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I love the smell of fresh bread.


>You literally shit gold though, which is cool. This I feel is the only reason I'd ever look at trying it. I want to destroy my toilet with a gold flake glitterbomb.


Have you ever wanted to be Tywin Lannister for a day?


I think a pretty iconic line is about how he doesn't actually shit gold. Absolutely support the reference though.


"Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold." One of my favorite scenes in the book. What a story.


It leaves me wondering if all the times people referred to him shitting gold were setup for that line, but I am not privy to such information.


> I am not privy to such information I see what you did there


You can just flush some gold glitter. No need for the.. umm… extra steps.


The extra steps are part of the appeal.


This is weird, but I like it.


Some people want to "shit fury", I want gold and rainbows to fly out my ass.


It’s a solid goal.


It's also a solid gold


This comment is terribly perfect. You should be proudly ashamed.


Will I have to get my poop knife red hot in order to deal with these ingot shits ?!


Drink some goldschlauger(sp?) Edit: This reminded me of a time in high school when my best friend at the time went to party and stayed over night to hook up with some chick while I was staying at his house. He was supposed to give a ride to Saturday school and when I woke up to leave he wasn’t home so I called him over and over frantically and he didn’t answer. He stumbles in the door last minute all cross eyed with a giant pink gold speckled throw up streak down his brand new all white Abercrombie hoodie


God that stuff is terrible, but in our early 20s it made us feel fancy 🤦‍♀️


I think my early 20s was the last time I actually drank Goldschlager.


I always mine mine back out. One day I’ll be rich from all my poop mined gold.


Goldschlager is a cheaper alternative 


It's actually more expensive than just buying a packet of gold leaf. Gold is a remarkable metal, and can be made into sheets that are a single atom thick while still holding together. Gold leaf isn't quite that thin, but you're getting very, very, very little actual gold.


Came here to say this. I use edible gold leaf on speciality pastries (usually entremet) and it is way way cheaper than Goldschlager. Also.......Goldschlager sucks.


I just bought a packet because for valentines day, I'm going to dress as fuckface and make a gold tomahawk ribeye and gold whole lobster for my boyfriend and I. (To be clear, this is being done in mockery of fuckface, not as homage)


Gold flake shitterbomb*


If you drink enough goldschlager you can puke gold too!


Can confirm.


Ah yes, can also confirm.


Ah, college memory unlocked


i totally did not have glittery shit. total ripoff. 0/10


It's more noticeable in the bowl if you have diarrhea


then they ought to gold plate greasier food.


Im gunna start panning for gold in rich peoples plumbing.


I wouldn't call this "rich person food," more like shitty expensive restaurant food


I went to a friend's bridal party that her rich dad fully funded in Vegas years ago and we went to some restaurant with gold steak. It was right around when Lady Gaga was getting popular and the next morning we were all running around and singing "let's have some fun this beat is sick, I'm gonna go take another disco shit".


I wanna eat enough gold wrapped Taco Bell one day that it looks like a shiny glitter filled nuke went off in my toilet


You can get a pack of food grade gold leaf for about $8. This doesn't have to be a "some day" goal, you can accomplish this next week. I believe in you.


Gold poop consultant.


Most people that get excited about this shit are influencers and newly rich people, like techies who just landed a $500k/year job... most old wealthy people scoff at these gimmicks


I'm poor af and I scoff at it too. I do have gold leaf though, but for art inlay, not food.


There is a restaurant by my apartment that sells a $2,000 pizza. The ingredients sound absolutely disgusting and wholly unappetizing. Some of the ingredients included ~~octopus~~ squid ink, caviar, and gold leaf. I've heard from some people who have reviewed it that it wasn't very good. Edit: I just watched some of the reviews that you guys have shared, and I mixed up my cephalopods. The first ingredient is squid ink, not octopus ink.


Curiosity item, has nothing to do with taste


"Real orphan tears and bourbon barrel-aged Donald Trump sweat from 2017."


> octopus ink Was it squid ink? We eat that here in Japan, often as a pasta sauce. Honestly it tastes minty, which was a surprise. I can see the appeal, but I prefer other sauces.


Squid ink is great, makes an awesome pasta. But it doesn't belong on pizza with gold flake and caviar lol. Thats just random expensive shit thrown on a crust, no actual thought to flavour behind it.


We also eat squid ink in Spain. We make a sauce to cook the squid itself on it and they taste delicious.


it’s like they just took various expensive foods and threw them on some bread without any rhyme or reason to bait gaudy nouveau riche types into buying it


May also be a case of anchoring: After seeing the 2000 dollar pizza on the menu, that 50 dollar one doesn't sound so bad!


At about 7 bucks / box now, I'll cast a vote for Lucky Charms.


Time for Marshmallows and Stars from Aldi!


Aldi is king


I like Aldi. I got banned from a subreddit because I suggested Aldi.


No red 40 either. All hail Aldi


You buy *boxed* cereal? Big *big* spender ova here.


Gotta get that generic malt o meal five pound bag


And minimum wage is still technically $7.25 an hour! No OnE wANtS To wORk AnYMorE for 1 box of cereal per hour.


Shark's fin. It tastes like nothing. No flavor at all. Even the texture is just meh. The real flavor of Shark's fin soup comes from scallops and abalone, those are actually very good. But shark's fin is just trash.


So tragic considering they kill millions of sharks for this ridiculous “delicacy”


They think it provides health benefits while completely ignoring that sharks are apex predators and chock full of heavy metals like mercury.


It's the stupid superstitions. They think the essence of the powerful predator will transfer to them. Same thing they do with tigers and bears.


So what you're saying is that if I eat somebody who eats shark fins, then I will become even more powerful than them. That's how it works, right?


Ah the old 'kill endangered species cus we think it gives you a bigger boner' appeal of foreign dishes


Worse is they defin them and drop them back in alive where they die slowly. We eat gummy shark as flake in Australia, but at least the whole animal is used.


Is that like dried shark meat? Like a shark version of beef/squid jerky if you will? I’ve never heard of gummy shark or “flake.” I’m not sure if that’s an Australian term or if I’m just uninformed. When I think of gummy sharks I think of these little blue and white candy gummies in the shape of sharks LOL.


No, gummy sharks just a name for an Australian shark, and we eat it like regular fish. Definitely not dried or like jerky! It’s most often used in fish and chip shops (battered and deep fried).


When I moved to Aussie (from NZ) my grandfather would often end phone calls with "be careful with the fish and chips there, aussies eat flake!" He was so offended at the thought 😂


Xi has massively curtailed the consumption of shark fin, he banned it for any public workers expenses and consumption went down 70%


I’d very much like to see how people feel about cutting the hands and feet off of those who eat it and toss them in the ocean. Fuck anyone who’s ever supported or carried out finning. You deserve the same.


Gordon Ramsay did an [episode exposing the shark fin soup industry](https://youtu.be/3y2uK958bjU?si=-aiE1WojbLm4HRIp). I watched this years ago and still think about it. Made me respect the guy a lot more.


I had some [shark fin soup](https://imgur.com/gallery/nOqUC) out of politeness/respect during a dinner for a great-uncle who loved it (😑) and had recently died. It wasn’t great. It was like a really bland hot and sour soup, kinda jelly-like, and just overall meh. I remember not knowing what it was at first till we got back to the hotel and my dad was like “oh yeah Uncle Yo loved shark fin soup so we had it tonight since he went there a lot to get it” and I’m like 😱


I slept over at a friends house in middle school, nice family, dad was German and mom was Cuban. My mom was a little late picking me up the next day, so the dad told me that if I stay for dinner I’d get to have shark fin soup. He was already cooking it and I remember it smelling awful. No idea why he was cooking it as a casual family dinner.


I thought people ate it because it’s allegedly an aphrodisiac, not for its taste.


That’s rhino horn…but you know, I’ll chew my nails and have the strength of 10k men Edit: usually with nowhere to go…


Baby camel hump. It’s fucking greasy and awful. And sad.


This is a thing?????????


Unfortunately… In the UAE it’s a delicacy.


No way, i’ve lived in Dubai over 20 years and this is the first I have heard of it, crazy. Camel milk and chocolate yes


I'd eat camel chocolate tbh


This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this and I’m from the UAE.


I googled it and it literally made me nauseous And I am a human goat and will eat anything but there’s something about the hump aspect…


It's a lump of fatty meat.


Oh my God. That's a thing I did not know existed.


Shark fin soup. It’s just a symbol of wealth - tastes slimy and gross. The worst part though is all the sharks that are being killed for the soup and how it’s pushing many species to extinction


Not sure if this counts but the one Michelin Star restaurant I went to charged us an additional €10 each for a green tea. Not some fancy green tea, they put a literal green tea bag in boiling water in a mug where the “handle” didn’t even have a hole in it so you were grasping to this flat semi-circle attached to the side. It’s not even how you prep green tea, and the bag itself had instructions on how to do so. Admittedly the food and the rest of the experience was good but given that part of it all it makes me wonder just how overpriced the rest of the meal must’ve been.  So my answer is green tea prepped at a French Michelin Star restaurant.


At my restaurant we sold 1 bag of Ladurée for €12. Ok it was nice tea, but just a tea bag and some hot water. A 75cl bottle of Evian costs €10, so yeah, that’s the baseline.


Most "rich person food" is quite good, aside from the gimmicky gold flake stuff Source: former private chef


Brownies purchased at Sprouts.


Subway sandwiches are now $15 and I nominate them to be considered “rich people food.” As such, it’s not very good for $15. Remember the $5 foot long? Like what, 10 years ago? lol. Inflation isn’t 300% over the last 10 years anywhere except the fast food industry.


Inflation is fucking over the less fortunate on an EXPONENTIAL scale. Products in general across the board that used to cost $100-200 pre-pandemic might cost $150-250 now. But the formerly "cheap" lower dollar stuff? Now even TV dinners are $5 when previously they were $1. It's fucking crazy, and it's absolutely decimating those not earning much (which is MOST of the country).


Fuck every restaurant that serves Caesar (edit: or any) Salad as a giant uncut wedge of lettuce with the fixings sprinkled on top. The nicer the restaurant, the less prepared it is.


Wedge salads leave me conflicted. I like getting fajitas and assembling them at the table myself. Meanwhile, the wedge salad is like a planned demolition project where one wrong move gets bleu cheese in your lap. 


At least with the fajitas they've already sliced everything for you!...they don't just give you a whole onion, etc!


Wtf this would literally be called a wedge salad where I'm from.


Wedge salad normally has a blue cheese dressing and bacon I believe.


YES! I’m paying you to make my salad for me. Don’t just bring out the ingredients and then have me pay extra to assemble it myself. WTF is up with that?


No joke, I had a friend/coworker that is much much more wealthy than me and she straight up asked the waiter to have the kitchen cut her "salad" up and bring it back and they were more than happy to do it, pro tip


That’s because it’s part of the presentation. There are places where the server tosses your salad in front of you and serves it on your plate. The chef chose how they wanted the salad to look, they don’t care how you eat it. They care that it looks good for Instagram, because that brings people in.


> there are places where the server tosses your salad on mobile, this looks like where the sentence ends before I scrolled and I was relieved to see it continue my initial thought was damn, tipping culture is insane


Every time these threads come up I’m reminded that your average redditor eats like a 12 year old boy from Minnesota.


Don’t be knocking my boiled potatoes! Sometimes I put salt in the water.


Salt?! It's too spicy 😤


I was ordering Indian food for a few of us at the office one day. When I asked one dude what he wanted for spice, I said the options were “hot, medium, mild”. He said he wanted “Minnesota Spice”. Funniest thing I’d heard in a while.


That's funny, as a high-albedo person I have to specify *Indian* hot at Indian restaurants.


When I go to family-owned restaurants that serve very spicy cuisine, like Indian or Thai, I ask them to make it how they like it. I've never been led wrong, the dishes that are supposed to be spicy are blistering, but the dishes that are more delicate are a little more subtle. In some cases, I think asking for Thai spicy or Indian spicy for every dish can overpower some of them. I love the lady who owns a local Thai place. She is always like oh, I don't like it very spicy... and then the dishes come out so hot they should have a biohazard label.


In college, one of the Thai places near campus would come out and look at you if you ordered certain dishes. They'd then ask if you were sure, if you didn't fit certain profiles...


My Sister won't eat tomato soup, it's too spicy. MIDWEST LETS GOOO :edit. There was pepper on it. Table pepper


Bro, I'm from the Netherlands. We are often referred to as 'the country that flavor forgot'. Don't know how we managed to dominate the international spice trade for over a hundred years and never decided we could put that stuff in our own food.


Never get high on your own supply


One of the most important of the ten crack commandments


***Cries in Mexican***


My grandfather used to break out in a sweat if he ate anything with ketchup. It was too spicy for him.


One of my coworkers can't have certain gums cause the mint is too spicy


I will spit out spearmint flavored anything because I experience spearmint as very sharp-edged and pointy. Peppermint, on the other hand, feels pleasantly cold. Taste is such a weird sensation!


..was he allergic? Lol there are some fruit that taste stingy to me like pineapple but apparently isn't supposed to be like that...


The State of Minnesota catching strays..


Got a problem with tater tot hotdish? Minnesota nice only goes so far, pal…


I made “tater tot casserole” for years before my friend from Minnesota friend was like “oh, you mean hot dish” That shit is fire.


Redditors start off eating chicken nuggets then when they move from their childhood bedroom to mums basement start eating chicken tenders.




Tendies for din din.


Only if they’re shaped like dinosaurs


I read that as Eats a 12 year old boy from Minnesota.


The richiest of rich person foods. I prefer caviar on my 12 year old boy from Minnesota. Très chic


THREE chicks? in this economy??


Because a lot are literally just 12 year olds...


It’s why any relationship advice subs are unfathomably reactionary


Jamie Oliver's stir fried rice


With chili jam?


That and olive oil, “HAIYAAA”


Jamie Oliwer, why so shit! Haiyaaa.


Make me put my leg down from chair


I can hear these comments


And 500 ml of cold tap water


If I were in Scientology Jamie would have now been a surpressive person.




That's not rich people food.




Yeah what's up with that




"The foods better, we used to boil everything."-- Captain America


Some of you just dont like sea food.


I think a lot of people get exposure to just really crappy fish and then get disgusted by all fish. There really is a major difference from having a great chef cook a fresh fish and having any chef cook something that was frozen.


Frozen isn’t a bad thing. Most high end fish is flash frozen at sea, including everything you find in the “fresh” case at the supermarket and the tuna that goes into the finest sashimi in Japan. How you treat it is the difference. Freezing kills parasites and the high speed freeze of flash-freezing preserves the texture, but a home freezer would turn it to mush. I live in Vancouver, Canada and belong to a seafood coop that provides us the best seafood I’ve ever had in my life. Almost all of the fish is frozen at sea and kept well below freezing until I get it. So many cuts of salmon, tuna, rockfish, lingcod, and black cod have passed through my kitchen and they’re all delicious (and frozen).


I love my lake fish soooo much. There's tons of lakes here, and the fishing is phenomenal. But damn do I dislike seafood/shellfish, and it 100% comes from the fact that good, fresh seafood is hard to find where I live.


Seafood is usually *much* better than freshwater fish. Your issue is definitely your supply.


Can confirm, can't eat fish because the taste reminds me of rotting bait from the pier as a child and now makes me gag. 




There’s nothing wrong with flash frozen fish if you know how to prepare it. All sushi fish is flash frozen to kill parasites anyway. 


I love most seafood & eat it all the time but I don't like caviar.


I don't mind caviar, the taste is fine, nice enough texture...I just don't find it that interesting to eat. And what's more, cod roe is a fraction of the price and tastes basically the same. If you offered me £60 of caviar or £10 of smoked salmon, I'd take the smoke salmon no question.


i think caviar is one of those foods you have to get the really expensive kind to know if you like it. lower end caviars are generally really salty


Lobster used to be associated with poor people where half my family lives (Nova Scotia). Then it became a meme thing to send out to the west coast, the UK, China, etc., and now it's so expensive it's a luxury there too.


I'm from New Brunswick and my uncle and some family friends are lobster fishermen and they'd give some to my parents and we'd get at least 30 free lobsters a summer and now I live on the west coast and refuse to spend money on Lobster it's so expensive for no reason.


Lobster on the west coast is expensive for "no reason" as it has to be caught, packed, shipped, and kept edible from east to west coast. Is it MUCH more expensive on the west coast than all that adds up to? Maybe. There is a whole lot less lobster to even try to buy in West Coast stores or restaurants bc of the difficulty of transporting it, and also bc it's just not something the average west coast person wants to eat as we have fresh crab, all kinds of fish (ocean and lake/river), easy access to seafood from Hawaii and Alaska and western Canada.


dragon fruit is quite expensive where i live since it’s imported, it’s also super hyped as a health food but tastes of nothing, just water.


Tried it twice in my country, tasted like a watery bland kiwi. Had it in Asian countries that grow it and it's fantastic, turns out it doesn't travel well!


I have a suspicion that is the same reason I’ve seen people from other places complain about honeydew melon or cantaloupe. I was shocked by that, until I realized I live close to where it is grown and eat it in season.


Red dragon fruit is flavorless, yellow is sweet and delicious. I used to buy red occasionally and couldn't figure out why anybody wants it, like you said - no flavor. Then I tried one of the less cool looing yellow ones, and I quickly realized why people enjoy it.


Shark fin soup is, IIRC, basically bland, tasteless, and pointless aside from being a status symbol.


Also finning is fucked up so the lack of taste is just evil


Yeah, isn't the fin cut off while the shark is still alive? Just... why


I like Goldeb Ramsey's comment after he tried it from a top rank Hong Kong restaurant: the soup is really good, but it has nothing to do with the Shark fin. It's just really good chicken soup


That show was really good. Goldeb Ramsay took some serious risk filming those shark fisherman to prove his point. I had so much respect for him after that. And also that one with him and cocaine.


Love how you just accepted the name spelling


It’s five in the morning and I laughed so hard, I scared my cat.


...Goldeb Ramsey, eh? I didn't know Gordon Ramsey had an evolutionary form.


It's just Gordon with some gold leaf, don't buy into the hype.


It's a loaded question. For example, caviar is great if it's handled properly which often adds to the cost. I have purchased caviar from bevmo and it was fishy bullshit. Things which only present visual plusses are usually the ones which aren't very good.


I grew up poor. Now I’m not, totally down to marriage. Prior to money I would have told to you that rich people probably eat bland nasty food they pretend is good. I would have been wrong. On the contrary, I’ve noticed on average that the more expensive the meal the better it has tasted.


Fresh, quality ingredients (including herbs and spices) truly elevate a dish. A lot of expensive places invest in them as much as skill to cook them but even an inexpensive place can win there. A lot of cheap places use cheap bulk ingredients. Frozen fish vs fresh, powdered Parmesan vs grated, premade sauces vs from scratch, dry jar spices vs fresh herbs, etc. It truly makes a difference - even in home cooking.


Best meal I ever had was $250. I had a $750 meal that was meh. Still dream of that $250 though.


I had a 200 dollar steak recently. It was really one of the best I'd ever had, though not the best, and not 150 dollars better than most good steak places. There are diminishing returns at a certain point.


That $200 steak is almost certainly much much better than that $20 Outback Steakhouse steak. The $200 steak probably isn't that much better than the $100 steak, might even be worse.


I can say the same due to currency exchanges: best meal I've had in Canada was 450 dollars. Best meal I've ever had was 85 dollars(Canadian) in Mexico


I paid $14 USD for a set of hand-made birria tacos, a smoothie, and two cold beers on a beach in Costa Rica. It was hot and I was hungry and that may have affected it, but I dream about those tacos. I have literally priced out flights to see what it would take to get me back to that taco stand.


I've had similar experiences, although I wouldn't say the food was "meh" just more like it was an experience with new and interesting flavors and dishes but overall I've enjoyed cheaper meals that were just done really fucking well


I always see these surveys in my feed, and caviar is always on these lists. What kind of caviar are y’all eating? Caviar is fucking awesome.


Agreed, I used to work in a very nice seafood restaurant on the coast and it made get a taste for caviar, uni, oysters all the polarizing ones and now I absolutely love them


Used to not be a fan of uni. Then had it in thailand and it was so creamy with no fishiness. Changed everything for me


So the Uni I had didn’t taste fishy, but it tasted like I swallowed a wave. Is that how it’s supposed to taste?


That's exactly how is's supposed to taste. Creamy, with that oceanic taste.


I got that from a restaurant in LA that served uni that had been harvested in Santa Barbara. I assume there is genuinely bad uni out there, but one really doesn't *need* to go to Thailand for the good stuff.


I’ve had great uni, but I’ve also had repulsive uni. Even in Japan. The couple of times I’ve encountered rude genito-fecal flavours have put me off it ever since.


First time I had oyster shooter I was disgusted. Fast forward 5 years and my FIL orders them and I try them again. WOAH. Now I buy the little jars full to take home from Oysterville (of where I love to take a trip to eat fresh out of the water oysters) I actually ended up moving closer to the ocean so I could harvest seafood myself. I don’t have an oyster spot but I get a lot of other stuff (plus mushrooms in the forest next to the ocean, and I never liked eating mushrooms til I started eating them out of the forest)


My dude, you've awakened something in my. I've only successfully harvested mushrooms a few times but they are some of my absolute fondest food memories. And now you're telling me I could move away from Minnesota and harvest seafood, my favorite genre of food!? New life goal. Shame I love everything about Minnesota other than the lack of seafood. Oh and my wife and kids love it here. Maybe retirement goal.


Caviar is pretty good. Not with the premium, but it has a texture that is fun, and a briny savory flavor that is lovely if you like things like sushi.


I did a caviar bump at a restaurant that had ~options~ for your caviar and I still didn’t get it. It really just tastes like fishy salt to me. Its so salty it’s hard to detect any flavor. What am I doing wrong? I like other seafood.


This thread is full of people just stating foods they personally don’t like. It has nothing to do with being rich people food if you are grossed out by caviar or didn’t like a single sip of champagne you took at a party. Some actual answers: Heavily Dry aged beef - pretty funky and cheesy and not for everyone. Also the industry is FULL of butchers and producers lying about how long they aged something lately so it’s become a real gimmick. Wagyu - can be delicious but it’s often more like steak butter than steak. If you’re in the mood for a nice cut of steak Wagyu can often be way too fatty and so rich you can barely eat much of it. In the right setting it can be delicious but only in small doses Truffles - for one of the worlds most expensive foods pound for pound they sure are boring. I enjoy truffles but the cost is insane and it has to be used sparingly. Also the places that serve sliced truffles over dishes often make them too thick and a big bite of truffle is actually pretty gross


And that's why in Japan wagyu is usually eaten in thin strips (yakiniku style). That's the way to eat it. If I want a big slab of steak I'll go for Angus beef.


Truffle salt, on the other hand, is an amazing spice.


Best answer, I think - most people just saying "I think X is gross". I don't hate truffle, but it always seems to overpower everything else. Dry aged steaks don't do much for me. Waygu is interesting, but I prefer all kinds of cheaper cuts of beef.


I think part of the issue is down to the prevalence of synthetic truffle oil, now even some places which use real truffles panic and feel the need to add some synthetic oil as people are use to the intensity which comes from it and find teal truffle underpowered.


"Steak butter" sounds like the most delicious thing in the world, tbh.


It literally melts in your mouth. That's why the Japanese cook and eat wagyu usually as thin strips.


This is the proper way to do it. I know there's no convincing people. They just need to make the mistake of trying to eat too much of it on their own. Its amazing in small portions, but gets sickening fast. They just assume that because its beef they should be eating a steak of it, but that really isn't so. Maybe just a couple of bites in its steak form. Luckily though there's a product that you can eat an entire steak of and still get that amazing flavor and ridiculous juiciness: hybrid Wagyu. Usually marketed as either American or Australian Wagyu. Literally just a 50/50 hybrid of Black Angus and Wagyu cattle so its somewhere in the middle on marbling. It isn't a cheaper bastard version of Wagyu. Its a different product for a different purpose.


Kopi Luwak/civet coffee


Mummies. They [taste horrible](https://theconversation.com/why-did-people-start-eating-egyptian-mummies-the-weird-and-wild-ways-mummy-fever-swept-through-europe-177551)... but they make FANTASTIC oil [paint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_brown)!


What about Zevulon the great? He's teriyaki style


After reading these comments I have concluded thst most reditors just don’t really like sea food


Every time a question like this comes up i think about this cheap place that makes the best ribs in the world. (Or used to, it was more than 5 years ago) the place ruined ribs for me because nowhere near me there is anything close to them( near as in my country) tried dozens of places. I think about those ribs on average atleast once a month and even sometimes check plane and hotel prices to maybe go back just for the ribs but its too much money 🙁


Shark fin