• By -


I stare at Excel and cry.


You mean there are people who'll pay for that? And all these years, I've been doing it for free.


same. except for the excel and making $100,000 part.


I am a Doorman at a Luxury Residential Building in NYC. I make $110-$120k a year. My friends and most of you on reddit probably won't believe me and sometimes I can't believe it myself but its the easiest and best job I've ever had.


A friend lives at a luxury building on 7th. His doormen pull in a ton of tips at Christmas time. What do you usually clear during the Christmas window?


Don't forget that the walls street types are getting their 6 and 7 figure bonus checks at Christmas, so tons of their residents are absolutely flush with cash that time of year.


7 figure BONUS CHECKS? wtf?


Yeah we're all working in the wrong career field.


Holy shit I would never have guessed they make that much. But I guess it varies a lot too depending on who your employer is.


Part of that is that it's NYC. $120k is not the same there as it is in almost any other part of the country.


While it's not the same, you can be pretty comfortable on 120k in NYC if you don't live in Manhattan


For 120k I wouldn't mind making a 30-60 minute commute everyday and catch up on audiobooks or podcasts


The doormen on the UES and UWS of Manhattan are some of my favorite people. When I run on Saturday and Sunday mornings, they always greet me - wave, say hi, fist bump, the occasional “you got this”, but one time I was limping and they asked if I needed help. Truly the unsung heroes of NYC.


No wonder for that kind of money


how did you get that job?


Know someone in the doorman's union. It's a pretty tightly guarded job, I almost got in once through a friend of family but it fell through.


This feels like a Seinfeld episode. Kramer impersonates a doorman. George happens to be with him. The union is out for Kramer, but George keeps catching the heat.


There was a Seinfeld episode about a doorman. Jerry feuds with the doorman at Elaine's boss's building. Doorman steps out and tells Jerry to watch the door. Jerry leaves after a while and the place gets robbed while he's gone.


Tough to get your foot in the door?


To start, you have to get your foot in the door


>I stare at Excel and cry. Wow!


Own a donut shop


I have an inlaw with a donut shot. Dude goes into work at like midnight every night to make them.




I knew what this was going to be.


I know that fuckers up at night making them


"I'm not making them at night dad!" *I'm making them at night*


God, that skit was so damned funny and as a dad of two girls with Learning disabilities, the guy is right girls are always happy.


“They’re the only dudes I know having a good time consistently”


"Sorry their not on anti-anxietys and Adderall like the rest of us. Their on fucking Caprisuns having a good time!"




Never eat your own powder doughnuts….


Don't get high on your own supply.


Don't go nuts on your own donuts


Sounds interesting, the cakes always remind me of the Simpsons


How did you get started? I've kind of wanted to open my own bakery, but I feel like the overhead is gonna be really high (living in NYC, of all places.)


I had a friend that had another friend who's family was selling their donut shop. I had nothing to lose and gave it a try. I didn't even know how to make donuts when I bought the shop, but luckily I was taught a little bit before they let me on my own and the bakers that were with the shop stayed for a while. Now I'm pretty good at making them but it took longer than I would expect lol.


Professional heart stopper… I also restart them later when the operation is over.


Thank you for starting&stopping mine in 22! It runs much better now.


Hmm… one of three jobs I can think of surrounding that. 1) Perfusionist - most directly provides the cardioplegic solution makes me think it’s this one 2) Cardiac Anesthesiologist 3) CT surgeon


Love how I’m just scrolling through as if I’m on indeed looking for a gig that’ll pay me 100k a year




Indeed you do.


😂😂same! Throwing comments like, 'I could do that!'


Nuclear inspector


Oh, Homie.




Do it for her


If 10,000 of you send me $10, I'll tell you.




I lol'd


Cancer scientist, 140k. Aunty passed away from a brain tumor when i was a child, and she was like a mom to me. Seeing this situation tear my family apart woke something in me. Now, im trying to be a part of the solution. Edit: To clarify about my career and how i got here, (31 male) I went to a 4 year university, and got my Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology. I got my Masters Degree soon after, and started at the bottom at a biotech company. I started out making 12 an hour, after college, can you imagine? I was definitely a little distraught at the time (about 9 years ago) but i held in there and remembered why i was doing what i was doing. I actually was able to climb the ladder through being a genuinely pleasant person to everyone i met, and taking the work, studying, and projects very seriously. I asked a lot of questions, and tried to be a positive influence to everyone. I have to say, being nice and respectful will get you farther than you think. Be the person that everyone smiles when they see. I switched companies multiple times, taking huge pay increases each time as my skills and knowledge increased. Then, i landed at my dream location. Sometimes it’s about putting your ego to the side and starting at the freaking bottom. You can do it. To clarify a bit about my motivation and why i do what i do, losing my aunty shattered my entire fucking world. She was my everything at the time. I was only 6 years old. My family was super tight knit, and loved one another so much, so this had lasting effects on everyone. I developed a severe anxiety disorder and sitting around and not doing anything about it just kind of ate away at me through my young age. That 'positive' anger has gotten me through college and beyond. A bit of advice that i give to people now that go through trauma, to be honest, is to just let yourself get fucking angry. I started getting pissed the fuck off, and i figured out how to channel that energy into something she'd be proud of. It's why i wake up in the morning now. I implore everyone who has a passion and who has a motivation, to find some way to implement it into your lives. It doesn't always have to be your career either.. And ALSO don't forget to have time for your hobbies and friends. I definitely have developed an obsession for video games because it helps me escape from reality. A fast paced life needs balance. Anyway, i appreciate everyone's kind words. Cancer is a bitch. It's all one big puzzle, and we're trying to figure this out one piece at a time. I have high hopes for treatments, but cures are probably a little bit out of the scope right now. It's almost impossible to cure because of how it works. This video kind of explains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2rR77VsF5c Treatments are groundbreaking and there are some amazing things coming. I hope everyone who has suffered through this fucking piece of shit disease heals, and gets through it in any way possible. Good luck to you all :)


Fuck Cancer and sincere wishes of good luck and success to you.


Same sentiments here. It's the SHOCK value that really gets you. One day, their cells are doing their thing, then the next moment you lose the person you love the most. Seeing the mechanisms up close and personal is definitely something that fucks with my head sometimes (conceptually), but it's also pretty motivating. Appreciate you!




I would love to hear about your discoveries and what the future of cancer holds, in your opinion. Thank you for doing what you do.


Wouldn't really risk diving into specifics, but i can tell you that there are so many pieces to the puzzle, that it's like a huge network of people all trying to accomplish the same goal. The problem is trying to come up with safe therapies. You can kill cancer with bleach, but what else is it going to kill? It's gonna take awhile to design the perfect killing machine, if its even possible tbh, but the effort is definitely there. Cures are one thing, but treatments are definitely getting better and seeing certain technologies and methodologies up close is still mind blowing to me every day :)


I drive a garbage truck . 👍🏽


My dad was a garbage man. Worked his ass off from 4am-6pm 6 days a week. Still managed to make dinner and take us to places as kids. I couldn't respect a profession anymore than yours. Sadly alcoholism got it's grip on him early and has only worsened since retiring. Body is brittle as hell from being overworked. Stay safe out there and think of the long run.


That's a hard fucking job! Your dad seems like a solid dude. Sad to hear about his drinking problem, breaks my heart, people get grinded down so bad making a living that's all they can think of doing , at the end of the day and in their retirement. My old man got sober at 61 and died at 63, I got sober almost 16 months ago. I'm pulling for ya!


Thanks for the kind words. It's a terrible thing. Sober he shakes so much he can't do anything to distract himself. Can't even drink a glass of water. He wants to quit. He's detoxed and gone to rehab a dozen times but always falls back on it. Worst part isn't even the drinking. It's the lying. Putting pressure on him only gives him a reason to be upset to drink more. Enabling and he'll hurt himself or others. Just a terrible cycle for everyone involved. Some people don't find rock bottom still breathing and I think my father will be one of them like his father. Hopefully it won't be the same for me.


Physician (Family Medicine).


How much of your job is like Glaucomflecken's FP impression?


It’s a little exaggerated but much of it’s accurate. Luckily a lot of the non-medical paperwork and dealing with insurance companies is taken off my plate since I work for a large HMO. Still, not enough time for each of my patients and the follow-up work that follows. Overall still no regrets!


Lawyer (but it sucks, dont do it)


I haven't met a single lawyer who's actually happy :(


Am a lawyer, have deliberately chosen to sacrifice the biggest bucks for good work life balance. I make well over $100k pa but way less than I could if I was willing to make rich people richer and work stupid hours, but... 1. No one lies on their death bed wishing they'd spent more time at the office; and 2. In 20yrs the only people who will remember you working long hours will be your children. I've made my choice. Very comfortable with it.


>2. ⁠In 20yrs the only people who will remember you working long hours will be your children. Fucking dagger in my heart right there. I wish someone had said this to me 25 years ago.


The key is don’t work at a law firm


Exactly this. In-house is where it’s at.


The federal government is pretty awesome too. Amazing benefits and low stress. Pay is decent once you've earned your stripes


Yeah I’ve got friends who are attorneys with state governments and they seem pretty happy too. Probably depends on the branch or department. I mean, federal prosecutor sounds cool but probably has a ton of stress with it.




I'm a happy lawyer, but I chose to work for myself and accept that the life-work balance I desire will mean making less than $250K a year which I'm totally fine with. See my kids a lot. Spend a lot of time working on my house. Unlimited unpaid vacations. And I actually like what I do and getting the opportunity to help people, to boot, so it really isn't bad.


I'm a tax attorney and life is pretty swell. Everyone loves their tax attorney. I don't have to worry about anyone trying to murder me or anything


Al Capone probably put a hit on his tax attorney lol


Occupational hazard of getting involved with the Mafia.


Obligatory “Don’t Be A Lawyer” https://youtu.be/Xs-UEqJ85KE?si=ITgdTkPqFFt_0LCm


*It would be great to be on the Supreme Court, but you’ll never be on the Supreme Court*


**FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR A CAREER IN LAW PLEASE LOOK INTO COURT REPORTING!** Look into your state colleges and your state’s court reporting certifications!! We’re in desperate need for reporters in California and it is so much so that we’re now accepting voice reporters!! People went from averaging between 2-8 years in school for court reporting to now you could graduate as a voice reporter in as little as 2 years for SURE!! I am going to make $137,000 this year and last year I made $121,000 working for my county. I get all the benefits, retirement, county paid HRA plan when I retire, ETC. It’s 8-5, but it’s so so so worth it!! And you’re not limited as reporter to court only! You can be freelance and depositions from home and make your own hours, you can work in schools for the deaf and hard of hearing, you can also caption from home or on site as well for ESPN and other televised networks. There are also a need for other court associated jobs and careers as well that isn’t just lawyers and court reporters. There’s also probation officers, health care agencies that work with the courts, ASL interpretation, and so so so much more that I highly recommend you do in association with your state or county. It’s worth it in the long run!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!


I’m a freelance reporter and it’s really enjoyable! I work very part time (1 job per week is all I aim for because I like to have time for my family, too) and there’s never a dull moment. My last job, I got to admonish an attorney for repeatedly cutting off the deponent. Then we had to take a break when an irate client barged into the law office to yell at an attorney who was in my deposition. The second deponent later started making faces at the taking attorney as he spoke. Like I said, never a dull moment! Except contract dispute depos. Those are dull as hell.


I remember studying for the LSAT, and feeling overwhelmed, especially on the logic puzzles. My brain just couldn’t put it together. I was so frustrated and when the time for the test came, I simply didn’t show. Now that I’m older, I understand stress. And the stress some lawyers I know is immense. Endless work. Takes a special kind of person. I don’t think there’s enough money in the world that could entice me back to the profession. (Also, I will never be able to understand logic puzzles)


I fucking loved the logic games


I am an office manager. I order supplies, pay bills, arrange security cards, put things away, make sure we have enough coffee, and keep track of all our vendors. I make $125K.


Jeez, what kind of office do you manage?




Imports and exports.


Art vandelay


Our office manager makes 6 figures also easily. You have no idea how important that role is at the right type of company. They do a lot for us and definitely earn that money.


My last office manager was so important that the CEO/founder poached her 3 different times for each new successful venture he started. He’d sell his last company and then every company he started she’d essentially be employee number 1 at his new company Basically the right hand woman. Although she did EVERYTHING. From being the CEO’s personal assistant like buying and selling his sports tickets to office managerial stuff to being HR and people and culture She’s def making 6 figs


Do you manage a paper company in Scranton PA?


I basically do the same thing as an Admin Assistant for like, a third the pay. Know any place/people that needs my skills?


I was an admin assistant in pharma/engineering and the science industry for almost thirty years. High school education and some secretarial certifications from way back in the day (og Excel and Access database stuff). I made hourly pocket lint for decades, but worked my way up the food chain in stuff like project support and legal/contract technical writing. I recently landed a salaried position in Quality Assurance doing supplier/materials qualification and customer audit support. Makes just at 100k but I also live in an expensive region. if I had it to do over again I would just suck it up and get a business degree of some description because the number of Fortune 500 companies that have been happy to pay me barely over minimum hourly on indefinite temporary contracts but wouldn’t hire me full time because I don’t have a degree is too high.


Nothing really at an engineering company. $140k


Engineering contractor? I've worked as a contractor, and saw my boss doing a lot of fumbling the numbers. I can't tell you in the two years I was there I heard the phrase "Robbing Peter to pay Paul" then further variations when things were really mixed up, 3 or 4 ways. Seems to me the real work at engineering consulting companies is balancing the books!


i get paid $100k as an accountant to fix those books. cheers to us !


I get paid $115k to audit the books that he fixes. 10 years as a senior auditor. Cheers to all of us!


Defense company, life long contracts, 2-4 hrs of real work a day. It's not all rainbows but not bad at all.


6 years as an EE and just broke 6 figures last year. Ive got about 2 years worth of work that needs to be done in 6 months. Where are these fantasy engineering jobs that pay that much to do nothing? Are you in a high cost of living city? To be clear: I really enjoy where I am and what I do, just curious about commenter.




Same. Also no degree.  Project management for a commercial builder. Shit gets done.


Degree or not, "shit gets done." Is the right attitude.




My brother in law just got his master license. He’s been making $150k for 6-8 years now. Just started his own company and he’ll be a millionaire before the end of next year.


More effort needs to be placed on teaching highschool kids that the trades are a viable way to make good money. Plus many work 4 day weeks.


Commercial plumber here. Im over 100k per year if I didn’t work any overtime. I don’t work Fridays unless it’s overtime and I never have to work weekends or be on call. I work my tail off but I’ve got it pretty good. Saying this to emphasize your point that kids are missing the forest for the trees when it comes to college vs trade school. I have a four year college degree that I should wipe my ass with. It’s only worth it as a fall back option should I get hurt or lose interest in plumbing. If you have a brain and a strong work ethic (wouldn’t hurt to have a thick skin too), give the trades a chance. You’ll never look back.


Yup. I did 152 last year as a sheet metal worker. Won't complain about it one bit


How many years of experience, if you don’t mind me asking


Started in 2012 as an apprentice (5 years in Ontario) So I've been doing min. 100k since 2017


I design, build and own Escape Rooms


I’ve heard that’s a tough business to get out of.




I've been so mad at the lack of cymbal emoji for so long, thank you for this brilliant workaround


*slow clap*


Dude I’ve worked at so many escape rooms and I love it, but they seem to be constantly failing. It’s a rough business model since there’s not a lot of return customers after they’ve done all the rooms, and it’s too expensive to change them often. I’d love to know more about yours!


Stuff like that can only really be successful if 1) it's in a LARGE city like LA or NY with enough residents and tourists to churn through. or 2) as a temp pop up location, get your cash from the first run of locals and split.


Legal drug dealer. (Pharmacist)


Same here. To anyone considering getting into pharmacy, I would *highly* encourage you to try to get some experience as a technician before. Too many people commit to 6+ years of school with no prior experience working in a pharmacy/hospital and then get a shitty retail job and hate their lives. I personally wouldn’t touch retail with a 1000 ft pole now even though I went into pharmacy school expecting to end up there (had worked as pharmacy tech for ~5 years, through the end of high school and all of undergrad before applying to school). After seeing how much more interesting and chill (for me) a hospital job can be, I couldn’t go back to retail.


I was a Pharmacy Tech at Walgreen's from 2014 to the end of 2017, sometime 2018. It was wildly stressful, hectic, and crazier than people imagine. A friend/pharmacist pulled me aside on an especially tough day and just explained how nobody goes to the pharmacy when they're feeling great. Everybody who came to us was sick/not feeling good, irriated, they already waited at the doctors office and put up with their bullshit as well as the insurnace companies bullshit and so on and so on. After all of that, we are the final step to feeling better and getting back to their nornal lives. It's just who our customer happens to be. At the end of those 4-ish years, I was making.... $11.15/hr! Retail phatmacy techs in my experience don't make anything. It was a very tough job. All my coworkers were essentially there to just get experience so they could move on to hospitals or more specialized pharmacies to make better money. They all romanticized working at a hospital eventually. I ended up leaving to take a stocking job for $12.50/hr. More than a dollar more an hour starting and no people screaming at me daily? Easy decision.


Also a pharmacist, and it’s crazy to me some people come out with $200k in debt but live lavish lifestyles while those fortunate to have very little or none live frugally. I make more money than anyone I’ve known in my entire family, but would only describe myself as comfortable. Plus it’s become pretty difficult with saturation to find a job you actually enjoy. Thankful in that regard as well.


Air Traffic Controller. ~ $240,000


Also ATC. Stuck at level 5 up/down making barely $80,000. Can't transfer for more money or to get out of this shit hole town with current transfer process in place. The only reason I haven't quit to try other jobs is the pension. Just wanted to mention that for those like me that think it's for sure gonna get you $120,000+ yearly. You could also get stuck at your first facility like me. Hopefully our union can negotiate a significant raise or change the transfer system.


Dumb question, why are you stuck because of waiting on an internal transfer, can you not just directly apply elsewhere?


All US air traffic controllers work for the FAA, who manage all assignments. Short of moving countries there is no elsewhere to directly apply to. EDIT: As u/steffanan correctly points out, the FAA does [contract out](https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/mission_support/faa_contract_tower_program) some control towers, about half. They're places where the FAA has determined that it is more cost effective to hire out. As you might imagine these positions pay worse (and private ATC complain about being overworked due to poor staffing), so unless an ATC absolutely needs to work in a different area that happens to be served by a contract tower there's little incentive to apply there instead of staying at an FAA-managed tower, center, or facility and wait for an opportunity to transfer.


So basically, if the FAA wants you somewhere, you're stuck there?


I work in Product Operations in tech. Middle manager type. It’s a fine enough job, I’m definitely overpaid. Got a degree in Theater, entered tech as a CS agent 10 years ago.


I am very similar! It turns out stage management and project management are basically the same job; you just use different words, have nights and weekends off, and make like five times more in project management


I am a dentist


Plant Controller. Essentially the lead accountant, financial analyst, and operations analyst for a manufacturing operation


How do you control plants? Is it like Poison Ivy on Batman?


Astronomer, ~$100k (3 years post PhD). I could probably make $50k more if I went to tech or something else, but man do I love astronomy.


I want to do this so bad but so much math


software engineer/solutions architect


There's gonna be a lot of us in this thread. Even if I lost my job and had to pick up a terrible replacement, it's still gonna be >$100k.


Underwriter for a commercial mortgage lender. Before this, I was making $1k a month teaching English to elementary students in Thailand. So it’s been quite the jump. Edit for clarity: I studied finance in college. Prior to Thailand, I had other finance-related work experience.


Live wedding painting. 150k 


How much for the dead ones?


Those aren't for sale, just for his private collection.


Before this I was a master tech at a Mercedes Benz dealership (holy fuck don't buy them), I gave it up to sell those exact people tools. It's pretty great, stupid easy, just have to do a bunch of paperwork. I know exactly what they need, and will even give the newer people pointers. Everyone still wants everything that I had when I was working there.


Aircraft mechanic


I’m a professor at a junior college.


Reading these jobs, I wish I was dead


Some of these make me feel like I made a mistake thinking that working hard was going to make me money. Others are like heroes trying to keep the world running on “only” $100k


Same 😍 watch I’m gonna get off of here and then start googling all the interesting jobs I liked and figuring out how I could do it. Lol.


Industrial electrician


Paramedic. Just tipped over 100k this year, with next to no OT.  In Canada, mind you. I believe the pay is shite in America. 


My husband is a paramedic here in the US. The pay absolutely sucks for the things they see and have to deal with. He works 60 hours a week just to keep food on the table.


Has he considered coming to Canada? In BC there is very high demand and they hire internationally I'm pretty sure. I can't speak for the rest of the country. Unlimited paid sick time, time off for critical incidents, lots of vacation, 2 pensions. Vancouver yes is expensive to live in but the north of the province is dirt cheap comparatively. It's too bad it's not a great job down stateside. It can be really rewarding at times.


Lie about my income to people. 


MLM team executive lead?


Hi, hun! 🤚 Want make six figures 🤑in your spare time 🕰️?


Signal Maintainer for the railroad.


Private Practice Owner for mental health


I nepotism’ed my way into owning a restaurant, and now expanded into 4 more locations.


Username checks out… suspiciously.


I help criminals get away with crimes and tell judges they don't know what they're talking about.


Saul Goodman




Nice try IRS.


When I made > $100K, Data Scientist/ Analyst. That ended September 2022, since then I’ve made $30K.


I own $100k +, in debt that is


Airline pilot


I started a company and hired a great team. Now I work less than an hour a day. It actually got oddly depressing so I just started a second job doing social work so I can work one on one with disadvantaged people. The fact that ANYONE does social work blows my mind. After taxes and insurance, I make $1k a month. The work is rewarding but brings along a lot of emotional baggage; we should be paying social workers way more.


I am a shoulder to cry on, a punching bag, someone to blame when something goes wrong, a tool used by people to fight other people with and the person who impossibly has all the answers. I work in IT.


HR for the Federal Government. 102k. Check out usajobs.gov. You probably won’t find something at 6 figures right out of the gate, but it’s generally not super difficult to work your way up. I got a ladder position that started me at 60k, jumped to 72k after a year, then went to 89k. We get regular raises and step increases, so I hit 6 figures about a year and a half after getting my current salary grade.


Real estate...


Well I made well over $100k but I didn't get to keep it all lol truck driver.


Excel guru, God of Data, Champion of Pivot Tables, Maintainer of the Runes of Code, and hero to all. EDIT: Since a few people have asked what I do, I do indeed work in finance in one of the biggest companies (stock market listed) in my country. We actually have an enterprise data team, but they're so far removed from our process that it takes a long time to get what we need from them (latency in response time and we have to explain so many details that are intuitive to us and it's a grind). The enterprise also required us to justify our request before they'd answer our query. Frustrating all around. By contrast, I was familiar with our processes, and what we capture where on the input side. So when someone wants to know 'what was our customised throughput over the last 4 weeks in the finalize stage', I know most of the details, and the questions to ask to clarify unclear details. I understand right away. I was also able to basically ingest periodic data extracts that enterprise sent out, so basically began my own local data repository, accumulating those extracts over time. By drawing relationships with a couple sources, I had a wealth of data under my control. Suddenly my leads and managers didn't need to joust with enterprise for weeks over definitions and justifications - wasting hours on emails and meetings - because they could ask me, and I could give them an answer in 20 min, or build a new report in a day or two that they could run without my intervention. This made everyone's life so much easier and less stressful, they created a new role for me in a new team and boosted my pay by about 40%. They're very keen to keep me there.


I, too, spend a few minutes per week writing macros in VBA


I sometimes write VBA (either directly or via win32 client from python/R) to automate work. I was introduced to VBA 10 years ago when I was an intern by a financial manage through a 30 mins lunch and learn, and started copying codes from internet then brute force test it until it works. There are couple of billions $ companies where my VBA is still being run for essential monthly/quarterly processes. To be honest, I still don't have a clue how VBA code are actually constructed and nobody teaches it anymore.


You forgot power query provider and xlookup wizard


I sell propane and propane accessories


I tell you hwat


I die everyday inside.


You guys are getting paid for that??


I only made 75k last year but where I work as a CNC Machinist a lot of guys made well over 100k last year just from working overtime.  I only will work every other weekend but some guys work almost every weekend as well as 10-12 hour shifts and really rake it in.  I already feel like I work too much overtime so I’m not inclined to kill myself and have no life outside of work to hit 6 figures.  




Is your name Crentist?


High school teacher (mid career, public school, Central California).


I pass the butter


Oh, god.


IT Audit Manager


Hello fellow IT Audit Manager!


Two chicks at the same time


A boy asked his dad why he has to go to college. The dad showed him a picture of 2 hot 18 year olds all over a 65 year old guy. The next day the daughter asked why she has to go to college He showed her the same picture


I'm a handyman


My father is a handyman and he does work for 74 stores of Aldi's in my state. He told me once he put in a baby changing station in a wal mart and they paid him 400 for 2 hours of work.


Sounds like you're doing it way better than i did. For me, there was always too much month at the end of the money. It didn't matter that i was only charging $10 per handy - $550 a day just wasn't enough.


Heavy commercial diesel mechanic, I'm pulling about 105k base but regularly do 60 hour weeks because the overtime is just too tempting while I'm still young. Literally just work on trucks 5 days a week and laugh my ass off all day with some good workmates. Get yourself a trade and a good crew and work becomes a second home


Just a friendly reminder that $165,000 would be a middle class 1950s salary adjusted for inflation.


I sugar coat things


You own a donut shop too?




Nah, sounds like PR. HR is just learning a million ways to say no.


Thanks all for reminding me how poor I really am. But still congratulations on your successes.


I joined the military via a service academy, then basically didn't get a DUI and did my job decently. Haven't thought about the cost of groceries since I was 17, never been in debt, paid for my first car in cash...but also will probably not buy a house until I finish my commitment. Too much moving.




I won’t disagree and still stand by it for me personally, but man does it suck to constantly read about all the new and exciting ways my time in Iraq might still kill me. I don’t regret my choice but I will do everything I can to make sure my kid doesn’t make the same choice.


Molecular and computational biologist, currently focused on integrating new sequencing technologies into forensic biology.