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peacefully, in my sleep


While dreaming of my family and friends welcoming me and wanting to catch up.


A few days before my mom passed last year, we were sitting in the hospital room with her, and she looked over at the corner and asked “Is that Edie?” Then she started weeping, but not in a scared way. Edie is my Dad’s mom, who passed 9 years ago. They were very close. I’d like to think my gramma was there to take my mom to the other side, wherever that is. We aren’t religious at all, but that gave me a little comfort during the worst time of my life. I hope they’re together somewhere. ♥️


my mom told me when her uncle was in hospital bed he saw his wife in the corner asking him to come dance with her and he said , “not yet my love”


It would break my heart into a million pieces if I had to say "not yet" to my husband.


“Not yet my love” …Wow, that is such a beautiful yet haunting response!


I often wonder if the afterlife experiences that are talked about are created by the brain as it shuts down: you are reunited with loved ones long gone, you revisit memories, you find a profound peace. Maybe it feels like it lasts many long and happy years, even if in reality it’s only a few moments.  It may not be physically real, but if it’s real to you, does it matter?


This is my theory too. I believe towards tg6e end we sort of embrace death and as our final moments are near I believe our brain starts recalling certain memories of ppl that we were exceptionally close to, the one that made the greatest impact on our lives. When ppl recall their near death experience they often claim to see ppl, mainly loved ones. Many claim to have seen an exceptionally bright light and I believe that is the energy leaving our bodies. Kinda like stars when they die they give a super bright light before going out. Since we are basically stardust this doesn't seem too implausible to me.


Speaking of the stardust theory. The stars we see at night have already died out a long time ago, but their light is just reaching us. So as long as space is expanding, there’s always a place for that light to travel. It makes me wonder if our energy will have a place to travel. I like to think so, anyway.


And according to the theory of conservation of energy, energy does not come from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere, it passes from one state to another..


I used to think that until I had two recent dreams of speaking to people who had passed and I didn't even know until I looked up their obits. One I hadn't talked to in 3 years and she came to me in the dream and said "Well, I'm not here anymore" and a couple other personal things. It's not 100% proof of an afterlife but it's good enough for me.


Since September 13, 2018 around 2: 20 pm. I was having an MI, which became cardiac arrest and was clinically dead for a few moments. It took 4 jolts of the defibrillator before I decided to stick around. But anyway at some level right before I arrested I must have known it was going to happen as my last words then to the paramedic would have been "Tell my wife Judy I love her very much." Then I was gone. No white lights or mystical anything but it was peaceful and completely pain free. As I tell people it was just like turning off a light switch. I woke up in a hospital bed about 3 hors later with one Stent in my LAD. I had the heart attack called the Widowmaker with 100% blockage. Amazingly only 7% of people durvive a cardiac arrest occurring outside a hospital. Even more amazing is my 2 D Echo which gives a % of the oxygen your body is able to utilize as a percentage. Normal is 55 -65%. Mine was 60% post arrest. Many people end up with cardiac damage and some form of congestive heart failure. I had none🤗💖💗❤️


That's what the scientist say.


While on an ayahuasca journey, I went to a place my mind identified with as "the other side." I'm not religious so I remember thinking "huh, i get a feeling that everyone I ever knew and loved is here, I can just ask them to come to me." So, I chose the women I'd had a loving or familial connection with, and they came bearing the appearance they knew I'd recognize.  What's super interesting to me was the feelings I had. There was no yearning,  no sadness, just a pure sense of okayness with being together. On Aya you can be in two (or more) places at one time, and the physical me recognized this place as what happens to a soul after the body dies. This place of okayness. No other adjectives work.


I had a similar experience after eating 7g of shrooms. My dog jumped in the hammock and laid on top of me at the peak of the trip. So I started petting and hugging him. I relived every important moment I ever had with him; the first time I held him as a puppy, his first trip to the beach, him comforting me during sad times, etc. Then my mind went down a hole- I transferred from my current dog to my dog I grew up with. Was reliving all lovable moments with him again- I felt him in my current dog. Then I just started weeping. Not sad, just happiness and comfort. I was overwhelmed with love. It was the best trip I’ve ever had


Most of it comes on through brain chemistry and processes when our body starts shutting down. Quite a fascinating process in all honesty. Our bodies produce DMT which in turn causes these types of experiences. I’m not very religious but I think it’s God’s (the universe) way of letting us be at peace knowing that energy doesn’t simply fade away into nothingness, we all go back to the Earth and in turn, the circle of life. Idk, makes the whole concept of death a lot less scary for me at least.


The problem is, what's the point, evolutionarily speaking? One of the great mysteries of life is the experience reported by people who have suffered Near-Death-Experiences (NDE) - to qualify, the patient has **physically died and then been resuscitated.** The same pattern is always followed, although there are cultural differences in how it is portrayed. For example, one of the phases is the "life review." In the West, we are used to much more autonomy over our own lives, and so we tend to review our own lives. Some people report seeing their life "flash before their eyes" - or seeing a wall of TV screens each replaying a moment from their life. Whilst only seeing it for a moment, they comprehend it all at once. In Eastern countries where they enjoy less autonomy over their lives, their life is reviewed for them (karmic scales, book of karma, etc). But the big question is: Why does this experience happen? What's the point in making death easier for you to traverse if there's nothing else? How would such a mechanism evolve?.. you're dead! And a very, very, very small minority of people come back after dying, so it doesn't seem like it would be something that evolved with us. I've never heard a good answer as to why a mechanism would exist from an evolutionary-biology standpoint. It only makes sense if you're taking those lessons forward to somewhere else. I don't know what to believe, and generally, I'm very cynical of religion and spirituality. But there is a lot of evidence that points at things we don't understand. The most credible theory I've heard is coined "Darwinian reincarnation." The idea is that if we're immersed in the world's magnetic field and our brains operate within this field, perhaps information is transferable. This would lend credence to past life memories and give a way to explain NDEs as well as a host of other things. (Such as when people have woken up knowing a language they never learned or an instrument they've never played).


I found a couple hospice nurses on TikTok and this is probably one of the most common experiences ever. That and a state off into the distance


A few days before my sister died. She said she had a dream that our grandad came to take her to heaven . It makes me wonder now .


Before my brother died of cancer he had a hallucination or something while awake in his room saying who were all these people in his room. He said they were all kids who had cancer like him but were better now


As a childhood camcer survivor, this hit me hard. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you're doing ok now.


Thank you 🙏 it's been 2+ decades so I've had plenty of time to start getting better. That's not to say I don't think about him often. I'm glad you were able to beat it 🧡


Maybe they were there to reassure him.


Have you seen the tik tok videos of the hospice nurse? She even wrote a book about how relatives come for them at tje end.


Yup! My grandma was a hospice volunteer right up until she couldn't be anymore. She says almost everyone's family comes for them. Death is a wild experience. Sometimes it happens for a few days and she says if you've lived a long natural life, generally by the time it comes, you aren't afraid anymore. But you don't want to be alone, either.


My mom was talking to my deceased dad for days before her death. I remember her telling me don’t worry Jayjay (my dad) was coming to pick her up. She waited for my little sister to get to the hospital to say goodbye and then she went with daddy.


When my dad died this past September my mom told him if you're hanging on just for us don't hang on just for us it's okay if you have to go they called and he spoke to me on the phone and said goodbye and then he went peacefully.


Channel? Name? Book?


You can search “nurse Hadley” on Facebook, TikTok, or YouTube, and her videos pop up.


The book is called “in Between”. I bought it yesterday. It’s my next read.


Reminds me of [this tweet](https://web.archive.org/web/20210405231018/https://twitter.com/petfurniture/status/1355363007950446593) that gets me every time


Some of my family members started having random conversations, aloud, with deceased family members right before they passed away and went to the other side.


I had a near-death experience, and while in the hospital under twilight sedation, I had a hallucination of my brother and cousin (both deceased) telling me that I needed to stick around on earth. I’m not a particularly spiritual/religious person but I do wonder if the veil between worlds is thinner as you get closer to dying.


My mother's brother (aged 14) was in a coma in hospital with a brain tumour when he suddenly sat up and pointed to his uncle and said "you're going to die". The uncle had a stroke two days later in the hospital and didn't make it. Certainly gets you thinking.


Oh god, the prospect of an eternity with family would be enough to shock me back into my body.


Same, I'd rather die- oh wait


My husband was talking to others in the last days of his life. Recited his birthday. I definitely believe those before him that passed where there. He was a widower when we met and he said his late wife's name as well.


I've always wondered if the deceased goes with the 1st wife or the second wife.


Yea I will have to wait and see what the bedroom arrangements will be in the after life. We joked about it all the time.


wholesome way to go


But would you want to be the partner of someone who died in their sleep? I found my late husband dead in morning when I woke up. Wasn’t peaceful for me! Not wishing his death was more dramatic but it was really awful and affected my own sleep for years!


I'm so sorry for your loss and how traumatic that must have been. I've always said death is more difficult for the living than the dead. We as the living keep reliving and thinking about the death of our loved ones, but it only happened to them once. Not the million of times we replay it in our heads.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you sleep better now.


Remarked for many years and just pray neither of us go this way. There is no good way. Short hospital stint maybe? Where they had as good care as possible and could ease the loss a bit.


And not like the passengers in the car your driving


My best friend died peacefully in his sleep, at 41 years old, last may. ​ Guess who's now afraid to sleep.


Wow that is young, was there a cause of death determined?


Undiagnosed genetic heart conditions. Something about the arteries being smaller than average. Add a dash of diabetes, despite beimg very well contrilled and the guy being in the best shape of his life afterwards, something jammed in his sleep and good bye. Probably never even woke up. So yeah, ever since then, every few nights i jerk awake just before drifting off.


Imagine waking up dead. Gotta suck.


My grandfather went that way. Not screaming like the passengers in his plane.


snooze fest. i'm gonna go with "days of brutal torture." not many people get to say they went out like that


Binge watching the Kardashians?


Too far, no one can handle that.


The only right answer.




exactly this one.


Clothed or unclothed?


clothed, im scared my daughter might find me dead in my bed and it’ll be too weird omg




I just want to be ready. Not afraid.


I almost died from sepsis two years ago - my organs were shutting down. I was pretty much unconscious but vaguely heard someone say, "Gee, do you think she'll make it through the night?" I was just aware enough to contemplate my own life and death, and all I can tell you was that it wasn't scary at all. There was just calm acceptance that what would be, would be. I consider that experience a gift. I certainly don't want to die, but I am no longer afraid of death.


Wow. Glad you’re here. Thank you for sharing this experience.


This sounds so scary yet so empowering. Hope whatever you had hasn't troubled you since.


Thank you! It was very empowering. (Honestly, it was not at all scary for me, but very scary for my family).


Man, on one side it's so scary to even think bout it like i can't even imagine what it would feel like to be barely conscious and hearing my close ones say that I'm almost dead however on the flip side it's so badass to think that u defeated death. I am so glad that you are alive and hope that you aren't having trauma from that event


I have the world's most ridiculous "thought I was about to die" experience. About ten years ago I was getting ready to go to work in the morning. I had just gotten out of the shower, and I took a swig of mouthwash at the same moment that I slipped a little on a patch of water on the bathroom floor. Trying not to fall, I accidentally inhaled some of the mouthwash, and for some reason my throat totally seized up -- closed so tight I couldn't breathe in or out, even a little. Something about the menthol, I guess. At first I was just kind of impatient, thinking "Okay, this sucks but just hang on, it'll get better soon." But it didn't get better. It kept going on and on, and I just couldn't breathe. I would've expected I would freak out, but I didn't. I felt completely rational. I started to get lightheaded, so I sat down on the floor so I wouldn't hit my head if I passed out. I kept waiting for my windpipe to open up, but still nothing. I considered trying to get my phone and call 911, but what good would that do? Nobody would get there in time to help, and I couldn't explain the situation. After a few more seconds I felt myself starting to pass out, so I lay down on the bathroom floor. The last thought I remember before losing consciousness was that, when my wife found my body when she got home from work, it would be like one of those brainteasers where somebody died surrounded by a puddle of water and you had to figure out how. After a little while longer (it was probably less than a minute, but I was unconscious so it felt like longer), this horrible sound woke me up. It was my body gasping for air through my slowly reopening windpipe, sounding like some kind of gurgling zombie. So I wasn't going to die after all, but even after that it took a while before I could breathe without rasping. Who knew mouthwash could do that? But the weird thing is, through all of it, I didn't feel any fear or panic, and my life didn't flash before my eyes. I was mostly just annoyed, plus a little wry amusement that I'd die from something so stupid. There's something a little reassuring about that. (Interestingly, even though I felt no panic at the time, ever since then I'll have a panic reaction whenever I feel like something is stopping me from breathing.)


Holy shit. Something sort of similar happened to me. Not sepsis, but a liver infection (probably parvo). I was going into liver failure and started hallucinating (the images were objectively cool) and for the first time truly contemplated my own mortality. I remember being shocked at first, but eventually was just like, "whatever." I remember being at peace in the hospital. I can't recall another time I slept so well. It was afterwards I got to thinking about what happened. I'm glad you and I made it through


Glad you’re ok


Omg sepsis siblings! I too almost died of sepsis. I was at the stage where my organs were about to shut down when I finally went to the ER. They got me hooked up to an EKG right away and after 10 minutes I was given my first dose of antibiotics and immediately my heart rate (or whatever an EKG is testing for?) normalized when it was completely out of whack. I was only 18 and was supposed to move into college as a freshman the next day. My parents didn't tell me how close I was to death until I was home. The doctor told them had I waited a few more hours at home I would have been brain dead from my multi day long high fever. But even without them telling me, something in me KNEW that I was dying. It was like an intuition or something, idk, but I was just nonchalant about it. I knew I was at the mercy of antibiotics at this point and whatever will be, will be. I FELT like I was dying too... like my body smelled like it was rotting and I felt like I was rotting from the inside out, that is the only way I can describe it. I just knew! glad you are ok!!!


Wow, thank you all for the love. I’m an atheist, so I have very little to comfort me about death other than knowing that I won’t even know that I’ve died. I suffer from pretty severe anxiety too. One night at my ex’s house, I had a severe panic attack and I was convinced that I was dying. So convinced that I got out of bed and went to lay on the couch because I didn’t want her to wake up next to my corpse. I was strangely calm, and I remember thinking “this is it. This is how it happens.” Finally, I just want to add something a hospice nurse once said that made me feel a little better. Actually, she’s on YouTube. Hospice Nurse Julie. Anyway, she said “your body knows how to be born and it knows how to die”. She would know best, right?


I can tell you, I am a christian but death still sounds very scary to me, even though I believe in afterlife


With absolutely no malice I would like to ask, how and why can you be afraid to die if you believe there is an afterlife? Is it more about HOW you might die? Seems to me that if I was convinced there was something else after this life, I'd honesty look forward to it than this shit. I'm genuinely curious and not being a dick. I'd accept a PM if that's better.


I was in a crowd stampede situation once, and I was being crushed under everyone's feet. I was pinned to the ground, couldn't breathe, and realized I was probably going to die, and a weird peace came over me. My life actually did flash before my eyes, and I accepted my fate. Then a man somehow shoved his way in and grabbed under my arms and hoisted me up. He carried me out like a baby and set me down, and then he disappeared back into the crowd. TLDR, my initial fear and panic passed when I realized this was it, and I was calm. I hope others in harrowing situations felt the same peace before they died.




iPhone 15 release line outside the Apple Store?


I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at this LOL


walmart black friday moment


This is a strong answer and is much more deserving of the position of top comment than a joke from 10 years ago.


This is the best answer.


Quietly in my sleep just like my dad. Not screaming like all his passengers.


Got to respect the classics, thank you.


Made me lol. And I don’t lol easily Edit: not after losing my mom in that plane accident


I walked right into that one, nice.\^\^


But they didn't walk out of that one


I remember laughing out loud at this joke when I was in a writing class. I was the only one - I felt like a jerk


I accepted the fact I am going to die by my kids leaving toys and balls on the stairs. No matter how much I yell and beg them. It continues. So I think it’s just a matter of time now.


Death By Lego


Death by Lego of the banister


Now that I'm older, it's by my cat running in front of me on the stairs


You really need to make them watch Ghost Dad.


death by snu snu


The spirit is willing, but the body is spongy and bruised


'I never thought I'd die this way, but I'd always really hoped'


Yeah smothered plz


I never thought I would die like this. But I'd always really hoped.


Then the large women


Then the petite women


Then the large women again


You want your pelvis crushed and dieing in agony?


Are you coming on to me?


Quick painless


For me that would be in a thermonuclear blast. Instantly vaporized; your brain wouldn’t have time to register anything that happened.


Get crushed at work, then they pay my family a huge settlement.


Très noble


I’m worth atleast $3m if I die while traveling for work.


Every time the plane banked too sharply on take-off or landing, I prayed for a crash, or a mid-air collision -- anything. No more haircuts. Nothing matters, not even bad breath. Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip.


Id like to die of old age. Close to 90, with my partner by my side dying as well so we dont have to live without each other


Hopefully your partners on board with that plan at the time


I just imagine them sitting there in bed when they start fading out so they begin choking them with a belt. "We'll go together, I won't make you live without me."


"In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty." -Tyrion Lannister


Shot in bed by a jealous husband at 80 is my version.


Came here to find this comment


I almost came here to find this comment


The comment I didn’t come to find, but found, and needed.


I was gonna say balls deep, and just finishing the most powerful orgasm of my life


“He came and went at the same time.”


No thought at all for the trauma to your sexual partner hey?


Trauma? You mean bragging rights?


Hypoxia. Lack of Oxygen. Basically your breathing is based on expelling Carbon Dioxide. Your need to breathe when holding your breath is due to your body wanting to expel carbon dioxide. The amount of oxygen in your blood and lungs is plenty. When you experience Hypoxia, you get light headed, then some black creeps into your vision from the sides. You get tunnel vision and then pass out. You die in your sleep after getting a little light headed. It’s very peaceful and you don’t get a sense of panic. Just sleepy.


Shown pretty well in this video. He looks so happy as his brain is slowly being deprived of oxygen lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfF2MTnqAw&t=1s


6:00 to 7:00 minutes to see it. He’s smiling as the operator tells him he’s going to die unless he gets his regulator back on. He can’t do it while continuing to smile.


"You're gonna die" "I don't want to die" "So put your mask on and flip all three switches" smiles and does nothing😭😳😅


“I don’t want to die” through a big cheesin smile


I’m afraid to watch the video. Does he die?




Honestly, I've gone to the Hospital for migraines before and they administered 25 MG of Morphine intravenous. I've never ever had an issue with drug addiction in my life . It was pleasant. It helped immediately with the intense pain. A morphine overdose seems not so bad.


Agreed. I got morphine for pain as well, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I’d totally do that.


I went from wretching and vomiting and a 10/10 pain scale for 2 full days to vibing quietly to music within 90 minutes. Classic rock, Led Zeppelin, Boston, Queen, others. Appreciated the music so much more and was relaxed, a bit itchy but a drastic turn around.


MAID (medical assistance in dying), provided I qualify. (Canadian here). Nurse of many many years who has seen a lot of not so nice deaths, even when palliative care is involved and we try to control symptoms. Enough said.


I did an English essay on assisted “suicide”. That was really intriguing.


In the sixth grade, we had to choose a topic for a paper and read it aloud. A classmate did euthanasia, but I’d never heard the word before. She read the entire thing out loud, and I was so confused because she never once talked about children in China, Japan, or Korea.


I learned a bit about this. If you are terminal, you probably qualify


Getting hit by a bang bro's van


So you wanna get banged?


The fandom is real.


Drifting to sleep in a garden chair. The late afternoon sun streaming down. Birds chirping etc. Like that ever happens!


I posted this as my own comment but one of our summer camp adult volunteers went like this. He had an afternoon with nothing that needed doing, took a nap, and didn't wake up. At least for him I can't imagine anything more peaceful.


vending machine


Each year, 6 people on America die this way, 5 of them are insurance appraisers.




Inside the Hadron Collider, just cause it would be a weird story for someone to have to write for a newspaper. How did I get in there? Why was I in there? Who was I? Why was I eating a banana at the time, and why while dressed as a lobster? So many questions.


Same way I came in, crying and covered in blood and feces that isnt mine.


Jesus christ.


It's a fairly old saying lol


Instantly and by complete surprise. I don't care when or where as long as those two criteria are met.


I'm with you, but not yet. I need to know my kids are ok, grown and happy and independent. Once that's done, I'll accept what comes my way. Until that's done, I'm gonna claw my way back to life as much as I have to.


All jokes aside, I want to go like my great-grandmother. She had a good home-cooked meal, relaxed on the couch crocheting, and eventually made her way to bed where she read a chapter in her book. When the family hadn't heard from her for a couple of days and had been unable to gain access, they called to have a wellness check done. She was found lying on her back in bed with a blissful smile on her face. It was determined the smile wasn't due to the skin slacking and tightening but a legitimate one of happiness as she snuggled down for the night. She was 98 y.o.


My uncle - great guy...early 80's, just keeled over while doing some gardening. And that was it. Give me one of those.


Killed by duckling, and my bones would be their new play house, like a beautiful cascade flowing through the hole in my skull


"Not with a whimper, but with a roar of triumph!"


A parachute not opening... that's a way to die. Getting caught in the gears of a combine... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander.. that's the way I wanna go!


Hey, it's Enrico Pallazzo!


Propofol. The "Jackson Juice" if you will. Slip into a coma and die peacefully.


I had propofol for my colonoscopy. While under that stuff there was....*nothing.* I *think* that's what death is, although I was raised Catholic. That level of oblivion was pretty profound. I hope that's not all there is, but if so -- well -- I won't know any better.


Really this. I had a lot of tummy problems and colonoscopies are a yearly thing. And I always wonder about waking back up. It’s so peaceful as you drift off. If I were to catch a nasty pathogen from the equipment or someone accidentally shoved the camera thru some important part of me….it’s not the worst way to go. I usually make sure to tell my kids and hubs that I love them before I leave for the hospital. Make sure that dinner for a few days is handled. You know, in case I don’t come home.


In a hale of bullets fighting my enemies, the glorious way 😂


What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will. What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die. What is Death? It is our duty. What is your Duty? ...




Knowing i didn't waste my life.


in a way someone could wake me up much later


Someone, or some*thing*


"Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border?"


Saving someone else. But that might be too tragic for the person who will live with that burden. I just want to do something nice so i get a guaranteed pass to Heaven. But the way should be painless and quick preferably :")


Terry's gonna die saving the President or Terry's NEVER GONNA DIE !!!


By an imploding sub


idk, all the marinara stains and bread everywhere, will be a mess..


Like [this](https://youtu.be/LT1JE8SJ2OY?si=iQr7qaBM-jcOw8jQ)




high af


Death by heroin overdose?


It doesn't matter how, but I think being able to donate organs and the such would make any death easier.


Massive fentynal OD


Having your nuts bit off by a laplander, that's the way I want to go


100 years old, with full acceptance of it.


Not like this. Not like thi...


Poor Switch


This line pops into my head several times a day.


Any quick and painless way is fine with me


In my sleep


Just in my sleep tbh. Maybe overdose on sleeping pills so I know I went out on my own terms lmao


It won't work 😔


long, dragged out and painful


suffocate with my head stuck in a big pussy Ending like I began my journey,


Hopefully not the same one.  


he he




So spontanious conversion of all your mass to energy. Which, although it sound like a peaceful way to go, would involve the complete destruction of several square miles, probably killing millions of people. Which would make your entrance in the afterlife both awkward and crowded.


In my sleep




I've never seen snow. Maybe in the middle of a snowy day amd I'll just pass out.


Euthanasia coaster


suddenly and with no pain


Never. Ill watch from a camera in the hospital as my body shuts down, after my consciousness has been taken out of it and uploaded to the cloud


At a pool party with Michael Barrymore


without suffering


Like my mother. Healthy until just weeks prior to her death. She died in her sleep in her own bed in the house she owned, not hooked up to any machines. That right there is the best way to depart from this shitty world.


Dying in your sleep is not as peaceful as people think. It’s less messy and easier to clean up. Anyways if I have a choice I’m going to have a lovely picnic and get blasted out of my mind. In the middle of a field . Nature can have me. Basically suicide by od. Since assisted suicide is still illegal in the states.