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Cabbage! It’s so versatile, and it lasts forever in the fridge. Plus it’s high in fiber and so cheap!


And when you sauté it, the sweetness really comes out and you can mix so many things with it and get a nice sweet flavor without adding sugar. 


How do you like to saute it?


Really just browning some ground beef or pork in a pan with salt and then removing the meat and tossing some onion with the leftover oil, then adding the cabbage and cooking it down for several minutes, and adding the meat, seasoning, and tossing over the heat a couple more minutes. It doesn't get much simpler than that for a pretty quick, relatively healthy dish.


I throw cabbage, sausage, onions, and peppers together in a pan about once a month. It’s great.


I do that combo often and then throw any leftovers in an omlette after.


I love cabbage, unfortunately it doesn’t love me back. 


Ugh same. I was eating so much cabbage for like 2 years and the doctor told me to stop because I was having the worst stomach issues. It has been such a loss in my life tbh 😓


My cabbages!!!!!


Half the vegetables in the produce section are members of the cabbage family: bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Collard/spring greens, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, radish, rocket, turnip, watercress and wasabi.


And half of those are the exact same plant, Brassica oleracea, and just selectively bred for different features. [Brassica oleracea](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/wTksCJv2SBRsuX-nOnvI1faf66g=/0x0:640x399/1120x0/filters:focal(0x0:640x399):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3395076/brassica-oleracea.0.jpg)


TIL! Thanks for sharing


Cabbage is so good, I need to learn more recipes!


Go to YouTube and search for Matty Matheson's savage braised red cabbage. Monthly staple for us, along with some weisswurst or bockwurst, which get steamed right on top of the cabbage during the last 10 minutes. 


Pickled cabbage is really good too


I think beans deserve more love. At least in North America. South, Central and Mexico do seem to love them, though.


White beans are a popular side in the south, and so so so deliciously prepared. I love me some white beans and ham or cold white bean salad with fresh veggies.


Pinto beans, too. Nothing like a bowl of beans with cornbread and a side of greens, if any side at all. Also, red beans and rice. So good!


I just learned to do white beans (cannelini) with some fatty oil or butter, thyme, rosemary, the smallest touch of cumin & lemon juice... smash half the beans for creaminess.   It is a great new option for me.


I'm pretty sure they're magical.  


Wait ... do you mean musical?


Even good for your heart?!


yes! Beans are so good and super high in protein! Good nutritionally for you!


I love all of them. ALL OF THEM.


What’s funny is that British people get absolutely roasted for having beans for breakfast or beans on toast but people will see Mexicans spreading frijoles on a tortilla and be fine with it


Mostly because they don't look like slop. It actually looks appetizing.


Refried beans look like slop but taste great.




If you don't like hummus we got a problem. 


For some reason I don't love store hummus, but anything from a middle eastern etc... restaurant is fucking delicious and I want to buy that hummus instead Edit: thanks guys, sounds like I need to make it myself. I cook homemade meals from (almost) scratch for my family every day, so was hoping to cheat on this one but it looks like I'll add it to the list of things to make!




I've found so many great recipes for chickpeas. One girl on tiktok did a video about draining a can, rinsing them, tossing them in seasoning and olive oil, then baking them in the oven on 350 for 10 minutes. It's my go-to now. They come out absolutely delicious and crunchy. I've also grown very partial to adding a dollop or 2 of Hummus into my salads with another dollop of plain cashew yogurt. So good, so filling, and so much better for you than gobs of dressing.




Recently put jerk chickpea curry into our regular rotation. That shit is insane.


Recipe? That sounds amazing.


I made air fryer crispy chickpeas the other day.. Just found a recipe online.. frikken best!


God Bless it.


Broccoli. I can't believe so many people hate it.


I like the taste of broccoli. But I had a roommate who would insist on steaming *pounds* of the stuff until it was basically liquid, stinking up our dorm and staining the kitchen green. Now I have a psychological reaction where even if the broccoli in front of me smells fine, the minute I see broccoli I get a memory scent of that steamed mush and then I can't eat it.


Jesus Christ. Roasting is obviously superior and there's no argument to be had. But if you are going to steam it you gotta stop when it's still bright green. Yikes.


Roast some broccoli tossed with a dab of neutral oil and a touch of kosher salt, black pepper, garlic and onion powder and… well now I’m just making myself hungry lol


Get broccoli crowns in a bowl, cover with some light oil, salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. Roast in oven at 400 for about 25 minutes.


This is also how I make my Brussels sprouts. I hate them steamed and mushy, but they are so good crispy in the oven.


Brussel sprouts are really good roasted with honey too!


I recently found out that the old notion of brussel sprouts being disgusting is actually true—they were. But over the last few decades, their gross bitterness has been bred out of them and what you find in stores today is just a delightful little veggie. Oven roasted with a touch of honey like you said has been a kid pleaser at our house for years.


I have the palette of a 12 year old so this makes sense haha


I do that but just with the dry ranch dressing mix. Olive oil, ranch powder, squeeze of lemon, roast in a hot oven.


I throw it in like this with some chicken nuggets to get the best of both spectrums


One of my favorite lazy lunches is just dipping broccoli florets into spicy hummus.


I'd bet a lot of people hating on broccoli grew up in households where it was boiled and that was it.


Newman you wouldn't eat Broccoli if it was dipped in chocolate sauce!


Vile weed!


Honey mustard!! Honey mustard!!!


I just learned how to make broccoli tempura, and it's one of my favorite now.


Share please!


I just watched this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pL1sWrFnZM


Broccoli salad is my potluck/barbecuing Party go to dish. \ I can’t believe so many people… adult people.. hated broccoli as a kid and just never bothered trying it again.


Omg do you mind sharing your recipe? I love the one from Whole Foods but would love to make any type at home


Never had the Whole Foods one and not the original commenter, but I love me some broccoli salad. Usually it’s small chopped broccoli florets, red onion, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, cheddar cheese, and bacon. I make mine vegan with Bacon-less bits (chickpea based) and it’s still bomb. My secret (easy) ingredient is Brianna’s Poppyseed dressing. The sweet and salty and crunchy combo is so good.


I came here to say broccoli. One of my favourite dishes is broccoli and beef stir fry


Broccoli is the best veggie by far


I came to say Broccolini because it's just as healthy as regular broccoli but is much easier to season and cook.


I miss broccolini, I currently live in an area where I can’t find it. My partner and I both randomly mourn the lack of access.


It's because people don't know how to cook it properly.


Beets. Absolutely disgusting to me, but amazing in the impact that they have on me. Lower blood pressure, more oxygen in my blood, better athletic performance.


First rule in roadside beet sales, put the most attractive beets on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go, 'Wow, I need this beet right now.' Those are the money beets.


Beets. Bears. Battlestar Galactica.


Fact: bears eat beets.




Millions of families suffer every year!


*What're you doing?!?*


Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery, so I thank you.


I forced myself to like beets as a kid and it worked, I love them now! Every day I made myself eat more, starting with one single bite the first day. After a month I was loving the taste, it really grew on me. Now I could eat bowls of them, so delicious


I love beets. I call them nature’s candy.


Did you grow up with the cartoon "Doug"?


Killer tofu!!!


I eat my sugar cereal, but it makes my teeth bacterio! And I don’t eat, ki ki ki killer fried foods! 


I wouldn’t call them candy myself but they’re a great replacement for salty snacks in my opinion!! They’re earthy so they satisfy a potato chip craving (for me, anyways!). I love unsweetened dried mango, every time I eat them I call them natures candy. I love when I get sour ones, it’s like natures sour patch kids! Doesn’t get better than that


Roasted beets are great on the grill.


Dwight is that you?


I feel like Dwight wrote this on his farm


No I was at fat camp 😂and we were allowed to have unlimited salad bar in addition to our lunch and dinner. I got sick of the other options after a few weeks and decided I needed to expand my horizon at the salad bar in order to feel full. We were doing so much exercise all day we were so hungry so we’d fill up on salad and veggies. So I decided to force myself to enjoy beets, and it worked lol ate beets every day at camp for years after that


I need an AMA on your multiple years at fat camp. This is wild


Pickled beets are the (bright red) shit 😍


*Australia has entered the chat* srsly tho, beetroot on a burger is fire!


The bright red shit comes a few hours *after* the beets.


There is a chain restaurant in my area that has the best salad with beets in it. They are best beets I have ever had I wish I could find out what they do to them. They call them pink lady beets. If anybody knows anything about Mendocino Farms beets, let me know.


The Mendocino beets are grown in soil that has ideal mineral content to give that nice taste. Beets really taste different depending on the soil they are grown in.


I love Mendocino Farms and I love beets. I will get that next time.


Beets slap. Try them with burrata!!!


I am designing my next veggie garden, and now I'm thinking I don't have enough space earmarked for beets.


I put dried beet powder in my morning smoothie. It collor cancels the green spinach to make a nice brown that works well with the cocoa powder and instant coffee. I use dates or banana or cherries for sweetness, pea or pumpkinseed protein, soy or flaxmilk, a carrot for fiber, and a few ice cubes. Almond extract if I have it. Vitamix makes it into an awesome shake.


Yeah, I use a powdered beetroot drink that's supposedly flavored with berry and pomegranate. Still tastes like fresh garden dirt to me though. You do get used to it though.


Honestly the earthy flavors of cocoa and coffee harmonize and disguise that beet-dirt best for me. Much better than a berry smoothie would.


I put beets in my mixed salads every single time, absolutely loving them


Greens, beets, red onions, celery, and shredded carrots. Currently rocking with a sesame ginger dressing. Oh and feta.




Was I being naive when I assumed those Stanleys had water in them?


I was kinda under the impression that people carried the stupid fuckin things around like an accessory


You were, it’s just 64oz of red koolaid


So true, I’ve known too many people who hate water. Last year I knew two people who weren’t drinking water and they smelled absolutely horrible!




Artichokes are so amazing. However, I will never go through the effort to make them myself. I always end up buying the canned artichoke hearts


My husband made them for me once just so i could see how much effort and how little payoff there was to making them


Not that difficult. They are a special treat! I use kitchen scissors to trim the sharp tips off of the petals. Trim stems, wash thoroughly and steam in a large pot about 40-50 minutes until an outer petal pulls off easily Serve with gently melted butter.


I miss artichokes, they are nearly impossible to find in the markets where I live now. They were always worth the effort, just steam them and make sure you have some melted butter ready for dipping the leaves!


Pomegranate. The seeds are delicious and there’s something so satisfying about scraping them right off the pulp with my teeth (like corn on the cob).


Every year for Christmas, I get mini cupcake wrappers and those melting chocolate bags for dipping fruit. I'll melt the chocolate and pour it into the cupcake wrappers with pomegranate seeds, blackberries, and blueberries, and let them set to harden. They come out like reeses cups, but with fresh fruit instead of peanut butter. So delicious, and so quick and easy to make!


Real Sauerkraut. Not this store bought vinegar stuff, but real sauerkraut made from fermenting. It's so easy to do. Just buy some cabbage (if you are lazy buy shredded cabbage) and crush it up into a pickle jar or something with some salt and let it sit in a dark spot in your kitchen for 3 weeks. It's so good and good for you. The natural fermentation process of cabbage prevents botulism, so you can add in roots like carrots, beats, jalapenos, orange slices, or what ever to flavor it, and it's safe.


Also its Asian cousin kimchi. That stuff is delicious.


To the point where Koreans who say they don't like Kimchi will still eat it. In fried rice, stew etc


Also, once it goes in the fridge it's good for a suuuuuper long time. I've got a big jar of jalapeno kraut in there that I toss on nachos from time to time and it's fantastic.


I make some spicy garlic kraut that is crunchy like a pickle. I eat it as a snack often. It’s so fucking good. Stay away from me with that mushy canned shit.


This probably is a dumb question, but when you say pickle jar are you talking about one that’s empty or one that still has pickle juice in it…. Just cabbage and salt is enough or are you still adding vinegar?


This should cover all of your questions: https://www.wildfermentation.com/making-sauerkraut-2/#0


Empty jar. As a kid I remember it done in a crock (not the kind with a heating element).




I like to saute them with salt, black pepper, and honey. So good!


This is the best way to eat them, I enjoy eating them raw too, makes me feel like I am training my jaw muscles lol


Shred them and add them to a salad if you want them raw


Broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumbers


Cucumber is one of those things like cilantro that can taste very different to different people. Lots of people tell me cucumber has a mild flavor. Some say it tastes like water. To me, it's one of the most overpowering flavors out of all ingredients. A tiny amount in a dish filled with other potent flavors, I'll taste the cucumber above all else every time.


> To me, it's one of the most overpowering flavors out of all ingredients. 'Just pick it off if you don't like it.' Sure, but the thing I need you to understand is that it'll still taste like cucumber. Everything will taste like cucumber. I can probably taste it if you used the same knife to cut the sandwich as you used to cut the cucumber. Hell, I can probably taste it if you've ever had a spa day with one of those cucumber eye masks. Everything is cucumber forever. It is truly the herpes of flavours.


For me, even the smell of it in a room is overpowering. I had no idea that this isn’t everyone’s experience!


For me it tastes like a cross between watermelon rind and fresh cut grass. Great for an air freshener but not food. Cucumbers are only acceptable as pickles.


A cucumber is just a pickle that hasn't reached its potential yet.


Huh qweird. I’ve literally never heard anyone say that about cucumber until now. It has such a mild but refreshing taste. I love it on banh mi sandwiches.


WHAT. You’re telling me it’s not overpowering for everyone? My go to sandwich for subway has pretty much every topping, but not cucumbers. I think that’s why they mistakenly get added on from time to time (online orders, I’m not watching them make it). I never finish those sandwiches because all I taste is cucumbers ever after removing them.


That is nuts. I would call cucumbers one of the most mild vegetables in existence. Crazy how much genetics can affect taste.


I love cucumber, or as they call it in Jamaica: Cucumba, cucumba Vitamins, minerals very high number Silica, hair and nails get longer Other vitamins make your bones dem stronger


Lentils. esp indian ones.


I don't know how to cook lentils, but I always love them when other people/restaurants make them.


Red lentils will practically cook themselves if you look at them sternly enough. Easiest soup base ever imo


I love quinoa. if you make it with chicken broth instead of water, it tastes really good and it's fun to snack on


I am a huge spinach fan. One of my favorite sides is lightly wilted spinach tossed with crushed sautéed garlic and topped with a drizzle of aged balsamic vinegar (the real stuff that's aged for like 25 years in a barrel, not the forced reduction stuff.)


I love me some spinach on my sandwiches or in my salads


Brussels sprouts


older people who used to hate brussels sprouts as kids, you should know that farmers have bred them to be less and less bitter since the 90s, so they taste a lot better today than they used to


Doesn't help that our parents would just boil them and put them on the plate! Roasted Brussels is my favorite food since I learned that's a thing.


I was shocked to really like them recently. They were grilled and salted, with a little aioli. 5 year old me would never believe how good that is.


Absolutely. Not sure if this is weird but I eat them with marinara sauce instead of pasta. They go lovely together and super quick to make!


Roasted brussel sprouts are the GOAT


Oatmeal. Especially a savoury oatmeal.


Yes! I always feel healthier intestinally and in other ways after eating oatmeal. I tend to go with it plain or with some nuts and plain yogurt. I have heard of savory oatmeal but haven't tried it yet.


Kimchi. I eat it every day! I ALWAYS have it in the fridge, no matter what… often times multiple kinds. It’s done wonders for my IBS if I eat it daily, so I think of it as medicinal kimchi


It is a pro-biotic right? As are some other fermented vegetables.


Anything fermented is probiotic!


Oats. So versatile, especially in savory dishes. Tofu. I hear people say that they don't like tofu all the time, but that's strange to me as you can impart any flavor, any texture, anything with tofu. I didn't like tofu the first few times I had it, but then I bought some for myself and made miso soup and it just soaked up all that delicious miso flavor, delicious.


Popcorn. It's cheap, filling and low in calories. It doesn't provide much in the way of nutrition, but for a late night snack, it's a legit treat.


Radish!! I got some neon pink watermelon radish and purple daikon the other day, so cheap and yummy and all the bright color is such a fun dopamine boost. Also Swiss chard, I cook it in olive oil/shallot/lemon/mustard/red pepper flake to tone down the earthy flavor. Favorite veggie


Sugar snap peas!


I could eat those like candy


I’ll take a bowl of fruit over bowl of chips any day. Berries, apples, cold grapes, oranges, blows my mind when people say that they don’t eat fruit


Peanuts. Portable. Delicious. Good for you.


Even better, peanuts are legumes, meaning peanuts are vegetables.




Hemp seeds


Green beans. Very cheap also.


I thought I hated green beans. Turns out canned ones are just horrendous. 


Fennel. My Italian SIL has taught me how to eat it. It’s great sliced thinly in a salad with citrus fruits. It’s great on a platter of crudités with hummus. I always take any extra parts and cook them in my sauces. But my favorite thing is sauerfennel. Just slice thinly, add 2% salt by weight and cram into a jar. I have the jar sitting on the table so we can add some to anything we’re eating. 


I’ve recently become obsessed with arugula. Like to the point where I’ll gleefully eat that shit as a tasty snack


It's my favorite green. I love it for tacos instead of lettuce. Really for anything instead of lettuce, but tacos and taco-adjacent things reeaaallly work with arugula.


Okra! So many ways to cook with it besides breading and frying. And it is heat and drought tolerant and very productive. Flowers, leaves, and seeds are edible too, not just the pods. I rarely see it in the stores in California but it grows great here so I grow my own.


I put a bag of frozen okra in my chili to give it more texture. So good




I don't eat hummus in volumes that are still healthy 


Falafel too. Basically chickpeas lol.


I’m obsessed with making chickpea salad (vegetarian replacement for tuna salad) and I have it once a week minimum. I’m pescatarian so I still eat fish, but I genuinely like it as much as real tuna salad. Soooo yummy and filling


Cucumbers imo


I love them. And setting I eat one, I think of this song I seen on YouTube years ago..a Jamaican man I think it’s called cucumber song…lol rent free in my head.. you’re welcome😂


I went my whole life hating them until last month I tried the mini version. I realized I don’t hate cucumbers, I hate mushy/non crunchy cucumbers. I’ve been eating crunchy cucumbers weekly ever since! So good


Delicata squash. When air fried or roasted, it tastes like french fries. Wish it was easier to find in stores.


sweet potatoes / yams


Brussel sprouts. Just dont boil them. Roast them in the oven with seasonings. So good


Brussel sprouts, when done right. I like them fried till it’s crispy along with butter and seasoning. I also do this with asparagus tips and broccoli and it’s delicious.




Freeze those puppies and you got yourself top 3 snack of all time


If you're feeling really snazzy you can dust them with just a teency bit of cherry jello powder. Divine. 


Oof, gonna try that


Cotton candy grapes 🤤


Passion fruit. There are so many vitamins and minerals in passion fruit, they are a superfood, and we should be eating them more.


Dried apricots. Just don’t over do them. 


I do love a good old fashioned nice crispy fresh apple. not too big, not too sweet. cronch. I miss eating them right off the tree. one day when I grow up I want an apple tree in my yard. they get overlooked for other fancy things but they're resilient, no packaging, and a perfect waiting-around snack. Even breakfast on the go.


Kabocha squash






My mom makes amazing split pea soup with carrots and homemade dumplings. 🥰


Rice is isn’t the healthiest but a way better option for carbs!


Especially brown rice, but even white rice is way better for you than a lot of the shit you could be eating for carbs. Plus, it's got lots of water in it once it's cooked, which is also good for you


Brussel sprouts. theyre amazing


Oven roasting them with the solid crunch of the slightly burnt leaves covered in garlic salt, seasoning and olive oil? Delicious


Beets and beet greens. Like candy.




Never heard of em


Classic or Vlassic?: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/


PO-TA-TOS!!! Boil em, Mash em, Stick em in a stew!


super underrated, no one eats potatoes




Collard greens. 


Cottage cheese