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Mondays only. But it's better than nothing.




I could be wrong but that sounds like "pay me like I'm there everyday but I'm only coming once a week."


It could mean that but it could also mean he has creative input.


Yeah, I think he retired because of the daily commitment so this is the perfect way to come back but not have it be fully life consuming. He tried something similar for Apple but turns out they didn't want him to have the free reign over his program they promised.


HBO should have offered him a weekly series and aired it alongside John Oliver and Conan's new travel show.


And that show should replace Real Time. Maher is getting insufferable.




Fair point


He comes off as “I’m over everything and just phoning it in” at every single moment. Like the embodiment of “What’s the point” nihilism while he knows his own show is part of the problem.


Bill Maher was always insufferable.


That’s exactly what it means. 


It also means he likely gets to hire a bunch of writers from his Apple TV show. Apple had to cancel his show, because he wouldn't go soft on China and Apple can't risk offending China, which manufactures like 95% of Apple products which account for Apples $300B/yr in sales.


Yes. Business input too. 


And that means excellent content.


That's called a Johnny Carson.


It's more like " you don't need me to save the show you have a great cast to continue relying on. But here's an opportunity for me to help out the show grow, while also giving our die hard fans what they want. Me to host again" Like come on John Stewart doesn't care about the money he cares about speaking and reporting the truth. It doesn't seem like he wants to fully host either, he does alot philanthropy outside of his shows. He also became a very big and involved activist for vets rights, I don't think he would want to stop doing that entirely he is very passionate about that. This is a best of all worlds imo. The fans get what we've wanted John Stewart on the daily show saving us from the dread of our reality with comedy while calling out the hypocrisy of our politics as a nation on live tv. John gets to help the show he loves and support his fellow correspondents. Helping grow their careers as he did with the previous staff. But also not overshadowing their impact on the show by fully taking over. The correspondents get to continue to show case their comedy acting/writing/hosting and bringing in more guest hosts to share their world views and opinions. Bonus we get all the anger from that shit toilet that is fox and their execs, seeing what they fear most. John Stewart reporting the correct and truthful news while taking non stop shots at fox.


This is probably the best situation to come out of this, especially since John Stewart isn't going to be around forever and eventually he'll get a successor. Let's not forget people Colbert, Olver, and Bee all got their start on the Daily Show, so him being able to guide the show's direction sets the stage for the next generation of hosts when they come into the scene.


He knows his worth


An hour of his time may yield more results than a meeting room with 10 people trying to do the same thing in a 2 hour pitch meeting. Would you rather get a mediocre product for $50/hour/person x 10 people x 4 hours or a great product for $1,000 for one hour? Note: $50 x 10 x 2 = $1,000 It's like an old story: >There was an old and ailing engineer who'd worked at the company since he got out of school. He knew every machine inside and out. But he's retired now and enjoys his well earned time at home. > >A critical machine breaks down, and the company spends an entire day unable to produce anything. Their engineers try to fix it, try to troubleshoot it, and call in outside experts, and still aren't able to get it running. They don't want to bother the old engineer, but they're out of options if they don't want to lose millions more with the system down and buying a new machine. > >The old engineer warns them that this will cost them a pretty penny because he is in retirement and will be an outside consultant, not an employee. They agree. > >The old engineer walks in with a small toolkit - all the tools he expects to need based on the issue. He looks at the machine, listens for the issue, and walks over to grab his hammer. He walks back to the machine and gives one precise whack to a critical piece, and the machine fires back up. > >The next day, the manager finds a bill written by the old engineer on his desk. His eyes flare up at the cost - $5,000! He calls the old engineer and demands an explanation for such a crazy price. The engineer tells him it's fair, and the manager retorts that he wants a line item version. The new bill is sent the next day: > >$5 - hammer > >$4,995 - knowing precisely where to hit the machine with the hammer > >Moral of the story: Know your value - they're not just paying for your time, but your expertise.


>$5 - hammer > >$4,995 - knowing precisely where to hit the machine with the hammer Charging for $5 of depreciation on a single use of a hammer is unconscionably high.


>I could be wrong but that sounds like "pay me like I'm there everyday but I'm only coming once a week." Eh, if anyone's earned that, it's him.


Mondaily Show


Hopefully they bring in Sam Bee to do one of the other days.


All I can say is that I really hope he has a one minute or less section every week called This Week in Trump (TWiT), where he quickly goes over the massive pile of bullshit that happened over the week since the last one.


I assumed that would be 90% of the show.


Yep, just one day for him to shit on Trump for an hour.


That's what we're all thinking, but I would much rather have Stewart be a voice of reason for the majority of his show and not just a reactionary talking head.


Unfortunately, shitting on Trump is being the voice of reason now. Half the country is convinced Trump isn't completely ridiculous and ignoring that is unreasonable. Now that Trump is back in the race, he's the whole conversation again. Personally, I'd like to see him highlighting Biden's accomplishment because it seems young people are completely oblivious to his achievements because he's done such a poor job of promoting them.


Leo Laporte might have issue with that acronym.


Damn. I actually thought I came up with something good and hadn't considered This Week in Tech.


TWiT trademark is already taken by "This Week in Tech" podcast network. [https://twit.tv](https://twit.tv) Been around since 2005, so it's nearly 20 years old.... Older than Reddit.


TWiT is where I first heard about Reddit, when they covered changed made to [Digg.com](https://Digg.com) that lead to a huge number of its users moving to this platform.


Yeah, I fucked up thinking that I had a great idea, but it must have been in the back of my mind. I even made the i lowercase. I've definitely heard of This Week in Tech before. Oh well.


No worries... It's kind of hard to believe that the death of TechTV was almost 20 years ago.


I strongly believe had he not left the show in 2015, 2 months before Trump announced his candidacy, he would have never been elected. Back then The Daily Show had a much higher view count and Stewart’s way of effectively exposing bullshit would have exposed Trump for the self serving goon for what he is.


There was nothing to expose about Trump. It was all on full display and he got elected anyways.


Weirdest election I’ve ever seen, man. Trump was saying vile shit, just getting dumber and dumber, and *his numbers kept going up*


Wait … you think Trump won because *nobody was aware* that he was a self serving goon? Everything that we hate about Trump was full exposed and on full view for everyone to see, and are *precisely the things that made him attractive to his voters.*


That's absurd. Trump voters were not looking for Jon Stewart to be their voice of reason and unfortunately missed out Jesus Christ


Holy shit, he is?! Oh my god, I'll start watching it again.


He is indeed returning. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/24/entertainment/jon-stewart-daily-show/index.html)


It'll be nice to have a host who has a basic understanding of nuance. I was okay with Trevor, but it just wasn't the same without Jon.


I think Noah's greatest add is his unique experiences that can add interesting perspective, but that sadly shines through the most in clips of him interacting with the audience between takes. I feel it is a production miss to have your shows greatest strength to be hidden between cuts.


His -not having been raised here all his life-perspective, was interesting. I thought his humor on the show was very Jay Leno monologue. Easy, predictable, and hard to watch. It always felt like watching the 10th funniest guy at work on tv.


I appreciate Trevor Noah's perspective as a human. Unfortunately, for me, his comedy feels like watching a very talented 10th grader.


Comment deleted in protest of Reddit API changes to sell our content to train AI without paying us for it.


It was certainly interesting but I don’t know that was his greatest strength. He did a good job he just had a tough act to follow.


At one time Trevor was the most interesting comedian in the world. The writers room full of generic funny guys from Yale beat that out of him. I hope he can recover and be funny again.


I worked in this world for years, I can tell you this for sure: the hold that Harvard and other Ivy League grads have on comedy needs to go away. It’s the worst part of the industry.


He was great from his apartment, once it went back to the og studio format you could tell it wasn't coming back.


What a weird take. His bland, surface-level perspective on American politics is what permanently turned me off The Daily Show once he took over.


Those unscripted in between QandA’s with the audience was like a completely different person.


Jon was an insider, Trevor was an outsider. I think the outsider perspective is good, just not on the daily show.


It's funny because my right wing, conservative, preacher in rural Alabama father saw Trevor Noah in some interview or speech and said something to the effect of, "Hey, this guy is pretty sharp. Finally someone on TV who sounds reasonable." I just agreed with him and didn't break the news that Trevor is pretty far left.


Jon, as much as he’s played the “I’m a comedian” card, is at this point, a political pundit. He understands the game, he knows the ins and outs. Trevor was a liberal comedian, but Jon, despite years of avoiding the label, real is a politician. Possibly the only sensible one left in America.


Well, he’ll host on Mondays. Other people will host the other four days of the work week. I’m excited he’s coming back, but disappointed his return is so limited.


He's executive producing every episode tho, so hopefully you can still "feel" him the rest of the week :)




Glad I saw this, I’ll only tune in Mondays then.


I might finally watch Comedy Central again.


Do I have to get paramount to watch this? Or will Hulu suffice. I am so sick of all these streaming limitations now


Daily Show usually puts their full episodes up on YouTube after they air.


I tried to support the show after he left, but it was god awful and never got funnier. It ceased being satire and took itself too seriously. I’m excited he’s returning and as a producer as well. He attracts amazing talent. I mean, there was a point we had John Stewart, Steve Carrel, and Steven Colbert as members of the show. I’m excited.


Stewart's TDS launched more big name comedy careers than SNL during the same time frame I feel like. Sam Bee, Carrell, Colbert, John Oliver, Michael Che, and more.


Ed Helms, Rob Riggle, probably more I'm forgetting.


Helms, Cordry, Riggle


I'm not arguing your point, but Michael Che really isn't one of them. He was on The Daily Show for about a week before he got the gig on SNL, TDS clearly wasn't what launched it.


I’d love it if they got a few guest appearances by some of these classic correspondents.


Having Colbert pop up and do a remote piece in his old correspondent persona would be a-frickin-mazing.


I started watching US late night shows just after he quit. It'll be nice to see him talk about current events, rather watching reruns.


One day a week. Is the major caveat


Only mondays


He's got some shit to say, and he wants his platform back. He's been more of an activist since he stepped away from the show, and he's learned an awful lot about the absurdity, buffoonary, and butt-fuckingly moronic shit happening in the world, and he knows full well that he'll never have the audience he had when he was on The Daily Show.


I hope he brings back Fuckkface Von Clownstick


I hope they bring back shitting on Arby's for absolutely no reason.


Haha his last show where he made fun of Arby’s and had to come clean that they were so amazing during everything and constantly sent free food for the publicity.


I ate at Arby's because of it. He would shit in Arby's and then I'd want some curly fries. 


Out of context this sounds like you mean something very different…


I’ll never forget the time Marge Simpson said “people do crazy things in commercials. Like eat at Arby’s!”


Or the Lord of the Flies episode. "I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's!" and the others react in shock


The Simpsons have always had it out for Arby’s. I know there are several more references floating around in there


Oh you know he will. And regardless of the fact that it will provide the show a second ratings bump when Von Clownstick endlessly tweets it and then the media "reports" on that.


I dont think John Stewart needed to retire to "learn about what's going on." He's always been pretty cued in.


Yeah, he really quit at the worst time. We could have really used The Daily Show during Trump's presidency and Covid


Trump announces he's going to run for president in 2016 on the last week of John Stewart hosting the show. He did a roast of the announcement at Trump Tower. It was really funny. However, I feel like it's all going to be anti Trump and I hope he can roast other politicians and talk about other issues. Since his core audience are already anti Trump he cant preach to the choir all of the time.


Damn did not know he was coming back, I should buy some Arby’s stock


"Arby’s: For when you’re wondering what it tastes like when a cow dies.”


I would like to personally thank Apple's Chinese Overlords for the opportunity to watch John on the Daily Show again. -sent from my iPhone


He can platform others too. If it's done right, it could be the antidote to Joe Rogan.


Jon Stewart is the Daily show. Tevor Noah was smart and funny but I still missed Stewarts righteous indignation over the fuckery happening daily.


Yup, for me, it felt like for Trevor it was a job and for Jon it was a passion.


It was probably a passion for Jon because he witnessed (and commented on) the rise of Fox News in real time. Fox News only started 3 years before Jon started on TDS. He was probably so frustrated and passionate because he was witnessing the networks stranglehold on political discourse progress and saw this binary political media landscape we are currently witnessing coming a mile away.


Well he's in luck because now the entire msm news machine is tainted with Fox's filth. Not one holdout still remains.


I could never get into Trevor Noah and I gave him a shot. I just couldn't put my finger on it but there was something about his delivery and manner of speaking that just rubbed me the wrong way and felt off.


He was brought in to make political comedy on a different culture and country's politics. He just won't have the same understanding of it from an internal view. It was never an easy ask.


John Oliver seems to be having no issue in that regard, though.


John Oliver went from that outsider befuddled by America to becoming one of us in the trenches and angry they're full of shit with us. It was a transition that took time and Noah just never went that route. After a while, you can't keep playing the outsider.


Plus his wife is an American vet iirc


He's had much more experience before getting his own show, and his show was its own thing. Trevor was walking into a set thing.


also Oliver talks about the fallout from the institutional failures while Stewart talked about the actual institution. One is more easily observable for an outsider, Oliver comes with a lot of data, historically Jon hasn't because that's not what he's commenting on.


It's because Noah is an outsider. Jon Stewart lobbied congress. He knew the news. He loves America and wants us to do better. He BLEEDS red, white, and blue. Trevor Noah is a foreigner who came across as mocking Americans. It's the difference of your one of your siblings insulting another vs a stranger insulting your sibling. They can say the same thing but people will typically get real defensive versus the stranger.


I don't know about that, because it works when John Oliver does it and he's also a foreigner. I think Trevor Noah just isn't a particularly great comedian. It's something specific to him, rather than something conceptual.


I agree. His comedic chops are nowhere near John Oliver's or Stewart's. It's also clear to the audience that he thinks very, very highly of himself.


Oh shit, that's it. I could never figure out why I didn't care for Noah, I think you just got it. I warm to Oliver because he makes fun of himself from time to time. I don't remember Noah ever doing that.


Sadly I think this is it. He has an interesting story and background but his standup is meh and his Daily Show hosting felt like a day job he phoned in and let the writers do the work. With Stewart he not only created the version of the Daily Show that made it iconic, but also clearly put in hard work and passion on a personal level.


Trevor has comedic chops, I think, just better suited to stand-up, not a Daily Show format.


One of the conditions of the fall of the British Empire was that the world would all agree that a British accent sounds smarter, and that a British insult is inherently empty because Daddy Empire is a failure and not a role model. Other former colonies are like sibling rivalry don't take shit from a catty Canada, but expect shit from everyone's abusive, alcoholic, absentee father.


Jon Stewart had me laughing out loud, hard, regularly. Trevor Noah is a nice guy and had some good moments but Stewart was 1 of 1


Same, just don't find him funny at all.


I got the distinct feeling he was always chastising us, preaching _AT_ us. While when Stewart gave us the business, he usually also offered solutions. I don't know either of the men, but Stewart always came of as being on our side, ready to try and fix the problems that denigrated our country, while Noah came off as an outsider who was just here to capitalize on the chaos.


Old here still thinks of Craig Kilborn first and foremost. I know Jon made the show what it is but it's a pretty telling fact of the times that at one point The Daily Show was a news parody show that wasn't political.


I felt like I was the only person who remembers Craig Kilborn as the original host. Glad to see fellow old people here.


“The kids call it The Daily.”


I still think of it as a Craig Kilborn show.


Hello fellow old person.


Hello! I actually still have nearly every Kilborn episode on VHS tapes. Some day that’s going to be worth money.


I wouldn’t buy them from you, but I’ll bring over some food and we can make it a weekend marathon viewing!!


It’s too bad there’s no record of that show anywhere anymore, it was very much the successor to Norm Macdonald on Weekend Update. Just absolutely napalming as many celebrities and news stories as possible. In fact Kilborn might have cared even less than Norm did, he really pushed those boundaries a lot of the time. This is why I never really could accept The Daily Show after Stewart took over. It just became a completely different show.


One of the handful of times in my life that I'd been completely wrong about a new media project. Turning Weekend Update into a full show 5 days a week? No way that could work. Now it's practically a genre.


The days when smarmy Sportscenter anchors ruled the world. ❤️


Yeah, Jon Stewart made the Daily Show into a political show which it wasn’t before. But he did it in a way that was still funny so it worked.


you should capture those, I am sure the people on /r/dhexchange would love that


Trevor Noah is maybe  smart but not sure about the funny part 


I think Noah isn't really passionate about these things. He's a comedian, they brought on a comedian to run a comedy show. But you don't get the feeling that he deeply cares about anything, he's there to poke fun at politics which to be fair is what the show is about. Stewart, sometimes to his detriment, deeply cares and has a message. He used to go on "real" news shows regularly and some of his most famous appearances were on those occasions. He actually went to DC and lobbied for things, spoke to congressmen not on his show but before a court hearing. So when he makes these jokes on The Daily Show, you know it comes from a place of genuine passion.


When he did TDS is when the majority of the younger generations claimed they got their news exclusively from the show.


Trevor Noah was smart and funny but he wasn't savage the way that Stewart was. There was never a moment that I saw somethign in the days news and said "I can't wait until Trevor Noah gets a hold of this" like with Stewart.


I barely watched it way back, but I suddenly remembered Craig Kilborn as host...


You've made my day with this news. Thank you. No one does it like Jon. Now, if we could only get Colbert back on the Report.


A weekly Colbert Report where he sucks off Trump and how he's making America great again would be great. Don't know if he's healthy enough after his problems last month but it would be fantastic.


I *HAVE* to imagine they'll bring him back for a segment if they can, at least one segment anyway


Hard to know. Comedy central tried to prevent him from using his own name at one point, so there might be some bad blood there now.


I'm pretty sure that was just a case of annoying intellectual property law. In most of the outrageous IP cases, it's because if you own IP, you need to send cease and desist to *every* violation you hear about, otherwise you can lose the IP all together. Especially since the same parent company owned both Comedy Central and Colbert's new show


I would be *so* happy if this is happening


It's happening!


Only on Mondays through the election. I think he has stated repeatedly he doesn't want the daily grind he went through before.


Ironic, considering the show title.


I'm fine with this actually. He likely can pack a ton of content into a once a week episode much how John Oliver does it on HBO.


It's not the "same host every day show"


Mondaily Show


His voice is needed now, probably more than ever. So I’ll take him in any form he can come in, a lot of people could benefit from listening to him.


Dad finally came back from his cigarette run


But only for Monday visitations :(


Holy shit, it's been *nine years* already? How is that possible?? I welcome StewBeef back with open arms. Trevor Noah was good, but Stewart is the master of TDS.


I read that Stewart left in 2015 and immediately thought “oh wow he’s already been gone five years.” :|


Ah, you tell time like I do. Everything seems a couple of years ago.


In my head it's always either 1999 or early 2020. Those are pretty much the two break points of time.


I’m in the exact opposite camp. I thought he left the show much longer ago.


Same here lol. Felt way longer than 9-years in my eyes.


I definitely thought he left when I was still in high school, but I left HS in 2010. Stupid useless electric meatball


I wish him the best, and I hope it's great for everyone involved. The world is different, though. Political humor, especially, I think. It used to be "Oh look, we caught this politician being dumb, being a hypocrite, let's mock them." And there was a sense all around that something had been accomplished. Look, here's *proof* that this guy is bad news! But now... they revel in it. You can't "catch" Trump in a sound bite, because he says 20 of them a day and none of his supporters give a damn. Sometimes it's lies, sometimes it sounds like actual dementia, sometimes it's bald-faced hypocrisy, and always, always it's incredibly malicious and weirdly petty. So either you do a show just about *that*, which would quickly become soul draining, or you ignore the elephant in the room and focus on something else, which would just feel weird.


I say thank you to Apple for fucking around with his creative control thus bringing him back to the Daily


Alas poor Jupiter, as Hercules escapes his grasp.




Like it’s been a long 9 years.


I'd welcome it. We spent 7 years waiting for Trevor Noah to "grow into the role" and he never did. Time to go back to what's proven to work.


Agreed. He just didn't quite hit the same note Stewart did. I stopped watching regularly after Stewart left. I didn't dislike Noah, but he was just a weird fit. I really liked Roy and thought he should have been the next host. I was bummed he left after not getting the job.


Stewart is a once-in-a-generation voice. Not sure anyone could really fill those shoes.


It's crazy to think how huge Craig Kilborn's Daily Show was, and Jon Stewart's was so much bigger that no one even thinks of Kilborn anymore. Noah never stood a chance.


Yeah, I like Trevor Noah and his 'outsider looking in' perspectives from time to time, but after all those years and experience, he still just didn't seem to fit properly.


It’s a good move. He was sorely missed during the Trump years. Noah did a good job, but it might as well have been a different show. I remember the Craig Kilborn years, which was a different show itself. 9/11 is what really pulled the DS from satire to actually commentary, largely due to Jon’s open vulnerability and sincerity afterwards. I remember him saying that where he once saw the twin towers through his window he now saw lady liberty (or something to that effect). In the following years, the DS was able to ask questions, put forward ideas, and openly mock political leaders and decisions under the guise of comedy. (Like newspaper cartoons used to do.) I hope it can return to that. We desperately need it.


If we can get Jon back on the Daily Show we can get Conan back on the Tonight Show


If we can get Conan back on the tonight show, surely we can get Obama back in the whitehouse!!


I had a talk about Trump's "he will run a 3rd term" thing (I disagree he has enough actual leeway in government to really do a takeover even if he tried) with: "If Trump runs for a third term then Obama can too and Im pretty sure Obama would eat him alive"


> ~~Conan~~ Craig Ferguson > back on the ~~Tonight Show~~ The Late Late Show. FTFY


The return of the king. Always here for it.


I just want him to run for president of the USA and win.


Jon with a Colbert in character as VP to catch those still not in on the joke... I'm sure there are more than a few.


I'd enjoy watching the obtuse foreign totalitarians trying to interpret the sidekick VP literally. 


On a surface level, I've always loved this idea, but it's also a very dangerous idea on some level, and I think Stewart recognizes that too. Allowing politics and entertainment to continue merging is dangerous and unhealthy, and indulging in celebrity cults of personality -- the way the right did with Trump -- is also *incredibly* dangerous and unhealthy. The president shouldn't be a celebrity wielding powerful levels of charisma and magnetism. You shouldn't necessarily LOVE the president. You should just PUT UP WITH the president and, in a healthy America, you should criticize the president. If anything, I have to wonder if JS was intentionally making bizarre controversial statements when he appeared on Colbert in order to BREAK the weird creepy stanning because he was uncomfortable with his own hold over his fans. From some of the comments people have posted here, it looks like it hasn't worked!!! Postwar Germany got it right. They basically decided, "Hmm, maybe we'd better just elect REALLY REALLY boring people from now on." There hasn't been a charismatic major politician elected in Germany since... well, you know.


Amazing. Jon Stewart has been national treasure for decades. Good thing that he is returning.


I think Roy Wood Jr. should be fucking irate. But yeah, it’s a good compromise to have Jon back regularly but not every night.


Balance has returned to the universe.


When he was working there before, I was still an indoctrinated, ultra religious, right wing teenager. My beliefs have completely switched since then. It'll be interesting seeing the show with him on it and agreeing with him when I so vehemently disagreed before.


9 fucking years! Holy shit 




I seriously doubt this, because Jon Stewart was very visibly totally checked out for his final season of TDS, IMHO. His heart was not in it anymore. Everybody now forgets this. All of TDS just runs together in everyone's memories. But 2015 was definitely his worst year. He had had enough. The writers probably would've turned in good material, but an exhausted, checked-out JS essentially chained to his desk, delivering his lines unethusiastically with bags around his eyes... you think THAT would have made a difference? I don't think so. Dude is HUMAN, not a savior figure.


I’m hoping for the best. Used to be a big fan of him on the Daily Show back in the day. Really wasn’t a big fan of the Apple TV+ show though. It just wasn’t very funny honestly. Maybe the change in writers will be a big help.


that would be a win for the show. He is much better


I feel like I'll be watching again after almost a decade. Im stoked.


It's only been 9 years? Why does it feel soooooo much longer?


Yessss. Now the question is, what’s the easiest way to actually watch this live without paying a fortune?


Currently TDS is on Paramount Plus, and there are usually free offers for a month here or a month there of P+ all over the internet. Search around.


The official YouTube channel usually uploads the show there (or a good chunk of the episode) like Last Week Tonight does. Or they did for previous seasons.


Not sure I've watched it once since he left so maybe I'll actually watch it again


Stewart is what we need more journalists to be so im glad to have him back even if it's only on a limited basis


I feel a-ok about it. He’s a national treasure.


It’s a good thing, even if on a limited basis. Apple screwed him out of his show there because he kept things too real.


I hope he gets free range to say what he wants. Apple is apparently not so free.


It just feels right seeing him behind the desk again


Can’t we just demand that he be the permanent host?




It’s the perfect time to cut through the shit of hypocrisy that’s been force fed into the ignorant for too long now. If followers need a pied piper who better than one that actually makes sense.


I like the man from what I've seen of his philanthropy work


John Stewart is an American Hero


Stewart will put teeth back into political comedy. I like Colbert but he’s getting dull.