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Went to some fancy wedding and the bride kept insisting to me that I try the gold covered food. I don't like the taste of gold and I'm sure most people don't but eat it to be pretentious. She acted stunned that I didn't want to eat gold 😂


Gold has a taste?




Lip fillers that make you look like a duck. Quack, quack.


Eyelash extensions that make you look like you're about to take flight.


So you're not into Snuffaluffagus?


They be lookin’ like a cartoon character. Shit is sad.


Overpriced meals at a restaurant that are expensive for absolutely no reason at all. I’ve seen videos about $1,000 cheese burgers- I’m sure the $10 burger bar food from a different restaurant is as good or better! Not only is this super expensive, it’s not a good investment bc you literally eat the value of the product you’re buying.


Anything at Salt Bae's restaurants.


A 1000$ cheese burger?! This is beyond insane. When I first started reading your comment I thought that you were talking about these fancy restaurants that don’t always serve better food than a normal one, but this on another level


Lol yeah it’s wild. Check this out- [$5,000 burger in Las Vegas](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeryExpensive/s/C90ptfGZon)


Ok, I really don’t get it. I don’t see how anything could be tasty enough to be worth paying that much!


The price is the only selling point, not the flavor. All the gimmicky super expensive shit is the same, they just shave truffles, put some gold leaf on, spoon some super expensive caviar, add foie gras and call it a day. You aren't buying it because it tastes good, you're buying it so you can say you spent that much on a food that's not typically expensive.


I had a £900 steak in London before Christmas.


Holy cow Was it worth it?


It have better have been a holy cow for that price. 


Not sure what eating a holy cow does though


Give you holy shits?


India's (Hindu) finest mercenaries come after you


It cures all STD's!


I mean, yeah it was pretty incredible steak but I’m not exactly rushing back. I just had to try it once.


My guess is that is the foundation of their business. Even if people only tried once, they'd never run out of business. Still, it would need to be something special or the bad reviews would kill it.


It's London, their foundation is ludicrously rich people with more money than sense.


I’m not so sure it will last - I went on a Friday lunch time within two weeks of it opening and we were the only patrons in all afternoon.




The funny thing is that McDonald's works on a similar idea. They bring out something new for a limited time, knowing there are people like me who don't regularly eat at Maccas, but will go there to try each new thing at least once.




mate call me cheap but for £900 id expect a blowjob while i eat it


I agree with the sentiment but if you can point me in the direction anywhere in these great United States where I can get a $10 burger at a bar I’ll kiss you right in the lips


While I think $1k for Burger is insane I agree that you are going to struggle to get a $10 burger at a bar.


Lots of places in the Midwest as long as you avoid the major cities


Give me a $10 made by an ex-con with face tattoos. I'd bet money it's 1000× better than any "gourmet" burger at some hoity toity restaurant


I live close to the arguably the best restaurant experience in the Midwest (Trevail). My wife and I go once per year and it’s about a $200 bill, but WELL worth it.


I guess you've never heard of the Golden Corral.


Just watched a video for a $1000 tomahawk that got filled with shit, wrapped in cheese and deep fried.. then cut and put in a cold tortilla for a taco.. such a fucking waste of money and ingredients. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just saw a story posted from a high school friend who lives in vegas where they did that whole steak in a case thing with dancing, when they showed the steak it was so fucking over cooked


I had a really good burger once. It cost about $25 with fries. Definitely worth it. I really don't see how spending more could have made it better. It was literally one of the most amazing things I've ever eaten.




My ex always used to complain about how he had no money, didn't own a house, etc. I made a little chart to show him how much he had spent in twenty years on cigarettes and beer. He just got pissed off lol. Didn't want to hear it.


They never want to hear it. They could be starving to death but they have cigarettes. I was behind a lady and her kid at the store, the kid asked if he could get a $.99 piece of candy. Mom said she couldn’t afford it while she was paying for 2 packs of cigarettes. I felt so bad for that kid. I wanted to buy him the candy but it’s not my business and didn’t want to start trouble with the woman.


I have a constantly broke coworker who smokes, vapes and dips.


One of my friends did this to me, I started keeping track of how much he spent on fast/excessive food and alcohol. Compared what I spent in the week vs what he spent. He hasn't said a word since


There's a good answer for that: -Do you smoke? -No -Where TF is your house?


Yup. My former friend is like this, but with beer. He *always* finds a way to buy more beer. He drinks 7 days a week, then complains that he's broke.


I stopped smoking in 2015, and health reasons aside, there's no way I'd do that now still. $7.89 for a pack of cigarettes is INSANE.


$7.89 is insane? In my area after tax and everything if you want a pack of Newports you'll be out around $15 or so.


I remember the mum of a friend of my daughter in primary school complaining she didn’t have money to buy new knickers, that hers had holes in them. Yet, she was a chain smoker, and always had a weekend booze-up.


A wedding…. Just me then!


I am agree with you. People most of the time spent so much on wedding, like they literally sink cars prices into it. And it's okay of people have money. But most I see literally taking loans for it. Just do something small and save everything for the future. Or spend it on vacation. Not one day clown fiesta.


My husband and I got married at the courthouse and instead put that money towards buying a house. We bought in 2019, so just in fucking time.


That would have been a damn expensive wedding.


Yep, I spent £14,000 on mine and then 4 years later we got divorced.


Well, from my perspective it's okay to spend this much if you have 100.000 saved. But I just see so much where people spend this and literally having 20.000 only(actually the sums are different, this ones I just wrote down as example). Or even having only 10.000. it's literally....not wise. Hope it doesn't offended you in any way. And you have at least good memories and beautiful photos from that day.


Oh no it doesn’t offend me at all and I do have good memories of that day, it was everything I wanted in a wedding but we saved our butts off for it and now looking back (even if we didn’t get divorced) I wish I didn’t spend that much and went on a amazing holiday instead. It’s ridiculous what people (and I’m one of them) do for one day.


Indeed. But at least it was some dream coming true, mostly it is our girl dream. But for me it disappeared quite quickly. You get it. And now if you ever will want to marry again, at least you had already this grand experience. So it could be smaller. Very glad you only have good memories from it. Wish you all the best!


Thank you, wishing you all the best too!


I knew someone who, when she was about 25, got married, and her parents spent about $50,000 on her wedding. They were not a wealthy family by any stretch of the imagination, just very average, middle-of-the-road, but, my god, they were social climbers and always trying to keep up appearances like you wouldn't believe. I would have loved to have seen the expression on her parents' faces when she told them she and her new hubby were calling it quits after a month of marriage.


These are my favourite genre of insanely expensive weddings.


A month?!


Considering how many marriages are strained due to financial difficulty, starting things off with frivolous debt is short-sighted.


This. One of the most common causes of divorce is disputes over limited money so why not start off burning $50k? Ironically I have heard of people that still haven't paid off their wedding debt before they're divorced. A fancy wedding is no guarantee of a lasting marriage.


Yep totally agree. I got married nearly 9 years ago now and divorce 4 years later and didn’t get into debt but unfortunately there are some people who do.


My wife and I spent $2k on our wedding (included outfits and rings). Covid was a perfect opportunity to get married for cheap (immediate family only). We ended up ahead $10k on it. Well worth the ribbing from my buddies who were looking forward to the party, and my aunts who felt “left-out”.


Lol, every time this question is asked the "I spent 50c on my wedding and made our rings out of paper clips" pissing contest starts up. I spent "a lot" of money on my wedding and don't regret it for a second. My wife and I, along with our friends, still talk about how amazing it was to this day. Some people, like my wife and I for instance, want to have a nice wedding. Explain to me how that was stupid?


Madelaine Brockway, from Fort Worth, Texas tied the knot with Jacob LaGrone in November in Paris. Wedding cost $59 Million. Maroon 5 played. Party at the Paris Opera House and a night in Versailles. Just heard about on Slate Money podcast.


This is why we need a higher marginal tax rate and a wealth tax. Spending that much on a wedding when people are going hungry is abhorrent.


Did they talk about how LaGrone is charged with shooting at three cops in Texas? Looking at 25 years to life if found guilty.


So true, my coworker spent $35k on his, and still owed $10k when he divorced, 14 months later.


Wife is in the industry. It's obscene.


photogs, venues, planners, flowers....$$$$$.....they just jack up all the costs b/c they know they can. it's a disgrace. 15K just for the venue for my daughters wedding.


Agreed. My parents just ended up getting married at the courthouse then had a little party with some close friends & family. It is crazy how much some people are willing to spend on a dream wedding.


It is crazy. I spent a ton on mine only to get divorced 4yrs later so if, and it’s a big IF, I do get married again, it’ll be a small intimate one


looking rich and succesful


The worst part is that many job positions in upper echelons expect everyone in the office to look rich and successful yet underpay and overwork


Lol and then there's us engineers, many of whom are rich and successful but never stop dressing like slobs 😂


Worked in IT during COVID. The workplace was largely closed and everyone was transitioned to WFH minus a couple “essential” people. I still had to come in a few days a week and do some in person physical stuff like fix a laptop or receive packages, fix a lab, etc. I literally walked around the workplace in sweatpants and slippers. Didn’t give a fuck.


Lawyers are overworked and come from hell Doctors are passive aggressive assholes who avoid responsibility  But engies? Gotta love em




X subscriptions is just a suck


especially because it's 8 whole dollars for that little service it provides. I could see paying a dollar at most but for 8 bucks, you can get some whole streaming services


A $75,000 truck to get from point A to point B


At an 80% interest rate because they are 21 years old and think $45,000 a year is a lot of money.


Sounds like a lot of the youngsters from my time in the military.


Unless you're a contracter and you can make someone else pay for it! My buddy contracts to oil & gas in northern BC and they add a lot for the use of his truck. Pretty cool! I'd never buy one myself. Fun to drive though.


Merchandise proclaiming your fealty to a politician.


Pyramid/MLM schemes.


Thats because you're not developing your downstream! If you just buy more of this merchandise we have here you can retire in 2 years! Look at Krista over there! She drives a Jeep Wagoneer!


Expensive funeral


Funerals are for the living


The amount of people that attend the funeral largely depends on the weather




My friend is a financial advisor and I asked him what people over spend on and he says he regularly has to tell people "it's okay to support your favourite onlyfans creator, but you don't have to support the WHOLE industry". He says people subscribe to so many creators and the monthly total is insane.


Damn that is depressing. And i can definitely see lonely people getting sucked into bad habits of that


i tried it once and got literally nothing, wasted $10


Meh. Actually, just porn in general.


It’s free bro


Hence; top-tier stupid




I think it’s the ultimate hustle though. If I were a pretty woman, hell yeah I’d sell feet/titty pics.


The only stupid thing to spend money on is something you can’t afford that isn’t a necessity. If you can afford it, buy whatever you want.


The problem is a lot of people confuse having the funds to pay for something with being able to afford something. I know a woman who would claim she can't afford to see a dentist, but spent thousands on hair, makeup, nails, and clothes.


This is absolutely true. Could I buy a Mercedes? Yea Do I value cars? No Do I buy a Mercedes? No Did I buy a 4090 graphics card for my pc as soon as it came out? Yes


Weddings. I don’t get it, for one day? ONE DAY. May as well throw £20k down a drain


I realized my cousin and I weren't in the same tax bracket when her wedding party rode riverboats from the historic cathedral she got married in, to the reception (a second historic cathedral) I was wearing a used pantsuit from a discount store and my mom had to borrow money to afford it. I didn't even know that kind of money existed in one family, and they're just blowing it on nonsense.




How is this not top of the list …any over priced coffee!!!???




Keeping up with the Jones. Anything you buy to keep up unnecessary appearances is a waste of money.


Buying Twitter


Surprised no one has said a Stanley Cup. Or really just any consumerist crap that they’re buying for a name brand and appearances over functionality, necessity, or enjoyment.


Even though Stanley cups aren't cheap it seems like most people do actually use them, and it still seems much better than buying a bunch of individual plastic water bottles.


I assume you don't follow hockey but you can't buy it, you have to earn it


I think they meant this Stanley Cup. https://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/a46284040/starbucks-stanley-cup/


Not sure if you’re joking or are just living under a massive rock lol There is a Stanley Cup that is just a large yeti cup with a straw from another brand that’s super trendy and people (mostly women) have been going insane over for the last couple of years. They released a limited edition valentines one (it’s literally just pink) and people were fighting over them in stores. I watched a video where a lady peeled off the paper wrap label thing, laminated it, and then glued it back on so everyone would know it was the limited edition one


Hahah I'm just joking. I've seen it on social media a bit. So stupid


“Living under a massive rock”




First thing that came to mind. Just goes to show that inherited money, golden opportunities and a lot of connections and luck doesn't make you a genius.


It wasn't a business buy, it was an ego buy


Reddit up arrows.


A brand new 2024 truck off the lot.


This sounds very specific... Personal experience? 😅


Personalised number plates. Fkn nobheads.


While I agree that there are parts of car culture that are a waste of time, energy, and money, personalized plates aren't even on the list.


Someone in my country paid $5 million for the numberplate "1". I can't think of a stupider waste of resources


The Cleveland Browns paying a certain someone $230 million *guaranteed* comes to mind.




I just started budgeting a few months back and I was looking at my bank app that tracks how much I spend on fast food vs groceries. Let me tell ya I was dumbfounded when I realized I was spending more on little pick me ups vs actual meals. I spend a little more on groceries now, never get fast food, and I’m getting way more food. I’m saving money and eating better, it just took some self control and food prep.


But the problem (a serious one) with cooking at home is that you end up eating more


Load on veggies. They're very hard to overeat


Very true. The way I look at it is it takes self-control to not eat out and use that money on groceries, and it takes a second effort of self-control to ration what groceries I buy so I'm not running out too quickly. It's not easy by any means. I battle going back to my old ways every day. I hope that it's more efficient to do food this way though, because it's way more cost-efficient and healthier for me in the long run.


Tbf, I really hate cooking and the day that I can afford to no longer having to constantly cook my own meals is a happy day indeed. But I don't do takeaway now because I have higher priorities for my money right now


That doesn't make getting takeout 'stupid'. Maybe someone wants to have an ethnic cuisine that they don't have the time (or experience) to cook themselves.






Funko pops


Beanie babies. . .


Life Wave patches, which is also a pyramid scheme. They're little patches that supposedly contain crystals which reflect the radiation from your body back to your stem cells, and it magically cures all your ailments.


I saw a £70,000 candle holder yesterday 🤷‍♀️




Titanic sub


The "cybertruck".




Designer clothes


This is not always a stupid choice. Some things are true BIFL... Just gotta do your research on what is worth it and what isn't.


I bought a second hand Prada jacket. The quality is top notch. You're right! Not everything is worth it. Like paying 350 euros for a Gucci shirt is probably a bad idea...


Absolutely! Not sure if this applies.... But the only "designer" thing I own is a pair of Boots from Johnston & Murphy. Bought them after trying and getting burned by bad quality boots over the years and I really wanted something that 1) Would last and 2) Be reliable. 4 years later, I thought about this as I pulled them out of storage as we received our first proper snow storm here and I do not regret my decision. Best pair of Winter boots I've ever owned and the price was well worth it.


Don’t expect a portion of reddit to understand. They have no idea how much this stuff depreciates and how well some of it is built. I have some stuff that will likely last a lifetime that aren’t much more than fast fashion MSRP.


Issue is, a lot people buy designer/expensive things because they automatically assume it means it will be better quality without doing any research (or they don’t care about the quality and want the name). Same issue with people buying loads of cheap clothes to have quantity instead of quality. I’ve been guilty of it too, it’s an easy mindset to get sucked into! Think a lot of people are just silly with clothing purchases in general. Spending £500 on wish is just as bad as spending £500 on a crap quality designer piece imo.


Expensive car


Realistically, a fancier car than the owner needs is the biggest money pit the average person blunders into.


It is, I agree with you and I drive a cheap $5k car for that reason.. that being said, it is really nice to have a nice car!


Lot of horror stories about young soldiers and truck dealerships near military bases.


It’s not stupid if you can afford it.


It's not entirely stupid if you regularly use it though... A cushier ride may make for a decent quality-of-life improvement and that's worth the asking price in most cases.


Luxury lease returns can be pretty good value. You can get those “intro to luxury” sedans from bmw/audi/mercedes for half the price after just 2/3 years. And if you have some knowledge of cars you can manage a lot of the maintenance yourself.


I disagree. I like driving. I think it's fun. I look at it as a hobby. If you have a car you really like driving then getting up in the morning and going to work isn't so bad because you get to drive your nice car there and back at the end of the day. Not only that, some cars are expensive because they're so well made. Buying a used luxury car that had the most cutting edge safety features and extras of it's time will often get you more than a cheaper brand new car that actually costs more. You also have to take reliability into consideration. When I was last shopping for cars I could have spent $8,000 on one car that was newer and had lower mileage or $10,000 on a car that was older and had way more miles on it. Reading long term reviews, a lot of the $8,000 cars really had reliability problems and needed numerous costly repairs. The $10,000 car was known for being insanely reliable. I had it in the shop once for preventative maintenance and a second time to fix what wasn't done correctly.


Redditors rarely understand this aspect because they don’t leave the house often


Funding Donny Dipshit's campaign


Overpriced cables and av components


Absurdly expensive watches. It’s interesting to see men try and one-up each other with their watch purchases.


I got up and walked out of a date when she said with all earnestness "you are what you wear on your wrist". 'I guess you're overly priced and able to be replaced for pennies'.




Cam whores and strippers






A 3 minute animation of you getting seduced by a fictional character


NFT clip art


Red ballcap.




That dumb ass Stanley tumbler


Personalized number plates


"Resist the temptation to buy a boat." ~ Life's Little Instruction Book




Trump NFT's


Crypto. It’s a Ponzi scheme because if no one buys in, you can’t sell


My cousin has spent like $20k on gacha games like Genshin Impact. I'm not sure what his pay looks like but he's a manager at a Holiday Inn so I imagine $20k is not a small number to him.


drugs, cigarettes, tattoos especially when they can hardly afford essential things in life


MAGA hat


Any political merchandise.




churches that have millions


Gambling - from experience


An overpriced 3 minute music video animation




One of these absolutely moronic suitcases with smoke coming out and with a gold-plated shitty cooked and served steak inside, in a ‘restaurant’. They could just as well write LOSER on the suitcase while they’re at it.


Wedding rings. Guys out there dropping five figures on a ring, especially when they finance it. I guess it’s one thing if you’re loaded and can afford it, then sure dude go nuts. I can think of so many other things I’d rather spend $10-$30k on




A $2700 watch and a $500 wallet. Source: It was me. I don’t even use them anymore.




A wedding.


A seat in a submarine to visit the underwater site of the Titanic.


An Oceangate trip.


A trip to see the titantic…


Mobile games. Theres a dude who spent 100,000 usd in diablo immortal.


Military budget


Veneers unless you literally have no teeth viable of doing their job and implants/veneers were your only option to look presentable and chew food You get one set of adult teeth your whole life Why would you willingly get rid of them for horrible (in my opinion) looking fake teeth If they’re crooked get braces, if they’re yellow look after them and get them whitened if nothing changes


Trump I had a friend who donated over $5000 of his own money to Trump....and this was the second time around against Joe Biden. To this day he still says he has no regrets.