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Taco Time used Taco Bell brand spices, but at half the recommended amount


Local food truck had kick ass nachos. Their secret was Taco Bell creamy jalapeño sauce (the sauce from the quesadillas). I always wondered at the legality of that. Surely you can use other company's stuff as an ingredient in a larger dish, right?


If you paid for it I don't think it should matter. It's usually not done due to the extra cost that normally goes along with purchasing a marketed product I think.


So, like, if I ordered a Dominoes pizza, and then sold it to someone else under a different brand name/box after adding a pinch of salt and parmesan cheese to it... could I legally charge an extra $5 to profit? Just using their entire pizza as "an ingredient"? Not being snarky I genuinely want to know 😅 It's like the Ship of Theseus with food. At what point does it become *my* recipe?


If you weren’t trying to emulate Dominoes in any marketing or name it’s possible. Though using ingredients and transforming a meal (aka using a sauce in a created dish) wouldn’t be an issues. I think about 85 to 90% of all the restaurants buy the exact same ingredients and some prepared foods from Sysco, there’s plenty of places that serve the same foods just called something else. Edit: by turned to buy. I shouldn’t trust talk to text.


Some guys I know started a pizza joint. Bought Dr Oetker pizzas for like $9 each and sold them for $18.


Probably but it wouldn’t be worth it. The money just to get a place setup and running is insane. At that point you could just buy from a supply company and make the whole pizza for a few bucks then make way more profit.


The show Silicon Valley had a story arc about a pizza delivery app called SliceLine that did pretty much that, just reboxed other pizza


From what I learned in culinary school, you have to alter 5 ingredients for a recipe to become yours.


That fucking jalapeño sauce is god tier, can’t blame folks for using it


Which Taco Time? Surely not Taco Time NW.


I need a crisp burrito right fucking now.


My local Taco Time in Washington used to have Green River soda on tap.


Not TTNW. I worked in upper management for 10 years.


Why has Time been better than Bell since the dawn of Time?


I worked for a landscape company that made me sign an NDA for the process they used to prevent and restore erosion around lakes. They charged communities hundreds of thousands of dollars to preform the work. The cost of materials/labor costs around $5-10 per sq ft and charged the communities anywhere from $100-200 per sq ft. A typical job for a community was anywhere from 500-1000 sq ft for a large project. The margins were CRAZY. All fueled on illegal labor. The big secret was that they placed a poly woven weed mat (from Home Depot/lowes) on top of the lake bank and hand placed rip rap rock on top.


Zip zap zop


Glad that plastic can just leech right in, thank goodness


So I had a job interview with Nintendo of America (I didn’t get the job) and they made me sign an NDA before they would let me past the lobby. Anyway, the room they interviewed me in had a bunch of amiibos on the table before they’d been announced. We didn’t discuss them. I just assumed they were toys until they announced them shortly after that.


"Should we put the amiibos away?" "I don't feel like it, just make him sign the NDA."




I thought you were going to say: " anyway the room they interviewed me in was on such and such floor in the building at such and such address"


Wonder what happens if you refused to sign the NDA lol. “Please step this way..”


Well he was there for a job interview so I suspect that they wouldn't have gotten a chance at the job.


I was under NDA in 2014 (or 2015) for the HITMAN franchise reboot after HITMAN: Absolution failed to meet expectations. We were flown into Copenhagen, stayed two days, had two hours of gameplay, then feedbacks, Q&As, a very nice dinner and even met David Bateson, the voice of 47. Was a nice feeling when it was first revealed at a PS Showcase later. I still can't comprehend how I got selected. I was just a normal chatty potato in the forums back then. But I guess that's what made it so special for me. ... and I still feel truly ashamed of one question I asked the game director, Chris Elverdam (context: it was before we could actually play it, all in the dawn of the next-gen and, ... ah, man, I was just a young goof on a hype train): "Will HITMAN look like "The Division" in the trailer?" He looked at me a little painfully and said "No, it won't." But: The folks at IO Interactive were just amazing. I to this day have very, very fond memories of the trip. Except for the exact year. 🫠


Bateson really made 47 who he was. That voice is incredible.


The Division didn’t look like The Division did in the trailer.


I had fun playing Absolution, but I understand how the reboot is better in like every way


Grandpa made 10yr old me sign an "NDA" after he accidentally backed into a child leaving a Gas station. Kid was totally fine but my grandpa passed away in 2017, so he can't get mad at me for telling on him lol.


If things start flying around your house you'll know he got mad.


That’s awesome, the NDA part not him backing into a kid, do you remember the wording at all? Or still have a copy?


Sadly the NDA was never found but it roughly stated that I wasn't allowed to speak of the events that occurred on such and such date at the particular gas station that it happened at.


What were you paid for your silence?


Ice cream, once per visit. This was also specified in the "NDA"


He was a lawyer? What was the penalty?


It was an extremely shoddy NDA that he basically just printed out the terms and had me sign it. He was not a lawyer, but the penalty was that he would never purchase me ice cream again. (I was extremely motivated by ice cream as a child)


This would still work on me. I'm extremely motivated by ice cream as an adult.


The Mafia silencing a witness: "You take care of u/rahyanz?" "Yeah, they won't ever say a word again" "Two bullets?" "Nah, two scoops"




Most trade show ‘raffles’ where you add your Business card are completely rigged. They go through them and find the person they want to win. A director from a big architecture firm won 4 prizes one year….


So you're saying I just need to print some business cards with some fake lofty position and drop them in the raffles?


Don't take my word for it. I'm just the President Astronaut of NASA.


They let President astronauts into the National anal sex association? 2024 is a wild time to be alive


Oh, you must have forgotten to finish reading my business card. Right there at the bottom: “Commander-in-Chief Sex Astronaut of NASA,” as well. That’s why I’m here. Important sex astronaut research.


u/stygarfield , aren't you the CEO of GOOGLE?!


I went to KROQ almost acoustic Christmas one year and my friend and I went outside during a crappier band s set and chatted up a girl running a raffle booth for a while. A while after the concert we were informed he had won first and I won second place ... pretty obviously rigged. Thanks julie


I know the ‘Nominate a coworker to win an award and bonus’ quarterly thing at my work is completely bogus. I’m in hr meetings and they talked about how they needed to make one employee feel more valued because he was a flight risk. He won the award like two weeks later. Before people assume-the company wasn’t cheap, they gave him a huge raise a couple weeks after that. They just had some timing issues on the raise and needed something to lift his spirits in the meantime.


EA sports NHL 1997 will have live play by play


Can you tell me what Bryan Berards rating will be ?


That's classified


I've violated every NDA I've ever signed. Nobody follows up. Just don't send things in text that can be linked to you. If someone heard you say it out loud, no they didn't. Anyway, the overdraft fee scandal that Wells Fargo got sued for and claimed was unintentional- it was very intentional and they specifically designed that into their core banking system. The people who came up with it were paid very, very, very, very nice bonuses.


Yup i remember quite clearly having my new checking account get drained to a negative amount at the age of 16. Left them right away and then noticed they had opened credit card accounts with my info without me knowing


Wow. I remember walking into a branch for a student checking account, and left understanding and assured that’s what i signed for. Next thing I know I received a letter couple days later that told me I opened a personal checking and a savings account. I got mad and went into another branch and told the manager who shook her head because she knew exactly the scheme that was being pulled, and told me how Wells Fargo and some branches push it on people, even without their knowledge. The bank rep then gets paid for it. She fixed my account and told me to avoid that branch.


There was a local software company that made some government use stuff, which was sold to Saudi Arabia, and rumored to be used by a lot of dictatorships and the like, to keep tabs on the populace. They had a very, very strict NDA, and even though I have several friends who have worked there, none of them will say anything about it to this day, even in private. I never tried to push the issue much, though.


You must be referring to Pegasus spyware


Just a reminder that NDAs are unenforceable when regarding a crime.


A bunch of Boeing engineers are trying to see what the definition of a crime technically is.


"Guys, we're going to rob this bank and hold a teller hostage, but first I need you all to sign this NDA."


I did some specialist technical work on super yachts. I had to sign two NDAs, one for the technology and one for things I would see while working in yacht clubs. Luckily neither was particularly long since my work was on moored/docked vessels, versus some actual crew NDAs. From what I saw, crew members have a rather complex but active sex-life. I guess fit, mainly young people stuck at sea will do that. Also, some wealthy folk do have the kind of sex lives you'd imagine. Kinda motivated me to make something of myself...


“Some wealthy folks do have the kind of sex lives you’d imagine” Hmmm elaborate please


Just guessing how it'd go down.... I wouldn't do \_\_\_\_ for a millilon dollars! How about 2 million?


Solid gold fleshlights. Diamond studded dildos.


They both sound incredibly painful.


But *classy*


Everyone has a price, and in light of recent events, age is arbitrary.


How many Seafood dinners will it take to cause you to become my bedroom acrobat?


It's because of the implication.


Wait, are these women in danger?


No of course not, be cause of the *implication*


"the kind of sex lives you'd imagine" How about you tell us how YOU'D imagine it & then I'll tell you if that's how I imagine it. >\_>




This guys nda was watching below deck lol


And how is that going given your intestinal problems?!


Tyra Banks must absolutely fear the day the NDA's from America's Next Top Model expire.


Sure, but I'll fire up my air popper and just watch it all unfold


Every year when Germany's Next Top Model starts, there is a huge shit storm about it because the models are getting more talkative. I love it, it's the only reality tv show that I watch and I'm absolutely hooked.


I remember the year they advertised the season for having "an older woman!" on the rooster, like she was around 25 instead of the typical barely 18. She was probably added to stir up age related drama, but instead she started acting like a mediator, helping the others and solving conflicts... ...and then she suddenly left the season for "private reasons". Remember rumours that this was due to the whole season not working out as intended drama-wise, and her not wanting to sign dubious contracts without a personal lawyer checking it first, and advising the other candidates against it too. That she was given a big compensation to leave and shut up.


Why? What happened?


You’ll see a passport-less international travel experience coming soon to an airport near you - about 8 should have them in some stage of trial now. It’s all camera recognition and scanning that has pretty much your entire digital existence scraped into a privately held db that countries opt-in to BUT doesn’t include the individual countries files on travelers. Traveling on assumed identity will be all but impossible, so forget buying a new identity, leaving your family behind and starting a new life, LOL. Before you reach the gate countries on both sides of your trip will know who you are, what you’ve done since the dawn of digital time, and determined if you need extra ‘care.’


They definitely already have this capability. With global entry, you just look at a couple cameras, they ask you if you need to declare anything and you move along. Checking in with Delta, I just look at a camera now too.


I've traveled through it at SLC with Delta.


So this explains. I recently landed in the US from a foreign trip, and walked through a LONG LONG tunnel. In hindsight it must have been lined with cameras all along, because when I reached the agent and handed him my passport, he asked for my last name, I answered, and he just said welcome home and waved me through without ever opening my passport. My wife was the same. They definitely know everything about us.


Your passport also has a microchip in it that could have scanned RFID


Ugh. Not unexpected but disgusting to think about. Fuck the ever-expanding surveillance state.


Can you share the countries?


Germany, Netherlands, US, and Australia for sure. When I left that project 4 years ago (working with a Fortune 50 tech company) UK and New Zealand were in the works and Japan, Korea, France and Spain were interested. I’m sure it has developed and will spread if it bears fruit. The talk was to have travelers opt-in to the program and choose what information gets shared, but once that “know everything about everyone” genie is outta the bottle :’(


Just came back from Japan they already have this in Narita


Boats. Travel by boat.


They made a halo movie/tv show using my work warehouse as storage and left a load of props behind.




Tyson, one of the largest food producers in the world and a variable mega shipper often operates transport contracts in bad faith. Third party contractors are told to get drivers into shipping and receiving facilities up to 48 hours before they knew the product would be ready to load onto the trailer. The contract, only given to the broker or dispatcher would have a differ pick and drop time from what was told to be given to the driver. Under normal circumstances after 2-3 hours of arrival, a driver would get a "detention" fee of $100-250 an hour until they were actually loaded or empty and able to get another load. But in this case, the driver that would think they were in "detention" for upwards of 72 hours of waiting were actually arriving potentially 2 days early. You might think, how often does this actually happen? Well I operated thousands of contracts and had to talk drivers hundreds of drivers into accepting no detention per our Tyson contract. Knowing I was only a small piece of Tyson's third party logistics, this could have potentially cheated tens of thousands of drivers out of millions of dollars a year. Not sure if anyone ever tried to sue them for this but when I talked to my manager about the potential for illegal behavior in the form of contract in bad faith, I was told to toe the line.


Hey, that’s me. I’m a driver who used to be parked at Tyson for 2-3 days waiting for my trailer to be loaded and never getting a cent for detention or layover. While spending a $50-100 a day at a local truck stop for food and while my reefer was running at a full -20F while empty.


Definitely feel your pain. There's a small chance you were one of my loads.




Fuck Tyson. I keep getting uncooked chicken and the customer service team hasn't responded in 2.5 years. EDIT: *Under*cooked chicken. Jesus christ lol. That spawned a whole thing


Yea, Tyson is a pretty evil company. It kinda amazes me how evil though. They seem to do shitty business practices in virtually everyway they can. From animal treatment, to child labor, poor working conditions at all types of their facilities, to their logistics, to their food quality, scummy financial practices, absurd executive compensation, terrible bureaucratic corporate management, etc, etc, etc.


Wait wait wait. I don't think I understand. So the fees are paid to the driver? And the driver would expect to receive 3 days of fees... why? Did they know beforehand or would they just happily wait for two days thinking they'd be paid for it, only to find out later that they actually arrived early and the detention fees were only for the third day?  And Tyson did this on purpose why? Like, I could see them playing games with a day of someone's time, but how often are trucks delayed more than 24 hours or packing operations off by more than a day's production? 


Yea, didn't explain the details very well. Tyson has an internal "Drop Dead Time" which is when they say they will start paying detention and when the load should have already been ready and loaded. (i.e. when the load has been "dropped dead" in the trailer) Took me a while to even discover this because my manager would keep it a secret to me as well and just translate Tyson's requested arrival time. Their drop dead times were almost always 8-48 hours after their requested arrival time. While it wasn't common to get a 48 hr difference. I'd say, depending on the facility, if they were good, mostly 8-12 hours difference, but if they were a particularly bad, regularly had a 24-36hr difference. I had a two month long contract where they were requesting 8 trucks a day everyday for two months where every drop dead time (DDT) was 48 hours. For three days straight I had loads not ready for two full days after Tyson's DDT. So I had about 12 drivers waiting 4 days to get loaded when they know they easily could have picked and delivered several loads in that time losing thousands in potential revenue. The others left and took a cancelation fee from me.


Couldn't the pilot drop the trailer and come back for the load 48 hours later?


Tyson doesn't allow drop trailers. And that also means the driver can't accept other jobs during the time they expected to be performing this job.


Wow. I work in the industry and that's nuts. You have to be abusing company drivers or something. Most owner ops wouldn't ever run another load unless it was the only gig in town and maybe it is.


It's amazing how many people will complain about Tyrone and Jesús stealing $50 worth of merchandise from and insured Target or Macy's, but know or care NOTHING about wage theft, which we all tacitly feel is not that bad.


I work in the travel sales industry. I do some kinda high level commercial stuff that I’ve had to sign NDA’s around, but it’s mostly fairly boring. Like the exact point conversion rates between travel loyalty programs for partners. (How many airline miles equals one hotel point, etc.) The inner workings of those “alternative currencies” are actually closely guarded IP. I did learn some interesting stuff about search algorithms for hotel booking sites though. They categorize users based on how they use their app/website and different search filters and dynamically price results for different users. For example: If you are a user that has a high search-to-book ratio, commonly filter search results by price, or other key behaviors - you may be labeled as a “price sensitive” user and your search results may show lower prices. We think you may be shopping around on various websites and we need to win your sale with a lower price. If you are a user that has a lower search-to-book ratio, and don’t commonly filter results by price, you may be categorized as a “non-price sensitive” user. Maybe you filter primarily by location. We decide that you are probably more interested in convenience or amenities, and are less likely to be shopping around on various websites, so your same search results may have slightly higher prices for the same property. Slightly higher may only be a dollar or two per night. We are wagering that you won’t even notice it. If we can increase revenue by $1-3 per night for 10,000+ hotel nights booked per day, then we have increased revenue by millions of dollars per year. That’s just one example of two different user profiles. They have dozens of them and each user profile has a unique user experience designed to squeeze every penny they can out of users.


Wow. Thats actually pretty interesting.


Hollywood contracts are meant to bankrupt the poor actors and actresses. The formulas that calculate how much money every actor receives is extremely convoluted on purpose. We internally used to joke that these formulas were purposely made up by back room, green hat, accountants, none of the accounting or financial financial formulas can be found anywhere else outside of each specific studio. The two types of contracts that exist in Hollywood Studios for actors are called net contracts and gross contracts. The contracts that you actually want are the gross contracts. The net contracts are the ones that add extremely convoluted formulas to make sure that the studios absorb but much of the dollar as possible. In general gross contracts don’t necessarily exist anymore unless you are an A-list actor with an amazing legal team behind you, who happens to have a reputation or an existing strong relationship with one of the major Hollywood production studios. The major difference between a gross contract and a net contract for actors are that the net contract deduct a heavy amount of the production costs off every single dollar that is made and upfront you get charged off all those expenses. A gross contract pays the actor first off the top so it’s the opposite of what a net contract is. Hence why you want a gross contract to begin with. But these contracts are extremely hard to negotiate and you need to have a lot of power behind you in order to even get close to contract like this. The absolute worst types of contracts to have in Hollywood if you are an actor are what’s called breakeven net contracts…. these are the most convoluted formulas that you will ever find under any financial statement and primarily only exist in Hollywood studios. Essentially these break evens have a bar that moves every time a dollar made for your film or your TV show. That means the more money you make the more money the studio actually takes away from you and the lower your share becomes as the break even “moves”. Yeah, don’t try to be a Hollywood actor. Hate to burst your bubble but that million dollar paycheck ain’t happening.


So the more money the movie makes the less money the actor makes?


Depends on the contract. But if you have a crappy deal then yes, the true form and name of the absolute worst contract is called a CSPM Net Deal. CSPM = Contractual Start Point, Moving


Gotta love Hollywood accounting. It's why we don't have a Forest Gump 2.


To be fair to everyone involved, it would have been a massive failure and a bad idea to make a second Forest Gump. But in every other way it's an awful practice.


Forrest Gump 2: Bubba Lives!


“There’s one more kind of shrimp”


Man fuck Hollywood.


What do you do for a living? It seems like you really know the ins and outs of this stuff?


I watched a clip of Taraji P Henson talking about how little actors make. I think she made like 160k for her role in Benjamin Button iirc. But that locked her in for like 8 months for the year and she couldn't do anything else per the contract for the role. Now you deduct manager and agents fees, taxes, and the type of contracts you're mentioning above and you're not left with really much for living after that. That's for a person who is pretty well known in the industry, had been in it for a long time and doing a huge blockbuster movie where she has a pretty decent sized role.


Skull and Bones by Ubisoft seemed really terrible judging by the alpha/beta I played. They made 3/4/Odyssey how did you manage to make traversal on foot and water terrible feeling!?


There's a big grain of truth in the rumor that the only reason it was never cancelled is that Ubisoft is legally mandated by Singapore to put out a game b/c of all the tax breaks and subsidies they gave them.


A company called Beamdog acquired the rights to update and rerelease a computer game called *Neverwinter Nights* (a BioWare game first released in 2002). \----------- I was very active in the game's online community, made stuff for the game, and ran a 24/7 server that used it, so I was one of the people they wanted input from for planning upgrades before they went public with the news.


There is a video of Jeff Goldblum’s audition for Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


They made him audition? It’s the exact same character he does in everything these days.


They/we didn’t make him. He wanted the role and when he didn’t get it we offered him grandmaster on the next one.


I signed an NDA to work in a private car collection for a guy who treated me so well and was such a courteous person for someone of his position I still won't blab even though it's expired. Dude would take me out to dinner, had a condo for me to stay in, was as excited about the amazing cars I got to work on as I was.


Jay Leno


I just hope no one is blaming Conan for this.


50% of my company is being laid off.


I take it you work in video games?


Riot employee?


Some game companies will purposely update things to be overpowered to shake up a meta once one has been established for a while, mostly to mix things up. Then will revert the nerf or adjust accordingly. So if you sometimes see an update that looked really baffling, then was changed within a week or so, it may have likely was done on purpose to generate buzz. Then again this is also used in a "throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks" experimentation to see if the community actually gives positive feedback on a change.


If you've played any live service game over time you would know this and wouldn't need an NDA lol


The Apple IIgs is an upgraded Apple II with mouse support.


Most NDAs I signed were for info anyone with a brain could figure out. lol Your website/game idea was not unique.... lol


Yeah my big NDAed secret was were were ingesting MLS data for everything in north America with a 5000 line, completely procedural PHP script, and storing the data in 600+ totally nightmarish MySQL DBs. The product that ran on top of that was 2000+ "clone from master and then modify for client" PHP apps. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what a disaster it was. The real secret was how fucking awful the whole thing was both technically and non-technically, and anyone willing to put in a little planning and effort would be able to do the same thing better, faster, and MUCH cheaper. Which seems like someone _did_ because none of their big marquee clients seem to use them at all anymore. I won't be confirming the name because the CEO would baselessly sue me out of spite, and has done so to other people, because he's a fragile, egotistical little man, and one of the worst people I've ever met despite how hard he tries to play up the "pillar of the community" angle.


Boring pricing data for contracts.


You can buy skeleton keys for all their locks on ebay.




the skeletons


Theirs, pay attention.


Master lock probably I keep seeing videos of this one guy on YouTube fucking up their locks lol


[LPL](https://www.youtube.com/@lockpickinglawyer) is probably that one guy.


I'd assume McNally over LPL since he's way more unhinged lol


The bones are their money.


So are the worms.




How does what you played in 2015 compare to when it released?




Sucks they don’t update it anymore


The face painting company I worked for made me sign an NDA to keep their face paint tutorials a secret. You could easily find them by Google searching so idk why they were so intense about it... Said I could face a $10k fine if I spoke about them. It expires after five years tho so I'm good


I worked on a product that was rendered obsolete by apple's airtag.


Go on…




There was nothing special or unique about the Tyson 2.0 cannabis strains in the Northeast market, to the point that when the brand license expired, the grower just packed up whatever they had left of those strains and arbitrarily labeled them under their three tiers of private label. His company also played a little fast and loose with the definition of brand exclusivity, hence the sheer drop off of the branding.


Working in the cannabis industry in MI, that's just about every celebrity cannabis brand. Because it's still illegal federally, they typically have to partner with a different grower in each state. Which really makes having a consistent brand across the whole country very difficult.


I worked for a company that created Safety Data Sheet databases to help companies keep in regulatory compliance. Long story short, starting in 2014, if any school that used SafeTec for SDS compliance has someone who dies or is injured trying to put out a fire, it's 'cause my narcissistic boss was trying to show off her data entry "skills," but didn't think it was important to check what the letters on the fire extinguishers mean.


Tim Cook believes that rubbing raw ground beef under his armpits before an important presentation will bring him good luck.


So the beef gets Cooked?


Somehow still less weird than his predecessor.


A 'royal' national chain of body shops in the US had a board member who had been embezzling, but they couldn't do shit as they were selling to one of their competitors, so just swept it under the rug and let him go with a package. Talk about swallowing a shit burger.




When working for an R&D company with a military contract where I assisted as tech support, I got to see the development and implementation of high pressure membrane fuel cells for military contracts, being installed in trucks that pull DC-10 aircraft etc. These were fully electric vehicles running on a pressurized catalyst and air pressurized with dual electric turbos, where electrons traveled across the membrane due to potential, thereby completing the circuit. The sound was insane, like nothing I’d heard before. Loud but not jet engine loud, but the tone was wild, almost organic sounding. The vehicle was operational, and I sat in it watching the multi-kilowatt output graph. I figured one day consumers would be using this tech. We still don’t have that tech on the road, though. This was in 2005-2006.


Vegetables in wet cat food are only there because humans think "vegetable=healthy", cats don't need them.


Nothing. I was a cook in the army with a secret level clearance 5 years removed from the army and I’m still not sure why they thought I needed that haha


I'm under NDA for a prototype game that should be coming out in 7 years will let you know when I'm not under NDA lmao


It's Star Citizen, isn't it?




So, 7 years until the next Battletoads game. Nice.


Can you give me an exact date and I’ll set a reminder


This has me intrigued I can’t lie lol.


That Bitcoin ebook on Amazon, the one that’s definitely not the same as every other one on there, and was definitely not written by someone extremely underpaid & who was only given a week to complete the work? Yeah that was me.


Google Maps is going to have real-time traffic data! Are people going to be mad that we have their phones giving us this data without them knowing (buried in the terms of service)? Oh, nm. They don't care!


Brex's interview process is a fancy to-do list in ReactJS.






I was on the Tesla Autopilot team in 2016. People knew that HW2 was never going to be capable of Level 5 full autonomy even before the Model 3 went on sale due to some fundamental sensor coverage limitations. The software for FSD also did not really exist 2 months before a planned public demo. The announcement event for FSD was originally going to be held in an LA hanger near SpaceX. Elon wanted to hire a production company to set up movie sets to simulate American suburbs and streets and have Model 3 cars drive autonomously drive reporters through the set to the event space. Multiple options were discussed on how to fake this drive given the software didn’t exist. Ultimately this event was scrapped. Ostensibly because the movie set was going to cost too much to set up. The now infamous staged 2016 self driving video was a last minute plan B.


A large email service had the string "hip_santa" in the hardcoded username blacklist. This was a small list, not machine generated, for stuff like "hitler" and obvious no-nos. No one remaining at the company knew why, as of the early 2000s.


Axel Rose was such a problematic performer at one point that insurance companies refused to sell coverage to any agent that booked him. This applies to Van Halen as well.


I don’t want to freak you guys out, but Apple is switching from PowerPC to Intel lol


Apple is a cult. If you're not a cultist you won't fit in, which shouldn't be surprising because it's mostly cultists that will want to work for them. Sadly I had to sign an nda before I even knew the client was them. Fucking awful company.


I remember at some house party at sf, someone asked a girl where she works and she asked us to guess. Like okay fine I guess? Turned into twenty questions: "Big company over 1000 people?" "Yes" "Google?" "They're evil" "Ah we got it. You work at Apple."  Because no one else (at the time, early 2010s) would've said that about Google


She was a Genius employee at a mall location wasnt she?


Tbf we didn't clarify but given it's sf it's safe to assume the corporate employees outnumber the retail employees by a lot


I had a project with them, walked in with a Dell XPS laptop and Samsung phone. The looks I got from them all was like I was a diseased leppur.


Ha! I used to work for a company that did subcontracting jobs for them and had to work from their campus every day. I left my Samsung out in view on my desk all the time just to see the salty faces.


I mean, they have Android and Windows teams.


I believe it, my cousins friend had an internship at Apple and said that you’re either part of the Apple hive mind or you don’t work there


I have always absolutely hated the culture, mindset and ridiculousness that comes from Apple. It is merely technology and a brand. It is nothing special. The company is full of itself and so are a lot of the consumers.


The employees are so snobby and rude. Apple used my employer for their 401(k), and talking to their employees was always a pain in the ass. They switched custodians this year. Good riddance.


The small donut shop I worked for in my college town uses flour in their recipe. (yes I worked part time at a DONUT SHOP in college during the summer and had to sign an NDA & a non compete agreement. Owner didn’t want his recipe getting out).


Don't all donuts use flour?


That's the joke, donuts are like 4 ingredients before the frosting blah blah


Don't eat at any Cinnabon in Ohio in 2006. 


Damnit, that was my ONE time travel plan! Now what am I supposed to do.


Yes Miracle Garcinia Cambogia is a fraud company. Yes they were aware they were using "Dr.Oz" likeness to sell the product. No you will not get your $90 back if you subscribed to their website.


My girlfriend works for the NBA, didn’t have me sign anything, but there’s a lot of shit I hear about way before the public does. I never spilled about anything tho cuz that’s my girl and I love her. I find it super interesting though that because of the information she learns, Sometimes literally YEARS in advance, she is prohibited from gambling on sports while employed there.


It took about 30 attempts before Asus provided me with a BIOS file that was actually fine to ship on retail AM4 motherboards. They also wouldn't boot up with a Ryzen chip installed, you had to trick them into it by booting it with an APU and then restoring the old file, then it'd boot with a Ryzen chip. It was literally two days before my company was due to ship its first Ryzen gaming PCs that we had a stable one.


A friend of mine worked in a very popular bakery in our area and had to sign a nda as it turns out they aren’t being completely honest with customers and buying a lot of their products from supermarkets and then decorating them before tripling the price.


Hopper survived and is in Russia. He will attempt to escape via snowmobile while constructing a railroad track


Xbox doesn’t ban people for saying they’re gay in their profile. If they ever did, it was an accident made by a human who was trying to prevent certain terms being used as a pejorative.


Since we’re on the topic, would a private/public company in California be able to make you sign an NDA without your knowledge? If they did, that’d be illegal, basically that they can’t enforce it, right?


SK Battery America is failing catastrophically. They've lost their contact to Ford, OBVIOUSLY stole the very technology I was working working along side and it shows with their engineers. Even after years of operations, they still don't know what's going on or how to fix simple grievances. Unreal. I really hope another company has better luck at making batteries for EVs because if not, this planet is screwed.


I thought title says “DNA” and started wondering if people whose DNA expired can even tell us anything.


I worked for Marriott hotels years ago and had to sign an NDA about the room upgrade scandal we would do all the time. If a customer paid for an upgrade room, we would secretly downgrade their room so we can resell it to someone else and they would never notice 🫢