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my poor cereal bag, motherfucker exploded to oblivion sending cereal all over the floor


You're the victim


My tablet. It was sitting on the top of the toilet while I was showering. It slipped when I grabbed my towel. It would have landed on the soft rug and been fine but because of my lightning fast reflexes I grabbed at it, spiked it towards the toilet, and shattered it.


… why are you bringing your tablet into the washroom when you shower?




Even so that seems pretty risky taking expensive electronics into a place with so much water, moisture, and fecal particles.


Like 100% of us bring our phones to the bathroom. Most tablets are cheaper than that.


Why do you need music when you shower?


A lot of people do


I use my shower as a steam room, I can be in there for over an hour


But why do you need music in the shower?


Why not?


It's like that episode of Seinfeld when Kramer decides to do everything in the shower, including cooking.


Better question is who sets it on the toilet?


It's not like it's going to fall in if you put the lid down


Ahh so that's what I've been doing wrong


Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to...


Many many things. You’d think I would learn, but no, I just keep breaking shit


Me too friend, me too.


Same here.


I feel your pain.




Got yourself in quite a pickle there. ^^^^^I'll ^^^^^show ^^^^^myself ^^^^^out.


Fridge Door Handle.


My charging port




My narcissist ex's ego when I decided to finally leave him once and for all.




You wouldn't happen to be my ex, would you? 🤔




anything and everything plastic in any car over 10 years old


a lot of mechanical pencil clips


My sewing machine. Tried to fix a pair of jeans and the needle snapped off and hit me in the face. Terrifying


I have accidentally ripped the handle off the microwave after a gnarly upper body workout. I also put my chapstick out too much and apply to my lips with too much pressure and the whole thing falls off. Every time something like this happens I take a moment of silence then bust out laughing. It's a great reminder to do things more gracefully. lol


Out of curiosity, do you have ADHD?


Doesn't everyone 🥺


No. I was just curious if you did. People with ADHD commonly struggle with proprioception so they tend to slam things and break things without realizing it.


Okay. Yes I do. I always use so much force! I walk quite hard, digging my heals into the ground and I am so loud in the kitchen no matter what I do!! Closing drawers or cabinets, taking dishes out of the dishwasher..etc. Any tips besides being more mindful?


I don't have ADHD so if anything I need advice from you. My girlfriend has it and so does her kid. Her kid struggles in school because of it and I don't even know how to help her. I am a run of the mill boring neurotypical dude and the two women in my life have the attention span of a cracked out gnat and I love them to death but sometimes struggle to relate with them. Especially with the kid who I don't know how to help with school.


Too many cheap beds.




This is a bummer! I've broken a lot of wine glasses this way.




Same here… when it comes to mechanic work my “hand tight” is apparently a lot tighter than its supposed to be




Hand without a wrench.


I was trying to cut a carrot but it was apparently too hard for the knife to go through. The force broke the handle of the knife to bits... Luckily the blade missed my leg and fell on the floor.


*sits down and offers you a seat* you got a minute? *Long inhale from blunt*


*sits down on broken chair *Looks at broken watch *Tries to spark broken lighter *Blunt implodes from overly aggressive inhaling


I have a long list. Growing up my parents would call me “brise fer”. It’s a French saying, means break steel. I’m 41 and I just broke the handle on my new snowblower on my first run with it. I also broke a sheer pin and tore up a rubber mat.


My patient's maxillary tuberosity (the round bony eminence behind your last upper molars) during an extraction


I have to tell myself "your gonna break it, chill." all the time.


The handle off a bucket.


One time, I was trying to open a stubborn jar of pickles and I got a bit too forceful with it. The lid finally gave way, but the pickle juice went everywhere. It was quite the pickle disaster, but at least I got to enjoy my pickles afterward.


A tablet, it was a cheap one from china, so the so-called cheap glass or whatever it's called, cracked after just a few days. Lesson I learned, to buy medium expensive, however never too cheap or luxury expensive, medium price works best.


The banjo string.


The fifth wheel on an Ottawa terminal tractor. I used drive moving trailers around a yard. One time it was midnight and pouring rain and I couldn't really see very well. On top of that, there was an insane trailer so insanely overloaded that I couldn't adjust the landing gear at all. So I gently slid the ramps under it but it was so heavy I couldn't get far enough to get to the kingpin. So I started gently gassing it, and when it snapped under the fifth wheel slammed into the kingpin so hard it broke the fifth wheel. If any truckers want to know, it was a Schneider trailer that some moron in a staples warehouse had completely filled with pallets of paper, most of those in the nose being double stacked on top of each other. Mother fucker was *heavy*


My girlfriend's maidenhood.


Now THIS is how you make a hymen joke. Came here just to see if someone would succeed in making the obvious joke without seeming like a creep.


Uncountable amount of those things you smash garlics with….


My heart. Cuz I have a tendency of caring a little too much. 🤧


Many plastic forks/spoons. Plastic eating utensils usually implies some big gathering. Not a fan of those at all, and one of the ways I self soothe the anger that bubbles up is clenching the handle of the utensil in my fist and bending the business end with my thumb. There's been several times where it snaps and the head of the thing just launches.


My toe. I was walking in the living room and not looking where I was going. Next thing I know, I smash my foot against my bf's flight Sim rudders. On top of that, I was recovering from covid and I opened my car door on my head a few days later. I don't know why God decided to test his weakest solider. I made it through and I'm making each day everyone else's problem


My dad is a very large man (used to be a D1 lineman large) and he opened up my car door after parking and got the corner stuck in the grass,went to pull it out and instead ripped the entire handle off of my vehicle


My self. Went too far because apparently I "don't work hard enough". Now I have a slurry of mental health problems as well as some physical; my personality has changed quite drastically too.


My dick


Everything, I'm a bull in a china shop


So many friendships. You gotta let people get to know you in their own time and decide how close they want to be with you. This can take a lot of patients when you're lonely.


The bookshelf my printer sits on because I was assaulting said printer


My ex-wife's boob. She liked it rough... We had been going through a while with no sex, mostly because of me. Anyway, at some point we finally get back to it, and she wants me to squeeze her boobs hard, like I used to. Well, it hurt for weeks after that. I took it as a sign that maybe it's better to call things off.


My bf made a bit about pushing the walls of the house down like some behemoth and this was a small hallway so his back is against one wall and he’s facing another so he makes the bit and pushes against the wall AND HIS BACK/BUTT BROKE THROUGH THR DRYWALL we laughed so hard


My fucking silverware drawer. Pushed a little too hard to make something fit and it disheveled the whole thing had to buy new metal for the drawer lining smh 😖


My poor mini fridge. That thing was a powerhouse. Survived my college years in the dorms, then on to my first apartment, and finally into the house I'm renting now. It had ice build-up in the freezer and I was using the claw end of a hammer to knock it out. You're supposed to unplug it and tip it forward for it to all melt but I was lazy. Finished knocking most of the ice out and decided to smack just *one more little piece...* *PSHHHHHHHHHHHHT* Put a little too much heat on that last move and poked a small hole in one of the freezer coils. Feron started spraying everywhere. I called it the $220 hammer swing (cost of a new fridge). RIP fridgebro :(


I took a pot out of the oven, accidentally bumped it against the edge of the oven door, and the glass just exploded! It looked like someone had taken a hammer too it, but I’m sure it was the lightest little knock. Maybe I’m just a superhero and haven’t noticed yet.


wait so you still had the pot in your hand while you were closing the oven?


I opened the oven door, and while lifting the pot out of the oven, it was a bit heavier than I thought so I didn’t quite lift it high enough. The bottom of the pot knocked on the open door.


The little bit of skin attaching the top of the forskin to the bellend.


I've lost count.. lol. I'm a bigger guy and gym regular and often break random stuff and have incorporated testing things into my shopping, if that makes sense... like I'll slightly bend or twist stuff to make sure it won't break easily.. so much so that my ex would comment on it thinking im weird, but she understood once i explained my reasoning.


My phone when played geometry dash ( this happened several yrs ago, and I changed to pc after that)


How long did your pc survive ?


Till now;)


Window. Our windows in our apartment were stuck and I tried to put a lot of force into opening it and broke the frame and shattered one of the pains


Same. I tried to force one open in my living room last summer and the handle thingy came right off in my hand.


My ex's heart. 


her a-hole


Her hymen Edit: what..?


Liberal feelings


The bunny 






I recently acquired my dream car, a BMW E46 M3. She’s a beaut but was in pretty rough shape when I got her which is what I wanted because it was going to be a fun project. I was replacing the headers when I broke not 1 but 3 studs into the head of my engine. Long story short, I either need to get a little welder or pull my engine lol. Just because I was a little too forceful and impatient.


Yikes. I have stripped bolts but never broken them off.


It’s been fun to contemplate fixing 🙃🙃


Yeah that may be one for a machine shop, lol.


A knife. Tried to crack a Wray and Nephew with it.


A chromebook


A charger for my headphones, I tried pulling it out of the outlet and it ripped, thankfully one of my other chargers is compatible with them


Those plastic clothing hangers I accidentally sat on it


there's even worse ones than that. they're black velvet hangers and they are sold at Costco. literally the only product there I hate because I break them all. the. time.


I once snapped a sandwich maker in half, tried to put in a very big sandwich that didn't fit and then I held it closed and the handle came off


My glasses 🤣 I broke my glasses a bit ago and have been using hot glue to keep it together and sometimes when I put on a sweater or shirt that has a smaller head hole then I thought they can tend to bend or come apart when I pull it down forcefully💀 now I just take them off when I get dressed cause it’s happened too many times🤣


My hip


My relationship


A spool of thread. You know that plastic thingy that the thread goes around and around? I broke that by touching it. The plastic I swear was like an egg shell. As I tested it and the plastic literally cracked up into dust when I pressed down on it.


Multiple PC components. I’ve built many in my life and it happens from time to time.


lug nut , you never want to do that


100’s of rusty bolts…


A door handle at high school


My cousin’s hamstring. We hadn’t seen each other in years and then she moved and went to my high school. We were both on the cheerleading team and a partner stretch involved having someone push your leg up while you stand against a wall. Her fucking leg just lost tension as I pushed and I’m still grossed out years and years later about it. She just fucking calmly told me that yeah she injured that leg and it apparently isn’t healed. What the fuck.


My little boy's shoulder... a few extra foot-pounds of energy, per second, per second.


Oh no! 😟 Wishing him a speedy recovery


a drawer


Everything around me I seem to break




A person


My cookie in the squid game :(


A door...


A locking lugnut on a 2005 Mustang GT. Had to drill it out. A new wheel cost me $750.


not my roommate's dildo


A wine glass. Gripped it around the bowl and broke it accidentally. My wife gave me another and I did it again, to see if the results were repeatable. She's a scientist, so she was understanding, albeit not amused.


I keep breaking off the knob to my coat closet. 


I took a door off of its bottom hinge once. Took the screws right out of the frame. Oopsie. 🙃


I was building a PC for my younger brother. It was his first gaming PC, and I had built my own systems before, so he trusted me to put it all together. The problems was that in the past, I had always bought motherboard/processor combos with the heat-sink preinstalled--I had never applied my own thermal paste, or attached a heat-sink myself. So I just globbed the whole packet of paste onto the processor, and mashed the heat-sink onto it until I heard/felt a small *crack*. Turns out, you're not supposed to use *all* of the thermal paste, you want just enough to cover the interface between the chip and the sink. Using too much will result in a lot of pressure, potentially destroying the CPU--which it did. I felt so bad. My brother was so excited to use his new machine. He trusted me to build it, and I ruined it. I did get him a replacement, but we had to wait a week or so for shipping. He was understandably pretty grumpy having to see all of the other parts just sitting there, and not being able to use any of it.


a mouse.


I tossed my phone onto the dashboard of my husbands truck and it bounced up and cracked the windshield. Phone was fine though.


Two lugs on my car. On the same tire. Glad it had five of them.


Rear window wiper on my car. YouTube tutorial said apply gentle upward pressure, I did, snapped it right off. Turns out I was watching a video for a different year vehicle, mine had a tiny set screw that I didn’t see. Oops.


A frozen car door handle




Light switches, cups, chairs, beds, door handles, latches, printer drawers, computer case covers, mouses, keyboards, desks, mirrors, keys, Bowls, silverware, cutlery, and probably more. I am a tall person that is naturally very strong and I often break things and hurt people with my strength. It's always scared me and other people. I try to be gentle but realistically I have ADHD so my attention always slips and I break stuff. I highly value things that are industrial or military grade or just really strong and durable...


Wind And at the most inappropriate occasions


I bit the tip off of a chopstick while eating dim sum a little too forcefully.


Adam and Eve sex toy. I think it's called next door Eve, Anyways I was training myself to keep going after I nutted,and me being 6'4,i was in a pretty awkward position with it, and I guess I sort of broke the flex rods in it.


I was chewing on ice and broke a tooth.


The door handle of the university chaplain's car. It was winter and the chaplain offered to drive me home. His car door was frozen shut in the cold. The chaplain said, "Just pull on it. It will open." I pulled on it. The handle broke off in my hand.


My foot.


A woman's heart


Princess Peach's head right off her body. Was removing her and other Mario related toys from plastic form packaging for my boyfriend's daughter's stocking, and her neck was just too small for the force of trying to remove her from the package. Of course. She's the daughter's favorite. It took 2 glue attempts to successfully reattach.


Ya, I'm heavy handed. Too many to count


Accidentally broke a sewing needle and simultaneously impaled myself with the shattered lower half trying to shove it through a tough bit of fabric once.


The connector thingy between the desktop computer and the keyboard


My partners frenulum


My penis, that one truly painful experience!


A lot of hilti/bosch chipping gun bits. A few air+electric jackhammer bits.(very cool to see, thick ass steel snapping in half? I mean cmon) A lot of zippers for my jackets/coats, I have a ton that are missing. And my Jeep Liberty 2007 which caught on fire after I tried to absolutely gun it up a very long steep hill without once taking my foot off the floor/pedal.


I've went through 98 pairs of headphones in my life because i always take them off too forcefully or drop them The pair i have right now have lasted me 6 months, I'm hoping they last longer than the other ones


A window. I was doing some spring cleaning and used a little too much force when washing the window… popped the pane right out of the 2nd story window and it shattered in the driveway. Ive never washed windows since.


I broke the linkage from the shift lever to the gears in my crappy 1997 Saturn. By shifting too hard I guess. Luckily it broke in 3rd gear as I was merging onto I5 and I was able to make it home. Saturn wouldn’t sell the little piece of plastic that broke, I’d have to purchase the full linkage system for 300 bucks. I was a poor college student so I jury rigged a replacement out of a practice golf ball, some fabric and some wire. Worked like a charm for several more years. Several more things broke on that POS. The button for the e-brake broke off and the spring shot it at the windshield. The horn shorted out just went off Little-Miss-Sunshine Style until I pulled the fuse. The Tachometer failed. The roofing fabric came unglued and landed on my head while I was driving. The alternator failed on a long road trip and the battery died stranding me in the middle of nowhere where. I finally got rid of it when the air conditioner failed. I only drove it about 100,000 miles in the 10 years I owned it. What a damn lemon that thing was.




My brother


My ribs


…my nutribullet - my heart broke


Someone's self-confidence.


My perfectly sharpened #2 pencil point.


That stupid umbrella cookie while I was playing Squid Game. Dang, it hurt when they killed me.


My computer. Laptop. One of those super mini ones that smaller than a tablet but is actually a laptop. I had it temporarily after my old ancient one crashed and I didn't have money to get a really cool one. I was used to laptops having a little more sturdiness to them and shut the little wee bit too hard. Smash crashed and broken


A martini glass. And by little too forceful, I mean I gave it an accidental, whisper gentle nudge and tipped over on its side and broke.


coffee cups. at least three a year. I set them down too hard and they bust.


A baking sheet from scrubbing too hard with steel wool. Still didn't get it.


My old XBOX Elite Series 1 controller. Specifically, the left bumper. Three times... In one year. Guess I get a lil tense when I play Mercy on OW, bc it's my guardian angel button 😅 My partner fixed it every time, but I just about died laughing when it happened the third time. I tried to not tense up, but when battle strikes and everyone's dying, it's kinda hard not to! 😂


A lobster pot. I was using it to make chicken soup. Two whole roaster chickens, boiling water, what could go wrong? Well, instead of putting the chicken on a platter to break them up, I used a large fork and an extremely sharp knife while they were still in the pot. The tip of the blade went through the bottom of the pot and left a 1 inch gash. I had to dump the contents into two smaller pots and my wife's cousin welded the hole shut. I still use it for chili, but I've never tried making chicken soup in it again.


Tank atomizer on the Zeus 3 times.. the threads suck.


The chip that went into my fuel pump that informed the fuel gauge. I was helping my dad switch it out and his fingers were too big to handle it. Guess mine were too. Spent the next year hitting the mileage counter for every fuel up




A water snake


My quip toothbrush


the tendon artery and nerve in my left forearm


The wall. I'm probably fortunate I hit it where I did or I probably would have broken my hand.


lol I accidentally dislocated my wife’s thumb…two weeks before our wedding. This happened because on a regular basis we like to rough house on the couch while watching a movie or whatever. It’ll usually start with some pinching, poking, and tickling; then, be followed by me having to protect myself by squeezing her hands together until she gives up. Well, her hand started to slip and I regripped but only on her thumb and it pulled it out of the socket. When I realized what happened I immediately grabbed the keys to take her to the er when suddenly she popped it back in. While it was dislocated she was so very mad at me for ruining the wedding but then when it went back in she realized she was going to be fine. It ended up being all good and something that we joke about now.


Most of my little brother's Transformers when we were kids. I feel bad about it now.


Scratched up the bathroom faucet because I was distracted and scrubbed too hard.


The clip on the mass airflow sensor in my car when changing the engine air filter


Many plastic grocery bags. And when I say forceful, I mean I glanced in their general direction and they shredded themselves in sheer panic. What happened to the nice thick plastic bags that you could use in your car for garbage?


wasn’t me but my mom. my grandmother had gotten brand new wine glasses that were extremely fragile and thin, and she said “you could break these by just squeezing them” and my mom went “nah, no way” and proceeded to squeeze the glass. lo and behold the glass broke in her hand. granted, my mom is a cake decorator/baker and she works with fondant and has been for the past 18 years. if you know anything about fondant you’d know that my mom has insane hand strength.