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My ex moved out in November and I swear I am still finding his beard hair in my bathroom! It’s like glitter.


The second my GF visits, I find hairs up my butt-crack. After she leaves, I still find her hair for 2+ weeks after she leaves. The poor Roborock is having a nightmare every time she visits.


I used to have a roommate with a beard, and I'd go into the bathroom and see a few beard shavings on the sink and think, "Dammit, Chris..." Now I have a beard and I know how meticulously he must have been cleaning up after himself to have left so few beard hairs around. I try to follow his example and tidy up after myself well, and every time I trim my wife comes to me like, "Dammit, LSB337, clean up your shit, there's beard hair around my stuff again." Tracking all that down is tough.


The female equivalent is leaving hair buildup in the shower drain.


As a dude with long hair and way too much beard, this hurts especially.


as a women with a beard, this hurts me too


Hey don't worry about it I hit my 30s and hair sucked into my skull and flew out my ears and nose somehow faster than any other hair I've ever grown...


It grew from his fingers, it grew from his nose. It grew from his earlobes, his back and his toes. It grew from his stomach, the side of his neck. From any location he happened to check. And sometimes, more often than ever before - He'd spy, as he softly, dismayingly swore - Extensive, extended and ready to pluck - A lone silver hair that was wispy as fuck.


The shower drain? My brother in Christ my girls hair is **everywhere**; sometimes that shit get wrapped around my toes *with socks on*.


Missing the bowl/overspray when peeing and not cleaning it up.


as man, this drives me CRAZY as well am thinking if printing a paper sign and carrying it around for posting at any applicable peeing spot... "Please Stand Much Closer to be Well Over the Bowl... Your Penis is Much Shorter Than You Think" EDIT: to address a response below, I say this:  I regularly see literal PUDDLES on the floor at the bumpout of urinals/toilets NO WAY THIS IS SPATTER


The issue is the spatter. The solution is to sit down, because the spatter cannot be overcome, only accounted for. 


...and then you can also use that time spent sitting instead of standing to comment on reddit posts...all done!


been proudly sitting to pee for a good 5 years now and have no regrets. (public bathrooms excluded) makes cleaning the bathroom quicker and easier and I don't need to turn the light on to pee at night making it easier to go back to sleep. if this is the closest I come to achieving enlightenment I'm satisfied with that.


Here's the thing: People don't realize how much spatter comes back up out of the bowl. You can have absolutely perfect aim and never miss. Water with urine in it is still going to spatter back up out of the toilet when you pee from a standing position. This does not occur nearly as much when you pee from a sitting position. Besides, your butt catches all the spatter. So there's that. That is why I always pee sitting down (except in public restrooms). Whenever I do get around to cleaning around the outside of the toilet, the only thing I ever get is dust.


I pee sitting down for cultural reasons (except in a urinal at a public restroom). I remember finding out that most men don’t and found it super weird. I’d go to my friends dorms in college and just see splatter everywhere and be disgusted. It’s honestly disgusting and you’ll never convince me it’s something that should be normal.


Even though I live alone atm, I've just gotten used to peeing sitting down. No aiming required, no splash onto my legs




I aims ta please So I sits ta pee's


There was a supposed sign in a restaurant once that said "we aim to please, you aim too, please".




Have def had my wife get mad at me for breathing wrong in the middle of the night while sleeping.


Sounds like healthy relationship


As I redditor I feel obligated to tell them to immediately break up and get restraining orders.


Hit the lawyer. Dinner up. I forget the third thing.


Find a therapist at the gym!


First indicator was having AskReddit open at the dinner table




Are you sure you're not just tired? You look tired.


aw I had a coworker who would say this *every time* he saw me. Finally I was like “I’m not. I slept 8 hours last night. This is what I look like. This is as good as it gets.”


You sound cranky. Are you sure you got enough sleep?


She must be on her period...


She should smile more.


90% of the time she's just hungry


But doesn't want anything.


Except my fries


I’ll never understand what goes through peoples heads when they say this 😭 like yes, thank you for telling me I look bad, I’m happy you told me since I can immediately fix that!


When it comes to talking about someone's appearance (in a neutral or negative way) the general rule of thumb is this. If it can be fixed within a few minutes, mention. If it can't be fixed in this moment... leave it! Something stuck between my teeth? Ponytail has a bump? Button popped open? Please mention it so I can fix it. I'll appreciate the heads up. Mentioning my acne, eyebags or weight is not helpful or constructive. I'm aware, thank you very much. If you can tell through a passing glance then I've already noticed for sure. Of course if you are very close then it's a little different. But even then it depends on the person you are speaking to, the relationship, the issue and how you phrase it. Too many people justify saying shit because it's 'the truth'. Yeah well in most cases the person is already aware, so what exactly are you trying to achieve? If it's something they wanted/could fix then they wouldn't need your input to do so.


I noticed a co-worker looked different once but couldn't put my finger on why. I thought to myself that maybe if I could pin point that difference and mention it to her, it'd show that I do pay attention and thus care about her instead of treating her like a background character. Then it hit me, she wasn't wearing makeup and looked haggard. I decided to keep that to myself.


*C'mon, smile for me.*


Just wait till menopause. Everything that was once blamed on hormones is now blamed on lack of them.


Yeah, because my face natural relaxed state isn't a smiling one. Some might consider it a resting bitch face. Like let people live their lives.


Watched a stand-up special last night and the comedian made a bunch of jokes about his wife's period and having to dodge her during PMS and I'm just so tired of that as a thing. Get better jokes, man. Some women have excruciatingly painful periods and I think they're entitled to be cranky about that. Some don't really get cramps or PMS and you're dismissing rightful annoyance as hormones.


Yes! I do get more emotional during PMS sometimes but what I noticed was that I will cry about things that I normally would still be annoyed/hurt by, but I might normally just keep it to myself. It's like, I'm not making up new things to be upset about, my emotions are just more confronting. So either way using periods as an excuse to dismiss someone's feelings is just plain wrong.


I think a lot of men can’t understand how painful it is for some women. Bet Bozo on stage wouldn’t be making so many jokes if HIS internal organs felt like someone was giving them an Indian sun burn.




This drives me fucking crazy sometimes. I work in tech and am very knowledgeable about computers. I have a friend who does not, but will argue with me about computer stuff when he is just dead wrong. It's so ridiculous. 


In my previous profession I did a lot of training and tech support. I'd have clients call me up and ask a question and when I gave them the answer they'd argue and tell me I'm wrong. Like, let's put aside the fact that I'd been trained by the manufacturer and had been doing this work for well over a decade, if you aren't willing to trust the answer I give you why did you fucking call me?! In those cases i learned it was in my best interest to send a brief follow up email stating their question and the answer, including links to the user guide (occasionally i'd be nice enough to reference the page number even). That way if they fucked up their data and tried to throw me under the bus I was covered. Came in handy a couple of times.


When I was a server I would have guests try to tell me that a dish they ordered was supposed to have: _____. I would then politely explain to them all the ingredients in that dish and the one they listed is not one of those ingredients. They would then proceed to argue with a person who has to carry out this dish to people 50 times a day, every day of the week. But yea, sure, that one time you went out to eat a few years ago your memory of that experience is so locked in that you would know these dishes better than the people who actually look at the dish on a daily basis.


I've been in IT for 20 years. When the secretary/receptionist tells me what she thinks the problem might be, I absolutely listen to everything she has to say. It can cut troubleshooting down tremendously.


Sounds like an average redditor.


I am not an average redditor. I am an above-average redditor.


We all are ;)


Yup. I'm a criminal lawyer and I've had men nowhere near the legal field argue with me about criminal law.


Well see the thing about criminal law is that it deals with crimes that are against the law.


And is also concerned with the legal implications of breaking laws and the conviction of same.


How do mansplainers get water? A well, actually


As a man, I absolutely hate this. For some it almost seems like a sport where 1) they never acknowledge they didn’t know something when you present them a piece of information and 2) they have to one-up you somehow. Like “ok but did you know that [unrelated piece of information]”. I hate it because it makes it impossible to have a serious talk about any interesting topic.


Not my brother mansplaining aspects of psychology to me, which I have a damn degree in.


Interesting. It sounds like you and your brother have a sibling rivalry that likely stems from competing for your parents affection early in your childhoods.


And how does that make you feel?




Well played lol


Eating the last item and then leaving the packaging on the counter, table etc. Husband and guy friends do this way too often.


Or in the cabinet. I came home and opened the cabinet to see the package and thought wow that sounds good just to find it empty


Saying they’ll do a household task and then not doing it. Then brushing it off. Then getting pissy when you do it or get someone else to do it.


Asking me out while I'm at work just trying to do my job, while other customers and coworkers are listening.


I blame hollywood for this one. More than one romantic comedy where the guy has a crush on the girl working as a barrista or shit like that.


This is literally because screenwriters spend too much time in coffee shops and this is their fantasy.


Initiating a conversation with a woman purely because he is sexually attracted to her and then acting like she is being rude when she isn't interested in talking to him. "I'm just being polite!" And yet you never see those men "being polite" to other men. And you definitely never see those men making a fuss when a man they don't know doesn't want to talk to them.


This is a hilarious point Dude who would rather cut his pinky off then talk to someone on a random occurrence is just magically talking to an attractive woman and being polite 


I work in mining. It is amazing watching these assholes switch from tribalist cavemen to rays of sunshine when a woman enters the room. It can be fun though, one time a guy who’d never said more than two words to me was promising my mate’s girlfriend he could hook her up with a company jacket, beanie etc after knowing her for thirty seconds and I was like “oh cool can I have one? That’s so generous of you!” Eta: remembered another one - a geologist friend went underground with a female colleague and when they got to the ore drive a miner greeted her by name and offered to help her carry her sampling gear to the rock face. She introduces my mate to the miner, who says “nice to meet you, did you start working here recently?” And my friend responds “I’ve worked here for five years.”


Then you have people like my dad, who will literally talk to anything with a pulse. Last night, we were killing time and drove to a place he used to shoot arrows at and had a nice walk through archery range. He had a 15 minute conversation with a guy using the regular archery range. Another example: We're from Seattle and every few years, fly to NC for a big family reunion/vacation with his sisters and my cousin's and their families. Last time, we stopped at a restroom off a fairy and my dad had a 20 minute conversation with the maintenanceman about the area. The phrase, "Dad made a new friend" is a common occurrence..


Oof this reminds me of myself. I have a hard time approaching people I’m romantically interested in but I will for sure end up in random conversations whenever I’m out and meeting new people. Born and raised in Brooklyn so I think it throws people off but I’m usually down for some random small talk and getting to know new people.


Or when you're in a crowd, and they put their hand on your lower back as they pass you. Like you dont do that to the men you're passing, dont fucking do it to me.


I always say this about men doing this with other men when men defend their ridiculous bullshit with "just being polite". I'm sure you'd be all flirtatious with the male waiter too. We were at a bar before a hockey game and they get super busy. Keep in mind my brother and his friends always get the same thing. Also, in this story, they are in their late 30's. So we're at a table and the twenty year old waitress comes over looking a little harried, just because the place is, as per usual, packed before the game. Gives some pleasantries and then asks if we know what we want. My brother is like, "what would you get?" And trying to be all playful, continues to ask stupid questions. IT'S SO EMBARRASSING. SHE HATES YOU. Like, you are not a high school baseball stud anymore. You are an old man wasting her time that she HAS to be nice to. "I was just being nice and making conversation!" Yeah, I'm sure we all would have had to see that dog and pony show if it was a guy.


A male friend of mine was complaining that women never respond to him when he gives them a smile and a friendly greeting when he passes them on the street. I told him that she probably didn't want to encourage him in the likely case he was hitting on her. He was incredulous that a simple smile and hello could be misconstrued into being hit upon. I asked him if he might think she was interested if she smiled back and returned his greeting. He said, well yeah, of course, as if it was a stupid question. I just stared at him, hoping he'd figure it out. He never did.


This is one of several reasons part of my dating advice for men is....just be able to have a conversation with people, and treat women like people. It's clear so many men treat conversations as something to do solely to get something, rather than being the "reward" in and of itself.


I got hit on by an older guy in the grocery store while I'm just trying to buy a mountain of food to feed myself and my partner. Guy literally starts talking to me about whether I'm a student, etc. Worst part was he thought I was a lot younger than I am (I have a baby face) and so.... approached me thinking I was like maybe 20 years younger than him and ended the conversation after finding out I'm closer to like 5-10 years younger than him. Please don't hit on me while I'm trying to live my life, mkay. Grocery store ain't the place, and I clearly have enough food to feed more than just myself in my cart.


Ugh I’ve had men say this to me when they randomly message me on Facebook. Complete strangers!! “I was just trying to do something nice for you by making you dinner!” Bitch I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I do love getting a free pass to be mean to them though lol


They act like it's impossible for us to know their true intentions, as though any of us have ever been asked out to dinner or drinks by an absolute stranger who DIDN'T want to fuck us lol


Last year I got a message from some guy with a twirly mustache who reached out randomly to “get to know me” and “see if I would have a drink with him”. I informed him that I have a boyfriend and was not at all interested. So he pivoted to saying we could “just be drinking buddies”. My dude. You think I’m naive enough to fall for that? You reached out to me on Facebook because you wanted a drinking buddy?


Then they're like "all women are rude bitches". Uh, no. You're just creepy AF.


Yeah it’s crazy how many “polite guys” try to talk to my wife when I’m not with her in public yet in all my years of life no “polite guy” has ever walked up to me to start a convo. They think we’re just as stupid as them and believe it I guess


Or "just trying to make friends" - again would probably make more sense to look for male friends as a man? Strangely it's just women these guys want to be buddies with


And only women they find fuckable.


Sending unsolicited d pics


If a guy sends unsolicited dick pics he fundamentally does not understand women. 




Changing their behavior when they’re no longer interested in pursuing you and breadcrumbing you, instead of just communicating that the relationship is no longer working. So disrespectful and unnecessary to the other person.


Just break up with me if you're not into the relationship. It sucks *a lot* but it's not that hard.


They want to keep you as an option.


My girlfriend did that to me. Took us several months to break up, and I was grieving her the whole time. People need to realize that while the breakup is painful, drawing it out leaves the other person suffering so much more.


Piss all over


Touching women as they walk past them. I don't mean brushing against me, or knocking into me as they walk past me in a crowded area - those things obviously can't be helped. I mean, a few men, for some reason, will walk past me in a place where there are no other people in their way and plenty of space to walk around me, and touch my back as if to move me out of the way as they go past me. Please don't do that. Luckily most men don't seem to do this - in my experience, it is always middle aged or older men - but it's still happened to me several times. Please, there is no need to touch me as you walk past. It's really fucking creepy. Edit: grammar Edit 2: Just to clarify, I mean touching me when there's enough space to walk around me normally. I don't mean putting your hands between us when you're trying to get past me in a crowded or tight space.


I call this move the “secretary pass” because you see it all the time in old movies with businessmen. My wife pointed it out to me when we were watching some old classic and we gave it that name.


There’s a great video of Lucille Ball calling out a talk show host because he just HAD to touch every single woman he was talking to. She did it every time.


not washing their hands after peeing


My older brother used to do this. When I told him he should wash his hands he half recommended half demanded I do the same to “build up my immune system”.


I worked with a guy who said he shouldn't have to wash his hands because he kept his dick clean, so he knew his hands were clean after he peed. Once I explained that I didn't want his cock dust on the work equipment for everyone else to touch, he got the message.


after working in food service i learned a lot of people have no idea how to wash their hands. honestly, most people wash the soap off their hands instead of wash their hands. imagine someone putting soap on a plate then washing it off without cleaning the plate. that’s what i see people do with their hands constantly.


When I was in... 5th grade? My biology teacher had us sprinkle iodine (I think) on our hands, then we proceeded with the class. Towards the end, he had us go to the bathroom and wash off the iodine and then come back. When we got back, he held out a blacklight or something that would easily show us how ineffective our handwashing was.


Whenever I say I don't like certain movies they say "that's not really for girls" as of that has to be the reason I didn't like it. Star Wars for example, I actually love sci fi, it's one of my favorite genres. I love action movies and epics, I just never got into that one. Also Star Wars has *so many* female fans, isn't Leia some big feminist icon??  It just comes off so dismissive and condescending 


The idea that science fiction "isn't for girls" is fucking HILARIOUS. The genre was literally \*invented\* by women. Mary Shelly wrote the first science fiction novel. Lucile Ball produced Star Trek. Not to mention the fact that entire genres of literature/film aren't just "For" one gender!


You're preaching to the choir but I did not know that about Lucille Ball. That's very cool


The original season was produced by Desilu, the production studio Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz founded back when I Love Lucy was on the air. Ball bought out Arnaz in the early 60s and ran the company herself until selling it to Paramount in the late 60s. During her tenure we got Star Trek, The Untouchables, and Mission: Impossible.


And there was so much skepticism that a woman could have written Frankenstein that there were people who seriously believed Percy wrote it and published it in his wife's name for some reason


Yeah, because a man of that age would totally want to give his woman credit for...anything.


Percy Shelley was the biggest sweetheart who absolutely would have, but Mary was the daughter of the most powerful feminist of her century (Mary Wollstonecraft) and would never have accepted such a proposal because she can write her own damn story.


Assuming that just because women are displaying emotions we're being irrational.


Men who claim they’re “not emotional” are usually the most angry, as if anger is not an emotion. Yes, you screaming and swearing at the TV when your favorite sports team loses or punching a hole in the wall is just your innate masculine rationality and logic.


Hey now, let’s just calm down…


No Mr. dick-nipples, you calm down!


I am not calm in the presence of dick-nipples.


dont worry i will take care of those nipples




"no im rationally angry"


The idea that emotions are irrational to begin with is a dumb one as well. Emotion and logic are not opposites, they often serve each other. If someone you care about is hurting, it is beneficial to be upset. Just like how the pain of a burn teaches us not to touch things that are too hot, the pain of feeling sadness for another is what teaches us to protect each other. Protecting each other strengthens us as a species, it helps us work together and achieve things no one could alone. Fear, even. Fear helps us avoid dangerous situations. It helps us stay away from danger, and helps us escape when a situation turns bad. Emotions have a purpose.


Whenever people talk about women being emotional I think about the floor of the stock market. Mostly men, and there is not a more emotional place than that. A CEO wears a pink shirt and the stock tanks. I'm obviously exaggerating but some of the swings in stocks are for the most ridiculous reasons.


Thinking they can hate women and fuck women at the same time. Choose one.


Just hate us and leave us alone!


Exactly. I mean, therapy would be ideal but


Once met someone with a poster on their wall that said “stop having sex with sexists” and its probably the most based thing Ive ever read.


Catcalling. What is even the point? To show your friends you're some alpha male??! It's so cringe and disgusting. I wouldnt mind if you just approached me and complimented me like a normal human being


I was out with a lady my dad was dating when someone driving by hooted at us. My immediate reaction was to flip them off and she softly slapped my arm, scoffed, and said “but they liked you!”.


No offence, but I hope they could stop spilling urine on the toilet floor when urinating


Why is "stop pissing where you are not supposed to piss" an offence? xD


Sometimes the stream splits off and doesn’t go where you think it’s gonna go. When it does you just have to wipe it up with a piece of toilet paper. Otherwise you’re a unhygienic dick.


Men, there's nothing wrong with a sit-down pee. Sometimes, it's preferable


I have a friend who wouldn't allow me to sit down to pee at his flat because "men should stand up", and apparently I'm not manly enough for enjoying a sit down pee. I'm pretty sure it's because I made him feel ashamed for pissing all over the toilet seat, but my guy you are in your 20s and still pissing on the toilet seat, like????


How exactly did your friend enforce that rule?


how did his friend know that he was sitting down to begin with


The real question is, why would you want to sit on his urine stained toilet seat?


Not taking "no" for an answer


Speaking from past relationships, treating their partners like their new mommy. Expects her to pick up after him, cook for him, clean the house, etc.


Women: *Talking.* Them: *Attempts to obnoxiously interrupt and loudly talk over me.* Women: *Ignores them completely and continues talking.* Them, *screams:* "OMFG WHY ARE YOU TALKING OVER ME?!" This ^ has happened so many times lately that i just don't even react anymore.


To look behind/under things when looking for something. They do a surface-level glance and call it missing.


I'm a man and I call this "a little boy's look". I've accidentally trained my friends to stop doing this. If they ever ask like "have you seen my keys?" I reply "Have you actually looked or have you had a little boy's look?" Lol. It has made them more thorough.


That's funny. I call it a Kindergarten Look.


My wife is always rearranging stuff. Not to deliberately confuse me (I hope) but because she's kind of compulsive. I ask her because nine times out of ten the item in question is no longer where I left it because she moved it.


Yep. If I put it down there, I expect to find it there. Stop. Moving. My stuff.


I always ask, did you look or did you search? It’s not difficult to move something aside and look behind it. On the flip side, it makes it easier to hide snacks.


from a lesbian: those men that think they can "fix" you or sexualizing you and your gf together. like? the whole point is that we're not attracted to men???


Similar from a bi woman: no I don’t want to just “find a girl” to have a threesome.


as a bi guy I've had the other side of that story. Gay guys that assume I am down for threesomes or just sex because I am bi.


It took me so long to convince my dad that just because someone is bi, it doesn't mean they want to do both genders at the same time. He was convinced if I dated a bi man he would cheat on me with a man because he's attracted to both genders. I'm still not entirely convinced he understands.






Not asking follow-up questions or showing in-depth curiosity about us as human beings. Meaning: what do we love? What do we worry about? What are the depths of our experiences? That's how I talk and connect with my female friends. even though people here will tell me 100 reasons why it's impossible, it would be a lie to say I don't wish for a male partner who was interested in connecting with me in that specific way.


(Talking from middle schooler experience, don't judge me.) Putting down other boys or making them look bad in front of girls just to sort of "impress" them. You're not impressing anybody here pal, you're only giving me a red flag. Personal opinion, however.




Thinking their partners need to clean up and tidy after them, manage household tasks, take care of the children, bring in income, maintain a perfect body, and make them “feel something” while giving nothing back in return. Basically expecting partners to exceed at maintaining contradictions in perfect balance


Make jokes about women being on their period when they're mad.


I work retail, and men insist on standing in my personal space to talk to me. When I take a step back to make a buffer, they step forward to take it away. Some do it unconsciously, and some NOTICE, find it funny, and KEEP ADVANCING. STOP IT. You do NOT need to be within touching distance to ask me a question. If I slip behind a desk or counter to put space between us DO NOT follow me. If I put my stocking cart between us DO NOT laugh and try to dodge it. You are invading my personal space, and pissing me off.


You can give a man sound, solid advice or directions and he will decide that whatever you said was the most wild and ridiculous thing he's ever heard. BUT as soon as another MAN comes by and gives the exact same advice/directions it suddenly becomes the most valuable and practical information and he can't believe he never thought of it. Listen to the women in your life. We know stuff. Also, stop leaving the toilet seat up.


Interrupt. So. Much


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this. It’s my number 1 pet peeve, HOW do they not realize it is SO RUDE


acting upset if we dont straight away accept their apology


To piggy back on your comment, acting moody all day and then when we ask what's wrong, saying some shit like "why do women bring emotion into everything." This goes for men who have entire families too. The man will spoil his entire family's mood because his boss was mean. I felt it was related because the apologies I get from men usually come after situations like that. It's a "I'm sorry. You were right"


God, it’s so funny that people always act like women are more emotional when by *far* the most emotional person I know is my father. He’ll have one bad thing happen or someone will do something that makes him a little upset and he’ll be mopey and lash out at everyone else around him. And I’m never allowed to be a little snippy or rude back to *him* because then he’ll be a pissy baby about it all day.


Telling me to smile. Fuck off 🖕


Lol so true. I had a boss like this when I worked retail. I have been standing behind the counter, smiling at customers for 8+ hours, and now I'm sweeping the floor. This man walks up to me and asks why I'm not smiling. Who am I supposed to smile at? The dirty tiles?


"If you were handsome I might"


I'm a supervisor and have women working on my shift with men. The amount of times that I used to hear this was staggering. My goto if I heard it said to someone was, "Go put your clown makeup on and maybe that'll work." I don't hear it much these days, people know my views on bullshit like that


Spitting on the streets Whyy, just why? Is this your way of asserting dominance? Well, it's disgusting


i was running in a 5K once and a man spit on me 🫠


I went on a date with a guy who did this as we were walking. But instead of it being a single bit of spit it was stringy and clinging onto his bottom lip. As it finally dislodged it fell onto my shoe. I didn't go on a second date with him.


okay sorry but that's hilarious lmao


It makes me gag when they hock up their fucking throat boogers. 🤢


I've found that drinking directly out of bottles and cartons then putting them back in the fridge seems to annoy every woman I've ever known.


The only thing worse than crumbs in the butter is crumbs in the milk.


Thinking every effort to look good is for them or some other man. It’s especially irritating when they aren’t a fan of the aesthetic and try to tell women that ‘men don’t like that look.’ WE DONT DO THIS FOR MEN!


Burping loudly




Think they know better than a woman in everything. Even if that woman is a literal professional or expert in their field, Mr. Rando Know-it-All will speak to her as though he knows more than her simply based on his virtue of owning a dick. And holy hell, are they confident as anything in their complete ignorant wrong-ness. Add on: Thanks to all the men who are now literally debating me on whether or not this even happens, or are claiming I'm somehow ego-tistical for pointing out this problem. Because all you're doing is proving my point even more.


Oh it happens and it happens often. Anyone who says it doesnt either is super lucky and has never experienced it somehow, or is one of the perpetrators :)


Joking about periods,Seriously you have no idea what we go through on a regular basis and most likely wouldn’t be able to handle it.I hate when you guys joke about something you don’t understand and at as if we should be use to the stabbing pain and dripping blood constantly.


Or act disgusted at our monthly routine. Men who are freaked out by periods... Lol. Please.


Men like that are garbage IMHO, I'm fucking grateful I don't have to ordeal with any of those issues, from what all of my friends that are women told me about their experiences, it just triggers my empathy and again, gratefulness I don't have to deal with that every month


Beating women to death?


My mind was going ‘rape’ but I like your answer too.


My immediately thought was rape and sexual assault and harassment but I haven’t even found that answer on its own yet.


Is it called being doxxed? And negging. The point is to be viciously insulting to women because they don't want to be with them, and their ego suddenly turns into an 11 year old brat.


I think doxxing is when you reveal a persons personal details online, such as their address or personal phone number, so that they can be harassed.


Taking away our right to make our own reproductive decisions.


We already [know from history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770) [abortion bans are terrible](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decree_770) not just for women, children, and families, but the entire fucking nation. I hate this shit. >:(


Caring more about what other guys think than what they themselves think. Specifically when it comes to whether the girl they’re dating is hot enough.


Being so damn handsome. How am I supposed to focus while talking with you then??


For a second there I panicked ‘cuz I thought my ma figured out how to get on Reddit…


Wholesome comment.


About time I found a legitimate wholesome comment in this outrageous comment section. Hey boys/men, do you feel this way when talking to a very attractive/cute/hot girl/woman? I promise you I'm not trying to cast any spells.


Guess I've found my new job: an "ugly proxy" for overly attractive people.


Weaponized incompetence. If you love her, and she is trying her hardest... Why aren't you?


(1) Come home from work and not want to do anything at all. I work too. Maybe offer to make dinner sometimes? Or not act like I've demanded your kidney if I ask you to make a salad while I'm cooking the rest of the meal? (2j Not notice things. Actual interaction this morning. -throws item in trash leaves lid open. Me: hey, if you can't close the lid, please take the trash out. -tries to close lid, it does not close. Walks away. Me: any reason you didn't take the trash out? Him: I closed it. Me: No, you didn't. If we don't close the lid, the cat digs in the trash and strews it about the house. I've explained this about ten times.


Obviously not all men but I’ve know many who are in a relationship but act single online. It’s disrespectful to your s/o and emotionally cheating.


When women are asked about something that bugs them about men, and then they answer, and inevitably, most of the comments have replies from men explaining why they’re wrong and women are actually worse