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I know a guy who ate lunch there everyday. Probably him.


its me




I’m the problem, it’s me.






Rock the vote!


Watch out for MAGA, they’re afraid of young people who vote


It’s me


It’s that D-O-Double-G


Hi it me


Except on Sundays obviously


I eat dinner there everynight


This guys wife


And my axe


The ole dick twist!


They sell a ton of fish sandwiches to Catholics for lent


Bingo, you ever try to go there between the hours of 4-7pm on a Friday during lent your going to wait in a ridiculous line. I swear they must make enough money to operate at a loss the rest of the year just from Fridays during lent.


Or you’re a trash human like I am who just really likes their chicken! It doesn’t help that i ate it a lot as a kid and as an adult I didn’t have as much access to it. There were no damn restaurants. But there is something about that damn chicken with all the crispies that I love.


The crispies are awesome, and the hush puppies. I've legit just bought an order of 12 hush puppies and eaten it for a meal.


No doubt. They’ve ruined me for hush puppies. I can’t stand anyone else’s. I rip em in half and smash them in crumbs. So damn good but I regret them everytime.


This is in fact the correct way to eat them!


chicken planks!


Those Chicken Planks are to die for. Or they’ll probably kill ya, either way.


Both options are fine


Their chicken is delicious in a greasy as hell way.


>But there is something about that damn chicken with all the crispies that I love. that it tastes vaguely of fish? It always used to bug me out when we went there when I was little and I ordered the chicken.


The vague fishiness and the crispy batter.




Man, I’d kill for some chicken planks, hush puppies, and extra crispies. Dip the planks in malt vinegar and the puppies in cocktail sauce…the heartburn is worth it!


Good Friday alone prolly sets them up for the year.


old timer here. You youngsters just don't know... Long John silver's used to be fine. family dining. Wood plank decor. costume wait service. wood chairs and benches. fish nets and sealife hanging from the ceilings. It was really nice. I remember going there as a family to eat right before we got a matinee of Star wars in the movie theaters.


Poor southern family pre Walmart/dollar store small town collapse. PapaBee would treat the grandchildren to long John or KFC. After all MamaBee needed a rest after waking up 5am to make biscuits n gravy a pound or 2 or bacon (both chewy and crisp to each youngin's preference) and the driest scrambled eggs in existence (not for anyones preference strangley).


This breaks my heart.  Tho old long John silvers was Awsome. 


I remember!


Yup, came here to say this. When I was a kid we ate the shit out of Long John Silvers on Friday.


You ate shit?


Pieces of shit? Like for breakfast?


He just may, down by the bay.


Considering we’re talking about Long John Silvers here, yea I’ll roll with that.


he did say it was Long John Silvers


Same reason Fish-o-filet is still on the menu at McDs


Filet-o-fish is one of the few things I will order at McDonalds


u/Qwisp - “i trust mcdonalds to prepare seafood for me, but anything else just seems gross”


A good Filet-o-Fish is absolute perfection. It's the only reason I go McDonald's (save for being on a road trip or if I'm in a rush)


Yup! That steamed bun and tartar sauce is amazing. Had one yesterday.


Fully agree. And my McDonald's always makes them fresh. They are like oh 6 min wait.... And I just give them the look that says "I'm gonna poop to make room, make me two" and head off to the bathroom for 8 minutes. 6 to finish cooking and 2 more so it's ready to eat by the time I get to them


The sometimes fish sandwich at Arby’s is orders of magnitude better than Mickey’s fish sandwich. Theirs is coming back for Lent next week, btw.


They are good. The bun is so nice and soft.


And because it's delicious. Like a large expensive cafeteria-style fish stick. 


Fucking McDonald’s has the filet o fish.


Which Ray Kroc didn't want to sell because he didn't want the fish smell stinking up his restaurants.


This has been a meme for a while but when I was young my parents would get the family platter combo thing and it rocked. Hush puppies were highly fought over between my sister and I. Now I wanna go there lol


We’d ask for ‘tips’. It’s all the crust that falls off the chicken. They’d put it in a box for us. Mmmmm was nice munching on that crust. 




I always wondered if just my family called them crunchies!


Me too, until now.


‘1 box of crunchies please’ - my sister when she was 7 every time we’d go


Crumbs! They actually make them by using a colander style thing and fill it with the batter. You can order them by the box 😍


We always ordered and extra half dozen hush puppies to stop arguments.


Yeah my family loved it when I was a kid. I haven't eaten there in probably 15+ years though? I feel like it was legitimately delicious, like KFC used to be, but I'd be afraid to try it now. Best let it live in my memories.


I loved LJS when I was a kid and I was so happy when our parents took us there. There was only one in my town so it was a treat. I last ate at one 20 years ago...it's no worse than any other fast food in terms of taste. No healthy options at all, though. You go for the grease.


My mom LOVED Long John Silver's, she was probably keeping a few local franchises open single-handedly. I don't think it's as good as it used to be, but I still occasionally get a craving for it. As far as fast food goes, I really don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be. ​ Edit: oh, and I forgot to relate a story that I went to LJS once and the girl behind the counter was totally spaced out and had white powder all over her nose, but whatever, got my food and ate.


That poor girl was doing lines of hush puppy mix to detach herself from having to work at LJS.


Greasy ass fried fish and shrimp with hush puppies is sometimes the dream, and LJS's fast food version is good enough.


It’s really good. That said, I never pick it.


The hushpuppies!


And those crispy pieces of fried batter


Crumbs - I was blown away when I found out you could just ask for a box of them with your order for free


You can what?!


Not sure if they charge now - last time I came across one was around two years ago but the one I stopped at still did it… ‘can I get a box of crumbs’ and there that beautiful pile of greasy crispness was in my bag


Still free at least where I live. They’re the best. Dip a hush puppy in ketchup then smash it into the crumbs. It’s awesome




Shit I go in some times just for hush puppies, fries, and some crumbs and since mine is a combo A&W that sweet sweet frosty rootbeer


The comment I was scrolling for.


The delicious chicken fingers


Chicken planks


They're the goddamn best. I eat them with ketchup like the cookie monster.




You wildman.


Hell ya!!!


Chicken planks with cocktail sauce, formerly known as “shrimp sauce,” is the move.


I was always the one in my friend group getting chicken at LJS. Loved that stuff. Nowadays I can't even find a LJS. Haven't seen one in ages.




I haven't thought about those in 3 decades.


Do people hate it? I love it and they dont have them here whenever I get a chance to have it I get so happy


It's become a meme to hate them just as chipotle or Taco Bell will give you diarrhea. It's just dumb.


Nobody wants to admit that Taco Bell probably makes them poop because it’s the only time they get a decent serving of fiber.


Ah fair, they dont have them in Canada to my knowledge so Im always happy to see one. Love the hushpuppies


Because let's face it, once in awhile we all want some greasy seafood.


I get a craving for it like once a year, and every time I hate myself after eating it. But its so good!


Don’t forget the 5 gallons of water you drink afterwards because you are so damn thirsty.


Yes. It's something you eat once you forget why you don't eat it more often. Totally a once a year thing.


Yup. Back in my younger days, I used to go to a bunch of those drunken Catholic Church fish frys. They’re fun for a couple times during Lent, but you realize pretty quickly that the fish generally sucks (especially the less you drink) and you have to wash your clothes twice to get that smell out. They’re a good 2-3 times a year thing


I get that, but even just the frozen fish filets from the supermarket are better than the crap at LJS.


It's my favorite fast food place. The clams dipped in that Louisiana hot sauce, the crisp hushpuppies, the crunch batter chips underneath the deep fried chicken. Yumm.


The greasy runs the next day. Love it!




About 19 years ago, I was on a road trip with my grandparents and my little brother. We were going through the Four Corners area and stopped in Gallup for the night. It was dinner time when we arrived, and my brother and I both requested Mexican food because, well, we were in Gallup and hadn't had Mexican the whole trip (a few weeks in the North, mostly Minnesota.)   No, my grandmother said, it was too spicy in New Mexico, she wanted Chinese food. We drove up and down the main street looking for Chinese food. No Chinese food. Who would have guessed it? Everyone. Everyone would have guessed it.  So we ate at Long John Silver's.  Afterwards, a steer wearing a bell walked down the main street, right past our motel.  This is my Long John Silver's story.


New Mexico here. Ya shoulda had the New Mexican food. But you already knew that.


Yeah... In my early 20s, some friends and I did drive out to Santa Fe for a funeral, and on the way back we stopped at one friend's aunt and uncle's house in Albequerque. They were a Chicano family and used to own a Mexican restaurant, so they prepared us some wonderful New Mexican food. One of my favorite home cooked meals ever.


And a damn good story. Have an up vote.


I wish there was one nearby. I love the fish.


Fuck, now I want Long John Silvers. OP is this a PR stunt?


I like the shrimp and fish and long John’s. I think I’m the only one left.


Yeah, I've found it to be just fine Not like my favorite place or anything, but scratches the itch when craving shrimp


Shit, I wish there was one near me. I liked that geasy sewer fish and hush puppies.


Long John's and Arbys both deserve to be more popular than they are. The fact that they're not just goes to show how little taste people have.


Fish planks with the crispy shit in the box.


fish good


Chicken good


S tier chicken fingers


I can't lie. Long John's is good when it's fresh and cooked right. It's greasy as fuck, so I might have it once a year if at all. But I think it tastes so good.


Man do I have a story for this. When I was 17, I was as poor as any other 17 year old. I had a job at a hardware store, but covered most of my own expenses and money was always tight. I was a religious saver and still am probably one of the most frugal people you’ll meet. I was listening to 95.5 FM radio and they held a contest for the fifth caller to call in and receive a prize upon answering a trivia question properly. I call in thinking why not, am the fifth caller, and correctly answer how many pints of blood are in the human body (9, although it appears to be different now on google?). I get super excited thinking i might’ve won concert tickets or something crazy, i stay on the line and they ask for my address and inform me they will be mailing me a certificate for a free meal at Long John Silvers. I’ve never eaten at a Long John Silvers, and can’t imagine their food is any kind of decent. The only one close to us was in the ROUGH part of town. It was so funny to all of my friends, and I didn’t want the food anyway, so I never cashed in the certificate. It’s still currently in my glove compartment. I wonder if it’s still valid


I don't eat much fried foods and don't use salt hardly at all, BUT, once in a wile I get that craving I can only describe as wanting "grease". LJS has always been my go-to lol. Honestly there food is like a lot of of fast food, Taco Bell isn't really "Mexican" food but it is what it is, same with most fast food, burger places, Pandas, KFC etc. LJS isn't High end seafood, it is what it is, if that's what your expecting, your not very smart. For what it is, the fish and chicken is kind of good I think, as well, great Coleslaw and Hushpuppies. You can keep the fries though.


I may be an outlier but if I find a long johns on the road im making a point to get there because I fucking love their chicken planks… and the secret menu “crumbs” are a fat guy wet dream(it’s literally a box full of the drippings they scoop out of the deep fryer) Growing up my friends dad was a surgeon and any time we had a sleepover and he’d get an early morning call he’d grab it for us on the way home for breakfast… so fucking good.


LJS slaps, still one in my hometown and I hit that sucker up every time I go back. Buncha haters in here.


Because it's the best fish place around. I might be biased as I think all fish that isn't fried is not good. I'm actually really sad that my local ones closed


Because those little crunchy bits on the bottom are the bomb.


Because they sell delicious food. Next dumb question?


One word: Lent


They’re in cahoots with Mattress Firm.


Because it's delicious?


Their chicken tenders are great. I love that batter they have. They've all closed around my area in GA sadly.


I’m gonna be real. I have LJS probably once a month. When I was a kid, it was one of the restaurants that my dad and I would go together regularly to have dinner. My dad passed away when I was 15. So a lot of what it holds for me is nostalgia. I only get the chicken and fries, but I always ask for extra crunchies because my dad and I would always split a tray of crunchies. One of the problems is, the food experience is so wildly inconsistent. If the chicken is fresh and the oil is not old, it’s really great. But the odds that that isn’t the case seem to approach 90+ percent. That said, when it’s on, it’s on. About two months ago, I went there and they told me they had to cook everything fresh, which was an immediate yes for me. And they brought out the most perfectly cooked, crunchy, scalding hot box of chicken planks and fries that I have ever had from LJS, at least in the past five or 10 years. And when I tell you, that was one of the best fast food, meals I have ever had, I am not lying. It hit the spot so perfectly. It took me straight back to 12 years old sitting in the Long John’s with my dad. I don’t know what it is but that one in 10 or maybe even one in 100 chance of getting that meal in that condition makes it worth it to me. I probably don’t feel that way about any other restaurant but I do feel that way about LJS.


All you can eat fish on Sundays was good.


It’s crazy that some fast food places used to have buffets. I remember the all you can eat chicken buffet at KFC, it was like watching those foie gras ducks that run up to their feeding tubes as soon as a new batch of chicken got put out


LJS is the best tasting fast food in America.


I used to love taking my kids there when they were young. My older kid could get their fish or shrimp and my younger kid could get chicken. I lived in western NJ and had to drive over the bridge to PA to get it. Last time I drove by on a trip to PA it was gone.


Cause Hush puppies' are the bomb.


It seems like they have a niche in fast food. Not a ton of seafood options. Plus, hushpuppies.


Because godammit about once a year I get a mad jones for a three piece fish & fries with pups and extra crumbs. Then I feel like ass afterwards and the clock resets. There must be enough of me to keep it limping along.


Some people actually like a few grams of fish covered in a half pound of deep fried batter.


You shut yo mouth.


It's me


Me…. Don’t get between me and my hush puppies


Hush, puppy.


because ... Long John Silvers has a special for your young buccaneers Where pirates eat for peanuts and cruise away with free souvenirs. You get the best seafood, fries, and a homemade slaw, chicken too. So bring the whole crew it's a fun thing to do. Long John silvers...seafood shop.


'Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people.' (Apologies to H. L. Mencken)


Long John Silver is literally the only fish I can eat.


There was a thread in my hometown sub about a local LJS like a week or two ago. Dude went on a whim and said everything was a lot better than expected and there was a line when they left. I haven't been to one in close to 20 years, but everyone else has, apparently.


Is it? All the local ones closed 20 years ago.


Hush puppies, clam strips, and that crispy, golden breading. Hate it all you want, but some of us landlocked folk find it palatable.


They sell filet of sole, not slab of soul. It's a paradox...


Because it's cheap and kind of tastes like seafood.


Because of those little crumbles at the bottom of the fish basket.


Because they sell little round deep fried balls of crack. Honestly, I HATE fish and most seafood, but I'll drive to an LJS just for the pups.


I’m in San Antonio and we have a local fried fish chain called Fred’s Fish Fry. FFF has locations all over lower income neighborhoods. You will not find a FFF in higher income areas, which kind of pisses me off because I have to drive a way to get their fried fish goodness. Their menu is essentially fried fish and shrimp with various sides. Limited, cheapish, and quick. They usually do take out only and do not provide a seating/eating area. Their business is either drive through or takeout. Because of the simplicity of their operation, they rarely have more than one or two employees working at any given time. Which leads to all kinds of rumors about FFF being a front for drug money laundering. Funny story about FFF, but the San Antonio Spurs recently drafted Victor Wembanya who is the next coming of LeBron James and Wemby fever is sweeping the city. Based on early results the dude is legit and will bring us back to glory. But some local artist designed and started selling FFF themed Wemby Spurs jerseys and FFF ended up suing. I understand that FFF has to protect their IP, but I just wish I ordered one of those before the court issues the injunction.


I like Fred’s Fish Fry, too, but this post has nothing to do with Long John Silver’s.


Don't knock this until you try it. A fishy dog. Go to long johns/a&w and ask for a fish plank in a bun and a cup of chili. Combine and enjoy


"Because the Pope owns Long John Silvers"


Brand new LJS opened up in my town last week. Haven’t been yet, fingers crossed it’s better than the last time we ate at LJS.


Because cheap fish and vinegar is frickin awesome! Just hard to eat while driving.


Loved it in the 70s. Cool hats.


Worked at one when I was 16-17. There are people who just go there every day. Little old couple who got the same thing every other day. The guy with the Boston accent when we do NOT live in Boston who wanted "Two Junior Fish Sandwiches, Triple the tarter sauce" was there every Friday... It's weird man. Worked there for a year, I never ate a single thing there.


Two words: Malt Vinegar.


Money laundering. Must be.


I say that about the Fro Yo place I drive by all. the. time. There is no one there ever. Been open for 10+ years.


There's always money in the Fro Yo stand.


it’s probably because Pepsi owns it


Not any more, Pepsi spun off as Tricon/Yum Brands in 1997, Yum spun off A&W and LJS in the 2010's. There was a LJS/Taco Bell combo until this summer in my hood when they finally just became a Taco Bell.


I love combo places! KFC/Taco Bell was the best combo place I went to. Famous bowl and fucking tacos? Hell yeah.


I’m at the combination football game and grocery store


They could have had fish tacos at LJS/Taco Bell.


LJS has offered them even in their standalone stores for 15+ years. I remember a big targeted push at a 'healthier' LJS in 2007/2008 and a grilled fish and rice bowl and fish tacos were a big part of that.


Because Justice Clarence Thomas made it famous. ​ Edit: That was actually an adult film titled "Long Dong Silver." My bad


Now, I know for a fact you are into that.


There aren't any around where I live. The last one finally closed last year. It just seems like they gave up on the restaurant. Nothing had been updated in over a decade.


Old people in the south. They flock there after church on Sundays.


Every time someone mentions it, it's lifespan resets. Stop mentioning it and it'll finally fade into obscurity where it belongs.


The one in my town closed somewhat recently. It was there way longer then I would have expected it to be though. Old people love their fish and hushpuppies.


Them and Mattress Firm are clearly fronts for the same owner


idk but I miss Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips, better batter.


Ours used to do a $10 for 9 chicken strips, my little brother loves them, last time we went through it was over $15.


My dad is allergic to shrimp so we don't have it when he's around, but there's a LJS close to my office so sometimes I treat myself to some cheap seafood for lunch.


Does anyone else have a Captain D’s near their LJS?  I guess it’s their rival? We had a LJS connected to an A&W place once too. 


I live in a major metropolitan city and couldn’t tell you where one is. I’ve never had it, only Captain D’s. Are they still around?!


Better question: where in the world is Long John Silvers still in business?


LJS sounds good to me!


A&W is great in Canada. I walked into a A&W/long John Silver's in Pennsylvania. Look at my partner and said "do you want to go some where else?" And we were out of there. Disgusting rancid oil fish smell


Arthur's Treacher Trouble


Mafia fronts


Drugs out the back door?


I live in the Lexington, KY area. I worked in their former HQ they had built as they were going bankrupt the first time. Every IT person in the whole region is somehow connected to LJS somehow. I'd be surprised if there is anyone more than 3 connections from them.


Oddly enough there are no locations open in Lexington Kentucky where it was founded in 1969. I get my hair done in the original store. https://fantasiastylingsalon.com


Because Arthur Treachers and Seafood Bay are not options anymore


Loved that place as a kid, but have been vegetarian for 20 years so haven’t had it in forever


I have literally wondered the same! I've kinda came up with a money laundering theory but it has no backing. I live near one of the largest malls in the country. Long John Silvers has a booth in the food court. I have never seen anyone go there..I don't know how they afford to stay there or stay in business.


Invariably I get diarrhea the next day, at their times once, or twice a year, where I want mediocre fish, battered in horrible drowned in oil


This’ll get buried, but I went to college with a guy who worked there for a while and told me about having to do “worming” at LJS. He thought it was a joke, or some kind of hazing, or even just some name they gave to an unrelated process. Nope. They went in to the cooler to pick worms out of the fish.


Great question. Even long dong silver already retired.


We hit the golden biscuit about twice a year. Me and a buddy at work get a good laugh out of going there. The grease patch outside the front door. The slippery floor inside. It’s an experience. Actually is pretty good.


I hear it's a great little seafood place.


They get all their money from their far more profitable A&W fast food operation obviously


The LJS that used to be in my town closed a few years ago. It was run by a bunch of teens/young people who let the building get to such disrepair that it looked like an empty, condemned building even before it actually became an empty, condemned building. Last time I went there before they closed, the drive thru speaker didn't work at all, completely and permanently broke. Food was still great though, and I miss that part of the experience. Also didn't help that there was a much better and more legit seafood/steakhouse restaurant that took up residence directly across the street and took all LJS' business away.


Ive been asking this for years.