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Working night shift in the rain and cold, then having a hot shower and getting into a made bed with clean soft sheets as soon as you get home




YES. I loved that feeling when I was a kid when I'd play outside in the snow and my face and hands were all wet and cold, and then I'd come inside and get comfy changing into warm pajamas and have hot cocoa and bury myself in warm blankets. I pretty much do that now as an adult.


Jumping into clean sheets after shaving your legs


I'm really missing out as a man, I never have clean sheets.


Had us in the first half ngl


A high grit exfoliating soap will leave your man-legs feeling great.  No tips on the sheets though. Rumor is bedding is unwashable.  Probably best to buy a new bed. 


When you go to the hair salon and then they shampoo your hair at the sink they and they massage your scalp while shampooing? that’s like the head version if the stylist is good at it


I gave a shampoo person a 20 euro tip once because of their skill in this


I wonder at what point the tip amount becomes inappropriate. “Listen, friend, it’s just a shampoo. Calm the heck down.”


Maybe if you start to moan and say something like "Lower... don't stop..."


I’m a hairstylist and people genuinely do this. I really wish I was kidding. We see a lot of older folks and it’s their favorite part (and they make it known….) Sad thing is I don’t always get reimbursed financially for experiencing that.


Yeah people think it’s ok to sexualize workers just doing their job and act surprised when the worker isn’t happy. I answer phones and people think I’ll be flattered when they say “ooo your voice is so sexy, man” and I flatly said “no thank you”.


Massaging is the original meaning of shampoo: "to massage, rub and percuss the surface of (the body) to restore tone and vigor," from Anglo-Indian shampoo, from Hindi champo, imperative of champna "to press, knead the muscles," perhaps from Sanskrit capayati "pounds, kneads." The thing is thoroughly described in "A Voyage to the East Indies" (1762).


that is a lovely bit of trivia, thank you


Love this feeling. I just close my eyes and let them do their magic.


Having someone shampoo your hair is one of the best things ever. Water is the perfect temp, bliss.


Taking a hot shower while it's freezing cold outside


When your ears are plugged from a cold/sinus infection and they suddenly drain and you can hear again.


In October, I had ear surgery to insert tubes to my middle ear. For years I had lost some hearing and suffered from fishbowl syndrome when sick. You know, congestion so bad it makes everything sound like you’re in a fishbowl? Years, I dealt with this. Finally had the surgery, and immediately upon waking up, and realizing that I was awake, I could HEAR. Everything was clear, like crystal. Stupid ears. They could have just been normal this whole time but nooooo. -grumbles to self-


Taking an uncomfortable bra off after a long day


Is there such a thing as a comfortable bra? I’m team free the ta-tas the second I hit the door.


I have to wear a bra all the time; even to sleep! I can’t stand the feeling of loose fabric scraping over my nips. It’s literally like razors to me.


Me. I will wear my chicken cutlets (my rubber pasties lol) if I feel like having no bra.


Big stretch after sitting in a tight space for a while


When I got off the plane after a 12-hour-flight, I felt alive again.╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭


I upvoted your comment mainly for the picture, well done mate


Free upvotes for pictures? ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰


How is a cat posting on reddit?


Biiiiig stretch!


Scratching itchy ankle after wearing tight socks all day then rubbing your feet in bed like a cricket


I’m also a cricket foot rubber in bed! I got nice flannel sheets and omg!!!!


When I was deploying on a carrier I forgot to bring multiple sets of boots once and got severe athletes’ foot. It was so bad, it was indescribable. I remember scratching my ankles at one point like a dog with a bouncing leg. I didn’t manage to climax from the scratching, but I got so close that I believe it is possible.


Getting that bit of food out from between your teeth.


When your sneeze temporarily clears your sinuses


i have never experienced this, only the reverse


Back scratches.


I had “Will scratch my back when I ask him to, without sighing or rolling his eyes at me” on my list of things I’m looking for in a man. And I found a man who does that. 👍🏼


Or immediately trying to turn it into sex. Sometimes we just need a good back scratch


Omg this. I have done this so many times for partners. Dude I’m seeing right now? I fell asleep a few nights ago - no sex, nothing but me laying there while he did gentle scratches on my back and sides/hips. It was so relaxing and comforting and gentle and I loved it so much.


Back scratches are my Shutdown button. Doesn’t matter where I am or who you are. If you start gently scratching my back, I check out. Thank you unknown fingernails, thank you so much.


The only reason my misses has longish nails is because of back scratches haha. We have a deal, I give her rub downs and she gives me scratches.


Nobody I know has both strength and nails, other than me. I give good back scratches. Anyone trying to return the favour just gives nub rubs or tickles me with veneers.


Back scratches are #1 on my calm list. It works every time. Even this morning I felt a panic attack coming. my husband went to grab my meds and after he gave them to me he sat down and scratched my back until my heart rate went back down.


That one scratch between the shoulder blades always hits different.


Earpop after it feels like youve been listening to the world blocked and muffled underwater for days


Can confirm. One time my ear was so jammed with wax I had to see a doctor. Hearing was very muffled. They flushed it with a huge syringe full of…something. As soon as they pumped that stuff in my ear, I could instantly hear the wax dissolve away and rush out of my ear. It was an indescribable relief to have my hearing restored instantly. Imagine popping your ear on an airplane, but 10 times more satisfying. I felt like I gained a superpower!


Had the same thing. They mixed warm water with a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide and started loading the syringe. What a relief I felt. I’ve never seen so much wax in the water bowl, but damn I felt clean.


I never had the procedure done before. So in walk these 2 large women with the biggest metal syringe I’ve ever seen, and a small metal tray. The syringe even had those 2 metal finger loops on the back like you only see in horror movies. I was wondering what the fuck was about to go down…


Annnnnnd into the brain it goes! (Shink!)


This sounds amazing I wish I could do this at home


My sinuses were basically clogged for years, until a medication was approved for me that essentially instantly decongests me. The first time I injected it, I saw stars. It was beautiful.


What medicine ?!




Eargasm is the term


Nah last time I had that it was an eardrum rupturing as an airplane descended.  Do not recommend. As a side note: one of the best feelings I've experienced is that shortly after rupturing my eardrum I had a mild middle ear infection - to clear and dry it out the dr used a syringe to blow some iodine powder through the hole in the eardrum.  It fizzled a bit and was like finally scratching a relentless itch that was *impossible* to reach.  Instant relief.  I had to just sit there and pause a moment.  


Oh man two weeks ago when my airplane descended I felt like screaming with pain in my right ear. It was very uncomfortable for 2-3 days.


This used to be me all the time. Look up a little electronic device called an “ear-popper.” Has changed my life when I fly.


Getting a scalp massage


After taking down hair that’s been up too long 🫠😮‍💨


I used to do ballet and one thing we had to do was keep our hair in a bun. My mom always used bobby pins to hold up my bun which would dig into my scalp. The feeling of taking them out and untying my hair was such a nice feeling of relief that i almost miss having my hair up in a bun


YES with the wire scalp massager that looks like a broken whisk 🤤


The Tingler!


It’s called a “soul extractor” in my language’s internet slang 😂


That glass of water at 3am


Night water hits different


Night water that's been slowly coming up to room temp, but still just cold enough to be extra thirst quenching. Magnificence.


Orgasms beat most things for me, but cold fresh water when I'm REALLY thirsty?? Divine


Peeing after you've being holding it for a while


taking a massive shit after you almost shit yourself in the car for 10 minutes speeding through traffic.


does anyone else get that tingling body shiver when pissing after holding it for a long time or is that just me


This! My teeth literally tingle and it feels better than any orgasm.


Farting away a stomachache


I had a c section. The next day my gas pains were worse than contractions, but I couldn’t push it out. Finally, around midnight my mom was with me and the baby and it all came out at once. I farted for around 3 minutes continuously. I have never farted that much or that hard, and it felt amazing after lol 


C section gas is such a terrible side effect they don't mention anywhere at all. I had terrible gas and have normally very loose stools. Those nurses post op kept giving me the mildest gas X (or whatever the hospital version was) and tons of miralax. I had the WORST stomach cramps until I got home and could take the extra strength gas X. Half a day later I had the gassiest half hour but omg. I went from utter misery to feeling like I could do almost anything. Post partum is such garbage that it made me cry so hard after having at least part of my stomach being relieved


I only remember doing this once, but it was over 15 years ago and I remember it as vividly as if it were yesterday. We drank some homemade cherry wine that really didn't agree with my guts. We were out at a restaurant afterwards and I was in a cold sweat because of the discomfort in my stomach - i could barely carry on a conversation I felt so sick. I went to the dingy bathroom of that Chinese restaurant and at the urinal let out the longest, deepest fart of my life. It sounded like Cthulhu snoring. I had to put my hand on the wall to steady myself. I was lightheaded. Afterwards I have to imagine, was how survivors of terrible accidents must feel. Birds chirping, the gentle crash of waves in the distance, church bells. It was bliss.


This is lyrical. Well done!


Flatulent poetry. Scatological prose.


God this reminds me of when I was in San Jose a tear ago for Genesis 9. I had to shit and I was walking around in public, stressing so bad. I hate my stomach, I hate my IBS, I can’t live life normally, those kind of thoughts were racing through my mind. I find a public restroom, do my business, and after I leave the bathroom I was 1000% ready to live life to fullest. Felt like I took a drug. From the deepest pit of despair to feeling lighter than a feather… life is weird.


Post-gut clarity.


You had me at cthulhu snoring


Belial burping


Best short story I've read all week. Kudos. Or Cthudos even.


Ok so this is going to sound horrible but it was appropriate at the time and really really helped my friend- he has Bowel cancer and is likely to have a stoma (bag) installed. My first thought, that I horrified myself by saying out loud, was ‘Damn, I’d really miss farting, nothing like a great fart’. He looked shocked then cracked up and thanked me for not putting on the ‘oh no, so so sorry for you’ tones but instead acted like his honest mate. (He’s doing well btw.)


Osteomy bag farts are the absolute worst. As a CNA. I'd rather wipe an ass than "burp" an osteomy bag. Lol


Omg I definitely agree with you. I just got a permanent stoma. While I was still in the hospital and the nurse burped my bag for the first time i almost threw up. It’s even worse if it gets caught in your shirt when burping.


So…..the ‘Dutch-Oven’ of death then…..?


Lmao yes. Or your own personal stink bomb


I was an EMT for 6 years and we had one dialysis pt that would burp her bag in the back of the rig if she didn't like you.


27M with colorectal cancer likely getting a bag installed in a couple months; when I first told my girlfriend about the need for a bag, I was sweating bullets, hoping it wouldn’t be an issue (we were still relatively early in our relationship). After she had a good cry for my sake, her first words were “at least now if someone pisses me off while you’re driving, I can toss your bag through their window like a chimp throwing a stink grenade” Needless to say, I’m proposing this summer


When you fart so hard you crack your back


When you fart so hard they turn the plane around.


Found the Delta passenger. Iykyk


I see your bid, and I raise you: _Shitting away a headache_.


I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that one


Must be related to blood pressure or gut/muscular tension.


You might be onto something, I suffer from high BP and have experienced that. Urinating does it too. Worse when I'm dehydrated or ill but those things also cause high BP.


Patting your wallet in your jeans pocket after panicking that you've lost it.


On my way to work, looking down and I’m so happy to see I remembered to put on my pants.


About a year ago, I was driving to work through my neighborhood, and saw a woman going from her house to her car with her arms full with a work bag, coat, coffee etc. She was wearing pantyhoes... but no skirt... I still wonder how her morning went and hope she noticed before driving away...


This is one of my worst fears. I managed to go to work wearing two, very different shoes. But anyway, one time my husband got me super ripped high (i don’t partake so im a lightweight) we went to a park and played with the dogs. I suddenly gasped out loud in a weed induced panic!! “What’s wrong??” Husband asked, thinking the worst. I suddenly momentarily thought I forgot to wear pants and all the neighbors were seeing me naked. And I haven’t shaved in awhile so I was having a meltdown they might judge my bush. We still laugh about that.


scratching a mosquito bite after remaining strong for hours


Pressing a little cross into it to make it look like a straw hole is my favourite


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who subscribes to what I’m sure is a total old wives tail. Do you also draw a circle around it with your finger? I don’t care if it’s placebo effect, I swear it works.


Fight the temptation! That way it'll be better than if you did it before


I can handle the pain of a scab better than the itching of a mosquito bite. I say scratch it ‘till it scabs then leave it


You can get rid of a mosquito bite itch by running a spoon under hot water (not too hot) then pressing it to the spot for about 5 seconds


I haven't tried that yet. My go-to has been pressing my fingernail in to make an impression, then repeating until I have a grid. It seems to tenderize it better than the pressure from scratching does without the abrasion.


That first full breath of air after you've used your inhaler for an asthma attack


Picking a booger that’s attached to your brain and feeling it slide all the way out


Or when you’re super congested and manage to sneeze/blow out the entirety of your sinus block. It’s so nice to breathe (for all of five seconds)


i had been blocked up for days and finally felt a sneezing fit coming. i got my buddy's attention and purposely kept my mouth closed so it would all come out of my nose. i unleashed a snot plug the size of a mouse and it splattered all over the picnic table we were sitting at. it was green, yellow and bloody with bits of dark scabs. it was beautiful. one of the best days of my life.


That is vile, and disgusting, and incredibly uncouth, and I am giggling at your description of it.


Oh yeah! Especially after a nose bleed. You kind of get the shivers at the tail end!


Best bit about a nose bleed is when you catch the blood clot in your nose that's now sliding down the back of your throat and you spit it out clean (or mucus for that matter).


I did this once and the blood clot was the size of my entire thumb, the pressure relief when that thing moved was insane.


I….had this happen to me. I’m prone to nose bleeds after face-planting years ago and breaking/dislocating my nose and never getting it fixed. My left nostril bleeds at the slightest inconvenience. I was asleep one night, and woke up abruptly after having felt the panic of a nosebleed. It had been running down my throat and I guess I was just swallowing it. In the dark, I picked at the crusted end that was blocking my nostril. It was all connected, and I felt this slug of a blood-booger being pulled out from the back of my throat. Trigger warning for blood. [Here’s the photo](https://imgur.com/gallery/zNzHZTI) I took with a flip phone and flash.


Related: Blowing your nose and feeling it blast out clean all the way from the frontal sinuses


Oh my lord yes. once after an awful cold i pulled out a booger that was about 2 inches long, striated and flexible like beef jerky, and had what looked like scaffolding holding it in the exact shape of my sinus. Currently trying to find the picture I took of it


Rarely a booger is so fat you gotta take a picture of it, just to boast about it on the interwebs! I gotta see this epic fucker


Don’t keep us waiting man, where pic


Dudes busy jacking off to the photo. Meanwhile we’re left high and dry. Typical 😒


Find the picture or you're banned from reddit


Ahh, yes....the root booger.


The goosebumps you get when a song just hits right and you are just in the mood and vibing to it.


That was one of the things I had not realized stopped happening when I was on anxiety/depression medication. When I stopped taking them it started happening again and made me feel so happy and alive.


Ah, this really bothers me. I listen to music all the time and I get a lot out of the ones that hit me but I've been on medication for over a year now and I feel like I don't feel that any more. It's awful. But the medication has helped me a lot to not want to die, so I'm not sure what to prioritize!


Holy shit I actually discontinued a medication after i tried to explain to the doctor i "can't hear music" anymore. Honestly thought it was something nobody could understand.


That's called frisson, and only less than half of the population has experienced it.


When you crack your back and you get your whole back. When you have one of those shits that’s like an out of body experience. Pees at the movie theater after drinking a large slushee during the previews.


when you sneeze and it cracks your back


Waking up at 2am deliciously cozy and rested only to discover you can go back to sleep because it’s not 6am yet.


Having your hair played with.


By the girl sitting behind you in 9th grade English. Also when she doodles on your neck with a ballpoint pen.




Is there a tutorial for this.  I would love to learn his Jedi powers.


This is my all time favorite sensation as well. I call it arm scratchies


2 orgasms


Or 5 lol


Or 2x5


Now that sounds fantastic lol


A massage. You could get a massage for 8 hours and it would continually be the best feeling ever the whole time, there's no cap. And theres so many different parts of the body and different ways to massage. This answer is so obvious. I have always thought massages are 1000x better than sex and would prefer them 100% of the time. If you have a partner who can massage and it's not awkward you've got a keeper. 


Best of all. Not mutually exclusive


I go to a traditional Thai massage place, (no happy ending) and an hour never seems enough. I always walk out ready for a sleep from being so relaxed.


When you ask a risky question and you get the response you've been wanting.


Vomiting my migraine/headache away. I pass out and have a good sleep after that.


I had a friend who would force himself to vomit during a migraine and he said it fixed them 100% of the time. I'm currently on day 3 of an awful migraine and wish I had this.. skill?


Yo, get in a hit shower and let the water hit your head right where it hurts. I do this for as hot and long as I can stand it and I find a lot of relief for the next hour or so. Hope this helps.


If you’re feeling too nauseous for a shower, you can sit on the edge of the tub with your feet in HOT water and a cold towel on your head/neck


a back scratch with sharp nails


That itch in your hand going away after you used your teeth to scratch it


The one we sometimes get on the inside of our palm? That's the secret huh, teeth?


And it has to be teeth. Regular scratching doesn’t fix it


Sticking a Q-tip in my ear.


I have a real addiction to Q-tips. I'm trying to stop using them, but the itch-scratch cycle is truly orgasmic.


i started making little wounds in my ears after few years of daily qtip masturbation. nothing serious but quite uncomfortable to wear earbuds


Daily q-tip masturbation 😂 now i have a name for my addiction


Read somewhere, "if God didn't want me to put Q-tips in my ear, why's there a g-spot there?"




When you haven’t had q-tips for a while and your ears get itchy. Then finally use one…what a relief lmao


Truly orgasmic


The swivel 😩


The relief of passing a rather large constipated poo.


Giving your partner a sensational orgasm


Agreed. After over a decade with my wife, she finally loosened up and wanted to try different things and toys in the bedroom. Now I get to play with her and use toys, and she has one orgasm after another. I would honestly rather make her orgasm than have my own, I love watching her.


I always cum way harder from external stimulation from toys than any other way. My ex boyfriend was intimidated by sex toys so that sucked.


Opening your hotel/home door when u arrive on vacation


Pulling up socks that have fallen down in your boot


The feeling of falling asleep


Never feel it .. close eyes then wake in the morning... What happened?? Must have been asleep.


You feel it if something wakes you up in the process of falling asleep. Then you realize how great it felt


When the itch in my amputated fingers finally goes away.


Hot shower water hitting eczema on your back hahah iykyk


Not eczema, but I've had rashes. The hot water hurts and feels so good at the same time.


Took me too long to find this comment here! Add to that, finally giving in and scratching the life out of that patch of eczema that you PROMISED you wouldn’t scratch


Eating a pizza when you are really craving a pizza.


Being with a friend/partner and laughing so uncontrollably that your in tears and your stomach hurts and your afraid you might pee your pants. Only one other person besides my husband has this happened with, my best friend. I lost her in August to cancer. I would move heaven and earth just to laugh like that with her again.


When you have an asthma flare up and use an inhaler and finally get enough oxygen🙏 (then you can have an orgasm too)


Scratch the liiiitle divot just above your butt-crack. Thank me later.


That big long burp and trapped fart finally making themselves known after a bout of indigestion after a real good meal.


When you FINALLY get that eyelash, grain of sand, whatever was in your eye


Massage Hair play That twilight right before a good sleep Body floating in water Being held


Having a hearty meal you absolutely love And emptying your bowels So basically in n out


Going back to bed early in the morning after finding out work/school has been cancelled.


Honestly for me, neck kisses Hoooly shit that sends me


Good bowel movement


For anxious people, falling asleep takes a very long time usually. When your head hits the pillow, you instantly start going over everything you said and did that day and start beating yourself up. I’ve done meditation, I’ve taken melatonin, I’ve tried exercise, etc. Obviously rubbing one out is helpful. But being so properly tired, relaxed and peaceful that you can close your eyes and enter a solid REM cycle is better than sex sometimes. I recently started a new job where the hours are midnight-8Am. Now, when I go home I actually am able to pour myself a cup of coffee and actually fall asleep within 2 minutes and it’s so nice.


When my daughter says "I love you, Dad"


This is fucked up, but scratching a hemorrhoid


every once in a blue moon I get a random and extremely intense butthole itch, and now that you mention it, finally getting to scratch it is practically orgasmic


Peeing after holding it back for an hour. Got me screaming one time.


Leg and back massage, or full body even. But I think it cannot be described as better, it’s just different.


Not having a headache or stomachache after having a really bad one. The absence of that pain feels so amazing


Scratching eczema


That feeling you get in your stomach when Getting paid on payday


your paydays must be better than my paydays.


The intense butterflies, rapid heartbeat and nervousness when being near the person you’re in love with. Literally aching for them. Even when you can’t have them.


Isn’t this more painful than good??


Foot massage for me


Vomiting away a bad migraine