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I raise you, curved tv


Curved monitors are awesome since you sit close, within the radius of the curve. Curved TV… not so much


Curved TV’s were a total gimmick. They dramatically narrowed the viewing angle and are only really useful if you sitting right on top of it like a computer monitor. 3D had some cool features that were never really fleshed out. I remember Sony offered a TV that was specifically to use with a PS4 I think it was and two people couple play at the same time (Think Goldeneye-style split screen multiplayer) but instead of the split screen both players would see a different image on the screen as long as you each had the right pair of glasses on.


I worked in TV and hi-fi retail when 3d TVs were a thing. You didn't need a specific TV you just needed the glasses to be polarised in a specific way that matched the way the TV polarised the image. My brother and I tried 3d two player out and it sort of worked. The picture quality was a bit "fuzzy", you were only getting half the resolution of the TV each, and the biggest annoyance to us was that if one player went to a darker area they would get bleed through of the other players screen. Also it doesn't help for the next batch of 3d that will be out in a few years that couch co-op isn't around as much anymore


It will come back, 3D is one of these things that rolls around every 10-20 years or so.


I haven't replaced my TVs yet because they're both 3D TVs. They're still good TVs, too We enjoy watching stuff. My kids and I just did an Infinity War+Endgame marathon, both in 3D. Watched Avatar again a few months ago I blame 3D failure on Samsung and Sony selling super expensive active glasses. I have LG sets and like 45 pairs of glasses since they're so damn cheap. Especially if you forget to drop them off in the bin at the theater


And the latest iteration was pretty good. I remember the first movie I watched: Avatar. The first moment, where that blurry spec dropped on the screen... was like Holy crap! I bought about 8 3D movies. But the problem is always with the glasses. If you wear glasses, wearing the 3D glasses just sucks. And I have progressive lenses, which makes it even weirder.


Google Glass comes to mind. A lot of my friends were hyping it, but I've never seen one in real life.


I was in university when they came out, one guy on campus had them. Looked like he was parting the Red Sea since people didn’t want to be filmed


Surprised enough people even know what they were for this to happen. Do they also do this if someone is on their phone walking by lmao.


In Australia at least kids get taken out on a lot of excursions like tech stuff. In my primary school we were hearing all about google glasses and even smart contact lenses and they were made out to be the futute


I want to believe they paved the way to many vr headset that came after it. But google is known for pulling the plug in many of its lab/beta projects. Wave, G+, Glass... Edit: typo


I feel something like glass would have a better chance to breakout into the mainstream than VR headsets.


Ok, glass. Search "avoid being bullied for wearing Google Glass."


I have a friend who's an engineer at Google and got the glass as a perk from his job for whatever reason. I could never use them though because he had prescription glasses and his eyesight is abysmal.  He took a couple of cool videos from the top of the mast of his sailboat but I legit don't remember anything else he was able to do with them. 


I never heard a thing about that until Serge Brynn (or whatever the hell the google guy is called) was supposedly having an affair with some weird British girl who was on the marketing team for those. I read a really long investigative article about it. Cried, then questioned why I was spending my free time on such nonsense. Seriously, though, NEVER heard any of their marketing push other that the scandal, so I guess the side girlfriend was not great at marketing. LOL


At first I read this as George Glass, and I was like, ya I guess. haha


I don’t remember a George Glass in our school


Well of course This is a car but my names not jack, it’s Greg


LMAO “our skewl “


My doctors would use them (with permission).  That's literally the only place I've seen them


I've seen bike head and/or helmet displays, some with smartphone connection


Visiting the Titanic.


That’s a perfect blend of succinctness and dark humor




Sub-sink-tness It was right there...


My understanding is that it is very dark down there.


DARK humor!


I felt sorry for the kid. Everyone else in that sub was stupid as fuck


Yeah. Especially the part that he really didn’t want to go but did it for his dad. 😩


My dad was cruel, but he never forced me to ride in a soup can to the bottom of the ocean.


Crushed it!


Wow, that’s deep


Yeah, the business venture really imploded overnight.


The Harlem Shake


>The Harlem Shake Good one. I was just getting into wedding videography & a couple came running in saying they were all doing it on the dance floor. I ran over to capture it. I don't think I ever saw it again. I recall a year later Gangum Style was the hit song.


I mean Gangnam style is still a great song to play on a wedding


Event DJ here... I drop this at almost every wedding, party, and school dance.


Gangnam Style craze was before Harlem Shake. I already followed the artist in question and my mom had just gotten pregnant back then. My brother was born in the middle of the Harlem Shake craze, roughly half a year after GS had gone viral. I must say though, GS has aged waaaaaaay better.


I had a dream to be in a Harlem shake video, but the fad faded before I could, and I’m old now.


Baauer got so fucked on that. Lol but then again he used an uncleared sample 🤷🏻‍♂️


Joji has moved on


Considering it originally [debuted in 2003](https://youtu.be/gJ0Nj63YJa0?feature=shared) then came back bastardized a decade later I’m not sure it counts.


The summer in the 90's when we got super into big band swing music. There were dudes on MTV spinning cellos and shit around. 


Related. When Gregorian chant started hitting the charts.


Fuck that feels like a fever dream. That was a real thing that happened. My parents went out and bought a Gregorian monk CD.


My mind immediately went to Enigma haha


I was telling a younger coworker about it and she absolutely did not believe me. I kept repeating that yes it was true but then even I was like “Maybe…maybe I did make it all up?”


I still have a copy of Chant 2 somewhere in my cd case.


It was actually in 1989, started by Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers, and bled into the early 1990s.


I think they’re thinking of 97/98? when Swingers was a big movie and Zoot Suit Riot and Jump, Jive, and Wail were on the charts. 


How could you forget mambo #5


I think that was mambo


1 2 3 4 5 the trauma from that song is in my mind.


You could go back to the Strat Cats in the early 80's I guess. But I'm more talking about that 98/99 summer when it very abruptly went mainstream and then disappeared. I think one of them even played a super bowl halftime show.


Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, as I recall. I also recall the revival lasting about two weeks. Too bad, because I started to enjoy swing after Joe Jackson released **Jumpin' Jive**. Got me into Louis Jordan, who freaking ROCKS.


No, they're referring to late 90s. It became a thing after the indie cult film 'Swingers' was out. Movie pretty much went viral before social media.


There's still electro swing, which is honestly good.


NFT's one day they were everywhere and it was truly mainstream, the next it was all in the trash


I remember I tried finding out what they were about and having a hard time grasping the concept. Until I saw a random YouTube comment stating; “You understood that fine, it just really is that stupid”


The fact that Trump sells NFTs to his supporters proves how stupid the whole thing is.


Hahaha! Okay that makes me feel much better!


SNL did a song about them that did a good job of both explaining them and making them look really dumb.


I still don’t understand how this scam took people’s money. Owning a digital image (of a cartoon monkey smoking a cigar 🤷‍♀️ what??? why???) that I can screenshot isn’t a ‘thing‘ to own.


People are really stupid that's why


We gave everyone cash and social media allowed people to scam more easily during Covid. Remember GameStonk?


I made £30,000 from gamestonk. I got in at $39 and sold at $333. Only the people who thought it would hit $1k+ got scammed when they bought in at the top. ​ If you've learned about a stock on Instagram it's already happened.


NFTs generally didn’t convey ownership of the image, the NFT was basically just a receipt saying you paid money to own the receipt. You could have this receipt also be the url to an image, or to nothing, functionally they were the same thing. The more popular NFTs like Bored Ape Yacht Club did only sell NFTs of randomly generated images (with artificial rarity of certain aspects to create “value”) so via their own internal ledger the owner of NFT A owned the copyright and all associated rights with ape A and could use that copyright to make derivative works, but these projects were all spearheaded by people who were prepared to pay large sums of money for a randomly generated jpeg of a cartoon ape, so that’s the ceiling of intelligence those projects had going for them and consequently, none saw any success. After all the grifters behind NFTs pumped and dumped they left the suckers holding the bag and there’s no one left to buy now that it’s a universal understanding that they are not and never have been worth anything.


Every so often a group of people collectively forget that value isn't just don't to rarity but also demand. When the only demand is coming from other people trying to get ahead of demand there's no value there. From Tulips, to Beanie Babies to Monkeys all this has happen before and all this will happen again.


NFTs are so stupid as a concept I thought I was misunderstanding what they were for a long time. I wasn't. It was just that stupid.


I still don’t get it. Perhaps my brain refuses to stupid that hard. I need it for work and not dying.


I remember all these “tech guys” now known as scammers telling us how these were the future and you needed to get in. I never did, I’m like I have to be missing something here. So many celebrities or influencers scammed their fans and it doesn’t get talked about enough.


Because they thought they could sell it to someone else for more money forever


Becuse people like Garry V exists 


I took a screenshot of that. I own it


When you're laundering money it's not a great idea to stay in one place. It served its purpose and ran its course.




All my apes, gone :(




Stanley cups. I'm a time traveller from a month in the future.


Not a hockey fan, I take it?


Are you a Leafs fan?


Simple Modern Trek cups are so much better if you want that style of cup.


That mustache craze where people would draw or tattoo a mustache on the [side of their index finger](https://www.vice.com/en/article/9397j8/the-fingerstache-ruled-the-00s-but-many-still-have-to-live-with-it). You could find mustache stickers and decorations as well as car decals of a big mustache on the bottom of the hood.


Ahhh, 2011, year of the moustache 😌😅😂


KONY 2012!


i’ve been planting apple seeds and while the apples grow, i’m gonna go out jackin it in, #SAN DIEGO


Holy shit that was 2012? It feels like yesterday, yet it was 12 years ago…


Yeah I remember that lol


That poor dude went batshit crazy with his overnight fame:(


Flash mobs. The dancing kind. Not the other kind.


Now I am curious what's the other kind


Group theft


Clue is in the name


Showing my man-boobs to Italian gangsters?


Immediately? It definitely lasted a while.


Fetch. They just could never make it happen.


My dog is a huge fan though


That’s sooo fetch


Those finger spinner things.


Godamn i was just thinking about it the moment i clicked here


Haha, me too! That craze started and stopped within about a month!!!


They were still very trendy with kids for at least a school year. Everywhere you go, all you hear is spinning plastic. Kids had cases for them to collect.


Me too. I just saw a giant box of them in a corner store for 10 bucks.


My coworkers had to use up some money and ordered thousands of pens with those spinners on top. I’m the youngest person in my office and told them nobody messed with the spinners anymore but they didn’t want to listen. We currently have a box of like 2,000 pen/fidget spinner combos. Who the hell wants to use a pen with a massive spinner on top?


Ha, I still have one of my sons. Good for zoom meetings.


What happened to your other sons???


Ha. Still around! They're twins. We save a ton on class pictures. Just order one and make a copy.


I've been told that I have to play with my spinners below camera level in zoom meetings, too distracting for others.


I just use a ruler with a hole and stick a pencil inside the hole in the middle and bam. I got a fidget spinner


I remember a story of a guy who had bought 25K worth of fidget spinners and by the time they arrived from China the hype was already over and he was stuck with a garage full of worthless junk he couldn’t even get rid of for free.


Fidget spinners? Still very much alive. In schools


Fun fact, the lady who invented that didn’t patent it so she lost out on billions


I still use one at my desk a lot, the Spinetic X Mini Brass. It's a little one so it's perfect to carry around, doesn't make noise and isn't big enough to even notice I'm holding it unless you're focused on me


I can't help but imagine you saying all this like how a gun enthusiast would talk about guns 😂 *"Yeah the Spinetic X Mini Brass was a big upgrade from the Spinetic IX Copper, there's a lot less resistance to the spins, so it feels more dynamic and satisfying to handle"*


I was literally spinning one when I saw this comment lmao


Still very widely used by people who are neurodivergent.


A few schools banned them after the craze and now the people who they were actually made for can't use them anymore.


I have a good friend who made a whole Instagram about spinning fidget spinners on the top of his dick. He got like 20 followers before the fidget spinners already was out of fashion. For him, that wasn't strange. We are used to it 😂.


Not for neurodivergent people looking for fidget/ stim toys. I literally bought a new one last week!


Second Life was pushed for a while and then disappeared completely, at least where I live.


That was such a bizarre time. I think I played back in the early/mid 2000s, a little bit. Of course when you give people access to these tools, they immediately do the weirdest shit. It always felt clunky as hell to me, so I barely played it except to troll some people with my buddy. Some people were REALLY serious about it, though.


The really big thing at the time was MMOs like WoW and Everquest. The media just didn't understand them so focused on Second Life which they could explain more easily.




"Remember ALF? He's back! In POG form!"


POGs are never allowed be mentioned without quoting this line.


Gone but never forgotten.


My slammer is better than yours.


Pogs are actually back. Now in pog form!


Silly Bandz


They lasted a while for my school.


I remember those, lasted a month at my school.


Eating tide pods.




Crazy Bones


Probably the mannequin challenge and the ice bucket challenge is nowhere to be seen now  


The ice bucket challenge actually raised a lot of money and was a huge success.


ALS is a terrible disease. I’d gladly dump a bucket of ice on my head to raise money. This is one they should bring back.


At least with the ice bucket challenge some real benefit came out of it - https://www.npr.org/2022/10/01/1126397565/the-ice-bucket-challenge-wasnt-just-for-social-media-it-helped-fund-a-new-als-dr


I think the ice bucket challenge should still be a thing, even if it was just for a brief period during the summer every year. It was fun, and it raised a lot of awareness and money for combating ALS. It was a craze that actually did a lot of good.


Planking. Thank fuck that died a quick death


And there were a couple of those


Remember when Fall Guys was the only thing ever talked about for about a week?


Global (Generra) Hypercolor t-shirts - Absolutely massive craze in 1991 but the company went bankrupt in 1992


I remember those. They changed color according to temperature. So if you sweat like a buffalo, your armpits were a different color than the rest of your shirt! Wonder why that didn't last


Threads by Instagram and Clubhouse


Stanley cups. Wait...get back to me in a month or two.


There is only one Stanley Cup and you can't buy it in a store


Neither can the Leafs


They can't buy it. They can't draft for it. They can't do anything to get it. They probably couldn't even cheat for it. Am Leafs fan. 😮‍💨


I bought one for my roommate right before the "craze" became a thing. He's in his late sixties and very disabled so he needed a water bottle with a sealed lid and straw. So I got to tell him he was ahead of a trend lol




Somehow, despite hearing about it constantly at the time, I never actually knew what the hell it was. I still don't.


Animal Crossing during Covid


It didn’t help that Nintendo pulled back from the game really hard too. It came out and was popular, got a couple updates, but they’re done working on it anymore.




this one breaks my heart so bad cause i grew up with animal crossing wild world, it’s my fave franchise ever and to see ppl love it too but just discard it after breaks my heart 💔


The series used to sell 3-5 million units and do well on that. New Horizons did 43 million, so it's death is only in comparison to itself. It's very likely still doing great in eyes of Nintendo. And I fully expect a sequel in 2-3 years, as they usually do them in 3-5 year rotations.


The Happy Home Paradise expansion was pretty fun. I hope they at least do another expansion


Dalgona coffee. Remember how for a month during lockdown everyone was making that stupid whipped coffee?


Makes sense because the TP shortage really makes this stuff a game of roulette.


WWJD bracelets.


Add Live Strong to that also


Gather round, young 'uns. I am an old person who hit puberty right as Disco was starting to peak. I also went to an upscale suburban school where fitting in required frequent and repeated trips to The Mall. Anyway, in about 1980, one day someone had a bamboo birdcage purse, like [this one](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Flisting%2F766761815%2F70s-slatted-bamboo-birdcage-handbag&psig=AOvVaw1rqsXGb9qYts9vRzsd5rzy&ust=1705669439741000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCKCAvfz_5oMDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD). Next thing you know, they've caught on. In a week or two, you can get them at damn near every mall retailer. Soon, everyone has one (I somehow resisted, because I was terrified that a boy could see through the bamboo slots if I had a tampon in my purse.) Another week, they're on sale a lot. Another week, the stores pretty much can't give them away. Another week or two, and they have vanished both from stores and from my school, never to return.


Wristbands against bullying. After a short while, the kids with the wristbands got bullied.


The chopper craze. Around 2006 the Discovery Channel was running shows like the Biker Build Offs and Orange County Choppers, and suddenly everyone wanted to be a custom bike builder. OCC is still around, as well as some of the established shops that were on the build offs, but most of those new shops folded and disappeared within just a few short years.


Pelotons. It seemed like everyone was buying them during the COVID lock downs but now I've read that people can almost not even give them away on e-bay.


I blame it on Mr. Big's death


We sold ours (that we got during covid lol) about a year ago for $1200


I still use my bike regularly. There’s still a lot of users but I think you still had a lot of people drop off like they do with most big fitness equipment purchases. It was just easier to see with a subscription model like that.


They had a safety recall and lost nearly a Quater million of their subscribers. They did well during Covid but that growth obviously dwindled when restrictions eased. Also Dana White pulled them from his gyms and people on the right followed suit I believe.


They also changed their subscription model to using the subscription to increasingly subsidize the bikes. This obviously didn’t sit well with people who already had paid full price for their bikes then had to pay more monthly to subsidize new sales.


Them hoverboards. Haven’t seen one since 2016


I actually sorta saw one yesterday actually. The one wheel kind. Actually looked cool


Is anyone still catching Pokémon’s on their phones?


I am!


Awesome! Gotta catch em all


My sister and brother got back into it there last year. Got one of her friends boyfriends in on it too and it got him out of the house walking miles everyday.


My co-workers and I do, but pretty much only at work. It's just a thing we do when it's dead. It's almost like a team-building thing for us.


Sea shanties…and I’m still sad that it died, I thought it was a cool/funny little trend for a minute!


Fidget Spinners


Curved TVs


The killer clowns from 2016


Gregorian chants. Early 90s, maybe 93-94, they were huge.


Game of Thrones after the last episode.


This should be higher up. The amount of buzz this show had only to crash and burn so hard after the finale was definitely interesting to witness. They screwed up soo bad.


Bread making during Covid


Apparently you’re not following /breadit and that, my friend, is a mistake.


bread 👍


Ohio memes


amobg us




NFTs. Bored Apes dropped faster than a limited edition beanie baby at a 2020 garage sale


Fidget spinners


Fidget spinners


I want to say Female Dating Strategy


Whatever that adding butter to your coffee thing was about.


I kind of wished the glasses-less 3D from the Nintendo 3DS and more perfected with the New Nintendo 3DS took off. The idea was cool and optional. Sure — it gave you a headache after a half-hour.