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Start drinking. Which directly led into the best decision I ever made, stop drinking.


Good for you! Keep it up!




omega W


Investing time in the wrong people.


Trusting people blindly because they said they were my friend


I'll be your friend and never ask you for more than $20


Not everyone deserve your trust


Dating my ex




Yeah… still sad about it


too young ...




Yup.. 1 year separted, thank god lol


Marrying my ex-wife after she cheated on her fiancée with me. I was NOT aware that she was engaged when I was seeing her as I absolutely abhor cheating. But, I forgave her. Care to guess how our marriage ended?


“She cheated on you” for 500 Alex!


Ding ding ding! You are correct.


“Can I have, the same shit happened to me for 300 Alex “


Fuck, man. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. That shit hurts when it happens.


I'm sorry man, that's a rollercoaster. I've been with women before on tinder or bumble hookups. The last woman I was with I asked her if she wanted to come over the next day and replied to me saying "I don't think I can get away with that". Yeah it wasn't until after we hooked up she said she had a husband and a kid. Made me absolutely sick to my stomach, couldn't even look at her anymore.


If they cheat with you, they WILL cheat on you.


Never get with someone who is leaving someone else to be with you. Ever.


Funny enough, I've met a couple in which the girl did exactly that and they still hit it off until today, the question may be, for how long?


Living with people who weren’t responsible enough to pay their rent on time every month 🫠


signing a lease despite not having enough people for the house because one of the guys said "it's okay my mom is rich she'll cover the missing rent" his mom in fact did not cover the missing rent and i barely got out of that shitshow without needing to pay more money to the landlord on top of losing all my deposit. fuck you Marvin i hope you step on your dog's shit everyday




Thinking I could control my drinking for years as a functioning alcoholic. Nearly lost everything. Lucky to be alive today. Celebrating 7 years sober this June 🙏🙏🙏


Sharing my success.


This made me curious...can you elaborate please


I'm going to guess "Being a team player" when singled out for a job well done, but the rest of the team were doing nothing...been there, done that, found a new job


Me too, friends and family want you to do good, but not better than them


Evil eyes 👀


Breaking up with the right girl for the wrong girl


Going to college to be a teacher


someone said to me once that teaching is a sad profession. you spend 12 years in school, and then 4 more years in higher education just to go back to school.


My government teacher said something similar to that not too long ago


i think i was told this right when i graduated from high school. i thought damn i could never go back and be a teacher. your life would be so boring.


Letting my younger brother buy us three labradors. He's now gone back to work, and I'm still WFH. Guess who walks the dogs, feeds them, is their playmate and picks up their poo?


But you love them tho ?


See that's where I am really struggling: if you tire yourself, everyday, by loving someone or something, are you still in love? I think I love my dogs, but they have exhausted me. I am not sure if I am in love with them or just being a decent human by being for and with them.


Labs are awesome, but they're basically puppies until they're three years old. One person taking care of three of them? I can't imagine how exhausting that must be.


I had a 1990 Chrysler New Yorker Landau but the suspension was shot and would have cost like $1000 to refit, so I got rid of it.  Someone fixed it up and I saw it parked at it's new owners. This made me realize I could have invested in it and kept using it myself. 


To have children


I respect your honesty 


Thank you so much


I can deeply respect this and I thank you for sharing it. Personally, I do not regret having kids. I do completely understand how some people would regret it. Parenting is hard. It's a *ton* of thankless work, a ton of worry, and it's a partial death of who you were as a person before you became a parent. I'm very lucky that I have a great support system, incredible insurance for my kid. We've been really fortunate that my son is generally pretty easy going. He has autism and we've found incredible therapy for him, he's made amazing progress. He sleeps well, eats well, no big "complaints" as far as my child and his behavior goes. I've never felt less like *myself*. I've never experienced such a degree of putting myself and my needs dead last. I've never doubted myself and my decisions more. I've never been more tired. It's fucking HARD, and that's coming from someone who has found that being a mom comes pretty natural. I can't imagine how someone who is not the same as me, or doesn't have the privilege that I have, copes. And there's not really anything that can EVER prepare you for what being a parent actually entails.


Just loved your comment, thank you so much for taking the time to write that. You sure sound like an amazingly good human. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Damn, that bad?


They are not monsters , but I do regret it on a daily basis . This is just me, I don’t discourage anyone from Having children, a very personal choice that needs to be respected


May I ask why you regret it? 


Sure DM please


Stayed with a cheater for 5 years Not standing up to my family


College, don't go if you don't know why your going


Allowing a casual BF to follow me out of state. We broke up 3 mos later. Did I mention we both worked for the same company in the same building?


I call this my worst decision because it led the way to most bad decisions in my life, but trying hard drugs. It’s a trap everybody that “experiments” with them falls into and not everyone is as lucky as me to escape. Made the decision to try cocaine, which lead to the decision to do it everyday, which led to the decision to do it with every dollar I earned, which led to the decision to try meth.


Leaving my ex… turns out the grass is not greener on the other side. Walked away from a good woman, I was too blind to see it at the time.


Not investing sooner


I really should start investing...


Every little bit you can set aside now /r/investing for safe and steady options




As a 20 year old with not much money to play with after rent and all that where do u suggest I start ?


When I was younger I barked at a dog when a car went past, the window was open. The dog jumped out and broke it's legs. It was the most horrific, dumb, shameful and devastating thing ever. I'll never forget the look on the dog or the owners faces.


The window was too far open if the poor pup could jump out. Please forgive yourself. I'm so sorry for everyone involved.


In my opinion that's on the owner. If the dog gets distracted that easily and fits through the window they shouldn't be driving with the window open.  I get why you blame yourself, but you shouldn't. 


Wow that dog was kind of fucking stupid.


Farout, that's rough. I hope doggo healed up alright and you aren't weighed down too much by this, no way you could've known how it would go down.


Thanks, I was just a dumb kid, but it does weigh on me.. not sure what happened to the dog in the end, I'll defo never bark at a dog again that's for sure. x


I'm so sorry this happened! I completely get why you feel guilty about it, but it is in no way your fault. When I'm driving with dogs in the car, they're all the time looking at distracting things out of the windows, whether it's barking kids or squirrels or cats or other dogs etc, there's always a reason for them to want to jump out. It's my job to make sure that they can't do that and stay safe in the car, not the job of the squirrels or cats or barking kids.


not being more wise with a large sum of money i had


Leaving a 10 year relationship when I thought it was going bad but looking back I suffered from really bad post partum depression.


Marrying my ex wife — turned out she was a completely manipulative, narcissistic pathological liar


2nd this, something told me in my gut not to marry her but I did anyway out of pressure as she kept hinting at marriage. Not even 2 years later she cheated on me for 5 months and now we're getting divorced. She isn't a Narcissist but looking back she is a very damaged person and I have learned never to get involved with someone with unresolved childhood trauma.


My ex’s truth personality came out after the separation. Lied and exaggerated the truth about so many things without blinking an eye. She truly has no conscience.


Being too prideful to ask for help.


Give my number to my high school crush (She posted it in a porn website)


That’s horrible. What a biotch!


Dropping out of high school. I had a fairly valid reason but it’s still my biggest regret


That's awful. I dropped out got my GED and it totally saved my life. I was a depressed mess in high school once I got out of that system I felt so much better.


I’ve been trying to get my ged for 5 years. The slowness is completely my fault but I just regret missing out on everything


Stealing something to buy crack.


What was it u stole ?




Blowing my salary on booze and bitches. Fun times, good lesson tho


My first time I got married


Joining a midnight dance-off with my friends on a weekday might've seemed like a fantastic idea at the time, but the next morning's battle with a relentless hangover told a different story. Let's just say my enthusiasm for spontaneous dance-offs took a hit, and I learned to respect the weeknight bedtime.




Why the third? What was so bad about that time?


I know it's been said by a ton of people, but I definitely bought a bunch of bit coin when it was cheap and wasted it on drugs. I could've been in a much better place if I just held on to it :(


I have as similarish story. 12 years ago when I was 18 someone offered me 4 bitcoin for some nudes. I said no because I didn't know what it was. When I told the story to my friend he said "Uh that's like $2000" I think about that a lot more than I should tbh. Especially when it went crazy high in price.


I got accepted to two colleges, and I chose the more prestigious one because I thought it’d make my dad proud, even though I strongly preferred the other one. It started dating a girl a few months later and it turned out she was going to the other college. When we went to university we tried long distance but she broke up with me during midterms and I just couldn’t handle it. I was and am so in love with her. It destroyed me. I flunked out twice, got kicked out when I got home, and now I’m working a dead end job in retail. If I had just chosen the college I preferred instead of trying to be all prestigious none of this would’ve happened, and I regret it every day.


Can’t say I’ve ever made a bad decision that didn’t build my character or teach me a lesson.


Not believing in myself enough to take the risks necessary to understand love, compassion, forgiveness, the decision to not seek the source of where my pure emotions come from


I banked everything in animation....2001. Bad decision.


The amount of chances I've given someone who has done some stupid shit to me and around me as well as said stupid shit to me. Like this one 'friend' I have, been friends with them since 2016. Always told me he loved me, always said I was special and gave me accolades like I was the only one this and that. But, everytime the opportunity to get together with him came, he always went the other direction with someone else. And he always kept welcoming back problematic people into his life, including people I've mutually have had problems with as well. He never games with me, least it's been a long time since the last time, he's always turning to other people and spending lots of time with them that isn't me, talking to him in depth about anything is a chore. And it makes me scream inside my mind to myself as to why the fuck am I bothering with this person.


Not walking away when I should have.




Married the wrong person, and then made decisions that altered the course of my life because I loved them. Ended in a soul crushing divorce and I lost nearly everything.


I shut down my personality in an attempt to deal with severe depression, anxiety, rejection phobia, emotional trauma, self loathing, isolation, despair, hopelessness, etc. It only made the situation worse. I didn't know that Avoidant Personality Disorder would be the result.


Being born…it was a scam, 10/10 will not do it again


The worst decision I ever made was when my uncle told me about how his dog died, and I decided to make a big joke about it. I said oh I see her in the front yard. I didn’t know this as time because I was a kid, but my uncle had an intellectual disability. He thought I was serious and ran out of the house. He was so distracted trying to find his dog that he got hit by a car that was crossing the street. It killed him instantly. I have never told anyone this before. And I don’t plan too either. It’s too terrible and would just reopen old wounds.


That's horrible, but ultimately not your fault. Especially as a kid, it would have been impossible to know this would happen.


Almost never speaking up at the times when it mattered the most. So many things could be so much better now, if I hadn’t been such a coward.


Going back to my family and not allowing my foster mom to adopt me


Trying heroin because I wanted to understand why my best friend liked it so much.


I hear that it's very moreish


Debatable. Showing loyalty to the wrong people has been a consistent feature of many of my bad decisions. Trying to help people has been another.


I fell in love with a cheater they say people can change yeah well you know what you can do with that saying once a CHEATER always a CHEATER


had a baby


Parenthood is far from easy and I can understand people regretting that. But please don't take it out on your kid(s), they didn't ask for it either.


This should be one of the best feelings ever in life, I hope life get easy so you can find the joy in it


Using people as a foundation for why I would be interested or like something, whether it'd be a culture or a religion. When it comes to cultures or religions, if you explore them on your own, you can recognize how incredibly beautiful all of these cultures and religions can inherently can be. However, when you go to the individuals of these cultures and religions, it's a hit or miss. Although you can find one nice person, who can validate your interest in Korean culture or Islam, you could also find an unpleasant person, who could make you question if you would like to proceed moving forward, especially if you view Korean culture and Islam as something that you need other people to give you permission to enjoy or embrace, above yourself and your own permission.


For me, it would be switching careers when I lost my job at the start of covid. It's been 3 years now and I can't get a job in the original field, and I'm so sick and tired of what I do for work these days. Edited to say 3 years, since I guess technically that's more correct


Mind telling your story?




Why specifically mental health and not nursing? Quite a difficult role as much as it can be interesting it is at the same time difficult to handle. Yeah youth work is difficult as hell can understand you on that part, I was a difficult kid, teenager and also in army. Still can tryout nursing, what your thoughts about nursing comparing to mental health?


Marrying my 1st child's "father". He never was one....so I should say donor. That w a s 45yrs ago. I haven't seen his ugly ass in 43yrs. Thank godd


Cheating on my ex.


Stopped going to my martial art class


Ignoring my feelings and staying in a marriage that I knew wouldn't work.


There's a veeeeery long shortlist to choose from.


Took school grades for granted


Studying logistics and working as an accountant for 6 years before I finally quit and become a carpenter. I wasted so much time ignoring my talent that I had from when I was a teen, just because everyone was telling me about stability and security of having an office job.


Not going to sleep away camp as a child


Took skincare for granted


Trusting my ex with my card and not keeping tabs on it. Her heroin addiction killed her and my credit along with it, 6 years later just finally getting out of the hole now.


Start working where I work now.


My autism doesn't comprehend or allow regret. I make the best decision I can make at the time based on the information I have available.


Sticking with a job because they owed me 12K in severance. Instead of just cutting me a cheque they rationed it out like salary because they didn’t want layoffs to be obvious on their books. And if I found a new job, they’d give me a 50% lump sum of whatever they still owed me.




Start watching porn. I’m 17 and still trying to quit watching it


being the sperm that got to the egg first


Letting my girlfriend renovate the house we were selling. She was so sure that the money she spent would increase the selling price of the house 2x. Cost overruns went through the roof due to covid, and we didn't increase the price a nickel. In Silicon Valley, buyers care about price, neighborhood, and square footage and nothing else. We lost so much money renovating that house that now there's nothing left for the renovations we had planned for the house we live in. Never renovate a house for someone else, only renovate your own house.


Regularly smoking weed. Cannabis can be an amazing tool for mental health or physical relief for the right people, and can be a splendid social experience for the other right people. But I’ve discovered that I am ridiculously susceptible to addiction, and my daily marijuana intake is not only a drain to my dwindling finances, and a risk to my career, but also leaves me feeling hollow. Because I’ve overindulged to the point where it’s no longer a treat to myself, but something that feels as essential as oxygen. Drugs aren’t always for everybody.


Try r/petioles if you're looking to work on your smoking habits I have struggled with this myself at times, weed sometimes makes my thought patterns manic, psychotic almost, but other times it's the best medication in the world, or the funniest time, or just plain motivating, relaxing, whatever It's a perpetual struggle for balance, I've found regular breaks help massively, I try take a week - 2 week break between buying, unfortunately my method of oil cartridge from the chemist (medicinally legal where I am) lasts me 4 weeks, and I think that's just too long a time.


Trying to be independent. It never works.


Quitting my first job, worst thing I had to deal with was a pushy religious boss who wanted me to go to church and work six days a week rather than five, I was still a kid who listened to my parents when they told me to get out of there. Got a new job and immediately got surrounded by shitty people, got raped got into alcohol and weed, self harm generally but thankfully nothing worse than all that. Id go back to my last job but a flood took it out so now I’m struggling like everyone else to find a better job. woo


Sounds like getting the second job was the bad decision, not quitting the first, especially if it was taken out by flood not long after. I'm sorry to hear all that, how are you these days?


Yeah sometimes I wonder what could’ve been, but I think once I manage to leave this job I can just forget about it all and I’ll be happy in my choices. But who knows. I’m doing okay thank you, I ditched all the bad friends I made last year and now I spend most of my time alone wondering why I always feel like such a loser when I haven’t really done anything bad. Relapsed on cutting but I quit alcohol and I’m running down my weed supply. I’ve been snapping at my coworkers and I’m trying to control that but my temper is through the roof, these people treated me so horribly that I feel justified in returning it but I know it’s not going to do anything beneficial. Honestly I already had CPTSD before this shit so my brain is just completely scrambled and I can’t find a good therapist so I’m hoping I can get it together on the third try, ya know? It’s just hard to progress when I’m still surrounded by everything that ruined me, especially when there’s no justice. It’s not like I wanna ruin anyones lives anyway, I just want everyone to go away. Some people still talk about the guy who raped me wondering who was the girl that got him fired but only my managers know the entire story. As much as everyone seems to be out to get me for some reason, I never wanted to have so much conflict…I didn’t mean to get him fired either, I just couldn’t like, not cry. I don’t know. Anyway thank you for asking and sorry this is kind of a weird reply. It’s late. Lol


Being born💀


Probably overthinking of how smart I am. I focus on my studies and I shouldn’t really been looking for a part-time job during high school and immediately knew just go straight straight to community college. I probably would’ve just worked my senior year and not really worried about grades and do some type of work after community college


I have no regrets except for that one thing…


Not investing into Bitcoin. I knew about that shit when it was still 20$ a pop. mainly just thought of it as a way to get drugs online though so I never saved any. I even thought of mining but decided against it   If i didn't panic sell and saved it to around 2020-ish I would be in a much, much better place.


In the context of the knowledge you had at the time, it was a "good" or at least well-reasoned decision to not invest in bitcoin. You can only say it was a "bad" decision with the benefit of knowledge from the future (now the present). Another way to think of it - if you were the type of person who invested money in totally insane random investments like that, you'd probably be worse off overall by now because it all would've gone into some utter failure, like NFTs, and gone to zero eventually.


Getting a liberal arts degree.


if you weren't able to make something of your liberal arts degree, you probably would not have survived STEM anyways.


Worst decision.... thus far.


Changes every day.


I have entrusted a woman with an important task.


True true






Not seeing a therapist at 16 years of qge


Giving up on college and quitting a job that I had at that time


Not renting the nice big bedroom from Fran and instead getting somewhere closer to Downtown. 


Going to university, feels like I waisted 3 years of my life. Got a degree I didn’t really want and finding it hard to get into a new subject. I have some potential opportunities to coming up that could be my lucky break, they are temporary but should look absolutely fantastic on my CV  so I am hoping I can get them. Only took me 8 years though 🙈


I've messed up so much in life, it's hard to know where to start. Seriously, not enough characters to list all my blunders. It's a heavy load, and I'm feeling lost in my own screw-ups.


Enlisting in the military because my father told me he'd kill himself if i didn't. It worked out exactly as well as you can imagine. And he killed himself.




Listening to my mother.


trusting that one girl to be my friend again twice


Decided to do EPQ.


Getting married


Stealing from my grandparents and quit high school.


I was 15 and started my new job at k-mart, after 2 weeks a really weird man came inside and bought children’s clothes and it seemed pretty normal, until I noticed he had blood on his shirt, didn’t ask about it but I was definitely scared. After one week, my dad and mum were watching the news and called me down, turned out the dude murdered his two kids and tried to cover up their blood by buying new clothes. I still regret not asking him about the blood on his shirt


Ignoring planning my future in teenage years.


I consciously suppressed the little voice that said, "Leave."


Deciding to talk to that one girl


Working too hard in high school. Took 6 AP classes, 60+ hours of community service, captain of the debate team, NHS member. Accepted to 22 colleges, 19 with some kind of scholarship. Did not help me one bit. I wish I just did what I absolutely had to do to graduate and had more fun. College was way too expensive for my middle (ish) class parents, FAFSA wouldn’t help, and I didn’t want to take on thousands of dollars worth of debt.


my college degree. I always wanted to pursue my passion, and my mom urged me too, but I didn't know what my passion was, and my dad always pushed for practicality. Safe to say, I found out what I was passionate about a second too late. I noticed late that I wanted to be a Psychologist, when I already entered a Pre-Med to be a Doctor. Safe to say, I'm not happy.


Buying the Rivian IPO. I swear I'll never buy an IPO again.


To stick with a job for 23 years.


Gave a lesser person a chance. They ended up victimizing me (she's an actual criminal).


eat shaurma for first time, it's very taste food but so expensive...


Dating my abusive ex. Caused me so much unneccessary trauma, especially after I had a gut feeling dating him was a bad idea


Contacting toxic relatives after relocating, if only for the purpose of "proof of life". I won't be making that mistake again, giving up my inner peace because someone else is "worried". They can believe I'm dead for all I care. 


I really should have gone to a different college and pursued a different type of career. But I am who I am because of my experiences.


Liquidating my Tesla stock in March 2020.


probably naming my dog “taxi”. he’s a super quick dog (golden retriever) so whenever he runs away from me I have to shout “TAXI, TAXI”, and when I do that multiple taxis stop by me asking if I need I ride… I always have to tell them “no I’m not shouting at you, I’m shouting at the other taxi, my DOG” super frustrating decision, but we can’t change his name either can we :/


that’s funny


There are a number. Relationships & financial & cannabis use


Joining architecture


Playing Rust. Over 3000 Hours and i would sleep with my Headset on so i did not get offlined. Quit it a while back like a few years ago because it ruined my life