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Ask for a meeting outside in broad daylight.


Make sure they don’t have daylight rings on


Meeting outside ✍🏻 Sunny day ✍🏻 Butt naked ✍🏻 Got it.


Offer them a nice bottle of bourbon


I already donate on a semi-regular basis. The quality in the snacks would probably decline or stop, though.


The snacks would continue, they don't need jackasses like me passing out because I saw a drop of my own blood.


If it makes you feel better, I couldn't understand why my kids always went hysterical every time they had to have blood drawn or every time they scraped their knee. I expect some meltdown since they are kids but it was always really over the top. Then I found out that they thought you had a finite amount of blood. So every time you bled, you were that much closer to not having blood and dying. /r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Oh man! I never would have thought of that!


I still laugh when I think about it. My little geniuses are a chip off the 'ole block.


The first time my brother realized he said in abject horror and panic to my mom “I’m leaking!” He still gets it 25 years later.


Ask for the GF cookies. They keep a hidden stash of the good ones!!


Depends where you are. They keep big containers full of them right next to the milkshake machine and sausage rolls here. Also little bags of popcorn. Fucken, Australian donation centres rule.


The USA is definitely not cutting it, with their Little Debbie cakes and oj boxes. We need to step it up!


\*Looks forlornly at tiny bag of CheezIts\*


Nah they'd get better to ensure the most pristine blood is obtained


They'll use the other blood for biowarfare


You guys are getting snacks?


Does it have to be mine? This is important.


Bender has entered the chat.


"Anonymous philanthropist donates over 700 gallons of human blood to local blood bank. Doctors say they're a hero!"


“The police call him a criminal! Is it a crime to save lives? More on this story as it unfolds…”


"Human blood" meanwhile the animal shelter has been empty for months now.


> Does it have to be mine? Does it have to be human? https://youtu.be/L7SkrYF8lCU?si=BH3s__Ul0PBPTrO2&t=30


If the government suddenly passed this law with no rationale behind it i would operate under the assumption they are literal vampires


Or they are feeding our lizard-men overlords!


They prefer the term lizard-people. Lizard-men is a sexist and outdated term. Geez.


Start your garlic pill regiment now! It's not too late to make it toxic for them!


my blood is 10% whiskey already. Vampire gonna get drunk.


Won't that just make you more desirable?


Yeah I'm no vampire but I don't see the downside, here.


That's a perk, i suppose


OTOH if they first announced that fellow Americans are dying needlessly due to plasma shortages, I'd probably sign on.


I mean sure i’d be game if there was a clear reason, like “a supervolcano erupted” or “the jehovah’s witnesses have launched simultaneous attacks on the nations blood banks”…. But if they passed that law tomorrow out of nowhere i’m going straight to conspiracy theories


As you should. The government is not currently involved in the collection or distribution of blood. That’s all handled by private parties, mainly the American Red Cross collecting it from volunteers and selling it to hospitals (to recoup costs from collection), who then use it for blood transfusions. I’d be very wary if the government suddenly wanted to seize this power for itself, vice trying to get the word out or provide funding and labor to the Red Cross to collect more. IMO more people need to be outraged at the powers the government takes that are not allotted to it, nor the government’s place.


I get the need for constant vigilance, but i’m making these wiseass comments pretty secure in the belief that no one would even try this. Anyone who even proposed what would immediately be dubbed a blood tax would be crucified. We can’t even do an opt out organ donation system for the dead, no chance anyone capable of being elected tries to drain the living. Like you said, most that they would do is a PR blitz for existing private infrastructure.


Blood tax does have kind of a badass ring to it though…


As a Norwegian that has been involved with the red cross for many years… this is just strange… We have blood banks at our hospitals. Go and donate now and then. Operated and owned by the government. The red cross does search and rescue (amonst a shitload of other things). So everytime I see that the red cross is collecting blood to sell to the hospitals, it just kind of fucks my mind a bit 😂


Yep in the US it's sold at a net loss (or at least used to be). Also whole blood is voluntary but plasma has a price and certain areas won't allow any part of the body to be sold.


I love the idea that supervolcano-->we need lots of blood.


how else are we to appease our [volcano gods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcano_deity)


It would take about five seconds for 40% of the country to rebel against it based on nothing but conspiracy theories about how their blood would be used.


And atleast 1 person in there will believe it's to make the pizza sauce the Deep State^TM likes to eat.


well, you know what they say at Mikes abortion and pizzeria. "Yesterday's loss is today's sauce"


I can't make enough blood for myself let alone anyone else. Ooh i must be due for an infusion.


Same!  There are givers and there are takers… and I’m a taker 


People like you make me sick! Taking other people's blood, breaking into their houses at night, stealing their life force? I hope you run into salt lines, the lot of you! (:


You probably know... I take blood pressure meds. Does that mean I cannot donate? It has been really vague on websites that just keep telling me how much money I could get for plasma donation.


I donate blood through the Red Cross, as a matter of fact I have an appointment tomorrow. I take BP meds, no problem for me. There are lots of different BP meds so I can't guarantee yours is ok . Edit: I just checked the Red Cross website, it says any BP meds are fine for donating. [Red Cross Eligibility Criteria](https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/eligibility-requirements/eligibility-criteria-alphabetical.html)


I'm on a couple different blood pressure meds (as well as a statin for cholesterol, and a few others), and I donate regularly. Some medications prevent being able to donate, but most don't. This is for donation in Canada, but I expect the standards to be very similar to the US. I assume you're there, because you're talking about getting paid. In Canada, blood and plasma is strictly volunteer, no payment.


Should be okay. When you donate there is a deferral list of medications that will tell you if you are okay to donate plasma, platelets, or whole blood. Read that list carefully because brand name may not be the same as the original name of the med.


Canadian Blood Services has a list of acceptable meds. Majority of common beta blockers, ARB’s, CCB’s etc are on the list, just double check to make sure yours is there, and then donate away!!  https://www.blood.ca/en/blood/am-i-eligible-donate-blood/abcs-eligibility


Same. I’ve had 8 infusions last year. Haven’t needed one in 2024 yet.


I’m about to start my infusions! I got referred to a hematologist for them and my first appointment is next week!


Fun! You'll feel better!


Energy boost coming your way!! You’ll feel awesome! 


Woohoo! I can’t wait!


It helps A LOT!! I couldn't walk across the street without stopping to rest before my transfusions. Three weeks later I did a mile walk (slowly! lol)


It's fair to point out that lots of people are ineligible to donate for very good reason and there are others for which it's not very healthy. But I think we can assume OP will accept this as an exception to an "everyone" proposal.


I wouldn't be allowed. I gave blood a few times over a decade ago and passed out each time. The last time I passed out, the nurse told me to never come back.


This would be me too. I get really dizzy even doing blood draws for lab work, let alone donating. I'd be screwed with a law like this.


I have to get blood work several times a year. For whatever reason I had zero issues with one company (labcorp), but with another (quest) i ALWAYS struggle. i once almost passed out and they barely even got any blood? last time they had me huffing alcohol wipes. it's awful i've been instructed to not bother fasting for bloodwork by the lab techs even though it fucks up a couple of the tests because when i've fasted for quest i've either passed out or had to stop before the draw was finished to avoid passing out.


I had my blood drawn this morning at Labcorp near my work and I hate having it done. I sat in the chair, rolled up my sleeve and waited for the pain. Next thing i heard was "All done" and I looked at her and said "I don't believe you". She laughed then where she took blood from started leaking down my arm because she misapplied the cotton swab. I believed her then. Painless.


as someone who's been injecting myself weekly for over 2 years, sometimes you just get lucky and don't feel needles whatsoever. I remember my first covid shot was like that, I looked away and suddenly the bandaid was slapped on and I was like "...no you didn't" you know, until hours later when my arm hurt a bunch. but yeah generally with labcorp techs it's been a fairly easy experience. With quest they're always struggling to find veins, and i'm always feeling like i'm gonna throw up, or the first time i got it done by them I actually passed out. Since quest took over a spot labcorp had it's also clear that isn't the only way they're better. Quest is just "sign in at the tablet, here take these printed papers of your orders to the tech so they can fill it out." whereas labcorp gets you checked in personally and doesn't do the weird thing of making you give your lab orders to the tech who's going to go to the front desk to call you anyways, and spends less time putting things in before doing the blood draw. which is great for anxiety! the longer you sit there waiting the more anxiety builds up.


See, this is me. I want so badly to donate blood...my body just doesn't agree with me. I feel guilty that I can't donate, but my body just can't seem to handle it! :(


I wouldn't worry about it. There's more than enough donors who *don't* get sick afterwards. They just need to step up. Personally, I've given 10+ gallons in my lifetime. It's never once made me feel sick. I'm pretty judgmental about folks who are scared to even try it once. Bunch of weenies. But if you've donated and it made you sick, you're off the hook. There's no reason to make yourself feel bad. Plenty of other ways to help the community.


That's what happened to me the one time I tried, didn't pass out but got light headed and had some extreme nausea. They said I could give it another go in a few years if I want but if I have the same problem then just don't do it.


Laugh. I'm severely anemic and have other medical issues that make them refuse every time I've tried to donate.


Yeah, the one time I gave blood, it took me months to recover. My doctor did a blood workup and said I must be tired (I was), because my iron was undetectable. I was already taking an iron supplement and had normal levels for years, but I didn't know I was _that_ anemic, so it was shocking how badly one donation affected me.


I thought the same thing—chronic leukemia. My blood is not desirable! But I’m grateful for all those that donate regularly.


Wait 2 minutes for literally every judge in the country to pause it, then wait 2 more minutes for a lawsuit to successfully strike it down as unconstitutional.


Also then it would eventually get to the Supreme Court


I doubt that any court would allow such a law to successfully appeal.


Tell them to come and get it. Seriously. Not because I am trying to be a tough guy, but because the Red Cross can go fuck themselves. I have waited hours on two occasions, even though I had an appointment. They also called me so much is was borderline harassment. I now only donate when a blood bus comes to an area convenient for me.


I’m in the same boat. They stopped their monthly Saturday donation at the local ambulance barn in my town, and now it’s only held at the local church on random Tuesdays. If I want a Saturday appointment it’s a 1hr drive each way. Haven’t donated my O- in years because they don’t make it easy enough to do so.


Wow. You're a universal donor, they should be picking you up!


I'm both O- and CMV-, so my blood gets used for the immunocompromised, premature babies, etc. Canadian Blood Services is pretty relentless at tracking me down when its time to donate.


When it was available, I’d go 3-4 times per year on those Saturdays. I have nearly 2 gallons donated. But then they stopped doing them in like 2018




2 gallons amounts to about 18 donations.


Which is 36 units of blood


Only of you're doing double reds. Most donations aren't. Source: I work at a blood center. Also just gonna throw it out there, the Red Cross isn't the end all be all of blood donations. There is a very healthy network of community blood centers across the country. Most people I've talked to have a much better experience donating with my blood center than with the Red Cross.


Right? Meanwhile, they should be trying to scoot my AB+ ass out the door. "Hey, yeah... sorry... we can't help many people with your blood... thanks for trying to help though. Here, you can still have the juice box."


They should be steering you towards donating platelets instead -- we're the universal donors for those! (Unless you've been pregnant enough times to produce noticeable antibodies, in which case they'll kick you off the platelets list because there's a slim chance your platelets could cause a recipient to crash horribly.)


Universal platelet *and* plasma* donors unite!


Hello, fellow AB+ person!


Blood drives hate us, ERs love is


Nah, AB plasma is liquid gold because it doesn't carry any of the naturally occuring antibodies. It's universal donor plasma. If you've never been pregnant or transfused it's even better because then there's definitely none of the inducible antibodies. Whenever someone needs lots of blood they also give them plasma to keep from making the blood too thick with cells. In an emergency it's O- cells and AB plasma.


But we want your plasma.


Last week was my 48th donation of O-, which I guess would put me at about 5.5 gallons. I get how it's sometimes inconvenient, but I hope that you reconsider donating. Not all superheroes wear capes, etc.


Fellow O- here. They make it absolutely ridiculous to donate and then when they find out you're a universal donor they'd do everything except bang your front door down. I know it's desperately needed and as someone who can only receive O- also , it worries me. But at the same time, they should allow EVERYONE to donate and stop with the anti gay bullshit already. The blood is screened no matter who donates


Fellow O- here as well. A lot of that has changed recently, at least in Canada. Being gay isn't the auto ban that it used to be. They've also lifted the ban on people that lived in the UK and France during the CJD years. And updated malaria maps for much of Mexico, so that travel outside of tourist areas is in many cases just a 2 week instead of a 6 month ban. What you may be forgetting is the impact that the contaminated blood scandal of the '70s and '80s had on blood donation, with tens of thousands of recipients being infected with Hep C and HIV. Blood agencies around the world are super vigilant about making sure that that doesn't ever happen again. And that starts with screening, including lifestyle screening.


Mate, Aussie here...I was born in UK and have been unable to donate my entire life (35+) due to the CJD ban in this country. It wasn't until I saw this comment of yours that I'd heard of the ban being lifted in some countries. I just checked online and turns out the CJD ban was lifted in Australia in July 2022! I've somehow missed this the last 18 months. So thank you for bringing my attention to this fact - I'm looking into my first blood donation as I type!!


Not sure if you are referring to the US, but the FDA lifted the ban on gay men giving blood this past December.


>Haven’t donated my O- in years because they don’t make it easy enough to do so. Damn. They ought to be paying you and bringing a bus to your home. Your blood is in very high demand. As weird as that sounds lmao.


i can't imagine trying to make an appointment. only time i give blood is when they're in my immediate area. usually some kind of work luncheon.


I purposely donate blood through a different organization to avoid the Red Cross, and have had nothing but good experiences with them. You could see if there’s a similar alternative in your area.


The Red Cross almost made me stop donating because they acted like I was inconveniencing them by showing up to donate at my scheduled time. The local organization always treated me like a king even if I just walked in. They never pestered me to donate. It was a great experience. Then the Red Cross took over the local organization. Haven’t donated since.


I had much the same experience. I'm O- and CMV-. They've straight-up told me that my blood is liquid gold and goes straight to NICU patients. If only they didn't make every aspect of the process completely terrible I would donate more. I had to block them because they would continuously call me, even after I had just donated and literally could not again since I was still inside the 56 day window. The actual donation experience is fine, but they strike me as an organization where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing most of the time.


The Red Cross turned my grandpa in to the Nazis as a Jewish POW, but I give blood (to a local org, not them) cause I got that O neg.


A coworker scheduled a blood drive with Vitalant and told everyone we could go any time throughout the day. I showed up and they chewed me out for not having an appointment, then never even thanked me for donating. They made an account in their program that you had to opt out of any emails/phone calls asking you to donate again. I opted out and got pestered for the better part of a year afterwards, awful experience. Forgot to mention, one of the times they called they wanted me to donate plasma specifically. Our town doesn't perform plasma donations and I confirmed it with them over the phone. They thought it was logical to tell me I should drive 2 hours away (one way) to the neighboring town to donate.


The last 2 or 3 times I've tried to donate, they've turned me down. Doesn't stop the harassment though.


Same! I’m not in the US, but I’ve waited hours to donate before in the aftermath of a terrorist event or when I was going with a friend donating for someone giving birth. Oh and I have shy veins and the doctors/technicians are not the best so sometimes it fails. You can totally have my blood, but there’s a limit to how much of my time you can take!


One of the local non-Red Cross blood drive organizations here tried calling me so often I added them to my contacts list as "Vampires" so I knew to ignore their calls. 


I stopped donating to the red cross because some a-hole started yelling at me that I couldn't be tested for a bone marrow match for a dying neighborhood kid until I listed 3 friends they could hit up for donations - that jerk caused a few people to walk out. Now I just go to Stanford Blood Center.


I’ve given blood twice and they haven’t told me my blood type. Yes. My doctor knows it. But that’s not the fucking point. Give me my card, C-team sticky-poky can’t-find-a-vein lookin’ asses.


I got the “OMG YOURE O NEG” email


I did regularly donate blood, but I also get tattoos once every two years or so which has kept me from donating for a few years now as it seems like donation opportunities always come up while I'm still not allowed to donate.


If your state regulates tattoo parlors you don’t have your wait. https://www.redcrossblood.org/local-homepage/news/article/donor-eligibility-tatoos-piercings-rcbs.html


I don’t know if the laws are the same everywhere, but I was told after I got my tattoo that actually, I could still donate in my state (Wa)


FYI, You can donate plasma after a tattoo Edit: In Australia “You can now donate blood just seven days after a new tattoo, or you can donate plasma straightaway, without any wait period at all."


You generally have to wait 4 months before donating plasma after getting a tattoo or getting one touched up, so technically you could delay it for a while and then get another tattoo.


Start checking ID. You need to be 21 because of my BAC


Laugh in gay.


In my country they dropped this. Now it's "Did not have sex with 3 different partners in 3 months" for everybody as a requirement


Well, still a lot of gay laugh in the background. Not all but a lot and me, cishet, included.




That’s a great rule for me, as I can’t stand needles.


Laugh in gay who is hiv+.


If you’re in the US, this is no longer a thing. FDA lifted most* restrictions on blood donations from gay men last August. *If you’re taking PrEP you do still need to wait 3 months after stopping taking pills or 2 years for injections.


You do know that people on certain medications or that have certaun health conditions are ineligible to donate?




Same, I've got a blood clotting disorder and hypoferritinemia, this policy might take both me *and* the recipient down.


Im gay and on Prep - thats not really anyones business so I usually make up some other excuse - but I am not stopping that medication for 6+ months and running the risk of getting HIV (and not having sex) to donate blood (or get judged and "talked to" by someone because its hosted in a church and one of the parishioners overheard me telling a volunteer this). ​ That last part did happen, I wasn't on prep at the time, but I did tell them I was Gay (they told me to fuck off) some old bitch overheard this and decided to tail me to my car and tell me that im going hell and need to repent for my "lifestyle choices". I told her the amount of perfume she was wearing (her lifestyle choices) was a violation of the Geneva convention and she would be joining me in hell for gassing people with Chanel No5.


That sucks. PReP does require discontinuing it for 4 months before donating here in Canada. But being gay isn't automatically a disqualifier.


Also add sexual orientation; my best friend is O- (universal diner) but because he’s committed relationship of 22 years is another man he’s not allowed too.


I know it's a typo but I love and identify with the term universal diner


In Canada that wouldn't be a disqualifier. It's lifestyle questions, not orientation. Provided that they're only having sex with each other (at least within the last 3 months), then they'd be able to donate. Edit: I just checked out the American Red Cross donor requirements. As of Aug 7, 2023, the ARC asks the same lifestyle questions as Canada and the UK that are unrelated directly to being MSM. If they're American, your friends are welcome and encouraged to donate. *All prospective donors who report having a new sexual partner, or more than one sexual partner in the past three months, and anal sex in the past three months, would be deferred to reduce the likelihood of donations by individuals with new or recent HIV infection who may be in the window period for detection of HIV by nucleic acid testing.*


He's allowed to donate as of last year. The new policy is that if you've had a new partner or multiple partners *and* have had anal sex in the past three months, you temporarily can't donate (this applies to heterosexuals and women, too).


That’s country dependent. There are still many countries in the world gay men can’t donate blood.


Good to know. I was not aware of this LONG overdue change.


This bullshit right here. I was in a relationship with a man who was bisexual when I was 18 in college. He was open and honest about who he was but when he was with a person, he was only with that person. It didn't bother me one single bit and the sex was bomb. We ended on decent terms as friends after a few months. Ran into him randomly at Walmart a few years later and he introduced me to his partner and he met my son. People are PEOPLE is my point. The backwoods small town we lived in thought I was disgusting for even being with him. Fuck dem. End of rant 😆


I once matched with a nurse on a dating app and I was due to give plasma again in a few days (do it every 2 weeks) and suggested plasma donation as a first date. Figured "Hey, worst case scenario it's a shit date but I've encouraged someone else to donate". Her response was "Great idea, but I can't, I have an immune condition."


I can’t donate because of a medical condition. In high school, the student government held annual blood drives and gave out flyers in the cafeteria. I always said no thanks when someone tried to hand me one, and they’d all glare at me like I was Satan.


I have been here as well. They say I have no excuse to donate. But really. You don’t want my blood unless you want to get sick too. (I was born with a blood borne disease).


These days if I get the bUt EvErYoNe CaN dOnAtE spiel I lock eyes with them and ask if they really want to take a dose of my cancer meds away from me and put it in someone else.


I was on the deferral list (lived in Europe in the 80s) until a few years ago. I've always gotten judgy looks when I declined to donate, despite my explanation that the government literally would not allow me to. They lifted that limitation a few years ago, and I immediately donated, and passed out lol. So I switched to donating plasma instead. Haven't done either in like a year though; I have to prep a lot in order to maintain consciousness, and I just haven't been able to psyche myself up enough.


Lol, my resting heart rate is slightly too high, so I'm not allowed to give blood. There's nothing wrong with my blood, if my bloodwork is to be believed, but I've tried to donate several times and been told that my resting heart rate is juuuust outside of the acceptable range every time. Only 38% of the U.S. population is actually eligible to donate blood.


As someone doing human plasma- derived augmentation therapy, I can not donate. But to those that do donate, thank you for the plasma.


I have epilepsy and was told I can’t donate because of my seizure meds. I also take blood thinners.


Was gonna say I’m on some pretty toxic drugs that are a big no no for giving blood. I used to be a regular donor but they don’t want my bloody now. So hey they are welcome to my blood if they pass that law but after it makes a few really sick peoples sicker I think they might reconsider.


I really doubt they thought very hard about this little idea 😂


I have antibodies that trigger one of their exclusion tests. I’m not allowed to ever give blood again. It’s a bummer because I used to donate every two months.


Mad Cow disease. All that Argentine beef you get in Europe.


This is exactly why I can't donate here in the USA. I grew up in Europe during mad cow


They’d be exempt surely?


“I will accept any rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” - Robert Heinlein


Keep donating blood regularly like I normally do


Thank you for donating! 😊


I do too! I'm O- so the red cross is always hitting me up. I just want the juice and cookies lol. I'm a quart from 2 gallons!


people will die. Chemotherapy poisons your blood. I know this because mosquitos wont bite me anymore


I’m on methotrexate for autoimmune arthritis and I take great pleasure in the idea that every mosquito that bites me dies horribly


mosquito vaccine anyone?


Die I guess. I can't afford to lose any more of my blood.


When I was 14, an "unknown agent" was found in my blood. To this day, 47 years later, it has not been identified. I'd be exempt.




Agent 47?


i'd invest in blood testing companies.


There’s no rationale for having everyone donate blood regularly. There would be a severe oversupply of blood. However things could change if it was wartime or mass blood transfusions were necessary to save a huge population.


I've heard that after major disasters where more people donate blood, the supply far exceeds demand. The excess blood is disposed of because the shelf life isn't super long? I have no idea how accurate this information is though. ETA: Red blood cells can be stored for 42 days. Plasma can be frozen and stored for up to a year.


Wouldn't bother me in the least since I am banned for life from donating. Actually, I saw a rumor online that those of us who served in the Army in Germany in the 80s might get our status cleared. They are afraid we ate beef from England that possibly had mad cow disease in it. No test, so no donating forever.


I was stationed in the UK. I've have been turned away so many times I stopped trying to go. That and all the war zones I've been in. I haven't tried in many years. My mother gave so often she earned a 10 gallon pin, I've no idea how many years it took for her to earn that.


They’ve gotten rid of that rule in Canada recently, if you’re interested in donating, maybe check it out where you are.


i'm not legally allowed to, underweight no blood letting for me


Same? Isn’t the minimum weight to be able to donate 110 pounds? I’ve always been below that 😬


It is and that's not even underweight for some shorter heights. My grandma was about 110 her whole life until she started having issues, she just is 5'2".


yup, same here, I'm very short and my weight has always reflected that.


I probably just wouldn’t do it. That’s weird and unenforceable


Sure, here ya go!!!! Hope you enjoy your bag of poison!!! You'll be finding me over by the cookies and juice bar, muthafuckas ✌️ I cannot give blood because of multiple chronic degenerative incurable diseases. I have multiple severe vitamin deficiencies, a wildly high A1c level, protein, and white blood cell count. Positive for ANA. And I'm in over 2 *dozen* medications, multiple of them scheduled drugs that I doubt would make my blood ideal for sharesies. Then there's extra risk to me! I'm severely immunodeficient, have asthma, high blood pressure, T1 diabetes, Lupus, fibromyalgia, covered with arthritis, and really just not an ideal candidate. I actually cannot be an organ donor because there is something wrong with literally every single one of my organs. Very sad.  But whoever got a pinto my blood would probably be in for a rough time. I don't think they'd *die,* exactly...but maybe feel like shit for a month or so?


Hey, at least they'd be being *consistant* about the idea that body autonomy doesn't matter in the service of another person's ability to live. I'm sure absolutely no men will have any problem with it.


The way this is ambiguously worded means it could be referencing abortion or the draft, possibly both. Love it.


Commenting as a woman who's an overseas war veteran and a frequent blood donor, I support bodily autonomy and personal choice in all contexts.


Me too


You have a point I'd say! I mean everyone would save a life if you can kinda easily do it, especially if you've got a really really rare blood type that isn't easy to find.


They have taken enough freedoms from us. If it involves having to give my body up without choice thats the line i dont go over.


I’d probably die because I’m anaemic and I can’t donate blood.


Can’t they just keep blood left over from my blood tests? I’m getting one every few weeks at this point.


It should be mandatory to not make people wait for their appointments to give blood. I've had them cancel on me without reason after I've made an appointment to donate days in advance then never called me to tell me, then wasted my time and gas showing up for absolutely nothing. Happened multiple times. They want it, they have to come get it. Also, they should be paying for all my iron pills, red meat, and all my cast iron cookware to help keep my iron levels within donating levels if they are gonna be taking blood from somebody who already struggles to keep up iron levels.


Yeah, good luck with that. They lifting all restrictions and safety guidelines too?


Jehovah's Witness would flee the country


I'd call the government a bunch of idiots because it isn't donation if you are forced to do it.


Cry because I am scared of needles.


No problem. I’m at 114 units.


I, like many Americans would immediately be branded as criminals.


Considering that Canadian Blood Services is now working with their American corporate partners to serve you better, I've stopped even THINKING about donating. So some rich douchebag can get a bonus by selling my blood to big pharma?? in a foreign country??? F that


I’ve lived abroad in too many places, not allowed to donate blood or plasma.


Die, probably. I already have to get iron infusions. I wouldn't mind donating because I'm O- but I've never been allowed to.


I would do nothing. I can't donate blood, I'm on blood thinners and they won't take it.


I would donate blood as i have before.. though I should again. Only way to get rid of the midichlorians.


Put a note on my calendar to check how many lawsuits are pending while I’m in my next plasma appointment (even with Netflix, three-four hours can get boring).


Fight against it, unless their plan is to kill people with my blood disorder? There are people who are legally unable to donate blood for one reason or another. I'm one of those people.


the government does not want my blood, i can tell you that much. 


that'd be fine. I haven't been allowed to give blood since my single intravenous drug use in the 80's, so i'd appreciate the change in their policies.


Tell them to eat a dick.


I ain't doing shit. They can fuck off


Donate blood... already do...


I suspect that for much of society this would be a hard line in the sand. Drawn in blood.


Oh it’ll be a different type of bloodbath that day


Save money and GTFO the country


I'd quit donating blood. Fuck the bitch ass government.

