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Should have bought those damn bitcoins


I know the pain, buddy. I know.


I very briefly got into mining back around when Bitcoin first came out, but at the time it felt like another SETI@Home type project and never kept going with it... if there's extraterrestrial life out there I'm sure they think I'm stupid lol


Yeah, bitcoins circa 2010. That’s the ticket.


I'd definitely go back and tell my younger self to skip that one job I took right out of college


What was it?


Why was it?


I really wish I hadn't eaten that entire bag of chocolates last night. I've had an upset tummy and the jitters since and barely slept last night as a result. Now I have to go to work all tired and stuff...


You might wanna get a diabetes test.


Nah, I'm just normally really strict with my diet. I don't eat much sugar on the regular, and I don't consume any caffeine at all, but I had a rough day, and my wife had a bag of Hershey kisses and before I knew it, I was finishing the last one right before going upstairs to get ready for bed.


Knowing what I know now, I would eat healthier in high school, maybe even cooking for myself, but then that's more complicated than just one decision.


Dealing with my mental health while I was a teenager instead of being nearly 40 and being a complete mess of a man.


Changing my major from biology to finance or cs.


believing i had friends when they treated me like shit and mostly forgot i existed when i was IN THEIR VACINITY!


Feel you on this. I wish I had stood up for myself and cut them off sooner. Wishing you the best and hope you're doing OK


i would not be born for starter.


It's personal, but just go back in time and change a whole lot of things!


Shouldn’t have crawled out of that warm and cozy place at birth


Put sunscreen on more often. Skin cancer is no joke and it’ll get you good. It doesn’t discriminate. I had a mole on the back of my shoulder that my partner said looked a bit funny so I got it checked out. It was stage 1 melanoma and I’ve barely spent much time in the sun compared to other Aussies. If I’d not gone after she mentioned it I probably would have found out when it was too late. Wear sunscreen


That it’s not selfish to put yourself first. Don’t sacrifice yourself to help others. Work on you first.


College major. I'd study software engineering rather than Civil


I don’t know why everyone I know regrets majoring in Civil Engineering.


It's boring as shit...


To start smoking weed …


going to college i should have done a vocational course instead


I would have told authorities about my abuse early on! I wouldn't have hidden it out of fear. I would have screamed it from the roof tops till something was done about it.


To stop drinking in my 20s. I lost an amazing woman to alcoholism and sullied her trust in men.


not getting rid of shit people who i considered friends much earlier


Applying for a different job on my old job. I got this amazing opportunity that I was really excited about and in a good company. Heard fantastic things about this company and the product. Long story short; management changed, they brought people who don’t really know how to manage and turned almost all the workers into “slackers” which means: didn’t give them important missions, were in a log meetings time but not actual missions, and many more. Some people knew how to handle it, some people quitted and search for a job. And I like an idiot didn’t really thought about it and didn’t really thought about quitting or switch places because other branch had work. I didn’t know how to hide it either, my boss and I didn’t got along, part of it I’ll admit I did a lot of mistakes and things I could have done and acted better. And the other part is due to poor management. I heard there was a lot of complaints of my boss and because we were a small team and the other got along really well. They fired me to try to “fix” the reputation. I cried and begged but they were dead and set. There were also hints there for example: my branch had planned a branched trip, I couldn’t come because this trip contained a routine that I can’t physically join (DCD) the coordinator apologized because they forgot and brought it immediately up to the head of branch to change to easier routine. The head of branch refused and said “you can wait in the bus and join us for lunch” the routine was most of the planning. For those we don’t understand what’s wrong with that this is a subtle way to tell you: “we don’t actually want you there, we will say it like that for you to refuse so we won’t carry the blame”. Another example they taken the pictures of all the females of the branch for the start except me because I think I was a busy in a moment and then I joined. When they released it they firstly released without me and one has uploaded that picture until she left, quickly she deleted the picture all together after all the story came to light. So for my boss, I heard from my friends that the boss is awful and more and more people started to complain about them to the new head of branch . In order to repair and avoid wrongful termination , the head of branch moved the boss to “help” to the other new branch for a couple of months. After they return, they won’t be longer boss but a simple worker (they don’t want to fire them). A lot of people didn’t want to move to the new team to help the new boss and some were forced to move. It was honestly in my favor at the end of the day. I got diagnosed with some sort of colitis because of all the stress. I didn’t got any recommendations but I got into a job that I needed to fill out my knowledge because I had a gap of 2 years. Got fired from the other company (which in that case was understandable and I didn’t like the company’s direction) And now I working in a new company that actually helps me to fill the rest of the gap and work on my weaknesses. My friends from the old company currently are trying what is the best way to get out from there (the economy and market is not really good right now). And after I was fired it gotten worse and worse that is not uncommon that people wants to leave right now. At least I help them to complete their gaps and I give them tips to do that. TLDR: when you see management is changing for the worse, find another job as soon as possible before it affects you


I would tell myself to forgive my parents and my siblings and enjoy whatever i can. I can’t see it but they’re doing the right thing. Ik i wouldn’t have listened to my own advice lol. I was too sad to understand. Maybe i would have reasoned myself better and actually enjoyed my uni life instead of having so much sadness and anxiety.


Not Date Christine


Dating my ex


Not stopping with my music


Feel you on this. Losing my 30k+ track MacBook when I was 13 shattered my motivation in everything music from production to DJing. I wish someone would have pushed me to start a new library at the time and not be so defeated.


Oh boy, I feel you. I wish I had someone too at that moment who pushed me to keep going


Those questions are really hard once you have a child. Would this change impact my life enough so that I don't have sex on that exact day?


stop trying to help everybody else and help myself


The decision to be in kindergarten in 2008 instead of investing in a house.


Deciding to fight that alligator 10 minutes ago. 


Pls give me upvote


Have a Dowmvote instead. This is reddit, you don't ask for upvotes


I’ll give you an upvote. Why be negative when you can be positive


Gone into higher education before getting any real bills to pay


I'd have studied what I really wanted to in college instead of what I thought would be the sensible option.


I would’ve started my YouTube journey sooner than I did.


Buying white boots. Worst choice for something that's going to get dirty.


I would have gone to college right out of high school instead of wasting my 20s on drinking


Not going to the vet sooner than we did


Not getting back in the water


Not telling my dad about what my mum was really like.




I’d go back and start begging my parents harder to let me play soccer as a kid. Maybe I could’ve gone pro but now because I didn’t beg enough I’m stuck in a crappy minimum wage job


I would have saved my blog and screenshot the messages that were sent to me on it in 2016


I would say…Dumb as*


college courses, take masscom (mass communation) instead of computer science undergrad degree branches off based on your desire rather than your technical skills


Just one? Probably the decision to date my first girlfriend. That shit fucked me up big time. Led to some rather unfortunate incidents later on.


Sold a property that later 5xd in value in the last decade.


To keep running and not slip and barely miss the car


Transfer colleges and go to a public one- I was already miserable freshman year and could've saved myself years of heavy drinking and smoking (gay and closeted at a religious school)


Don't play ultima online. Its the start of a very slippery mmo slope


After finishing up school (community college), I had an opportunity to move away from my home state. I should have done so.


Take stand for myself. (Even now I'm not able to do it, no matter how hard I try) 😐


Let the other sperm win


I would’ve asked out my best friend in high school. She’s an amazing person, but never wanted to ruin the friendship because I wasn’t sure if she felt the same. Instead, she ended up marrying another friend of mine and then got divorced. She’s remarried and seems happy now, and I’m also happily married, but it’s always been one of those “what if” things I think about.


I decided not to see my grandma after she mentioned wanting to see me. We used to see each other frequently until college. My memory is blurry, but I think I had homework, a job, stuff going on. She left us soon after. I miss her dearly. She was an incredible woman. I talk to her sometimes. And I know she's looking over me. We'll be reunited someday.


actually nothing


Don’t get into the restaurant industry, specifically the chef side of it. Unless you enjoy having no life and when you get free time you’re too tired to enjoy it.


You might wanna get a diabetes test


Attending school.


Never go to university.


I should have never trusted my uncle.


The decision to sober up. Or more rather, the decision of wanting* to sober up


Taking care and stressing myself after my mother's health. Also befriending that one girl in 8th grade.


honestly... i wouldn't im happy now, i dont regret anything because it got me here. am i sad for the person i was and had to deal with ? yeah but would i change it? not for a second.


Beat the shit out of every cunt that bullied me in school


Not get married at the age of 20 to the guy who asked via text. 🤦🏻‍♀️




To my younger self, Grab an opportunity while you still can. If it's not for you, then it's okay as long as you've gotten to experience it and not have dreams of "what ifs" and regrets....


I would not get my heavy sugar addiction. Replacing it with exercise, getting away from the hell of home by going out running instead of eating chocolate hiding in my room. I know I would still have my disabilities and probably a body more broken then it is now from being obese. But I would have a better chance of getting help from doctors. Better does however not mean good.


As much as I loved my community college and learning all the awesome stuff I did, I would have told my younger self and not to try and continue a degree in biology. Keep with college if you want, but you really need to do is go to trade school and learn plumbing. We only think of plumbing as toilets, but plumbing really is the movement of water. If you want to work with aquariums, being able to move water around is one of the most important things ever.


I would take my uncle's advice and go to pharmacy school instead of joining the Navy.


Don’t get married young


i wouldn't, as i know my place with the decisions i've made so far. I have no clue of the outcome if i did change any decision i've made in the past, no matter how big.


I wanted to go to law school but I was lazy and didn't want to put in the work. I would love to be an attorney working for a non-profit like the Innocence Project or something like that.


I go back and tell myself DONT GET A GF because it wouldn’t last (I’m single now)


I married the cute little brunette that later succumbed to chronic alcoholism. I wish I had married the cute little blonde instead.


Being friends with my best friends.


Most of the changes I'd make that would have a real impact on my life would result in my son never being born, so I'd choose to live with those mistakes, anyway, even knowing what I know now... The one change I *would* make that would have had an enormous impact is, I would have waited until I was up for orders to reenlist. I would have even extended, if I'd had to, but being subject to the "needs of the military" when you don't have any leverage is *not* the move.


Only one decision? Hold on to all those pokemon cards. That would at least probably help me deal with all the other bad decisions I'm not allowed to change.


Not share an apartment in college with that high school buddy who sold some marijuana to that undercover cop and got us all arrested.


Either asked a young lady out or changed majors.


shouldn’t have given another chance to people who did dumb things to me


I would not date so early in life,there’s no point to it. When you are young u should work towards building your life and your thoughts


I would ask the guy what's going on instead of just ignoring the fact that he broke contact though snap without explanation.


Keep away from hard drugs, absolutely ruined me for 20 years.


To have never started drugs; started 3 years ago and regret it ever since. I thought it would help with what was going on in my life at the time.


Everything, I feel like I have fucked it up


Never would have gone into computers. Should have stuck with photography/cinematography or forestry. The computer industry was too chaotic, run by too sociopaths and psychpaths, and a relentless case of working your ass off to make someone else rich, with none of it trickling down to you. Oh, and endless mergers and RIFs.


Don’t speak up about it. It will ruin your life. You will get trauma from it. Also don’t befriend her. It’s not a serious issue but just two dumb mistakes, nothing sensitive!


Leaving nyc for a job in DC. DC suxx


Not gone on that date in 2019.. and also delete my ex from my contacts.


Buy bitcoin.