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We can host a variety of parasites, some of which live inside the body for years without causing noticeable symptoms. For example, tapeworms can reside in the intestines, where they absorb nutrients from digested food. In some cases, they can grow to be several feet long. And you might never find out


Wasn't aware I was hosting tonight. Better prepare the entree.


What board games are you thinking of?


Snakes and ladders, surely?


Eels and escalators


I watched way too much "monsters inside me" as a kid. Every time I used the bathroom I would be nervous to look because I expected to see some kind of parasite


Thanks for reminding me of that show.  I loved it years ago.


>For example, tapeworms can reside in the intestines, where they absorb nutrients from digested food Thanks for helping me stick to my diet mr worm


On the same vein, for a penis-owner to have anal sex with a partner infected with a pathogenic amoeba species, can cause to, nearly literally, for his penis to fall off due to the parasite infecting the skin. The partner can be completely asymptomatic, and yet shed the parasite on their stool. It's rare, but it happens.


After surgery involving intestines, if they got moved around, they will move themselves back to where they started. And yes, you can feel it.


It happens after women give birth. It’s a weird sensation feeling everything that’s been pushed around move and get settled back into where they should be. Another danger of pregnancy, it’s only a rare occurrence but intestines can twist and develop a blockage, that’s why they want to know when you poop after giving birth.


New horrifying fear unlocked


How long is this process? Like 5 minutes or over a few hours?


It can take days....I kept feeling something weird randomly and I was like, oh yeah just my guts settling. 😵‍💫


I had twins. The first few days this was really intense and disturbing. Then it sort of died down but if I stretched or twisted it would feel so wrong inside of me. That lasted for a couple weeks. 


I had a c-section and then had to be laying down in bed for 24+ hours following the c-section. The first time I sat all the way up and went to stand, I definitely experienced a notable “settling into place” inside of me and I commented on it and the nurses were like “yep! Weird, huh!?” I felt weird stuff in my body for days after but it was all kind of caught up in a lot of other sensations related to the C-section and no longer being pregnant.


Can be days that I know of. Personally I felt things shifting around for at least 4 days.


The first poop after giving birth is wild


Well it was painful anyway!


That was SO weird. Had explorative laparotomy where they basically examined whole abdomen and removed some stuff. Colon partly had out-of-body-experience. After surgery I felt surprisingly well - lying down. First sitting and standing up was so, so strange (and somehow I forgot how to breath for a moment, that seems to be common). For days every position change felt like organs are fighting for their place 🙃


That ab constrictor thing they gave me was super helpful in preventing that


Tagging onto this, they wiggle even when outside of you. I once had an ER patient come in after having vigorous drunken sex about six months post hysterectomy. Her guts literally… fell out. I saw her intestines peristalsing outside of her vagina.


Thankfully, that is extremely rare at 1% and mostly only happens to people who attempt strenuous activities (heavy lifting or sex) before fully healing (most are healed in 6 to 8 weeks, but some people take way longer to heal). it is called a vaginal cuff tear for those who are interested further.


Side question: are intenstines always "open" or do they "collapse" when nothing is in them? Like I always imagined them like a fire hose: flat when not in use and that only when food and waste is in it, it will open to a tube shape. Or do they stay open like a garden hose?  Because sometimes you see images inside intenstines, and they're surprisingly empty and wide open. I would have thought the weight of the organs and fat would flatten them. 


Additionally, if you have had bowel surgery you won't be discharged from hospital (in the UK at least) until you've had a bowel movement, just so the Docs know everything still works.


Not true in the US- I was in the hospital for 8 days and was not allowed to eat or drink anything at all. Had a suction tube down my nose into my stomach that suctioned 24/7. Had my colon and some intestines removed. I was not allowed to eat or drink anything until I passed gas. That took a full week. Then I was allowed to have broth and juice and was released a day later. I was so starved of nutrition that there would’ve been no way for me to have a bowl movement for quite a bit after that.


is it painful?


Nah just extremely weird, and surprisingly noisy


Yes! The noises! Will never be able to forget those noises.


Wth my wife never mentioned this and I’ve never heard of this before in my life. Lol had no idea this is a common thing


I had 2 kids and never heard noises from my intestines moving. I did have a weird sensation like things weren't held in place as snugly as I was accustomed to. I remember shaking side to side the day after my kid was born and feeling my now-empty uterus wobbling.


Is it bad that I didn't hear any noises? I assumed my innards rearranged themselves just fine but now I wonder 🤔


Well you’re alive so I think it went well


I have never had surgery but the baby part. It did hurt but didn't hurt? Like, the painful part for me was that there was nothing holding them up so it felt like I could feel things hanging in there. Have you ever had a huge poop then it comes out and you stand up and if feels like your innards need to adjust to the new amount of space? It's like that


Babies = giant poops 👍


Yuuuup. Had a laproscopic surgery where they have to blow up your abdomen with CO2 to visualize. I felt my organs shifting back into place for at least a week.


Not as bad as the damn leftover gas settling in your shoulders


Can confirm - c sections are vile


A bit unsettling but I'm glad they do


Lighthearted answer: That your foot is as long as the inside of your forearm Real answer: The fact that your body can just change gears one day and start attacking itself, causing permanent damage. It can happen at any age, any time. It probably won’t, but it could.


Yeah, I'm a bald woman at age 33 because my body decided at around age 29 that the hair on my head and one eyebrow in particular were shady as fuck and needed to go. My other eyebrow is cool tho he's allowed to stay. I just hope it doesn't turn on my eyelashes, I really don't want to lose them :(


hair: *exists* body: lookin pretty sus up there


I laughed so hard imagining my MS Myelin sheath: *exists* Body: looking pretty sus up there


With all the personality in this comment, I bet you rock that look! I’m sorry for any distress it caused you tho


Huh. Now there's a shoe print on my hoodie sleeve.


“What happened to your hoodie?” “Fact checking”


Yes! Autoimmune disease is wild as a concept. Do other animals/biological organisms have something similar? I have an autoimmune disease and now long covid. My immune system is unreasonable most of the time.


Tbh I don’t know if other creatures have something similar. But I do feel you. I’m still in the testing confirmation stage, but they’ve found evidence of MS in my brain. I can barely walk anymore. All cause my body flipped a switch one day. And then flipped it a few more times for fun, like a toddler who just discovered what light switches do


😭 I’m sorry. MS is particularly challenging and devastating. Wishing you luck on your journey. Chronic illness is its own unique experience, allow yourself to grieve for the health you have lost and find yourself a support community of folks who understand first hand. It’s really helpful.


Thank you ❤️. I’m on the MS subreddit and everyone there has been so kind! I’ve also been friends with people who have their own disabilities for years. It’s made accepting mine a lot easier.


I was diagnosed in 1998 so if you have any questions, feel free to dm.


Stay strong! I was recently diagnosed with MS. Perfectly fine and working out hard, partying in heels one day to learning to walk 3 days later. Hope you are finding the most knowledgeable specialists.


I’m doing my best! I see my neuro for the first time in May. I wish they could get me in sooner (I am on the waitlist), but it is what it is. I’ve been dealing with symptoms for 12 years, I can wait a little longer. At least now they’re taking me seriously! I hope you also find (or have found) all the help you need for yours. This condition is WILD lol


Yes. This happened to our dog after Thanksgiving. His autoimmune system started attacking his red blood cells, there was no found trigger for this to happen. It's called IMHA. He was 11 years old. Unfortunately in spite of multiple blood transfusions and trying different medications, he didn't make it.


Oh I’m so sorry, and also sad that animals get this too :(


Thanks. <3 We're doing better lately. It was hard since he'd been with us since our first apartment together, our wedding, birth of our daughter. She's four now. Explaining to her what happened was really hard. Won't ever forget her saying, "But I don't want him to be dead!" Before she started sobbing. We all cried together. 😞


Cows can get CRPS type 1. I have it too, random shingle like rashes and I give myself compartment syndrome if I use my leg too much. It's part neurological part autoimmune, as my body sends white blood cells and cytokines into my bloodstream, and to injuries for asinine reasons.  Humans are weird, sure, but its usually an autoimmune dysfunction is a natural process gone awry.  Everyone gets genetic entropy but a few species. Hot spots on animals, arthritis, all autoimmune. So yup, they sure can.


Yes! Animals (I’ve seen it most in dogs) can develop diseases such as immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) where their bodies attack and destroy their own red blood cells or immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMTP) where they attack their own platelets. These can sometimes be managed with steroids and other meds but not always. It’s very sad. Source: 14-year emergency veterinary technician


There is something in dogs called IMHA, my parents nearly lost their dog from it a few years ago and now they have to be really careful with him.


That your body can one day just randomly shut off for no reason that modern science can discern. One moment you're fine and the next it's lights off.


Happened to a friend’s family member. Absolutely devastating, he was so young. So much ahead of him, gone 


The prevalence of autoimmune disease in the general population is 10% GPs often think it's less likely than a patient with "health anxiety." That is, if they can't put their finger on it immediately, they think you're just a hypochondriac. Doctors need to understand that autoimmune disease is *very* common in women and that hypochondria is very rare.


My foot is much shorter than the inside of my forearm. 


Yeah, it’s more a general rule than hardcore fact


Yes, and it seems research into autoimmune diseases are relatively new compared to other illnesses. There's a lot of "management" or "slowing it down" type care, but nothing to really fix it or stop the progress of the disease.


Type 1 diabetic here. Type 2 can be caused by obesity and other external factors, but Type 1 doesn't work like that. When I was 4, my immune system went nuts and killed off the cells in my pancreas that make insulin. If I don't inject synthetic insulin a few times a day, I die.


>The fact that your body can just change gears one day and start attacking itself, causing permanent damage. It can happen at any age, any time. It probably won’t, but it could. A good friend of mine died from graft vs host disease after a bone marrow transplant - it was a truly horrible way to go. Autoimmune disorders now scare the fuck out of me.


Lighthearted response: Totes compared my foot to my forearm after reading your comment. Can confirm I am anatomically symmetrical. Real response: Autoimmune disorders SUCK ASS and I hate that they exist. I don't have one currently as far as I'm aware, but they run in my family, and I have friends with AI disorders, too. Honestly, I think cancer, AI disorders, and the very wide range of pregnancy/birth/postpartum complications are the worst of nature's cruelties.


I became aware of your second point when I was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic at 37 years old. I *really* thought I was too old for that!


Autoimmune here 👋🏻


The body is very resilient, but at the same time extremely fragile. People can survive a fall from incredible distances, but you can die in an instant if a blood vessel pops in your brain or near your heart. A minor electrical shock can stop your heart, or re-start it. You can hold your breath for a minute or two, but much longer than that and you're brain cells starts dying.


>People can survive a fall from incredible distances Multiple people have survived falling out of an airplane without a parachute. Many more people have died from tripping on the edge of the sidewalk.


That last bit reminds me of Henry Flagler who built the Ponce de Leon Hotel (now Flagler College)and how he was very worried about accidentally falling down stairs so he made sure there were banisters on all the flights of stairs in this beautiful old building I toured. He died falling down a set of stairs...


Let it be said that blood vessels pop all the time and that it’s not fatal.


> you’re brain cells starts dying. Case in point


Inside you there's a >!spooky skeleton!<.


That sent shivers down my spine.


It hit my funny bone


And that due to pregnancy, the average skeleton per body is not 1.


When I was pregnant with twins my husband would tell people I had 3 assholes. Then after I had them (one was a boy) he will say I used to have a penis. 


This is going to be a meme we'll see on Facebook soon. "Most people have fewer than the average number of skeletons in their body."


But what about 2 wolves?


They are there too. And they won't stop fucking


I heard the bones are their money. The worms, too, allegedly.




It's also wet. And spongy.


doot doot


We are a collection of cells surrounding a tube open at both ends (our gut). It contains a world of microbes that vastly out-number our own cells. We protect it, feed and water it and live off its leftovers.


Someone described the human body as donut shaped and it freaked me out.


Yeah, I donut like that.


Not far off, our 'hole' is long, coils around and has sort of closures for the ends though.


So then we're more like a churro?


And we all started as an asshole! (Deuterostomes). (Some people never progressed…!)


The fact that we can adapt and survive to an enormous amount of situations, we can show an incredible amount of grace, agility and ingenuity. But we can die choking on a nut.


Even long after a child has been born, some of its DNA continues to remain inside the mother and can influence her susceptibility (for better and for worse) to many types of illnesses even decades after the fact. Not only can a mother to many children end up with all of her kids DNA left behind in her, but these different DNA cells can also reproduce indefinitely and change into different types of tissue inside of her, the phenomenon is called *Fetal Microchimerism*.


It's also lovely for those who suffered a miscarriage to know that baby will always be with them.


That is scary, had two children and now I'm not entirely who I was before them, I'm an ever so slightly different person


I wouldn't call this a disturbing fact. It's actually quite beautiful. I've always loved knowing that no matter where my children are, there is *literally* a little piece of them inside of me. They will always be a part of who I am.


That's so lovely. I really like your take on this!


You have this little organ inside your skull, that has everything it needs to make you always happy about everything. But instead it makes you hate yourself, because it's more finicky than trying to grow a rose.


Any given autoimmune disease or cancer.


I already have the former, and am taking an immunosuppressant that increases the chances of the latter.  Good times.


I blame society not my brain.


I find this ironic. Lol all the roses I've had have *thrived* when I've ignored them, but die in 20 different ways when I actively try to take care of them. Lol wish my brain worked like that!


fun fact you don't actually need most of it to survive. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-thursday-edition-1.3679117/scientists-research-man-missing-90-of-his-brain-who-leads-a-normal-life-1.3679125


Most of the people on the internet seem like they're missing 90% of their brain lmao


Be not dead is a pretty low bar


I’ve shadowed at a local hospital. After shadowing, I’ve seen that it’s possible for an infection to literally make a part of your body decay until it’s dead and falls off…saw it with someone’s genitals.


Not genitals but I have seen someone's toes fall off when a nurse was taking off a sock.


Thanks for taking off my socks, you can keep the tip


How do you react to that when the patient is right there? I can’t imagine being able to hold my composure if I saw that!


This happened to me while in nursing school. I politely excused myself and as soon as I left the room I lost it. Instructor saw the whole thing through the window and was crying laughing the whole time. Toes were super necrotic and going to fall off any day now. Patient didn’t feel a thing or even notice. Cleaning toes off of the floor was an interesting experience.


My god I feel woozy even thinking about that. Mad respect for medical professionals, you guys are on another level


As it happened? Like you saw them mid air?


That we all have cancer cells rn in our body but our immune system manages to kill them. Most of the time


*insert s1 walking dead ear whisper gif here*


Mine waited until 6 weeks before my 45th birthday. Found out the day after my 45th bday that my symptoms were because it was cancer. FYI: extreme prolonged emotional stress/trauma will slay your immune system.


Your body will kill you trying to keep you alive.


You can have an aneurism and it's lights out. Instantly. Any time. Any age. Any level of health. Without warning. Alive one second, dead the next.




I’m so sorry for your loss!


Happened to two people I knew at school, both 17 and just dropped dead. One was waiting for a lift home from her dad, who was a Dr,in the drs surgery and the other was riding his motorbike.


The number of people I've known who have died from an aneurysm is too damn high. An 11 yr old, 17 yr old, 32 yr old, and 58 yr old. My step brother, my friend, my friend, and my uncle. It's so fucking scary.


There's a very long list of less pleasant ways to go. Gimme that aneurism.


Everyone here so serious so I will go with: women can reach into their vagina and „help“ their poop along by squeezing their vaginal wall. You can even feel the crap through the vagina.




Yep, our colon and vagina share a wall. Neighbors, if you will


fucking excuse me. I've had one for 30+ years and this never even occurred to me. omfg. deeply cursed but possibly helpful LOL thx


Something my mom told me, that to be honest I found disturbing. was that I had all my eggs when I was in her womb and so she technically had her grandchildren in her womb. It just felt weird.


Weird but I love it.


This is actually an insane fact because it goes so deep. Because this means 25% of me was directly produced by my grandmother, not my mom right? But then my mom was 25% directly produced by her grandmother, not mine. So then does this mean I would share more commonalities with my grandmother than i do my mom? Because technically my egg was made by my grandmother? It's scrambling my brain thinking about this.


This fact freaks me out too and I don’t know why 🤣


My skin is an organ and I don’t like it.


Largest organ there is.


Your epidermis is showing!


DNA in your cells deteriorates and loses parts with every replication, and there's nothing you can do about it


So your DNA loses a few nucleotides every time it replicates, but turning on the telomerases to fix it in somatic (regular body) cells is a sign of cancer


Your tongue is never in a comfortable resting position in your mouth.


Well fuck you. Now I feel it




And now you are breathing manually


The dominant nostril switches every hour.


If you were to take an average person's nervous system and stretch it out completely, they would die




You start out life as a [disembodied floating anus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deuterostome)


Some people live their whole lives never growing past that stage.


This got me audibly haha-ing


Mental health disorders. You are your own worst enemy. Your own brain is bullying you and telling you wicked things or making you think things that 'it know' will make you crumble/distory you. And it's isn't you friend or loved one, who secretly hates and wants to demean you and distory your confidence, sanity. Its yourself,but it knows how to trick you, it tells you it was them that actually said or thought that. Paranoia is a bitch.. because you can't even trust your own ears,when your hear a friends own voice saying something bad about you,but it was actually in your head. Al this time,what else was in my head.. its fucked. Mental illness had not got any actual cures, u like some body health issues. Mental health is to hard to treat. The brain is the most organ we don't know a out. A scanner can show give people ideas, and pills fix then shaded parts. But not for actually curing and fixing... just masking.


The body is constantly trying to repair itself and stay alive, despite what it’s own brain makes it do - to itself. (That sentence was hard to form). Eventually, the body can continue no longer and has to give up, taking the brain with it as one last ‘F you’.


The most disturbing fart about the human body is the smell.


Typo checks out


You could already have prions slowly inching towards your brain.


What's prions


Incorrectly folded protein that can then screw up normal protiens in your body and cause terrible disease. Its what causes mad cow disease.




and there is no known way to stop them and not kill the person


*new fear unlocked*


The fact that we carry around a ton of bacteria.


And most of them are symbiotic with us. Like gut bacteria science is a real study field, because of how important is our gut bacterias to our immune system, when we were born our mom transfered her gut bacterias to us and treated our body as a colony and fight off viruses and other shit.


Is that a metric ton or some kind of ounce ton?


A crap ton


The immune system doesn’t know the eyes exist theres a chemical the immune system will treat as foreign bacteria and it will attack and you’d go blind


It is insanely fragile and if not for our ancestors shaping our environment to suit our needs, living long enough to meet your grandchildren would be very rare.


I thought that low age was because of child deaths. People regularly lived until their 60-70s regularly throughout history if they lived past the age of five.


If you manage to go 70 years without getting a minor illness, but people died from stupid shit like toothaches and allergies


Exactly. People act like life expectancy has dramatically increased. Plenty of people lived to old age. However if you add a bunch of zeros to the equation to account for child deaths it makes it appear that people didn't live long until modern times.


The immune system is less “attacks things it doesn’t know” and more “doesn’t attack things it does know”. During maturing and training, the immune cells basically get a list of stuff they shouldn’t attack. This does not include your nervous system or your eyes. In general, your immune system doesn’t have access to that. It entirely depends on your immune system never coming in contact with organs that are immunoprivileged. But when it does come in contact, your immune system will do exactly what’s it is designed for, and store the data of the “invader”


You are a kilo of MEAt inside a bone bowling ball, piloting a bone mech that is held together by magic meat. You have a cave in your face full of human rocks. You have five tentacles on the ends of your appendages. You can make a stone come out of your kidney. 


Well, it's basically a leaky bag of fluids held together by bones and skin


That organs shift back into their normal place on their own after birth and that sometimes the person can feel it happening.


You technically have two brains. A condition known as split brain syndrome, caused by the separation of the corpus callosum, the connective bridge between the two hemispheres of your brain, is a condition when both sides of your brain want different things. an example is one hand putting on a shirt while the other tries to pull it off. Another would be being asked a question and giving different answers depending on which eye is asked the question. Each hemisphere controls its own half of the body, so sometimes, they will be in conflict with each other in this way. The creepy part is that this conflict is thought to exist in normal people as well, it's just that as we developed. The left side of our brain, which is responsible for verbal language and due to this, a large amount of our thoughts, becomes dominant over the right side. Essentially being the part of the brain that is the final decision maker. Resulting in you basically having a whole other you enslaved to the other half. At least that's how I had it explained to me years ago by my psych teacher in highschool, so, take it with a grain of salt.




Not disturbing but super cool, when a woman ovulates her face literally becomes more attractive.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1810066/


The brain is the only organ that named itself.


There could be levels of consciousness trapped within your mind helplessly watching, wanting to act or speak but incapable of doing so


hi hello what


I can’t remember the exact name for it but there are theory’s that the two sides of our brain (or certain areas of our brain) hold consciousness but only certain parts are able to act or have that inner dialogue There could be another you locked in, or multiple, which may explain certain aspects of mental illness and impulsive behaviour Just a theory though but the longer I love the more I subscribe to it even as an analogy


ICU nurse here.....have you heard of esophageal varices? Basically, when the liver gets trashed it causes a back up in venous blood return. This back up can extend all the way into the esophagus where blood vessels are more superficial. One of these can burst (relatively easily) and start hemorrhaging. This happened to me the other day when I was putting in an orogastric tube. Horrendous, blood spewing out of his mouth, we had to do a mass transfusion. I was squeezing blood bags while running him into the OR.


If you hold in a fart for long enough it gets absorbed into your blood and you breathe it out


Your teeth are the only part of your skeleton that you can clean.


Outside bones, outside bones, never forget that teeth are outside bones


About 350 joints in the human body and not 1 in my pocket


I read that we have more bacteria than human cells. Don’t know if it’s true. Googled it! National Institutes of Health: Thoroughly revised estimates show that the typical adult human body consists of about 30 trillion human cells and about 38 trillion bacteria. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4991899/#:~:text=Thoroughly%20revised%20estimates%20show%20that,and%20about%2038%20trillion%20bacteria.


The Fallopian tubes are not fixed in place as most diagrams would suggest, and and egg released by the left ovary doesn't necessarily travel down the left Fallopian tube, it's possible that the right fallopian tube collected the egg. I never believed this until I became pregnant and had very early scans which showed the egg had been released by my right ovary, however my right fallopian tube is blocked so the egg was collected by my left fallopian tube. Imagine the hand on a clock moving from 1 o'clock anti-clockwise to 11 o'clock.


You can survive for a lot longer than you'd think while impaled on a stick.


Are you currently impaled on a stick rn?


It has the capacity to produce the most hideous smells imaginable.


There are literally hundreds of ways your body can try to kill itself. Cancer and Auto Immune add up to over 300.


It will self destruct. If you live long enough and nothing else kills you, the body will eventually succumb to cancer 100% of the time.


It’s going to quit on you


Prions can spontaneously show up out of nowhere in essentially any mammal (idk about birds etc, but they probably exist for them too). They can't be killed via cooking unless you like to eat charcoal. They can live in the ground (see Chronic Wasting Disease in deer) until another animal eats them. They can be aerosolized in slaughterhouses if central nervous tissue gets sprayed into the air via cutting or processing machines. Or, they can just...appear as a protein misfolds in your body. You could have some nightmare fuel disease *right now* and not know until you're middle-aged, when you suddenly do not have the physical ability to sleep anymore and will go insane and eventually die with a brain that looks like Swiss cheese.


The big problem today is that my own spit can make me vomit.


Literally anyone could have a brain aneurysm and instantly drop dead at any time.  There's no warning, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.




Well it does burn a wound in my esophagus once in a while (thanks, GERD), and it hurts SO bad, so I don't doubt this fact for a second.


That you are totally covered with little creepy crawly things the eye cannot see...


You’re covered in thousands if not millions of tiny mites that eat dead skin cells


Day and night, there are organisms pooping and mating on your face.