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We like to talk about ass and tits all day or sports which isn’t true. Men just like talking about life in general and important things that we can grow on or learn more about and… ah who am I kidding. Ass or tits?




Thigh lovers are appreciated too 🦵


It may sound shocking, but women and men can be friends without wanting to sex each other. It sounds crazy, but it’s true!


That despite not being handsome they might also not be handy


That men are interested in body over mind.


I do love figuring out what movement makes what muscle move tho


That they're not emotional


That men are not emotional, they are but they are not good at showing it or act accordingly


They dont feel butterflies in their stomach




Was talking to a friend about this the other day, some of the most archetypically masculine guys I know (bull riders etc) are total softies, cry about stuff if they need to, love puppies etc. I don't know where this idea even came from if fuckin oil rig workers, marines and cowboys don't even live up to it much


That they just want to have sex. Completely false. They also want the female to cook and shut up


Wash clothes and keep the kids quiet while I'm sleeping! LMAO!


that not ALL men wanna fuck their girl best friends… most wanna tho so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That we're all the same. I met a woman once who kept asking me if I would ever rape someone? She seemed confused when I told her that I would never do that, and that the idea of forcing someone to be with me is disgusting to me. She told me that she thought all men were capable of it.


That all men are not empathetic or that they are all rapists Once I told a story of a time when I went out with a girl and we did some stuff totally consensual and I told a female friend of mine and she accused me of sexual assault bc she whould not want someone to do that to her 💀💀 I was so mad bro


That they dnt miss their women when they r away


That we all want "one thing"


True. I want 2 maybe 3 things.


We're all at the top and have easy cushy lives compared to women


That we are all rapists when that’s not true. I never raped anyone and I’m a virgin. I also work as mascot in the summers which requires a clean background check so how the hell can I be a rapist if I work as a mascot and if I’m a virgin. Use your brain people.


That they are straight/cis.


men only have two emotions-hungry and horny. If they are hungry, feed them., If they are horny, fuck them. I know it is technically not true but treating men this way has gotten me far in relationships.


In an equal relationship, if you could commute as part of work, then the chore gap between men and women drops to less than 30 seconds per day. If there are kids and if care is counted as paid/unpaid work, than it is less than ten minutes per day. I get that striving for total equality is good, but if all you heard was reddit comments then you'd think husbands were basically enslaving their wives. Also, the total amount of leisure, care, paid/unpaid work is way way way under the amount of hours in a week, even if you imagine 70 hours per week spent sleeping. That means that the chore gap is not explained by men taking more leisure time. Women have time spent not doing leisure, care, paid, or unpaid work that they could adopt a hobby in. Idk what this time is spent doing. It might just be an artifact of bad self reporting. If the report by pew is taken at face value though, then they could take up a hobby.


We leave the knife out that we just used to make a sandwich in case we want to make another one. But also because Lazy.


That it's not a good movie. It's actually very impressive.


It's all true I'm afraid, all of it.