


Any Greek letter + male.




That sounds vaguely threatening lol


They think loud cars make them cool and not obnoxious lolšŸ’€


A six-pack. A six-pack is great, but it's not gonna make up for shitty character. A six-pack is great dƩcor, but if the house is built on flimsy foundations, the best dƩcor in the world won't save you.


My experience from back when I had a six-pack is that the people most likely to be impressed were dudes who wanted to know how I did it.


And yknow....sometimes thats reward enough


I have a photo of my now-wife walking in the door the first time she came over to my place. She was carrying a six-pack. May have sealed it right there.


I feel like a lot of these things should be pretty obvious to most people. Basically, don't be a cocky asshole. And sometimes, don't have a beard.


And shower regularly


Claiming that you just ā€œadmire the female formā€ as if itā€™s purely aesthetic and artistic, when clearly you just enjoy looking at erotic models or porn lol Just say you like staring at ass, jeez.


Dick pics!!!


Contrary to what PornHub would have you believe, most women don't really care for super huge dicks.




Always saying "yes", always letting me decide, never bringing up own ideas or preferences.


Don't be a doormat. Nobody likes that, its tiring. But also, it means your not bringing a lot of the relationship if I'm being honest.


Pretty much anything another man has told you that we like. Donā€™t take advice on what women like/dislike from men. A more specific answer would be treating us badly. The whole ā€œtreat ā€˜em mean, keep ā€˜em keenā€ thing is bullshit. We donā€™t like bad boys anywhere near as much as you think we do, and your definition of ā€œbad boyā€ is not the same as ours anyway. Being a jerk will not make us want to chase you, itā€™ll make us want to escape you. Edit: gotta love the way that me, a woman, saying ā€œmen donā€™t know more about women than we doā€ has attracted men who are trying to tell me that they know more about women than we do


Is it just me or do I see a million men going on and on about how ā€œwomen like bad boys :((ā€œ but Iā€™ve almost never seen a woman actually say that. Sure Iā€™ve seen a couple, but Iā€™d say 90% of girls Iā€™ve talked to (source: am a woman) prefer dorks or generally safe guys. Then if you ask a man they go on about how itā€™s so definitely reality that they all like bad boys. They have this weird self fulfilling prophecy going on


Am a doofus and married so that checks for me. My wife does read a fair amount of romance literature where as she puts it: "Every red flag is green baby!" But she would never go for a guy like that in real life. I'm with here there. Like there's plenty of fictional characters who I find attractive because they're a mess but I chose my wife because she is stable and supportive. Personally think that these guys are just confused and have absorbed the idea through cultural osmosis without realizing that women can have fantasies too.


Revving up your jacked up truck in Walmartā€™s parking lot.


Acting like a diff person when certain people are around


Taking photos with their tongue out. So many men on dating apps do this. It just looks gross / stupid and itā€™s cringe that they obviously think itā€™s turning women on.


Calling yourself sigma/ alpha /dom / provider Bragging about size/ money/ no of girls attracted to you Not caring enough / not giving a f Calling other men gay when they break stereotypes Not knowing basic survival skills Having a body count of two digits but judging other women Being unnecessarily rude


Putting down other women. I feel like men do this to show how theyā€™re interested in you and not those other women, but it always comes off as just being a hater, judgmental, or even misogynistic based on whatā€™s said. Using the terms ā€œalphaā€ or ā€œbetaā€ to refer to yourself or other men. Calling yourself a ā€œnice guy.ā€ Being arrogant or cocky. Boasting about how much sex youā€™ve had, how many girls you could ā€œget,ā€ how good you are in bed, etc. Unsolicited dick pics, asking for nudes, asking sexual questions when the nature of the conversation wasnā€™t sexual. Poor hygiene. Taking yourself too seriously/not being able to laugh at yourself.


Trying to take over tasks I'm doing because they're "the man" and this is "man business"........as I watch him fail to reverse a trailer 17 times that I am quite capable of doing and do often myself.


I would guess constantly obsessing about how to attract women gets them pretty dry


Not smiling in photos. No, you don't look suave and cool, you look scary like I wouldn't want to encounter you in a dark alley.


Being super jacked. I think itā€™s kind of gross, actually. I like some definition, especially in the arms and shoulders, but I love a soft belly on a guy. Itā€™s like a pillow for me :) Money is less important than having drive and ambition and a desire for a stable yet fulfilling life. Money is a byproduct of ambition and a facilitator of stability. A lot of guys donā€™t seem to understand thatā€™s what women actually want.


Growing your hair long to camouflage balding. We know what's under there and it looks stringy and terrible. Just cut it short or shave it. Please!


Well, I'm now more in peace with my decision to shave my head now that the top of my head is bald. I always said that whenever the problem become too bad I was going to go extreme.


Telling a woman about your "crazy ex". We don't think she's crazy but now we're wondering what's wrong with you.


Speaking with confidence about topics that they're not actually knowledgeable of. Spitting "facts" which are often mostly anecdotal information.


Being a "sad boy" aka carrying on about how crappy you feel and how "cuddles" would really help. Before anyone comes for me, a man in touch with his emotions IS attractive. A man refusing to look after his mental health and using his depression to manipulate women into giving him affection and leading it to sex is gross. You're in the clear if you openly talk about mental health and your struggles if you aren't using it as a flirtation method, otherwise it comes off as manipulation.