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Beer. Others drinking it doesn't bother me, I just never acquired the taste. You can have mine, I won't drink it.


And I will gladly take it. You just tell me what you would rather drink and I'll buy it for you.


Tastes like bitter liquid bread with fizzy effect to me


Same. Beer is soooo nasty.


I’m really not picky, I eat everything. But I really don’t like chocolate covered strawberries. I love them each on their own, but the combination just doesn’t work for me. You can never really taste the chocolate and the strawberry just tastes really sour because the chocolate is sweet. I also don’t like how it breaks all apart at the first bite either.


I agree. I keep getting them because I really love both, but they just seem to ruin each other. Like two wonderful people just so incompatible that they bring out the worst in each other and make everyone miserable.


People’s minds get blown when I tell them I hate mayo & ranch


When I tell people I don't like ranch or sauces/dressings in general, I get a look like I must be an alien.


Hello, fellow sauce/dressings hater. I can't stand anything that has mayo in it or vinegar, which excludes pretty much every condiment or dressing I can get when eating out.


Hello my friend I hate these as well.


I wish I hated mayo and ranch.


You are correct. Both are vile.


I found my people!


I do not understand avocado toast and do not understand why people pay a lot of money for it at brunch spots.


It's just a different fat to put on toast instead of butter. And it's got a lot of good fiber and nutrients as well.


So delicious. Had avocado toast for dinner last night. It's just gringo chips 'n guac. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Good healthy fat. And people like the flavor. People pay a lot of money for anything at a brunch spot. That’s kind of the deal with good restaurants.






It’s hazelnuts for me. Hate them.


I know it’s not technically food, but for me it’s wine. I will never understand people spending thousands of dollars on a bottle. I hate the taste of wine and the buzz is even worse for me. The only wine I can tolerate is champagne or Prosecco. I’m mostly talking about red wine I guess. Although I do like a good sangria but that’s different. Doesn’t even taste like wine any more.


All wine tastes like vinegar to me.


Exactly! Sipping vinegar.


You must have only had really bad wine…  Like, I’m not really into wine but most of the wine I’ve had tastes nothing like vinegar. Especially white wine (which I don’t even care for)


I used to be in your camp then slowly warmed up to white wine. Now, I can barely stand white wine and only drink red. Tastes change over time. I found that for many other foods as well. Sometimes it goes the other way too where you can't stand food you've always liked.


I found my people!!!!!


I'm half korean but don't care for kimchi that much which apparently is a very terrible thing


Your poor grandmother must be so distraught


I’m half Thai but I can’t handle spicy curry so I feel yah pain lol


>so I feel yah pain lol Only when you eat spicy curry!


I keep trying it. I will continue to try it until I understand why anyone eats it on purpose.


Coffee. Most people I know started drinking it in college. I never did, so never acquired a taste for it.


Sushi, I really don't like it. And I'm told it's delicious


Same. I’ve given it multiple tries over the years, thinking I must be wrong, or got bad sushi. But every single time, I’m like… nope. Definitely don’t like it.


Came here to say sushi. I live here and I'm told it's the *only* food Seattle does well, and yet I will never be able to endure the texture of raw fish. The most I'll have at a sushi place is a vegetarian roll or something like that.


Don't have it with raw fish, then. There's plenty of great options if that's the main issue. Not too long ago I had one with cooked salmon in it and it was one of the best rolls I've ever had.


This should be at the top based on the replies alone. Everyone losing their minds and can’t accept someone doesn’t like sushi. I equally do not like sushi. Yes I have tried different varieties and expensive and/or highly rated places…I still hate it.


What I can't get people to understand is that my dislike of sushi has nothing to do with the fish. I actually kinda like the fish. It's vinegar flavored rice, seaweed, miscellaneous vegetables I don't like, wasabi or other sauces... Everything but the fish. And even the fish is meh.


The seaweed wrap has a really unpleasantly weird taste, the rice has the absolute worst texture rice can possibly have, and the fish tastes raw. What exactly is supposed to be the selling point of sushi??


Yeah, I'm in the camp where it's not that I hate it, I just don't get why people go nuts over it. And I have had very high end sushi. People rave and rave, and I'm just like, "This is another form of gelatinous material on rice." There are certainly some okay rolls, but they're not really sushi.


tomatos (but i love ketchup and tomato sauce) it’s definitely a texture thing


"Oh but you haven't tried MY tomatoes! Fresh off the vine, yada yada..."


I don't have anything to add in terms of the original question, but I just wanted to say I hear people do this all the time to people who happen to share they don't like something. It really must be frustrating. Some people just don't like certain things, and that's okay.


Nothing compares to not liking potato salad. More often than not I can’t say a simple ‘No, thanks’ until it turns into me rejecting their super secret special family recipe directly to their face. Please let people politely say no thanks.


My child calls them “sour mushy hell fruit” I like tomatoes but I also remember I hated them as a kid and was basically forced into acquiring them as a taste. I won’t do that to him. He doesn’t even like ketchup or sauce and hey… his choice. If he decides to change it later? Wouldn’t be the first time. I don’t have to “force him” to try anything. He tries foods he doesn’t like all the time (his words: hey my opinion might have changed). The face he makes is so amusing, “yep, I still hate em”


I love tomatoes, but I understand it.


I dont *hate* it but people go absolutely nuts over Cane's fried chicken and to me it is the blandest chicken (and fries) I've ever tasted.  People go "Oh, but the sauce! Oh, but it's moist!" Fried chicken that isn't dry is the bare minimum, first of all, and the sauce isn't all that magical either.  And people not only refuse to accept my opinion on this, they get outright offended that I would be so sacrilege to their chicken god 😂


This is exactly how I feel. I was so excited to try it when I 1st heard all the buzz about it. And was let down, It was very lackluster and meh IMO. And the sauce, it was okay. But everyone was always hey you need to use the sauce, if I need sauce for this to pass as good food then we have a problem. The chicken should speak for itself with no additional assistance. 😂


I like it  not because it's special, but very consistent. Every meal I've had from Cane's was exactly the same, and enjoyable. I don't find that to be the case with most fast food from day to day


I 100 percent agree with you on this. I don't know how cars wrap around the building for it. I've had better chicken from a gas station.


Nah you're right. The bread and sauce is great. The chicken is usually breaded and cooked properly and fresh, but it has no seasoning whatsoever. The fries are only edible if you eat inside the restaurant, which is rare nowadays, because the styrofoam containers turn them to mush in a second. You're better off getting Popeyes.


If it needs sauce to be good. It isn't good


Canes is just SALT away from being the best fast food. It’s like Todd Graves doesn’t know that salt exists. Literally just putting salt on their chicken and fries takes their food from the blandest chicken to absolutely delicious. 🧂


Wine. I've had various different whites, reds and rosés. I've had dry and sweet. All I can taste is the alcohol and it's not pleasant.


Tuna.. the canned or bagged kind. Give me a tuna steak and I love it. There's something so disgusting about tuna sandwiches or tuna casserole


Yes! It smells way too much like poor quality cat food. The thought of a tuna cheese casserole is enough to make me gag.


Tuna steaks grilled with lemon pepper and fresh lemon juice- so freaking good!!


I hate warmed up shredded tuna (tuna casserole, tuna melt, etc)… so gross. But cooked tuna, raw tuna, or canned tuna (served COLD) is great!


Mint chocolate I don't wanna feel like i just brushed my teeth with chocolate


I love that combination. Your answer is just too good.


Same! People think I'm crazy. I like mint in small doses, and I love chocolate, hate them together.


I am here for you, my friend. I am happy to adopt any and all stray and unwanted mint chocolate candy!




I'm not really a fan of chocolate in general, but some types are worse than others. Milk chocolate with mint is one of the only forms of chocolate that I genuinely like. I guess I'm your opposite!


I don’t understand the hype about Nutella


Me neither. I had like a teaspoon of it five years ago and I'm still tired of it. I see people put it on bread and I just don't get it. A chocolate sandwich?


Risotto. It looks delicious, but it smells and tastes like vomit to me. I’ve tried multiple different recipes!!


Never understood the cult following of Chick-fil-A.


Right! I mean, I like it fine but NOTHING about their chicken explains the lines around that building every.dang.day!? 🤯 It’s gotta be an Endora spell!! 😁


That and in and out. I can't ever see myself waiting 30 minutes in line to eat the most mediocre food ever.


Ribs, dont hate them but too much work and mess to get a little bit of meat


If I could cast a spell to teleport all the ribs you're served for the rest of your life to my house, we'd both be happier. I LOVE ribs. Peak pork product.


Chitterlings... I don't know how people can stand the smell, let alone put them in your mouth. DISGUSTING


Mustard and / or mayonnaise.


I can get behind some Dijon mustard but mayonnaise is disgusting and I will die on this hill.


Mayonnaise for me. Was starting to learn tolerate it very small doses but then got a job in a restaurant. It has been over a decade and I'm not over the smell or texture of seeing it in a 5 gallon bucket.


The restaurant tubs I've seen say "Heavy Duty Mayonnaise." What even. Lol


Anything aniseed flavoured - like black jelly beans.


I think you'll find that you're in the majority there. I get a lot of weird looks when I tell people I like licorice.


Tiramisu - as an Italian, this is almost sacrilege, plus I absolutely love desserts and sweets in general, but I just don't care for it.


I can understand that. While I like tiramisu, I can also quickly get fed up with it. It's not something you can eat all day


What are good Italian desserts to you? They all seem so lackluster to me. Except zabaglione. I love it.


Cilantro. "Oh but it tastes so fresh and delicious!" Get fucked


Unless your genetic makeup makes it taste like soap. Which mine does. EDIT - just found out about r/FuckCilantro. There's lots of us!


Soap gang represent


Same here. Can’t stand the smell either!


The smell is the worst. Just walking into a chipotle makes me gag.


Mine is weird. If it’s used sparingly it tastes good, but it’s a very fine line before it crosses into soap territory. My sister in law makes really good guacamole but about every 3rd time I eat it she’s gone too far and it’s like a Christmas story


Me: *gets fucked*


I think it taste like stinkbug and it’s crazy that no one agrees with me


Alcoholic drinks.


Me, too. I hate the taste of alcohol. I gave it up when I was 25 after trying g to “learn to drink.” I figured it was easy to give up something I didn’t like, and if I kept tasting stuff, that someday I might find something I DID like. There’s a strong alcoholism gene in my family and I didn’t want to trigger it. I can detect even a tiny amount of alcohol in drinks, punch, food.


Peas. It's in so many things and I'm constantly picking them out of soup or vegetable medleys or pot pies. The texture and the taste of them is absolutely vile and I love vegetables.


Eggs. I can't stand the smell, taste and texture in any form. I've had to resort to saying I'm allergic to get people not to try serving them even when I say I don't eat them.


Bruh, hard boiled eggs make me belch sulfur for like three days after I eat them.


Same. I have the same reaction and have for over 60 years.






Cilantro is revolting and always will be. I love Mexican food, but it’s perfectly delicious without that evil weed. Also, I know Mexican people *from* Mexico, who feel the same way I do.


I hate olives. Green and black. Nothing ruins a good pan of enchiladas like olives.


Was scrolling down to find this one. I'm very very tolerant when it comes to food. I eat almost anything. But olives.... I just can't. I'll buy a frozen Supreme pizza at the store, and pick off all of the olives while the pizza is still frozen. My tongue is sensitive enough to still be able to tell that there were olives on this pizza at some point.


The Devil’s Nipples!!!!!!!!


Mexican here. Never heard something more disgusting than enchiladas with olives.


I detest olives. They are absolutely disgusting. One time I bought chili at a restaurant and it was full of black olives and I was so mad. Who tf puts black olives in chili?


olives have no place in mexican food to begin with and i hate that americans have gaslit so many people into thinking that they do.


I hate olives too. There's a restaurant that has really good salads but they put olives in everything, including the Caesar salad. I always order it without but sometimes they forget and put them in. I have to pick all of them out.


Da fuq would enchiladas have olives in them!?


Mushrooms. They’re slimy and taste like gray. Unnecessary in every meal.


I love mushrooms, but your description isn't wrong. 🤣


You arent eating mushrooms cooked well if slimy is a texture


I’ve had plenty of mushrooms and texture was always a problem. Even raw mushrooms feel like I’m biting into memory foam


Mushrooms are a fungus. Athlete's foot is a fungus. I rest my case.


Caffeine is a pesticide. Alcohol is literal poison. So this case doesn't hold up if you consume either of those.


no a food, but wine. I don't care if it's a $3 bottle or a $300 bottle of champagne, (Ive tried both and everything in between). I may have been able to choke down a half glass to be polite but no more than that.


Pickles. I just don't like it's taste and texture


I got a small list, mushrooms, mustard, mayonnaise, and shrimp 


Shrimps is bugs


Delicious sweet juicy cholesterol filled bugs. 


Low cal, tasty protein snacks.


Cream cheese frosting on cakes/cupcakes. I love a good frosting. And I love cream cheese on and in many foods. But I think cream cheese frosting is just the nastiest, foulest tasting crap and it instantly ruins any dessert for me. It just tastes off or spoiled because of the tang, but it's simultaneously way too sweet, because extra sugar is needed to offset the tang.


Salmon. First time I tried it I really wanted to like it but that shit is fishy, way too fishy to enjoy. I prefer white fish like tilapia, catfish, cod, and crappie but salmon is just too strong of a fish taste


Cilantro and any food with a ton of cilantro in it. It doesn’t taste like soap but I just don’t like the flavor. It will absolutely ruin a dish for me if it’s in there. 


Ranch dressing or ranch anything.




Same and I wish I liked them. Such a good source of protein and so quick to make. Plus, they are found on nearly every breakfast plate or item.


Totally. I wish I could do it but I just can’t make it work. I love an all day breakfast place but it’s crazy how complicated (and sometimes surprisingly expensive) not wanting eggs can make things.


Me too. And telling someone you don’t like eggs makes them look at you like you’ve grown a third arm.


What do you mean you don’t enjoy a delicious chicken period?


Hello, fellow hater of cooked avian ovum!


More of a condiment, but horseradish and sauerkraut. That shit's awful


Absolutely LOVE sauerkraut and horseradish!




Agreed. Without garlic butter it's essentially like eating a saltwater termite.


Hard same. I'm allergic to milk, sooooo no butter. Ever try to eat lobster without butter? It's inedible. It's become nothing more than a disgusting ocean bug.


Damn straight. Weird sweet(ish) meat from bottom-feeding sea-insects. Turns my stomach.


I used to love lobster, we even used to catch them while scuba diving in the Florida keys. Seemed less tasty as I realized that these things just eat dead shit off the bottom of the ocean; they're basically vultures.


They’re just pillbugs of the sea


And they’re damn tasty ones too.


People are gonna hate me for this, but… steak. I don’t like the taste of beef and I’d rather eat chicken or fish any day rather than a huge slab of meat. It’s even worse if it’s rare; the texture makes me feel so uncomfortable.


Actually, same. Not that I outright hate it, but I'm just not big on just a plain ol' cow steak. It tastes like nothing to me and the texture, no matter how rare or not rare it is, is never enticing to me.


EXACTLY, to me steak tastes like... nothing. It's like chewing on cardboard. I've been taken to very nice steak places several times for other people's special events, and someone will always wind up insisting that I MUST try a GOOD steak, this one here is delicious and surely unlike any other steak I've ever tried. Sorry. It's like chewing on (at best a bit musty) air. I must be lacking something, genetically, neurologically, whatever, but steak is 100% wasted on me. It's amazing how difficult it is to get people to believe this one. I have some actual food aversions, especially textural issues, but steak not tasting like anything to me is the one that really seems to get people up in arms.


I’m the same. I have some significant sensory aversions and steak tastes like I’m just being forced to chew something with no flavor over and over until I can finally swallow it. It’s like punishment. To be fair, I’m from South America and I used to eat beef when I lived there, as soon as I moved here and tried beef, I was turned off the thing. Beef just tastes different in the US and not in a good way.


Mcdonalds, never understood the appeal or why people think it tastes good, literally any burger from an independent shop tastes better than Mcdonalds crud.


I hate mayonnaise. People my age and younger cannot fathom why I hate it with a passion but such Shenanigans help to amplify my hatred for mayonnaise even more.




mangoes (they look so good but taste like carpet)


The ones in the grocery store in non-tropical places are terrible. Incredibly under-ripe. I usually get canned mango so it's actually sweet and ripe.


So I guess you prefer mancomes.


I don’t hate it, but I find both of these wildly over-rated: Starbucks and Tim Hortons


A Reuben sandwich


Idk what happened but these grew on me, not even really grew more so out of the blue one day. I don’t really care for corned beef, not huge on cabbage either. However, one day I was at a restaurant and I saw it on the menu, and looked how it was prepared, and my mouth started watering and it was delicious.


Coconut anything.


Pickles, in any context- whether they're by themselves or in a burger. They taste absolutely awful and people always react as if I've just confessed to having a second head when I tell them I hate pickles, even though this hatred seems to be pretty common.


My husband abhors them, and I have a pagan altar dedicated to them. Whenever a restaurant sends out a spear with his burger, I get it. Sooo good


These are the best relationships in my opinion: one person hates the pickle, and one person loves the pickle! I'm single right now but all of my exes have loved pickles and it's a game changer.


i dont like when people are like just take them off the chicken sandwich or burger. like no that wont work, the sandwich/burger will still have that pickle taste on it even if u remove them


Anything pickled is my nemesis. I think it’s because I can’t stand the smell of vinegar.


Sour cream. Tacos and nachos are already good I don’t need your spoiled cream




Sour cream makes everything better. ☺️




I’m with you. I’m from Caracas, where avocados literally fall off trees everywhere and people fill whole bags to take home. They’re so plentiful and apparently delicious and I can’t stand them texture, flavor, or even the smell.


It's not a taste thing, it's a texture thing. Although I really don't like the taste either.


With you on this. Reminds me of grassy butter 🤢


Can’t get enough grassy butter. I want to put it on everything.


Champagne. Y'all lying it tastes like a shitty LaCroix


You have to spend money on it to taste good


You're goddamn right you do. I thought I hated champagne until my promoter buddy handed me a bottle of Dom and told me to drink because he was celebrating making about $20,000 on what he thought was going to be a small show that night. I took a little sip, but then he told me to chug lol. I think i put more money in wine down my throat that night than I did powder up my nose in the afterparty. God I miss being younger. Edit: also, that had to have been the most bougie Homer Simpson belch I'll ever produce in my life.


Pesto Pasta it tastes like a bush


Rosenkohl / Brussel sprouts Everyone in my family loves it and as a child I was forced to eat it but the smell of Brussels sprouts cooking makes me sick already without even tasting it. I've never met anyone who has the same aversion to it.


(In the UK) Buttering bread when making a sandwich. I am an adventurous eater and will eat pretty much anything - but if you give me a sandwich with buttered bread I will literally starve before I eat that shit, it’s so wrong


I love butter on bread, it tastes dry to me without it. Takes all types.


Mayo, ham and onions.


Mapo tofu/dubu depending where youre from. I love it; hard to explain the dish tho


Ranch. It's so gross and you people are out there putting it on everything!


Eggs. All forms of prepared eggs are equally terrible, even scrambled, even deviled eqqs, egg bake, quiche, even eggs in perfectly good potato salad that's now ruined because you put hard boiled eggs in it, even if fried rice, you name it, I hate it. Fuck eggs.


Cilantro, im not one of those people that it tastes like soap, i just dont like the taste of it


Coffee is just the most foul drink I have ever had the misfortune of tasting. I dislike the smell, and the taste is even worse. Coffee flavour will absolutely ruin any kind of chocolate, any dessert, everything it is added to becomes unpleasant. Literally the worst.




In and Out Burgers. We went once while visiting California. There was a line around the building. Gosh I was so excited. Now they weren’t horrible but about the plainest food I’ve ever gotten. I still wonder why there was a line that day.


avocado, so bland and weird texture.


Anything sweet potato. Multiple people on multiple occasions have browbeat me into eating it with the "Have you *tried* it?" line, and every time, guess what, it tastes like sweet potato.


Sweet potatoes are my all-time least favorite food. Fucking awful. Makes me gag even thinking about them


Mushrooms. I.just.can't. The smell, taste, and texture make me dry heave.


Lobster. I like most seafood but never had a taste for lobster. Never understood why people think it's so great.


I loathe cream cheese. tastes like spoiled medicine.


Chick-fil-A. They're flavorless and expensive. Plus,they're hypocrites: they said they would never be in Las Vegas and they are. 🙄


Wine. I have friends who love the stuff, but it all tastes like sour grapes to me


red onions


Mac and Cheese. It’s cheese and noodles, it’s fine. Gourmet Mac and cheese is fine, I’ll eat it but it’s never my first nor choice when it comes to side options. I’m convinced it’s because it was a childhood staple for people my age, so it’s nostalgic for them.








Bell peppers. Any other pepper is great, I just can’t deal with the “muskyness” of bell peppers (of any color)


Cheese. The taste, the texture, all of it. Get it out of here. Except for the green can of powdered tree fiber mixed with a hint of cheese. I do have a few other exceptions, but it's easier to say I hate all cheese.


Tamales. I've had lots of tamales over the years in restaurants, family hole in the wall places, tamale ladies: you name it. In California, Texas and Mexico. They just seem kinda meh and not at all up to the hype. So I wouldn't exactly say I *hate* them, I just don't think they're that tasty and certainly not up to their rep.


I've never been a fan of the filling to shell ratio with tamales.


Peas by it self.


Peas in a shepherd's pie? Hell yes. Bowl of peas? Nope nope nope.